%! % Reay Canal Field Notes with topo reaycan1fn.psl % ============================================================== % Copyright c 2017 by Don Lancaster & Synergetics, Box 809, Thatcher, AZ, 85552 % (928) 428-4073 Email: don@tinaja.com Website: http://www.tinaja.com % Consulting services available http://www.tinaja.com/info01.html % Linking welcome. Reposting expressly forbidden. % All commercial rights and all electronic media rights ~fully~ reserved. % Linking usually welcome. Reposting expressly forbidden. Version 1.1 % This is a shortened demo of http://www.tinaja.com/canal/newhang3.pdf and % http://www.tinaja.com/canal/newhang3.psl rewritten from the ground up with % better documentation. By using a /F trailer on Acrobat XI Distiller as % noted below, reads and writes can be restored. This allows expanded click-thru % images to be auto executed from within a .psl file internal to Distiller. % Other benefits include auto positioning and tracking of the and slightly % improved image resolution % Be sure embedded fonts are properly set! You will also need an image copy of % http://www.tinaja.com/canal/images/robinson_map1.jpg moved to an % appropriate directory on your pc as noted below. % This pre Distills both automatic urls AND jpeg image clickthru conversion! % nav buttons are built in via pdfmark See source code below. %%%%%%%%% % This comment is a reminder that Distiller needs an //acrodist.exe /F to use disk files %%%%%%%%% % Define and alter your full gonzo.ps path reminder here It might be % C:/Users/don/Desktop/Dist-FR/gonzo.ps % Preplace gonzo.ps from http://www.tinaja.com/post01.shtml#gonzo to above directory % Make sure there are no previously active instances of distiller. % Then run distiller ONLY from % //acrodist.exe /F run % Then drag and drop this file into Distiller. %%%%%%%%% % Set Directory Headers %%%%%%%% % /gonzodirectory (C:/Users/Don/Desktop/Ghost/gonzo.psl) run % use internal ) store % dbl rvse slashes for ps /imagelocaldirectory (C:/Users/don/Desktop/canal/images/) store % sin fwd slashes for win /imageremotedirectory (http://www.tinaja.com/canal/images/) store % sin fwd slashes for chrome % mergestr merges the two top stack strings into one top stack string /mergestr {2 copy length exch length add string dup dup 4 3 roll 4 index length exch putinterval 3 1 roll exch 0 exch putinterval} def %%%%%%%%% % This code activates gonzo utilities for this document %%%%%%%%% % Required preload of gonzo.ps and adjusted for your machine per above. % gonzodirectory (gonzo.ps) mergestr run % double reverse slashes in PS! (C:/Users/Don/Desktop/Ghost/gonzo.psl) run /guru { gonzo begin ps.util.1 begin printerror nuisance begin} def guru % activate gonzo utilities %%%%%%%%%% % This code locks pdfmark commands out of a PostScript printer. %%%%%%%%%% /pdfmark where {pop}{userdict /pdfmark /cleartomark load put} ifelse %%%%%%%%%% % This code changes the page size to smaller %%%%%%%%%% [/CropBox [0 0 520 620] % set the weird size in points X Y. /PAGES pdfmark %%%%%%%%%% % This code is needed for the automatic url placer %%%%%%%%%% % Requires a defined name for the url below % Activate with text text |/surl urlname |/eurl text text % /surl "start url" marks the beginning of a text sequence to be urled. % It also paints the text blue... /surl {mark /blue cvx 0.33 /setgray cvx % change text to blue /currentpoint cvx % remember box start /urly /exch cvx /store cvx /urlx /exch cvx /store cvx ] cvx % complete deferred command printlist exch 3 index exch put % stuff into gonzo printlist exch 1 add exch % increment gonzo list count } def % /eurl "end url" unmarks the end of a text sequence and sets up % the pdfmark needed to define the Acrobat web link. /eurl {mark % start deferred proc exch % position url string % /black cvx 0 /setgray cvx % turn blue marker off % maintextcolor /setrgbcolor cvx % reset to main text color??? /aqua cvx /black cvx /makeurl cvx % defer call of url builder ] cvx % complete deferred proc printlist exch 3 index exch % stuff into gonzo printlist put exch 1 add exch % increment gonzo list count } def % /makeurl generates the pdfmark, receiving a {(urlstring) makeurl}. % Note that it is not called until formatted printlist time... /urlover 0.2 def % fraction of hot area over bounds /makeurl { /cururlname exch store % save the url string mark % start pdfmark currentfont /ScaleMatrix get 3 get /fsize exch store % guess height /Rect [ urlx fsize urlover mul sub % set box left x urly fsize urlover mul sub % set box left y currentpoint exch fsize urlover mul add exch fsize add ] /Border [ 0 0 0] % [0 0 0 ] = none; [0 0 2] = debug /Color [ .7 0 0 ] /Action <> /Subtype /Link /ANN % annotation type pdfmark % call pdf operators } def % /makeurlx generates the box specific pdfmark, receiving % a {(urlstring) makeurl}. % Note that it is not called until formatted printlist time... /makeurlx { /cururlnamex exch store % save the url string mark % start pdfmark /Rect [ xpos % set box left x ypos 0.9 sub % set box left y xpos 2.8 add % box right x ypos 0.9 sub 2.8 add % box right y ] /Border [ 0 0 0] % [0 0 0 ] = none; [0 0 2] = debug /Color [ .7 0 0 ] /Action <> /Subtype /Link /ANN % annotation type pdfmark % call pdf operators } def %%%%%%%%%%% % This code inserts color effects mid line %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%% COMPACT VERSION OF COLORIZER II %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /settint {dup /currenttint exch store 5.999 mul dup floor cvi /&cbar exch store dup floor sub /&cwt exch store [ {/setgray [ /dup cvx 0.3 &cwt 0.59 mul add /ge cvx [1 /exch cvx &cwt 0.59 mul 0.30 add /sub cvx 1 &cwt sub 0.59 mul 0.11 add /div cvx /dup cvx 1 &cwt sub /mul cvx &cwt /add cvx /exch cvx ] cvx [ &cwt 0.59 mul 0.3 add /div cvx /dup cvx &cwt /mul cvx 0] cvx /ifelse cvx /setrgbcolor cvx] cvx /def cvx} {/setgray [/dup cvx 0.59 1 &cwt sub 0.3 mul add /ge cvx [1 &cwt sub 0.3 mul 0.59 add /sub cvx &cwt 0.3 mul 0.11 add /div cvx /dup cvx &cwt /mul cvx 1 &cwt sub /add cvx /exch cvx 1 /exch cvx] cvx [1 &cwt sub 0.3 mul 0.59 add /div cvx /dup cvx 1 &cwt sub /mul cvx /exch cvx 0] cvx /ifelse cvx /setrgbcolor cvx] cvx /def cvx} {/setgray [/dup cvx 0.59 &cwt 0.11 mul add /ge cvx [&cwt 0.11 mul 0.59 add /sub cvx 1 &cwt sub 0.11 mul 0.30 add /div cvx /dup cvx 1 &cwt sub /mul cvx &cwt /add cvx 1 /exch cvx] cvx [0 /exch cvx &cwt 0.11 mul 0.59 add /div cvx /dup cvx &cwt /mul cvx] cvx /ifelse cvx /setrgbcolor cvx] cvx /def cvx} {/setgray [/dup cvx 0.59 1 &cwt sub mul 0.11 add /ge cvx [1 &cwt sub 0.59 mul 0.11 add /sub cvx &cwt 0.59 mul 0.30 add /div cvx /dup cvx &cwt /mul cvx 1 &cwt sub /add cvx 1] cvx [0 /exch cvx 1 &cwt sub 0.59 mul 0.11 add /div cvx /dup cvx 1 &cwt sub /mul cvx /exch cvx] cvx /ifelse cvx /setrgbcolor cvx] cvx /def cvx} {/setgray [/dup cvx 0.11 &cwt 0.30 mul add /ge cvx[&cwt 0.30 mul 0.11 add /sub cvx 1 &cwt sub 0.30 mul 0.59 add /div cvx /dup cvx 1 &cwt sub /mul cvx &cwt /add cvx /exch cvx 1] cvx [ &cwt 0.30 mul 0.11 add /div cvx /dup cvx &cwt /mul cvx /exch cvx 0 /exch cvx ] cvx /ifelse cvx /setrgbcolor cvx ] cvx /def cvx} {/setgray [ /dup cvx 0.30 1 &cwt sub 0.11 mul add /ge cvx[ 1 /exch cvx 1 &cwt sub 0.11 mul 0.30 add /sub cvx &cwt 0.11 mul 0.59 add /div cvx /dup cvx &cwt /mul cvx 1 &cwt sub /add cvx ] cvx [ 1 &cwt sub 0.11 mul 0.30 add /div cvx /dup cvx 1 &cwt sub /mul cvx 0 /exch cvx] cvx /ifelse cvx /setrgbcolor cvx ] cvx /def cvx} ] &cbar get exec exec} bind def /beige {0.11 settint} def % examples of convenience operators /aqua {0.52 settint} def /blue {0.67 settint} def /lime {0.44 settint} def %%%%%%%%%%% % This code converts a .JPG image into a PS image %%%%%%%%%%% /jpegimageprocwithlink { % hoffset voffset hres vres urlfrom urlto save /snap2 exch def /inurllink exch store % grab link filename /infilename exch store % grab passed pix file /photoscale exch store /vpixels exch store /hpixels exch store % (\nvpixels = )print vpixels == % (\nhpixels = )print hpixels == % (\photoscale = ) print photoscale == % (\ninurllink = ) print inurllink == % (\ninfilemane = ) print infilename == translate % adjust position for final figure ??? inurllink setareaurl % autolink sizing /DeviceRGB setcolorspace % pick color model 0 0 translate % set page position hpixels vpixels scale % magnify unit square photoscale dup scale /infile infilename (r) file def % establish input read file /Data {infile /DCTDecode filter} def % define a data source << % start image dicationary /ImageType 1 % always one /Width hpixels % JPEG width in pixels /Height vpixels % JPEG height in pixels /ImageMatrix [hpixels 0 0 vpixels neg 0 vpixels ] /DataSource Data % proc to get filtered JPEG /BitsPerComponent 8 % color resolution /Decode [0 1 0 1 0 1] % per red book 4.10 >> image % call the image operator ypos snap2 restore /ypos exch def } def /setareaurl { % for auto include routine /cururlname exch store mark % start pdfmark /Rect [ 0 0 hpixels photoscale mul vpixels photoscale mul ] /Border [ 0 0 0] % [0 0 0 ] = none; [0 0 2] = debug /Color [ .7 0 0 ] /Action <> /Subtype /Link /ANN % annotation type pdfmark % call pdf operators } def %%%%%%%%%%% % This code inserts a PS figure proc into a fixed location %%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%% % This code autopositions a PS figure proc %%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%% % This image code for sequential pages %%%%%%%%%%% /startnewpage { black beige 0.35 setgray 21 -2.5 (|3\320|j|j) ggnum 40 string cvs mergestr (|j |j) mergestr pagenum 10 string cvs mergestr (|j|j\320) mergestr cc aqua showpage %% start next page /pagenum pagenum 1 add store 50 50 10 setgrid % create grid setpagefonts font1 textleft texttop } def %%%%%%%%%%% % These code snippets do various things %%%%%%%%%%% /tinton1 {mark 0.33 /setgray cvx] cvx printlist exch 3 index exch put exch 1 add exch} def /tintoff {mark 0 /setgray cvx] cvx printlist exch 3 index exch put exch 1 add exch} def /to {tinton1 aqua font6} store /tx {tintoff black font1} store /su {surl} store /webtintmat [ 0 1 5 {/a exch store 0 1 5 % webtint color array {/b exch store 0 1 5 {5 div b 5 div a 5 div} for }for } for ] def /setwebtint { abs cvi 216 cvi mod webtintmat % set 215 colors exch 3 mul 3 getinterval aload pop setrgbcolor} def /makered { mark 5 /setwebtint cvx ] cvx printlist exch 3 index exch put exch 1 add exch } store /makeblack { mark 0 /setwebtint cvx ] cvx printlist exch 3 index exch put exch 1 add exch } store %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% document specific resources start here %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% % define url's to be generated ... ---> zzzzz <---- search marker %%%%%%%%% << % some of these are no longer used, particularly fn1 vs 1fn /canallist (http://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/canal_list2e.pdf) /canallistps (http://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/canal_list2e.psl) /gilariver (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gila_River) /discoveryfn1 (http://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/discoveryfn1.pdf) /ownership (http://gis.azland.gov/webapps/parcel/?loc=-109.7461,32.8033,12&layers=2,1,0) /goatfn1 (http://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/goatfn1.pdf) /ledfordfn1 (http://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/ledfordfn1.pdf) /marijildafn1 (http://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/marijildafn1.pdf) /roperfn1 (http://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/roperfn1.pdf) /kmlx (http://www.tinaja.com/canal/mapimage2.kml) /tbwestfn1 (http://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/tbwestn1.pdf) /lowerfryeconstructfn1 (http://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/slowerfryeconstructfn1.pdf) /deadman1fn (http://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/deadman1fn.pdf) /deadman1fnps (http://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/deadman1fn.psl) /allen1fn (http://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/allen1fn.pdf) /allen1fnps (http://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/allen1fn.psl) /sandcanalfn1 (http://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/sandcanalfn1.pdf) /fryecomplexfn1 (http://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/fryecomplexfn1.pdf) /bluepondsfn1 (http://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/bluepondsfn1.pdf) /hsfn1 (http://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/hsfn1.pdf) /robinsonfn1 (http://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/robinsonfn1.pdf) /allenfn1 (http://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/allenfn1.pdf) /riggsmesafn1 (http://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/riggsmesafn1.pdf) /golfcoursefn1 (http://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/golfcoursefn1.pdf) /longviewfn1 (http://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/longviewfn1.pdf) /freemanfn1 (http://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/freemanfn1.pdf) /tranquilityfn1 (http://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/tranquilityn1.pdf) /marijildafn1 (http://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/marijildafn1.pdf) /allendamfail (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/allendam.pdf) /acme (http://www.mapper.acme.com/) /googleearth (https://www.google.com/earth/) /tranquility (http://www.azhotmineralspring.com/) /cottonclouds (http://www.cottonclouds.com/index.asp) /tbeastfn1 (http://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/tbeastfn1.pdf) /mudspringsfn1 (http://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/mudspringsfn1.pdf) /ockham (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occam%27s_razor) /blm (https://www.blm.gov/office/safford-field-office) /azstateland (https://land.az.gov) /anasazai (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Pueblo_peoples) /aqueduct (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aqueduct_(water_supply)) /AZrepublic (http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/20130223arizona-hanging-canal-mystery.html) /bajada (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bajada_(geography)) /cnf (http://www.fs.usda.gov/coronado/) /association (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archaeological_association) /ccc (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civilian_Conservation_Corps) /glyphspair (http://www.tinaja.com/canal/cansum1.pdf) /grids (http://www.uapress.arizona.edu/Books/bid1582.htm) /gurgrm01 (http://www.tinaja.com/gurgrm01.shtml) /hohokam (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hohokam) /hunt (http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/40035308?uid=3739552&uid=2&uid=4&uid=3739256&sid=21103435122901) /joanna (www.azcentral.com/opinions/articles/20130226editorial-admiring-our-forebears.html) /lefthand (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/lefthand.pdf) /maildon (mailto:don@tinaja.com) /mailneely (mailto:neelyja@utexas.edu) /mimbres (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mimbres_culture#Mimbres_culture) /mongollon (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mogollon_culture) /murphy (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/neely1.pdf) /newhang3 (http://www.tinaja.com/canal/newhang3.pdf) /tinsamp1 (http://www.tinaja.com/tinsamp1.shtml) /newhangshow3 (http://www.tinaja.com/canal/newhangshow3.pdf) /pinalino (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinale%C3%B1o_Mountains) /prebajada (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/prebajada.pdf) /safford (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safford,_Arizona) /salado (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salado_culture) /scs (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_Resources_Conservation_Service) /stratigraphy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stratigraphy) /tinaja (http://www.tinaja.com) /usatoday (http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/02/24/hanging-canals-whet-appetite-for-ancient-history/1941797) /waterlevel (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_level) /whtnu15 (http://www.tinaja.com/whtnu15.shtml) /whtnu17 (http://www.tinaja.com/whtnu17.shtml) >> {mark exch /eurl cvx ] cvx def} forall %%%%%%%%%% % define fonts and main document gonzo params %%%%%%%%%% /setpagefonts { /cstretch 0.015 def /sstretch 0.015 def /font0 /StoneSans-Bold 1.6 gonzofont /font1 /StoneSans 0.95 gonzofont /font2 /StoneSans [0.95 0 0.25 0.95 0 0 ] gonzofont /font4 /StoneSans 0.85 gonzofont /font3 /StoneSans-Bold 0.85 gonzofont /font6 /StoneSans-Bold 0.85 gonzofont /font7 /StoneSans-Bold 1.05 gonzofont % subheaders /font8 /StoneSans-Bold [0.65 0 0 0.65 0 0.4] gonzofont /font9 /StoneSans-Bold 1.05 gonzofont /txtwide 36 store /yinc 1.2 store /kern 0.1 store /texttop 51 store /textleft 3 store /amacro {(zy0) stringmacro /ypos ypos ypara add def} def % start drop cap /bmacro {(iFy1) stringmacro /ypos ypos ypara add def} def % finish drop cap } store /nogrid {true} store /ggnum (Reay Canal Field Notes) store % header for pagenumber /pagenum 1 def % initial pagenumber %%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Image common code for sequential pages %%%%%%%%%%%%%% /imagecommoncode { /font6 /StoneSans [2.4 0 0 2.8 0 0 ] gonzofont /font7 /StoneSans 1.2 gonzofont /green { 0 0.4 0 setrgbcolor} store /black { 0 0 0 setrgbcolor } store % text image link [ /Rect [2.0 42.2 39 44.2] /Action << /Subtype /URI /URI imageurl >> /Border [0 0 0] /Color [1 1 1] /Subtype /Link /ANN pdfmark % gps image link [ /Rect [2.0 40.1 39 42.1] /Action << /Subtype /URI /URI acmegpsurl >> /Border [0 0 0] /Color [1 1 1] /Subtype /Link /ANN pdfmark % image image link [ /Rect [2 13.7 39 38.6] /Action << /Subtype /URI /URI imageurl >> /Border [0 0 0] /Color [1 1 1] /Subtype /Link /ANN pdfmark /blue {0 0 1 setrgbcolor} store % not sure why these are needed here /setblue {mark 0 0 1 /setrgbcolor cvx ] cvx printlist exch 3 index exch put exch 1 add exch} store /setblack {mark 0 0 0 /setrgbcolor cvx ] cvx printlist exch 3 index exch put exch 1 add exch} store 0 47.5 (|6|/green ) imagename mergestr cl 0 45 (|7|/green ) imagetitle mergestr cl blue 3 42.8 (|7|/setblue ) imageurl mergestr cl 3 40.6 (|7|/setblue ) imagegps mergestr cl black } store %%% Page Navigation Utilities %%%% % requires gonzo utilities from http://www.tinaja.com/gonzo.psl /kern 0.1 store /navpagenum 1 store /prevpage 1 store /lastpage false store /baux { save /ssnap exch store /sym exch store translate 0 0 mt 2 pu 2 pr 2 pd closepath gsave 0.94 0.94 0.98 setrgbcolor fill grestore 0.8 dup dup setrgbcolor line2 stroke 0.5 dup dup setrgbcolor /font1 /Helvetica 1.5 gonzofont font1 1 0.5 sym cc ssnap restore} store black /glyphnext { 53 (>) baux } store /glyphprev {53 (<) baux } store /glyphone { 53 (1) baux} store /glyphback {53 (<|k|k|k<) baux} store /aaaa { [ /Rect [0 53 2 55] /Page/Next /View [/XYZ null null null] /Border [0 0 0 ] /Subtype /Link /ANN pdfmark [ /Rect [2.5 53 4.5 55] /Page prevpage /View [/XYZ null null null] /Border [0 0 0 ] /Subtype /Link /ANN pdfmark } store /bbbb { [ /Rect [0 53 2 55] /Page /Prev /View [/XYZ null null null] /Border [0 0 0 ] /Subtype /Link /ANN pdfmark [ /Rect [2.5 53 4.5 55] /Page 1 /View [/XYZ null null null] /Border [0 0 0 ] /Subtype /Link /ANN pdfmark [ /Rect [5 53 7 55] /Page/Next /View [/XYZ null null null] /Border [0 0 0 ] /Subtype /Link /ANN pdfmark [ /Rect [7.5 53 9.5 55] /Page prevpage /View [/XYZ null null null] /Border [0 0 0 ] /Subtype /Link /ANN pdfmark } store /cccc { [ /Rect [0 53 2 55] /Page /Prev /View [/XYZ null null null] /Border [0 0 0 ] /Subtype /Link /ANN pdfmark [ /Rect [2.5 53 4.5 55] /Page 1 /View [/XYZ null null null] /Border [0 0 0 ] /Subtype /Link /ANN pdfmark [ /Rect [5 53 7 55] /Page prevpage /View [/XYZ null null null] /Border [0 0 0 ] /Subtype /Link /ANN pdfmark } store /addpagenav { navpagenum 1 eq { 0 glyphnext 2.5 glyphback aaaa} if navpagenum 1 ne lastpage not and {0 glyphprev 2.5 glyphone 5 glyphnext 7.5 glyphback bbbb} if lastpage {0 glyphprev 2.5 glyphone 5 glyphback cccc} if /prevpage pagenum store /navpagenum navpagenum 1 add store} store % ///////// (A) WEB FRIENDLY COLOR UTILITIES ///////////// % tintmat is a self-generating list of 216 triple color values /webtintmat [ 0 1 5 { /a exch store 0 1 5 { /b exch store 0 1 5 { 5 div b 5 div a 5 div }for } for } for ] def % setwebtint accepts a color number 0 to 215 and then % sets the PostScript color generator for later use... /setwebtint { abs cvi 216 cvi mod % restrict range webtintmat exch 3 mul 3 getinterval % get values from table aload pop setrgbcolor} def % and set them %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% begin kml experiment %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % this still needs a way for Chrome to go directly to Google Earth. % presently opens kml textfile instead. Chrome extensions not helping. % presently usable with this manual workaround: Do a save as from the % clicked kml text. Then click on the saved kml file. /clickforkml { true { save /ksnap exch store 34 53 translate 0 0 mt 2 pu 7.2 pr 2 pd closepath gsave 0.94 0.94 0.98 setrgbcolor fill grestore 0.8 0.8 0.8 setrgbcolor line2 stroke 0.6 0.6 (|6|/surl Click for KML |/kmlx ) cl ksnap restore } if } store % end kml link %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% actual page content starts here %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%% % notebox uses modified roundpath %%%%%%%%%%%%% /notebox { % hpos vpos hsize vsize corrad titsize title body save /boxsnap exch store /yinc 1.4 store /tabs [5.5] store /body exch store /title exch store /titsize exch store /corrad exch store /hsize exch store /vsize exch store translate hsize 2 div 0 moveto 0 0 0 vsize corrad arct 0 vsize hsize vsize corrad arct hsize vsize hsize 0 corrad arct hsize 0 0 0 corrad arct closepath gsave 141 setwebtint fill grestore 54 pop 48 setwebtint line3 stroke hsize 2 div vsize titsize sub moveto 0 vsize titsize sub lineto 0 vsize hsize vsize corrad arct hsize vsize hsize vsize titsize sub corrad arct hsize vsize titsize sub lineto closepath 54 pop 48 setwebtint fill white font3 hsize 2 div vsize 1.4 sub title cc 1 2 3 4 black font3 4 vsize titsize sub 1.6 sub body cl boxsnap restore } store % some upper urls may no longer be current << /whtnu15 (http://www.tinaja.com/whtnu15.shtml) /whtnu16 (http://www.tinaja.com/whtnu16.shtml) /whtnu17 (http://www.tinaja.com/whtnu17.shtml) /azland (https://land.az.gov/) /blueponds1fn (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/blueponds1fn.pdf) /freeman1fn (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/freeman1fn.pdf) /riggs1fn (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/riggs1fn.pdf) /golfcourse1fn (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/golfcourse1fn.pdf) /aquaduct1fn (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/aquaduct1fn.pdf) /robtext (http://mapper.acme.com/?ll=32.80883,-109.78255&z=17&t=H&marker0=32.80832%2C-109.78545%2Cunnamed&marker1=32.80947%2C-109.78082%2C3.0%20mi%20SxSW%20of%20Thatcher%20AZ) /dead1fn (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/deadman1fn.pdf) /sand1fn (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/sand1fn.pdf) /mudspringsfn (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/mudsprings1fn.pdf) /hsfn (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/hs1fn.pdf) /allenfn (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/allen1fn.pdf) /canallist (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/canal_list2e.pdf) /canallistps (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/canal_list2e.psl) /culebra1 (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/images/culebra1.jpg) /octavestorm (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tropical_Storm_Octave_(1983)) /allencanal1fn (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/allen1fn.pdf) /allencanal1fnps (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/allen1fn.psl) /artesia1fn (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/artesia1fn.pdf) /artesia1fnps (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/artesia1fn.psl) /artesia2fn (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/artesia1fn.pdf) /artesia2fnps (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/artesia1fn.psl) /bearspcn1fn (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/bearspcn1fn.pdf) /bearspcn1fnps (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/bearspcn1fn.psl) /deadman1fn (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/deadman1fn.pdf) /deadman1fnps (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/deadman1fn.psl) /fryecomplex1fn (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes//fryecomplex1fn.pdf) /fryecomplex1fnps (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes//fryecomplex1fn.psl) /goat1fn (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/goat1fn.pdf) /goat1fnps (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/goat1fn.psl) /golfcourse1fn (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/golfcourse1fn.pdf) /golfcourse1fnps (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/golfcourse1fn.slf) /jernigan1fn (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/jernigan1fn.pdf) /jernigan1fnps (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/jernigan1fn.psl) /lefthand1fn (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/lefthand1fn.pdf) /lefthand1fnps (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/lefthand1fn.psl) /longview1fnps (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/longview1fn.psl) /longview1fn (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/longview1fn.pdf) /lowerfryecon1fn (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/lowerfryeconstruct1fn.pdf) /lowerfryecon1fnps (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/lowerfryeconstruct1fn.psl) /marijilda1fn (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/marijilda1fn.pdf) /marijilda1fnps (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/marijilda1fn.psl) /mudsprings1fn (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/mudsprings1fn.pdf) /mudsprings1fnps (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/mudsprings1fn.psl) /sandcan1fn (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/sandcan1fn.pdf) /reaycan1fn (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/reaycan1fn.pdf) /reaycan1fnps (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/reaycan1fn.psl) /robinson1fn (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/robinson1fn.pdf) /robinson1fnps (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/robinson1fn.psl) /sandcan1fnps (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/sandcan1fn.psl) /tailwater1fn (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/tailwater1fn.pdf) /tailwater1fnps (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/tailwater1fn.psl) /tranquility1fn (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/tranquility1fn.pdf) /tranquility1fnps (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/tranquility1fn.psl) /tugood1fn (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/tugood1fn.pdf) /tugood1fnps (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/tugood1fn.psl) /veech1fn (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/veech1fn.pdf) /veech1fnps (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/veech1fn.psl) /roper1fn (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/roper1fn.pdf) /robinson1fn (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/robinson1fn.pdf) /ledford1fn (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/ledford1fn.pdf) /arta1fn (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/artesia1fn.pdf) /artb1fn (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/artesib1fn.pdf) /glotz (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/roper1fn.pdf) % for debug /glotzb (https://www.tinaja.com/canal/field_notes/roper1fn.pdf) % for debug /artesian (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artesian) /oldmap (http://nationalmap.gov/historical/) /gradeall (http://www.gradall.com/) /mceniry (https://www.tinaja.com/glib/mtso.pdf) /scs (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_Resources_Conservation_Service) /grahmcountytax ( >> {mark exch /eurl cvx ] cvx def} forall %%%%%%%%%%%%%% % title page %%%%%%%%%%%%% /tabs [1.5 3.2] store 50 50 10 setgrid false {40 160 showgrid} if setpagefonts { 12.5 21.7 0.2 add 11 17 0.5 2.3 (STILL |kFLOWING |kBAJADA |kCANALS) (|/surl |6Artesia#1|/artesia1fn |t|/surl |6Artesia#2|/artesia1fn |/surl |6Bear Flat?|/bearspcn1fn |t|/surl |6Bigler|/bearspcn1fn |/surl |6Deadman|/deadman1fn |t|/surl |6Goat|/goat1fn |/surl |6Ledford|/ledford1fn |t|/surl |6Marijilda|/marijilda1fn |/surl |6Roper Lake?|/roper1fn ) notebox } pop % hold for future use beige % really a colorizer green? 20 48.3 0.7 add % 1 sub (|/to |0Reay |jCanal)cc 20 46.3 0.7 add % 1 sub (|/to |0Preliminary |jField Notes) cc black font1 textleft 44.3 0.5 add (|/to |6Don Lancaster|/tx |1and |/to |6James A. Neely|1|/tx Synergetics, Box 809, Thatcher, AZ 85552 copyright c2017 rev 12/17 All rights reserved |/surl |6http://www.tinaja.com|/tinaja |/surl don@tinaja.com|1|/maildon and |6|/surl neelyja@utexas.edu|1|/mailneely |/to (928) 428-4073|/tx |1and |/to (575) 686-0098 |/to |0T|/tx |khe recently discovered Reay Canal is of considerable interest in that it might be about to become part of a housing development. It is among the northernmost of the |/surl |6bajada|/bajada |1Canals. Associated with it is a remarkably large flat area that would seem eminently suitable for prehistoric fields. |h It also seems a possible and credible destination for the previously only partially studied |/surl |6Golf Course|/golfcoursefn1 |1 Canal. Although a relationship with the |/surl |6Robinson|/robinsonfn1 |1 Canal also remains under study. |h Here is a map that combines the previously studied |/surl |6Golf Course Canal|/golfcourse1fn |1 with the newer |/surl |6Reay Canal|/reaycan1fn |1discovery extensions\274 ) cl /imageurl (http://mapper.acme.com/?ll=32.81482,-109.76683&z=15&t=H&marker0=32.82031%2C-109.77369%2C2.2%20mi%20SxSW%20of%20Thatcher%20AZ&marker1=32.81445%2C-109.77589%2Cunnamed&marker2=32.81777%2C-109.77464%2C2.4%20mi%20SxSW%20of%20Thatcher%20AZ&marker3=32.82228%2C-109.77295%2C2.0%20mi%20SxSW%20of%20Thatcher%20AZ&marker4=32.81007%2C-109.77628%2C2.9%20mi%20SxSW%20of%20Thatcher%20AZ&marker5=32.80624%2C-109.77623%2C3.1%20mi%20SxSW%20of%20Thatcher%20AZ) store % go to remote image. /imagelocalsource imagelocaldirectory (reay_map1.jpg) mergestr store % comes from local file gsave 7.5 -0.7 % page translate ( data for jpegimageprocwithlink ) 719 715 % hpixels and vpixels 0.1 0.355 mul % photoscale imagelocalsource % local jpg source imageurl % image url on clickthru jpegimageprocwithlink grestore addpagenav clickforkml startnewpage 3 51.5 (|1 |1The new Reay finds range from |/to 32.81970 -109.77393|/tx to |/to 32.82262 -109.77278|/tx , while the Golf Course portions ranged from |/to 32.80624 -109.77623|/tx to |/to 32.81007 |/to -109.77628|/tx . Intermediate areas have yet to be field verified, but are suggestive on |/surl |6Acme Mapper|/acme |1. |h Alternately, some portions of the |/surl |6Robinson Canal|/robinson1fn |1 are plainly text marked on |/surl |6Acme Mapper|/acme |1 as |/to Robinson Ditch|/tx between Stowe Tank at |/to 32.80656 -109.78567|/tx and |/to 32.81006 -109.77846|/tx |1, which closely approaches the projected Reay Canal route. |h The three kilometer long Reay study area elevations range from 3220 to 3140 feet. To maintain a reasonable constant slope, some canal reaches had to be rather deep, while others were quite shallow. Canals in the area are all "normal" rather than "hanging". The area in general is far less rocky and more sandy than typical. |h An existing housing development has likely obliterated any possible northern extension discoveries. A significant flat area to the east includes fascinating hints of possible but highly unverified canal like delivery structures. |h The area to the south is quite culturally rich. The present study limit of the |/surl |6Golf|/golfcoursefn1 |/surl |6Course|/golfcoursefn1 |1 Canal can be found at |/to 32.79906 -109.77597|/tx , and the somewhat nearby |/surl |6Robinson Canal|/robinsonfn1 |1exploration limit at |/to 32.80575 -109.78736|/tx . |h There is a major pueblo in the vicinity and numerous decorated potsherds over wide areas. Curiously, there are also several intense "potsherd dumps" suggesting of pothunter shaker use. |h The Golf Course Canal may have been historically modified as it seems somewhat of a deeper vee than usual, is in a cardinal direction, and is on Safford City lands. But the new Reay Canal finds give strong additional credibility to a prehistoric Golf Course origin. There are prehistoric constructs in direct association. |h It is not yet clear how the Spring Canyon crossing at |/to 32.81482 -109.77583|/tx was accomplished. Quite possibly, the depth and flow of Spring Canyon is a modern artifact caused in part by diversion of Frye Creek water into Sheep Tank Canyon at |/to 32.76568 -109.79936|/tx . |h The area from |/to 32.81389 -109.77601|/tx to |/to 32.81762 -109.77469|/tx is somewhat indistinct on |/surl |6Acme Mapper|/acme |1 but would appear to be a credible route still in need of field evaluation. Initial area visits did not reveal any obvious canal features south of those shown in the below images. |h The field verified Reay Canal segment from |/to 32.81922 -109.77408|/tx to |/to 32.82057 |/to -109.77367|/tx is quite distinct and rather deep, comparable to the Allen Canal segment from |/to 32.79359 -109.82633|/tx to |/to 32.79558 -109.82586|/tx . This stretch defines the prehistoric credibility of the entire Reay complex. |h ) cl addpagenav clickforkml startnewpage /tabs [2 13.5] store 3 52 (|1 Surprisingly, the next northerly Reay Canal segment is quite sandy and quite shallow. Apparently caused by the overly gentle topographic slope. A final northerly segment is again deeper but somewhat indistinct. |h There is a short and curious twelve rock alignment structure near |/to 32.82228|/tx |/to -109.77295|/tx that suggests an end delivery diversion canal. This would seem somewhat similar to structures in the |/surl |6Lefthand Canyon|/lefthand1fn |1 area. |h The absolutely uniform patina strongly suggests a prehistoric age. The rocks seem to be a curious mix from outside the immediate and largely sandy area. Credibility of this structure could be very much improved by finding similar and related structures nearby. |h As a curious sidenote, the Reay Canal appears to be consistently and perfectly aligned with the distinct Deadman Peak at |/to 32.73118 -109.80185|/tx . Whether this was a rank pure coincidence or an intentional survey design remains unknown. |h Also "in the neighborhood" is a rather deep vee channel found near |/to 32.81835 |/to -109.77062|/tx . It would seem to have diverted water from normally dry Spring Creek, but it is not at all clear whether this was historic, modern, or natural. No current use of this enigmatic water route is apparent. |h |/surl |6Ownership|/ownership |1is largely |/surl |6Arizona State|/azstateland |1 lands, |/surl |6Safford City|/safford |1 and |/surl |6Private Inholdings|/grahmcountytax |1. Access involves 4WD tracks from the Daley Estate Ponds at |/to 32.79888 -109.77563|/tx , moderate hiking from the Reay Lane Bridge at |/to 32.82077 -109.76709|/tx , or private access via Thatcher's Sandy Creek Drive at |/to 32.82624 -109.77322|/tx . |h This prehistoric |/surl |6bajada canal|/bajada |1is located in Arizona's |/surl |6Safford Basin|/safford |1in the |/surl |6Upper|/gilariver |/surl Gila Valley|/gilariver |1and is believed to date through the 1350's. ) cl addpagenav clickforkml startnewpage /tabs [2 13.5] store 3 52.5 (|1 Here are some noteworthy |/surl |6Reay Canal|/reaycan1fn |1 features and locations\274 |h |t |/to 32.80616 -109.77619|/tx |tSouthern study limit of Golf Course extension. |h |t |/to 32.81020 -109.77623|/tx |tNorthern study limit of Golf Course extension. |h |t |/to 32.81020 -109.77623|/tx |tArea yet to be studied. |t |/to 32.81482 -109.77589|/tx |h |t |/to 32.81482 -109.77589|/tx |tSpring Creek crossing. |h |t |/to 32.81482 -109.77589|/tx |tArea yet to be studied. |t |/to 32.81938 -109.77404|/tx |h |t |/to 32.81938 -109.77404|/tx |tDeeply cut classic canal run. |t |/to 32.82151 -109.77322|/tx |h |t |/to 32.82151 -109.77322|/tx |tVery shallow and sandy canal run. |t |/to 32.82119 -109.77331|/tx |h |t |/to 32.82119 -109.77331|/tx |tApparent flood damage. |t |/to 32.82170 -109.77313|/tx |h |t |/to 32.82238 -109.77289|/tx |tEnd use rock alignment construct. |h |t |/to 32.82271 -109.77272|/tx |tFurther north obliterated by modern development. |h |t |/to 32.81952 -109.76930|/tx |tUnresolved canal hints nearby. |h |t |/to 32.80814 -109.77628|/tx |tWalled structure adjacent to Golf Course Canal. |h |t |/to 32.80432 -109.77619|/tx |tShaker potsherd spoil piles in area |h |t |/to 32.80656 -109.78567|/tx |tNorthern exploration limit of Robinson Canal. |h |t |/to 32.79895 -109.77636|/tx |tNorthern exploration limit of Gold Course Canal |h |t |/to 32.79987 -109.78021|/tx |tGolf Course canal transition from hanging reach. |h |t |/to 32.79822 -109.78284|/tx |tSouthern limit of this part of Golf Course study. |h |t |/to 32.78412 -109.78716|/tx |tProjected Golf Course Rincon Canyon route. |h |t |/to 32.74379 -109.83951|/tx |tPredicted Golf Course perennial water source. |h |t |/to 32.73139 -109.80185|/tx |tDeadman Peak possible survey marker. ) cl addpagenav clickforkml startnewpage 3 50 ( |1Further Reay Canal work might include\274 |t|/to 1 \320|/tx Determine feasibility of private landowner interaction. |h |t|/to 2 \320|/tx Seek out possible preservation options. |h |t|/to 3 \320|/tx Explore region from |/to 32.81230 -109.77621|/tx to |/to 32.81475 -109.77580|/tx . |h |t|/to 4 \320|/tx Explore region from |/to 32.81052 -109.77627|/tx to |/to 32.81230 -109.77621|/tx . |h |t|/to 5 \320|/tx Resolve how Spring Creek was crossed at |/to 32.81481 -109.77585 |/tx . |h |t|/to 6 \320|/tx Determine significance of canal hints near |/to 32.81952 -109.76930|/tx . |h |t|/to 7 \320|/tx Attempt to verify use of Deadman Peak as a survey marker. |h |t|/to 8 \320|/tx Seek out further evidence of prehistoric canal use. |h |t|/to 9 \320|/tx Complete locating missing portions of |/surl |6Golf Course|/golfcoursefn1 |1Canal. |h |t|/to 10 \320|/tx Exclude |/surl |6Robinson|/robinsonfn1 |1 Canal involvement in |/surl |6Reay|/reaycan1fn |1 Canal routing. |h |t|/to 11 \320|/tx Attempt to locate additional end use diversion constructs. |h |t|/to 12 \320|/tx Significantly improve photography and annotation of canal complex. |h |t|/to 13 \320|/tx Do fly over drone and videotape survey. |h |t|/to 14 \320|/tx Mentor students and create field camps. ) cl addpagenav clickforkml startnewpage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% REAY5 REAY2A Photos%%%%%%%%%%% % top image /imageurl imageremotedirectory (reay5.jpg) mergestr store % goto remote image /imagelocalsource imagelocaldirectory (reay5.jpg) mergestr store % comes from local file 5.0 31(|/to |9REAY5 -|/tx A deeper portion of the Reay Canal that is consistent with others in this |/surl |6 bajada|/bajada |1 complex. This canal may be endangered due to residential development. View is northward from |/to 32.81982 -109.77387|/tx .) cl 8 33.3 % page translate ( data for jpegimageprocwithlink ) 999 670 % hpixels and vpixels 0.1 0.27 mul % photoscale imagelocalsource % local jpg source imageurl % image url on clickthru jpegimageprocwithlink % bot image /imageurl imageremotedirectory (reay2a.jpg) mergestr store % goto remote image /imagelocalsource imagelocaldirectory (reay2a.jpg) mergestr store % comes from local file 5.0 2(|/to |9REAY2A -|/tx |1The Reay Canal is rather shallow near its known Northern limit. The routing appears aligned on Deadman Peak. The view here is to the south from |/to 32.82131 -109.77352|/tx .) cl 8 4 % page translate ( data for jpegimageprocwithlink ) 1012 864 % hpixels and vpixels 0.1 0.266 mul % photoscale imagelocalsource % local jpg source imageurl % image url on clickthru jpegimageprocwithlink addpagenav clickforkml startnewpage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% REAY3 Photo %%%%%%%%%%% % top image /imageurl imageremotedirectory (reay3.jpg) mergestr store % goto remote image /imagelocalsource imagelocaldirectory (reay3.jpg) mergestr store % comes from local file 5.0 24(|/to |9REAY3 -|/tx |1A possible end use water diversion construct associated with the northern known limit of the Reay Canal. Rocks appear to have been imported from outside the immediate area and have absolutely uniform patina. Somewhat similar resources are found in the |/surl |6Lefthand Canal|/lefthand1fn |1area. Seen to the southeast from |/to 32.82228 -109.77295|/tx .) cl 8 26.2 % page translate ( data for jpegimageprocwithlink ) 1200 967 % hpixels and vpixels 0.1 0.24 mul % photoscale imagelocalsource % local jpg source imageurl % image url on clickthru jpegimageprocwithlink % bot image addpagenav clickforkml startnewpage % topo 1 -- /imageurly (http://mapper.acme.com/?ll=32.81262,-109.77048&z=15&t=T&marker0=32.81445%2C-109.77589%2Cunnamed&marker1=32.82228%2C-109.77295%2C2.0%20mi%20SxSW%20of%20Thatcher%20AZ&marker2=32.80624%2C-109.77623%2C3.1%20mi%20SxSW%20of%20Thatcher%20AZ&marker3=32.81777%2C-109.77464%2C2.4%20mi%20SxSW%20of%20Thatcher%20AZ&marker4=32.82031%2C-109.77369%2C2.2%20mi%20SxSW%20of%20Thatcher%20AZ&marker5=32.81007%2C-109.77628%2C2.9%20mi%20SxSW%20of%20Thatcher%20AZ) store % go to remote image. /imagelocalsource imagelocaldirectory (reay_topo1.jpg) mergestr store % comes from local file gsave 8.5 21.3 % page translate ( data for jpegimageprocwithlink ) 575 606 0.1 0.39 mul % photoscale imagelocalsource % local jpg source imageurly % image url on clickthru jpegimageprocwithlink grestore 3 46 (Here is a topographic map of the Reay Canal\274 ) cl % topo 2 -- /imagelocalsource imagelocaldirectory (reay_topo1.jpg) mergestr store % comes from local file 3 21 ( You can click through on the above images to directly reach |/surl |6Acme Mapper|/acme |1at a higher resolution. |h A hanging canal directory can be found|/surl |6 here|/canallist |1and its sourcecode |/surl |6here|/canallistps |1. |h This field note is associated with directory |/to 80. REY1 - Reay Canal|/tx |1 and |/to 35. GCC1 - |/to Golf Course Canal|/tx |1 and |/to 37. RBC1 - Robinson Ranch Canal |1. |h This document can be found |/surl |6here|/reaycan1fn |1 and its sourcecode |/surl |6here|/reaycan1fnps |1. ) cl 4.5 3 (|/to More Hanging Canal Resources: |/surl |6http://www.tinaja.com/tinsamp1.shtml|1|/tinsamp1 ) cl 4 1.5 (|/to New Hanging Canal Developments: |/surl |6http://www.tinaja.com/whtnu17.shtml|1|/whtnu17 ) cl addpagenav clickforkml startnewpage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% { % start of code not used in this instance. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CLUFFNW1 CLUFFNW2 Photos %%%%%%%%%%% % top image /imageurl imageremotedirectory (/cluffnw1.jpg) mergestr store % goto remote image /imagelocalsource imagelocaldirectory (cluffnw1.jpg) mergestr store % comes from local file 5.0 29.1(|/to |9CLLUFFNW1 \261|1|/tx One of several |/su |6Y-Weir|1|/weir concrete structures from the second historical rebuild of the Cluff NW canals. This one was apparently part of a wash crossing inverted siphon. Viewed northwest from |/to N 32.82647 W 109.84590|/tx .) cl 13.3 30.7 % page translate ( data for jpegimageprocwithlink ) 1000 1084 % hpixels and vpixels 0.1 0.187 mul % photoscale imagelocalsource % local jpg source imageurl % image url on clickthru jpegimageprocwithlink % bot image /imageurl imageremotedirectory (/cluffnw2.jpg) mergestr store % goto remote image /imagelocalsource imagelocaldirectory (cluffnw2.jpg) mergestr store % comes from local file 5.0 2.4 (|/to |9CLUFFNW2 \261|1|/tx The second historic rebuild created a huge water channel whose size suggests |/su |6Gradall|1|/gradeall class machinery and high construction energy inefficiency. Portions are unusually single walled. View is south at |/to N 32.82625 W 109.84596|/tx .) cl 13.3 4.3 % page translate ( data for jpegimageprocwithlink ) 1000 1097 % hpixels and vpixels 0.1 0.19 mul % photoscale imagelocalsource % local jpg source imageurl % image url on clickthru jpegimageprocwithlink addpagenav clickforkml startnewpage } pop % be sure to move above trailer to end! /lastpage true store % do not omit! addpagenav clickforkml startnewpage % EOF