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Pick your blog year... 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 -----
January 15, 2002 | deeplink top bot respond |
Started a 2002 What's New. Archived the 2001 What's New.
January 13, 2002 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added the latest and best of our JavaScript "N"
calculators to our Magic Sinewave library page.
CD ROMs containing thoudands of useful sequences,
plots, and generation sourcecode can now be made
available to Magic Sinewave partners and associates.
January 11, 2002 | deeplink top bot respond |
Here's an interesting Product Liability Notice.
January 8, 2002 | deeplink top bot respond |
Proved the feasability of partial differential Magic
Sinewave calculators. These are ~much~ faster.
More significantly, their key calculation time only
goes up as the square of the number of pulses
rather than the cube, meaning that as many as several
thousand harmonics can now be forced close to zero.Preliminary calculators and autogeneration code is currently available
to our Magic Sinewave partners and associates.
January 4, 2002 | deeplink top bot respond |
Found an interesting web sit of electronic logos useful
to help identify strange chips. Still could use your help
on identifying this chip. These fiber optic transceivers
look super interesting.
January 3, 2002 | deeplink top bot respond |
You can easily build your own gas chromatograph or
similar lab instruments with these TSD temperature
sensitive detectors that double as precision mass
flowmeters. Listed with our other current eBay
offerings. Two remain available.
January 1, 2002 | deeplink top bot respond |
Verified an important marketing lesson: Our surplus
recorder pen motors refused to sell at any price, but
we quickly sold out of our laser light show galvo kits.
December 22, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Uploaded MSCAL172Q.SHTML,, a Magic Sinewave
that zeros out its first 172 even and odd harmonics.
Code ( while still suboptimal ) is much faster, especially
for Delta Friendly options. The "floating point display
shift" hassle is also now gone with a new formatter.The amazing thing is that my PostScript program writer
sourcecode that generates the JavaScript calculator
.SHTML routines builds the entire highly custom 700K
file error free in a mere three seconds!Sourcecode is available to Magic Sinewave Partners &
December 20, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Linked Arcata Pet's Imageviewer32 in the Auction Help
library. This is my favorite image processing package.
It does Photoshop essentials far faster, simpler, and
cheaper. Free full featured trial.
December 19, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added a Parabola From Three Points math routine to
the Cubic Spline, PostScript, and Math library pages.
December 17, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Bee just picked up a bunch of professional medical
books and is offering these on eBay. Let her know
your needs.
December 14, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added a link to the US Post Office auctions to our
Auction Help page.This is basically urban lore, though. To participate,
you have to own an eighteen wheeler and live in
Atlanta. Sales would appear to be quite competetive
and almost certainly favor long term insiders.I cannot believe that all of the USPO mistakes an
leftovers nationwide can be offered in a single short
auction every few months. Nor that they would be
reshipped zillions of miles.
December 10, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
There would appear to be all sorts of new uses for
Magic Sinewaves that have their first one or two
thousand harmonics zeroed out. These would still
be more efficient than PWM, have no possibilities
of audio whine, would allow extreme speed ranges,
and might permit harmonic trapping rather than
low pass filtering.The current versions of the JavaScript calculators
take too long to use above 200 zeroed harmonics.
New methods involving partial differential evaluation
are under active development. They should be much
faster.These await your funding.
December 7, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Updated the mil surplus info on our Auction Help page.
( Useful mil government surplus is no longer available.)
December 4, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added some JavaScript Calculator User Guidelines
and a Chebycheff Tutorial to our Magic Sinewaves
November 28, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Have now pgraded and improved the Magic Sinewave
Development Proposal.
November 27, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Continuing to experiment with the high level nav on
our home page.
November 25, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Found a unique cache of early General Radio gear
in what appears to be restorable condition. 616, 1106A-C,
696C, 617C, 699A, 616D 617C, 619E, 619P1, 614C, 612C,
693B, 692B, 1107A, bunches more.email me if you have any interest in these.
November 24, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Stripped out the Gould recorders for parts. The pen
servos should make dandy laser light show galvos.
Now up on eBay.It really saddens me to strip out equipment that
refuses to sell for fractions of a cent on the dollar.
But, then again, line cords at an auction are ~much~
cheaper when they are attached to 386 computers.
November 23, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Just awarded a ton (literally) of professional law books.
email me if you have any interest in these.
November 22, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Revised and updated our Steplocked Magic Sinewaves
tutorial in our Magic Sinweaves library.
November 21, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added some color coding and emphasis to the main nav
blocks on our home page.
November 20, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Here's some tips on using the new Magic Sinewave
"Q" calculators:(A) The highest amplitude values may sometimes
"mode jump" on you, giving bizarre results. Valid
sequences will always have pulses that start before
they end, do not overlap, and do not exceed 90 degrees.
The workaround is to "sneak up" on any problem
values, starting with a valid lower amplitude and
incrementally increasing it.(B) If a solution is slow converging, try asking for a
somewhat higher or lower amplitude to help it along.(C) Extremely rarely, a solution may "oscillate"
between two amplitude values. The workaround is to
temporarily ask for a very slightly higher or lower
amplitude. Later, you can return to your desired target
amplitude.(D) Calculation time goes up as the fourth power of
the number of pulses, so slow high pulse calcs are
normal and expected. Optimizing one decimal point
at a time is much faster than going for all eight at once.(E) The most common causes of JavaScript errors are
using a browser other than Internet Exploder or failing
to wait before a load is complete before activating any
box or button.
November 19, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
and MSCAL156Q.SHTML to our Magic Sinewave Library.
Along with their sourcecode.Even as the number of MS transitions approaches PWM,
there apparently would ~still~ be advantages of single
versus double switch flips for higher efficiency, lack of
any need for modulation or demodulation, easy three
phase compatibility, and a "carrier" amplitude that never
significantly exceeds the fundamental. While offering ver
wide speed ranges. And minimal low harmonics.
November 17, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Ever see that "Convert your television into a big
screen oscilloscope" scam ad that has gone on for
decades and decades? I just got a whole pile of Tek
7912AD's that actually do this! Yeah, they are huge
and ungainley, but they still hold their own as high
speed digitizers. As well as being able to convert
scope probe inputs into video outputs.email me if you want to play with some of these.
November 15, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Just got some Quantachrome instruments used for
particle surface area analysis. Apparently for everything
from toner to geological clay to respirator filters. You
can email me for details.Price is pennies on the dollar on current ion units.
Older models also available. As are sample holders
and other accessories.
November 13, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added a new brief intro apnote to the Magic Sinewave
November 11, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Examples of PostScript routines that automatically
write their own JavaScript programs (!) include newly
posted MSCAL108Q.PSL and MSCAL92Q.PSL
November 10, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
You say you don't want a hundred harmonics? Well
MSCAL108Q.SHTML won't give them to you. Even
longer sequences are newly available per our InfoPack
service.The Magic Sinewave calculation times and complexities
do go up as the fourth power of the pulses in use, so these
longer sequences will analyze slower. Practice on the
shorter ones first.
November 9, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Did you hear about the deli operator who was having
trouble collecting his bill from the avairy? He took a
tern for the wurst.
November 8, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
The latest Magic Sinewave calculator is found as our
MSCAL76Q.SHTML. It is a simple digital sinewave
synthesizer that zeros out the first SEVENTY SIX
harmonics! A delta friendly option gives you full three
phase compatibility and still zeros out all of the even
and odd harmonics 2 through 58. BEFORE FILTERING!Longer Magic Sinewave sequences like these still offer
significant efficiency advantages over conventional
PWM; they also reduce audio whine problems and
allow very wide motor speed ranges.Consulting services available per our InfoPack services.
November 6, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
The new Magic Sinewave "Q" calculators are intended
for Internet Exploder rather than Netscape. If you do
experience Netscape blowup problems, rerun the source
code using a true /Netscapeok variable.This will defeat the conflicting neat-o IE automatic
carrier tracking.Much as I like Netscape, we are down to less than
one in six users, and the double testing and frustratingly
infuriating differences no longer seem worth the hassle.
November 3, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Just completted debugging a PostScript system that
writes Javascript Programs! Its big advantages include
the ease with which PostScript can read or write any
disk file in any format. Magic Sinewave calculators
for larger sizes take twelve to eighteen hours done
by hand; the PostScript routines reduce this to mere
minutes.See MSCAL44Q for the first sample, which includes
a premium grade delta friendly solution that has zero
harmonics up to the 34th!Custom assistance available per our InfoPack services.
More to follow as time and banner advertisers permit.
October 30, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Got a pair of HP 3455A super dooper digital voltmeter
data acquisition systems. 7-1/2 digits with calcs. email
me if you have any interest in these.
October 27, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added new links to our Auction Help Library pages.
Split the classic tutorials from the new files on both
the Home Page and the Library Access page.
October 25, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Picked up four GOES satellite time clocks. email me
if you have any interest in these.
October 24, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added a new Magic Sinewave data accuracy analyzer
as MSCAL28Q. This lets you easily evaluate how
many bits of amplitude data are needed for a given
minimum distortion.It turns out that 8-bit amplitude data can sometimes
be used with limited distortion reduction ( half percent
unfiltered ) , but 12-bit or 16-bit amplitude lookup tables
are strongly recommended.
October 20, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
It turns out that delta friendly Magic Sinewaves only
need half as much data storage as regular ones. Added
a file reduction note and new algorithms to DELTAPAT.PSL
October 19, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
May be getting a bunch of Tektronix 7912AD's. These
are a 750 MHz 9 bit digitizer somewhat long in tooth.
Please email me IMMEDIATELY if you have any
interest in these.Otherwise, they will be scrapped out for parts. They
do still list for $8600 each at major dealers.
October 18, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added an improved Delta 322R to our Magic Sinewave
Library. This is probably the "best" magic sinewave so
far for three phase motor uses. The DELTAPAT.PDF
demo has also been updated.
October 15, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Just picked up a pair of Olmpus microscopes. Also
some 60 Hertz military servo motors. email me if you
have any interest.
October 13, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Uploaded a new DELTAPAT.PSL utility and its
DELTAPAT.PDF demo on three phase formatting
to our Magic Sinewaves Library.
October 7, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added a brand new Precision Fonts and Bitmap
Manipulation library page. Lots of demos and utilities
to do true integral antialiased fonts, image relettering,
direct PDF bitmap conversion, and even combining
aerial photography with topographic map info.
October 4, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Put a precision pulse metering pump, a time mark
generator, and a poly storage tank up on eBay for
October 2, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Just got a bunch of fancy digital scales. You can email
me for details.
September 30, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Did I ever show you this aerial photo of Pacman, Arizona?
September 27, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Check out the stunningly exceptional apparent resolution
in the lower right corner of the now once again updated
PDF2BMP.BMP and its companion PDF2BMP.PSL
sourcecode. This is SEVEN POINT type on a screen!The secret is a pile of insider stunts that include true
grayscale antialiasing, a reduced visual spectrum,
reduced contrast, kerning, true alpha transparency,
and a mere one click of sharpening.
September 26, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
A sneaky trick called integral grayscale antialiasing
can dramatically improve the viewability of low resolution
screen fonts, image retouchings, and ebooks. These
techniques can provide up to THIRTY TWO times
the information per pixel as ordinary fonts. And they
work on CRT's.I've just added a new ANTIGRAY.PSL true gray
antialiased font character extractor. A companion
PDF2BMP.PSL character positioner along with its
PDF2BMP.BMP demo has also been upgraded.You can also see MUSE141.PDF for an older
antialiasing tutorial. Or ANTIGRAY.PDF for a
typical antialiasing font work screen.
September 23, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Just got a pair of classic TASCAM TSP-8 classic
half inch rack mount reel-to-reel audio recorders
with remotes. email me for details if you want
one or both of these. We also have lots of half
inch tape available.
September 20, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Once you start writing PostScript code, there's no
telling where it will end up. Sometimes you can nudge
it in a certain direction, but other times its got a mind
of its own.Have newly added capabilities to PDF2BMP.PSL
and its PDF2BMP.BMP demo.
September 18, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Well, I did just cheat a bit by adding four clicks of
sharpening to that PDF2BMP.BMP by using Image
Viewer32.Note the exceptionally legible four point type.
September 17, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added CIRCULAR ARC capabilities plus improved
error trapping to PDF2BMP.PSL and PDF2BMP.BMP
demo. Virtually any math function can now be directlly
plotted and pasted into any .BMP image!Consulting available at www.tinaja.com/info01.shtml
September 16, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added over a dozen fonts, individual character kerning,
and line drawing and area fill to PDF2BMP.PSL and
its PDF2BMP.BMP demo. Compare this against any
other method of doing small ultra legible lettering on a
.BMP bitmap.
September 15, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added a major new PDF2BMP.PSL PostScript utility
that lets Acrobat DIRECTLY(!) generate bitmap
.BMP files under precise program control!And a PDF2BMP.BMP companion demo.
I find this particularly handy for retouching ultra
small and precisely controlled lettering on my eBay
test equipment panel images. Just type, distill, and
load into Paint, then cut and paste.Other uses include watermarking, steganography, and
letting you alpha blend two .BMP files, perhaps a map
and aerial photography.
September 7, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Just got several zillion O-rings off the feds. Mostly 5/8
od by 3/32 thick and only slightly off date code. Most
individually sealed in original packages. email me if
you have any interest.
September 6, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
A reminder about our ongoing eBay auctions.
September 5, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Continuing to add new items to our Bargain Pages.
September 4, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Improved our onsite search engine. There should now
be fewer but much more relevant hits. Try it above.
September 3, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
The latest Blatant Opportunist #65 is on My eBay
September 1, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Just got a pair of Tektronix 321A Oscilloscopes in.
These are both a nice collectible and a useful light
portable scope. email me if you have any interest
in these.
August 30, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Started adding sourcecode to certain of my Blatant
Opportunist columns.
August 29, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added a new Steganography ( "hide in plain sight" )
and watermarking book list to our Book Access pages.
August 26, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added a new Bargain Gallery Tour. Thery'll be some
construction dust for the next few days or so. Also, this
might create problems on certain NetScape browsers.
Am working on a possible fix. For now, if you have
NetScape, click on the text and then on the image.Note: The tours need a free Acrobat Reader plugin
for your browser.
August 25, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Our latest Guru Gonzo PostScript Utility is a mind-blower.
GALLEY1.PSL gives you full sourcecode to emulate an
HTML "gallery" or "tour" or "thumbnails page as a
single downloading compact file working from convenient
data base style entries.You can view a Galley Slave Demo here.
August 24, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Did I ever tell you about the time I worked on the old
MacDonald farm interface? It eventually reached
Electronic Industries Evaluationary status and thus
became an EIE I/O.
August 23, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Just got in some really nice, premium grade Barcode
Scanners with a two foot range and wedge interface.
You can email me for details.
August 21, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Updated and added to our Its a Gas hydrogen energy
August 20, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Would any of you be interested in attending a "just for"
weekend conference and retreat? I have an in with the
Black Range Lodge in Kingston NM ( in the secret part
of New Mexico you can't get to ), so the on-site costs
would be fairly low.
email me if you have any interest.
August 19, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Uploaded the PCMCIA & PC Card bargain page.
August 18, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
The latest Blatant Opportunist #64 is on Degubbing
August 17, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Uploaded the NDT Testing bargain page.
August 16, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
I am not at all sure what the present status of Midnight
Engineering is.But there are these three alternative resources: (1) My
own Blatant Opportunist columns contine as ezines. (2)
Don Johnson offers his fine Imagineering site; and (3)
The new Entrepreneurial Engineers website from Jack
August 13, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Latest Tech Musings is our MUSE153.PDF on my
bouncy brick secrets, privatized military surplus,
bogus water powered cars, reducing table lookup
sizes, and bounty hunting patents for $$$.
August 11, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Just got a bunch of really nice new PC Card (PCMCIA)
to IEEE 1284C drivers with CEN36 connectors. These
should be perfect as Laptop-to-Anything interfaces. The
only tiny detail is no docs or drivers. Very easy to modify
and CPLD just may be reprogrammable, though.I'll be happy to send you a free one if you do have the
capabilities to come up with a suitable driver. Either way,
email me for details.
August 9, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added some new content to our Auction Help library
August 5, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
The "autobrowser" on our Bargain Pages is working,
and we should have most of the bricks populated soon.
Our hope is to add an item a day for the next few months.
Just click on the Browse button on any page to continue
your tour.
August 3, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Poptronix really underdid themselves on the pyramind
story. See how many "not even wrong" technical "facts"
you can spot.
Last time I checked, limestone was sedimentary, not
igneous. And 20 to 20K are audio, not radio frequencies.
There's no saturation involved with the skin effect. And
"ac" electrolysis gets rectified.
Plus many dozens of other howlers.
August 2, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Not sure how many DRMO RCP sales remain. The
( seemingly broken ) search has listed another eight
upcoming. But the present ones have been extended.
Cutoff date is probably October.
July 30, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Expanded and improved the Offsite Links on our
Home Page.
July 29, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Just got a bunch of super premium Nicolet Recording
Oscilloscopes. Some 4094's and some 204A's. email
me for further details.
July 28, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added an apnote on reducing Magic Sinewave table sizes. More
details will soon be posted as part of MUSE153.PDF.
July 27, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
It appears that the steplocked Magic Sinewave table sizes
can be significantly reduced by using quadratic interpolation.
The full data apparently needs only be stored for every eighth
amplitude, along with linear and quadratic step values.Custom Analysis is available and depends upon application.
July 26, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Got the Grand Tour Browser working on our Bargain Pages.
Should be adding lots of goodies real soon. now. Just keep
hitting the Browse bouncy brick for your tour.
July 24, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
The second phase of DRMO privitization has been completed,
which means that most direct military surplus sales will end about
July 22, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Latest Blatant Opportunist #63 is our WAYWERE.PDF An
unauthorized autobiography and perspective on early personal
computing history.
July 18, 2001
Latest Tech Musings is our MUSE152.PDF on energy basics
banner rotators, driving lots of LED's from a microcomputer
port, n-connectedness math, shuffling algorithms, and more.
July 17, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Phase one of Our Thousand Book Browse is finally complete!
Just click on above, then hit the BROWSE button repeatedly.
Or click here for the full directory. Please report any problems.Please also email me with suggestions for additional categories.
July 16, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Revised and expanded our Virtual Reality book access page.
Revised and expanded our Wind Energy book access page.
July 15, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added an almost all new Santa Claus Machine book access page.
Revised and expanded our Tesla book access page.
Revised and expanded our RFID book access page.
July 13, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Revised and expanded our Recommended book access page.
Revised and expanded our Recently Reviewed book access page.
July 12, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Bee is off on a weaving conference, so our eBay Offerings
will be somewhat lean for a few days. Watch our Bargain
Pages for lots of new items meanwhile.
July 11, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added an almost all new Thermodynamics book access page.
Revised and expanded our Pseudoscience book access page.
Revised and expanded our Radio Astronomy book access page.
July 10, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Expanded and upgraded the offsite links on our Home Page.
These are my "best of web" that I personally use most often.
July 9, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added a NREL hydrogen economy analysis to our Its
a Gas page.
July 8, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Expanded and upgraded our Webmastering Library page.
July 7, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Just got our eBay Purple Star.
July 5, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Just picked up an older Durantz 600 Power Line
Disturbance Analyzer. Please email me if you have
any interest in this one.
July 3, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added a new web auctions link farm to our Auction
Help page. Also links to some of the more useful
Arizona auction houses.
June 29, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
A variant on my Steplocked Magic Sinewave article
has appeared in the July 2001 issue of Circuit Cellar.
Note that Table I of their print version missed the
minus sign on some exponents.More exact results can be gotten by using these
Magic Sinewave Calculators. They use 64-bit math
instead of the original 32-bit.more magic sinewaves: www.tinaja.com/magsn01.shtml
Seminars and design services are now available by
emailing me.
June 26, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
A reminder that our area code is now (928) for our
main telephone number (928) 428-4073.
June 24, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Latest Tech Musings is our MUSE151.PDF on exergy
fundamentals, Radio Shack Wireless Humidity data
formats, Cheby polynominals, and lots more.
June 23, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Just picked up three Gould 2800S eight channel data
recorders in with lots of accessories. email me for
details if you can use these.
June 22, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added an almost all new Webmastering book access
June 19, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Our latest surplus additions include a HP 9000/200,
5183A, 9720A, 6823A, 1600A, and 1607A. Plus a
3KW quartz heater, some TEK oscilloscope CRT's
in original boxes and some mint Gould eight channel
analog recorders. email me for details.
June 17, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added an all new Fluxgates & Magnetometry book
access page.
June 16, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Just got a rare collection of early GR stuff. 1601A,
1603A, and 1551-P1. email me for details.
June 13, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Please note our area code is changing to (928). Our
current voice phone number is (928) 428-4073.
June 10, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
The Latest Blatant Opportunist column reveals the
secrets of the Bouncy Bricks.
June 7, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Started a major upgrade of our Bargain Pages. It will
take a few weeks to get everything into the new format.Most of our older inventory will be closed out.
June 5, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Got a pair of NIXIE TUBE collectibles from Hewlett
Packard as their 5216A general purpose counter and a
very rare 5332B dual predetermining counter. email me
for details.
June 1, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Just got a load of goodies from Holloman AFB that
include a pair of Tek 390AD's a Tek 539, a HP 8614A,
a HP 3780A, a Durantz power line disturbance recorder,
some Systron Donner pulse gens, and a few others.Plus some rare hp NIXIE TUBE collectible counters
and meters. email me if you have any interest in thee.
May 31, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added the latest Steplock-06, Steplock-10, and the
Steplock-14 bridging Magic Sinewaves.
May 30, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Did I ever tell you about the time I was on a New
Mexico group hike and we got caught in an unexpected
storm?We found some boards and an extremely horizontal tree
and managed to build an A frame structure, plugging up
the cracks with what little raingear we had among us.And managed to stay quite dry in our poncho villa.
May 29, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added the latest Steplock-18 bridging Magic Sinewave.
This JavaScript calculator includes a newer, more general,
and much shorter minimum seeking optimizer code.
May 28, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Over a dozen new website pages are now updated,
including HOME01, ADVT01, AUCT01, BLAT01,
MAGSN01, MAP01, MUSE01, TINAJA01, and the
WHTNU01 gang.Please email me with any and all linking or layout
problems you may find. A tutorial on the bouncy
bricks should arrive shortly. As should the rest of
the book listings.
May 20, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
I'm in the process of updating and improving our Main
Library Page. You can view the ongoing progress here.
May 19, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Still have 3 superbly rugged silver alloy 10 conductor
high voltage, high current slip rings available. Email me
if you are interested.
May 18, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Further enhanced and improved our new Sample
Files include. Also rearranged our Home Page
somewhat. This one works best with IE.
May 17, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
We've just gone live with our new home page. You
may have to use your reload button to view it. Please
report any problems .The old home page should stay here for a while.
Sadly, several features are IE specific and not NetScape
available . The bouncy bricks are apparently not possible
in Netscape 4, and since there are only two known users
of Netscape 6 ( Both in a group home for the terminally
clueless), the additional time and code length did not
appear excessively urgent.
May 16, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Just got a bunch of Type T Thermocouple EXTENSION
wire, Conax brand. Email me if you want to get in ahead
of the hoarders.
May 15, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Please email me with your seven most favorite web
pages. I may want to add a very select few to our new
home page.
May 14, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
The home pages should be next on the upgrade list.
See results at https://www.tinaja.com/default.shtmlOne new feature will be a beswt file swampler.
May 12, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Upgraded and improved our Hydrogen Energy library
website. Links to the NASA safety sites have also been
newly corrected.
May 9, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Got some real nice mint Marsh compound pressure
gauges in. Vacuum to 0 to 200 PSI perfect for fire
engines and other drafting pumps. 105 available.
You can email me for details.
May 6, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
There's a big flap over on the eBay newsgroup over
whether a private business by law has to accept cash
or money orders. The answer is that they emphatically
DO NOT. Especially for a contract agreement to
exchange goods and services of value. Which is a totally
different legal entity than a debt.Here's the relevant US Treasury Web Site "horses
whatever" info.
May 5, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Our new Tech Musings library page should finally
be complete. Please report any typos, broken links,
or other problems.
May 4, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Fuel cell handbook at
is no longer available.
May 3, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
A reminder that our new search engine only works
properly on the new website pages. Such as the
search box at the page top or with this nav link to
the "what's new?" page bottom.
May 2, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Just got some classic Motorola 6800 microprocessor trainers.
Their answer to the KIM-1. email me if you have any interest
in picking up one or more of these college surplus items.
May 1, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Latest Tech Musings is our MUSE150.PDF on RFID,
hydrogen energy scams, PostScript trig functions,
industrial waxes, and a controversial new AAPSK
coding scheme that may or may not end up being
totally what it seems.
April 29, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Uh, AAPSK may in fact be bogus, and EDN Magazine
just may have gotten itself severely done in. Here's
The Other Side of the Story.
April 28, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Watch those reserved words! Just got into all sorts of
unbelievable PostScript problems because of a typo that
mis-defined an /edn magazine website link as /end !
April 27, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Just got four super premium Nicolet Oscilloscopes in
stock as Kirtland AFB military surplus. Please email
me for further details.
April 25, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added four ACOSASIN.PS PostScript utilities to pick
up acos and asin trig angle capabilities to the PostScript
library page. These have been conspicuously absent from
the core PostScript code.PostScript consulting available per our InfoPack service.
April 24, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
If you are into appliance repair, you already know that
FSP is ~the~ superb quality factory replacement parts
for Whirlpool and Sears Kenmore. Just got a bunch of
mint FSP 4326758 valve tops RA. Not sure what they
are (half of a 0.5 PSI adjustable regulator?), but they
are available super cheap if you email me.
April 23, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
A reminder about our InfoPack service. The latest
project I just finished involved decrypting the amazingly
sophisticated Radio Shack Wireless Humidity and
Temperature Code.These should hack beautifully as Isopod remote power
monitors for home energy efficiency. email me for
further details.
April 22, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added an all new JavaScript book access page.
April 21, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Updated and improved the Hydrogen, Impulse Radar,
and Induction Heating book access pages.
April 19, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Latest surplus bargains to come in the door include
scads of #0 Jiffy Bags and a bunch of Life Raft ( and
sport inflatables) repair kits. email me for details.
April 16, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added more files to the new Tech Musings library
page. The entire page should be done "real soon now".
The web updates are talking a lot longer than expected.
April 13, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Made all the new book links live. The 'missing" older
links that should go up soon can still be found here.
April 12, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Updated and improved the Home Automation, Homepage,
Hot Springs, HTML, and Hybrid Vehicle book access.
April 8, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Just got a bunch of really nice FSP ( Whirlpool or Sears )
Dishwasher motors and pumps. You can email me for details.
April 6, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
The revised and upgraded Tech Musings library page
should be done in a few days. You can preview it here.
April 4, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Updated and improved the Error Correcting Codes,
Richard Feynman, Fuel Cells, and GPS Navigation
book access.
April 3, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added some fast navigation buttons to the Blatant
Opportunist library page. Added a new tools section
to the Auction library page.
April 2, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Updated and improved the Electrochemistry book
April 1, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Updated the Carbon Nanotube & Fullerines book
access page.
March 30, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added a new page of Application Specific Programming
books. These show you the secrets of our new web
features, such as the bouncy buttons and bricks, ad
rotations, includes, secures web commerce, and great
heaping bunches more.
March 29, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Its a tad early to go live yet, but here is a preview of
our brand new autobrowsing and bouncy bricks Book
Access pages. The old book pages can still be found
March 28, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Updated and improved the Bezier & Cubic Splines
library page.
March 24, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Got the first of our "bouncy bricks" working to go
along with our "bouncy buttons". This is a unique way
to provide groups of menu options without lots of
images or long code.Sadly, the code is IE only so far. While Netscape 6
can do something similar, we apparently have few
N6 users.
March 22, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Updated and improved the Magic Sinewaves library
March 19, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added a revised and improved Steplock-16 Magic
Sinewave JavaScript Calculator and a SteplocXk-12
Magic Sinewave JavaScript Calculator to the Magic
Sinewaves Library Page.
March 18, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added a revised and improved Steplock-20 Magic
Sinewave JavaScript Calculator to the new Magic
Sinewaves Library Page.
March 17, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added a revised and improved Steplock-24 Magic
Sinewave Calculator to the Magic Sinewaves Library
March 16, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added a revised and improved Steplock-28 Magic
Sinewave JavaScript Calculator to the Magic
Sinewaves Library Page. A new delta friendly "322"
is included that is both well behaved and highly
March 15, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added a revised and improved Steplock-32 Magic
Sinewave JavaScript Calculator to the Magic
Sinewaves Library Page.
March 14, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added a revised and improved Steplock-36 Magic
Sinewave JavaScript Calculator to the Magic Sinewaves
Library Page. A new delta friendly "333" is included
that is both well behaved and highly recommended.
March 13, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Updated and improved the Tinaja Questing library page.
March 12, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Did I ever mention the free QuickPhrase utility? This
one is essential for online auctions or anywhere else
you want to quickly recall stock boilerplate.
March 11, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added a brand new Auction Library & Links library
March 10, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
I've apparently picked up at least some JavaScript
Calculator expertise. Email me if you need any custom
design done here.
March 9, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Revised and updated our InfoPack Research Services
March 8, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Revised and updated our Site Map and Directory
March 6, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Revised our Banner Advertiser's page. We've just
added a bunch of new banner features, including
random launch positioning, better day and month
reporting, faster updating, database control and "all
page" availability.You can repeatedly click on your Reload button
for a demo. It will take a few weeks to fully upgrade
the entire site.
March 5, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Have been experimenting with Adobe's GoLive for
our new site upgrades. This one looks like a real winner,
and is available for around $80 with an .edu discount.
March 4, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
...and you're viewing our latest major page upgrade.
Please report any errors to don@tinaja.com. The
remainder of the Whats New archives should follow
March 2, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Did a major upgrade of our Blatant Opportunist library
page. This is the first one to offer most of the new site
features. Note the rotated ads, the new "bouncy buttons",
and the greatly improved search in particular.Some temporary redirects have been added to mix and
match old and new web pages. Should your back arrow
"get stuck" on any of these, try a fast double or triple click.Plese report any apparent errors to don@tinaja.com.
March 1, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
There's supposed to be a Slashdot interview in the works.
More on this as it unfolds.
February 27, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
One possible cure for an intermittent muffled yowling
in a laser printer is to open the top and let the cat out.
February 25, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Just installed a brand new upgrade of WebTrends for
our site stats. Stats will look somewhat "empty" for the
next few days till everybody gets online at the new site.
Before changeover, we were running around 1200 visitor
per day and 430,000 hits per month.You can click here for Trailing Monthly stats and here
for Daily stats.
February 24, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
We should be moving over to a new server over the
next several days. Please report any problems that
persist for more than a week or so. JavaScript will
be ~required~ to activate many of the new site features.
February 23, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Some temporary client side redirects may be needed
while we are building our new site. The need for these
should go away as your links get updated. Sorry for
any inconvenience.
February 22, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
We seem to have the new site search engine working
properly. Shortly, you will be able to reach it from all
of my web pages.( Replaced by newer "search Gugu's Lair" code )
February 21, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added several more in our series of Magic Sinewave
February 20, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
As you probably know by now, Google has bought key
assets from Deja News. This seems to temporarily
place the Guru's Lair Forum in limbo. We are working
on a solution, but our new site move and upgrade has
to take precedence.On the other hand, Google now indexes PDF files as
well as HTML! .
February 17, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Just picked up a Victoreen Nero 6000A X-Ray machine
tester and radiation radiation evaluator. Please email me
if you have any interest in this stystem.
January 2, 2001 | deeplink top bot respond |
Hopefully, we will soon be going to a new and far more
modern server that gives us lots of opportunities to
correct previous problems and add new features. In
the works are improved search and stats, dynamic html,
greatly expanded tech coverage, .shtml files that
dramatically improve site management, includes, banner
rotations, secure site sales, and great heaping bunches
more. Stay tuned.
December 28, 2000 | deeplink top bot respond |
Improved & expanded the JavaScript Magic Sinewave
Calculator. This one looks best with NetScape's continuous
updates rather than Internet Exploder's "update only after
function complete" style.
December 19, 2000 | deeplink top bot respond |
Here's a link to an "adequate supply" of Pittsburgh
Streetcar PhotosWARNING: Attempting to view all of these in one
session will result in yunz guys pronouncing "beer" as
"airn". Or making a mill outta a chopaam sammitch and
Olde Frothingslosh Pale Stale Ale in Sliberty.Fortunately, in regards to this matter, a desert rat like
me is immune. Skooze me while I redd up the website.
December 15, 2000 | deeplink top bot respond |
Just uploaded an interactive JavaScript Magic
Sinewave Calculator.
December 11, 2000 | deeplink top bot respond |
Many thanks to Kevin Kelly and others in the Winter
2000 edition of the latest Whole Earth Catalog. See our
mentions on pages 43 and 44.
Or you can return to our home page. Or use your back arrow. Or...
You can click here to... Ask a Technical Question. Pick up Surplus Bargains. Download our Free eBooks. Request a Lecture. Explore Magic Sinewaves Schedule a Canal Tour. Find out what a Tinaja is. Send an email to Don. Get a Lancaster Classics USB. Solve a Research Problem. Hang with Marcia Swampfelder. Study our Recommended Books. Learn Patent Alternatives. Take a Gila Valley Dayhike. Look into Energy Efficiency. Visit the Marbelous Pancakes. Master Bezier Cubic Splines. Watch a PostScript Video. View our Classic Reprints. Get a Hanging Canals USB.