%!PS % Enhancing your eBay Skills volume VII % ============================================== % by Don Lancaster GG #96 ENHEBAY7.PSL /ggnum 96 store % Copyright c 2008 by Don Lancaster & Synergetics, Box 809, Thatcher, AZ, 85552 % (928) 428-4073 Email: don@tinaja.com Website: http://www.tinaja.com % Consulting services available http://www.tinaja.com/info01.html % Linking welcome. Reposting expressly forbidden. % All commercial rights and all electronic media rights ~fully~ reserved. % Linking usually welcome. Reposting expressly forbidden. Version 1.1 % IMPORTANT NOTE: Don Lancaster's file gonzo.ps is required for this program. % After obvious location mods, uncomment ONE of the following two lines: (C:\\Documents and Settings\\don\\Desktop\\gonzo\\gonzo.ps) run % use internal gonzo % (A:\\gonzo.ps) run % use external gonzo % NOTE THAT ALL PS FILENAME STRINGS !!!DEMAND!!! DOUBLE REVERSE SLASHES. % GONZO20A Guru Gonzo PostScript power tools (Interim release) % Includes gonzo justification and layout utilities. % Copyright c 1990, 1996, 2001 by Don Lancaster and Synergetics, Box 809, % Thatcher Arizona, 5552 (928) 428-4073 don@tinaja.com support % via http://www.tinaja.com All commercial rights and all electronic % media rights **FULLY** reserved. Reposting is expressly forbidden. % Many routines removed and cleaned at #58 %%%%%%%%%%% links menu directory %%%%%%%%%%%% % This code locks pdfmark commands out of a PostScript printer. /pdfmark where {pop}{userdict /pdfmark /cleartomark load put} ifelse % /surl "start url" marks the beginning of a text sequence to be urled. % It also paints the text blue... /surl {mark /blue cvx 0.33 /setgray cvx % change text to blue /currentpoint cvx % remember box start /urly /exch cvx /store cvx /urlx /exch cvx /store cvx ] cvx % complete deferred command printlist exch 3 index exch put % stuff into gonzo printlist exch 1 add exch % increment gonzo list count } def % /eurl "end url" unmarks the end of a text sequence and sets up % the pdfmark needed to define the Acrobat web link. /eurl {mark % start deferred proc exch % position url string % /black cvx 0 /setgray cvx % turn blue marker off % maintextcolor /setrgbcolor cvx % reset to main text color??? /aqua cvx /black cvx /makeurl cvx % defer call of url builder ] cvx % complete deferred proc printlist exch 3 index exch % stuff into gonzo printlist put exch 1 add exch % increment gonzo list count } def % /makeurl generates the pdfmark, receiving a {(urlstring) makeurl}. % Note that it is not called until formatted printlist time... /urlover 0.2 def % fraction of hot area over bounds /makeurl { /cururlname exch store % save the url string mark % start pdfmark currentfont /ScaleMatrix get 3 get /fsize exch store % guess height /Rect [ urlx fsize urlover mul sub % set box left x urly fsize urlover mul sub % set box left y currentpoint exch fsize urlover mul add exch fsize add ] /Border [ 0 0 0] % [0 0 0 ] = none; [0 0 2] = debug /Color [ .7 0 0 ] /Action <> /Subtype /Link /ANN % annotation type pdfmark % call pdf operators } def % /makeurlx generates the box specific pdfmark, receiving % a {(urlstring) makeurl}. % Note that it is not called until formatted printlist time... /makeurlx { /cururlnamex exch store % save the url string mark % start pdfmark /Rect [ xpos % set box left x ypos 0.9 sub % set box left y xpos 2.8 add % box right x ypos 0.9 sub 2.8 add % box right y ] /Border [ 0 0 0] % [0 0 0 ] = none; [0 0 2] = debug /Color [ .7 0 0 ] /Action <> /Subtype /Link /ANN % annotation type pdfmark % call pdf operators } def /maintextcolor {0 0 0 } def % text link specific data -- use dictionary instead below { /cubic01 {(http://www.tinaja.com/cubic01.asp) eurl} def /hack62 {(http://www.tinaja.com/glib/hack62.pdf) eurl} def /increment {(http://www.tinaja.com/text/bezgen3.html) eurl} def /interpolate {(http://members.bellatlantic.net/~vze2vrva/design.html) eurl } def /bezmath {(http://www.tinaja.com/text/bezmath.html) eurl } def /table {(http://www.tinaja.com/psutils/imtable.psl) eurl } def } pop % zzz keep for search marker % dictionary method << % entered during gg96 do not reuse this directory except for enhance /directory1 (http://www.jobbankusa.com/jobs/arizona_az/job_employment_largest_employers.html) /directory2 (http://www.tucson.com/abouttucson/star200/index.php?year=2007&sorting=rank&mode=search) /directory3 (http://www.azcentral.com/business/rep100/index2006.php) /reversephone (http://www.reversephonedirectory.com/) /googlesat (http://maps.google.com/) /usnpl (http://www.usnpl.com/) /postproc.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/postproc.pdf) /noci (http://pages.ebay.com/help/community/NOCI1.pdf) /firstsale (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First-sale_doctrine) /bonette (http://www.bonnetteauctions.com/) /raytheon (http://rtscweb.raytheon.com/surplussales/index.html) /wsm (http://www.wsmauctioneers.com/) /starman (http://www.starmanauctions.com/) /uofaauctions (https://uaauctions.arizona.edu/) /pubsurp (http://www.publicsurplus.com/) /auctionandappraise (http://www.auctionandappraise.com/) /sba (http://www.sba.gov/aboutsba/sbaprograms/gc/index.html) % entered during gg78 /enhebay6.psl (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/enhebay6.psl) /enhebay6.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/enhebay6.pdf) /slashdot (http://www.slashdot.org) /blackrangelodge (http://www.blackrangelodge.com/) /kijiji (http://www.phoenix.kijiji.com) /aznews (http://www.usnpl.com/aznews.html) /azschools (http://www.ade.state.az.us/schools/schools/districts.asp) /azcounties (http://www.az.gov/webapp/portal/displaycontent.jsp?name=county) /aztowns( http://www.azleague.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=about.cities) /natuniv (http://www.utexas.edu/world/univ/state/) /natcc (http://www.50states.com/college/arizona.htm) /barbiecollect (http://www.barbiecollector.com/shop/dept.aspx?deptid=2&shelfid=02&view=all) /googlebarbie (http://www.google.com/search?q=barbie+doll&sourceid=mozilla-search&start=0&start=0&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official) /wikibarbie (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbie) /countyourassests (http://www.soldyourway.com/) /christies (http://www.christies.com/home_page/home_page.asp) /sothebys (http://www.sothebys.com) /franklinmint (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin_Mint) /klausbarbie (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klaus_Barbie) /enhebay5.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/enhebay5.pdf) /whtnu06 (http://www.tinaja.com/whtnu07.asp) /whtnu07 (http://www.tinaja.com/whtnu07.asp) /whtnu08 (http://www.tinaja.com/whtnu08.asp) % entered during gg77 /fastmsol.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/fastmsol.pdf) % entered during gg76 /ieeefp (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_754) /ps8dprpt.psl (http://www.tinaja.com/psutils/ps8dprpt.psl) % entered during gg75 /pstrans2.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/pstrans2.pdf) /ghostscript (http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/doc/AFPL/index.htm) /PLRM (http://www.adobe.com/products/postscript/pdfs/PLRM.pdf) /pdfref (http://www.adobe.com/devnet/pdf/pdf_reference.html) % entered during gg 74 /ebaymktsearch (http://pages.ebay.com/marketplace%5Fresearch/) /ebaystat.psl (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/ebaystat.psl) /ebayadvsearch (http://search.ebay.com/ws/search/AdvSearch?sofindtype=13&_trksid=m37) /ebaystatservice (http://www.medved.net/cgi-bin/cal.exe?EIND) % entered during gg 73 /bridge701.psl (http://www.tinaja.com/magsn_5/bridge701.psl) /bridge701.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/magsn_5/bridge701.pdf) /demo28a (http://www.tinaja.com/demo28a.asp) /gaussjordan (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gauss-Jordan_elimination) /sinseries (http://www.ucl.ac.uk/Mathematics/geomath/level2/series/ser11.html) /newtonmethod (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newton's_method) /trigidentity (http://www.sosmath.com/trig/Trig5/trig5/trig5.html) /demo28a.asp (http://www.tinaja.com/demo28a.asp) % entered during gg 71 /detmssol.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/detmssol.pdf) /detmssol.psl (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/detmssol.psl) /alvinpile (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/enhebay2.pdf) % duplicate name /dilbert (http://www.dilbert.com) /putty (http://www.putty.nl) /legible1.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/legible1.pdf) /muse144.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/muse144.pdf) /webcolr.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/psutils/webcolor.pdf) /ifilter (http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/detail.jsp?ftpID=2611) /drmsbiz1 (http://reform.house.gov/UploadedFiles/MG%20Williams%20July%2025%20Testimony.pdf) /drmsbiz2 (http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d05277.pdf) /drmsclosed (http://www.drms.dla.mil/A76/transitionsitelistrevised.pdf) /drmsmap (http://www.drms.dla.mil/meo/routemap.htm) /drms (http://www.drms.dla.mil/) /enhebay4.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/enhebay4.pdf) % entered during gg 70 /insidegame (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN%3D1585006246/donlancastersgurA/002-8267096-8078436) /auctionbytes (http://www.auctionbytes.com) /texasauctionlaw (Texas auction law: http://www.license.state.tx.us/auc/auction.htm) /shermananti (http://www.gamingip.com/Statutes/ShermanAct/ST-Sherman1-4.html) /mainantique (http://www.antiquedigest.com/articles/auclaw.htm) /finex1 (http://www.tinaja.com/images/bargs/pwrssrx3.jpg) /knockback.psl (http://www.tinaja.com/psutils/knockback.psl) /krylondull (http://www.krylon.com/main/product_template.cfm?levelid=5&sub_levelid=8&productid=1822&content=product_details) /adeptaabb (http://www.tinaja.com/images/bargs/araabbb.jpg) /bonnette (http://www.bonnetteauctions.com/) /walmartauctionsignup (mailto://Joan.Ramsey@Wal-Mart.com) /walmartauction (http://walmartstores.com/GlobalWMStoresWeb/navigate.do?catg=504&contId=49) /ucc (http://www.law.cornell.edu/ucc/) /whtnu06 (http://www.tinaja.com/whtnu06.asp) % entered during gg69 /wikicat (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catenary) /bezcat.psl (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/bezcat.psl) /nubz4pts1.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/nubz4pts1.pdf) % entered during gg68 /nobodydog (http://www.unc.edu/depts/jomc/academics/dri/idog.html) /kaizen (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaizen) /circuitcellar (http://www.circuitcellar.com/guru/) /makemag (http://www.makezine.com/) /adamsadventures (http://www.msadams.com/downloads.htm) /linux (http://www.linux.org/) /opensource (http://www.opensource.org/) /craigslist (http://phoenix.craigslist.org/) /autotrader (http://www.autotrader.com/) /lulu (http://www.lulu.com/) /bookmarket (http://www.bookmarket.com/ondemand.html) /burgerking (http://www.bk.com) /newtek (http://www.newtek.com) /memsnet (http://www.memsnet.org/) /muse120.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/muse120.pdf) /supercap (http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/313/5794/1760?maxtoshow=&HITS=10&hits=10&RESULTFORMAT=&fulltext=carbon+pore+sizes&searchid=1&FIRSTINDEX=0&resourcetype=HWCIT) /quantumdots (http://www.google.com/search?q=%22quantum+dots%22+solar&sourceid=mozilla-search&start=0&start=0&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official) /datasheetarchive (http://www.datasheetarchive.com/chipPhotos/photosA.html) /googleearth (http://www.earth.google.com) /toystory (http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0114709/) /robotmovie (http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0358082/) /cars (http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0317219/) /netflix (http://www.netflix.com/) /blockbuster (http://www.blockbuster.com/online/) % entered during gg67 /puzz01.psl (http://www.tinaja.com/psutils/puzz01.psl) /alphamet1 ( http://www.tkcs-collins.com/truman/alphamet/alphamet.shtml) /alphamet2 (http://www.tkcs-collins.com/truman/alphamet/alpha_gen.shtml) /alphamet3 (http://users.aol.com/s6sj7gt/mikealp.htm) /msinexec.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/msinexec.pdf) /paradigm.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/paradigm.pdf) % entered during gg66 /thunderbird (http://www.thunderbird.com) /spysweeper (http://www.webroot.com/consumer/products/spysweeper/?rc=1651) /norton (http://www.symantec.com/index.htm) /pestpatrol (http://www.pestpatrol.com/) /firefox (http://www.firefox.com) /sciencemag (http://www.sciencemag.org/) /worldfact (http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/) /internetdog (http://www.unc.edu/depts/jomc/academics/dri/idog.html) /zipcode (http://www.usps.com/ncsc/lookups/lookup_zip+4.html) /weather (http://www.weather.com/) /thomasreg (http://www.thomasregister.com/) /topozone (http://www.topozone.com/) /yahoostock (http://finance.yahoo.com/) /reversephone (http://www.reversephonedirectory.com/) /uspto (http://www.uspto.gov/patft/index.html) /msnbc (http://www.msnbc.com/) /imdb (http://us.imdb.com/) /loanamort (http://www.hsh.com/calc-amort.html) /kellybook (http://www.kbb.com/) /googlemaps (http://maps.google.com/) /newyorker (http://www.newyorker.com/) /currexch (http://www.xe.net/ucc/) /chemele (http://www.chemicalelements.com) /cnn (http://www.cnn.com) /areacodes (http://decoder.americom.com/cgi-bin/decoder.cgi) /tinajaoffsite (http://www.tinaja.com#offsite) /tinajaengines (http://www.tinja.com#engines) /walmart (http://www.walmart.com) /rssbook (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN%3D0764588486/donlancastersgurA/002-5434897-4181636) /webwb01 (http://www.tinaja.com/webwb01.asp) /weblib01 (http://www.tinaja.com/weblib01.asp) /validator (http://rss.scripting.com/) /webbooks (http://www.tinaja.com/books/bkwbmast.asp) /golive (http://www.adobe.com/products/golive/) /frontpage (http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/FX010858021033.aspx) /htmlbooks (http://www.tinaja.com/books/bkhtml.asp) /htmldummybook (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=0764507230/donlancastersgurA/) /naa (http://www.auctioneers.org) /histolog.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/histolog.pdf) /analogeb.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/analogeb.pdf) /enhebay3.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/enhebay3.pdf) /ipswitch (http://www.ipswitch.com/Products/WS_FTP) /networksolutions (http://www.networksolutions.com) /whois (http://www.networksolutions.com/cgi-bin/whois/whois) % entered furing gg65 msexec summary /picpro (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/mspicpro.pdf) /fourier (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/muse90.pdf) % entered during GG64 log log graphs /pdfrm1 (http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/en/acrobat/sdk/pdf/pdf_creation_apis_and_specs/pdfmarkReference.pdf) /loglog01.psl (http://www.tinaja.com/psutils/loglog01.psl) /loglog01.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glair/loglog01.pdf) /bookcvr1.psl (http://www.tinaja.com/psutils/bookcvr1.psl) /bookcvr1.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glair/bookcvr1.pdf) % entered during gg 63 two phase magic sinewaves /numschip.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/numschip.pdf) /mspicpro.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/mspicpro.pdf) % entered during gg 62 enhance III /analogeb.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/analogeb.pdf) /rss (http://www.tinaja.com/whtnu.xml) /oreproptable (http://www.tinaja.com/whtnu05.asp#rogue3) /javascriptslideshow (http://www.codelifter.com/main/javascript/slideshow4.html) /logrptx2.psl (http://www.tinaja.com/psutils/logrptx2.psl) % entered during GG61 /jpg2pdf.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/jpg2pdf.pdf) /barcodeonline (http://www.raise-the-bar.co.uk/cgi-bin/webbarcodegen.pl) /barcodegen (http://www.terryburton.co.uk/barcodewriter/) /barcodetutorial (http://www.barcode-us.com/info_center/bookinfo.htm) /isbn (http://www.isbn.org/standards/home/index.asp) /bookcovr.psl (http://www.tinaja.com/psutils/bookcovr.psl) /bookcovr.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/psutils/bookcovr.pdf) /begstuff (http://www.tinaja.com/post01.asp#begstuff) /ghostscript (http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/) /bod01 (http://www.tinaja.com/bod01.asp) % entered during GG 60 /bezlenjf.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/bezlenjf.pdf) /bzlnsub1.psl (http://www.tinaja.com/psutils/bzlnsub1.psl) /cubemath.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/cubemath.pdf) % entered during GG 59 /imbz4p01.psl (http://www.tinaja.com/psutils/imbz4p01.psl) /cubemath.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/cubemath.pdf) /bernstein (http://graphics.idav.ucdavis.edu/education/CAGDNotes/Bernstein-Polynomials.pdf) /ellipse4.psl (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/ellipse4.psl) /wnhsl (http://www.tinaja.com/whatnu05.asp#hsl) /stalac.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/stalac.pdf) /santa01 (http://www.tinaja.com/santa01.asp) /imxytab.psl (http://www.tinaja.com/psutils/imxytab.psl) /nonlingr.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/nonlingr.pdf) /unibmm01.psl (http://www.tinaja.com/psutils/unibm01.psl) /webimage.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/webimage.pdf) /keycor01.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/keycor01.pdf) /nubkg01.psl (http://www.tinaja.com/psutils/nubkg01.psl) /basis.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/basis.pdf) /fixtlt01.psl (http://www.tinaja.com/psutils/fixtlt01.psl) /swingt01.psl (http://www.tinaja.com/psutils/swingt01.psl) /perspec1.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/perspec1.pdf) /starwars.psl (http://www.tinaja.com/psutils/starwars.psl) /video901.jpg (http://www.tinaja.com/images/bargs/finalc9.jpg) /video901.bmp (http://www.tinaja.com/images/bargs/finalc9.bmp) /autobmf1.psl (http://www.tinaja.com/psutils/autobmf1.psl) /bmfauto1.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/bmfauto1.pdf) /autobm1.psl (http://www.tinaja.com/psutils/autobmf1.psl) /bmdemo1.bmp (http://www.tinaja.com/psutils/bmdemo1.bmp) /adobeifilter (http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/product.jsp?product=1&platform=Windows) /myriadfont (http://store.adobe.com/type/browser/P/P_1706.html) /stonefont (http://store.adobe.com/type/browser/F/STAQ/F_STAQ-11705000.html) /cleartype (http://grc.com/cleartype.htm) /adobeacrobat (http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/main.html) /acroread (http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html) /dutchdare (http://www.darenet.nl/page/language.view/home) /sedn (news:///sci.electronics.design) /sern (news:///sci.electronics.repair) /mcmaster (http://www.mcmaster.com/ ) /smallparts (http://www.smallparts.com/ ) /grainger (http://www.grainger.com/Grainger/ ) /mouser (http://www.mouser.com/ ) /digikey (http://www.digikey.com/ ) /allied (http://www.alliedelec.com/ ) /newark (http://www.newark.com/) /thomasreg (http://www.thomasregister.com/) /whtnu05 (http://www.tinaja.com/whtnu05.asp) /refurblg.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/refurblg.pdf) /refurb.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/refurb.pdf) /advetorl.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/advetorl.pdf) /sotofamilia (http://cgi6.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?MfcISAPICommand=ViewListedItems&userid=sotofamilia&include=0&since=7&sort=3&rows=100) /marcia.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/marcia.pdf) /auctscne.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/auctscne.pdf) /ebaysell.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/ebaysell.pdf) /ebayspoof (mailto:spoof@ebay.com) /auct01links (http://www.tinaja.com/auct01.asp#links) /enhebay2.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/enhebay2.pdf) /enhebay1.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/enhebay1.pdf) /pdfflash.pdf(http://www.tinaja.com/glib/pdfflash.pdf) /adobejava (http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/pdf/topic_js.html) /p3anim01.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/p3anim01.pdf) /xpdf (http://www.foolabs.com/xpdf/) /heapsort.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/heapsort.pdf) /strconv.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/strconv.pdf) /pdfrefman (http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/pdf/index_reference.html) /uncompresspdf.api (http://www.tinaja.com/plugins/uncompressPDF.api) /adobeebooks 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(http://partners.adobe.com/asn/developer/pdfs/tn/PLRM.pdf) /s3011 (http://partners.adobe.com/asn/developer/pdfs/tn/PS3010and3011.Supplement.pdf) /s2011 (http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/obsolete/info/adobe/devtechnotes/pdffiles/ps2011.supplement.pdf) /s2012 (http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/obsolete/info/adobe/devtechnotes/pdffiles/ps2012.supplement.pdf) /s2013 (http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/obsolete/info/adobe/devtechnotes/pdffiles/ps2013.supplement.pdf) /s2014 (http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/obsolete/info/adobe/devtechnotes/pdffiles/ps2014.supplement.pdf) /s2015 (http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/obsolete/info/adobe/devtechnotes/pdffiles/ps2015.supplement.pdf) /s2016 (http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/obsolete/info/adobe/devtechnotes/pdffiles/ps2016.supplement.pdf) /ghost (http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/) /distlang (http://www.tinaja.com/psutils/distlang.html) /adobepst (http://partners.adobe.com/asn/developer/technotes/) /maildon (mailto:don@tinaja.com) /tinaja (http://www.tinaja.com) /adobe (http://www.adobe.com) /adobesdk (http://partners.adobe.com/asn/developer/acrosdk/main.html) /pstrans (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/pstrans.pdf) /borland (http://www.borland.com/products/downloads/download_cbuilder.html) /ebay (http://cgi6.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewSellersOtherItems&userid=abeja&completed=0&sort=2&since=-1&include=0&page=1&rows=100) /searepl (http://www.tinaja.com/psutils/searepl.psl) /aasdk (http://www.tinaja.com/plugins/AboutAcrobatSDK.api) /uncomp (http://www.tinaja.com/plugins/UncompressPDF.api) /addimage (http://www.tinaja.com/plugins/AddImage.api) /samplejpg (http://www.tinaja.com/plugins/sample.jpg) /transparency (http://www.tinaja.com/plugins/Transparency.api) /threerects (http://www.tinaja.com/plugins/threerects.pdf) /watermark (http://www.tinaja.com/plugins/Watermark.api) /verifyurls (http://www.tinaja.com/plugins/VerifyURLS.api) /flate (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/flatvue.pdf) /pstrans (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/pstrans.pdf) /advt01 (http://www.tinaja.com/advt01.asp) /amlink01 (http://www.tinaja.com/amlink01.asp) /ng1 (news:///comp.text.pdf) /ng2 (news:///comp.lang.postscript) /msc++ (http://msdn.microsoft.com/visualc/productinfo/default.asp) /degub (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/degub.pdf) % dead /ghostscript (http://www.artifex.com/pressreleases/GS70.htm) /demox.psl (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/g9demox.psl) /demox.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/g9demox.pdf) /demo.pdf (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/g9demo.pdf) /flatvue (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/flatvue.psl) /pdfrefman (http://partners.adobe.com/asn/developer/acrosdk/docs.html) /psrefman (http://partners.adobe.com/asn/developer/technotes/postscript.html) /pdfmrm (http://partners.adobe.com/asn/developer/acrosdk/docs.html) /tipdf (http://partners.adobe.com/asn/developer/acrosdk/docs.html) /asdk (http://partners.adobe.com/asn/developer/acrosdk) /mtcr (http://support.adobe.com/devsup/devsup.nsf/docs/51864.htm) /flatvue1 (http://www.tinaja.com/psutils/flatvue1.psl) /acrob01 (http://www.tinaja.com/acrob01.asp) /post01 (http://www.tinaja.com/post01.asp) /info01 (http://www.tinaja.com/info01.asp) /gurgrm01 (http://www.tinaja.com/gurgrm01.asp) /energfun (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/energfun.pdf) { /tilley (http://www.tilleyfoundation.com) /mnglobal (http://www.mnglobal.com/energy/pg2.htm) /keely (http://www.keelynet.com) /evolve (http://www.evolvedtechnology.com) /hack64 (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/hack64.pdf) /hackar3 (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/hackar3.pdf) /resbn58 (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/resbn58.pdf) /bppt (http://www.batterypoweronline.com) /muse112 (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/muse112.pdf) /muse113 (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/muse113.pdf) /energfun (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/energfun.pdf) /bashpseu (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/bashpseu.pdf) /adobe (http://www.adobe.com) /netscape (http://www.netscape.com) /gallypsl (http://www.tinaja.com/galley1.psl) /gallypdf (http://www.tinaja.com/galley1.pdf) /atn5150 (http://partners.adobe.com/asn/developer/acrosdk/docs/createpdfapi/pdfmarkReference.pdf) /nutour (http://www.tinaja.com/bargains/nutour02.pdf) /nutoursource (http://www.tinaja.com/bargains/nutour02.psl) /bwhistle (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/bwhistle.pdf) /gonzo1 (http://www.tinaja.com/post01.asp#gonzo) /barg01 (http://www.tinaja.com/barg01.asp) /weblib01 (http://www.tinaja.com/weblib01.asp) /gurgrm01 (http://www.tinaja.com/gurgrm01.asp) /z1 (http://www.tinaja.com/bargains/thumb/albradz2.jpg) /z2 (http://www.tinaja.com/bargains/sbtesteq.asp) /z3 (http://www.tinaja.com/images/bargs/albrad02.jpg) /z4 (http://www.tinaja.com/bargains/thumb/tutenaz2.jpg) /z5 (http://www.tinaja.com/bargains/sbphone.asp) /z6 (http://www.tinaja.com/images/bargs/tutena02.jpg) /sourceme (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/gallery.psl) /sourceme2 (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/autourl.psl) } pop >> {mark exch /eurl cvx ] cvx def} forall %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% New colorizer patches %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /boxgrays 0.899 def /grayshade boxgrays def /mastergray boxgrays def /staytint {0.33 setgray} def /staytint1 {0.25 setgray} def /showadgrays true def /red {0 settint} def /Zmacro {staytint /ypos ypos 2 add def 72 300 div setlinewidth xpos ypos moveto txtwide 0 rlineto stroke /ypos ypos -2 add def tintoff} def % hair rule /amacro {(zy0) stringmacro /ypos ypos ypara add def 0.33 setgray } def % start drop cap /bmacro {(iFy1) stringmacro /ypos ypos ypara add def black} def % finish drop cap % Gonzo character colorizer /blueon {mark /blue cvx 0.33 /setgray cvx] cvx printlist exch 3 index exch put exch 1 add exch} def /blueoff {mark /beige cvx 0 /setgray cvx] cvx printlist exch 3 index exch put exch 1 add exch} def /tinton {mark 0.33 /setgray cvx] cvx printlist exch 3 index exch put exch 1 add exch} def /tinton1 {mark 0.25 /setgray cvx] cvx printlist exch 3 index exch put exch 1 add exch} def /tinton1b {mark beige cvx % try for aqua after url??? 0.25 /setgray cvx] cvx printlist exch 3 index exch put exch 1 add exch} def /tinton1a {mark /aqua cvx % try for aqua after url??? 0.25 /setgray cvx] cvx printlist exch 3 index exch put exch 1 add exch} def /tinton1p {mark /burple cvx % try for aqua after url??? 0.25 /setgray cvx] cvx printlist exch 3 index exch put exch 1 add exch} def /tinton1r {mark /red cvx % try for aqua after url??? 0.25 /setgray cvx] cvx printlist exch 3 index exch put exch 1 add exch} def /tinton1a {mark /aqua cvx % try for aqua after url??? 0.25 /setgray cvx] cvx printlist exch 3 index exch put exch 1 add exch} def /tinton1b {mark /beige cvx % try for beige after url??? 0.25 /setgray cvx] cvx printlist exch 3 index exch put exch 1 add exch} def /tintoff {mark 0 /setgray cvx] cvx printlist exch 3 index exch put exch 1 add exch} def %%%%%%%%%%%%%% COMPACT VERSION OF COLORIZER II %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /settint {dup /currenttint exch store 5.999 mul dup floor cvi /&cbar exch store dup floor sub /&cwt exch store [ {/setgray [ /dup cvx 0.3 &cwt 0.59 mul add /ge cvx [1 /exch cvx &cwt 0.59 mul 0.30 add /sub cvx 1 &cwt sub 0.59 mul 0.11 add /div cvx /dup cvx 1 &cwt sub /mul cvx &cwt /add cvx /exch cvx ] cvx [ &cwt 0.59 mul 0.3 add /div cvx /dup cvx &cwt /mul cvx 0] cvx /ifelse cvx /setrgbcolor cvx] cvx /def cvx} {/setgray [/dup cvx 0.59 1 &cwt sub 0.3 mul add /ge cvx [1 &cwt sub 0.3 mul 0.59 add /sub cvx &cwt 0.3 mul 0.11 add /div cvx /dup cvx &cwt /mul cvx 1 &cwt sub /add cvx /exch cvx 1 /exch cvx] cvx [1 &cwt sub 0.3 mul 0.59 add /div cvx /dup cvx 1 &cwt sub /mul cvx /exch cvx 0] cvx /ifelse cvx /setrgbcolor cvx] cvx /def cvx} {/setgray [/dup cvx 0.59 &cwt 0.11 mul add /ge cvx [&cwt 0.11 mul 0.59 add /sub cvx 1 &cwt sub 0.11 mul 0.30 add /div cvx /dup cvx 1 &cwt sub /mul cvx &cwt /add cvx 1 /exch cvx] cvx [0 /exch cvx &cwt 0.11 mul 0.59 add /div cvx /dup cvx &cwt /mul cvx] cvx /ifelse cvx /setrgbcolor cvx] cvx /def cvx} {/setgray [/dup cvx 0.59 1 &cwt sub mul 0.11 add /ge cvx [1 &cwt sub 0.59 mul 0.11 add /sub cvx &cwt 0.59 mul 0.30 add /div cvx /dup cvx &cwt /mul cvx 1 &cwt sub /add cvx 1] cvx [0 /exch cvx 1 &cwt sub 0.59 mul 0.11 add /div cvx /dup cvx 1 &cwt sub /mul cvx /exch cvx] cvx /ifelse cvx /setrgbcolor cvx] cvx /def cvx} {/setgray [/dup cvx 0.11 &cwt 0.30 mul add /ge cvx[&cwt 0.30 mul 0.11 add /sub cvx 1 &cwt sub 0.30 mul 0.59 add /div cvx /dup cvx 1 &cwt sub /mul cvx &cwt /add cvx /exch cvx 1] cvx [ &cwt 0.30 mul 0.11 add /div cvx /dup cvx &cwt /mul cvx /exch cvx 0 /exch cvx ] cvx /ifelse cvx /setrgbcolor cvx ] cvx /def cvx} {/setgray [ /dup cvx 0.30 1 &cwt sub 0.11 mul add /ge cvx[ 1 /exch cvx 1 &cwt sub 0.11 mul 0.30 add /sub cvx &cwt 0.11 mul 0.59 add /div cvx /dup cvx &cwt /mul cvx 1 &cwt sub /add cvx ] cvx [ 1 &cwt sub 0.11 mul 0.30 add /div cvx /dup cvx 1 &cwt sub /mul cvx 0 /exch cvx] cvx /ifelse cvx /setrgbcolor cvx ] cvx /def cvx} ] &cbar get exec exec} bind def /beige {0.10 settint} def % examples of convenience operators /aqua {0.52 settint} def /blue {0.67 settint} def /lime {0.44 settint} def /burple {0.75 settint} def %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /guru { gonzo begin ps.util.1 begin printerror nuisance begin} def % guru % activate gonzo utilities 50 50 10 setgrid % create grid % 56 61 showgrid /setpagefonts { /cstretch 0.015 def /sstretch 0.015 def /font0 /StoneSans-Bold 1.6 gonzofont /font1 /StoneSans 0.95 gonzofont /font2 /StoneSans [0.95 0 0.25 0.95 0 0 ] gonzofont /font4 /StoneSans 0.85 gonzofont /font3 /StoneSans-Bold 0.85 gonzofont /font6 /StoneSans-Bold 0.85 gonzofont /font7 /StoneSans-Bold 1.05 gonzofont % subheaders /font8 /StoneSans-Bold [0.65 0 0 0.65 0 0.4] gonzofont /txtwide 36 store /yinc 1.2 store /kern 0.1 store /pm 1.5 store aqua 0.33 setgray font1 black /amacro { mark /aqua cvx 0.33 /setgray cvx ] cvx printlist exch 3 index exch % stuff into gonzo printlist put exch 1 add exch } def /bmacro { mark /black cvx ] cvx printlist exch 3 index exch % stuff into gonzo printlist put exch 1 add exch } def /shiftin {xpos /xposhold exch store /xpos xpos 3 add store} def /shiftout {/xpos xposhold store} def /texttop 51 store /textleft 3 store /cmacro {aqua 0.25 setgray (znhL7) stringmacro /xpos xpos 1.7 sub store /ypos ypos .1 sub def } def % left title /dmacro {black (pL1hz) stringmacro /xpos xpos 1.7 add store /ypos ypos .1 add def} def % normal text after centered title /fmacro % try and fake | {mark /gsave cvx /currentpoint cvx /moveto cvx 0.1 /setlinewidth cvx 0 0.65 /rlineto cvx /stroke cvx /grestore cvx ] cvx printlist exch 3 index exch put % stuff into gonzo printlist exch 1 add exch % increment gonzo list count } def } def setpagefonts % -2 50.5 (optional header here \274) cl %% Set document opening conventions. Note DOCVIEW limited. [/CropBox [0 0 520 620] % set the wierd size /PAGES pdfmark [ {Catalog} << /ViewerPreferences << /FitWindow true /CenterWindow true >> /PageLayout /OneColumn % continous /Pagemode /UseNone % no thumbs /View [/XYZ null null 1 ] % force 100% >> /PUT pdfmark %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% page manager /pagenum 1 store /startnewpage { black beige 0.35 setgray 21 -2.5 (|3\320|j|j) ggnum 10 string cvs mergestr (|j.|j) mergestr pagenum 10 string cvs mergestr (|j|j\320) mergestr cc aqua showpage %% start next page /pagenum pagenum 1 add store 50 50 10 setgrid % create grid setpagefonts font1 textleft texttop } def /su {surl font6} store /to {tinton1 font6} store /tx {tintoff font1} store /tabs [7 20] store %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % //// REVISED DIPDRAW PROC ///// electronics begin % dipdraw - draws a dip integrated circuit. (old code to be improved) % Enter with currentpoint set to pin 1 and scale % set so that 1.0 = distance between pins. Then % do a numpins-(name)-(hipins)-(lopins) dipdraw % Pin callouts preceeded by / will be complemented. % main dipdraw entry: /dipdraw { save /dipsnap exch def /hipins exch def /lopins exch def /chipname exch def /numpins exch def mark 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 % temp patch /howlong {numpins 2 div cvi 1 add} def /howhigh {4 numpins 36 ge {1 add} if} def /stub {howhigh 1.4 sub 2 div} def % internal service subs start here: /pinproc {numpins 2 div cvi{newpath 0 cpos 0.37 0 360 arc gsave 1 setgray fill grestore 0.067 setlinewidth stroke pin# 5 string cvs dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg cpos 0.2 sub moveto show 1 0 translate /pin# pin# dir add def} repeat } def /stretchprint { dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg exch length 1 sub stretch mul 2 div sub 0 moveto callout (/) anchorsearch true eq {currentpoint exch stretch add exch moveto pop dup /callout exch def stringwidth pop callout length 1 sub stretch mul add /barwide exch def 0.033 setlinewidth gsave currentpoint 0.55 add moveto barwide 0 rlineto stroke grestore} if stretch 0 callout ashow pop} def /pincallouts{0 vpos translate {workstring ( ) search true eq {/callout exch def pop /workstring exch def callout stretchprint 1 0 translate}{dup /callout exch def stretchprint exit } ifelse}loop} def % actual dipdraw process starts here: % ........ the outline: gsave 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin currentpoint translate newpath -1 howhigh 2 div 0.7 -90 90 arc 0 stub rlineto howlong 0 rlineto 0 howhigh neg rlineto howlong neg 0 rlineto closepath gsave grayshade setgray fill grestore grayshade dup 1 ne {0.33}{0} ifelse setgray 0.36 setlinewidth stroke newpath -.55 .45 0.15 0 360 arc fill black % ........ pin circles and numbers: /Helvetica-Bold findfont [0.4 0 0 0.55 0 0] makefont setfont gsave /pin# 1 def /dir 1 def /cpos 0 def pinproc grestore gsave /pin# numpins def /dir -1 def /cpos howhigh def pinproc grestore % pin callouts: /Helvetica findfont [0.35 0 0 0.6 0 0] makefont setfont /stretch 0.033 def gsave /workstring hipins def /vpos 0.6 def pincallouts grestore gsave /workstring lopins def /vpos howhigh 1.05 sub def pincallouts grestore % device number: grayshade 1 ne {0.33}{0} ifelse setgray /Helvetica-Bold findfont [1.4 0 0 1 0 0] makefont setfont /stretch 0.05 def gsave numpins 2 div 1 sub 2 div howhigh 2 div 0.33 sub translate chipname dup /callout exch def stretchprint grestore black % end cleanup: grestore grestore cleartomark dipsnap restore} def end % get out of electronics? %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Burplebox routines /burpwide 29.5 store /burpcom {save /burpx exch store /bht exch store save /burp1 exch store xpos ypos translate -1 .2 mt bht yinc mul .4 add pd burpwide pr bht yinc mul .4 add pu closepath 0.9 setgray fill burp1 restore} store /burpwidew 32 store /burpcomw {save /burpx exch store /bht exch store save /burp1 exch store xpos 1 sub ypos translate 0 .2 mt bht yinc mul .4 add pd burpwidew pr bht yinc mul .4 add pu closepath 0.9 setgray fill burp1 restore} store { /burplebox1 {1.5 burpcom} store /burplebox1.5 {2 burpcom} store /burplebox2 {2.5 burpcom} store /burplebox2.5 {3 burpcom} store /burplebox3 {3.5 burpcom} store /burplebox3.5 {4 burpcom} store /burplebox4 {4.5 burpcom} store /burplebox4.5 {5 burpcom} store /burplebox5 {5.5 burpcom} store /burplebox5.5 {6 burpcom} store /burplebox6 {6.5 burpcom} store /burplebox6.5 {7 burpcom} store /burplebox7 {7.5 burpcom} store /burplebox7.5 {8 burpcom} store /burplebox8 {8.5 burpcom} store /burplebox8.5 {9 burpcom} store /burplebox9 {9.5 burpcom} store /burplebox9.5 {10 burpcom} store /burplebox10 {10.5 burpcom} store /burplebox10.5 {11 burpcom} store /burplebox11 {11.5 burpcom} store /burplebox11.5 {12 burpcom} store /burplebox12 {12.5 burpcom} store /burplebox11w {11.5 burpcomw} store /burplebox12.5 {13 burpcom} store /burplebox13 {13.5 burpcom} store /burplebox13.5 {14 burpcom} store /burplebox14 {14.5 burpcom} store /burplebox14.5 {15 burpcom} store /burplebox15{15.5 burpcom} store /burplebox15.5{16 burpcom} store /burplebox16 {16.5 burpcom} store /burplebox16.5 {17 burpcom} store /burplebox17 {17.5 burpcom} store /burplebox17.5 {18 burpcom} store /burplebox18 {18.5 burpcom} store /burplebox18.5 {19 burpcom} store /burplebox19 {19.5 burpcom} store /burplebox19.5 {20 burpcom} store /burplebox20 {20.5 burpcom} store /burplebox21.5 {22 burpcom} store /burplebox22{22.5 burpcom} store /burplebox22.5 {23 burpcom} store /burplebox23 {23.5 burpcom} store /burplebox23.5 {24 burpcom} store /burplebox24{24.5 burpcom} store /burplebox25{25.5 burpcom} store /burplebox25.5{26 burpcom} store /burplebox27{27.5 burpcom} store /burplebox28 {28.5 burpcom} store /burplebox28.5 {29 burpcom} store /burplebox30 {30.5 burpcom} store /burplebox31 {31.5 burpcom} store /burplebox31.5 {32 burpcom} store /burplebox33.5 {34 burpcom} store /burplebox34 {34.5 burpcom} store /burplebox38 {38.5 burpcom} store /burplebox38.5{39 burpcom} store /burplebox40{40.5 burpcom} store /burplebox40.5{41 burpcom} store /burplebox41.5{42 burpcom} store /burplebox42 {42.5 burpcom} store /burplebox42.5{43 burpcom} store % nearly a full page /burplebox43 {43.5 burpcom} store } pop 1 1 50 {cvi /size exch store % make all the burpleboxes (burplebox) size 20 string cvs mergestr cvn mark size 0.5 add /burpcom cvx ] cvx store (burplebox) size 0.5 add 20 string cvs mergestr cvn mark size 1 add /burpcom cvx ] cvx store } for /burplebox34w{34.5 burpcomw} store /burplebox34.5w{35 burpcomw} store /burplebox38w{38.5 burpcomw} store /burplebox38.5w{39 burpcomw} store /burplebox40w{40.5 burpcomw} store %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % New sequence of auto positioning figures... % combined autopos jpeg conversion and hotlink: /autoimageandlink1 {save /af1 exch store xpos ypos yinc add translate 6.3 -14.1 684 384 .033 % xpos ypos xres yres pixscale (http://www.tinaja.com/images/bargs/cabsvid1.jpg) % url first % (http://www.tinaja.com/images/bargs/ce47u25v.jpg) % url first (C:\\Documents and Settings\\don\\Desktop\\gurugrams\\78_ebayskill_VI\\cabsvid1.jpg) jpegimageprocwithlink af1 restore} store /autoimageandlink2 {save /af2 exch store xpos ypos yinc add translate 18 -11.8 684 487 .022 % xpos ypos xres yres pixscale (http://www.tinaja.com/images/bargs/ce47u25v.jpg) % url first (C:\\Documents and Settings\\don\\Desktop\\gurugrams\\70_ebayskill_iv\\ce47u25v.jpg) jpegimageprocwithlink af2 restore} store /autoimageandlink3 {save /af1 exch store xpos ypos yinc add translate 1 -12 684 487 .022 % xpos ypos xres yres pixscale (http://www.tinaja.com/images/bargs/pwrssrx3x.bmp) % url first (C:\\Documents and Settings\\don\\Desktop\\gurugrams\\70_ebayskill_iv\\origpwri.jpg) jpegimageprocwithlink af1 restore} store /autoimageandlink4 {save /af2 exch store xpos ypos yinc add translate 18 -12 -1.5 add 684 487 .022 % xpos ypos xres yres pixscale (http://www.tinaja.com/images/bargs/pwrssrx3.bmp) % url first (C:\\Documents and Settings\\don\\Desktop\\gurugrams\\70_ebayskill_iv\\finpwri.jpg) jpegimageprocwithlink af2 restore} store /jpegimageprocwithlink { % hoffset voffset hres vres save /snap2 exch def /infilename exch store % grab passed pix file /inurllink exch store % grab link filename /photoscale exch store /vpixels exch store /hpixels exch store translate % adjust position for final figure ??? inurllink setareaurl % autolink sizing /DeviceRGB setcolorspace % pick color model 0 0 translate % set page position hpixels vpixels scale % magnify unit square photoscale dup scale /infile infilename (r) file def % establish input read file /Data {infile /DCTDecode filter} def % define a data source << % start image dicationary /ImageType 1 % always one /Width hpixels % JPEG width in pixels /Height vpixels % JPEG height in pixels /ImageMatrix [hpixels 0 0 vpixels neg 0 vpixels ] /DataSource Data % proc to get filtered JPEG /BitsPerComponent 8 % color resolution /Decode [0 1 0 1 0 1] % per red book 4.10 >> image % call the image operator ypos snap2 restore /ypos exch def } def /setareaurl { % for auto include routine /cururlname exch store mark % start pdfmark /Rect [ 0 0 hpixels photoscale mul vpixels photoscale mul ] /Border [ 0 0 0] % [0 0 0 ] = none; [0 0 2] = debug /Color [ .7 0 0 ] /Action <> /Subtype /Link /ANN % annotation type pdfmark % call pdf operators } def %%%%%%%%%%%%% ordinary tracking figures /autofig1 { /figadvance 23 store save /snap1 exch store xpos 2 add ypos figadvance sub translate figure1 snap1 restore /ypos ypos figadvance sub yinc sub store } store /autofig2 { /figadvance 13 store save /snap2 exch store xpos 2 add ypos figadvance sub translate figure2 snap2 restore /ypos ypos figadvance sub yinc sub store } store /autofig3 { /figadvance 13 store save /snap2 exch store xpos 2 add ypos figadvance sub translate figure3 snap2 restore /ypos ypos figadvance sub yinc sub store } store /autofig4 { /figadvance 13 store save /snap2 exch store xpos 2 add ypos figadvance sub translate figure4 snap2 restore /ypos ypos figadvance sub yinc sub store } store %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% fixed position figures here %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /figure1 {0 0 mt 10 pu 10 pr 10 pd closepath fill} store % temp tester /figure1 { save /f1snap exch store mark 5 12.2 translate -55 rotate 0.09 dup scale -100 -100 translate /solvexy {/ff exch store % grab values - not optimized /ee exch store /dd exch store /cc exch store /bb exch store /aa exch store cc aa dd div ff mul sub bb aa ee mul dd div sub div /yy exch store /xx cc bb yy mul sub aa div store xx yy } store /bez4ptsx1 {aload pop % unpack array /y3 exch store /x3 exch store % stash data. Strange /y5 exch store /x5 exch store % numbering is in use /y4 exch store /x4 exch store /y0 exch store /x0 exch store % find the chords /c1 x4 x0 sub dup mul y4 y0 sub dup mul add sqrt store /c2 x5 x4 sub dup mul y5 y4 sub dup mul add sqrt store /c3 x3 x5 sub dup mul y3 y5 sub dup mul add sqrt store % guess at the best t values % /t1 c1 dup c2 add c3 add div store % /t2 c1 c2 add dup c3 add div store /b0 {1 exch sub dup dup mul mul} store /b1 {dup 1 exch sub dup mul mul 3 mul} store /b2 {dup 1 exch sub exch dup mul mul 3 mul} store /b3 {dup dup mul mul} store % ai + bj = k t1 b1 t1 b2 x4 x0 t1 b0 mul sub x3 t1 b3 mul sub t2 b1 t2 b2 x5 x0 t2 b0 mul sub x3 t2 b3 mul sub solvexy /x2 exch store /x1 exch store t1 b1 t1 b2 y4 y0 t1 b0 mul sub y3 t1 b3 mul sub t2 b1 t2 b2 y5 y0 t2 b0 mul sub y3 t2 b3 mul sub solvexy /y2 exch store /y1 exch store x0 y0 moveto x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 curveto } def /data [100 100 180 120 270 190 320 100 sub 300] store % /data [100 100 200 120 300 190 200.24 300] store /bdot {gsave 16 dup scale 0 0 dot grestore} store /bdot8 {gsave 6 dup scale 0 0 dot grestore} store data 0 get data 1 get mt bdot data 2 get data 3 get mt bdot data 4 get data 5 get mt bdot data 6 get data 7 get mt bdot /t1 0.33 store /t2 0.67 store 100 100 moveto % demo - comment before use data bez4ptsx1 0.35 setlinewidth stroke true { 1 0 0 setrgbcolor /t1 0.28 store /t2 0.72 store 100 100 moveto % demo - comment before use data bez4ptsx1 0.35 setlinewidth stroke 0 0 1 setrgbcolor /t1 0.37 store /t2 0.63 store 100 100 moveto % demo - comment before use data bez4ptsx1 0.35 setlinewidth stroke } if cleartomark f1snap restore } store /figure1 { save /f1snap exch store 5 -7.5 translate 0.1 dup scale /dots [0.0 0.0 0.264953 1.54495 0.604746 3.07298 1.03917 4.57484 1.59717 6.03836 2.31306 7.42849 3.22877 8.69581 4.37073 9.76335 5.71563 10.5583 7.19172 11.074 8.7265 11.3795 10.2797 11.5763 11.8334 11.7684 13.371 12.0601 14.8541 12.5554 16.2111 13.3298 17.3652 14.3824 18.2898 15.6429 19.0102 17.0323 19.5673 18.4938 20.0 20.0] store 0 0 10 setgrid 20 20 showgrid /x0 0 store /y0 0 store /x1 3 store /y1 20 store /x2 16 store /y2 4 store /x3 20 store /y3 20 store x0 y0 moveto x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 curveto black line1 stroke 0 1 20 {2 mul /jj exch store dots jj get dots jj 1 add get mt dot } for f1snap restore } store %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% special figure one for gg61 book layout /figure1 { save /f1xsnap exch store gsave % temp 10.2 0.8 translate 0.4 dup scale % adjust fit on page % add an active link for expandion temporary /cururlname (http://www.tinaja.com/glib/loglog01.pdf) store mark % start pdfmark /Rect [ 0 0 30 30 ] /Border [ 0 0 0] % [0 0 0 ] = none; [0 0 2] = debug /Color [ .7 0 0 ] /Action <> /Subtype /Link /ANN % annotation type pdfmark % call pdf operators % Custom Engineering Graphs: A log log display % ================================== % by Don Lancaster % Copyright c 2006 by Don Lancaster & Synergetics, Box 809, Thatcher, AZ, 85552 % (928) 428-4073 Email: don@tinaja.com Website: http://www.tinaja.com % Consulting services available http://www.tinaja.com/info01.html % All commercial rights and all electronic media rights ~fully~ reserved. % Linking usually welcome. Reposting expressly forbidden. Version 1.1 % An example of using my Gonzo Utilities to do a custom engineering graph. % Detailed example does a scatterplot on a 3x3 log graph. % IMPORTANT NOTE: Don Lancaster's file gonzo.ps is required for this program. % This may be freely downloaded from http://www.tinaja.com/post01.asp#gonzo % To activate after obvious location mods, uncomment ONE of the following two lines: % (C:\\Documents and Settings\\don\\Desktop\\gonzo\\gonzo.ps) run % use internal gonzo % (A:\\gonzo.ps) run % use external gonzo % Plus the next line when Gonzo is to be activated... % gonzo begin ps.util.1 begin nuisance begin % NOTE THAT ALL PS FILENAME STRINGS !!!DEMAND!!! DOUBLE REVERSE SLASHES. % To use this program, you modify your values and save it as an ordinary ASCII % textfile. That file is then sent to Acrobat Distiller for coversion to a .PDF % file format. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%% Fixzed Input Data %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /backgroundcolor {0.8 1 1} store % background color of graph /graphlinecolor {0 0.8 0.8}store % line color of graph /datadotcolor {0.3 0.3 0.3} store % dot color % loglines establishes the fine line detail of the log plots % always refers to a 1,1 lower left axis and NOT to the actual % scaled data values /loglines [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 ] store /xdatascale 1.0 store % scale factor to make left data = 1 /ydatascale 10 store % scale factor to make bottom data = 1 /xaxisname (TREES PER ACRE) store % x axis label /yaxisname (TREE DIAMETER IN INCHES) store % y axis label /xnums [1 10 100 1000] store % scaled x axis data /ynums [.1 1.0 10 100] store % scaled y axis data /maintitle (HULAPAI TIMBER ALLOTMENT\n( T20N R15E ) ) store % main title % /inputdata may be cut and pasted here or run as a separate textfile % below. Format is an array of [ x0, y0, x1, y1, .... xn, yn ] data % values. Limited to a maximum of 32767 data value pairs. Data is % ACTUAL values, not graph scaled ones. /inputdata [ 3.0634 0.3678 3 3 3 30 30 0.4 30 4 30 40 300 0.5 300 5 300 50 100 {90 random 10 add 90 random 10 add 10 div } repeat % fake some dense data ] store % Note: fonts must be defined BELOW and AFTER grid is established. % Availability of STONE font is recommended for this demo. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%% File Read Input Data %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Any and all of the above data may optionally be read from a textfile. % If used, be sure to use a DOUBLE reverse % slash every time you want a single one in a PostScript string. % Be sure to provide complete, correct, and accurate location for access. % /datafilename (C:\\Documents and Settings\\don\\Desktop\\trees\\tree1.txt) store % Uncomment the following line ONLY if external data is to be disk read... % datafilename run % run additional data from external file. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%% Low Level Graph Creating Code %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % /makeagrid establishes the grid size. Each 10 x 10 area will be one % decade. Also puts down edges and background of log display area /makeagrid { % 100 100 10 setgrid % establish xposn yposn size grid /cstretch 0.01 store % adjust font to grid /sstretch 0.01 store backgroundcolor setrgbcolor % paint background. Comment out 0 0 mt 30 pu 30 pr 30 pd % or use [1 1 1] for white closepath fill graphlinecolor setrgbcolor % paint decades heavier line2 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin [ {-0.3 0 mt 30.3 r}10 4 ] yrpt % [{action} spacing repeats ] [ {0 -0.3 mt 30.3 u}10 4 ] xrpt } store % /make3x3log provides the inside detail for the log graphs. Both axes % done separately just in case semilog is later needed /make3x3log { line1 % thin line 0 1 loglines length 1 sub % draw verticals {/ptr exch store loglines ptr get log 10 mul 0 mt 30 u } for 0 1 loglines length 1 sub % draw horizontals {/ptr exch store loglines ptr get 0 exch log 10 mul mt 30 r } for } store % /plotdata scales and plots the data points from the inputdata array /plotdata { datadotcolor setrgbcolor % set dot color 0 2 inputdata length 2 sub % go through plotdata list {/ptr1 exch store % save location inputdata ptr1 get % get x value xdatascale mul log 10 mul inputdata ptr1 1 add get % get y value ydatascale mul log 10 mul mt dot % and plot dot } for } store % /addaxis lables the axes /addaxis { /font1 /StoneSans-Bold 0.85 gonzofont % numeric value font /font2 /StoneSans-Bold 1.2 gonzofont % title value font font1 % pick numeric font black % and color 0 1 xnums length 1 sub { % show the x axis nums /ptr2 exch store ptr2 10 mul -1.5 xnums ptr2 get 20 string cvs cc } for 0 1 ynums length 1 sub { % show the y axis nums /ptr2 exch store -0.9 ptr2 10 mul 0.3 sub ynums ptr2 get 20 string cvs cr } for font2 15 -3.5 xaxisname cc gsave -3.5 15 translate 90 rotate 0 0 yaxisname cc grestore } store % /addboiler provides the main graph name, can later extensively annotate. /addboiler { /font3 /StoneSans-Bold 2 gonzofont % title value font font3 /yinc 2.2 store 15 35 maintitle cc % print main title } store %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%% High Level Graph Creating Code %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % This routine combines the needed steps for the complete log log plot. /makealogloggraph { makeagrid % sets up grid make3x3log % draws log graph addaxis % letters the axes plotdata % plots data points addboiler % adds title and desc } store % temp defaults. uncomment for debug % /make3x3log {} store % /addaxis {} store % /plotdata {} store /addboiler {} store %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%% Actual Graph Creator %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % This routine actually draws the graph makealogloggraph grestore % undo translate and page positioning f1xsnap restore } store %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% specific to gg65 ms executive summary %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%% specific figures for append %%%%%%%%%%%%%% /ms0360 { save /snapxx exch store 5 -2 translate % reposition absolute on page 0.76 dup scale /hh {32 mul 90 div 0.78 mul } store /uu 12.5 store /posninc 90 7.5 div store /p1s 11.086 store % best efficiency leans /p1e 12.913 store /p2s 22.211 store /p2e 25.788 store /p3s 33.416 store /p3e 38.583 store /p4s 44.733 store /p4e 51.266 store /p5s 56.192 store /p5e 63.807 store /p6s 67.819 store /p6e 76.180 store /p7s 79.628 store /p7e 88.371 store /msinplot {gsave translate 0.5 0 0.5 setrgbcolor line1 gsave % [{0 12 moveto 0.8 u} posninc hh 8] xrpt grestore 0 0 mt p1s hh pr uu pu p1e p1s sub hh pr uu pd p2s p1e sub hh pr uu pu p2e p2s sub hh pr uu pd p3s p2e sub hh pr uu pu p3e p3s sub hh pr uu pd p4s p3e sub hh pr uu pu p4e p4s sub hh pr uu pd p5s p4e sub hh pr uu pu p5e p5s sub hh pr uu pd p6s p5e sub hh pr uu pu p6e p6s sub hh pr uu pd p7s p6e sub hh pr uu pu p7e p7s sub hh pr uu pd 90 p7e sub hh pr gsave 0 0.83 0.83 setrgbcolor fill grestore line3 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 0 0.33 0.33 setrgbcolor stroke grestore} store 0.8 1 scale % 40 100 showgrid /lilplot0 {gsave translate 0.5 0.5 scale 0 0 msinplot grestore} store /lilplot1 {gsave translate -0.5 0.5 scale 0 0 msinplot grestore} store /lilplot2 {gsave translate 0.5 -0.5 scale 0 0 msinplot grestore} store /lilplot3 {gsave translate -0.5 -0.5 scale 0 0 msinplot grestore} store 0 10 lilplot0 25 10 lilplot1 24.5 10 lilplot2 49.5 10 lilplot3 snapxx restore } store %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /spectrumplot {save /snap3 exch store /cstretch 0.01 store /sstretch 0.01 store /font0 /StoneSans-Bold 1.2 gonzofont /font1 /StoneSans-Bold 1 gonzofont font1 /kern 0.1 store /yinc 1.1 store 7.5 5.8 translate % adjust position 0.7 dup scale gsave 0.75 1 1 setrgbcolor 0 0 mt 15 pu 36.5 pr 15 pd closepath fill grestore % 33 13 showgrid % uncomment to view gsave line1 [{0 0 mt 0.3 d} 2 19] xrpt grestore gsave line1 [{-0.4 3 mt 36.9 r} 3 5] yrpt grestore line1 36.5 0 mt 15 u 0 1 1 setrgbcolor 0 setlinecap line1 0.5 0 mt 15 pu 1 pr 15 pd gsave closepath fill grestore 0 0.33 0.33 setrgbcolor stroke 1 0 1 setrgbcolor 28.5 0 mt 4.2 pu 1 pr 4.2 pd gsave closepath fill grestore 0.33 0 0.33 setrgbcolor stroke 1 0 1 setrgbcolor 30.5 0 mt 2.25 pu 1 pr 2.25 pd gsave closepath fill grestore 0.33 0 0.33 setrgbcolor stroke 1 0 1 setrgbcolor 32.5 0 mt 3 pu 1 pr 3 pd gsave closepath fill grestore 0.33 0 0.33 setrgbcolor stroke 1 0 1 setrgbcolor 34.5 0 mt 0.5 pu 1 pr 0.5 pd gsave closepath fill grestore 0.33 0 0.33 setrgbcolor stroke black % /font1 /Helvetica 0.8 gonzofont font1 font1 /yinc 2 store /kern 0.1 store gsave 1.45 -0.9 translate 90 rotate black 0 0 (1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35) cr grestore font0 0.25 dup dup setrgbcolor % temp gray 12.5 -4 (HARMONIC NUMBER) cl font1 -1 -0.3 (0.0) cr -1 2.7 (0.2) cr -1 5.7 (0.4) cr -1 8.7 (0.6) cr -1 11.7 (0.8) cr -1 14.7 (1.0) cr gsave -3.5 4.0 translate 90 rotate % black font0 0 0 (AMPLITUDE) cl grestore black line2 0 0 mt -.5 0 mt 37 r 0 -.5 mt 16 u black font1 11 12.6 ((|jbest efficiency n|j=|j28|j a|j=|j0.97|j)) cl % flashtext font0 1 0 0 setrgbcolor 15 6.65 (All Intermediate\nHarmonics are ZERO|j!!!) cc snap3 restore } store %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /plot2897 {save /snap4 exch store /cstretch 0.01 store /sstretch 0.01 store /font0 /StoneSans-Bold 1.2 gonzofont /font1 /StoneSans-Bold 1 gonzofont font1 /kern 0.1 store /yinc 1.1 store 3.2 14 translate % adjust position 0.85 dup scale %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% pattern utilities %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /bluerndcolor [153 215 230 40] store % random pattern colors [red blue green variance ] /slidewide 40 store /slidehigh 36.5 store /DeviceRGB setcolorspace % pick color model /hpixels 50 store % size of pattern image /vpixels 50 store /issize hpixels vpixels mul store % makestring converts a stack top array into a string... /makestring {dup length string dup /NullEncode filter 3 -1 roll {1 index exch write} forall pop} def % /buildpixels makes three nearby colors given [r b g texture] all 0-255 integers /buildpixels {aload pop /texture exch store /b0 exch store /g0 exch store /r0 exch store 123 srand /r1 r0 texture random texture 2 div sub add cvi dup 255 ge {pop 255}if dup 0 lt {pop 0} if store /g1 g0 texture random texture 2 div sub add cvi dup 255 ge {pop 255}if dup 0 lt {pop 0} if store /b1 b0 texture random texture 2 div sub add cvi dup 255 ge {pop 255}if dup 0 lt {pop 0} if store /r2 r0 texture random texture 2 div sub add cvi dup 255 ge {pop 255}if dup 0 lt {pop 0} if store /g2 g0 texture random texture 2 div sub add cvi dup 255 ge {pop 255}if dup 0 lt {pop 0} if store /b2 b0 texture random texture 2 div sub add cvi dup 255 ge {pop 255}if dup 0 lt {pop 0} if store /r3 r0 texture random texture 2 div sub add cvi dup 255 ge {pop 255}if dup 0 lt {pop 0} if store /g3 g0 texture random texture 2 div sub add cvi dup 255 ge {pop 255}if dup 0 lt {pop 0} if store /b3 b0 texture random texture 2 div sub add cvi dup 255 ge {pop 255}if dup 0 lt {pop 0} if store } store % /makeimagestring creates a sting usable for a pattern image /makeimagestring { 12345 srand % make repeatable /iarray mark issize { r1 g1 b1} repeat ] store % fill all with color 1 issize 2 div cvi { iarray issize % fill half with color 2 random 3 mul cvi [ r2 g2 b2 ] putinterval} repeat issize 2 div cvi { iarray issize % fill third with color 3 random 3 mul cvi [ r3 g3 b3 ] putinterval} repeat iarray makestring } store % /rndimage shows the random string as a patternable image /bodyrandimage { gsave 5 dup scale << % start image dicationary /ImageType 1 % always one /Width hpixels % width in pixels /Height vpixels % height in pixels /ImageMatrix [hpixels 0 0 vpixels neg 0 vpixels ] /DataSource bodypatstring % proc to get string data /BitsPerComponent 8 % color resolution /Decode [0 1 0 1 0 1] % per red book 4.10 >> image % call the image grestore } def /accentrandimage { gsave 5 dup scale << % start image dicationary /ImageType 1 % always one /Width hpixels % width in pixels /Height vpixels % height in pixels /ImageMatrix [hpixels 0 0 vpixels neg 0 vpixels ] /DataSource accentpatstring % proc to get string data /BitsPerComponent 8 % color resolution /Decode [0 1 0 1 0 1] % per red book 4.10 >> image % call the image grestore } def % using a separate pattern dictionary for each pattern... /bodypatdict << /PatternType 1 % Tiling pattern /PaintType 1 % Colored /TilingType 1 /BBox [0 0 50 50] /XStep 5 /YStep 5 /PaintProc { begin bodyrandimage end} >> store /accentpatdict << /PatternType 1 % Tiling pattern /PaintType 1 % Colored /TilingType 1 /BBox [0 0 50 50] /XStep 5 /YStep 5 /PaintProc { begin accentrandimage end} >> store % /makepatternstrings generates the needed patterns /makepatternstrings { [230 100 230 120] pop bluerndcolor buildpixels makeimagestring /bodypatstring exch store } store bluerndcolor buildpixels makepatternstrings %%%%%%%% end pattern utils %%%%%%%% save /snap1 exch store % show the body background bodypatdict matrix % Identity matrix makepattern % Instantiate the pattern /bodypat exch def 0 0 % for the actual slide size slidewide slidehigh /Pattern setcolorspace bodypat setcolor rectfill % Fill rectangle with pattern snap1 restore %%%% end % 40 36 showgrid /cstretch 0.01 store /sstretch 0.01 store /font1 /StoneSans-Bold 0.95 gonzofont % parameter value font /font2 /StoneSans [0.85 0 0 1 0 0 ] gonzofont % numeric value font /orange { 241 255 div 158 255 div 30 255 div setrgbcolor } store /magenta { 254 255 div 156 255 div 255 236 div setrgbcolor } store /ltblue { 207 255 div 255 255 div 255 255 div setrgbcolor } store /white {1 1 1 setrgbcolor} store /lime { 54 255 div 255 255 div 52 255 div setrgbcolor } store /aqua { 102 255 div 255 255 div 201 255 div setrgbcolor } store orange %%%%%%%%%%%% orange series gsave .8 .8 translate [{orange 0 0 mt 1.7 pu 12.0 pr 1.7 pd closepath fill white 2.9 .2 mt 1.3 pu 8.2 pr 1.3 pd fill} 2.2 14] yrpt font1 0.33 dup dup setrgbcolor /dat1 [(p7e:) (p7s:) (p6e:) (p6s:) (p5e:) (p5s:) (p4e:) (p4s:) (p3e:) (p3s:) (p2e:) (p2s:) (p1e:) (p1s:)] store font1 0.12 dup dup setrgbcolor 0 1 dat1 length 1 sub {/ii exch store 1.23 0.6 ii 2.2 mul add dat1 ii get cc} for /dat2 [ (89.76625289081) (75.93480958918) (75.13315213749) (63.77803849250) (62.12795009229) (52.45588082770) (49.57368364472) (41.56706542527) (37.14383081926) (30.95837849073) (24.75285471101) (20.53940226898) (12.37453450377) (10.24045703622) ] store font2 0 1 dat2 length 1 sub {/ii exch store 3.7 0.55 ii 2.2 mul add dat2 ii get cl} for gsave 0 31.2 translate lime 0 0 mt 3.7 pu 12 pr 3.7 pd fill 13 0 mt 3.7 pu 25 pr 3.7 pd fill % right lime font1 0.12 dup dup setrgbcolor /yinc 1.2 store 6 2 (Pulse Positions\nin Degrees) cc 25 2.2 (Target Amplitude: ) cr 25 1.9 1.3 sub (Target Power: ) cr [{white 25.7 0.3 mt 1.3 pu 8.2 pr 1.3 pd fill} 1.7 2] yrpt font2 26 2.2 (0.970000000) cl 26 0.6 (0.9409 ) cl grestore % lime grestore % undo whole left %%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%% mid blue series gsave 13.8 .8 translate [{ltblue 0 0 mt 1.7 pu 12.0 pr 1.7 pd closepath fill white 2.9 .2 mt 1.3 pu 8.2 pr 1.3 pd fill} 2.2 12] yrpt font1 0.33 dup dup setrgbcolor /dat3 [(h25:) (h23:) (h21:) (h19:) (h17:) (h15:) (h13:) (h11:) (h09:) (h07:) (h05:) (h03:) ] store font1 0.12 dup dup setrgbcolor 0 1 dat3 length 1 sub {/ii exch store 1.23 0.6 ii 2.2 mul add dat3 ii get cc} for /dat4 [ (-0.00000000014) (-0.00000000032) (-0.00000000004) (-0.00000000021) (-0.00000000022) (-0.00000000002) (-0.00000000024) ( 0.00000000044) (-0.00000000022) (-0.00000000011) (-0.00000000013) (0.000000000070) ] store font2 0 1 dat4 length 1 sub {/ii exch store 3.7 0.55 ii 2.2 mul add dat4 ii get cl} for gsave % magenta series magenta [{magenta 0 26.4 mt 1.7 pu 25.0 pr 1.7 pd closepath fill} 2.2 2 ] yrpt font1 0.12 dup dup setrgbcolor 0.8 26.8 (THD ) cl 0.8 6.2 add 26.8 (is ) cl 0.8 15.3 add 26.8 (percent.) cl 0.8 26.8 2.3 add (Fundamental Amplitude:) cl white 3.2 5.2 add 26.6 mt 1.3 pu 7.2 pr 1.3 pd fill white 14.2 28.8 mt 1.3 pu 7.2 pr 1.3 pd fill % fund amp box white 3.2 26.6 mt 1.3 pu 3.2 pr 1.3 pd fill 0.12 dup dup setrgbcolor font2 3.6 26.8 (2-28) cl 8.7 26.8 (0.00000006128) cl font2 14.7 27 2.1 add (0.97000000) cl grestore % burple grestore % whole middle %%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%% right blue series gsave 26.8 .8 translate [{ltblue 0 0 mt 1.7 pu 12.0 pr 1.7 pd closepath fill white 2.9 .2 mt 1.3 pu 8.2 pr 1.3 pd fill} 2.2 12] yrpt [{aqua 0 19.8 mt 1.7 pu 12.0 pr 1.7 pd closepath fill white 2.9 20 mt 1.3 pu 8.2 pr 1.3 pd fill } 2.2 2] yrpt % emphasis font1 0.33 dup dup setrgbcolor /dat1 [(h49:) (h47:) (h45:) (h43:) (h41:) (h39:) (h37:) (h35:) (h33:) (h31:) (h29:) (h27:) ] store font1 0.12 dup dup setrgbcolor 0 1 dat1 length 1 sub {/ii exch store 1.23 0.6 ii 2.2 mul add dat1 ii get cc} for /dat6 [ (-0.00924395093) ( 0.00562585661) (-0.00342276346) ( 0.00211106203) (-0.00078946014) ( 0.00660309293) ( 0.04412815271) ( 0.17750740386) ( 0.20474366480) (-0.15202976905) (-0.28097991216) (-0.00000000009) ] store font2 0 1 dat6 length 1 sub {/ii exch store 3.7 0.55 ii 2.2 mul add dat6 ii get cl} for grestore snap4 restore } store %%%%%%%% /stalacs { %figadvance has to go in figuretwoauto save /snap3 exch def 11 10.3 translate % latest page positioner 0.8 dup scale -0.5 2.5 translate % reposition on page INTERACTS WITH FIGADVANCE 0 1 0 setrgbcolor % green grid /linestring 1000 string store /sdatproc { 0.0 0.7 0.1 setrgbcolor [ 0.4 7.33 0.38 6.36 -0.32 7.12 -0.04 7.33 -0.38 7.07 -0.07 7.26 -0.2 4.68 0.07 5.15 0.11 6.17 -0.27 4.26 0.01 6.32 -0.23 4.79 0.05 2.95 -0.29 6.05 -0.02 6.3 0.02 7.29 -0.09 7.37 -0.15 6.89 -0.12 6.19 0.16 5.06 -0.18 7.0 0.1 7.32 0.13 7.29 -0.71 7.44 -0.54 5.7 -0.26 7.38 -0.88 6.82 -0.6 4.84 -0.56 5.38 -0.29 5.67 -0.63 6.12 -0.49 7.26 -0.45 6.66 -0.17 7.01 -0.51 7.05 ] makedots 0.6 0.2 1.0 setrgbcolor [ 0.65 7.03 0.69 6.23 0.97 6.68 0.63 6.72 0.62 6.51 0.6 7.45 0.8 6.74 1.08 7.27 0.74 6.98 0.74 6.97 1.05 7.33 0.71 6.69 0.38 7.38 0.04 6.4 0.32 6.16 0.36 5.3 0.63 7.17 0.02 7.15 0.3 5.41 0.01 6.4 0.29 5.16 0.33 7.08 -0.05 7.19 0.23 7.39 0.26 5.94 0.47 5.9 0.13 7.29 0.41 5.73 0.44 7.34 0.13 6.76 0.4 5.73 0.44 6.52 0.72 7.49 0.07 7.3 0.1 7.49 0.38 4.95 0.66 7.44 ] makedots 0.6 0.4 0.0 setrgbcolor [ 1.63 6.68 0.93 5.94 1.21 6.41 1.25 7.01 0.87 6.21 0.91 6.32 1.19 5.19 1.05 5.6 1.33 6.22 1.36 5.73 0.99 5.61 1.26 7.47 1.02 4.35 1.3 2.75 1.33 6.82 0.96 6.06 1.24 6.51 1.27 6.22 1.41 6.99 0.6 6.37 0.54 6.21 0.58 6.38 0.85 6.71 0.72 6.05 0.38 7.2 0.65 5.61 0.69 4.44 0.97 5.07 0.63 5.68 0.9 7.44 0.94 7.24 ]makedots 0.0 0.6 0.5 setrgbcolor [ 1.94 5.77 2.22 6.47 1.88 6.61 2.19 7.1 1.88 6.99 1.91 7.36 2.19 7.2 1.85 6.98 1.5 6.84 1.44 7.42 1.3 6.69 1.57 6.66 1.33 7.31 1.61 4.16 1.89 6.58 1.27 6.45 1.55 4.73 1.58 6.33 1.86 6.88 1.27 6.28 1.54 5.29 1.58 5.83 1.86 7.0 1.2 7.36 1.24 7.32 1.52 4.83 1.79 7.44 1.72 6.96 1.66 7.1 1.7 7.36 1.69 7.14 1.63 6.09 0.94 7.5 1.19 7.27 ]makedots 1.0 0.0 0.9 setrgbcolor [ 2.77 7.47 2.19 5.69 2.47 6.39 2.5 5.62 2.13 6.29 2.16 4.87 2.44 3.68 2.47 6.99 2.1 6.96 2.38 7.43 2.41 6.96 2.3 7.28 2.61 6.33 2.27 5.22 2.55 4.32 2.59 6.34 2.21 6.99 2.53 6.05 1.86 5.69 2.17 7.05 1.52 7.32 1.79 5.86 1.83 4.38 2.11 5.13 1.77 6.23 1.97 7.29 1.91 7.2 1.94 4.78 2.22 5.62 2.26 7.34 1.88 6.26 1.92 7.41 2.19 6.71 ]makedots 0.3 0.5 0.0 setrgbcolor [ 3.08 6.71 3.36 7.4 3.2 6.33 3.47 7.16 3.13 7.36 3.17 7.34 3.45 6.83 3.17 7.46 3.44 7.49 3.1 7.36 2.44 7.31 2.71 7.35 2.75 4.87 3.03 7.12 2.41 7.35 2.69 5.99 2.72 7.09 2.68 6.84 2.72 7.03 2.66 6.77 2.59 7.22 2.86 4.34 3.14 6.88 3.18 7.38 2.52 6.65 2.8 5.26 2.84 5.32 3.11 6.18 2.52 7.09 2.8 6.44 2.83 5.51 3.11 6.94 2.49 7.14 2.77 4.86 2.53 7.25 2.19 7.45 2.44 6.93 ]makedots 0.0 0.5 1.0 setrgbcolor [ 3.64 7.35 3.3 7.22 3.58 6.56 3.76 7.24 3.44 6.46 3.72 7.27 3.48 7.12 3.75 5.15 3.38 7.25 3.41 4.44 3.69 3.51 3.73 5.53 4.01 7.05 3.35 6.95 3.67 5.83 3.53 6.9 3.8 6.46 3.84 6.79 3.78 6.81 3.0 7.19 2.97 6.5 3.25 7.11 3.11 6.04 3.15 6.8 3.42 6.27 3.05 6.49 3.08 3.17 3.36 4.46 3.4 6.24 3.02 5.79 3.06 6.77 3.33 6.1 3.2 6.17 3.47 7.04 3.51 7.39 3.45 7.05 2.75 7.44 ]makedots 1.0 0.1 0.3 setrgbcolor [ 4.34 6.3 4.61 7.2 4.65 7.42 4.59 7.15 4.7 7.4 3.89 7.33 3.73 6.72 4.0 3.61 4.28 6.52 4.04 7.22 4.32 6.81 3.66 6.66 3.94 5.38 3.98 5.13 4.25 6.11 3.66 7.44 3.94 6.92 3.97 5.78 4.25 7.24 3.91 5.82 4.12 5.7 4.43 7.33 4.05 6.71 4.09 5.35 4.37 6.42 4.09 6.24 4.02 6.0 4.06 7.23 4.34 7.37 3.67 6.43 3.33 7.09 3.61 7.22 3.65 7.09 3.58 7.28 3.76 7.26 3.69 7.43 ]makedots 0.0 0.7 0.0 setrgbcolor [ 4.58 7.35 4.89 6.06 4.56 6.0 4.83 5.44 4.87 6.67 4.81 7.43 5.01 7.15 4.73 7.42 5.01 5.81 4.67 5.29 4.95 4.82 4.98 4.94 5.26 6.8 4.64 7.41 4.92 5.63 4.25 6.6 4.29 7.06 4.56 6.64 4.22 4.58 4.5 5.64 4.54 6.9 4.16 7.17 4.47 7.29 4.36 7.28 4.4 6.74 4.68 6.43 4.34 3.63 4.61 5.07 4.37 7.09 4.65 5.26 4.27 6.35 4.31 5.98 4.59 5.46 4.0 7.29 ]makedots 0.4 0.3 1.0 setrgbcolor [ 5.59 6.81 5.9 6.88 5.56 7.13 5.84 6.87 5.14 5.55 5.08 7.33 5.12 6.93 5.32 7.37 4.98 6.64 5.26 3.82 5.53 6.82 5.29 6.04 5.57 5.79 4.92 6.85 5.19 5.84 5.23 3.83 5.51 5.32 5.23 5.46 5.5 7.18 5.16 5.83 5.2 6.85 5.48 7.09 5.34 6.4 5.62 7.5 4.81 7.33 4.65 7.07 4.93 6.14 4.59 6.91 4.86 7.21 4.9 5.77 4.9 7.0 4.56 7.36 4.83 6.93 ]makedots 0.7 0.3 0.0 setrgbcolor [ 6.15 6.63 5.87 7.2 6.15 5.63 5.81 5.65 6.09 5.32 6.12 5.13 6.4 7.02 6.06 6.39 6.26 7.28 5.92 6.94 6.2 6.79 6.23 5.51 6.51 7.41 6.17 6.43 5.36 7.43 5.51 7.44 5.82 6.75 5.5 6.91 5.54 6.08 5.82 5.82 5.48 3.44 5.75 5.04 5.51 6.75 5.79 4.91 5.41 6.78 5.45 6.19 5.73 5.79 5.93 7.45 5.59 5.32 5.87 6.59 5.63 6.95 5.9 5.34 5.56 6.13 5.84 5.86 5.14 6.82 ]makedots 0.0 0.6 0.4 setrgbcolor [ 7.04 7.5 7.15 7.2 7.09 7.43 6.46 7.26 6.12 6.97 6.4 4.49 6.67 7.28 6.43 6.23 6.71 6.08 6.33 6.83 6.37 4.92 6.65 6.23 6.37 6.64 6.3 7.44 6.23 7.41 6.51 5.31 6.55 5.76 6.82 5.74 6.45 7.15 6.48 3.87 6.76 5.59 6.8 6.77 6.48 6.19 6.42 6.79 6.45 6.5 6.73 6.95 5.79 7.0 6.07 6.14 5.73 7.34 6.04 6.11 5.9 7.47 6.18 6.79 6.21 7.19 6.15 5.33 6.15 7.25 6.09 7.43 6.12 7.21 ]makedots 0.9 0.1 1.0 setrgbcolor [ 7.29 7.27 7.26 7.18 7.4 6.53 7.4 6.23 7.06 6.33 7.34 6.24 7.1 7.48 7.37 4.5 7.65 6.77 7.31 6.19 7.49 6.95 6.68 7.19 6.96 7.05 6.62 5.82 6.89 6.95 6.93 6.63 6.8 6.9 7.07 6.24 6.79 6.03 7.07 6.0 6.73 3.87 7.01 5.57 6.77 5.63 7.04 3.61 7.32 7.46 6.67 7.25 6.7 5.31 6.98 5.09 7.02 7.24 6.84 7.45 7.16 6.44 6.82 7.17 7.09 7.13 6.4 6.67 6.37 7.3 ]makedots 0.4 0.5 0.0 setrgbcolor [ 8.3 6.97 7.54 6.99 7.71 7.12 7.37 6.89 7.65 4.65 7.69 4.84 7.96 4.92 7.59 7.18 7.62 3.54 7.9 5.44 7.94 6.42 7.62 6.36 7.56 7.43 7.59 6.95 7.87 7.45 7.76 7.33 7.8 6.47 8.08 6.65 7.74 5.22 8.01 6.78 8.05 6.63 7.71 7.03 7.04 6.54 7.32 5.84 7.35 6.05 7.63 7.38 6.98 7.16 7.02 6.9 7.29 4.53 7.57 7.39 7.29 7.02 7.26 7.27 7.47 7.44 7.41 5.97 7.37 7.37 ]makedots 0.0 0.5 0.8 setrgbcolor [ 8.55 6.85 8.54 6.92 8.2 7.43 8.48 7.42 8.51 5.78 8.66 7.29 8.63 5.12 8.9 7.37 8.56 6.9 7.94 6.75 8.21 6.14 7.93 6.24 8.21 6.29 7.87 4.98 8.15 6.45 7.91 6.19 8.18 4.55 7.84 6.49 8.12 6.39 8.05 7.12 8.33 6.67 8.3 7.32 8.05 6.91 8.32 7.08 8.36 7.49 7.98 5.47 8.26 6.96 8.02 5.46 8.3 3.73 7.96 5.48 8.23 5.51 8.27 6.33 7.54 6.99 7.65 7.38 7.69 7.42 7.96 7.49 7.62 7.08 ]makedots 1.0 0.1 0.5 setrgbcolor [ 9.55 7.28 8.79 6.18 8.83 6.08 9.1 6.22 8.76 5.77 9.04 7.15 8.9 5.93 8.94 4.5 9.22 4.86 8.6 7.37 8.88 3.59 9.15 5.69 8.91 6.5 9.19 5.24 8.85 7.26 9.13 7.36 8.87 6.98 8.85 6.6 9.12 7.3 8.99 7.17 9.3 7.34 8.18 7.28 8.46 6.72 8.5 6.68 8.43 5.98 8.29 6.98 8.57 6.52 8.61 5.32 8.89 6.97 8.27 6.34 8.55 3.98 8.82 7.23 8.58 6.78 8.86 6.94 8.52 7.17 8.54 7.26 8.52 6.56 8.66 7.4 ]makedots 0.2 0.6 0.0 setrgbcolor [ 9.8 6.75 9.8 7.41 9.77 5.22 10.05 7.5 9.71 7.47 9.88 6.62 9.32 7.17 9.53 7.16 9.19 6.04 9.47 5.59 9.5 6.83 9.44 6.68 9.19 6.2 9.46 6.45 9.5 6.67 9.12 5.26 9.4 6.86 9.16 4.95 9.44 3.11 9.71 7.46 9.1 5.65 9.37 5.75 9.41 6.32 9.27 6.32 9.55 5.18 9.21 6.6 9.49 6.82 9.52 6.3 8.79 6.84 8.83 6.66 9.1 6.81 8.76 6.83 ]makedots 0.3 0.3 1.0 setrgbcolor [ 10.04 6.29 10.08 4.67 10.36 5.1 10.02 4.64 10.29 6.46 10.05 6.92 10.33 5.84 10.19 5.38 10.47 5.91 10.51 7.32 10.13 5.0 10.41 6.84 10.17 6.14 10.44 5.06 10.1 7.19 10.38 7.45 10.1 7.11 9.44 6.85 9.71 6.44 9.75 4.93 10.03 6.74 9.41 6.52 9.69 4.36 9.96 7.5 9.72 6.79 10.0 7.02 9.66 7.4 9.86 5.66 10.14 7.41 9.52 6.69 9.8 4.79 9.83 6.04 10.11 6.42 9.77 6.74 9.77 6.73 ]makedots 1.0 0.2 0.0 setrgbcolor [ 10.91 7.16 11.05 7.48 11.09 7.36 11.02 5.75 10.99 7.38 10.67 7.33 10.33 6.74 10.61 6.39 10.64 7.3 10.33 7.2 10.6 7.48 10.64 7.47 10.26 6.95 10.3 6.49 10.58 5.31 10.78 7.3 10.44 6.28 10.72 6.05 10.76 5.96 10.69 6.07 10.44 7.06 10.72 7.46 10.75 6.48 10.38 6.52 10.41 4.77 10.69 3.24 10.73 6.4 11.0 7.45 10.35 5.79 10.63 6.1 10.66 5.26 10.8 7.17 10.78 7.14 10.08 6.13 10.36 6.5 10.02 6.58 10.33 7.42 ]makedots 0.0 0.6 0.3 setrgbcolor [ 11.22 6.79 11.5 7.15 11.16 7.28 11.3 7.27 11.33 4.31 11.61 5.03 11.65 6.41 11.27 4.66 11.55 6.65 11.31 5.62 11.58 4.51 11.24 7.26 11.24 7.46 11.45 7.04 11.38 6.98 11.42 6.71 11.7 5.95 10.89 6.57 10.83 6.71 10.69 7.26 10.97 7.05 10.73 7.28 11.0 4.02 11.28 6.31 10.66 5.93 10.94 3.77 11.22 7.33 10.98 4.98 11.25 5.52 10.91 6.4 10.91 6.71 11.11 6.91 11.05 6.47 11.09 6.23 11.37 6.8 11.03 7.15 ]makedots 0.7 0.1 1.0 setrgbcolor [ 12.23 7.39 12.16 6.71 12.28 7.1 11.92 6.63 11.58 6.05 11.86 5.86 11.9 5.52 12.17 7.41 11.83 6.25 11.58 7.16 11.89 6.42 11.52 7.14 11.55 5.33 11.83 4.13 11.87 6.67 11.49 6.8 11.77 7.12 11.8 6.21 11.7 7.37 11.97 7.33 12.01 6.03 11.95 6.4 12.01 7.16 11.67 5.73 11.94 4.82 11.98 6.09 12.26 7.36 11.6 6.84 11.88 7.28 11.64 7.4 11.92 5.21 11.25 7.01 11.22 6.15 11.5 6.58 11.16 7.12 11.33 6.54 11.61 7.07 11.27 7.2 11.58 7.05 ]makedots 0.5 0.4 0.0 setrgbcolor [ 12.47 5.57 12.75 6.2 12.79 7.17 12.41 6.42 12.45 6.95 12.72 6.15 12.59 5.22 12.86 6.04 12.9 5.99 12.52 5.79 12.56 5.2 12.84 4.29 12.5 7.17 12.14 4.79 12.42 6.88 11.8 6.96 12.08 5.31 12.12 6.0 12.39 6.51 11.98 7.36 12.26 4.46 12.53 6.78 12.29 7.33 12.57 6.79 11.92 6.3 12.19 4.6 12.23 3.93 12.51 4.85 12.17 5.9 12.16 6.86 12.34 7.28 ]makedots 0.0 0.6 0.6 setrgbcolor [ 13.48 6.98 13.42 7.11 13.0 7.4 13.04 6.94 12.97 6.79 13.18 6.79 12.84 6.28 13.11 6.29 12.87 7.27 13.15 4.42 13.43 6.8 13.15 6.22 12.81 5.16 13.08 4.22 13.12 5.37 13.4 6.84 13.26 6.99 12.92 7.39 13.2 6.9 13.23 6.71 12.5 6.86 12.82 6.67 12.47 5.58 12.75 6.26 12.79 7.14 ]makedots 1.0 0.0 0.7 setrgbcolor [ 13.73 5.27 14.01 6.14 14.04 5.86 13.67 6.41 13.7 5.65 13.98 4.9 13.84 6.91 14.15 6.51 13.81 5.86 14.09 5.3 14.13 7.43 13.28 7.23 13.12 6.95 13.4 3.86 13.67 6.45 13.43 6.76 13.71 6.24 13.06 6.41 13.33 4.82 13.37 3.84 13.65 4.86 13.51 5.96 13.54 7.26 13.82 6.91 13.17 7.47 13.45 6.31 13.48 4.22 13.76 5.33 13.06 7.49 13.04 7.19 13.15 7.44 ]makedots 0.3 0.5 0.0 setrgbcolor [ 14.73 7.37 14.32 6.89 13.98 6.88 14.25 6.93 14.29 5.03 14.57 7.26 14.23 6.65 14.29 6.97 13.95 6.55 14.22 5.9 14.26 6.56 14.2 6.9 14.09 7.35 14.13 7.16 14.4 4.51 14.68 7.03 14.06 7.1 14.34 5.93 14.38 6.55 14.65 7.37 14.4 6.93 14.06 6.05 14.34 5.5 14.37 5.0 14.65 6.75 14.03 7.05 14.31 5.06 13.65 7.02 13.96 6.69 13.62 6.48 13.89 7.12 13.79 7.39 14.07 6.36 13.73 6.99 14.01 7.09 13.73 6.03 14.01 6.84 14.04 6.5 13.67 7.45 13.7 6.72 13.98 6.15 ]makedots 0.2 0.4 1.0 setrgbcolor [ 14.87 7.12 15.18 7.42 15.12 7.21 14.98 6.03 15.26 6.97 15.02 7.07 15.29 5.4 14.92 7.25 14.95 5.24 15.23 4.68 15.27 6.81 15.07 7.28 15.34 7.03 14.54 5.67 14.85 7.36 14.47 6.9 14.51 6.04 14.79 6.79 14.65 7.5 14.37 7.04 14.65 4.32 14.93 6.9 14.69 5.74 14.96 5.37 14.31 6.73 14.59 5.47 14.35 7.36 14.62 2.32 14.9 4.09 14.94 6.47 14.56 5.92 14.6 7.38 14.87 6.93 14.74 5.65 15.01 6.7 14.32 7.41 14.29 6.11 ]makedots 1.0 0.1 0.2 setrgbcolor [ 15.88 7.35 15.43 7.31 15.57 7.05 15.61 7.05 15.23 7.08 15.51 7.28 15.27 6.68 15.54 3.8 15.82 6.64 15.86 7.41 15.2 7.14 15.48 6.02 15.52 6.44 15.79 7.31 15.54 6.79 15.2 6.4 15.48 5.95 15.51 5.24 15.79 6.98 15.45 5.93 15.66 5.73 15.59 7.11 15.63 6.5 15.91 7.49 15.59 7.37 15.63 5.74 15.9 7.48 15.56 6.04 14.9 6.86 14.94 6.5 15.21 5.37 14.87 6.61 15.15 6.76 15.19 7.19 14.87 5.94 15.15 6.81 15.18 6.26 14.84 6.97 15.12 6.48 15.33 6.93 15.3 7.3 14.98 7.29 15.3 6.74 14.96 6.99 15.23 6.64 ]makedots 0.0 0.7 0.1 setrgbcolor [ 16.12 6.88 16.44 6.17 16.1 6.55 16.37 6.17 16.27 7.35 16.55 5.97 16.21 5.87 16.49 5.61 16.52 6.31 15.51 7.37 15.79 4.91 16.07 7.32 15.83 5.97 16.1 5.68 15.73 6.51 15.76 3.92 16.04 5.22 16.08 7.06 15.9 5.84 15.94 5.68 16.22 5.53 15.84 6.94 15.6 7.34 15.88 2.78 16.15 4.63 15.91 7.06 16.19 5.52 15.46 7.4 15.43 6.46 15.54 5.9 ]makedots 0.5 0.2 1.0 setrgbcolor [ 16.69 5.54 16.66 7.21 16.86 6.88 16.52 6.55 16.8 3.9 17.08 6.86 16.83 6.56 17.11 6.48 16.46 7.23 16.73 6.32 16.77 5.41 17.05 6.6 16.79 7.44 16.45 7.12 16.73 6.89 16.77 4.86 17.05 6.87 16.43 7.42 16.7 5.86 16.74 7.37 16.88 7.29 16.88 7.24 16.08 7.23 16.35 6.28 16.19 5.98 16.47 4.97 16.5 7.3 16.13 6.35 16.4 6.67 16.44 5.88 16.12 6.35 16.4 7.33 16.16 7.07 16.44 5.53 16.1 6.36 16.37 6.03 ]makedots 0.6 0.4 0.0 setrgbcolor [ 17.38 7.47 17.41 7.11 17.69 5.74 17.35 6.19 17.63 5.98 17.66 6.46 17.8 7.33 17.46 7.28 17.74 7.23 17.78 6.69 16.93 7.18 16.9 6.89 17.11 7.45 17.05 7.22 17.36 7.11 16.77 7.45 17.04 5.26 17.08 4.82 17.36 4.71 16.98 6.99 16.74 7.17 17.02 2.45 17.29 4.49 17.05 6.74 17.33 5.17 17.19 6.57 17.47 6.63 17.13 4.65 17.41 6.13 17.17 6.9 17.44 5.55 16.71 7.31 16.75 7.05 16.69 5.24 16.8 6.64 ]makedots 0.0 0.6 0.5 setrgbcolor [ 18.0 6.69 17.66 6.85 17.94 4.45 18.22 7.21 17.97 6.71 18.25 6.68 17.88 7.17 17.91 6.21 18.19 7.3 17.91 6.03 17.85 7.36 17.77 7.27 18.05 5.25 18.09 6.27 18.36 6.39 17.99 7.41 18.02 5.35 18.3 6.72 18.02 5.6 17.96 6.7 17.99 7.0 17.67 7.31 17.33 5.84 17.61 4.86 17.64 7.04 17.27 6.77 17.54 7.1 17.58 6.18 17.26 7.03 17.58 6.15 17.24 7.37 17.51 7.12 17.44 6.4 17.72 5.68 17.76 6.69 17.38 6.95 17.66 7.4 17.42 7.44 17.69 5.39 17.41 7.11 17.69 5.81 17.35 6.64 17.63 6.51 17.66 6.86 ]makedots 1.0 0.0 0.9 setrgbcolor [ 18.83 7.22 18.67 7.39 18.94 6.27 18.6 6.72 18.88 6.71 18.92 5.92 18.19 6.58 18.22 6.02 18.5 5.98 18.16 5.12 18.44 6.39 18.47 6.71 18.34 7.18 18.61 6.59 18.3 6.56 18.33 4.74 18.61 4.89 18.65 7.25 17.99 7.15 18.27 2.87 18.55 4.97 18.31 5.61 18.58 3.93 18.38 6.85 18.7 6.52 17.83 6.49 18.0 6.65 17.66 7.16 17.94 5.0 17.98 7.0 18.25 7.03 ]makedots 0.4 0.5 0.0 setrgbcolor [ 19.08 6.8 19.26 6.53 18.92 6.73 19.19 4.53 19.47 7.41 19.23 5.46 19.51 5.64 19.13 7.4 19.17 5.12 19.44 6.58 19.16 5.7 19.1 7.29 19.14 7.4 19.31 7.17 19.34 6.87 19.62 7.15 19.28 6.27 19.28 7.12 19.25 7.42 18.47 7.38 18.75 6.66 18.92 6.82 18.58 5.26 18.86 4.41 18.9 5.43 19.17 6.93 18.52 6.49 18.8 7.0 18.56 6.84 18.83 4.59 19.11 7.39 18.52 7.37 18.55 6.74 18.83 5.41 18.49 6.79 18.77 6.71 18.8 6.88 18.97 7.17 19.01 6.92 18.95 5.92 18.94 6.96 18.92 6.97 ]makedots 0.0 0.5 1.0 setrgbcolor [ 20.08 6.85 20.06 6.88 20.17 6.32 19.5 7.21 19.48 7.02 19.76 6.44 19.44 6.84 19.48 4.88 19.75 5.08 19.79 7.2 19.41 4.09 19.69 5.8 19.45 6.13 19.73 4.7 19.59 7.32 19.87 6.91 19.59 5.78 19.87 6.1 19.9 7.06 19.52 4.68 19.8 6.37 19.56 5.41 19.84 3.96 19.14 6.31 18.8 7.32 19.08 5.28 19.12 7.02 19.39 7.1 19.26 7.1 19.19 5.83 19.23 6.48 19.51 6.71 ]makedots 1.0 0.1 0.4 setrgbcolor [ 20.4 7.09 20.33 5.94 20.37 6.49 20.65 6.68 20.31 6.77 20.3 7.44 20.51 7.22 20.17 7.42 20.45 5.71 20.48 5.11 20.76 5.53 20.42 5.04 20.7 6.68 20.73 7.05 20.42 6.33 20.39 7.02 20.07 6.95 19.72 6.03 20.0 5.34 20.04 6.0 20.32 7.42 19.97 5.91 19.97 6.82 20.18 7.16 19.84 5.73 20.11 5.19 20.15 4.59 20.43 6.48 19.77 7.07 19.81 6.23 20.09 3.94 20.36 7.16 20.12 7.31 19.81 6.78 20.09 5.68 19.74 7.03 20.02 7.11 20.06 6.11 20.2 7.24 ]makedots 0.1 0.7 0.0 setrgbcolor [ 21.34 7.29 21.31 6.37 21.42 7.49 20.62 6.84 20.89 7.02 20.55 6.85 20.87 7.1 20.76 7.45 21.07 6.9 20.73 6.31 21.01 5.86 20.73 4.81 21.01 5.23 21.04 6.13 20.67 4.33 20.94 6.15 20.7 4.87 20.98 3.28 20.64 6.17 20.92 6.31 20.84 7.47 20.78 6.85 20.81 6.2 21.09 5.23 20.75 6.95 21.03 7.2 21.06 7.42 20.22 7.24 20.4 7.0 20.4 5.86 20.67 7.43 20.06 6.97 20.33 5.02 20.37 5.56 20.65 5.86 20.31 6.35 20.45 7.37 20.48 6.83 20.76 7.21 20.42 7.18 ] makedots } store % Total count = 1282. /makedots {/curmat exch store 0 2 curmat length 2 sub {/cposn exch store curmat cposn get curmat cposn 1 add get mt dot } for } store % 100 100 10 setgrid % only when not standalone 1.15 dup scale 0.92 setgray 1 setlinewidth 0 setlinecap 0.5 0 mt 7 u 19.5 0 mt 7 u 2 setlinewidth 10 0 mt 7 u 20 7 showgrid black line1 10 -0.3 mt 7.8 u gsave 0 0 mt 7.5 pu 20 pr 7.5 pd closepath clip sdatproc grestore % get off clip /cstretch 0 store /sstretch 0.015 store /font1 /StoneSans-Bold 0.75 gonzofont font1 black line1 0 7.5 mt 20 r 0 -0.3 mt 7.8 u 20 -0.3 mt 7.8 u -0.3 0 mt 20.6 r 0 2.5 mt 0.3 l 0 5 mt 0.3 l 0 7.5 mt 0.3 l /kern 0.1 store 0.2 0.2 0.2 setrgbcolor 0 -1.5 (0.52) cc 10 -1.5 (0.53) cc 20 -1.5 (0.54) cc 10 -2.5 (amplitude) cc -1 0 0.2 sub(0.00|j%) cr -1 2.5 0.2 sub (0.05|j%) cr -1 5 0.2 sub (0.10|j%) cr -1 7.5 0.2 sub (0.15|j%) cr gsave -4.4 3.75 translate 90 rotate 0 0 (distortion 2-22) cc grestore % end ypos snap3 restore /ypos exch def } def %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /deltachip { %aaaaaaaaaaaa /figadvance 10 store save /snap3 exch def /linestring 1000 string store %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% electronics begin bestgray 8 37.5 translate % reposition on page 0.85 dup scale % 0 0 10 setgrid already there % 33 14 showgrid /cstretch 0.02 def /sstretch 0.0 def /kern 0.1 def /yinc 1.0 def /red {0 settint} def /blue {0.67 settint} def /purple {0.75 settint} def /font0 /Helvetica-Bold [1.2 0 0 1 0 -0.2] gonzofont /font0 /helvetica-bold [1 0 0 0.8 0 0 ] gonzofont /font1 /Helvetica 0.75 gonzofont /font4 /Helvetica 0.6 gonzofont /font3 /Helvetica-Bold 0.75 gonzofont /font2 /Helvetica-Oblique 0.75 gonzofont /font5 /Helvetica-Bold 1.1 gonzofont /font6 /Helvetica [2 0 0 1.4 0 0] gonzofont /font7 /Helvetica-Oblique 0.75 gonzofont /font8 /Symbol 0.75 gonzofont /font9 /Helvetica [.6 0 0 .6 -.15 .4] gonzofont /font- /Helvetica-Bold [0.4 0 0 0.55 0 0] gonzofont /kern 0.15 def /tabs [16.5] def /txtwide 29 def font1 /tabs [17.5] def font1 /yinc 0.9 def line1 bestgray black 22 6 mt 3 d 5 rx circ1 26 3 mt rarrow 21 6 mt 1 d 6 rx circ1 26 5 mt rarrow 20 6 mt 1.5 d 4 rx 2 ux 3 r circ1 26 6.5 mt rarrow 19 6 mt 2 d 5.5 rx 4 ux 2.5 r circ1 26 8 mt rarrow 17 10 mt 1 u 5 l 8 d 4 l circ1 9.5 3 mt rarrow % low priority 18 6 mt 1.5 d ground 17 6 mt 2.5 d 7 lx 1 u 2 l circ1 9.5 4.5 mt rarrow 16 6 mt 2 d 5.5 lx 2 u 2.5 l circ1 9.5 6 mt rarrow 15 6 mt 1.5 d 4 lx 3 u 3 l circ1 9.5 7.5 mt rarrow 14 6 mt 1 d 2.5 lx 4 u 3.5 l circ1 9.5 9 mt rarrow 21 10 mt 2 ux 3 r 2 d 3 r circ1 26 13 mt rarrow 20 10 mt 2.5 u 4.5 r 1 d 2.5 r circ1 26 11.5 mt rarrow 19 10 mt 3 u 8 r circ1 26 10 mt rarrow 18 10 mt 1.5 u circ1 % +5v 16 10 mt 3 ux circ1 16 12.3 mt darrow 15 10 mt 2 ux 7 l circ1 9.5 12 mt rarrow 14 10 mt 1.5 ux 2.5 l 1 d 3.5 l circ1 9.5 10.5 mt rarrow beige 14 6 moveto 18 (MS28D-05X) (IN1 IN0 XIN IN6 +5V /DA /DB /DC NC) (IN2 IN3 IN4 IN5 GND DA DB DC SYNC) dipdraw font4 22 10.65 (NC) cc font1 18 12 (+5V) cc font1 /overstrikeht 0.55 store 27.7 13 0.3 sub (Delta "A" complement) cl 27.7 11.5 0.3 sub (Delta "B" complement) cl 27.7 10 0.3 sub (Delta "C" complement) cl 27.7 8 0.3 sub (Delta "A" true output) cl 27.7 6.5 0.3 sub (Delta "B" true output) cl 27.7 5 0.3 sub (Delta "C" true output) cl 27.7 3 0.3 sub (Zero degrees sync) cl 16 14.7 (10 MHz per 60 Hz) cc 16 13.8 (input clock ref) cc 7.3 2.7 (high ~|jOR|j~ 0-100 amp bit 6) cr 7.3 4.2 (high ~|jOR|j~ 0-100 amp bit 5) cr 7.3 5.7 (high ~|jOR|j~ 0-100 amp bit 4) cr 7.3 7.2 (slew up ~|jOR|j~ 0-100 amp bit 3) cr 7.3 8.7 (slew down ~|jOR|j~ 0-100 amp bit 2) cr 7.3 10.2 (step up ~|jOR|j~ 0-100 amp bit 1) cr 7.3 11.7 (step down ~|jOR|j~ 0-100 amp bit 0) cr end ypos snap3 restore /ypos exch def } def %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% fig3 for fastmsol2 /figure3 { % transfer of angles vs ampliude for gg72 % save /snap3 exch def %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 11.5 5 translate % position on page % capture the 28 best efficiency data set to .01 detail... % truncated for gg /angs0 [ 12.00 12.00 24.00 24.00 36.00 36.00 48.00 48.00 60.00 60.00 72.00 72.00 84.00 84.00 ] store /coss0 mark angs0 {cos} forall ] store /angs1 [ 11.98 12.01 23.97 24.02 35.96 36.03 47.95 48.04 59.94 60.05 71.94 72.05 83.94 84.05 ] store /angs2 [ 11.974847054192383 % a=p1s 12.024744017679858 % a=p1e 23.950819469133126 % a=p2s 24.048433365709524 % a=p2e 35.9289889953262 % a=p3s 36.07005477232906 % a=p3e 47.910323239760814 % a=p4s 48.088676789078065 % a=p4e 59.89564103809268 % a=p5s 60.10348816058274 % a=p5e 71.88557608883967 % a=p6s 72.11383286811898 % a=p6e 83.88055055992965 % a=p7s 84.11924037287778 % a=p7e ] store /angs3 [ 11.962118915829903 % a=p1s 12.03696090624807 % a=p1e 23.92595162929968 % a=p2s 24.07236703949866 % a=p2e 35.893127245474595 % a=p3s 36.10472087707484 % a=p3e 47.86511076741572 % a=p4s 48.13263882275228 % a=p4e 59.84313379542474 % a=p5s 60.15490640171296 % a=p5e 71.8281392839728 % a=p6s 72.17053048401827 % a=p6e 83.82074309176468 % a=p7s 84.17878636192533 % a=p7e ] store /angs4 [ 11.949290517283893 % a=p1s 12.049073387651642 % a=p1e 23.900900022994463 % a=p2s 24.096110421824473 % a=p2e 35.85702905846874 % a=p3s 36.13914449836989 % a=p3e 47.81964912772209 % a=p4s 48.17634896136679 % a=p4e 59.790407132381254 % a=p5s 60.20610752850041 % a=p5e 71.7705506598397 % a=p6s 72.22708352375918 % a=p6e 83.76087805625558 % a=p7s 84.23828505542117 % a=p7e ] store /angs5 [ 11.936362466871577 % a=p1s 12.06108068586895 % a=p1e 23.875665544479162 % a=p2s 24.119662226290405 % a=p2e 35.820695114855724 % a=p3s 36.173324291962636 % a=p3e 47.77393833539115 % a=p4s 48.21980630146989 % a=p4e 59.737460197319905 % a=p5s 60.25709145625097 % a=p5e 71.71280864356133 % a=p6s 72.28349283843973 % a=p6e 83.70095359631462 % a=p7s 84.29773803842423 % a=p7e ] store /angs6 [ 11.92333534962837 % a=p1s 12.072981999867295 % a=p1e 23.850249033990785 % a=p2s 24.14302110761017 % a=p2e 35.78412600358127 % a=p3s 36.20725881394451 % a=p3e 47.72797828072875 % a=p4s 48.263009807514656 % a=p4e 59.68429200398899 % a=p5s 60.30785796415633 % a=p5e 71.65491155362278 % a=p6s 72.33975917878625 % a=p6e 83.64096780758828 % a=p7s 84.35714686441895 % a=p7e ] store /angs7 [ 11.910209727377705 % a=p1s 12.084776503234172 % a=p1e 23.824651278023655 % a=p2s 24.166185660657497 % a=p2e 35.747322222396384 % a=p3s 36.24094651910828 % a=p3e 47.68176872964642 % a=p4s 48.30595830989897 % a=p4e 59.63090143051986 % a=p5s 60.35840669388239 % a=p5e 71.59685759776832 % a=p6s 72.3958831951506 % a=p6e 83.58091873602368 % a=p7s 84.41651305690237 % a=p7e ] store /angs8 [ 11.896986138776953 % a=p1s 12.096463343780352 % a=p1e 23.798873009544423 % a=p2s 24.1891544194381 % a=p2e 35.71028417813772 % a=p3s 36.27438575915712 % a=p3e 47.635309323468576 % a=p4s 48.348650502768294 % a=p4e 59.577287218151646 % a=p5s 60.40873714787044 % a=p5e 71.53864487064128 % a=p6s 72.45186543727682 % a=p6e 83.52080437530424 % a=p7s 84.47583811090627 % a=p7e ] store /angs9 [ 11.883665099327878 % a=p1s 12.10804164310246 % a=p1e 23.77291490813462 % a=p2s 24.21192585597619 % a=p2e 35.673012186877045 % a=p3s 36.30757478075494 % a=p3e 47.58859957853082 % a=p4s 48.39108494156987 % a=p4e 59.52344796968203 % a=p5s 60.45884868734144 % a=p5e 71.4802713511592 % a=p6s 72.50770635383223 % a=p6e 83.46062266414432 % a=p7s 84.53512349445879 % a=p7e ] store /angs10 [ 11.870247101357558 % a=p1s 12.119510496110177 % a=p1e 23.746777600061925 % a=p2s 24.23449837911455 % a=p2e 35.63550647394103 % a=p3s 36.34051172341407 % a=p3e 47.541638885569256 % a=p4s 48.43326004035069 % a=p4e 59.469382147639834 % a=p5s 60.50874052999415 % a=p5e 71.42173489961449 % a=p6s 72.56340629169891 % a=p6e 83.4003714834328 % a=p7s 84.59437064998934 % a=p7e ] store /angs11 [ 11.856732613966773 % a=p1s 12.130868970513701 % a=p1e 23.720461658280186 % a=p2s 24.2568703332254 % a=p2e 35.59776717380025 % a=p3s 36.37319461721436 % a=p3e 47.49442650889857 % a=p4s 48.475174068789634 % a=p4e 59.41508807217332 % a=p5s 60.55841174738708 % a=p5e 71.36303325448995 % a=p6s 72.61896549501986 % a=p6e 83.34004865321407 % a=p7s 84.65358099568142 % a=p7e ] store /angs12 [ 11.843122082945142 % a=p1s 12.142116106270509 % a=p1e 23.693967602355304 % a=p2s 24.279039996827304 % a=p2e 35.55979432982573 % a=p3s 36.405621380346524 % a=p3e 47.44696158537543 % a=p4s 48.516825148952385 % a=p4e 59.360563918645916 % a=p5s 60.6078612619903 % a=p5e 71.30416402897619 % a=p6s 72.67438410399262 % a=p6e 83.2796519294945 % a=p7s 84.71275592677652 % a=p7e ] store /angs13 [ 11.82941593065426 % a=p1s 12.153250914990615 % a=p1e 23.667295898318045 % a=p2s 24.3010055811062 % a=p2e 35.52158789391118 % a=p3s 36.43778981647274 % a=p3e 47.39924312314353 % a=p4s 48.558211251757726 % a=p4e 59.305807714931596 % a=p5s 60.65708784389479 % a=p5e 71.24512470717748 % a=p6s 72.72966215340223 % a=p6e 83.21917900086149 % a=p7s 84.7718968168333 % a=p7e ] store /angs14 [ 11.815614555875824 % a=p1s 12.164272379297325 % a=p1e 23.6404469584398 % a=p2s 24.322765228334127 % a=p2e 35.48314772595886 % a=p3s 36.469697611896315 % a=p3e 47.351270000155424 % a=p4s 48.599330193141476 % a=p4e 59.25081733839909 % a=p5s 60.70609010716251 % a=p5e 71.1859126399899 % a=p6s 72.78479957088365 % a=p6e 83.15862748490005 % a=p7s 84.83100501894486 % a=p7e ] store /angs15 [ 11.801718333625152 % a=p1s 12.175179452142526 % a=p1e 23.613421140931536 % a=p2s 24.344317010183318 % a=p2e 35.4444735932256 % a=p3s 36.50134233253178 % a=p3e 47.3030409624662 % a=p4s 48.640179629904 % a=p4e 59.19559051257442 % a=p5s 60.75486650580041 % a=p5e 71.12652504063502 % a=p6s 72.83979617490274 % a=p6e 83.09799492439242 % a=p7s 84.89008186691791 % a=p7e ] store /angs16 [ 11.787727614929405 % a=p1s 12.18597105607372 % a=p1e 23.586218749562654 % a=p2s 24.36565892592901 % a=p2e 35.40556516952632 % a=p3s 36.53272142066584 % a=p3e 47.25455462229148 % a=p4s 48.680757055225016 % a=p4e 59.14012480346797 % a=p5s 60.80341532933896 % a=p5e 71.06695897982998 % a=p6s 72.89465167244286 % a=p6e 83.03727878328297 % a=p7s 84.94912867641655 % a=p7e ] store /angs17 [ 11.77364272656729 % a=p1s 12.196646082450007 % a=p1e 23.55884003319776 % a=p2s 24.386788900536796 % a=p2e 35.36642203429076 % a=p3s 36.56383219149893 % a=p3e 47.205809455823555 % a=p4s 48.721059793828665 % a=p4e 59.08441761555297 % a=p5s 60.85173469799367 % a=p5e 71.00721138057251 % a=p6s 72.94936565638254 % a=p6e 82.97647644239078 % a=p7s 85.00814674607393 % a=p7e ] store /angs18 [ 11.759463970771552 % a=p1s 12.207203390605802 % a=p1e 23.531285185248322 % a=p2s 24.407704782627324 % a=p2e 35.32704367146845 % a=p3s 36.59467182945564 % a=p3e 47.15680380079669 % a=p4s 48.761084996779495 % a=p4e 59.02846618737822 % a=p5s 60.89982255738604 % a=p5e 70.94727901251849 % a=p6s 73.00393760254836 % a=p6e 82.91558519484946 % a=p7s 85.06713735857441 % a=p7e ] store /angs19 [ 11.745191624890726 % a=p1s 12.217641806957563 % a=p1e 23.503554343036566 % a=p2s 24.428404342313463 % a=p2e 35.28742946827808 % a=p3s 36.625237384252536 % a=p3e 47.107535853792385 % a=p4s 48.80082963588889 % a=p4e 58.972267586798715 % a=p5s 60.94767667279787 % a=p5e 70.88715848592577 % a=p6s 73.05836686642435 % a=p6e 82.85460224125279 % a=p7s 85.12610178170924 % a=p7e ] store /angs20 [ 11.730825941009456 % a=p1s 12.227960124052048 % a=p1e 23.47564758706738 % a=p2s 24.448885268901304 % a=p2e 35.247578713793736 % a=p3s 36.65552576670891 % a=p3e 47.05800366727401 % a=p4s 48.84029049770906 % a=p4e 58.91581870580349 % a=p5s 60.995294622930274 % a=p5e 70.82684624513675 % a=p6s 73.11265267949769 % a=p6e 82.79352468448211 % a=p7s 85.18504126940833 % a=p7e ] store /angs21 [ 11.71636714552474 % a=p1s 12.238157099551403 % a=p1e 23.44756494020518 % a=p2s 24.469145168448645 % a=p2e 35.20749059736334 % a=p3s 36.68553374428745 % a=p3e 47.008205146339535 % a=p4s 48.87946417709021 % a=p4e 58.859116254920146 % a=p5s 61.04267379313565 % a=p5e 70.76633856156903 % a=p6s 73.16679414521796 % a=p6e 82.73234952418977 % a=p7s 85.24395706275082 % a=p7e ] store /angs22 [ 11.701815438676984 % a=p1s 12.248231455152272 % a=p1e 23.419306366750394 % a=p2s 24.489181561171776 % a=p2e 35.167164206850316 % a=p3s 36.71525793634734 % a=p3e 46.958138045178856 % a=p4s 48.91834707027344 % a=p4e 58.8021567571719 % a=p5s 61.089811368087894 % a=p5e 70.70563152617991 % a=p6s 73.22079023454442 % a=p6e 82.67107365091016 % a=p7s 85.30285039095683 % a=p7e ] store /angs23 [ 11.687170994032428 % a=p1s 12.258181875434113 % a=p1e 23.390871771411508 % a=p2s 24.50899187869209 % a=p2e 35.126598526691865 % a=p3s 36.744694809094355 % a=p3e 46.907799963221834 % a=p4s 48.956935367490466 % a=p4e 58.74493654156117 % a=p5s 61.13670432385263 % a=p5e 70.64472104136836 % a=p6s 73.27463978105305 % a=p6e 82.60969383976686 % a=p7s 85.36172247236334 % a=p7e ] store /angs24 [ 11.672433957915235 % a=p1s 12.26800700663286 % a=p1e 23.362260998166978 % a=p2s 24.528573461112185 % a=p2e 35.085792435764034 % a=p3s 36.773840670208166 % a=p3e 46.85718834096131 % a=p4s 48.99522504503821 % a=p4e 58.68745173605153 % a=p5s 61.18334941931543 % a=p5e 70.58360281227317 % a=p6s 73.3283414755723 % a=p6e 82.54820674374241 % a=p7s 85.42057451538614 % a=p7e ] store /angs25 [ 11.657604448786142 % a=p1s 12.277705455334987 % a=p1e 23.33347382901136 % a=p2s 24.547923553911666 % a=p2e 35.04474470504407 % a=p3s 36.80269166312757 % a=p3e 46.80630045543359 % a=p4s 49.03321185679282 % a=p4e 58.62969826001678 % a=p5s 61.2297431869218 % a=p5e 70.52227233742346 % a=p6s 73.38189386031235 % a=p6e 82.48660888647268 % a=p7s 85.47940771947097 % a=p7e ] store /angs26 [ 11.642682556563992 % a=p1s 12.287275787086035 % a=p1e 23.304509982578292 % a=p2s 24.567039304649334 % a=p2e 35.00345399505897 % a=p3s 36.83124376097095 % a=p3e 46.75513341533713 % a=p4s 49.07089132512581 % a=p4e 58.57167181612225 % a=p5s 61.27588192267824 % a=p5e 70.4607248986916 % a=p6s 73.43529532244932 % a=p6e 82.4248966545247 % a=p7s 85.5382232760357 % a=p7e ] store /angs27 [ 11.62766834188761 % a=p1s 12.29671652490895 % a=p1e 23.275369112634362 % a=p2s 24.585917759460802 % a=p2e 34.961918853108216 % a=p3s 36.859492760068704 % a=p3e 46.703684155768975 % a=p4s 49.10825873117987 % a=p4e 58.51336788160183 % a=p5s 61.32176167535815 % a=p5e 70.3989555504958 % a=p6s 73.48854408712174 % a=p6e 82.36306628911284 % a=p7s 85.5970223694067 % a=p7e ] store /angs28 [ 11.61256183531389 % a=p1s 12.306026147724955 % a=p1e 23.246050806434955 % a=p2s 24.6045558593367 % a=p2e 34.920137710247616 % a=p3s 36.88743427308142 % a=p3e 46.651949432555526 % a=p4s 49.14530910446015 % a=p4e 58.45478169888876 % a=p5s 61.36737823485163 % a=p5e 70.33695910819229 % a=p6s 73.54163820979106 % a=p6e 82.30111387720302 % a=p7s 85.6558061777513 % a=p7e ] store /angs29 [ 11.59736303644711 % a=p1s 12.315203088670305 % a=p1e 23.21655458293341 % a=p2s 24.622950436166153 % a=p2e 34.87810887801911 % a=p3s 36.91506372167538 % a=p3e 46.5999258161524 % a=p4s 49.18203721169034 % a=p4e 58.39590826555562 % a=p5s 61.41272711959097 % a=p5e 70.27473013559283 % a=p6s 73.594575567914 % a=p6e 82.23903534194987 % a=p7s 85.71457587400957 % a=p7e ] store /angs30 [ 11.582071912996428 % a=p1s 12.324245733302025 % a=p1e 23.186879890834618 % a=p2s 24.64109820852994 % a=p2e 34.83583054491118 % a=p3s 36.94237632872516 % a=p3e 46.54760968508595 % a=p4s 49.21843754488009 % a=p4e 58.336742323513874 % a=p5s 61.45780356297762 % a=p5e 70.21226293153529 % a=p6s 73.64735385186718 % a=p6e 82.17682643240578 % a=p7s 85.77333262682737 % a=p7e ] store /angs31 [ 11.566688399755103 % a=p1s 12.333152417683447 % a=p1e 23.157026106481293 % a=p2s 24.65899577722405 % a=p2e 34.793300772531175 % a=p3s 36.96936711000882 % a=p3e 46.49499721890572 % a=p4s 49.254504308544554 % a=p4e 58.27727834741927 % a=p5s 61.502602498728 % a=p5e 70.14955151542911 % a=p6s 73.69997055505918 % a=p6e 82.11448271243431 % a=p7s 85.83207760149402 % a=p7e ] store /angs32 [ 11.55121239749649 % a=p1s 12.341921426340825 % a=p1e 23.12699253156217 % a=p2s 24.676639620494885 % a=p2e 34.750517491470966 % a=p3s 36.996030865359884 % a=p3e 46.44208439061452 % a=p4s 49.29023140601078 % a=p4e 58.21751053222307 % a=p5s 61.54711854504793 % a=p5e 70.08658961168794 % a=p6s 73.75242296315676 % a=p6e 82.05199954875309 % a=p7s 85.89081196088709 % a=p7e ] store /angs33 [ 11.535643771780839 % a=p1s 12.35055099008155 % a=p1e 23.09677839062888 % a=p2s 24.6940260889639 % a=p2e 34.7074784968436 % a=p3s 37.02236216923542 % a=p3e 46.388866958539694 % a=p4s 49.32561242474032 % a=p4e 58.15743277980454 % a=p5s 61.5913459875349 % a=p5e 70.02337063295417 % a=p6s 73.80470814234442 % a=p6e 81.98937209802318 % a=p7s 85.94953686642697 % a=p7e ] store /angs34 [ 11.519982351665762 % a=p1s 12.359039283662634 % a=p1e 23.066382828406926 % a=p2s 24.711151400217876 % a=p2e 34.66418144346757 % a=p3s 37.04835536065633 % a=p3e 46.33534045760484 % a=p4s 49.360640620589926 % a=p4e 58.09703868461281 % a=p5s 61.63527876069768 % a=p5e 69.95988766200874 % a=p6s 73.8568229265267 % a=p6e 81.92659529289242 % a=p7s 86.00825347904505 % a=p7e ] store /angs35 [ 11.504227928312746 % a=p1s 12.367384423297112 % a=p1e 23.03580490688566 % a=p2s 24.728011633039017 % a=p2e 34.62062384067247 % a=p3s 37.0740045324722 % a=p3e 46.2815001899581 % a=p4s 49.39530890092468 % a=p4e 58.03632151823934 % a=p5s 61.67891042797037 % a=p5e 69.8961334322492 % a=p6s 73.90876390337225 % a=p6e 81.86366382688989 % a=p7s 86.06696296016798 % a=p7e ] store /angs36 [ 11.488380253482298 % a=p1s 12.375584463986224 % a=p1e 23.00504360216978 % a=p2s 24.744602721245936 % a=p2e 34.57680304669713 % a=p3s 37.09930351989759 % a=p3e 46.22734121490803 % a=p4s 49.42960980648992 % a=p4e 57.975274212834535 % a=p5s 61.722234160085286 % a=p5e 69.83210030660594 % a=p6s 73.96052739908667 % a=p6e 81.80057213805719 % a=p7s 86.12566647272173 % a=p7e ] store /angs37 [ 11.472439037907781 % a=p1s 12.383637396662037 % a=p1e 22.974097801072595 % a=p2s 24.760920447114106 % a=p2e 34.53271626264794 % a=p3s 37.12424588826167 % a=p3e 46.17285833811334 % a=p4s 49.46353549193782 % a=p4e 57.91388934327296 % a=p5s 61.765242711653386 % a=p5e 69.76778025475258 % a=p6s 74.01210946178786 % a=p6e 81.73731439118794 % a=p7s 86.18436518215925 % a=p7e ] store /angs38 [ 11.456403949537945 % a=p1s 12.391541145124311 % a=p1e 22.94296629743082 % a=p2s 24.776960434340847 % a=p2e 34.48836052598261 % a=p3s 37.14882491990828 % a=p3e 46.11804609996735 % a=p4s 49.497077704895275 % a=p4e 57.85215910796204 % a=p5s 61.80792839578511 % a=p5e 69.7031648284505 % a=p6s 74.06350584334204 % a=p6e 81.67388445853271 % a=p7s 86.24306025751534 % a=p7e ] store /angs39 [ 11.440274611637554 % a=p1s 12.399293562754744 % a=p1e 22.91164778811647 % a=p2s 24.792718140516374 % a=p2e 34.443732703479476 % a=p3s 37.17303360017536 % a=p3e 46.06289876311179 % a=p4s 49.530227763446774 % a=p4e 57.79007530817778 % a=p5s 61.850283056564976 % a=p5e 69.63824513484936 % a=p6s 74.1147119795016 % a=p6e 81.6102758988087 % a=p7s 86.30175287249307 % a=p7e ] store /angs40 [ 11.424050600733594 % a=p1s 12.406892428988357 % a=p1e 22.880140868720527 % a=p2s 24.80818884905887 % a=p2e 34.39882948364979 % a=p3s 37.19686460237714 % a=p3e 46.0074102990076 % a=p4s 49.562976531893824 % a=p4e 57.727629325799626 % a=p5s 61.89229803917272 % a=p5e 69.57301180754612 % a=p6s 74.16572296816564 % a=p6e 81.54648193433371 % a=p7s 86.36044420658635 % a=p7e ] store /angs41 [ 11.407731444392123 % a=p1s 12.414335445520077 % a=p1e 22.848444028878745 % a=p2s 24.82336766056565 % a=p2e 34.35364736854382 % a=p3s 37.22031027170321 % a=p3e 45.95157437348261 % a=p4s 49.595314394636866 % a=p4e 57.664812099301635 % a=p5s 61.93396415741885 % a=p5e 69.50745497518102 % a=p6s 74.21653354556209 % a=p6e 81.48249542608227 % a=p7s 86.4191354462431 % a=p7e ] store /angs42 [ 11.391316618812636 % a=p1s 12.421620232222997 % a=p1e 22.816555647207974 % a=p2s 24.838249483529232 % a=p2e 34.30818266489811 % a=p3s 37.24336260794033 % a=p3e 45.89538433116774 % a=p4s 49.62723122800976 % a=p4e 57.60161409784311 % a=p5s 61.975271658436604 % a=p5e 69.44156422732436 % a=p6s 74.2671380601239 % a=p6e 81.4183088464351 % a=p7s 86.47782778607522 % a=p7e ] store /angs43 [ 11.374805546220893 % a=p1s 12.428744322751362 % a=p1e 22.784473985816735 % a=p2s 24.852829024359778 % a=p2e 34.26243147456385 % a=p3s 37.26601324691203 % a=p3e 45.83883317872304 % a=p4s 49.65871636987805 % a=p4e 57.53802529328333 % a=p5s 62.01621018424045 % a=p5e 69.37532857737801 % a=p6s 74.31753044380257 % a=p6e 81.35391424936446 % a=p7s 86.53652243012 % a=p7e ] store /angs44 [ 11.35819759204244 % a=p1s 12.435705159797667 % a=p1e 22.75219718435015 % a=p2s 24.86710077664962 % a=p2e 34.21638968414958 % a=p3s 37.28825344052012 % a=p3e 45.78191356674409 % a=p4s 49.6897585867911 % a=p4e 57.474035129926285 % a=p5s 62.05676872982675 % a=p5e 69.30873642218249 % a=p6s 74.36770418052814 % a=p6e 81.28930323776372 % a=p7s 86.59522059316049 % a=p7e ] store /angs45 [ 11.34149206183451 % a=p1s 12.442500089971064 % a=p1e 22.719723253524165 % a=p2s 24.881059009607743 % a=p2e 34.17005295380453 % a=p3s 37.31007403525855 % a=p3e 45.72461777022698 % a=p4s 49.72034603845508 % a=p4e 57.40963249177892 % a=p5s 62.096935597452855 % a=p5e 69.24177549798291 % a=p6s 74.41765227148547 % a=p6e 81.2244669275907 % a=p7s 86.65392350211121 % a=p7e ] store /angs46 [ 11.324688197954293 % a=p1s 12.449126358260662 % a=p1e 22.687050068099666 % a=p2s 24.894697755584264 % a=p2e 34.12341670505911 % a=p3s 37.33146544905604 % a=p3e 45.66693766745586 % a=p4s 49.75046623926626 % a=p4e 57.3448056670816 % a=p5s 62.13669834668453 % a=p5e 69.17443283236364 % a=p6s 74.46736719683196 % a=p6e 81.15939590844944 % a=p7s 86.7126323974769 % a=p7e ] store /angs47 [ 11.30778517593426 % a=p1s 12.45558110203941 % a=p1e 22.654175359239318 % a=p2s 24.908010796594976 % a=p2e 34.07647610762935 % a=p3s 37.352417646286725 % a=p3e 45.60886471716075 % a=p4s 49.780106016614425 % a=p4e 57.2795423098412 % a=p5s 62.176043739750995 % a=p5e 69.10669469171246 % a=p6s 74.51684087342855 % a=p6e 81.09408020018329 % a=p7s 86.77134853489343 % a=p7e ] store /angs48 [ 11.290782100537243 % a=p1s 12.46186134456465 % a=p1e 22.6210967061847 % a=p2s 24.92099164974485 % a=p2e 34.02922606508087 % a=p3s 37.37292011076909 % a=p3e 45.55038993377577 % a=p4s 49.809251465631526 % a=p4e 57.21382939806499 % a=p5s 62.214957681686315 % a=p5e 69.03854652371888 % a=p6s 74.56606460809658 % a=p6e 81.02850920499182 % a=p7s 86.83007318675996 % a=p7e ] store /angs49 [ 11.273678001455522 % a=p1s 12.467963987920319 % a=p1e 22.58781152718225 % a=p2s 24.93363355143764 % a=p2e 33.981661199234416 % a=p3s 37.39296181655209 % a=p3e 45.49150386060608 % a=p4s 49.83788790002112 % a=p4e 57.14765318835708 % a=p5s 62.25342515466871 % a=p5e 68.96997289434539 % a=p6s 74.61502904584103 % a=p6e 80.96267165451394 % a=p7s 86.888807643973 % a=p7e ] store /angs50 [ 11.256471828616469 % a=p1s 12.473885805342528 % a=p1e 22.55431706957733 % a=p2s 24.945929440243628 % a=p2e 33.93377583318008 % a=p3s 37.412531196262016 % a=p3e 45.43219654068899 % a=p4s 49.86599979855995 % a=p4e 57.08099916649744 % a=p5s 62.29143014589003 % a=p5e 68.90095741863797 % a=p6s 74.66372411239975 % a=p6e 80.89655555123879 % a=p7s 86.94755321777491 % a=p7e ] store /angs51 [ 11.239162447052136 % a=p1s 12.47962343286081 % a=p1e 22.520610398986634 % a=p2s 24.95787193828209 % a=p2e 33.88556397275016 % a=p3s 37.43161610675572 % a=p3e 45.372457485106786 % a=p4s 49.8935707468113 % a=p4e 57.01385199357515 % a=p5s 62.32895556819798 % a=p5e 68.83148268465389 % a=p6s 74.7121389503812 % a=p6e 80.83014810350937 % a=p7s 87.00631124172916 % a=p7e ] store /angs52 [ 11.221748631282578 % a=p1s 12.48517336017917 % a=p1e 22.486688387444715 % a=p2s 24.969453330954863 % a=p2e 33.83701928628069 % a=p3s 37.4502037917929 % a=p3e 45.31227563847723 % a=p4s 49.92058337353123 % a=p4e 56.94619544719365 % a=p5s 62.36598317264838 % a=p5e 68.76153016968738 % a=p6s 74.76026184814054 % a=p6e 80.76343565327369 % a=p7s 87.06508307383864 % a=p7e ] store /angs53 [ 11.20422905915866 % a=p1s 12.490531920710476 % a=p1e 22.452547700408434 % a=p2s 24.98066554484676 % a=p2e 33.788135082467825 % a=p3s 37.46828084140232 % a=p3e 45.25163934131193 % a=p4s 49.94701928118102 % a=p4e 56.87801235720142 % a=p5s 62.402493451983915 % a=p5e 68.6910801478577 % a=p6s 74.8080801604117 % a=p6e 80.69640359560516 % a=p7s 87.12387009882286 % a=p7e ] store /angs54 [ 11.186602305099901 % a=p1s 12.495695280665814 % a=p1e 22.418184782485486 % a=p2s 24.991500123582217 % a=p2e 33.73890428609978 % a=p3s 37.4858331475734 % a=p3e 45.19053628888994 % a=p4s 49.97285896988131 % a=p4e 56.80928453532971 % a=p5s 62.43846553391484 % a=p5e 68.62011158799075 % a=p6s 74.85558021955563 % a=p6e 80.62903628886036 % a=p7s 87.18267373057436 % a=p7e ] store /angs55 [ 11.168866832655869 % a=p1s 12.50065942708694 % a=p1e 22.38359584173527 % a=p2s 25.001948201398868 % a=p2e 33.689319411412896 % a=p3s 37.50284585585413 % a=p3e 45.128953486246175 % a=p4s 49.99808175405332 % a=p4e 56.739992698034094 % a=p5s 62.47387706291255 % a=p5e 68.54860204056897 % a=p6s 74.90274723610061 % a=p6e 80.56131695415807 % a=p7s 87.24149541481523 % a=p7e ] store /angs56 [ 11.151020986307298 % a=p1s 12.505420154692983 % a=p1e 22.348776832366852 % a=p2s 25.012000474163663 % a=p2e 33.63937253278393 % a=p3s 37.51930331237692 % a=p3e 45.06687719881598 % a=p4s 50.02266567088745 % a=p4e 56.670116381738616 % a=p5s 62.50870406903544 % a=p5e 68.476527512343 % a=p6s 74.94956518702878 % a=p6e 80.49322756264593 % a=p7s 87.30033663197948 % a=p7e ] store /angs57 [ 11.13306298241263 % a=p1s 12.50997305139454 % a=p1e 22.31372343563443 % a=p2s 25.02164716751755 % a=p2e 33.58905525242943 % a=p3s 37.535189005766014 % a=p3e 45.0042928982123 % a=p4s 50.046587379658476 % a=p4e 56.599633849567944 % a=p5s 62.54292082208086 % a=p5e 68.4038623269841 % a=p6s 74.9960166900026 % a=p6e 80.42474870876194 % a=p7s 87.35919890034931 % a=p7e ] store /angs58 [ 11.114990899189143 % a=p1s 12.514313482305218 % a=p1e 22.27843103869883 % a=p2s 25.030878001786867 % a=p2e 33.53835866473104 % a=p3s 37.550485503298596 % a=p3e 44.94118520253261 % a=p4s 50.06982205076392 % a=p4e 56.52852198851917 % a=p5s 62.576499669092854 % a=p5e 68.33057896990591 % a=p6s 75.04208286140883 % a=p6e 80.35585946738757 % a=p7s 87.41808377947804 % a=p7e ] store /angs59 [ 11.096802665602791 % a=p1s 12.51843657205544 % a=p1e 22.24289471118855 % a=p2s 25.039682153244534 % a=p2e 33.4872733167486 % a=p3s 37.56517438059821 % a=p3e 44.877537810502034 % a=p4s 50.092343243195536 % a=p4e 56.45675619586943 % a=p5s 62.60941085294281 % a=p5e 68.25664791508777 % a=p6s 75.0877431557225 % a=p6e 80.28653723241713 % a=p7s 87.47699287393749 % a=p7e ] store /angs60 [ 11.078496049018788 % a=p1s 12.522337185180852 % a=p1e 22.207109179150628 % a=p2s 25.048048211237965 % a=p2e 33.435789164411744 % a=p3s 37.57923614402594 % a=p3e 44.813333428650054 % a=p4s 50.114122768958474 % a=p4e 56.38431025343144 % a=p5s 62.6416223093306 % a=p5e 68.18203743138122 % a=p6s 75.13297518323725 % a=p6e 80.2167575338191 % a=p7s 87.53592783743304 % a=p7e ] store /angs61 [ 11.060068641441879 % a=p1s 12.52600990432232 % a=p1e 22.171068796031477 % a=p2s 25.055964130622204 % a=p2e 33.38389552379846 % a=p3s 37.59265014480355 % a=p3e 44.748553690590235 % a=p4s 50.135130542720844 % a=p4e 56.311156188052415 % a=p5s 62.67309943911543 % a=p5e 68.1067133653657 % a=p6s 75.17775450265952 % a=p6e 80.14649382972333 % a=p7s 87.59489037733685 % a=p7e ] store /angs62 [ 11.041517844146707 % a=p1s 12.52944900592984 % a=p1e 22.134767510267338 % a=p2s 25.063417178844876 % a=p2e 33.331581016809906 % a=p3s 37.60539448374439 % a=p3e 44.68317906731879 % a=p4s 50.15533441470291 % a=p4e 56.23726411649478 % a=p5s 62.70380485236126 % a=p5e 68.03063889732242 % a=p6s 75.22205438439424 % a=p6e 80.07571726940691 % a=p7s 87.65388225969777 % a=p7e ] store /angs63 [ 11.022840850463098 % a=p1s 12.532648433109795 % a=p1e 22.09819882899121 % a=p2s 25.070393876915794 % a=p2e 33.278833510432506 % a=p3s 37.61744590527948 % a=p3e 44.617188767265105 % a=p4s 50.17469998448852 % a=p4e 56.16260207253044 % a=p5s 62.73369807985659 % a=p5e 67.95377426630246 % a=p6s 75.26584553953315 % a=p6e 80.00439642224802 % a=p7s 87.71290531479623 % a=p7e ] store /angs64 [ 11.004034626440033 % a=p1s 12.535601765191819 % a=p1e 22.06135577727643 % a=p2s 25.076879933362243 % a=p2e 33.225640048635384 % a=p3s 37.628779679240274 % a=p3e 44.55056062460701 % a=p4s 50.1931903930522 % a=p4e 56.08713581371444 % a=p5s 62.76273524711508 % a=p5e 67.87607645955154 % a=p6s 75.30909580855457 % a=p6e 79.93249696672828 % a=p7s 87.77196144332437 % a=p7e ] store /angs65 [ 10.985095889062986 % a=p1s 12.538302183515828 % a=p1e 22.024230852231366 % a=p2s 25.08286017010714 % a=p2e 33.17198677577882 % a=p3s 37.63936946858586 % a=p3e 44.483270974097714 % a=p4s 50.21076608982633 % a=p4e 56.01082860486339 % a=p5s 62.790868704955884 % a=p5e 67.7974988606935 % a=p6s 75.35176980250732 % a=p6e 79.85998133234801 % a=p7s 87.83105262328567 % a=p7e ] store /angs66 [ 10.966021081636118 % a=p1s 12.540742432845043 % a=p1e 21.986815971131573 % a=p2s 25.0883184390112 % a=p2e 33.11785885020017 % a=p3s 37.64918718093233 % a=p3e 44.415294510329325 % a=p4s 50.227384571068235 % a=p4e 55.93364097473211 % a=p5s 62.818046609661955 % a=p5e 67.71799085003121 % a=p6s 75.39382848791966 % a=p6e 79.78680828581052 % a=p7s 87.89018091772554 % a=p7e ] store /angs67 [ 10.94680634586756 % a=p1s 12.54291477769846 % a=p1e 21.94910241261885 % a=p2s 25.093237527579294 % a=p2e 33.06324034638662 % a=p3s 37.658202801337055 % a=p3e 44.34660412896331 % a=p4s 50.243000085101365 % a=p4e 55.85553044173637 % a=p5s 62.84421244437447 % a=p5e 67.6374973490548 % a=p6s 75.43522870476507 % a=p6e 79.7129324509537 % a=p7s 87.94934848342535 % a=p7e ] store /angs68 [ 10.927447490103745 % a=p1s 12.544810952756503 % a=p1e 21.91108074980412 % a=p2s 25.09759905203626 % a=p2e 33.008114143830355 % a=p3s 37.66638420329706 % a=p3e 44.27717074697666 % a=p4s 50.257563299167835 % a=p4e 55.77645120378118 % a=p5s 62.869304471741685 % a=p5e 67.55595829969172 % a=p6s 75.47592260442312 % a=p6e 79.63830374955334 % a=p7s 88.00855758071803 % a=p7e ] store /angs69 [ 10.907939953044973 % a=p1s 12.54642210632034 % a=p1e 21.872740773873115 % a=p2s 25.101383335613146 % a=p2e 32.95246180027236 % a=p3s 37.673696934309646 % a=p3e 44.20696309837506 % a=p4s 50.271020921603245 % a=p4e 55.69635378628597 % a=p5s 62.893255105823094 % a=p5e 67.4733080669238 % a=p6s 75.51585699155763 % a=p6e 79.56286674715845 % a=p7s 88.06781058461439 % a=p7e ] store /angs70 [ 10.88827876213401 % a=p1s 12.547738735592494 % a=p1e 21.834071406497248 % a=p2s 25.104569269430915 % a=p2e 32.89626340655733 % a=p3s 37.680103971586306 % a=p3e 44.13594750108554 % a=p4s 50.283315271777106 % a=p4e 55.615184641300885 % a=p5s 62.915990188754535 % a=p5e 67.38947475103117 % a=p6s 75.55497255000346 % a=p6e 79.48655988435449 % a=p7s 88.12710999746892 % a=p7e ] store /angs71 [ 10.868458485630846 % a=p1s 12.548750612276178 % a=p1e 21.795060598981305 % a=p2s 25.10713415280293 % a=p2e 32.83949741971713 % a=p3s 37.6855654425648 % a=p3e 44.06408758981432 % a=p4s 50.29438378866586 % a=p4e 55.53288568912042 % a=p5s 62.93742815457482 % a=p5e 67.30437939278238 % a=p6s 75.59320292786317 % a=p6e 79.40931456904917 % a=p7s 88.18645846346183 % a=p7e ] store /angs72 [ 10.848473177165172 % a=p1s 12.54944669665458 % a=p1e 21.755695215611905 % a=p2s 25.10905350906351 % a=p2e 32.78214047013667 % a=p3s 37.690038303674356 % a=p3e 43.99134400849086 % a=p4s 50.30415846695302 % a=p4e 55.44939379193438 % a=p5s 62.95747905872753 % a=p5e 67.2179350512085 % a=p6s 75.63047365071941 % a=p6e 79.33105409919511 % a=p7s 88.24585878523492 % a=p7e ] store /angs73 [ 10.82831631127428 % a=p1s 12.54981503788168 % a=p1e 21.715960898076432 % a=p2s 25.110300872123222 % a=p2e 32.724167137687495 % a=p3s 37.693475969299065 % a=p3e 43.91767405444072 % a=p4s 50.312565207062136 % a=p4e 55.364640146702015 % a=p5s 62.9760434468519 % a=p5e 67.13004572895788 % a=p6s 75.66670082371068 % a=p6e 79.25169237736007 % a=p7s 88.30531394309575 % a=p7e ] store /angs74 [ 10.807980708069964 % a=p1s 12.54984265766669 % a=p1e 21.675841907060825 % a=p2s 25.11084753779409 % a=p2e 32.66554969047322 % a=p3s 37.69582788095825 % a=p3e 43.84303126453871 % a=p4s 50.31952306236405 % a=p4e 55.2785495814377 % a=p5s 62.993011030256994 % a=p5e 67.04060511433761 % a=p6s 75.70178957255598 % a=p6e 79.17113236809766 % a=p7s 88.36482711730189 % a=p7e ] store /angs75 [ 10.787458444709657 % a=p1s 12.549515413826098 % a=p1e 21.635320936152468 % a=p2s 25.11066227243144 % a=p2e 32.606257778229484 % a=p3s 37.697039004236025 % a=p3e 43.76736493115638 % a=p4s 50.324943362741315 % a=p4e 55.19103973524946 % a=p5s 63.008259127518066 % a=p5e 66.94949510161331 % a=p6s 75.7356321595626 % a=p6e 79.08926423529904 % a=p7s 88.42440171406147 % a=p7e ] store /angs76 [ 10.76674075073603 % a=p1s 12.54881783925506 % a=p1e 21.59437889189328 % a=p2s 25.109710969494113 % a=p2e 32.54625807033505 % a=p3s 37.69704923776268 % a=p3e 43.69061953254325 % a=p4s 50.328728688439405 % a=p4e 55.10202009748705 % a=p5s 63.0216508213731 % a=p5e 66.8565840414203 % a=p6s 75.76810569196802 % a=p6e 79.00596307839702 % a=p7s 88.48404139604865 % a=p7e ] store /angs77 [ 10.745817883542566 % a=p1s 12.547732950655154 % a=p1e 21.552994632142486 % a=p2s 25.107956242064812 % a=p2e 32.48551382564454 % a=p3s 37.6957927143048 % a=p3e 43.612734058110654 % a=p4s 50.33077166126485 % a=p4e 55.011390874833026 % a=p5s 63.03303276674643 % a=p5e 66.76172466049388 % a=p6s 75.79906931487801 % a=p6e 78.92108616172325 % a=p7s 88.54375011844128 % a=p7e ] store /angs78 [ 10.724678979154362 % a=p1s 12.546242019744097 % a=p1e 21.511144652666793 % a=p2s 25.10535693597329 % a=p2e 32.42398437770426 % a=p3s 37.693196968388726 % a=p3e 43.53364120354497 % a=p4s 50.3309535111145 % a=p4e 54.91904164654285 % a=p5s 63.042232568185476 % a=p5e 66.66475157331087 % a=p6s 75.82836074703079 % a=p6e 78.83446949800086 % a=p7s 88.6035321717656 % a=p7e ] store /angs79 [ 10.703311872070397 % a=p1s 12.544324297503936 % a=p1e 21.468802708860174 % a=p2s 25.10186754359615 % a=p2e 32.36162451400444 % a=p3s 37.6891819373172 % a=p3e 43.453266403232774 % a=p4s 50.32914236368454 % a=p4e 54.824849756494636 % a=p5s 63.04905562170921 % a=p5e 66.565478286174 % a=p6s 75.85579197093445 % a=p6e 78.74592360127376 % a=p7s 88.66339223320006 % a=p7e ] store /angs80 [ 10.681702875954299 % a=p1s 12.541956679075694 % a=p1e 21.42593935538871 % a=p2s 25.097437492192512 % a=p2e 32.29838372123975 % a=p3s 37.68365875215961 % a=p3e 43.3715266573525 % a=p4s 50.32519117878111 % a=p4e 54.728678375066174 % a=p5s 63.053281284795474 % a=p5e 66.46369356464169 % a=p6s 75.881143824128 % a=p6e 78.6552281611952 % a=p7s 88.72333542848413 % a=p7e ] store /angs81 [ 10.659836514247882 % a=p1s 12.539113292836335 % a=p1e 21.382521380886654 % a=p2s 25.092010272063927 % a=p2e 32.23420525933059 % a=p3s 37.67652826113121 % a=p3e 43.28832909702567 % a=p4s 50.31893524611107 % a=p4e 54.63037414236975 % a=p5s 63.054658195711696 % a=p5e 66.35915699490941 % a=p6s 75.90415914721605 % a=p6e 78.5621253015316 % a=p7s 88.78336740724937 % a=p7e ] store /angs82 [ 10.637695185993898 % a=p1s 12.535764991504823 % a=p1e 21.33851110689382 % a=p2s 25.085522357840425 % a=p2e 32.16902501405345 % a=p3s 37.66767920798015 % a=p3e 43.203569211389976 % a=p4s 50.310189114033676 % a=p4e 54.529764274421154 % a=p5s 63.05289850477063 % a=p5e 66.2515935141803 % a=p6s 75.92453401446242 % a=p6e 78.46631095883205 % a=p7s 88.84349443551498 % a=p7e ] store /angs83 [ 10.61525874674933 % a=p1s 12.531878715022073 % a=p1e 21.293865508926707 % a=p2s 25.077901859150412 % a=p2e 32.102770059768275 % a=p3s 37.656985959876216 % a=p3e 43.1171286326933 % a=p4s 50.29874278230683 % a=p4e 54.42665297137745 % a=p5s 63.047670698031496 % a=p5e 66.14068660725404 % a=p6s 75.94190638480522 % a=p6e 78.36742373365804 % a=p7s 88.90372351038114 % a=p7e ] store /angs84 [ 10.592503976654715 % a=p1s 12.527416683236392 % a=p1e 21.248535101219208 % a=p2s 25.069066812278805 % a=p2e 32.035356837154495 % a=p3s 37.64430563864088 % a=p3e 43.028872335345895 % a=p4s 50.28435692581228 % a=p4e 54.32081690576332 % a=p5s 63.03859057713544 % a=p5e 66.02606975574359 % a=p6s 75.95584123474288 % a=p6e 78.26503029691146 % a=p7s 88.9640625037828 % a=p7e ] store /angs85 [ 10.569403896174823 % a=p1s 12.522335359137418 % a=p1e 21.202462502516937 % a=p2s 25.058922988051854 % a=p2e 31.966688811640243 % a=p3s 37.62947444923545 % a=p3e 42.93864504562983 % a=p4s 50.2667568221177 % a=p4e 54.21199947856619 % a=p5s 63.02520978945754 % a=p5e 65.90731556547105 % a=p6s 75.96581082065448 % a=p6e 78.15860602993351 % a=p7s 89.02452034480287 % a=p7e ] store /angs86 [ 10.545926872605126 % a=p1s 12.516584097323948 % a=p1e 21.155580563877532 % a=p2s 25.04736103638729 % a=p2e 31.89665341905499 % a=p3s 37.612302909182475 % a=p3e 42.846266569495306 % a=p4s 50.24562451436328 % a=p4e 54.09990339572997 % a=p5s 63.007001051557715 % a=p5e 65.78392175908459 % a=p6s 75.97116808614204 % a=p6e 78.0475089606994 % a=p7s 89.0851072539084 % a=p7e ] store /angs87 [ 10.522035433517816 % a=p1s 12.510103352160264 % a=p1e 21.10780988314357 % a=p2s 25.034252703364917 % a=p2e 31.825118013673226 % a=p3s 37.59256954340369 % a=p3e 42.75152560808503 % a=p4s 50.22058852343689 % a=p4e 53.98418090914118 % a=p5s 62.9833388276552 % a=p5e 65.65529285871052 % a=p6s 75.9711102439751 % a=p6e 77.93094409735356 % a=p7s 89.14583504825299 % a=p7e ] store /angs88 [ 10.497684660592489 % a=p1s 12.502822256276911 % a=p1e 21.059055441433046 % a=p2s 25.019445722575252 % a=p2e 31.75192438887398 % a=p3s 37.570012388417375 % a=p3e 42.654171412167706 % a=p4s 50.19121007951041 % a=p4e 53.86442073640436 % a=p5s 62.95347363033468 % a=p5e 65.52071581820768 % a=p6s 75.96462798667281 % a=p6e 77.8079137255463 % a=p7s 89.20671754601857 % a=p7e ] store /angs89 [ 10.472819967382202 % a=p1s 12.494655275793896 % a=p1e 21.00920195089533 % a=p2s 25.00275676337861 % a=p2e 31.676881203639077 % a=p3s 37.54431728967448 % a=p3e 42.55390226966079 % a=p4s 50.15696428250893 % a=p4e 53.74013013574648 % a=p5s 62.9164971546799 % a=p5e 65.37932695490305 % a=p6s 75.95043319432422 % a=p6e 77.67714671916806 % a=p7s 89.267771111587 % a=p7e ] store /angs90 [ 10.44737394623543 % a=p1s 12.485497472250978 % a=p1e 20.95810725568375 % a=p2s 24.98396144813609 % a=p2e 31.599753247054046 % a=p3s 37.51510136707036 % a=p3e 42.45034921663944 % a=p4s 50.1172136554016 % a=p4e 53.610709704045156 % a=p5s 62.87129386468458 % a=p5e 65.23006601413964 % a=p6s 75.92685363715245 % a=p6e 77.53699566206811 % a=p7s 89.32901540553087 % a=p7e ] store /angs91 [ 10.421261761253758 % a=p1s 12.475217590906341 % a=p1e 20.905592692739635 % a=p2s 24.962779798689688 % a=p2e 31.520245767122837 % a=p3s 37.48188895354737 % a=p3e 42.34305230016192 % a=p4s 50.071169894367095 % a=p4e 53.47541687050413 % a=p5s 62.816471889197054 % a=p5e 65.07161056727695 % a=p6s 75.89167552706655 % a=p6e 77.38528314961515 % a=p7s 89.39047444015759 % a=p7e ] store /angs92 [ 10.39437418034958 % a=p1s 12.463647623808814 % a=p1e 20.851428517050195 % a=p2s 24.93885427281721 % a=p2e 31.437980790359042 % a=p3s 37.4440753432555 % a=p3e 42.23142476643647 % a=p4s 50.01783657095724 % a=p4e 53.33331112576324 % a=p5s 62.75026106623974 % a=p5e 64.90227915475951 % a=p6s 75.84190088464126 % a=p6e 77.21906515428934 % a=p7s 89.4521781042207 % a=p7e ] store /angs93 [ 10.366566594024654 % a=p1s 12.450566387400894 % a=p1e 20.7953109387511 % a=p2s 24.91171522392829 % a=p2e 31.352459835082556 % a=p3s 37.40086986833539 % a=p3e 42.11469675473716 % a=p4s 49.95591963617774 % a=p4e 53.183168342405175 % a=p5s 62.67035634556985 % a=p5e 64.71988238764112 % a=p6s 75.77336031510298 % a=p6e 77.03425376248032 % a=p7s 89.51416443218523 % a=p7e ] store /angs94 [ 10.337640827583373 % a=p1s 12.43567236437918 % a=p1e 20.736824100778414 % a=p2s 24.880723810756752 % a=p2e 31.263002207045993 % a=p3s 37.351201943985174 % a=p3e 41.99182224402634 % a=p4s 49.88368040256907 % a=p4e 53.02333981853951 % a=p5s 62.573665066453344 % a=p5e 64.52148239066106 % a=p6s 75.68006906658896 % a=p6e 76.82499053487105 % a=p7s 89.57648310092486 % a=p7e ] store /angs95 [ 10.3073131210325 % a=p1s 12.418535962 % a=p1e 20.675373157115303 % a=p2s 24.84497168741433 % a=p2e 31.168636456211317 % a=p3s 37.29355619650331 % a=p3e 41.861315568140476 % a=p4s 49.79867863856155 % a=p4e 52.85150561997737 % a=p5s 62.45587317977757 % a=p5e 64.30297938970263 % a=p6s 75.55310227890614 % a=p6e 76.58255351663618 % a=p7s 89.639201041776 % a=p7e ] store /angs96 [ 10.27515327329313 % a=p1s 12.398508906273932 % a=p1e 20.610057118365663 % a=p2s 24.80309072406826 % a=p2e 31.0678942534632 % a=p3s 37.22566008831809 % a=p3e 41.72094132649595 % a=p4s 49.69728761978492 % a=p4e 52.66420838116201 % a=p5s 62.3106404326897 % a=p5e 64.05834364726535 % a=p6s 75.37850966942737 % a=p6e 76.2933344097417 % a=p7s 89.70241189457685 % a=p7e ] store /angs97 [ 10.240457014776476 % a=p1s 12.374534483857923 % a=p1e 20.539402258496843 % a=p2s 24.752854701221814 % a=p2e 30.958378485619786 % a=p3s 37.143830811962594 % a=p3e 41.567065421883505 % a=p4s 49.57368363983764 % a=p4e 52.45588082398579 % a=p5s 62.12795008488131 % a=p5e 63.77803848358542 % a=p6s 75.13315211918425 % a=p6e 75.93480957381597 % a=p7s 89.7662528933324 % a=p7e ] store /angs98 [ 10.201940783287087 % a=p1s 12.344694343661418 % a=p1e 20.460724780181135 % a=p2s 24.69022861634551 % a=p2e 30.835731476098257 % a=p3s 37.041418581955604 % a=p3e 41.393107024755516 % a=p4s 49.41744597628106 % a=p4e 52.2165341809466 % a=p5s 61.8902485673239 % a=p5e 63.445327791130374 % a=p6s 74.77556573610576 % a=p6e 75.46672987115005 % a=p7s 89.83093728039667 % a=p7e ] store /angs99 [ 10.156863514538578 % a=p1s 12.304906380898949 % a=p1e 20.368298086378783 % a=p2s 24.6066397184238 % a=p2e 30.690671442542342 % a=p3s 36.90434732074166 % a=p3e 41.185102323629934 % a=p4s 49.206715079304736 % a=p4e 51.92516721537275 % a=p5s 61.561627576755996 % a=p5e 63.025927609896144 % a=p6s 74.22325640356571 % a=p6e 74.80934874610683 % a=p7s 89.89682247726977 % a=p7e ] store /angs100 [ 10.097664637482845 % a=p1s 12.243948888604791 % a=p1e 20.2463452806097 % a=p2s 24.478569462863145 % a=p2e 30.49768963075752 % a=p3s 36.69417993773908 % a=p3e 40.904866750365436 % a=p4s 48.88245951368224 % a=p4e 51.525008083759836 % a=p5s 61.048280116916224 % a=p5e 62.43026757621404 % a=p6s 73.28583530820094 % a=p6e 73.77999848960131 % a=p7s 89.9645717192571 % a=p7e ] store %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /masterangs [ angs0 angs1 angs2 angs3 angs4 angs5 angs6 angs7 angs8 angs9 angs10 angs11 angs12 angs13 angs14 angs15 angs16 angs17 angs18 angs19 angs20 angs21 angs22 angs23 angs24 angs25 angs26 angs27 angs28 angs29 angs30 angs31 angs32 angs33 angs34 angs35 angs36 angs37 angs38 angs39 angs40 angs41 angs42 angs43 angs44 angs45 angs46 angs47 angs48 angs49 angs50 angs51 angs52 angs53 angs54 angs55 angs56 angs57 angs58 angs59 angs60 angs61 angs62 angs63 angs64 angs65 angs66 angs67 angs68 angs69 angs70 angs71 angs72 angs73 angs74 angs75 angs76 angs77 angs78 angs79 angs80 angs81 angs82 angs83 angs84 angs85 angs86 angs87 angs88 angs89 angs90 angs91 angs92 angs93 angs94 angs95 angs96 angs97 angs98 angs99 angs100 ] store %% grab individual angle reports /p1sangs mark masterangs {0 get} forall ] store /p2sangs mark masterangs {2 get} forall ] store /p3sangs mark masterangs {4 get} forall ] store /p4sangs mark masterangs {6 get} forall ] store /p5sangs mark masterangs {8 get} forall ] store /p6sangs mark masterangs {10 get} forall ] store /p7sangs mark masterangs {12 get} forall ] store %% grab angle diffrences from carrier impulse /p1sdangs mark p1sangs {12 sub} forall ] store /p2sdangs mark p2sangs {24 sub} forall ] store /p3sdangs mark p3sangs {36 sub} forall ] store /p4sdangs mark p4sangs {48 sub} forall ] store /p5sdangs mark p5sangs {60 sub} forall ] store /p6sdangs mark p6sangs {72 sub} forall ] store /p7sdangs mark p7sangs {84 sub} forall ] store %% calculate cosine half differences... /p1sdcos mark p1sangs {cos 12 cos sub } forall ] store /p2sdcos mark p2sangs {cos 24 cos sub } forall ] store /p3sdcos mark p3sangs {cos 36 cos sub } forall ] store /p4sdcos mark p4sangs {cos 48 cos sub } forall ] store /p5sdcos mark p5sangs {cos 60 cos sub } forall ] store /p6sdcos mark p6sangs {cos 72 cos sub } forall ] store /p7sdcos mark p7sangs {cos 84 cos sub } forall ] store % get normalized max values /normp1s p1sdcos 100 get store /normp2s p2sdcos 100 get store /normp3s p3sdcos 100 get store /normp4s p4sdcos 100 get store /normp5s p5sdcos 100 get store /normp6s p6sdcos 100 get store /normp7s p7sdcos 100 get store %% find fractional tota;s /fractot 12 sin 24 sin add 36 sin add 48 sin add 60 sin add 72 sin add 84 sin add store /fracts [ 12 sin fractot div 24 sin fractot div 36 sin fractot div 48 sin fractot div 60 sin fractot div 72 sin fractot div 84 sin fractot div ] store % calculate cosine contributed half fractions /fract12 fracts 0 get 2 div store /fract24 fracts 1 get 2 div store /fract36 fracts 2 get 2 div store /fract48 fracts 3 get 2 div store /fract60 fracts 4 get 2 div store /fract72 fracts 6 get 2 div store /fract84 fracts 6 get 2 div store % use reminder % /data [ 0 0 0.5 0.7 1 1 ] store solvelineq plotit showpage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% zzz %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % do a total plot and compare against existing and better guesses % 150 100 10 setgrid 0 0 mt 45 pu 20 pr 45 pd closepath 0.8 1 1 setrgbcolor fill 20 45 showgrid % two degrees per v block black % p7s 0 84 2 div mt % center of p7 0 1 100 {/jj exch store jj 5 div masterangs jj get 12 get 2 div lineto } for 20 84 2 div lineto closepath 1 0.4 0.4 setrgbcolor fill 0 84 2 div mt % center of p7 0 1 100 {/jj exch store jj 5 div masterangs jj get 13 get 2 div lineto } for 20 84 2 div lineto closepath 1 0.4 0.4 setrgbcolor fill % p6s %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 0 72 2 div mt % center of p7 0 1 100 {/jj exch store jj 5 div masterangs jj get 10 get 2 div lineto } for 20 72 2 div lineto closepath 1 0.4 0.4 setrgbcolor fill 0 72 2 div mt % center of p7 0 1 100 {/jj exch store jj 5 div masterangs jj get 11 get 2 div lineto } for 20 72 2 div lineto closepath 1 0.4 0.4 setrgbcolor fill % p5s %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 0 60 2 div mt % center of p7 0 1 100 {/jj exch store jj 5 div masterangs jj get 8 get 2 div lineto } for 20 60 2 div lineto closepath 1 0.4 0.4 setrgbcolor fill 0 60 2 div mt % center of p5 0 1 100 {/jj exch store jj 5 div masterangs jj get 9 get 2 div lineto } for 20 60 2 div lineto closepath 1 0.4 0.4 setrgbcolor fill % p4s %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 0 48 2 div mt % center of p7 0 1 100 {/jj exch store jj 5 div masterangs jj get 6 get 2 div lineto } for 20 48 2 div lineto closepath 1 0.4 0.4 setrgbcolor fill 0 48 2 div mt % center of p5 0 1 100 {/jj exch store jj 5 div masterangs jj get 7 get 2 div lineto } for 20 48 2 div lineto closepath 1 0.4 0.4 setrgbcolor fill % p3s %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 0 36 2 div mt % center of p7 0 1 100 {/jj exch store jj 5 div masterangs jj get 4 get 2 div lineto } for 20 36 2 div lineto closepath 1 0.4 0.4 setrgbcolor fill 0 36 2 div mt % center of p5 0 1 100 {/jj exch store jj 5 div masterangs jj get 5 get 2 div lineto } for 20 36 2 div lineto closepath 1 0.4 0.4 setrgbcolor fill % p2s %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 0 24 2 div mt % center of p7 0 1 100 {/jj exch store jj 5 div masterangs jj get 2 get 2 div lineto } for 20 24 2 div lineto closepath 1 0.4 0.4 setrgbcolor fill 0 24 2 div mt % center of p5 0 1 100 {/jj exch store jj 5 div masterangs jj get 3 get 2 div lineto } for 20 24 2 div lineto closepath 1 0.4 0.4 setrgbcolor fill % p1s %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 0 12 2 div mt % center of p7 0 1 100 {/jj exch store jj 5 div masterangs jj get 0 get 2 div lineto } for 20 12 2 div lineto closepath 1 0.4 0.4 setrgbcolor fill 0 12 2 div mt % center of p5 0 1 100 {/jj exch store jj 5 div masterangs jj get 1 get 2 div lineto } for 20 12 2 div lineto closepath 1 0.4 0.4 setrgbcolor fill line1 [{0.2 6 mt 19.6 r} 6 7 ] yrpt black line1 0 84 2 div mt 20 masterangs 1 get 13 get 84 sub 2 div 100 mul rlineto 20 0 masterangs 1 get 13 get 84 sub 100 mul neg rlineto closepath stroke 0 72 2 div mt 20 masterangs 1 get 11 get 72 sub 2 div 100 mul rlineto 20 0 masterangs 1 get 11 get 72 sub 100 mul neg rlineto closepath stroke 0 60 2 div mt 20 masterangs 1 get 9 get 60 sub 2 div 100 mul rlineto 20 0 masterangs 1 get 9 get 60 sub 100 mul neg rlineto closepath stroke 0 48 2 div mt 20 masterangs 1 get 7 get 48 sub 2 div 100 mul rlineto 20 0 masterangs 1 get 7 get 48 sub 100 mul neg rlineto closepath stroke 0 36 2 div mt 20 masterangs 1 get 5 get 36 sub 2 div 100 mul rlineto 20 0 masterangs 1 get 5 get 36 sub 100 mul neg rlineto closepath stroke 0 24 2 div mt 20 masterangs 1 get 3 get 24 sub 2 div 100 mul rlineto 20 0 masterangs 1 get 3 get 24 sub 100 mul neg rlineto closepath stroke 0 12 2 div mt 20 masterangs 1 get 1 get 12 sub 2 div 100 mul rlineto 20 0 masterangs 1 get 1 get 12 sub 100 mul neg rlineto closepath stroke { 0 0 1 setrgbcolor 0 36 2 div mt 20 masterangs 1 get 5 get 36 sub 2 div 100 mul 0.6000 sub rlineto 20 0 masterangs 1 get 5 get 36 sub 100 mul neg rlineto closepath stroke } pop black line1 -0.4 0 mt 20.4 r 0 0 mt 0.4 d 10 0 mt 0.4 d 20 0 mt 0.4 d /cstretch 0.02 store /sstretch 0.02 store /font1 /Helvetica-Bold 0.85 gonzofont font1 0 -1.3 (0.0) cc 10 -1.3 (0.5) cc 20 -1.3 (1.0) cc 10 -2.7 (input amplitude) cc 10 3.5 (best efficiency 7 pulse per quadrant magic sinewave pulse positions) cc -1.3 -0.3 (0.0000) cr -1.3 6 0.3 sub (12.000) cr -1.3 12 0.3 sub (24.000) cr -1.3 18 0.3 sub (36.000) cr -1.3 24 0.3 sub (48.000) cr -1.3 30 0.3 sub (60.000) cr -1.3 36 0.3 sub (72.000) cr -1.3 42 0.3 sub (84.000) cr -1.3 45 0.3 sub (90.000) cr [{0 0 mt 0.4 l}6 8 ] yrpt 0 45 mt 0.4 l 0 0 mt 45 u 20 r 45 d 18 42 0.3 sub (P7) cc 18 36 0.3 sub (P6) cc 18 30 0.3 sub (P5) cc 18 24 0.3 sub (P4) cc 18 18 0.3 sub (P3) cc 18 12 0.3 sub (P2) cc 18 6 0.3 sub (P1) cc gsave -5.5 22.5 translate 90 rotate 0 0 (pulse starting or ending angle position in degrees) cc grestore snap3 restore } def %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % figure1 for detmssol 72 /figure1 { save /snapxxx exch def %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -0.3 -2.5 translate % position on box 1.5 dup scale 0 1 0 setrgbcolor line1 gsave 0 0 mt 10 pu 20 pr 10 pd closepath 0.8 1 1 setrgbcolor fill grestore 20 10 showgrid 0 1 1 setrgbcolor line2 10 0 mt 10 u 0 10 mt 20 r 0 0 mt 10 pu 20 pr 10 pd closepath stroke newpath 0 0 mt 10 pu 20 pr 10 pd closepath clip newpath 10 0 translate black /f1 { /b1 exch store /m1 exch store % capture slope and error -11 11 mt line1 0.07 setlinewidth -10 0.1 10 {/x1 exch store % plotting loop for linear x1 m1 mul b1 add abs x1 exch lineto } for stroke -11 11 mt line1 0.07 setlinewidth -10 0.1 10 {/x1 exch store % plotting loop for square x1 m1 mul b1 add dup mul % sqrt % find rms x1 exch % 2 copy == == (\n) print flush % gsave black 2 copy mt dot grestore lineto } for stroke 1 0 0 setrgbcolor % verify and plot minimum b1 m1 div neg 0 mt 20 u 0 b1 mt dot % plot initial y value } def 2 3 f1 % and do it slope - offset f1 snapxxx restore } store %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % figure2 for detmssol 72 /figure2 { save /snapxxx exch def %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -0.3 -2.5 translate % position on box 1.5 dup scale 0 1 0 setrgbcolor line1 gsave 0 0 mt 10 pu 20 pr 10 pd closepath 0.8 1 1 setrgbcolor fill grestore 20 10 showgrid 0 1 1 setrgbcolor line2 10 0 mt 10 u 0 10 mt 20 r 0 0 mt 10 pu 20 pr 10 pd closepath stroke newpath 0 0 mt 10 pu 20 pr 10 pd closepath clip newpath 10 0 translate black /f123 {/b7 exch store /m7 exch store % capture 7h slope and error /b5 exch store /m5 exch store % capture 5h slope and error /b3 exch store /m3 exch store % capture 3h slope and error -11 11 mt line1 -10 0.1 10 {/x3 exch store % plotting loop for 3h linear x3 m3 mul b3 add abs x3 exch lineto } for stroke 1 0 0 setrgbcolor % show intercept 0 b3 mt dot black -11 11 mt line1 0.07 setlinewidth -10 0.1 10 {/x5 exch store % plotting loop for 5h linear x5 m5 mul b5 add abs x5 exch lineto } for stroke 1 0 0 setrgbcolor % show intercept 0 b5 mt dot black -11 11 mt line1 0.07 setlinewidth -10 0.1 10 {/x7 exch store % plotting loop for 7h linear x7 m7 mul b7 add abs x7 exch lineto } for stroke 1 0 0 setrgbcolor % show intercept 0 b7 mt dot black -11 11 mt line1 0.07 setlinewidth % plot sum of squares -10 0.1 10 {/ss exch store ss m3 mul b3 add dup mul ss m5 mul b5 add dup mul add ss m7 mul b7 add dup mul add sqrt % plot as rms ss exch lineto } for stroke % minimum shold be - (m3b3 + m5b5 + m7b7)/(m3m3 + m5m5 + m7m7) 1 0 0 setrgbcolor % verify and plot minimum m3 b3 mul m5 b5 mul add m7 b7 mul add m3 dup mul m5 dup mul add m7 dup mul add div neg 0 mt 20 u } def 2 3 .5 2 -0.75 2.5 f123 % and do it slope - offset f1 snapxxx restore } store %% figure 1 for ebaystat 74 /figure1 { save /snapxxx exch def %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 4.5 1.7 translate % position on box % new data for 1000 to 5000 has been modified to include two additional points /data1k5k [ 800 118 50 900 100 39 1000 93.50 73 1100 82 77 1200 75 21 1300 70 26 1400 63 37 1500 59 53 1600 53 52 1700 50 16 1800 50 36 1900 47 61 2000 45 25 2100 41 98 2200 40 20 2300 39 40 2400 36 89 2500 35 15 2600 33.39 52 2700 31.49 67 2800 30 42 2900 30 36 3000 29 63 3100 27.63 84 3200 26 95 3300 25 49 3400 25 13 3500 25 30 3600 24.95 38 3700 24 38 3800 23 30 3900 22 54 4000 21 67 4100 20.50 99 4200 20 33 4300 19.99 15 4400 19.99 23 4500 19.99 25 4600 19.95 41 4700 18.99 7 4800 18.45 57 4900 17.99 27 5000 17.12 90 ] store % 150 150 10 setgrid gsave 0 0 mt 21 pu 24 pr 21 pd closepath 0.7 1 1 setrgbcolor fill grestore 24 21 showgrid 0 1 1 setrgbcolor line2 0 -0.60 mt 21.6 u 20 r 21.6 d 4 20 mt 20.6 d 8 20 mt 20.6 d 12 20 mt 20.6 d 16 20 mt 20.6 d 24 20 mt 20.6 d 24 0 mt 24.6 l 24 1 mt 24.6 l 24 6 mt 24.6 l 24 11 mt 24.6 l 24 16 mt 24.6 l 24 21 mt 24.6 l 1 0 0 setrgbcolor % plot the red approximation 24 0 mt /const 0.85 store 1 -0.01 0.148 {/jj exch store % at jj = 1 yy = 0 at jj = 0.18 yy = 1 /yy 1 jj sub const div store jj 24 mul yy 1 exp 0.07 mul % first yy 2 exp 0.35 mul add yy 11 exp 0.58 mul add % eighth 21 mul lineto } for line1 stroke 0.3 0.3 0.3 setrgbcolor 0 3 data1k5k length 1 sub {/ii exch store /bins data1k5k ii 0 add get store /bucks data1k5k ii 1 add get store /buys data1k5k ii 2 add get store bins 800 sub 4000 div 20 mul bucks 5 div exch % swap usual axes mt dot } for /cstretch 0.02 store /sstretch 0.05 store /font1 /Helvetica-bold 0.85 gonzofont font1 black 0 -1.8 ($0) cc 4 -1.8 ($20) cc 8 -1.8 ($40) cc 12 -1.8 ($60) cc 16 -1.8 ($80) cc 20 -1.8 ($100) cc 24 -1.8 ($120) cc 12.5 -3.1 (dollars per bin ) cc gsave 0 -0.3 translate -1.3 1 (1000) cr -1.3 6 (2000) cr -1.3 11 (3000) cr -1.3 16 (3000) cr -1.3 21 (5000) cr grestore 15 18 (total bins = 18,400) cc gsave -4.3 11 translate 90 rotate 0 0 (bin count from max$) cc grestore snapxxx restore } store /figure2 { save /snapxxx exch def %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 4.5 -0.4 translate % position on box % new data for 800 to 5000 has been modified to include two additional points /data1k5k [ 800 118 50 900 100 39 1000 93.50 73 1100 82 77 1200 75 21 1300 70 26 1400 63 37 1500 59 53 1600 53 52 1700 50 16 1800 50 36 1900 47 61 2000 45 25 2100 41 98 2200 40 20 2300 39 40 2400 36 89 2500 35 15 2600 33.39 52 2700 31.49 67 2800 30 42 2900 30 36 3000 29 63 3100 27.63 84 3200 26 95 3300 25 49 3400 25 13 3500 25 30 3600 24.95 38 3700 24 38 3800 23 30 3900 22 54 4000 21 67 4100 20.50 99 4200 20 33 4300 19.99 15 4400 19.99 23 4500 19.99 25 4600 19.95 41 4700 18.99 7 4800 18.45 57 4900 17.99 27 5000 17.12 90 ] store % generate new data files /functbb {/curbucks exch store /yy 1 curbucks 120 div sub 0.85 div store yy 11 exp 0.55 mul yy 2 exp 0.35 mul add yy 1 exp 0.07 mul add 4200 mul 800 add } store /binsperbuck [ 18 1 120 {/bucks exch store bucks bucks functbb bucks 1 sub functbb bucks 1 add functbb sub 2 div } for ] store % binsperbuck == % 150 150 10 setgrid gsave 0 0 mt 15 pu 24 pr 15 pd closepath 0.7 1 1 setrgbcolor fill grestore 24 15 showgrid 0 1 1 setrgbcolor line2 0 -0.60 mt 15.6 u 20 r 15.6 d 4 15 mt 15.6 d 8 15 mt 15.6 d 12 15 mt 15.6 d 16 15 mt 15.6 d 24 15 mt 15.6 d 24 0 mt 24.6 l 24 5 mt 24.6 l 24 10 mt 24.6 l 24 15 mt 24.6 l % plot the bins versus dollars 0.3 0.3 0.3 setrgbcolor 0 3 binsperbuck length 3 sub {/ii exch store binsperbuck ii get % the dollars 120 div 24 mul binsperbuck ii 2 add get % the bins 20 div mt dot } for /cstretch 0.02 store /sstretch 0.05 store /font1 /Helvetica-bold 0.85 gonzofont font1 black 0 -1.8 ($0) cc 4 -1.8 ($20) cc 8 -1.8 ($40) cc 12 -1.8 ($60) cc 16 -1.8 ($80) cc 20 -1.8 ($100) cc 24 -1.8 ($120) cc 12 -3.1 (price in integer dollars ) cc gsave 0 -0.3 translate -1.3 0 (0) cr -1.3 5 (100) cr -1.3 10 (200) cr -1.3 15 (300) cr grestore % 15 18 (total bins = 18,400) cc gsave -3.7 7.5 translate 90 rotate 0 0 (gross bin count per integer dollar) cc grestore /yinc 1.2 store /kern 0.1 store 15.5 12.5 (An |jinteger |jprice |jof\n"$34" represents all\nof the prices from\n$33.50 to $34.49.) cc snapxxx restore } store /figure3 { % for gg74 save /snapxxx exch def %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 5.5 -9.4 translate % position on box % new data for 1000 to 5000 has been modified to include two additional points /data1k5k [ 800 118 50 900 100 39 1000 93.50 73 1100 82 77 1200 75 21 1300 70 26 1400 63 37 1500 59 53 1600 53 52 1700 50 16 1800 50 36 1900 47 61 2000 45 25 2100 41 98 2200 40 20 2300 39 40 2400 36 89 2500 35 15 2600 33.39 52 2700 31.49 67 2800 30 42 2900 30 36 3000 29 63 3100 27.63 84 3200 26 95 3300 25 49 3400 25 13 3500 25 30 3600 24.95 38 3700 24 38 3800 23 30 3900 22 54 4000 21 67 4100 20.50 99 4200 20 33 4300 19.99 15 4400 19.99 23 4500 19.99 25 4600 19.95 41 4700 18.99 7 4800 18.45 57 4900 17.99 27 5000 17.12 90 ] store % 150 150 10 setgrid gsave 0 0 mt 21 pu 20 pr 21 pd closepath 0.7 1 1 setrgbcolor fill grestore 20 21 showgrid 0 1 1 setrgbcolor line2 0 -0.60 mt 21.6 u 20 r 21.6 d 4 20 mt 20.6 d 8 20 mt 20.6 d 12 20 mt 20.6 d 16 20 mt 20.6 d 20 0 mt 20.6 l 20 1 mt 20.6 l 20.6 6 mt 21.2 l 20.6 11 mt 21.2 l 20.6 16 mt 21.2 l 20.6 21 mt 21.2 l 0 0 1 setrgbcolor % plot the raw sellthrough 0 3 data1k5k length 1 sub {/ii exch store /bins data1k5k ii 0 add get store /bucks data1k5k ii 1 add get store /buys data1k5k ii 2 add get store bins 800 sub 4000 div 20 mul buys 5 div exch % swap usual axes mt dot } for 1 0 0 setrgbcolor % plot the filtered sellthrough 12 3 data1k5k length 15 sub {/ii exch store /bins data1k5k ii 0 add get store /bucks data1k5k ii 1 add get store /buys data1k5k ii 2 add get store bins 800 sub 4000 div 20 mul data1k5k ii 10 sub get data1k5k ii 7 sub get add data1k5k ii 4 sub get add data1k5k ii 1 sub get add data1k5k ii 2 add get add % center data1k5k ii 5 add get add data1k5k ii 8 add get add data1k5k ii 11 add get add data1k5k ii 14 add get add 9 div 5 div exch % swap usual axes mt dot } for /cstretch 0.02 store /sstretch 0.05 store /font1 /Helvetica-bold 0.85 gonzofont font1 black 0 -1.8 (0.0) cc 4 -1.8 (0.2) cc 8 -1.8 (0.4) cc 12 -1.8 (0.6) cc 16 -1.8 (0.8) cc 20 -1.8 (1.0) cc 10 -3.1 (sellthru per bin ) cc gsave 0 -0.3 translate -1.3 1 (1000) cr -1.3 6 (2000) cr -1.3 11 (3000) cr -1.3 16 (4000) cr -1.3 21 (5000) cr grestore % 15 18 (total bins = 18,400) cc gsave -4.3 11 translate 90 rotate 0 0 (bin count from max$) cc grestore gsave 24.4 11 translate 90 rotate 0 0 (price per bin) cc grestore 0 1 1 setrgbcolor 20 0.5 mt 0.6 r black gsave 0 -0.3 translate 21.3 0.5 ($100) cl 21.3 6 ($45) cl 21.3 11 ($29) cl 21.3 16 ($21) cl 21.3 21 ($17) cl grestore 10 18.4 (blue = raw sellthru) cl /kern 0.1 store 10.3 17.4 (red = 9 point average) cl snapxxx restore } store /figure4 { % for gg74 save /snapxxx exch def %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 7 -8 translate % position on box %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % new data for 800 to 5000 has been modified to include two additional points /data1k5k [ 800 118 50 900 100 39 1000 93.50 73 1100 82 77 1200 75 21 1300 70 26 1400 63 37 1500 59 53 1600 53 52 1700 50 16 1800 50 36 1900 47 61 2000 45 25 2100 41 98 2200 40 20 2300 39 40 2400 36 89 2500 35 15 2600 33.39 52 2700 31.49 67 2800 30 42 2900 30 36 3000 29 63 3100 27.63 84 3200 26 95 3300 25 49 3400 25 13 3500 25 30 3600 24.95 38 3700 24 38 3800 23 30 3900 22 54 4000 21 67 4100 20.50 99 4200 20 33 4300 19.99 15 4400 19.99 23 4500 19.99 25 4600 19.95 41 4700 18.99 7 4800 18.45 57 4900 17.99 27 5000 17.12 90 ] store % generate new data files /functbb {/curbucks exch store /yy 1 curbucks 120 div sub 0.85 div store yy 11 exp 0.55 mul yy 2 exp 0.35 mul add yy 1 exp 0.07 mul add 4200 mul 800 add } store % this curve peaks a little high... use it anyway for now /functst { /curbucks exch store /yy curbucks 120 div store 1 yy sub 3 exp -2.9 mul 1 yy sub 2 exp 2.9 mul add yy 0.4 mul add } store /binsperbuck [ 18 1 100 {/bucks exch store mark bucks bucks functbb bucks 1 sub functbb bucks 1 add functbb sub 2 div /bins exch store bins bucks functst /sellthru exch store sellthru bucks bins mul sellthru mul 100 mul /rawdol exch store rawdol % 30:1 bucks 0.97 mul 10 sub bins mul sellthru mul 100 mul /dol30 exch store dol30 % 10:1 bucks 0.9 mul 10 sub bins mul sellthru mul 100 mul /dol10 exch store dol10 % 3:1 bucks 0.67 mul 10 sub bins mul sellthru mul 100 mul /dol3 exch store dol3 ] } for ] store binsperbuck == % 150 150 10 setgrid gsave 0 0 mt 20 pu 20 pr 20 pd closepath 0.7 1 1 setrgbcolor fill grestore 20 20 showgrid 0 1 1 setrgbcolor line2 0 -0.60 mt 20.6 u 20 r 20.6 d 4 20 mt 20.6 d 8 20 mt 20.6 d 12 20 mt 20.6 d 16 20 mt 20.6 d 20 0 mt 20.6 l 20 5 mt 20.6 l 20 10 mt 20.6 l 20 15 mt 20.6 l % plot the bins versus dollars % binsperbuck format is [ dollars bin# bins sellthru rawcash dol30 dol3 ] 0.3 0.3 0.3 setrgbcolor % black net gain 0 1 binsperbuck length 1 sub {binsperbuck exch get /curarray exch store curarray 0 get 5 div % the price curarray 4 get 10000 div mt dot } for 1 0 0 setrgbcolor % plot 30:1 % black net gain 0 1 binsperbuck length 1 sub {binsperbuck exch get /curarray exch store curarray 0 get 5 div % the price curarray 5 get 10000 div mt dot } for 1 0 1 setrgbcolor % plot 10:1 % black net gain 0 1 binsperbuck length 1 sub {binsperbuck exch get /curarray exch store curarray 0 get 5 div % the price curarray 6 get 10000 div mt dot } for 0 0 1 setrgbcolor % plot 3:1 0 1 binsperbuck length 1 sub {binsperbuck exch get /curarray exch store curarray 0 get 5 div % the price curarray 7 get 10000 div mt dot } for /cstretch 0.02 store /sstretch 0.05 store /font1 /Helvetica-bold 0.85 gonzofont font1 black 0 -1.8 ($0) cc 4 -1.8 ($20) cc 8 -1.8 ($40) cc 12 -1.8 ($60) cc 16 -1.8 ($80) cc 20 -1.8 ($100) cc 10 -3.1 (price in integer dollars ) cc gsave 0 -0.3 translate -1.3 0 ($0) cr -1.3 5 ($50,000) cr -1.3 10 ($100,000) cr -1.3 15 ($150,000) cr -1.3 20 ($200,000) cr grestore % 15 18 (total bins = 18,400) cc gsave -6.7 12.5 translate 90 rotate 0 0 (total sales per integer dollar) cc grestore /yinc 1.0 store /kern 0.1 store gsave % make it smaller and less obnoxious 3.3 3.5 translate 0.8 dup scale 9.5 18 (black = zero process,\n infinite SBR) cl 9.5 15.5 (red = $10 process,\n 30:1 SBR) cl 9.5 13 (magenta = $10 process,\n 10:1 SBR) cl 9.5 10.5 (blue = $10 process,\n 3:1 SBR) cl grestore snapxxx restore } store %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% repeat current image link here /autoimageandlink1 {save /af1 exch store xpos ypos yinc add translate 3 -19.1 885 560 .033 % xpos ypos xres yres pixscale (http://www.tinaja.com/images/bargs/corntemp.bmp) % url first % (http://www.tinaja.com/images/bargs/ce47u25v.jpg) % url first (C:\\Documents and Settings\\don\\Desktop\\gurugrams\\96_ebay_skills_VII\\corntempx.jpg) jpegimageprocwithlink af1 restore} store %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Specific file info here /font; /Helvetica [0.7 0 0 0.7 0 0.4] gonzofont font1 /font- /Symbol 0.85 gonzofont aqua 0.33 setgray font0 /narrowx {/txtwide txtwide 8.5 sub store} store /widenx {/txtwide txtwide 8.5 add store} store /burpon {mark /burple cvx 0.33 /setgray cvx ] cvx % additional internal gonzo printlist exch 3 index exch put exch 1 add exch} def /burpoff {mark /aqua cvx 0 /setgray cvx ] cvx printlist exch 3 index exch put exch 1 add exch} def /darkenheader {save /headsnap exch store xpos 1 sub ypos 0.2 add translate 0.3 1 1 setrgbcolor 0 0 mt 3.2 pd burpwide pr 3.2 pu closepath fill headsnap restore} store % sssssssssssssssssssss % start marker /tabs [14] store 20 48.3 0.7 add % 1 sub (Enhancing |j|jyour |j|jeBay)cc 20 46.3 0.7 add % 1 sub (Strategic |j|jand |j|jT|k|kactical |j|jSkills VII) cc black font2 textleft 43 0.3 add % this one only need |h below (|/aqua |/staytint1 |3Don Lancaster Synergetics, Box 809, Thatcher, AZ 85552 copyright c2008 pub 07/08 as |/surl |6GuruGram|1|/gurgrm01 |/tinton1 |6#96 |/surl http://www.tinaja.com|/tinaja |/surl don@tinaja.com|/maildon (928) 428-4073 |/aqua |/black |a|0B|b|1|jack in |/su Enhancing your eBay Tactical Skills I|1|/enhebay1.pdf , |/su Enhancing your eBay Tactical|/enhebay2.pdf |/su Skills II|1|/enhebay2.pdf , our |/su Enhancing your eBay Tactical Skills III|1|/enhebay3.pdf , |/su Enhancing your eBay |/enhebay4.pdf |/su Tactical Skills IV|1|/enhebay4.pdf , |/su Enhancing your eBay Tactical Skills V|1|/enhebay5.pdf , and |/su Enhancing your |/enhebay6.pdf |/su eBay Tactical Skills VI|1|/enhebay6.pdf tutorials found in |/su GuruGrams|1|/gurgrm01 #41, #49, #62, #70, #71 and #78 we looked at some advanced |/su eBay|1|/ebaystore items from our email |/su help line|1|/maildon , from our |/su What's New|1|/whtnu07 and newer blogs, and the |/su alt.marketing.online.ebay|1|/newsamoe newsgroup. Plus stuff I've been meaning to emphasize beyond our earlier info resources that you will find in our |/su Auction Help|1|/auct01 and our |/su Auction Resources|1|/auct01links links. |h I thought we might once again continue here with some newer |/su eBay|1|/ebaystore tactical skills topics. Many of these concepts are enhanced and expanded from their previous coverage in our |/su WHTNU05.ASP|1|/whtnu05 . |/su WHTNU06.ASP|1|/whtnu06 , |/su WHTNU07.ASP|1|/whtnu07 and (|jongoing|j) |/su WHTNU08.ASP|1|/whtnu08 news blog pages. Which are now also |/su RSS Available|1|/rss . |h But first, let's once again summarize the |/su eBay seller success|1|/ebaysell rules \274 |h |6|/shiftin |/aqua |/burplebox14 |/staytint1 |h Offer unique products not available elsewhere. Maximize your personal value added. Always seek out a minimum 30:1 sell/buy ratio. Always aim for a 21 day payback. The minimum profitable eBay sale is $19.63. NO foreign bidders/buyers/transshipments! Accept |/su Paypal|6|/paypal |/to only! Never list anything you cannot hold at arm's length. Use both a scanner AND a 5 megapixel camera. Spend at least TWO HOURS in image postproc. NO dropshipping, pallet buys, or consignment sales. Limit terms and conditions to TEN words maximum. Clearly state your revenue neutral shipping charges. |1|/shiftout |/aqua |/black ) cl startnewpage (Along with the single key |/su eBay buyer rule|1|/ebaybuy \274 |6|/shiftin |/aqua |/burplebox4 |/staytint1 |h ALWAYS proxy bid your max ONCE very late in the |/su eBay|6|/ebay auction. Do so in odd penny amounts that are somewhat above a currency denomination threshold. |1|/shiftout |/aqua |/black |h Let's go on to some more recent concepts\274 |h |c Regional |jData |jMining |d Sometimes serendipity can play an enormous part in finding new opportunities. I overheard two auctioneer's talking that led to a major "secret" auction every Monday from a larger electronics manufacturer. |h From which I got to wondering how many other "under the radar" auctions and surplus sales there may be. By starting with |/su this directory|1|/directory1 or |/su this one|1|/directory2 , you can prune down a list of Arizona Manufacturers who just may have hidden opportunities. |h You should be able to |/su Google|1|/google similar results for your area. Paring the Arizona list by size produces\274 |6|/shiftin |/aqua |/burplebox22 |/staytint1 |h |6Walmart |1(|jknown and handled by |/su Bonnette|1|/bonette and others|j) |6Honeywell |6Intel |6Raytheon|1 (|jone example |/su here|1|/raytheon |j) |6Quest Communications|1 (|jknown and handled by |/su WSM|1|/wsm |j) |6Freeport McMoran (was PD) |1(|jhandled by |/su Dickerson|1|/Dickerson ) |6Boeing |6General Dynamics |6IBM |6Freescale Semiconductor |6Microchip Technology |6Motorola |6Medtronic |6ON Semiconductor |6Lockheed Martin |6Texas Instruments |6Bombadier |1(|jknown and handled by |/su Starman|1|/starman |j) |6Southwest Gas |1(|jknown and handled by |/su WSM|1|/wsm |j) |6Northrup Grunnman |6Cox Communications |6Computer Sciences |h |1|/aqua |/shiftout |/black ) cl startnewpage (|6|/shiftin |/aqua |/burplebox8 |/staytint1 |h |6Global Aircraft Solutions |6Universal Avionics |6Sargent Controls |6Comcast |6SAIC |6Salt River Project |6Unisource |h |1|/aqua |/shiftout |/black |h Much more on our |/su Auction Help|1|/auct01 library page. Your own custom regional auction finder can be created for you |/su per these details|1|/aucres01 . |h Curiously, if you list the top end of the total employment specific to Southern Arizona a radically different picture emerges. It turns out that |/to seven of the eight |/to largest employers are military, schools, or government|/tx . And the sole "business" in the top eight sells only to the military. From a facility that is almost totally USAF owned. |h Which creates their own set of auction and sale opportunities. Most of which we already know about and have already made available on our |/su Arizona Auction|/auct01links |/su Resources|1|/auct01links library page. |h At any rate, here they are in size order... |6|/shiftin |/aqua |/burplebox9 |/staytint1 |h Fort Huachucha |1(|jhandled by |/su Government Liquidation|1|/govliquidation |j) |6University of Arizona |1(|jdoes |/su their own auctions|1|/uofaauctions |j) |6State of Arizona |1(|jsome handled by |/su Sierra Auctions|/sierraauct |j) |6Davis Monthan |1(|jhanndled by |/su Government Liquidation|1|/govliquidation |j) |6Tucson Schools |1(|jsometimes does their own auctions|j) |6Pima County |1(|jsome handled by |/su Sierra Auctions|/sierraauct |j) |6City of Tucson |1( by |/su Public Surplus|1|/pubsurp or |/su Auction & Appraise|1|/auctionandappraise |j) |6Tohono O'Odham Nation |1(|jby |/su Southwest Liquidators|1|/southwestliq ) |h |1|/aqua |/shiftout |/black |h I haven't been able to find a statewide combined list just yet. Please email me if you know of one. Meanwhile, there just might be specific and nonobvious opportunities in your area. Custom regional directories can be created for you through |/su this link|1|/aucres01 . |j Yet another approach to finding serendipitous possible "under the radar" auction and sales source would be through this |/su SBA Subcontractor Opportunity site|1|/sba . With the theory that if the company is big enough to need subcontractors, they just might be big enough to have surplus sales and excess needs auctions. |h ) cl startnewpage (|1Arizona results through the above link include... |6|/shiftin |/aqua |/burplebox20 |/staytint1 |h Arizona State University Boeing Dynamic Science, Inc. General Dynamics Goodrich Turbomachinery Goodrich Propulsion Honeywell International Glendale Honeywell International Phoenix Honeywell International Tucson Litton Electro-Optical Lockheed Martin Motorola Orbital Sciences Pacific Scientific Energetic Materials Raytheon Missile Systems Sargent Controls & Aerospace Signal Technology Corporation Simula University of Arizona |h |1|/aqua |/shiftout |/black |h Results for your area can be found by clicking through on the above link. |h |c Digging |jDeeper |d Sometimes you find only the briefest hint that some auction may or may not be worth attending. Here's a few nonobvious tools that can aid you in deciding... |h|/staytint1 |6ADDRESS SEARCH \320|1 Who is or was here? Who lives next door? |h |6|/su PHONE REVERSE SEARCH|/reversephone \320|1|/tinton1 Has the line been disconnected? Is it a working company? An upset landlord? An auction house? |h |6|/su GOOGLE SATELLITE PHOTO |1|/googlesat \320|1|/tinton1 Is the building a factory or part of a strip mall or an auction barn home? Or a "lives with Mom" scam? |h |6|/su GOOGLE STREET VIEW |1|/googlesat \320 |/tinton1 The zoomable street photos now showing up for many cities can be enormously useful. Especially for resolving parking and access problems. |h |6COMPANY HISTORY \320|1 Is there anything in the news about any plant closings or a bankruptcy. How long ago? |h |6LIVE COLD CALLS \320|1 Try to reach a real person that can tell you more about the overall vibes of the auction. ) cl startnewpage (|/staytint1 |h |6|/su DEEPER AD SEARCHES|/usnpl \320|1|/tinton1 Possibly in papers you do not normally read or display ads you do not normally search. Be sure to read all of the ads, not just the new ones. |h |6PRICE HINTS |1\320 Have some of the for sale items been listed in |/su Craig's|1|/craigslist |/su List|1|/craigslist |1|/tinton1 or |/su Kijiji|1|/kijiji |1|/tinton1 at prices far above distress? Are there unlisted hints? |h |6NONPROFIT NONPROFITS? |1|\320 Does this turn out to be a church rubbish \320 er\274 make that |/to rummage|/tx |/tinton1 fundraising sale? Are there any factors that would raise final prices far beyond their value? |h |6WEBSITE STATUS |1\320 Does their website still exist? What are its vibes? |h |6|/su THE WAYBACK MACHINE|1|/wayback |1|/tinton1 \320 What did the company used to do? To whom? For how long? |h |6URGENCY|1\320 Is this a carefully planned sale, or do we have a sudden deep distress panic? Is this a routine recurring event? |h|/black And, above all\274 |h|/staytint1 |6UNREASONABLENESS |1\320 Have they made enough dumb mistakes that nobody else is likely to attend? 120 degrees in the shade, the 4 inch hail, and the scorpions are all your friends, Plus, of course, the nonworking restrooms. |h |c Seeking |jObscurity |d I've found that it pays to really dig deep into obscure second tier auction resources. Lately I've found these to be paying off big time. |h Far better than the regulars. Some recent ferinstances\274 |/staytint1 \267 A distant community college provided several exceptional items. |h \267 A rare aerospace action by a liquidator did even better. |h \267 A normally |/su vapid auction site|1|/pubsurp |/tinton1 for cities and counties yielded some highly useful items. But only after a bluff was called on a reserve. |h \267 Several "over the transom" email offers were lowball bid. And awarded. Even discounting the few items that were grossly overvalued, the rest of the lot continues to generate long term profits. |h \267 A national auctioneer did not bother with local ads on industrial inventory. |h \267 Single item bids did quite well on a stock barn auction where nobody else spotted value. |h \267 A bankruptcy attorney decided to hold their own auction. Very few showed up. There can be a distinct advantage when you are the only bidder. |h|/black ) cl startnewpage (|1The bottom line being |/to continuing vigilance|/tx . Avoid getting in a rut where you only check the few obvious biggies. And |/to always|/tx seek out the nonobvious. |h |c Rounding |j.BMP |jBitmap |jCorners |d Getting decent looking rounded corners and round objects in any bitmap (|jnew or as image postproc|j) can be tricky. This new template might be of help\274 |/autoimageandlink1 |h You can click on this image to access the underlying 1:1 bitmap. Which you irregularly lasso, cut, and paste to get you started on a rounded corner. |h First and foremost, |/to keeping your horizontal and vertical lines accurate to one |/to pixel|/tx should help a lot. As should using the same detail for both horizontal and vertical edges when possible. |h Note the "log" nature of curved lines. Where the pixel count per line normally |/to smoothly|/tx increments or decrements without any gaps or sudden changes. Thus, a |/to 5 - 5 - 5 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 2 - 2 - 2\274|/tx sequence is almost always preferred to erratic pixel count changes. |h Symmetry lets you do only a quarter of a circular object at once. By mirroring vertically and horizontally, the complete object can be built up. If something is "not quite" symmetric, layers can be used to handle any differences. |h You can also do "octal" symmetry by starting with a |/to 45|/tx degree wedge. Created by a |/to 45|/tx degree white line to define your upper boundary. Eight fold symmetry can then complete your object. |h Carrying things even further, a |/to 22.5|/tx degree wedge can be created and repeatedly "symmetrisized" by a rotation and copy process. The tangent of |/to 22.5|/tx degrees is |/to 0.4142|/tx , which, by a really obscure trig identity, can be remembered as |/to one less |/to than the square root of two|/tx . Or the fraction of |/to 12/29|/tx . |h To use the template, grab a quarter of it and paste it into your corner. Then, you ) cl startnewpage (|1overwite the outer and inner boundaries. A middle trace might also be overwritten. Chances are the rest of the pixels do not have to be particularly accurate, so long as they do not get too fat or two thin. |h For very small rounded corners, it pays to "memorize" the needed patterns. These can be found to the right of the main template. Winning patterns are\274 |6|/shiftin |/aqua |/burplebox12.5 |/staytint1 |h Memorize these "perfect" small bitmap corners\274 |h 1 1-1 1-1-1 |h 2-1-2 2-1-1-2 2-1-1-1-2 |h 2-2-1-2-2 3-2-1-2-3 3-2-1-1-2-3 |h |1|/aqua |/shiftout |/black |h Additional bitmap tools appear |/su here|1|/postproc.pdf . |h |c Auction |jStrategy |d Timing can be everything at a live auction. Whether something is or is not a bargain very much depends on |/to WHEN|/tx during the auction the lot is offered. |h Ferinstance, |/to the very first few lots will usually go for outrageously low prices|/tx . First because the crowd is shy. Second because the auctioneer is not yet up to speed, thirdly because things are still confusing, and fourthly because early good deals encourage manic bidding. |h The first hour or two will usually have |/to too much|/tx interest and often way too much competition to give you much of anything worthwhile. |h Most any auction will have a focus where the "good stuff" is sold at a particular time. Especially working computer systems or vehicles. Many individuals will come only for these items and may tend to leave afterwards. Your own best strategy, of course, is to |/to ignore the "good stuff"|/tx . |h As the auction ages, |/to the serious bidders will end up spending more and more|/tx . They may run out of money or hit a limit to what they can carry with their available vehicles. Or get tired or lose interest. |h Eventually, some totally useless pile of trash will not sell, and the auctioneer will "Combine it with the next lot". Thus creating a |/to poisioned lot|/tx that you can steal for a song. |h ) cl startnewpage (|1Similarly, worthless trash on top can sometimes mask goodies on the bottom of a skid or box. |/to Careful inspection and preview is thus a must|/tx . |h Note that |/to you can almost always give away anything you do not want later|/tx . Or simply |/su abandon it|1|/enhebay6.pdf . Auctioneers do not want you to know about your legal "right of abandonment". On the other hand, |/to don't repeat this stunt very often|/tx (|jor very obviously)|j with the same auctioneer. |h The further you get into an auction, the further behind the auctioneer will typically get, and the more fatigued and disinterested your competitive bidders may become. |h Thus, |/to the stunning buys all tend to occur near hour fourteen of a three hour |/to auction|/tx . Once again, ideally helped along by the 120 degree temperatures, the four inch hail, the scorpions, bad lighting, dirt & grime, and, of course, the nonworking restrooms. |h And those are the times to get in the auctioneer's face and aggressively bid on the "contents of cabinet" and "contents of room" bargains. |h |c Some |jMixed |jAuction |jStrategy |d What is a good strategy for online bids at a mixed online/live auction? |h You ALWAYS have a big advantage in being there and bidding live, so rule number one is to |/to avoid all online bidding|/tx . If you must bid online, make sure you are approved at least a day ahead of time. |h |/to NEVER|/tx bid too early! All this does is telegraph your intent and draw interest in the item. Besides starting pissing contests. |h Early in the auction, it is a good idea to |/to place a token shill bid|/tx on something you do not feel strongly about and have no chance of winning. This makes sure you are properly online and your bid machinery is working. |h Needless to say, on any item that you really want, you place BOTH your current bid of ONLY the amount needed to be highest bidder. AND your proxy max. |h |/to Do this ONCE AND ONLY ONCE!|/tx |h Since you are unlikely to have to pay your proxy max (|jyou will almost always win for less or be outbid|j), your proxy max can be |/to somewhat|/tx higher than what you are really willing to pay. Perhaps 30% more. |h There is a tradeoff on your best bidding time. Too early and others have a chance to respond. Too late, and the usual auctioneer online screwups may miss your bid as their equipment chokes. |h Something like |/to seven lots|/tx or |/to nine minutes early|/tx may be a good to optimum choice. And avoid getting stressed out. If it was such a big deal, you should have attended. |h |h ) cl startnewpage (|c On |jResetting |jto |jZero |d As our |/su Arizona Auction Resources|1|/auct01 page or your |/su Custom Auction Finder Service|1|/aucres01 clearly show us, the number of local auctions is sharply up and new opportunities clearly abound. Particularly in these areas\274 |6|/shiftin |/aqua |/burplebox33.5 |/staytint1 |h |6MACHINE SHOPS |1\320 Those that have failed to go CNC are no longer competitive, and those that have may be facing payment issues with their costly new equipment. |h |6FITNESS CENTERS |1\320 Interest in these has clearly peaked, so there's bunches of bargains in equipment and fixtures and accessories. |h |6PRINT SHOPS |1\320 You can now do just about everything a print shop did on your own far better, far faster, and ridiculously cheaper. |h |6CANDLE STORES |1\320 The web has severely cut into brick and mortar stores of all sorts, especially Mom and Pop operations. Candles are but one example of newly unviable ventures. |h |6WOODWORKING |1\320 I'm not sure why there is a peak in these auctions. Offshore suppliers and labor costs do have to be factors, though. |h |6CO-OP FOOD SERVICES |1\320 Wal Mart and similar chains have pretty much eliminated any cost advantages to many co-op ventures. Even worse is the skyrocketing costs of maintaining delivery routes. |h |6OFFICE SUPPLIES |1\320 You cannot give classic steel desks away. and most business ventures have sharply cut back on paper filing and similar accessories. |h |6TONER RECHARGING |1\320 Laser printer demand has clearly peaked and inkjet refilling services are handled in a totally different way. |h |1|/aqua |/shiftout |/black |h As usual, the best buys will be in related inventory, "contents of room" and "contents of cabinet" unsorted, murky, or poisoned lots that are a minor and nonobvious part of a larger liquidation. ) cl startnewpage (|1Going on the assumption that something "really big" is just around the corner, this may be the best time to |/to REDUCE|/tx your inventory, not increase it. |h First because anything new is likely to cost a lot more than what you already have in stock and written off. And second because things are likely to get MORE competitive rather than less. Owing to the tons of merch now being dumped. |h And third because if you hit it big on an auction, you will now have the storage room you will need. And finally, because you can be more selective which auctions to attend. Yet still have higher odds than usual of a spectacular buy. |h Some "reset to zero" guidelines\274 |h|/staytint1 \267 Flushing anything over a year old not yet listed. |h \267 Put stuff that obviously is not selling on the |/su Alvin Pile|1|/sotofamilia . |h \267 By dramatically slashing clutter. |h \267 Eliminating the "shit floats to the top" phenomenon. |h \267 Increase efficiency of known good inventory storage. |h \267 Expand the training and skills of any hired help. |h \267 Be genuinely proud of any newly listed offers. |h \267 Focusing on new items with the best total return |h. \267 Fully give each item the attention to detail it deserves. |h \267 Favoring current production and in demand items. |h \267 Providing useful technical links when and where possible. |h \267 Expanding listings through |/su Craig's List|1|/craigslist |/tinton1 or Kijii|1|/kijiji . |h \267 Carefully research product viability and potential interest. |h \267 Maximizing personal value added through special expertise. |h \267 Dropping problem categories entirely. |h \267 Leading with items that are easily tested, packed, and shipped. |h \267 Give away anything questionable or marginal. |h \267 If you touch it, deal with it. |h \267 Keeping inventory counts exact and returning loose items. |h \267 By promptly finishing any refurb you start. |/black |h And, of course... |h|/staytint1 \267 By promptly admitting when and where you were wrong. |h|/black |h ) cl startnewpage (|c Some |jLesser |jNotes |d Let's briefly look at a collection of shorter "loose ends" topics\274 |h|/staytint1 |6REFUND POLICIES \320|1 We pride ourselves on our |/su eBay|1|/ebay |/tinton1 |/staytint1 service and go out of our way to never have an unhappy customer. We promptly issue full refunds (|joften without returns|j) for any time we are even slightly at fault. We have very few problems. And those that do exist are easily covered by the |/su 30:1 SBR|1|/ebaysell.pdf (|jsell/buy ratio|j) that we will always seek out. |h Clearly offering a fifteen day inspection privilege (|jcustomer pays all shipping|j) on higher ticket items heads many problems off before they occur. A customer that accepts an implied risk is less likely to end up unhappy. |h But what about a customer who simply did not read clear and obvious statements in a product offer? Or whose expectations were flat out of line? One ploy is to |/to wait a few days before |/to responding|1 and then offer only a product refund less shipping upon return. More often than not, the customer may never get around to an actual return. Yet still find your response acceptable. |6TWO AUCTIONS AT THE SAME TIME \320|1 Start by getting as much info as possible on each auction. Especially lot lists and photos if they are available. If you can, preview the |/to least valuable|1 of the two. |h Sometimes sending an associate to the second auction can work. Other times, placing proxy bids with the auctioneer can prove useful. And if the main auction turns into a dud, consider traveling between the two. Simplest of all is to |/to ignore the second auction|/tx . |h Chances are something similar will shortly come up anyhow. And the auction would not have been in second place if you really were excited about it. |/staytint1 |6COPYRIGHT AND IP VIOLATIONS \320|1 Some first principles: ANYTHING you write is |/to IMMEDIATELY|1 protected in the US the instant it shows up in tangible form. All that copyright registration does for you is give you a few additional obscure legal rights. |h Naturally, |/to copyright 2008|1 or whatever should prominently appear on everything you create. Along with any other restrictions. Because of a legal principle called |/to due diligence|1, you should continuously seek out any copyright violations. |h If you let them slip in the past, then you may not be able to go after a major future offender. |h ) cl startnewpage (|/staytint1 |1Two useful monitoring tools are your own |/su log files|1|/analogeb |/tinton1 and |/su Googling|1|/google yourself every now and then. |h Many violations are simply not worth the hassle of pursuing. But the usual defenses include a polite then a stronger email demanding removal followed by a complaint to their ISP demanding that they be shut down immediately. |h A lawyer nastygram can also prove of use but heads you down the route of costs and bad vibes. Foreign ripoffs are rarely worth chasing after. You do, of course, always have the right to refuse any reuse or promotion of your work or to charge any royalty structure that you care to. |h As to |/su eBay|1|/ebay |/staytint1 |/tinton1 |/to |1, you can immediately shut down anybody who steals your images or ad copy by going through their |/su NOCI|1|/noci |/to |1process. |h Once again creative use of your |/su log files|1|/analogeb |/to |1can quickly spot stolen images. Sometimes a substitute image (|jperhaps of a suitably clad individual pioneering new methods of animal husbandry|j) can prove of value. |/staytint1 |6ON STAYING LEAN AND MEAN \320|1 It often pays to stay lean and mean when attending any auction. An empty SUV, one dolly or cart, some tools, and somebody that wants to come along that you do not have to pay for riding. |h Chances are you will only hit it big once every six to ten auctions or so. Dragging trucks, trailers, or hired help around for trivial hits or nothing at all usually makes no sense. |h Parking can also be a serious problem that gets a lot worse with a trailer tagging along. And, if you do hit it big, chances are you will have to return the next day with the full proper tools and hired help. |h Keep your out-of-pocket costs to an absolute minimum until you have scored big enough that they become negligible. Make sure that "needing a trailer" or "many trips" or "needing a truck" is completely justified by your current auction lot won. Before that, |/to avoid upscaling with trash|1. After that, |/to stuff in nearly everything you can|1. Find your auctions |/su here|1|/auct01 , |/to |1or your own custom local resource finder |/su |/su here|/aucres01 . |/staytint1 |6ON VISA/MC AND COST EFFECTIVENESS \320|1 Almost all of our received payments these days are via |/su PayPal|1|/paypal |/to |1, both for our on and off |/su eBay|1|/ebay |/to |1sales. We pretty much decided to drop our own VISA and MC merchant accounts because their fixed expenses are no longer remotely competitive. ) cl startnewpage (|/staytint1 |1Much as we like UPS, they simply cannot compete with USPO for flat rate boxes and for items in the one and two pound range. So we also have dropped our UPS daily pickup service. |/su UPS|1|/ups |/to |1 remains available to us for heavier items. |h To pay us via Paypal, go to |/su this link|1|/paypal |/to |1, and select "goods" or "auction" or "services" as appropriate. As always, we are happy to combine shipping rates for you to give you the lowest possible total cost. |/staytint1 |6COPYING A TRADEMARK \320|1 Is this ever legal? Suppose you buy a case of Heinz Ketchup at a bankruptcy and then scan or photograph one of the bottles so you can resell them on |/su eBay|1|/ebay |/to |1. Have you violated any trademarks by your image? |h It turns out there apparently is a legal principle called the |/su First Sale Doctrine|1|/firstsale in the US and the |/to Doctrine of Exhaustion Rights|1 elsewhere. Which says that strict trademark enforcement expires with the first sale of any item. |h So, apparently (|jcheck with your legal council to be sure|j), you can use the trademark copy without infringement specifically for the item sale. |h The first sale doctrine originally applied only to copyright, but it seems to have been extendable to trademarks under specific sale circumstances. |h You cannot, of course, sell fake ketchup or a different brand. Or imply you are official or an authorized distributor. Nor copy any existing owned image. Or try to scam anything even remotely similar. Or modify the item. |h You are likely to be able to show a Mustang hood ornament on one you are selling. But probably NOT in a collector car calendar you are publishing. |h Naturally, it is bad news to ever confront the legal council of anybody, anyplace, any time. Especially corporate ones who will squash you like a bug. |h But the chances are that you are lawfully entitled to make a new copy of a image you are offering on a lawfully acquired item for resale. |/staytint1 |6GOVERNMENT SURPLUS UPDATE \320|1 There seems to be a move underfoot to completely eliminate US Government surplus sales. Based on the obvious terrorist threat of ancient and horribly obsolete commercial test equipment. |h After all, if a terrorist scattered a bunch of these late at night, you could bark your shins on one something fierce. The military is apparently trying to |/to recall and destroy|1 previous sales of this type. Yet another scaling back. |h Mil surplus deals pretty much ended for me a year or two back when the feds decided to truck all Southern Arizona surplus to Northern Utah. And, by |/su this map|1|/drmsmap |/to |1, seem to have made mil surplus opportunities specific to tightly restricted geographical areas. ) cl startnewpage (|/staytint1 While sales remain through |/su Government Liquidation|1|/govliquidation |/to |1, lately I've found their feral site managers, dramatically scaled back offerings at many sites, and high opening prices to be personally unacceptable. |/staytint1 |6OUR PRICING GUIDELINES \320|1 Here is how the pricing and lotting of our electronic components offered on |/su eBay|1|/ebay |/to |1 gets done: We start with an opening price of just under ten dollars and adjust the lot quantity to end up at a price of |/to one-sixth|1 of current distributor list pricing. |h Prices get further adjusted depending on their popularity or rarity and to how many times they are listed. Prices get lowered on some items that we have enormous quantities of. Especially our white banana jacks and miniature snap switches. |h The quantity in a lot is also adjusted to give you the best possible shipping rates. As in under thirteen ounces to package at a one pound rate. |h Oddball quantities sometimes result if we have a strange quantity left that can be split into one or a very few lots. There is an ebay listing penalty above $50 total, so we typically list five lots at a time. More often than not, we have more inventory available. These additional items are immediately shippable, on or off |/su eBay|/ebay |/to |1. |h |c For |jMore |jHelp |d The |/su alt.marketing.online.ebay|1|/newsamoe newsgroup often has useful solutions to |/su eBay|1|/ebaystore problems on it. Additional auction help resources are found on our |/su Auction Help|1|/auct01 library page. Custom auction locators can be created for you on a private or public basis per our |/su Auction Resources|1|/aucres01 services. |h Additional consulting services are available per our |/su Infopack|1|/info01 services and on a contract or an hourly basis. Additional |/su GuruGrams|1|/gurgrm01 are found |/su here|1|/gurgrm01 . Seminars available as noted above. |h Further |/surl |6GuruGrams|1|/gurgrm01 await your ongoing support as a |/surl |6Synergetics Partner|1|/advt01 . For details, you can email |/su don@tinaja.com|1|/maildon . Or call |/to (928) 428-4073|/tx . ) cl startnewpage % EOF { % remaining: ebay assortments; best selling price; paint hints % image step by step refurb summary It pays to always go back to the fundamentals of electronic servicing... ~ Always do a careful inspection. ~ Have the service docs on hand. ~ Make the most fundamental tests first. ~ Divide and conquer. ~ Make no assumptions. ~ Never jump to conclusions. ~ Cause the patient no harm. ~ Believe ( but verify! ) your measurements. ~ Seek the obvious; expect the unexpected. Just had some problems with an HP 3310A from a community college auction. Very clean but marked "no output". Amazingly, full docs were quickly found from HP. Pilot light lit, fuse ok. Raw dc on all four supplies, but only two of them were drawing current, as verified by a scope ripple display. One regulator transistor was much hotter than the others. A dead short was found on the -25 volt supply. I wrongly concluded it "had" to be a filter cap. Lifted caps and found them ok. Further checking revealed dead shorts on ALL of the supply lines! Removing loads found the culprit: An A2 board with TWO broken ends on TWO connectors! The edge connectors slid sideways to short everything out! As to how this happened, write it off to "student lab". BTW: The vernier drive on a 3310A can often be improved by polishing and oiling its shaft and making sure the main knob is tight. Its operation ultimately depends on main dial clearance from the front panel and any excessive potentiometer side play. } pop