Don Lancaster's Guru's Lair: 
Wavelet  Books
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         Wavelets are a new type of math transform replacing
         Fourier Series that provide you with powerful solutions
         for image compression and similar apps.

         You can visit the Wavelets library page for related info.

An Introduction to Wavelets ( Charles Chui )
Applied Wavelet Analysis with S-Plus ( Andrew Bruce )
Fourier and Wavelet Analysis  ( George Bachman )
Fractal and Wavelet Image Compression Technique  ( Stephen. Welstead )
Handbook of Wavelet Transform Algorithms ( Carl Taswell )
Introduction to Wavelet Transforms ( Ramesh Gopinath )
Multirate and Wavelet Signal Processing  ( Bruce Suter )
Multiscale Wavelet Methods for PDE ( Wolfgang Dahmen )
Signal and Image Representation in Combined... ( Y. Zeev )
Signal Processing With Wavelet-Based Fractals ( G. Wornell )
Wavelet Analysis for Image Processing ( L. Prasad )
Wavelet Analysis: Scalable Info Structure ( H. Resnikoff)
Wavelet Basics (Y. Chan )
Wavelet Theory and Pattern Recognition ( Yuan Y. Tan )
A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing ( Stephane Mallat )
Wavelet Transforms & Applications ( Mysore Raghuveer )
Wavelets: A Tutorial in Theory & Applications ( Charles Chui )
Wavelets: Theory, Algorithms & Applications ( C. Chui )