Six Clicks to Display PostScript!
By Don Lancaster                                                                     
Version 1.1 June 25, 1997
Copyright c. 1997 by Don Lancaster and Synergetics, Box 809, Thatcher AZ, 85552
(520) 428-4073. All commercial rights and all electronic media
rights are *fully* reserved. Linking welcome. Reposting is expressly forbidden.

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It turns out that genuine 100% authentic Adobe Display PostScript has long been available
for Windows 95 and other PC platforms. All it takes is six mouse clicks!

Here is the secret: First, create a folder called Display PS. Then place four file copies in
this folder. Arranged in small icon format, just, precisely, and exactly like so...

Make this folder as small as possible and place it in your upper right screen corner.

Bring your PostScrpt Yourworkfile.txt code up in a WordPad window, large, but not full
screen. Do a trial distill and bring Yourworkfile.pdf code up in an Exchange window. Arrange
the three windows such that no window is completely covered. Especially the upper right
corner of Exchange.

You now have PostScript code and PostScript image side by side! Clicking will get you
between the two. Here is the round trip update process...

Typical round trip time for an update is under twelve seconds. Unless you are working
on an exceptionally fancy PostScript routine.

Copyright c. 1997 by Don Lancaster and Synergetics, Box 809, Thatcher AZ, 85552
(520) 428-4073. All commercial rights and all electronic media
rights are *fully* reserved. Linking welcome. Reposting is expressly forbidden.
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Consulting services available via