Don Lancaster's Guru's Lair: 
Pseudoscience & Junk Science Books
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Demon-Haunted World : Science As a Candle in...  ( Carl Sagan )
Encounters With the Paranormal : Science, Know...  ( Ken Frazier)
Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience ( William F. Williams )
Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries : Science and Pseud... ( Ken Feder )
Galileo's Revenge : Junk Science in the Courtroom ( Peter Huber )
The Hundredth Monkey : And Other Paradigms of... ( Ken Frazier )
Junk Science Judo : Self-Defense AgainstHealth ... ( Steven J. Milloy )
Logic and Methodology of Science & Pseudoscience ( Fred Wilson )
Pseudoscience and the Paranormal : A Critical Exa... ( Terence Hines )
Quantum Leaps in the Wrong Direction  ( Charles M. Wynn )
Sanctified Snake Oil: The Effect of Junk Science... ( Susan Sarnoff )
Science: Good, Bad, and Bogus  ( Martin Gardner )
Science or Pseudoscience : Magnetic Healing,... ( Henry H. Bauer )
Science Versus Pseudoscience ( Nathan Aaseng )
Weird Water and Fuzzy Logic ( Martin Gardner )
Why People Believe Weird Things : Pseudo... ( Shermer & Gould )