<% ' banner rotation module bannslots = 8 ' must be equal or less than a(n) dim a(8) a(0) = "a" a(1) = "b" a(2) = "c" a(3) = "d" a(4) = "e" a(5) = "f" a(6) = "g" a(7) = "h" x = "z" %><% ' banndata dataset holds currently available site banners banncount = 15 dim blnk (16) ' links dim bimg (16) ' images dim balt (16) ' alt texts blnk(1) = "http://www.tinaja.com/amlink01.asp" bimg(1) = "amazad01.gif" balt(1) = "Fast access to Don Lancaster books." blnk(2) = "http://www.tinaja.com/glib/morenrgf.pdf" bimg(2) = "nrgbann.gif" balt(2) = "Click for latest energy updates." blnk(3) = "http://www.circuitcellar.com/guru" bimg(3) = "ccellad1.gif" balt(3) = "Circuit Cellar Magazine." blnk(4) = "http://www.ccsinfo.com/donweb" bimg(4) = "ccsad7.gif" balt(4) = "Jumpstart C Compiler Designs" blnk(5) = "http://www.tinaja.com/info01.asp" bimg(5) = "resad1.gif" balt(5) = "Click here for instant resources." blnk(6) = "http://www.brandelectronics.com" bimg(6) = "branad01.gif" balt(6) = "PIC Digital Power Meter" blnk(7) = "http://www.tinaja.com/demo28a.asp" bimg(7) = "msbann1.jpg" balt(7) = "Latest free Magic Sinewave calculator updates." blnk(8) = "http://www.hdslights.com" bimg(8) = "henryad2.jpg" balt(8) = "Superbly reliable lighting" blnk(9) = "http://www.parallaxinc.com" bimg(9) = "parlxad1.gif" balt(9) = "New PIC Robots from Parallax!" blnk(10) = "http://www.jameco.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/StoreCatalogDisplay?storeId=10001&catalogId=10001&langId=-1&CID=guru" bimg(10) = "jamead02.jpg" balt(10) = "Click for FREE 140 page Jameco catalog!" blnk(11) = "http://www.precisionnav.com/lancaster" bimg(11) = "navbanner.gif" balt(11) = "Precision Navigation digital compass modules." blnk(12) = "http://www.micromint.com" bimg(12) = "microad1.gif" balt(12) = "Micromint Domino Basic Controllers" blnk(13) = "http://www.technicalworks.com" bimg(13) = "techwad1.gif" balt(13) = "PIC Breadboarding Modules" blnk(14) = "http://www.diversifiedengineering.net/welcome.htm" bimg(14) = "diver01.gif" balt(14) = "Click for PIC development systems" blnk(15) = "http://www.winfordeng.com/products/dlpbc9.php" bimg(15) = "bright1.gif" balt(15) = "Click for DB9 & DB25 adaptors." blnk(16) = "http://www.embeddedengineering.com" bimg(16) = "morroad1.gif" balt(16) = "John Morrow Product Development Consulting." %> <% gotcha = "z" Randomize For i = bannslots - 1 to 1 Step -1 j = Int(Rnd* (i + 1)) x = a(j) a(j) = a(i) a(i) = x Next pattern = a(0) & a(1) & a(2) & a(3) & a(4) & a(5) & a(6) & a(7) & a(8) %>
  <%kk = (InStr(pattern, "a"))%><%=balt(kk)%> <%kk = (InStr(pattern, "b"))%><%=balt(kk)%>
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