Three Bezier Curve Drawing Algorithms
By Don Lancaster                                                                   
Version 3.2 February 14, 1998
Copyright c. 1998 by Don Lancaster and Synergetics, Box 809, Thatcher AZ, 85552
(520) 428-4073. All commercial rights and all electronic media
rights are *fully* reserved. Linking welcome. Reposting is expressly forbidden.

Consulting services available.
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(The following is believed correct. Please report any errors or differing experiences.)

%! % THREE CUBIC SPLINE GENERATION ALGORITHMS % ======================================== % by Don Lancaster

% SUMMARY: Tutorial and demo looks at three different ways to generate
% cubic splines. Which is to use the PostScript -curveto- operator,
% to brute force plot the equations in t space, or to use an
% elegant "differencing method" that only needs repeated additions.

% Copyright c. 1998 by Don Lancaster and Synergetics, Box 809,
% Thatcher AZ, 85552 (520) 428-4073.
% All commercial rights and all electronic media rights are
% *fully* reserved. Linking welcome. Reposting is expressly forbidden.

% Consulting services available.
% Further support on

% The GENERAL PROCEDURE for using PostScript-as-language is as
% follows:

%%%%%%%%%%%% (A) INSTALL AND RUN GONZO UTILITIES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

% The demo uses my gonzo utilities from

(C:\\windows\\desktop\\gonzo\\ run % run the gonzo utilities

gonzo begin              % activate the gonzo utilities
ps.util.1 begin
% printerror
nuisance begin

%%%%%%%%%%%% (B) USE THE POSTSCRIPT -CURVETO- OPERATOR %%%%%%%%%%%%%%

% first establish a rubbergrid...

60 175 8 setgrid 65 50 showgrid

% pick your control points. This would probably be a matrix later on...

/x0  0 def  /y0  0 def
/x1 10 def  /y1 45 def
/x2 50 def  /y2 40 def
/x3 60 def  /y3 10 def

% Plot the spline as a standard PostScript curveto...

x0 y0 moveto x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 curveto line1 stroke

% Show the control points

x0 y0 mt dot x1 y1 mt dot x2 y2 mt dot x3 y3 mt dot

%%%%%%%%%%%%%(C) BRUTE FORCE T-PARAMETER PLOTTING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

% Find t-power coefficients a-d given control points. See HACK62.PDF for
% more details. This moves you from graph space to math space..

/ax x3 x2 3 mul sub x1 3 mul add x0 sub def
/ay y3 y2 3 mul sub y1 3 mul add y0 sub def

/bx x2 3 mul x1 6 mul sub x0 3 mul add def
/by y2 3 mul y1 6 mul sub y0 3 mul add def

/cx x1 3 mul x0 3 mul sub def
/cy y1 3 mul y0 3 mul sub def

/dx x0 def
/dy y0 def

% check for identical results by actually plotting the t equations
% one unit above original...

gsave 0 1 translate % move new curve up by one for visibility.

0 0 moveto 0 0.01 1 {/tt exch store tt ax mul bx add tt mul cx add tt
mul dx add tt ay mul by add tt mul cy add tt mul dy add lineto} for

stroke grestore


% How the method works: Given a point on the spline curve, the next
% point on the curve can be found by simple addition of running terms.

% The method is device and language independent, letting you generate
% a cubic spline **without** using the PostScript -curveto- operator!

/numincs 100 def % number of steps to generate the spline

% next, precalculate delta-t increment, square, and cube

/dt1 1 numincs div store       % delta t
/dt2 dt1 dup mul store         % delta t squared
/dt3 dt1 dt2 mul store         % delta t cubed

% initialize some stuff...

/xx dx store
/yy dy store
/ux 0 store
/uy 0 store
/vx 0 store
/vy 0 store

/mx1 ax dt3 mul store
/my1 ay dt3 mul store

/lx1 bx dt2 mul store
/ly1 by dt2 mul store

/kx mx1 lx1 add cx dt1 mul add store
/ky my1 ly1 add cy dt1 mul add store

/mx mx1 6 mul store
/my my1 6 mul store

/lx mx lx1 2 mul add store
/ly my ly1 2 mul add store

% now generate the fake curveto...

0 2 translate % tempory offset

xx yy moveto

numincs { /xx xx ux add kx add store /yy yy uy add ky add store
/ux ux vx add lx add store /uy uy vy add ly add store
/vx vx mx add store /vy vy my add store
xx yy lineto } repeat

line2 stroke

% Note that successive points along the curve require only *ten* repeated
% additions. There are no multiplies or other time-intensive operators.
% Note that this is **not** an approximation, but an exact solution!

% Try changing -numincs- to 3 to prove this to yourself.


Copyright c. 1998 by Don Lancaster and Synergetics, Box 809, Thatcher AZ, 85552
(520) 428-4073. All commercial rights and all electronic media
rights are *fully* reserved. Linking welcome. Reposting is expressly forbidden.

Consulting services available.
Further support on  

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