Don Lancaster's Guru's Lair: 
Offshore  Electronics  Books
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Asia for Women on Business   ( Tracey Wilen )
Do's and Taboos of Hosting International Visitors   ( Roger E. Axtell )
Do's and Taboos of International Trade   ( Roger E. Axtell )
Electronics Industry in Taiwan  ( Chung-Shing Lee )
Guide to Doing Business Around the World  ( Teresa C. Morrison )
The Guide to Doing Business in Europe  ( Terri Morrison )
The Korean Electronics Industry  ( Joseph Bernstein )
The The Maquiladora Industry  ( Rachael Kamel )
The The Maquiladora Reader  ( Rachael Kamel )
The Pocket Guide to Hong Kong Business Etiquette   ( A.Grzeskowiak )
The Singapore and Malaysia Electronics Industry  ( M. Pecht )
The Understanding NAFTA  ( William A. Orme )