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Most of these construction projects and "how to" tutorials were from the "Golden Age" of hobby electronics and mostly appeared in various issues of Electronics World, Popular Electronics, Modern Electronics, Electronics, Radio Electronics and Electronics Now.

Plus a wild assortment of many others, including links to our columns.. Additional support can be found at our home page located at or email or by calling (602) 428-4073 during sane hours.

Nearly all of these files are available as a pair of USB thumb drives as well.

Many also are found at American Radio History, along with those of many other authors found in their superb collection.

We also have a presence on Research Gate and possibly on Academia and on Wesrch.

Sourcecode for many of our files is available on a Creative Commons basis.

For SHTML, right mousing on view page source should work. For our Acrobat .PDF files, see if there is a companion file in the same directory with a .psl trailer. These use our Gonzo Utilities and this tutorial.

Gonzo can be edited as an ordinary textfile and can be sent to Acrobat Distiller by using the magic and secret Windows command line incantation of //acrodist /F.

Our  Columns & Such
Blatant Opportunist Case against patents
Blogs by Year Cubic splines
Gonzo Tutorial Energy fundamentals
GuruGrams Flutterwumpers
Hanging Canals Gila Dayhikes
Hardware Hacker Gram Tram
PostScript Secrets Hydrogen Stupidity
PS beginner stuff Magic Sinewaves
PS show and tell PostScript
Resource Bin PseudoScience
Tech Musings Tech Innovation
PS Video HC Video

Popular  Electronics
Meter Face 2/65 LDR ColorOrg 3/65
Electronic Tools 3/65 Dymwatt 5/66
Lil Dusker 9/65 Parts Profiles 1 19/65
Parts Profiles 2 10/65 Parts Profiles 3 11/65
Hi Fi Gogo 1/66 Parts Profiles 4 2/66
Parts Profiles 5/5/66 Musette clr org 7/66
What are ics? 10/66 IC amplifier 10/66
Square deal 11/66 Binary counter 12/66
Logic demon 12/66 Metal locater 1/67
Amligner 2/67 Supertrol 3/67
Electronic dice 9/67 Lil Richie 9/67
IC freq meter 10/67 Prof pow sup 11/67
Trans tester 12/67 Linear ic aps 12/67
IC testone 1/68.pdf Cheap dec cnt 2/68
Elec stopwatch 3/68 Pitch reference 9/68
Sports timer 10/68
Dig voltmeter 12/68
Freq count 3 4/69 Psychedelia clo 9/69
Two tone alarm 2/70 Nobounce pb 3/70
Digital microlab 4/70 Std 100 kHz 4/70
Shift register 5/70 Signal injector 6/70
Mini dvm 9/70 Psychtone 2/71
Digi viewer 3/71 Intro el music 10/73
El music com 11/73 Pitch gens 2/74
Pitch standards 1/74 Simp keyboard  4/74
Cmos microlab 6/74 Em keyboards 7/74
Select syn 10/74 Mus key vca1 2/75
Timbre & voice 6/75 Synth mus insts 8/75
Envelope gens 1/76 Music modules 6/76
April hob scene 4/76 Und active filt 12/76
Six cmos ckts 4/77 April hob scene 4/77
Tvt6 vid dis1+2 7/7 Hex ascii con 10/77

Electronics World
Color Org1 4/63 Cap nomo 4/63
Color organ2 1/64 Four layer 10/64
New scr dev 12/64 Chirp radar 1/65
Mult elec con 1/65 Hs design 1/65
Ss_dim_5+6_65 Ldim ptcon 7/65
Semi swp tv  06/65 IC's whats avail 11/6
Optical link 9/65 Nanosec pulses 2/66
Swtchmode amp 2/66 Gate CS timer 5/66
Use low cost ics 3/66 Insul gate trns 7/66
Varactor diodes 6/66 Linear ics 11/6
Swtchmode pow 9/66 Op amp circuits 8/67
Metal locats 12/66 Con Curr Diod 10 67
Audio ics 10/67 Ext resonance 11/67
Diff amp 2/68 Plast power_2_68
Decimal count 9/68 Thermolumines 3/69
Archaeomag 9/69 Add sub count 6/70
Predeterm ctr 5/70 ---

Radio  Electronics
Dotnbar gen 7/67 Meter dec coun 12/68
Nine dig insts 12/68 IC logic circs 5/69
Tic tac tronix 12/71 Dual clock gen 2/72
Binary demo 2/72 Liq crystal disp 2/72.
Darktimer stops 4/72 Logic demo 5/7
Superclock 7/72.pdf Funct gen 9+ 10/72
Grinchwal 11/72etc. Low cost keybd 2/73
Ascii encoder 4/73 Experiment wwvb 8/73
TV typewriter 9+/7 Active filters 11/73
Cmos whygood 12/73 Reg power sup 12/73
Elec music ics 2/74 What is rom 2/74
Improved_encdr 2/74 Active bp filters 5/74>
Mos char gens 6/74 Calculator ics 7/74
Time on tv 9/74 Rand acc mem 9/74
Mos shift regs 12/74 Pseudorand ckts 4/75
Inside opamps 7/75 Dig sinewaves 11/76

Byte  Magazine
Bit Boffer PC Mem Card
Serial Interface ROM Technology
TV Interface TV Color Graphics
PostScript Secrets ---

Win Micro Game Low Case Apple #1
Low Case Apple #2 Clocked Logic I
Clocked Logic II Clocked Logic III
TVT for KIM1 TVT Hardware #1
H8 Cheap Video Inverted Dec Code
New Winning ---

Circuit  Cellar
Nonlinear Graphics SL Magic Sinewaves
Magic Sine Quest Vector Step Convert
PS Flutterwumpers ---

PC  Techniques
PS Startup Secrets PS Speedup Secrets

Popular  Science
Dual Photoflood Dimmer

Boy, "they" totally trashed this one! It was supposed to be an innovative dual photoflood dimmer for photographers. Cool and balanced for composition and for very long bulb life, and only briefly full during exposure. Lack of feedback made this more or less useless for power tool control.

Whole  Earth  Review
The Case Against Patents
Stupendous Stuff Resources

For Low Cost, Count on RTL

My For Low Cost, Count on RTL paper was from the January 22, 1968 issue of Electronics magazine, pages 74-76.

All hell broke loose on this, ending up with me being permanently banned from Electronics. Seems that the photographer who did the Popular Electronics Feb 68 cover chose nearly the same layout as the photographer who did the lead photo in the Electronics story.. Leaving a strong odor of "stole the plans".

Or at least "borrow the blueprints". Neither of which was me or had much input from me. You can find the PE cover here.

Which raises the question whether hell is exothermic or endothermic. If endothermic, eventually hell freezes over. If exothermic, eventually all hell breaks loose.

Hardware  Hacker  I
upg aII mon abs rst upd hhack_1_85
hhack_2_85 hhack_3_85hhack_4_85
hhack_4_85 hhack_5_85 hhack_6_85
hhack_7_85 hack_8_85hack_9_85
hhack_10_85 hhack_11_85 hhack_1_86
hhack_2_86 hhack_3_86hhack_4_86
hhack_5_86 hhack_6_86hhack_7_86
hhack_8_86 hhack_9_86 hhack_10_86
hhack_11_86 hhack_1_87 hhack_2_87
hhack_3_87 hhack_4_87hhack_5_87
hhack_6_87 hhack_7_87hhack_8_87

My Hardware Hacker I column series started in Modern Electronics and moved to a Hardware Hacker II series in Radio Electronics. Later, the series continued as Tech Musings in the merged Electronics Now.

Long ago and far away, the term "hacking" meant "pushing the limits of technical excellence." Preferably by using elegant simplicity to leave all the supposed experts shaking their heads in stunned disbelief.

Sadly, those media epsilon minuses and several law enforcement officials stupidly trashed and subverted a once proud name. Because I got tired of calls from felon wannabes and all those men in black camped on my doorstop, I changed the column name way on back in 1995.

Hardware  Hacker  II
hack87.pdf hack86.pdf hack83.pdf
hack82.pdf hack77.pdf hack68.pdf
hack66.pdf hack65.pdf hack64.pdf
hack63.pdf hack62.pdf hack61.pdf
hack60.pdf hack59.pdf hack43.pdf
HII Archive 1 HII Archive 2 HII Archive 3
HII Archive 4 --- ---

This is the early Radio Electronics sequence. Only some of the columns are presently available individually as shown. The rest can be found in the archives as originally B/W coded.

Tech  Musings
Muse 153 Muse 152 Muse 151 Muse 150
Muse 149 Muse 148 Muse 147 Muse 146
Muse 145 Muse 144 Muse 143 Muse 142
Muse 141 Muse 140 Muse 139 Muse 138
Muse 137 Muse 136 Muse 135 Muse 134
Muse 133 Muse 132 Muse 131 Muse 130
Muse 129 Muse 128 Muse 127 Muse 126
Muse 125 Muse 124 Muse 123 Muse 122
Muse 121 Muse 120 Muse 119 Muse 118
Muse 117 Muse 116 Muse 115 Muse 114
Muse 113 Muse 112 Muse 111 Muse 110
Muse 109 Muse 108 Muse 107 Muse 106
Muse 105 Muse 104 Muse 103 Muse 102
Muse 101 Muse 100 Muse 99 Muse 98
Muse 97 Muse 96 Muse 95 Muse 94
Muse 93 Muse 92 Muse 91 Muse 90
Muse 89 Muse 88 --- ---

These were the Electronics Now continuations of the original Hardware Hacker series. All these columns were done fully camera ready by using AppleWriter and PostScript on an Apple IIe with my Gonzo Utilities!

More info on column contents appears here

Nuts  &  Volts
Resbn 92 Resbn 91 Resbn 90 Resbn 89
Resbn 88 Resbn 87 Resbn 86 Resbn 85
Resbn 84 Resbn 83 Resbn 82 Resbn 81
Resbn 80 Resbn 79 Resbn 78 Resbn 77
Resbn 76 Resbn 75 Resbn 74 Resbn 73
Resbn 72 Resbn 71 Resbn 70 Resbn 69
Resbn 68 Resbn 67 Resbn 66 Resbn 65
Resbn 64 Resbn 63 Resbn 62 Resbn 61
Resbn 60 Resbn 59 Resbn 58 Resbn 57
Resbn 56 Resbn 55 Resbn 54 Resbn 53
Resbn 52 Resbn 51 Resbn 50 Resbn 49
Resbn 48 Resbn 47 Resbn 46 Resbn 45
Resbn 44 Resbn 43 Resbn 42 Resbn 41
Resbn 40 Resbn 39 Resbn 38 Resbn 37
Resbn 36 Resbn 35 Resbn 34 Resbn 33
Resbn 32 Resbn 31 Resbn 30 Resbn 29
Resbn 28 Resbn 27 Resbn 26 Resbn 25
Resbn 24 Resbn 23 Resbn 22 Resbn 21
Resbn 20 Resbn 19 Resbn 18 Resbn 17
Resbn 16 Resbn 15 Resbn 14 Resbn 13
Resbn 12 Resbn 11 Resbn 10 Resbn 09
Resbn 08 Resbn 07 Resbn 06 Resbn 05
Resbn 04 Resbn 03 Resbn 02 Resbn 01
Archive 1 Archive 2 --- ---

These were my Resource Bin columns on "where to go to get stuff". More info on column contents appears here.

Some of the columns have been redirected to their earlier archives as shown above.

Computer  Shopper
Ask the Guru Archive I
Ask the Guru Archive II
Ask the Guru Archive III
Apple IIGS Product Review
PostScript Insider Secrets

Computer Shopper columns included both Ask the Guru ( more info here ) and PostScript Secrets ( more info here ). These are provided here as full original archives rather than as individual columns.

Midnight  Engineering
blat #73 blat#72 blat #71 blat #70
blat #69 blat #68 blat #67 blat #66
blat #65 blat#64 blat #63 blat #62
blat #61 blat #60 blat #59 blat #58
blat #57 blat #56 blat #55 blat #54
blat #53 blat #52 blat #51 blat #50
blat #49 blat #48 blat #47 blat #46
blat #45 blat #44 blat #43 blat #42
blat #41 blat #40 blat #39 blat #38
blat #37 blat #36 blat #35 blat #34
blat #33 blat #32 blat #31 blat #30
blat #29 blat #28 blat #27 blat #26
blat #25 blat #24 blat #23 blat #22
blat #21 blat #20 blat #19 blat #18
blat #17 blat #16 blat #15 blat #14
blat #13 blat #12 blat #11 blat #10
blat #09 blat #08 blat #07 blat #06
blat #05 blat #04 blat #03 blat #02
blat #01 Arch 1-5 --- ---

Midnight Engineering was the original home of our Blatant Opportunist columns. More info on column contents appears here.

Sourcecode is sometimes available by using a .psl trailer. Otherwise, many of these are good candidates for our Director's Cut techniques.

Guru Grams
--- --- --- ggram 124
ggram 123 ggram 122 ggram 121 ggram 120
ggram 119 ggram 118 ggram 117 ggram 116
ggram 115 ggram 114 ggram 113 ggram 112
ggram 111 ggram 110 ggram 109 ggram 108
ggram 107 ggram 106 ggram 105 ggram 104
ggram 103 ggram 102 ggram 101 ggram 100
ggram #99 ggram #98 ggram #97 ggram #96
ggram #95 ggram #94 ggram #93 ggram #92
ggram #91 ggram #90 ggram #89 ggram #8
ggram #87 ggram #86 ggram #85 ggram #84
ggram #83 ggram #82 ggram #81 ggram #80
ggram #79 ggram #78 ggram #77 ggram #76
ggram #75 ggram #74 ggram #73 ggram #72
ggram #71 ggram #70 ggram #69 ggram #68
ggram #67 ggram #66 ggram #65 ggram #64
ggram #63 ggram #62 ggram #61 ggram #60
ggram #59 ggram #58 ggram #57 ggram #56
ggram #55 ggram #54 ggram #53 ggram #52
ggram #51 ggram #50 ggram #49 ggram #48
ggram #47 ggram #46 ggram #45 ggram #44
ggram #43 ggram #42 ggram #41 ggram #40
ggram #39 ggram #38 ggram #37 ggram #36
ggram #35 ggram #34 ggram #33 ggram #32
ggram #31 ggram #70 ggram #29 ggram #28
ggram #27 ggram #26 ggram #25 ggram #24
ggram #23 ggram #22 ggram #21 ggram #20
ggram #19 ggram #18 ggram #17 ggram #16
ggram #15 ggram #14 ggram #13 ggram #12
ggram #11 ggram #10 ggram #09 ggram #08
ggram #07 ggram #06 ggram #05 ggram #04
ggram #03 ggram #02 ggram #01 ---

The GuruGrams were the earliest of "all web" and "magazine free" of our tech columns. More info on actual column contents appears here.

Software is often available via a .psl file trailer.

Director's  Cuts
AACB1 "Level II" Rework
Applewriter Cookbook and sourcecode
Fasterized Fractal Fern and sourcecode
MLPCI "Level II" Rework and sourcecode
Archaeomag, Paloeonag and sourcecode
Poison Ivy in a Spray Can and sourcecode
SigForth Intro to PostScript and sourcecode
Superclock Rework
TVT Image Rework
Tearing Method and sourcecode
Thermoluminescence and sourcecode
Winning the Micro Game and sourcecode

Director's Cuts are my method of restoring Linotype era books and stories to beyond their formal glory. Major benefits include very compact file sizes, "perfect" typography and backgrounds, color addons, full URL linkings, removal of all hyphens, paragraph ledding, voice, phone responsiveness, and more. But it is time intensive and has a steep learning curve. More details here.

BOD  Archives
Ask the Guru I Ask the Guru II
Ask the Guru III Blatant Opportunist
Blogs - Start Here Hardware Hacker I
Hardware Hacker II Hardware Hacker III
Hardware Hacker IV Patents Archive
Resource Bin I Resource Bin II

We once tried publishing collected BOD archives on various topics. These are dated, and BOD itself has largely failed. First because, the web is now overwhelmingly superior than printed text.

And secondly, because nobody, but nobody, ever properly addressed the need for economically priced home publishing shearing, jogging, and binding system solutions. Magic Lamp.

      Uh, that's all folks. To continue, please...

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The Math Behind Bezier Cubic Splines
The worst of Marcia Swampfelder
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