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   Laptop PC Card PCMCIA 1284-C CEN36 interface:


Sorry, but we do NOT have any docs on these beyond the single word "DUCK" on them. But they do appear to be a first quality and easily modifiable card that lets you custom interface just about anything to a laptop computer.

They are apparently intended as a generic high speed bidirectional IEEE 1284C port outputing to a "mini-Centronics" CEN36 connector. Such as are used on the newest of external IDE drives and laser printers.

We do not yet have suitable drivers, but we are working on it.

We acquired these in the recent Mobility Solutions bankruptcy and they are still "as new" in their original factory bulk packaging. They are also assumed to be current production. They are currently unlabeled.

There appear to be two portions to the interface, which we have shown below with one lid temporarily removed. The low tack lid adhesive makes these easily modifiable. The first portion consists of a circuit board with three LC245 bidirectional drivers, a Xylinx CPLD, and some glue parts. I am assuming this provides a generic low level I/O card interface. The circuit board terminates on an easily removable 2x15=30 connector.

The second portion consists of a foot long cable and rfi shield, terminating in a miniature CEN36 connector. The cable is long enough that you should be easily able to add any connector or breadboard lashup of your choosing.

The Xylinx CPLD is a XC9536 with 800 cells and presumably could be reprogrammed to make most any kind of an IDE interface.

Approximate shipping weight: a few ounces.
Available in large quantities.

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