Don Lancaster's Guru's Lair: 
JavaScript Books
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Beginning JavaScript ( Paul Winton )
Instant JavaScript ( Martin Webb )
Introductory JavaScript ( H. Gosselin )
JavaScript Application Cookbook ( Jerry Bradenbaugh )
JavaScript: A Beginner's Guide ( John Pollack )
JavaScript Bible ( Danny Goodman )
JavaScript: The Definitive Guide ( David Flanagan )
JavaScript for Dummies (Emily Veer)
JavaScript Goodies ( Joe Burns )
JavaScript Objects ( Tom Meyers )
JavaScript Pocket Reference ( David Flanagan )
JavaScript Programmer's Reference ( Cliff Wootton )
JavaScript for the World Wide Web ( Tom Negrino )
JavaScript Unleashed ( Allen Wyke )
Pure JavaScript ( Allen Wyke )
Sams Teach Yourself JavaScript ( Michael Moncur )
Server Side JavaScript ( Robert Husted )