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December 31, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Gotcha! Raspberry Pi is now working. The problem is
that you cannot simply copy an .img file to a memory
card. All this does is move the file just like any other.Instead, a very special image mapping file such as
Win2imager.exe is required to actually change the
entire image of the memory card.
Note that this program is extremely dangerous
and must be used with extreme care.
December 30, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Expanded and improved our home page video link access
to 64 entries.
Reasonable attempts have been made to verify that
all links work and are largely virus and porn free.
Please report any exceptions. Or suggested additions.
Note that these links can be used with a personal
computer to convert any dumb HDMI television
into a smart tv. At nearly zero cost.
December 29, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
I seem to be getting nowhere trying to boot a Raspberry Pi.
Things learned so far: It would seem best to buy an entire
package with a preprogrammed memory card. Boot time
is by no means instant and typically could take 35 seconds
with a class 4 card. Although 2 Gigs is only needed, at
least 4 Gigs is recommended.
Supply voltage is critical and can be measured from diagonally
opposite pins on the expansion connector. NTSC video may
be less flakey than HDMI. Besides the red power LED,
the activity lights should show activity during and after
booting. Memory cards to be self-loaded probably should
be initialized and removed only with the recommended
eject routine.
Trying to run the checksum routine on Windows 8 is
maddeningly infuriating. I'm working on a PostScript
routine to read the first few thousand program bytes.Not sure where to go from here. I'll try a new memory
card and then an entire bundled package.
If this happy horseshit is happening to more than one
user in a hundred, the Pi should never have been sold.
December 28, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
"Smart" tv sets are basically an unmitigated disaster.
Their ergonomics are mesmerizingly awful, their
content is both pathetic and second rate, charges
can be outrageous, and attempts at micromanaged
control and DRM are ludicrous.
More discussion here.But little known is that you can easily and cheaply
build your own smart tv with none of these problems!
Besides starting, stopping, reversing, or fast forwrading
many sources at any time. Accessing them totally
at your convenience.
Just make sure the plain old but fairly new tv has a
HDMI connector, find a cable and connect your
web connected personal computer to it.
An adjustment of the video resoution to 1920 x 1080
may also be needed. As might a VGZ to HDMI adaptor.
Run a preliminary test by using this xylophone duet.Then check out https://www.tinaja.com/#video for
fifty free programming sources. Good early choices
include Fox, CBS, and A&E. My own vids can
be found here.
For remotes, you may want to add a wireless mouse
or a wireless keyboard.
December 27, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
I seem to be picking up a curious bug in Dreamweaver.
Not just just sure if it is just me.Symptoms are thusly: Recopying one of the below headers
for reuse consistently truncates id="d12-28-12" into
"d12-28-"But just cutting and pasting text into text behaves in
the normal manner. This may have something to do
with it.UPDATE: This is a feature, not a bug. Dreamweaver does
not want you to intentionally duplicate a filename..
December 26, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
A preliminary new third party Magic Sinewave
calculator can be found here. It apparently solves
finding magic sinewaves that are either under or
over specified.
December 25, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
As I mentioned a time or two before, I strongly feel that
the solution to the peer review debacle lies in sites such
as Wesrch.
About ninety of my more recent and more important
papers can be found here. These are fast approaching
several hundred thousand downloads.
December 24, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
How to tell an extroverted engineer: They stare at your
shoes instead of their own.
December 23, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Bizarre. Had a newer scanning fire pager block a nearby
emergency scanner. Curiously, if not plugged into their
chargers, the two could get within a few inches of each
other with no problems.
But if either or both were brought even near (!) their
chargers, they would interfere up to as much as
eight feet away! The receive-only pager ends up clearly
blocking its active channel on the scanner.Producing a distinct bleep-bleep-bleep.. that is worse
than unacceptably annoying. Up the wall, even.
Both units were believed properly functioning and likely
both met the normal and usual FCC interference specs.
Adding power line filtering made no apparent difference.My best guess as to what was coming down is that the
charger power wires were somewhere near a quarter
wavelength and somehow were resonating. Perhaps
in the same manner as the directors and reflectors in
a Yagi antenna. Thus "focusing" and "amplifying" the
interference directionality.
Or a "ground plane" effect was enhancing the patterns.Apparently there also are commercial scanner intermod
filter products that deal with this problem.
And a more detailed explanation here of possibly what
is coming down.
The obvious workaround is to keep the scanner and the
pager at least ten feet from each other.
This is vaguely reminescent of an ancient and pretty
much long forgotten AM radio sensitivity enhancing
stunt. In which you placed a large tuned loop antenna
a foot or so away from the radio and let resonant
buildup and near field coupling do the rest.
The scheme ended up largely unused and unpopular
in that it was huge and required careful tuning and
repositioning for each station. Strong nearby signals
could also cause problems.
December 22, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
One of the reasons I have always been negative about
Linux and its UNIX heritage is that there are forever
rude surprises piled one on top of another - hardware,
software, rules, culture, and attitude.
Iffen the right one don't get ya, the left one will.Ferinstance, that amazingly small Raspberry Pi
computer. There is no safe way to set it down unless
you seek out a third party case! The needed power
supplies are fairly hard to find locally and it is nearly
impossible to determine what their ratings are. Keyboards,
mice, monitors, and cables also need added.
While space is provided for removable flash memory,
nearly two Gigs of bloatware has to be first downloaded
into the chip with a "real" computer before you can even
begin. A minimum of four gigs is recommended.
A dedicated development workspace with a functional
Windows web computer seems to be a must.
Specs for a crucial board chip have Draconian access rules.
Direct VGA monitor support is lacking.
There is not the slightest doubt that the Pi is a major new
development. The question is WHEN in the hassle after
hassle after hassle pileup you switch back to the Basic
Stamp instead.Stay tuned for the next level of problems.
December 21, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
For years, I've been fascinated by "secret" rumors of
spectacular wet desert hiking in Arizona's Santa Maria River
area. These days, its a simple matter to do a flyover using
Acme Mapper.
Of its 30 mile or so length, the last and westernmost third
seems pretty much wide, sandy, and dry. This part goes to
Alamo Reservoir from the Las Vegas Highway and routes
throug the Arrasta Mountain Wilderness area. A feeder
area called Peoples Canyon appears to be pristine but
likely quite dry and of restricted access.
Things get much more interesting in the middle third ten
miles between the Bagdad Road and the Las Vegas highway.
The area is often perennial with a few occasional pools.
Some appear eminently swimmable. The riparian part
tends to get scrubbed out by violent but occasional floods.
This is definitely canyon country with the river cutting
through thousands of feet of elevation difference.
Winter or spring are probably the best visit times.
But the best part would appear to be the initial ten mile reach
from the Muleshoe Ranch to the Bagdad Road. The ranch is
where the Santa Maria gets fed from Kirtland Creek and
others. This portion does look like it has bunches of
really spectacular desert pools and quite narrow canyon
vistas. Access would seem to be foot only.
While you are in the neighborhood, there's also opaque
apache tears, a pair of world class bridges, a warm
spring, six mile crossing, one of two remaining company
towns in Arizona, several wilderness areas and the "lost"
Zanarapolis ghost town. Which was really a tungsten mine.No services, except for the rather unlikely Wayside Inn that
you can't get to from here. More Arizona stuff to do here.
December 20, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Got my long delayed Raspberry Pi computer yesterday.
This, along with the Arduino seems to be redefining an
hacker electronics re-emergence.An obvious use for the Pi is for the next generation of
Magic Sinewave research. 8-bit devices required
sneaky tricks to do 12-bit and higher precision delays
that led to code "pinch points" and extra complexity.
Their memory restrictions also made combining
frequency setting and waveform generation in one
deviceboth limited and tricky.By dropping the Pi down into machine, simple
and brute force obvious{ pattern-value-delay}
repeat can be done for hundreds or more
different amplitudes and hundreds of different
There's also the ability of mixing and matching
magic sinewaves so that the number of pulses
decreases with increasing frequency. This could
limit the range of the first uncontrolled harmonics
and thus have filtering advantages.The pi should help in evaluating potential new classes
of three phase magic sinewaves. There is potential
here for reduced early unwanted harmonics and,
once again, filter simplification.Some preliminary third party pi code can be found here.
Yeah, by any metric the Raspberry Pi completely and
utterly blows away the KIM-1. But I strongly like
the KIM-1 better and feel it ultimately will prove to
be far more historically significant.
December 19, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Once again expanded and updated our Gila Valley
Dayhikes page. We've now newly reached our initial
goal of 365 major entries.
Enough to keep you busy for at least a year.Please email me with any additions or corrections.
December 18, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
There's a virtually unknown "CCC Playground" somewhat
north of the Hawk Hollow tank. Here you will find many
dozens and possibly many hundreds of utterly useless
water spreader projects.
This area gives historic meaning to "shovel ready stimulus"
projects, aka "totally worthless boondoggles".
While the area is fascinating to visit, it does take some
remote bushwacking. The Allen Hanging Canal tunnels
under all of this worthless grunge and I have still been
unable to trace its exact path thru this labyrinth.
In places, the water spreaders clearly cross the original
canal route. Strongly suggesting that they are in no
way prehistoric. They also have a "too new" and "anal"
look about them, besides having jumbled patina.
The exact canal path is somewhat limited as it has to
be of constant slope, below its entry altitude and above
its exit altitude. Besides being likely to stay east of the
wash bottom.
Hawk Hollow tank is a mile or two southwest of Thatcher
International Airport. Which is rumored to still offer late
night DC3 service to Columbia.
Much more on similar stuff here.
December 17, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
One of the foremost rules of eBay selling success is to
offer unique products not available elsewhere. And then
become a manic expert in those products.
Our foremost example of this had been our water soluble
swimsuits. These, of course, were of primary interest to
quilters, magicians, and felters.
Other no longer available items included the dimpled chad
snarfed up by amateur astronomers ( voting boths make
outstanding suitcases-on-feet for remote nighttime viewing ),
civil defense porta-potties, bulk cargo netting for truly bizare
teen clothing, and our earthquake generators. Which, sadly,
got confused and inappropriately applied to subbass woofers,
Oddball stuff still remaining are our nuclear holocaust fashion
accessories, rare howdy orange bottle caps, and mint stadia computer
circular slide rules. Search our "abeja" store for "yield", "howdy"
or "stadia". Actual links come and go with listing expirations.
Still to be listed are a pair of 1908 Eastman commerical 35 mm
projectors. And many rolls of clear polyester film. You can
email me for details.
More on eBay opportunities here.
December 16, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Coronado Vinyards has switched to a wine and tapas lounge
format from their restaurant. So far, the results are superb,
but I am wondering how well the venue will long term fly in
rural Arizona.
I'm not even sure how many of the locals would even know
the difference between "tapas" and "topless". At any rate,
Coronado is located just south of the easternmost Willcox
I-10 exit.Arizona has a surprisingly wide variety of quality wines
and vinyards. But note that the Dos Cabezas Wineworks
is nowhere near Dos Cabezas. Not by a country mile.
Or eighty six of them even.
Be sure to check out Coronado's Dolce Veritas, an upscale
sweet and bubbly white.
December 15, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
The innermost key secret to being a farmer or a rancher
is to know the difference between "hunker" and "mosey".
December 14, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added InstantWatcher to our homepage video download
links. This is basically a free third party service that
makes searching the Netflix streaming videos easier.Sadly, Netflix seems to be dropping more titles than they
are adding, and many of what they add seems sorely
second rate. Mesmerizingly awful, even.
I suspect the underlying cause is video supplier greed.Graboid appears to be an interesting alternative, but I have yet
to check it out. Their hard-to-find rates for useful download
bandwidths vary from $5 to $30 per month. The system is
Usenet based.
December 13, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Both the number of exoplanets being discovered and
the number of solar bankruptcies are approaching a
one per day rate.
It is not yet clear if the solar bankruptcies are causing
the exoplanets or not.
December 12, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Yet another "oops" in the inevitable downfall of traditional
scholarly publishing can be found here. With comments here.I very strongly feel that Wesrch gives us an accurate model
of the way things are gonna be...Peer review will be done AFTER publishing,
not before.A "peer" will be a properly identified anyone
with evan a minor interest in the paper's subject.The cost of publication to the author will
be zero.The cost of viewing to the reader will
be zero.
Upload/Download availability will be 24/7.The probability of paper acceptance will
be 1.0 or 100 percent.
The maximum acceptable publication
delay time will be 23 milliseconds.Emerging "way its gonna be" sources include arXiv, Questia,
open culture , free video, and Wesrch. While free online
university courses are found at coursera, mit, and stanford.
Some previous comments here.
December 11, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Just placed a very rare vacuum tube GR 1142A Frequency
Meter and Discriminator up on our eBay site.
The unit seems eminently restorable, but I've resisted
powering it up since capacitors on this age equipment
need very careful testing and/or reforming.
I did an interpretation of this beast in one of the earliest
ever integrated circuit construction projects.
December 10, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Here's some PostScript code from our polyester roll
project.../india 2.00 store /thick 0.005 store /turns 200 store
/rolllength 0 store /curpos 0 store /totlen 0 store
/pi 3.1415926 store /curlen 0 store /curdia india store
/curcum india pi mul store/mergestr {2 copy length exch length add string dup
dup 4 3 roll 4 index length exch putinterval 3 1 roll
exch 0 exch putinterval} def/padprint {/hominy exch store dup length hominy exch
sub exch print { ( ) print} repeat} store
(\n\n\n) print
(turn # diameter length in inches length in feet\n) print
0 1 turns { /curturn exch store (\n) ( ) print
curturn 10 lt {( ) mergestr } if % pretty print
curturn 100 lt {( ) mergestr } if
curturn 20 string cvs mergestr 15 padprint % current turn
curdia 20 string cvs 15 padprint % current diameter
/curcum curdia pi mul store
curcum 20 string cvs 15 padprint % the current turn inches
totlen 12 div 20 string cvs 15 padprint % length in feet
/totlen totlen curcum add store
/curdia curdia thick add store} for
(\n\n\n) print% EOF
What this does is convert sequential turns into a
cumulative length for auto product measurement.
There seems to be a GhostScript bug in that its scroll
only reports the last 80 or so lines. Some workarounds
are in the works that include using a separate file or
only reporting every tenth line.
December 09, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Thought we would once again review how to find price
and value of items for possible eBay resale, especially
electronic components. Our usual price point for
"like new" items is typically one sixth of distributor
cost new.Obvious starting points are eBay itself and Google.
Less obvious are OEM's Trade and PLC Center.
Plus, of course, the obvious mainstream suppliers
such as McMaster Carr, Allied, Newark, Mouser,
Grainger, and such.
I never cease to be amazed over how even the most
obscure part numbers can often be found on Google.
More eBay tips and techniques here.
December 08, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
We previously looked at some emerging opportunities in
HVAC energy efficiency improvements here. An
interesting new summary can be found here.One of their interesting points is that a one inch diameter
water pipe can transfer as much "cold" as an eighteen
inch square air duct.
They did not mention magnetic refrigeration through the
magnetocoloric effect. I suspect this is because of
little recent progress and outrageous materials costs.
My own older tutorial appears here in column #33..
I suspect new opportunities and breakthroughs are just
around the corner in such areas as boundary layer
control, MEMS heat transfer solutions, variable
speed compressors, ground sinking, and such.
As we've seen in the past, for various reasons Peltier
ain't gonna cut it.
December 07, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
I was cleaning out some very old files and found a printout
of The Encounter of the Long Count Keeper, which I
feel is/was the finest cave ballad of all time.
It seems newly relevent with recent interest in the Mayan calender.
December 06, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
The Bear Springs area is a candidate for a prehistoric
hanging canal. While I've found nothing obvious so far,
it is unlikely such a major water resource would be
ignored by canal literate people.There is a huge but abondoned and obviously modern
canal nearby. I had this going FROM Bear Springs
to the north. However, a study by a historian has what
likely is the same canal going TO Bear Springs from
the Lowland Union Canal.
Some of the historian photos do indeed have a prehistoric
look about them.The only little problem I have with the reverse canal
is that Bear Springs seems to be around 150 feet or so
HIGHER than the Union Canal.
The mystery deepens, but the known prehistoric
canals take precedence in resolving known issues.
December 05, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Let's once again summarize the key rules of ebay success...
Offer unique products not available elsewhere.
Become a manic expert in those products.
Maximize your personal value added.
Always seek out a minimum 30:1 sell/buy ratio.
Always aim for a 21 day payback.
The minimum profitable eBay sale is $19.63.
NO foreign bidders/buyers/transshipments!
Accept Paypal only!
Adjust pricing for a reasonable hang time.
Never list anything you cannot hold at arm’s length.
Use both a scanner AND a 12 megapixel camera.
Spend at least TWO HOURS in image postproc.
NO dropshipping, pallet buys, or consignment sales.
Limit terms and conditions to TEN words maximum.
Pay EXTREME attention to inventory control.
Clearly state your revenue neutral shipping charges.
Give FULL refunds if the customer is unhappy .
Much more here.
December 04, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
A fundamental rule of engineering design: Any
uncontrolled parameter will likely go against you.
Two wildly different examples...
On our magic sinewaves, the tradeoff for zeroing
out any number of low harmonics requires that the
first few uncrontrolled harmonics will inevitably
be fairly large and require careful filtering.
On our prehistoric hanging canals, in exchange for
extreme energy efficiency in construction, the canals
will of necessity end up longer that would be optimal
using modern construction techniques.
Thus, longer "S' or "U" constructs are needed to
avoid energy wasteful cuts or fills. In other places
miles of parallel canal may be needed to gain a very
few feet of required elevation difference. The split
between the Mud Springs and Jernigan canals is
a typical example.
Excessive length gives us yet another potential proof
of prehistoric age .
December 03, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
One of our lecture attendees felt I was too harsh
on the compressed air car scam. Once again, there
are fundamental physical laws that absolutely
guarantee that compressed air cars flat out ain't
gonna happen.The energy density of compressed air at best is
around 15 watthours per liter. Compare this against
lead acid at 30 wh/L or gasoline at 9600 wh/L.
Efficient air compression demands it not get warm
when squashed. At the very least, this takes multiple
stages and elaborate intercoolers. No means of
true isothermal air compression is known.
Compressed air motors are outrageously inefficient.
An efficient air motor would have to noiselessly exhaust
at zero velocity and at ambient temperature. And do so
over an extreme pressure range. With no ice issues.
The fire service has spent over a century trying to
use compressed air to perform useful work for
such things as vent fans, fast cutters, spreaders, and
such and has spectacularly failed. Again, due to
fundamental physical laws that trash efficiency.Yes, compressed air is shop floor useful because
its convenience overwhelms its pitiful efficiency.
And huge public utility underground compressed air
storage might prove viable because it lacks the severe
vehicular restrictions.
More on energy efficiency here.
December 02, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
An obvious eBay rule: Make sure stuff works before
you list it or do any elaborate image postproc
work on it.
Had this "obviously new" and absolutely beautiful
Bodine motor. What could possibly go wrong?...go wrong?...
go wrong?...
go wrong?...The motor did take a special test setup of a series diode off
the power line. On doing so, it refused to run. A closer
check revealed that there were no brushes present!Just replacing the brushes would add $30 overhead to a
potential $40 sale. And it was quite likely that the brushes
were removed because of a more serious problem.
A possible exception to the check first rule: If you have
a large pile of identical items and the first few check ok,
you can put off checking the rest until their sale becomes
More eBay tips and techniques here.
December 01, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Another difference between GhostScript and Acrobat
Distiller is that GhostScript apparently does not completely
release files until totally closed. Which may limit their
accessibility to other programs.
The workaround is to make sure you explicitly use
closefile commands at the end of any program that
manipulates files.
More PostScript stuff here..
November 30, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Believe it or not, there really is a Nothing, Arizona and a
Nowhere, Arizona. They are/were roughly 60 miles apart.Things get somewhat confusing when Nothing sometimes
calls themselves Nowhere, and over some minor issues,
such as no population or signs that are conspicuously absent
or long gone.At any rate, the two would make a very interesting winter or
spring bicycle tour, almost all of which would be on pleasant
paved rural roads with little traffic. But the route has few services.
There would also be Nothing to Nowhere race potential.
Nothing has some little known features of interest
nearby, such as a vast opaque apache tears field,
a pair of world class bridges, ( AZ. #5 and #6 or #7 and
#8, depending on how you count ), seasonal swimming,
the "lost" Zannarapolis ghost town, one of two remaining AZ
company towns, six mile crossing, the Upper Burro Creek
wilderness, a top "secret" hidden wet canyon and an
interesting warm spring.
Much more on little known Arizona things to do here .
November 29, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
The "anvil test" for camp coffee...
If the anvil sinks, it it too weak.
If the anvil floats, it is just right.
If the anvil dissolves, it is too strong.
November 28, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
A reminder that I'll be putting on a hanging canal slide
show this Saturday December 1st at 6:30 PM in the
Jupiter Room of Discovery Park.
You can preview the free show here. Discovery Park is
located at the corner of 20th Avenue and Discovery
Park Boulevard in Safford.
November 27, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Several more online auctions just closed with huge numbers
of items unsold.
I think it is reasonable to predict that the number of online
auctions has temporarily far exceeded the available pool
of buyers. Especially industrial auctions of specialty items.
Which is a huge new opportunity pick stuff up for ridiculously
low prices.
Obvious things to do are to VERY closely watch the
closings of any lots you might be even remotely
interested in.
And then either make unsolicited lowball offers on
anything unsold. Or aggressively participate in
auctioneer "fire sale" post auction offer panics.
More auction help here. Your own custom regional
auction finder can be created for you per these details.
November 26, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Found what may be a bizarre feature of GhostScript that may
cause some problems with at least some of my PostScript
programs. Particularly existing ones.
A lot of these programs use the log file as their primary
output. Normal GhostScript operation places a scrolling
limit of 82 lines or so in their reported log file results.
There is no such limit in Acrobat. But, as we have
recently seen, Adobe appears to be flushing any
Distiller use that writes disk files.Here is a typical demo...
0 1 1000 {= =} for
An obvious GhostScript workaround is to output via custom
and specific files, rather than the quick-and-dirty use of the
stock log file.
A second workaround is to run GhostScript from the
command line. Right clicking on the command screen
can pull up properties that let you change the amount of
scrolling lines permitted.
Please report any problems you may run across running
my PostScript Routines. Old or new.
November 25, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
It is very easy to pick the wrong title words in your eBay offers.
If something seems slow selling, find out how others describe
it. And then reword appropriately.
Ferinstance, I was getting nowhere with our superb push-to-test
jacks. But they seem to have taken off just by renaming them
as spring loaded push-to-connect binding posts.
November 24, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
I've just reverified two of our more important and useful
PostScript routines as GhostScript compatible.Our Architect's persepective utility normally gets used
to straighten the sides out of our eBay listings. A minor
change of a variable from max to max1 appeared needed
for GhostScript compatibility. The present filename is
Our automatic backgrounder normally gets used to
place an automated, mottled, and vignetted background
on a bitmap, again for eBay use. It moved over to
GhostScript just fine and its present filename is ghoback1.psl
Note that both routines need renaming of their filenames
and adjustment of their parameters to meet your needs.
Additional image proc utilities appear here. These two
new routines are still under test, so please report any
November 23, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Just received many thousands more of our unique spring
loaded push-to-connect binding posts from the Child Labor
sweatshop division of our Synergetics.
These are ideal for electronic component testing or making
speaker connections or whatever. While we now have
these newly bargain priced on eBay, they are otherwise very
hard to find, and mil spec versions sell for as much as
$24 each. Our price is in the forty cents each range.
Pushing the red or black button accepts any lead diameter
up to 50 mils or so. They are vaguely reminiscent of the
Fahnestock Connectors of yore.
These mount in a #8 clearance hole. While they are intended
for insulated panels, four cent nylon shoulder washers can
be added for conductive panels.
November 22, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
I have long recommeded using the Distiller in Adobe
Acrobat as a general purpose PostScript computer. It
has been the primary method for running and using my
many hundreds of PostScript applications.
Starting with Acrobat 8, Adobe made using the file
command in Distiller difficult. They recently appear
to be in the process of completely eliminating any
file capability. Any and all references on their
website to Acrodist-F and similar options have
apparently been meticulously flushed.
And I have been unable to get Acrodist-F to
work on Windows 8.
The good thing about the file command is that
it let you use PostScript to read or write virtually
any file in any language. This was particularly
useful for manipulating bitmaps or generating
fancy JavaScript programs. But, as our website
shows, has countless other uses.
The bad thing about the file command is that its
abuse potential is off the wall, since it can easily
plow an entire computer or network.
Fortunately, free GhostScript retains the ability to
deal with unfettered file commands. It also can
be used to run most of my programs and most of my
applications directly or with minor modifications.
The only minor problem I have found so far using
GhostScript is that max may be a reserved word.
In my Architect's Perspective distortion correction
utility, A change of the max variable to max1
appears to be a working solution.
Links on this after further testing.
November 21, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
The customer demand for online auctions may be
lagging waay behind the number of them being offered
by the traditional auction houses. There seems to
be a unique but temporary opportunity here with
many auctions apparently now having as much as
one quarter (!) of their items unsold.
Yeah, unsold stuff traditionally was scrap, junk, or
had massive rigging issues. But this seems different
in that there would appear to be a major unbalance
between offers and demand.So, on any auction of interest, it now would seem to
certainly pay attention to what got unsold. And then
rethink your interest in it, make unsolicited lowball
offers, or aggressively participate in resales.
More auction tips and techniques here.
November 20, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
I'll be presenting a revised and updated talk on our prehsitoric
hanging canals Saturday December 1st at 6:30PM in the Jupiter
Room of Discovery Park.
Here is an excerpt of what may end up the Courier PR...===============================================
"Prehistoric hanging canals of the Safford Basin"
subject of Saturday's free Discovery Park Lecture
Local author and researcher Don Lancaster returns
to Discovery Park this Saturday December 1st at
6:30 PM. As part of Discovery Park's ongoing fall
lecture series.
The presentation will report on the latest updates
and rediscoveries on a stunning world class
series of Safford area mountain stream fed prehistoric
canals that are literally "hung" high on the edges of
steep sided mesas.
Over twenty hanging canals remain virtually unknown
with a total distance of at least forty miles.
The canals are believed to date from the 1350's.
Some have also seen historic adaptation and a few
still remain in active use.
The construction of a hanging canal can be
exceptionally energy efficient in that its slope
can be made largely independent of terrain. The high
side of the canal is often "free" and construction
can largely take place across rather than along the
In many places, the canals provide a strong illusion
of "water flowing uphill". In reality, most of their
slopes are at a nearly optimum downhill grade. The
evidence suggests that virtually every drop of
northeastern Mount Graham stream water was put to
While no survey tools are known to survive, "pilot
extensions" of the canals themselves were thought
to serve as water levels to establish the needed
grades. Many independent arguments verify the
prehistoric origins of these canals.
These include roads, tanks, fences, dams, and even
cemeteries that run roughshod over the canals
without access or accommodation; large Mesquite
trees and barrel cacti mid channel; uniform desert
varnish, caliche, and lichens; absence of any
apparent modern tool use; and, above all, a
purposefulness that clearly and uniquely meets
prehistoric needs. The newly updated presentation
can be previewed at Don's
< https://www.tinaja.com/canal/newhangshow2.pdf > website.
There is no charge and families are welcome.
Discovery park is located at the corner of Discovery Park
Boulevard and 20th Avenue in Safford. You can get more
info by calling Paul Anger or Jackie Madsen at
(928) 428-6260.
The slideshowcan be previewed here. And its underlying
paper here.The slideshow will likely be repeated in late January
for the ARA, possibly on a saturday on the ASU campus.
November 19, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Yet another free university level online computer course
can be found here. With a discussion here.
November 18, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
It seems that you can do most anything you did in the
older versions of Paint that you can do in the fancy
Windows 7 and Windows 8 updates. It is just that
some of the items are buried in non-obvious places.
The obvious need to draw a continuous traced line
over many points is now done with Shape #6 on the
top row. This is a non-obvious "slanty L" shape.
Sadly, I have yet to find a way to keep the shape
from closing.
Woefully underappreciated is the new quadratic
spline of Shape #2. While not nearly as good as
a cubic spline, this easily lets you draw smooth
November 17, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
The latest in a never ending series of free energy perpetual
motion scams is apparntly called the Joule Ringer. Details
either on the Keelynet or a Google search.
As usual, this one looks "not even wrong".Secrets of bashing pseudoscience can be found here.
November 16, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Non-obvious and "secret" details may get you every
time. Assumption is the mother of mistakes.Radio shack has an interesting 270-391A Battery holder
for four "AA" cells intended for use as a six volt dc
supply. And its up-down-up-down cell arrangement certainly
seems normal and reasonable. And well marked.But what is not at all obvious if you are, say, after
a +3 and -3 volt supply, is that the cell stacking is
highly unusual!
The cell sequence is 1-4-3-2! The "center tap" is
thus at "three quarters".
Details like this will get you every time.
November 15, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Alps has an interesting collection of eminently hackable
electronic components. A few of which are summarized here.
November 14, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
I've been refurbing a bunch of Variacs for our eBay
sales. These consistently seem to have two mystery
ailments: The neon pilot lights are burned out and/or
the power switches fail to work.
Both of which are inexplicable in that neon pilot
lights should be virtually indestructable and the switches
seem to have some burned black grunge in them.
Like their contact grease was set on fire.
Perhaps there is some transient phenomonen when
Variac power is applied in the wrong part of the ac
cycle. This, of course, should not be. And the great
irony of all this is that the Variacs were from an
online auction of a surge protection company.
November 13, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
A sneaky GhostScript trick: The easiest way to add your
custom fonts or font directories is to also have Acrobat on
the same machine.
GhostScript will automatically find anything added to the
Distiller Font Locations in the settings pulldown.
November 12, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Let me be sure I have this straight- There is a good chance
that Groupo Bimbo will be in charge of Ho Ho's.
Better play this one as it lays. It seems too easy a shot.
November 11, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Canal 21 aka the Blue Ponds hanging canal may end
up being wishful thinking.
A field verification visit to this location has revealed
what looks a lot more like an early wagon road,
complete with broken horseshoes and an often
double spoil row.
And the obvious short canal at this location seems
to be modern, judging from its concrete diversion
section. And appears to be a simple switch to select
the upper or lower Blue Pond as a destination.
A presumed hanging portion remains unchecked
here, but it now would likely seem to be a wagon
road continuance. Closer aerial photo inspection
again suggests double spoil rows in places.
Although it is not quite clear why a wagon road
would get hung on a mesa edge.
There are some sparce tradeware shards remaining
in the area. And the location is certainly reasonable
for a major early hanging canal.
Canal 21 cannot quite be written off, but its
evidence to date seems to be diminishing.
November 10, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
There are apparently additional valid solutions
for three phase magic sinewaves. Some of these
may offer significant reductions in the strengths
of early uncontrolled harmonics or have yet unknown
other usable features.
Here are two of the new verified solutions...
16.255629683788598 20.191301125192197
32.551048840219450 39.8086988748078
48.535419892869260 57.227786092490504
62.772213907509496 71.46458010713074
76.255629683788600 87.4489511597805510.158354180504617 11.617102180257803
20.704135563839685 23.75748871430516
31.648858023520518 36.242511285776445
42.731357524419295 48.382897819891284
53.209901586429936 58.447497940974394
61.552502058956060 66.79009841344269
70.158354180391300 77.26864247549328
80.704135563873620 88.35114197654599If the wrap map is to be taken as necessary and
sufficient, the 20 potential new canidates for one or
two tiers of delta friendliness would seem to be...XXXXXX
...... ......
XXXXXX XXXXXX new n=5 suggests 2-5-8-11-14...
...... X.....XXXXXX XXXXXX
...... .....XXXXXXX XXXXXX
...... X....X
X..... ......
X..... X....X
.....X ......
.....X .....XXXXXXX XXXXXX original n=7 verifies 3-7-11-15-19...
.....X X....X
X....X ......
X....X X....X
The immediate questions are which of these allow convergent
full amplitude solutions and what reductions, if any, can be
provided in close in filtered unwanted harmonics.
There would seem to initially be 4 + 16 + 64 = 84 possible three
tier solusions covering n=2 to n=12. And 340 possible four tier
solutions covering n=2 to n=16. But there would seem to be
no point in exhaustively evaluating these if their one or two
tier predecessors were previously found to be nonconvergent,
limited amplitude range, or disallowed..In general, the "less uniform" the "carrier" is, an assumption
can be made that the spectral energy will be shifted higher.
How far this can go and how much improvement can be
made has yet to be determined.
November 09, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Classic Paint has been significantly improved in Windows 7
and Windows 8. But it does take some practice and relearning
to get back up to speed on its many nonobvious changes.
It still does not have a high quality resizing routine. You can
find these down to one degree in Imageviewer32 and to a
tenth of a degree in Irfanview.
A tutorial of the new paint features can be found here.
November 08, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
I can't seem to be able to get Acrodist-F to work
in windows 8!
Yes, you can get the command line in Windows 8
back by seaching on aps that start with "c" and
creating a C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe shortcut.
The PostScript language has long been exceptional
in that it can read or write most any disk format in
most any language! I've personally based many
thousands of PostScript programs on this ability.
The easiest and simplest and most mainstream way
of deaaling with this was to use Acrobat's Distiller
as a general purpose PostScript computer.However, way on back in Acrobat 8, Adobe decided
that the abuse potential of this incredibly powerful
write-or-delete--any-system-file ability had some
utterly awesome evil possibilities.
So they placed what then seemed like a reasonable
restraint on disk access by requiring you enter Distiller
via a command line Acrodist-F any time you genuinely
needed full disk access.
I get the feeling that they want to completely eliminate
any possible Distiller use for better and more important
PostScript applications. Partial proof of this is that Adobe
has kept Acrodist-F a secret and seems to have dropped
any mention of it on their website for several years now.
The obvious workaround is to use public domain GhostScript
to run unfettered PostScript programs.
Preliminary testing shows that must of my aps will work
just fine under GhostScript.
November 07, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
The energy density of gasoline is 9600 watthours per
liter. Considering heat engine efficiency limits, any
battery that was to one on one compete with gasoline
would have to have around a 4500 watthours per liter
energy density.
Lithium Ion batteries have a theoretical imit of about
1500 watthous per liter, but off-the-shelf units are
lucky to hit 250 watthours per liter.
But a new and close-in development uses a crushed
silicon anode that approaches 1000 watthours per
liter. Per this anouncement and this analysis.
Better yet, there is a potential lithium air battery
technology that has the ability to theoretically exceed
gasoline! The only tiny problem is that nobody has the
faintest clue how to build these.More on energy fundamentals here.
November 06, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
One of the most heinous crimes against humanity
in Windows 8 is that the search puppy dog is now
missing and presumed deceased.
No upgrades or replacements seem available to date.
November 05, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
The plot thickens till it clots. Org.
Got to the northernmost obvious portion of the Blue
Ponds canal. On closer inspection, this seems to be
an abandoned but historical build or adaption. There
is a definite concrete headgate that lets canal water
apparently be routed to the northern or southern
blue ponds. Seemingly via short wash segments.The canal portion here seems to have somewhat
high spoil banks and a moderately deep Vee,
It also is clearly in the prehistoric hanging style.
There is a huge mesquite tree present.There are many examples of "stole the plans"
prehistoric rebuilds. This seems to be the case here
but is by no means proven.
Flood damage makes southerly exploration difficult.
More here.
November 04, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
There seems to be a whole new class of Delta
Friendly 3 phase magic sinewaves. These include
n = 2, 5, 8, 11, ...A n=8 example appears here...
10.158354180504617 11.617102180257803
20.704135563839685 23.75748871430516
31.648858023520518 36.242511285776445
42.731357524419295 48.382897819891284
53.209901586429936 58.447497940974394
61.55250205895606 66.79009841344269
70.15835418039130 77.26864247549328
80.70413556387362 88.35114197654599This seems to have a better "minimum visible pollution
theorm" appearance and seems to significantly reduce
the prefilter amplitudes of the first few uncontolled harmonics.Much more needs done on this.
November 03, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
I've just about convinced myself that Canal #21 is major
and real. Getting within 300 feet of the hanging portion
sure looked promising and a major cut appears to
exist well downstream.Current thought is that the canal sources in Frye Creek
and serviced fields presently under the southernmost
Blue Pond.
I'll likely rename this one the Blue Ponds canal after
more evidence accumulates. Much more here.
November 02, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Org. Came very close to permanently losing a lot of
irreplacable data.
It will still take a few days for the dust to settle, but we
have moved to a newer windows 8 machine.
I cannot emphasize too strongly: Back up often and six
ways from sunday!Obvious backup routes are to place a hidden copy of your
pc on your web server and vice versa. External USB hard
drives have become ridiculously large and insanely cheap.You can use a few extra of these for routine backups.
There are also several automatic backup systems available,
as well as software archival sources.While the Wayback Machine does provide many useful
services, it would be really dumb to rely on it for your
possible livleyhod. It also tends to be partial and way
out of date.
November 01, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Many thanks to those of you who attended today's
BLM Brown Bag lecture on the hanging canals.
Further expansion is planned early December in
Discovery Park and at the ARA in Late January.As usual, there's bunches of research to be done on
these world class discoveries. Field mice are definitely
needed and your skills can be as limited as knowing
what a GPS location is, bringing along your own catclaw
on a hike ( just in case there is not enough along the route.
The word "trail", of course, is not in your vocabulary. ),
and having a reasonable offroad vehicle.
Contact me for more details.
October 31, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
There seems to be a resurgance of hobby electronics.
Centered in particular on the Raspberry Pi and the
Sparkfun is one of many emerging sources, and useful
publications continue to be Make and Circuit Cellar.A newly emerging hot area are the Santa Claus machines.
Sources include Tinkerines Ditto, MakerBot Thing-O-Matic ,
Solidoodle, , and UP!3D.
Even Radio Shack seems to be making a renissance of sorts.
And the Steampunk crew is apparently up to something,
although it is not completely clear exactly what.
October 30, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
A case can be made that "important" southewestern
archaeology sites largely evolved from wherever the
U of A's Dr. Emil Haury happened to be standing at the
time. Our own Safford Basin of the Upper Gila Valley
remained very much out of the mainstream, primarily
because its location was far away from the focus of
the major research institutions.The deep dark secret is that there are great heaping
bunches of world class prehistoric stuff here that,
despite a few dedicated researchers, are absolutely
stunning but remain woefully underexplored, largely
uunderpublished, and underappreciated. And that
the Safford Basin apparently played an extremely
importatnt role in much of regional prehistory.
Some of the many classes of stuff that clearly
merits additional local study includes...
- Spectacular tradeware that shows strong
interactive trading links to virtually all major
known Southwestern cultures.
- Extensive lowland canals that clearly formed
the basis of local modern agriculture.
- Many dozens of unique mountain stream
canals literally "hung" on over 40 miles (!)
of steep mesa edges.
- Tens of thousands of agricultural grids
apparently used for Agave production.
- Numerous aproned check dams on
even the most minor of drainages.
- Cuirious "mulch rings" all over everywhere
apparently used for moisture retention.
- An regional population possibly as high
as today represented by a rich assortment
of habitation sites and field houses.
- Odd rock alignments that remain more or
less enigmatic and undated.
- Water management engineering and energy
efficiency bordering on the astounding.
- An obviously exceptional societal structure
that seemed to make all of the above possible.
October 29, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Very often, unsold autcion lots can be picked up afterwards
literally for a song. And, lately, there's been bunches of stuff
missed on online auctions.
Chances are the unsold stuff WILL have problems and WILL
need heavy triage. But IF you are in the neighborhood, some
outstanding buys can result.
Branford in particular has taken to notifying their better
customers about unsold lots. Usually on very short notice.
But unsolicited offers can and do work elsewhere.
More auction help here.
October 28, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
I'll be doing a BLM brown bag talk on the hanging
canals this thursday November 1st. Here is the
announcement that purportedly will appear in the
local paper...======================================
November BLM Brown Bag Talk
“Prehistoric Hanging Canals of the Safford Basin”
Safford, Ariz. As part of Bureau of Land Management
(BLM) Safford Field Office’s ongoing Brown Bag lecture
series, Thatcher author and researcher Don Lancaster
returns on Thursday, November 1, at noon. His
presentation will report on the latest updates and
rediscoveries on a stunning world-class series of Safford
area mountain stream fed prehistoric canals that are
literally “hung” high on the edges of steep sided mesas.There is no charge and families are welcome so bring
your own “Brown Bag” and spend your lunch hour learning
about these unique local features. The BLM is located at
the corner of 14th Avenue and 8th Street in Safford.
Over 21 hanging canals remain virtually unknown with a
total distance of at least 40 miles. The canals are believed
to date from the 1350s. Some have also seen historic
adaptation and a few still remain in active use.
The construction of a hanging canal can be exceptionally
energy efficient in that its slope can be made largely independent
of terrain. The high side of the canal is often “free” and
construction can largely take place across rather than along the
“In many places, the canals provide a strong illusion of “water
flowing uphill,” said Lancaster. “In reality, most of their slopes
are at a nearly optimum downhill grade.”
The evidence suggests that virtually every drop of northeastern
Mount Graham stream water was put to use. While no survey
tools are known to survive, “pilot extensions” of the canals
themselves were thought to serve as water levels to establish the
needed grades.
Many independent arguments verify the prehistoric origins of
these canals. These include roads, tanks, fences, dams, and
even cemeteries that run roughshod over the canals without
access or accommodation; large mesquite trees and barrel cacti
mid-channel; uniform desert varnish, caliche, and lichens;
absence of any apparent modern tool use; and, above all, a
purposefulness that clearly and uniquely meets prehistoric needs.
The newly updated presentation can be previewed at
Lancaster’s website.
– BLM –
October 27, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
An alternate third party calculator for Three Phase Magic
Sinewaves can be found here.
It is still not clear whether any other solutions besides
n = 3, 7, 11, 15... exist.
October 26, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Updated and expanded our Gila Valley Dayhikes library
page. The latest additions also include a major update of
the hanging canal paper and its companion slideshow, plus
a little known dayhikes slide show.We are now only three entries short of our goal of 365
major useful listings. Please email me with any further
suggestions or corrections.
October 25, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Our own Vee Machine book image capture system can be
seen here. With an assortment of other manufacturers
here and even a cardboard version here.
The next step up is to have a system that automatically
flips pages and automates capture of an entire book.
A new scheme appears here where the book slides back
and forth and suction from a vacuum cleaner changes one
page at a time.
The unit still seems a tad unreliable and in need of further
development, but it is a cute solution and can be built for
around $1500. Which is a tiny fraction of the going rate
for high volume automated scanning machines.
October 24, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
I was appalled that somebody on a newsgroup had to ask
what the computational heritage of PostScript was.
PostScript was related to and derived from Forth. In a
third cousin, twice removed sort of way.
Forth in turn was largely invented as a control language for
astronomers. Its hallmarks were being strongly stack oriented
and using a Reverse Polish notation. When a command is placed
on top of the stack, underlying stack entries contain all the info
that is needed to carry out that command.
Much more on early PostScript sneaky tricks here, and more
on PostScript here.
October 23, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Just found out that Lindsay Books will cease publication
and sales next February.
They are a former banner advertiser of ours that had long
specialized in out-of-print machine shop and craft and science titles.
Since most of these titles are now freely available as ebooks,
it is not surprising that their customer demand has dropped.
Be sure to stock up now if you need printed copies.
October 22, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Three free open source programs that do much of what
Mathworks does can be found here and here.
A slashdot discurrsion of GNU Octave 3.0 can be
found here.
October 21, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
I'm not at all sure about Windows 8. One of its more
impressive features is that it seems to be able to get
its own drivers for most of the printers or scanners or
whatever that is plugged into its USB ports. And does
so largely hassle free.I think the Metro View concept is best described as
mesmerizingly awful. Here's some hints about doing
some immediate repairs...
To switch between metro and normal desktops, use
your windows key on the keyboard. Note there is
a "desktop" icon buried in the rest of the aps.
Note also that a windowskey-D will also get you
to the desktop.
To turn the computer off, go to metro and mouse the
lower right hand corner. Then click on the lower
"gear" settings icon and select shutdown or
restart.To get the command prompt back, search the apps
under "C", select the control panel, and the put a
shortcut on your screen to route to
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exeI have yet to find an easy way to turn a printer's
duplex feature on and off. This seems to work:
Go to metro and click lower right corner. Then
search on "C". Then click on the control panel.
Then select the printer and right click on it.
Then select preferences and turn the duplexing
on or off. Arrrgeh...
I've found no way to put a control panel shortcut
on the desktop.
The method of getting into and out of full screen
mode is now totally different. Grab the very mid top
of an ap. Slide it up for full screen and down to return
to normal.
October 20, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
I still do not have positive proof over whether "Canal 21"
is real or not. Because of rough 4WD tracks and difficult
hiking routes.
But I did manage to get within 300 feet of what sure
appears to be a typical mesa hanging portion.
I did also verify that the more western traces a few
hundred feet to the west are almost certainly a city
of Safford water line. One of the hints is that there
are very few prehistoric canals that include chlorinator
buildings. Handmade "old style" rivited steel scrap
pipe gives additional age and use clues.
If real, #21 would be one of the more significant canals.
It would appear to originate in Frye Creek and seems
to be headed to yet unverified fields under the Blue
Ponds. Getting to Longview would seem to be a stretch.
October 19, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Several electronic distributors appears to be the worst
offenders in not having the faintest clue what the difference
is between a radial and an axial component. And then
spreading "not even wrong" info about them.
As is intuitively obvious, and as any 1929 radio book
will tell you, an axial device has its leads going out its
axis: A radial device has leads going out its radius.
Detailed image examples appear in this tutorial.
Two popular forms of electrolytic capacitor are the
single ended axial in which both ends go out the
bottom and the double ended axial in which one
lead goes out the left and one out the right.
Radial electrolytic capacitors are exceptionally
rare. It is highly unlikely you have ever seen one or
ever would have any need for one.
It still continues to amaze me how many people
try to "correct" our eBay listings while adamantly
making making utter fools of themselves.
October 18, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Those old "oval" three pin round HP power supply cords
have pretty much gotten impossible to find at sane prices.More often than not, there is not enough room behind the connector
to allow some more modern chassis mounted solution. Not to
mention some awkward nibbling or filing,
One workaround is to take an IEC C-14 male three pin power line
connector, shorten it to a few inches and solder it directly to the HP
pins. The live connections can then be shrinkwrap protected or
glopped with silicon rubber.
The middle pin is always green and safety ground. There are two
different conventions, depending on manufacturer for the outside
pins. If possible, route white to white and black to black.
But it usually does not matter much, unless there is some hot
chassis issue.
October 17, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
This is clearly my kind of useful adjunct to porcine whole
body cleanliness.
Additional discussion here and here.
And similar stuff here.
October 16, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
An interesting and useful free online computer course
can be found here.
October 15, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Two years ago, Newsweek magazine did a repurposing and
redesign that permanently and totally trashed all content,
reducing both its interest and value to less than zero .I am utterly amazed that it took this long for their print
version to fail. I predict the online version dreg will last for
an additional seventeen minutes and fifty four seconds.
Normally, I am in favor of helping the handicapped. But
their apparent choice of a middle school special ed class to
do the relayout and redesign for them was clearly suboptimal.
October 14, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
One of the more interesting things to do with Google Earth
and the .kml custom programming language might be to
slice up an area to only show imagery between two different
Our canal research still has many unknown gaps. Usually
Ockham's Razor lets you conclude that the canal going into the
gap is the same one as the one coming out. It is also a
given that the reach in the gap can be no higher than the
input elevation and no lower than the output one.
A further reasonable assumption is that the slope in the
gap is more or less constant, and will likely be near half the
height at half the distance.
The lower slice could be opaque black, while the upper
one might be a highly transparent white.
Other potentially more nerfarious uses of altitude slicing
could be to pin down the location of a site for which you
only know the altitude and general neighborhood. The
strength and direction of the altitude gradient could
also sometimes be of help in further narrowing things down.
( BTW -- Wickipedia nothwithstanding, "Ockham"
is the correct spelling and we do not know William's
last name. "William of Ockham" was then the equivalent
of calling me "Don of Thatcher". )
October 13, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
A possible twenty first (!) hanging canal canidate has been
tentatively identified here...
&marker0=32.76937%2C109.79064%2C7.2%20km%20W%20of%20Cactus%20Flat%20AZ &marker1=32.76471%2C109.79453%2C7.5%20km%20W%20of%20Cactus%20Flat%20AZ
&marker8=32.77182%2C-109.78677%2C6.9%20km%20WxNW%20of%20Cactus%20Flat%20AZThis has not yet been field verified, but the topography
and imagery both seem quite favorable. It would seem
to source in Frye Canyon and deliver somewhat west
of the Longview area.
Total projected length might approach four miles.
A hanging portion is likely at the second and third
southernmost markers.
The somewhat more obvious reach roughly 500 feet
to the west is believed to be a buried City of Safford pipeline.
Presently in disuse because of a chrolinator issue.
While there are many examples of "steal the plans" and "dig
out an old ditch" in the area, there is no compelling evidence
yet for an underlying prehistoric reach along this particular
portion of the more western pipeline route.
But the earlier "Deadman Branch" of this pipline route
further to the south was almost certainly stolen.
October 12, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Some Raspberry Pi sourcecode for Magic Sinewave
generation can be found here.
The code is potentially much simpler and easier to write
than PIC code because of the availability of high resolution
and low jitter single step delays.
The enormous memory space also makes internal generation of
both frequency and amplitude quite feasible.
Brute force machine language remains required. Service routines
in Linux introduce unacceptable jitter that adversely affect
supposedly rejected harmonics .
It still might be desirable to shorten the actual code generation first
by using quadrant symmetry and second by going to some sort of
indexed or table lookup for the delay values.
But, even at 1K words per magic sinewave, only 100K is needed
for one amplitude, and 10 Megs for a hundred frequencies. Thus,
entire families of magic sinewaves should easily fit one SD boot card.
As is often the case these days, brute force can thus triumph over
elegance.A magic sinewave high speed calculator can be found here.
October 11, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
As we have seen, .kml is html related language addon that
can give you amazing personal control of Google Earth.
The .kml reference manual appears here and a more
detailed tutorial text here.
A hanging canal example of .kml use can be found here.
October 10, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Our newly revised hanging canal slide show can be found
here. And its main paper here.
These are based on this slide sourcecode and this paper
October 09, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Google Chrome seems to have an infuriating property that
can cause you all sorts of grief: It does not check too thorourghly
before deciding to reuse a cached copy of a requested filename.
Ferinstance, say you are doing some site maintenance and upload
a .pdf file that is bad or needs modified for one reason or another.
You find the problem and fix it, retaining the same filename. Chrome may
refuse to give you the new file, using the one in its cache instead!The workarounds are to switch to a different browser anytime you
suspect this is happening to you.
Waiting a day also seems to usually clear the problem.
Rebooting may also help. As may temporary filename chnges.
Or go to Chrome's tools History submenu and clear any problem file.
Or its tools clearBrowserData and then clear the download history or
empty the cache.
October 08, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
If you are at all into creating or selling your own arts and crafts
online, two sites of interest are www.etsy.com and www.pokono.com.
Some older resources can be found in our Santa Claus Machine library.
October 07, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
This older and rather crude aerial image of Pacman, Arizona
shows us some of the potential of blended satellite and topo
October 06, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Some interesting new Trackstick GPS loggers are now available in
USB thumb formats. There are several models wiith pricing in the
$200 range.
These continuously records location and altititude and speed
and even temperature every few seconds for many thousands
of data points.
There's a few additional features I would like to see added.
While you can post identify any location, there does not seem
to be any real time way to mark or label a particular point.
An obvious workaround is to run a hundred feet east and then
run back.
GPS altitude resolution remains basically terrible due to fundamental
geometry constraints. Adding an onboard altimeter could very
dramatically improve this.
October 05, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
A directory of Arizona lighthouses can be found here.
The US town with the greatest number of lighthouses is
Lake Havasu City. With further details here.
A listing of the more significant Green Valley lighthouse
consultants is found here. And the better known Avondale
lighthouses here.
And, of course, a navigation lighthouse is planned for the
Superstition Mountains.
October 04, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Common mode chokes are a somewhat unusual and sometimes
pricey component used to reject ingoing or outgoing ac line borne
interference.They are basically a two winding toroidal coil. One winding goes in
series with each ac input power wire. Together the bucking action of
the two working together provide a high impedance in the low
Megahertz range where much of RFI and interference is centered.
A physical safety barrier is also usually provided. This is usually
a "spanning" insulator. Common mode windings are often
paralleled bifiliar or tetrafilar to improve their high frequency
rejection and maximum current capability.
We have several versions of these newly up on our eBay site
under username "tinaja". All are "as new" from an electronic
auction. At unbeatable pricing.
Some photos appear here, here, and here.
October 03, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Two Tucson area electronic surplus sources that I can very
much recommend are Asset Liquidators and Southwest Liquidators.
October 02, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
There's a lot of hidden or little known features of Google Earth.
Ferinstance, you can use the history bar to find out when the
last resolution upgrade was made. And you can request
notification of your favorite area updates by using this link.There's also a time of day slider that can be used to vary
the contrast in any particular area. I've found this very
useful to reveal hidden mesa edge details in our canal studies.
The image tone is also somewhat adjustable.
Also available is a ruler that can measure exact distances in
your choice of units.
The altitude reading changes as you mouse around, and does
so apparently to much better than GPS resolution. One of
the characteristics of a canal is that it has to go downhill at
a constant and measurable slope. Repeated checks can
separate a potential canal from a cowpath or 4WD track.
Acme Mapper also uses the Google Earth and Google Map
underlying data base. So one way to find the age of an Acme
mapper image is to bring the same area up in Google Earth
and read its date in the lower lefthand corner.One thing I sure could use seems to remain absent in these
services. It sure would be nice to be able to variably blend
topo and images on a custom basis.
October 01, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Expaspirated coach:" "OK. We are going to start again from scratch.
"Now this, this is a football."Voice from the back of the room "Hey coach. Not so fast!"
September 30, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Some of the latest entries in the low end Santa Claus Machine
area include Tinkerines Ditto, MakerBot Thing-O-Matic ,
Solidoodle, and UP!3D.Even newer products are likely to show up at the next Maker Faire.
But one thing most of these are missing: The materials are outrageously
expensive in small quantities. The old "give the razor away and sell the
blads" ploy. AKA as "ripoff price all the inkjet cartridges".
There is no reason an extruder addon could not be used to create the
needed materials in the needed forms on the fly. Bulk ABS pricing is
typically around fifty cents per pound.
September 29, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
A church in Gila Bend decided not to buy a chandelier
because nobody in the congregation knew how to play one.
They can also be a bear to tune.
Meanwhile, CSI Gila Bend continues to be by far the best in
the tv series.
September 28, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
The water powered car overunity fiasco continues unabated
on the web. Driven primarily by one or more individuals in terminal
denial over how bad they were ripped off in a "gross and
egregious" fraud scam.Believe it or not, overunity electrolysis is in fact possible up to
one-sixth overunity. This is caused by the process being up to
one sixth endothermic at very low gas production rates. But
cell losses utterly and totally overwhelm for reasonable or
amortizable production rates.
The cause of further overunity claims rests on largely incompetent
measurements, outright scams, delusion, or not having the faintest
clue over what legitimate science and genuine research is.
There is a thermodynamic concept called exergy that tells us that
a kilowatt hour of grid, pv, or alternator electricity is worth ridiculously
more than a kilowatt hour of unstored hydrogen gas. Caused by the
reversibly recoverable energy fraction being much less.
Which tells us that electrolysis from high value sources simply
ain't gonna happen because the process is identical to 1:1 exchanging
US dollars for Mexican pesos.
The economic loss in electrolysis at best would be 3:1 since no
way is known to convert hydrogen back to electricity at greater
than 33 percent efficiency.
Otherwise known as an electrocity.
Which tells us that the first 300 percent discovery in overunity
electrolysis would not be of ANY interest in the least, because it
STILL would be destroying value.The kicker, of course, is this: Any higher percentage overunity results
would have long ago been totally and painfully obvious. Even without
their necessary side effects of black holes and any similar explosions
that might only take out a city block or two .
Evidence against any possibility whatsoever of the water powered
car can be found here and here. More on "real science" energy here.Wikipedia's take on all this here. Plus more on a genuine energy
efficiency breakthrough here.
September 27, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
We recently picked up bunches of Polycase products at
an auction. These are molded ABS black boxes with lots
of different uses as electronic project cases or encapsulation
We have some of these up on eBay. Of particular interest is
a premachined "wall wart" style that includes a duplex outlet.
These should be particularly useful for home energy monitors,
wireless power remotes, custom wall warts, surge suppressors,
or noise filters.
We also have bunches of the Polycase products from less than
an inch to six inches in size. Many of these are in small quantities
which makes them awkward for us to sell at bargain prices.
So, we decided to offer sample selections of forty boxes each in
assorted sizes. Typically with at least two of each size. All are
guaranteed useful and in the most interesting and most useful
sizes. Some may include mounting holes or other useful openings.Details on our eBay "abeja" site.
You are also welcome to visit and mix and match your own assortments.
September 26, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Major Progress.
A collection of high energy physics scholarly publications have
now agreed to go open source. Per this announcement and this
discussion.Individual access to the published papers will be free and
apparently without major restrictions.
Income models will apparently be based on member support,
library subscriptions, author charges, custom packaging, and
web associate relations.
I'm still waiting for a free online copy of Sallen and Key.
It is ludicrous that significant early technical papers remain unavailable,
while such noteworthy tomes as Mad Magazine's 43 man Squamish
have unlimited zero charge instant world wide distribution.
Significant free online pub resources include arXiv, Questia, open culture ,
free video, and Wesrch.
While free online university courses are found at coursera, mit,
and stanford.
September 25, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Updated and expanded our Gila Valley Dayhikes page.
Some of the more unusual hikes can be found here.
And bunches of similar stuff here.
September 24, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
The latest version of our interactive Google Earth
Hanging Canal map can be found here.
It is essentially complete but could still possibly use
some additional data points and some smoothing.
More on the hanging canals here.
September 23, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Here's a summary of the links to our Hanging Canal
field notes...https://www.tinaja.com/canal/rework/fieldnotes/allennotes2.pdf
More on the hanging canals here with ongoing developments here.
September 22, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
For a number of reasons, it pays to work backwards on any
online auction. For your best buys and best winning odds
strongly favor the high lot numbers.
Firstoff, the auction house tends to use the lowest lot numbers
for the really pricey stuff that you are unlikely to be interested in.
Secondly, there are far more early bids on the first page of
an online auction than there will be on higher pages. And the
fewest early bids ( if any ) will show up on the last auction page.
Early bids, of course, are utterly pointless and monumentally stupid.
Your best online auction strategy is always to proxy bid your max
ONCE just BEFORE the time that trips any automatic extensions.Thirdly, your competitors are likely to have their needs fulfilled,
become bored, or run out of money late in the auction. Especially
if there are thousands of lots or several days involved.
More auction help here and here.
September 21, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
I've been planning on copublishing my hanging canal info in a
( literally ) hide bound traditional scholarly journal.
But the problem is that paper journals are now hopelessly passe.
Let's see. Acceptance of a Wesrch or equivalent online paper is
guaranteed and instant. The audience is hundreds or thousands of
times higher. Moreso if the journal is so expensive that even large
libraries cannot afford a traditional printed copy.
Online publishing costs are nearly zero. 100 percent searching and
full color is the norm. There are no restrictions whatsoever on size or
layout. "Click to link" and "Click to expand" are givens. Revisions
are trivial. Availibility is 24/7 and potentially forever. And Google
is your friend.
Peer review can involve many more individuals and be vastly better
done. Bibliographies can largely be replaced with actual links to
real content. More detail can be provided only for only those who
really want or need it.
And best of all, the "faculty tea mafia" is no longer in control.
September 20, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
My hanging canal paper has been expanded, updated,
and revised.
You can find it as https://www.tinaja.com/canal/newhang2.pdf
And its sourcecode as https://www.tinaja.com/canal/newhang2.psl >
This will also be GuruGram #122, and it has been uploaded to
Wesrch as well. But the Wesrch version lacks the fancy interactive
map and the clickthrough links to the field notes.
September 19, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
The race to the bottom for the solar bankruptcies continues
unabated. Although, surprisingly, most auction recent items
tend to end up on with pricing on the high side.
Typical sources for current listings include Branford, Dovebid,
Bidspotter, and Auction HQ.
Much more on auction opportunities in general here, here,
here, and here.
September 18, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
The super secret insider directory of Arizona indian ruins has
long been maintained by ASM, aka the Arizona State Museum.
The basis is a gridded system, such as CC-1-37 in which the CC
is a main grid, 1 is the subgrid., and 37 is the 37th entry in that region.
Access to the data base has been tightly restricted and often outrageously
expensive. But they have recently added a new but severely limited public
access website.
All of which may be far too little and far too late. The web has absolutely
guaranteed that "secret anything" is now utterly and totally pointless.Google Earth and Acme Mapper have made instant topos and aerial photography
available to all. And just about everybody now knows what a GPS coordinate
is and how to use one. And Geocaching is now a popular sport. As are small
recreational vehicles.
Or how about this: Most archaeological sites can now be located given only their
( usually reported ) elevation and ASM number! Just write your own .kml routine
to strip out and plot plus or minus ten feet of elevation from the subgrid.Then pick an elevation gradient direction and slope. Chances are that with a little
more skulduggery, the exact location can be nailed down to a very few candidates.
September 17, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
That was fast. If you want an answer to ANY reasonable question,
try the sci.electronics.design newsgroup. Several Mac users verified
that yesterday's interactive map works just fine for them.
But it did turn out I had an extra comma at the end of the Marijilda
latlon entry in the .kml fileIt also turns out that Google Earth keeps all of your previous work
in a "Temporary Places" file. And will pile new stuff on top of the
old. Including any parsing problems or potential errors.
The workaround is to always save the important stuff anywhere BUT
the temporary places file. And to routinely and often clear your
Google Earth cache.
September 16, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
I need your help on a little problem: We are using Google Earth
for some of our new Hanging Canal papers. This file works just
fine for PC users, but one Mac user ends up with a symptom of
"stuck on South America".Does the file work for you on a Mac? It is supposed to show zoomable
and panable Safford basin prehistoric canals.
The problem could be the user's JavaScript, not waiting for a full load,
ISP issues with carriage returns versus linefeeds ( we already elimated
all of these from the coordinate data ), or my own .kml coding errors.Note that a .kml file can be viewed in any word processor.
September 15, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Very cute.
There's some websites here, and here that show you how
to convert a broken CD-R and a pair of dull razor blades into
a zillion dollar spectrophotometer.
While certainly interesting and useful, the performance sadly
is not really all that great.
September 14, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Solar pv panel prices are clearly in free fall. Although still nowhere
remotely near being a renewable or sustainable resource capable
of net energy production.
Sites such as this one or this one are offering panels in the
fifty to eighty cents per peak panel watt range. And some
China sources are talking thirty cents per peak watt.
New schemes are dramatically reducing the amount of
material needed and the costs of those materials. And
learning curves and economics of scale are rapidly
setting in.
Subsidies with their obscene price supports and "iceberg"
hidden costs thankfully have nearly vanished.
But, curiously, the closer pv panels get to net energy production,
the MORE they will temporarily continue to be a gasoline destroying
net energy sink. Why? Because of the zillions of new investment
dollars thrown at emerging opportunities.
More on the equivalence between dimes and kilowatt hours here.Net energy breakeven ( along with renewability and sustainability )
can be anticipated eight to ten years AFTER the average panel price
drops under twenty five cents per peak watt.
While we ain't there yet, breakeven may now happen earlier
than most people anticipate. Assuming that the present
trends continue.More on pv and energy in general here.
More on secrets of technical innovation here.
September 13, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Two useful sources for info on the ongoing pv panel
debacle include Solarbuzz and Solar Industry.
September 12, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Sincerity is everything.
Once you have that faked, all else falls in place.
September 11, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
An interesting and thoughtful newsgroup post from the ongoing
water powered car "not even wrong" fisasco...
Absence of proof is not proof of absence, but it's a damn good
indicator...especially if it requires a branch of physics that's
not yet been invented.More on bashing pseudoscience here.
September 10, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
An interesting traditional cable tv reference can be found here.
It still has bunches of useful technical content.
September 09, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
The original Dilbert Cubicals can be found here.
And more details here.
September 08, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
One of our associates requires that we occasionally publish
a disclaimer.
ABSOLUTELY NOTHING appears on our website that we
do not genuinely believe in and cannot heartily and
personally recommend.
We NEVER do link exchanges or any uncontrolled third party
advertising links.
We do have associate relationships with third party banner
advertisers and with FatCow, Amazon, eBay, and a very few
others. For which renumeration is sometimes paid.
IF you have a product we can believe in or an associate relationship
that makes sense to us, you can proceed here.
September 07, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
As usual, the ongoing source for the absolute worst in the
way of perpetual motion machines is Keelynet.
Which, of course, leads to unintended but utterly fascinating reading.As with ALL of the others, the latest stupidity is not even wrong
in several fundamentally different ways.It consists of an inverted cap falling in water. Potential energy is
somehow converted to electricity as the cap falls.
Problem number zero is that the system is obviously thermodynamically
irreversible as unwanted waste heat will inevitably be generated due
to the water viscosity.Problem number one is ( just like no windmill can exceed 59 percent
efficiency ) is that the cap would have to fall at zero velocity for
an efficient recovery.At the bottom of the cycle, a bubble of air is introduced into the cap.
Allowing the cap to float back to the surface for the next cycle.
Problem number two is that water exerts a pressure of roughly half
a psi per vertical foot. Thus, the injected air has to have work done
on it to allow its introduction.
Problem number three is that no method is known to efficiently compress air.
For efficient compressibility demands an isothermal process.
My own very first perpetual motion machine, of course, bypassed all these
problems. See column #33.More on bashing pseudoscience here.
September 06, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Free online reprints of early issues of LIFE magazine
are available here. And, while somewhat more obscure,
you can get many Desert Magazines here.
September 05, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Curiously, rectocranial inversion can be both acute and
chronic at the same time.
September 04, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
A free Raspberry Pi online computer course is newly
available from the University of Cambridge.
September 03, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
I continue to be galled by old line industrial manufacturers who
refuse to provide instant pricing. Only a third of them so far have
picked up on the fact that survival DEMANDS one-click registration-
free website pricing available to anyone at any time.
September 02, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Discovered an ancient and really cute algorithm to find out
how many ones are in a digital word. Simply AND the word
with itself MINUS ONE and repeat till zero. Increment a
counter on every repeat pass.
September 01, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Southwest Liquidators have just dramatically improved
the photo coverage of their auctions.
These are typically Pima College surplus and tend to be
held every few weeks or so.More auction help here.
August 30, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
There seem to be hoards of thermodynamically challenged epsilon
minuses out there calling for government subsidies to "force" the
thermo and engineering economics fundamental violations needed
for the "hydrogen economy".Next time you run into one of these turkeys, ask them WHICH type
of subsidy they prefer...(A) The CALIFORNIA model in which virtually all of the pv
paybacks went into boiler shop scams that set pv back by
many decades.(B) The ARIZONA model in which you were given a free large
SUV for an unconnected one gallon tank.(C) The MIDWEST model where a monumental energy sink was
cleverly disguised as a twelve billion dollar vote buying scam.(D) The SOUTH CAROLINA model where they added a five ton
evaporative cooler to get their 3 ton but nonworking solar
adsorption cooler to look good.(E) The DETROIT model where their bus demos are trucking
hydrogen in from Pittsburgh,Or, of course...
(F) The BRAZIL model that nearly bankrupted the entire country
over monumental ethanol stupidity.The best possible way for alternate energy to succeed is if the Feds
More here, here, and in ENERGFUN.PDF.
August 29, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
In response to an ever-diminishing number of requests, here
is a list of the most profitible eBay selling items arranged by
season...January - eBooks of dropshipping resources
Feburary - UK cable descramblers
March - Plasma HDTV displays from Rumania
April - Nigerian lotteries
May - Add three inches to your mortgage
June - Pallet liquidations
July - Norfolk & Waay overstocks
August - Korean laptops
September - Home theater pyramind buying rights
October - Escrow companies
November - Password phishing software
December - Microsoft and Disney replicasMore here and on our Auction Help page.
August 28, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
The "Tesla Turbine" nonsense is infesting the newsgroups again.
One more time: Bladeless turbines and pumps DEMAND a
thermodynamic irreversibility for their FUNDAMENTAL operation
of maintaining a lossy shear force in a viscous medium. And are
thus useless when high efficiency is a factor.They, of course, do not work at all if the fluid has zero viscosity.
I'd expect them to be far less efficient in vapor rather than liquid.These devices ~are~ superb as shit pumps or when pumping frozen
chickens or live fish. As the now defunct leading supplier
tells us, blades have to be added if higher efficiency is needed.Most of these problems would go away if they were simply called
"shit pumps" rather than naming them after the patron saint of the
church of the latter day crackpots. More in our Tech Musings library.
August 27, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
There's a new fly swatter from the Cayuga Manufacturing Company
thea has an extendable handle that reaches as far as twenty feet.
And thus there is no insect that can "fly above Cayuga's swatter."
August 26, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
A .kml file executes when you send it to a browser. Or can
be viewed or edited by any word processor. Here's some
truncaded example code...<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
<name>Multiple Canal Example </name>
<description>More detail here </description>
<Style id="redLineNoPoly">
A folder is a container that can hold multiple other objects
</description><!-- Allen Canal -->
<name>Allen Canal</name>
<description>Sources in Spring Canyon,
overrun by Allen Dam,
major Culebra Cut,
end fields unknown</description>
<coordinates> -109.83547,32.78239,0
. . . .
</Placemark><!-- Next Canal, etc...-->
August 25, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
I'm in the process of updating our Prehistoric Hanging
Canals paper and lecture. Plus possibly generating some
new "real" papers as well.
A master resource directory can be found here. It should
be reasonably complete and up to date except that
the map still needs expansion and verification.
I hope to finish the map in a day or two.
Much more here.
August 24, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Drawing custom publishable maps has been ridiculously
improved and simplified by some new extensions to
Google Earth.
In particular, there ia new language called .kml that gives
all sorts of extensions to .html or .xml. These extensions
let you add bunches of custom stuff to Google Earth..kml stands for Keyhole Markup Language. It is basically
a few dozen commands in the usual <something>...</something>
.html format. A .kml tuturial and reference can be found via
these links. .
An example ( which should dramatically improve in the next
few days ) can be found here. And its viewable code here.
One nonobvious hint: If you want several canals ( or whatever )
on your map with individual clickable ballon data, you should
bracket your selections with a case sensitive <Folder> and
</Folder>.The altitude data can be skipped, but you must enter
with Longitude first and Latitude second in a continuous
comma separated string. Note that this is the opposite
sequence than that used in Acme Mapper. And that you
likely will have to change Acme's reporting format. The baloon
title and data appears in a <description>...</description>
container..kml coding can be done in any old word processor.
Wordpad works just fine.
August 23, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Yes, it may make sense to use pv panels on featherweight
student racers to teach engineering constraints and tradeoffs
involved in system design .But pv panels on a full size vehicle are ludicrously absurd.
Far beyond the "What are they on and where can we get
some of it?" level.Incoming solar radiation on a clear Arizona summer day might
approach 1000 watts per square meter. Present pv efficiencies
beyond the inverter or sweet spot optimizer rarely exceed
ten percent. For 100 watts per square meter.
But a car panel will almost always be pointing in the wrong
direction, in shade, under clouds, or inside a carport or a
garage. Which means the effective panel output will be
very lucky to approach thirty watts total for only a very
few minutes on a very good day.
Which would almost ( but not quite ) be enough energy for
the power mirrors. Provided you did not adjust them very
often. And that is before you factor in the energy needed
to pay for the panel, the cv aerodynamic degradation of
the vehicle, the panel heating, and the excess cooling needs
from being in the sun all the time.And ignores the fact that not one net watthour of pv energy
has yet been produced. Despite dramatically recent improved
pricing and performance, all of pv today remains a gasoline
destroying net energy sink. Net energy breakeven can be
anticipated eight years after the panel pricing drops
under twety five cents per peak watt.
It might be interesting to ask what can be done with a 55
foot eighteen wheeler trailer totally covered with panels.
At best you would have about fifty square meters of misaligned
panel surfaces. At ten percent efficiency, peak power
might be about 5 kilowatts. Or something like seven
horsepower.aka... not worth pissing over. And certainly unamortizable.
Much more here.
August 22, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
A possible interesting new development in biofuels that
is apparently capable of net energy can be found here.
And its discussion here.
August 21, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
There's a spectacular series of prehistoric agricultural
grids north of the Gila Valley. That number in the
many thousands total.
There are also grids south of the Gila Valley, but these
are far fewer and pretty much spread out. But one fairly
impressive southern collection can be found here.
More on Gila Valley prehsitory here.
More on neat Gila Valley stuff to do here.
August 20, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
As we have seen previously, the two new computer systems
to bet on are the microcontroller class Arduino and the PC
class Raspberry Pi.
There's a new online magazine called MagPi. It does turn
out that there is a fairly serious comm issue that is
further detailed here.
August 19, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Once again uppdated and expanded our Gila Valley Day Hikes.
We are now only five entries shy of our goal of 365 major entries.
Please email me with anything I missed or suggested improvements
or elaborations. I still have a hollow feeling I left off something really
big and glaringly obvious.
August 18, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Finding Free online acces to USGS topo maps is readily available
many places on the net, with Acme Mapper being my favorite.
But finding the name of the topo map you are looking at can end
up tricky. This site gives one convenient solution.
August 17, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
17 Equations that Changed the World is a highly readable
math book on the most important math concepts of all time.
Covered is much of everything from Pythagoras to Economic
Derivative Yields.
August 16, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
A termite walks into a bar and asks "Is the bartender here?"
August 15, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
A reminder that we have a pair of eminently restorable
1908 era commercial silent movie projectors available.
These are presently disassembled and thus easily
shippable via UPS.
I really would like to find a good home for these and I
seem to have too many other projects going to spend
the time for a full assembly and restoration.
You can email me for further details.
August 14, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
The AMOE gets at least a dozen requests a week as where to find
instant wholesale drop shipping suppliers. Since eBay prices are almost
always well BELOW wholesale, the only recommended company here
would be Norfolk & Waay.Who this week only have free sample pallets with free shipping from
their choice of Sears, Neiman Marcus, Land's End, Sharper Image,
Macy's, or Bruno's Trucking.The REAL key eBay source secret is simply this: Quality merchandise
MUST have taken a stupendous hit in value BEFORE it will be of
interest to a successful eBay seller. Sources that work for me include
mil surplus, community college auctions, industrial bankruptcies, and
dot com failures. Some recent medical stuff has also worked out well.Other key eBay success secrets include always seeking out a 30:1 or
higher buy sell ratio, seeking out sales above $19.63, listing not less than
75 items at any time, spending at least two hours post processing each
photo, and selling US only and Paypal only.More auction help here and on our Auction Help page and in our
MYEBAYS.PDF and MOREEBAY.PDF tutorials. Custom assistance
also is available by way or our InfoPack services.
August 13, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Some industrial suppliers still do not get it: If you are to survive
the next few years, you ~will~ have one-click and registration-free
pricing of ~all~ of your products on your website, and you ~will~
have instant shopping cart small quantity ordering.The outcome is not the least in doubt.
August 12, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
How can you deal with shipping or receiving the wrong
eBay item?
Any individual who receives something in the mail that they
did not order is under no obligation whatsoever to do
anything. The item can be treated as a gift or thrown away.
Issue a full refund or fully comp the item if you are an eBay
Under no circumstances should you ask the wrong
recipient to forward the item. Even getting it returned
is risky.
August 11, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Did I ever tell you about the day I invented the frisbee?
It was at a Sunday School picnic at Rose Barn in North Park.
Sometime around 1953. Seems they had a kiddy contest that
involved sailing paper plates for a ball mitt.
The first six kids sailed their plates right side up and they
all went about seven feet plus or minus an inch or two.
I was last in line and decided to sail my plate upside down.
It almost went thirty five feet. Until the last instant when
a puff of wind caught it and blew it out of sight downhill.Reymer's Blennd, any of yinz guys?
August 10, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
I finally found out what that big fan is for at the front of single
engine aircraft. It is to chop holes in the clouds so the pilot
can see.
A secondary purpose is to keep the pilot cool. If the fan stops,
the pilot immediately starts sweating.
August 09, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
All you need to know about ships: The binnacle goes on
top and the barnicle goes on the bottom.Interchanging the two is a serious breech of maritime
August 08, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
A superb ( but woefully ancient ) classic collection of Tektronix
reprints can be found here. And more here.
August 07, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
The thermodynamics folks are at long last addressing
whether hell is exothermic or endothermic.
If hell is exothermic, eventually all hell breaks loose.
If hell is endothermic, eventually hell freezes over.
August 06, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Two fundamentally different methods have been used
earlier to solve the magic sinewave equations.The basic problem is to solve math equations similar to...
cos ( 1*p1s ) -cos( 1*p1e )+…+cos( 1*p7s ) -cos( 1*p7e ) = ampl* pi/4
cos ( 3*p1s ) -cos( 3*p1e )+…+cos( 3*p7s ) -cos( 3*p7e ) = 0
cos ( 5*p1s ) -cos( 5*p1e )+…+cos( 5*p7s ) -cos( 5*p7e ) = 0
cos ( 7*p1s ) -cos( 7*p1e )+…+cos( 7*p7s ) -cos( 7*p7e ) = 0
cos ( 9*p1s ) -cos( 9*p1e )+…+cos( 9*p7s ) -cos( 9*p7e ) = 0
cos (11*p1s)-cos(11*p1e)+…+cos(11*p7s)- cos(11*p7e ) = 0
cos (13*p1s)-cos(13*p1e)+…+cos(13*p7s)- cos(13*p7e ) = 0
cos (15*p1s)-cos(15*p1e)+…+cos(15*p7s)- cos(15*p7e ) = 0
cos (17*p1s)-cos(17*p1e)+…+cos(17*p7s)- cos(17*p7e ) = 0
cos (19*p1s)-cos(19*p1e)+…+cos(19*p7s)- cos(19*p7e ) = 0
cos (21*p1s)-cos(21*p1e)+…+cos(21*p7s)- cos(21*p7e ) = 0
cos (23*p1s)-cos(23*p1e)+…+cos(23*p7s)- cos(23*p7e ) = 0
cos (25*p1s)-cos(25*p1e)+…+cos(25*p7s)- cos(25*p7e ) = 0
cos (27*p1s)-cos(27*p1e)+…+cos(27*p7s)- cos(27*p7e ) = 0There is a fundamental proof that polynominal equations
above order five cannot directly be solved. On the other hand,
a carrier can be distortionlessly modulated and demodulated,
so viable solutions should exist.
One approach is called Newton's Method in which you make
a guess, improve that guess using the function slope, and
keep iteratively repeating the process till acceptable accuracy
results. Variants on Newton's method might involve Taylor
Series, Chebycheff Polynomonials, or trig identities.My earliest and simplistic approach can be called "Shake the Box".
While excruciatingly slow, it was responsible for first proving the
viability of the magic sinewave concept and finding real results.
Examples of the method can be found in the Magic Sinewave
Historical Archive.
With "Shake the Box", you first make a 0.1 degree change in the
first edge of your first pulse. You keep making changes till
the distortion no longer improves. Then you repeat with an
0.01 degree change, then 0.001, etc... You then go to the second
edge of the first pulse and then repeat this for all pulses.
After several long trips an acceptable solution should result.
In hindsight, we are really just solving a partial differential
equation set. It might be interesting to use fancier math to
clean up and speed up this primitive approach.
The "standard" method used in the present calculator and
its still buggy improved version makes use of this trig
identity...cos(a+x) = cos(a)cos(x) - sin(a)sin(x)
If x is very small, this enormously simplifies to...
cos(a+x) is approximately cos(a) - x*sin(a)
Since cos(a) and sin(a) are plain old numbers from
our previous guess, the trig vanishes! Poof. Gone.
You can substitute cos(a+x) in the above equations
and then rearange the terms so the variables are
on the left and the constants on the right. Which
leaves you with a plain old nxn linear equation set.
One that is easily solved by Gauss Jordan Reduction,
provided you watch for problems on higher n.As the present calculators show us, the results are
amazingly and increrdibly fast, approaching real time.
I've recently been made aware of an alternate solution
method that uses even fancier math to improve the
stability and solvability of higher n values. I still do
not fully understand the method, nor appreaciate its
claimed benefits.
A complementary pulse series is used that with the
intended pulse solutions sums to a square wave.
Coefficients on the sought zero harmonics become
1/3, 1/5, 1/7, 1/9 ... on the complementary series.
Each pulse is placed in a vector space that involves
a cycloid. Solutions are apparently iteratively
based on differentials only.More on Magic Sinewaves here.
Consulting, design, and development services available.
August 05, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Few people realize that the word "gullible" is not in
any major dictionary or spell checker.
August 04, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Incredibly, solar energy bankruptcies seem to be approaching
a one per day rate. Caused by subsidy ripoffs vanishing, governments
clearly betting on the wrong horses, the silicon shortage now
becoming a massive glut, new CIGS and similar "roll by the mile"
technologies blowing traditional solutions out of the water, China
becoming a major player, and plummeting panel pricing.Yet, the best present panel pricing at best remains about TWELVE
TIMES the twenty five cents per peak panel watt that is clearly
needed for net renewable and sustainable energy generation.
As previously reported in several different sources, along with Maricopa Solar, Solar Hybrid, Ralos New Energies,
Oderson, Stirling Energy Systems, Evergreen Solar, Photowatt,
Solar Millenium, Sun Trust, Solar Trust, and Q cells, we can newly
add Abound Solar, MX Solar, Schott Solar AG, Global Solar,
Konarka, Energy Conversion Devices, and Centrotherm.And Seagate just offered to by the Solandra dregs for pocket
change. Branford alone has three upcoming auctions for Abound
Solar and Solar Power Industries. Dove has part of First Solar,
Silex, and Duetsche up for grabs.An early scorecard here. And much more on the pv solar
debacle here. More auction resources here.
August 03, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
An alternate third party derived Magic Sinewave calculator
can be found here.
As the algorithms and the math are totally different from mine,
this provides a strong and independent collaboration. Results
agree to well beyond nine decimal points.
I do not yet understand or appreciate the algorithm which
is based on a complementary series that brings up the
waveform to an ordinary square wave. Apparently there
are major computational advantages to this transform.My own magic sinewave calculator here with a still buggy
improvement here. More on magic sinewaves here.Stay tuned.
August 02, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
A reader of our Fundamental Factors Underlying Recent
Technical Innovation paper suggested I should have
included statistical quality control developments.The upside here is that electronic reliability has increased
ridiculously. Largely brought about by far less heat being
involded with transistors and integrated circuits than
vacuum tubes.
But the downside is that quality control is largely a political
scam. The annual Balderdash Awards consistently go to
the firms with the worst products with the poorest reputations.
And often the quality control programs are misrun by detestably
incompetent absolute epsilon minuses.
August 01, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
After some careful research, I think I may have found the source
for all of the cathair that is jamming up our keyboards.It turns out that there is an ancient and rather obsolete $3 tool
called an IC Puller. For at least some keyboards, these can
make an excellent cap remover. The cathair can then be
blown away and the keycap replaced.One tip: Press down both adjacent keys to get the hooks
under the cap you want to remove.
July 31, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
We've seen here and here that many Magic Sinewave solutions
can be based on making a guess, and then improving that
guess by solving a square nxn linear equation using Gauss
Jordan reduction and some extra care.
Once again, Regular Magic sinewaves are somewhat inefficient in
that they zero out two fewer low harmonics than the Bridged Best
Efficiency ones. But they retain a curious property in that their
first uncontrolled harmonics can be precisely opposite in sign
to BBE. Sadly, to date, any cancellation attempts have met with
failure. Largely owing to loss of quarter wave symmetry.
But the Regular magic sinewaves had a problem in that you seemingly
had only n-1 equations in n unknowns. A previous workaround
held one variable at its "best guess". This did work, but may have
produced "not quite right" results. It did, however, offer a modest
range of tuneability. Whose implications have yet to be explored.
Here's an alternate workaround yet to be checked out: Write a new
zero equation halfway between the first and second groups of
larger uncontolled harmonics. Ferinstance, on a n=8 regular magic
sinewve, the first uncontrolled harmonics center on h31 and the
second larger ones on h61. Write a new equation zeroing out h45
or h47.
Consulting services available.
July 30, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Well, maybe one more punchline only...
"I'm a furry with a syringe on top."
July 29, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
If air powered cars are so utterly and laughingly ludicrous, why
are power utilities considering to use air powered peaking
storage?The energy density of compressed air does not quite approach
that of lead acid. 15 watthours per liter is very hard to acheive.
And recovering even a fraction of that can be exceptionally tricky.
Further, air tends to heat when it is compressed and cools when
it expands. Both of these severely rob the efficiency. And
air motors work best at LOW pressure differentials that do not
change much. Normal industrial air motors are highly inefficent.
The utilities beat these limits by using huge insulated storage
tanks in the form of underground caverns. The heat of compression
can be stored along with the air itself. Only a tiny fraction of the
stored air needs used on any cycle, making for much higher
recovery efficiencies. And the pressure differentials can be
quite low, further aiding efficencies.
A compressed air car might approach this by using a 20,000
cubic foot highly insulated storage tank. Low cost and low drag,
of course.
Even then, the best real world efficiencies of compressed
air peaking storage today is only slightly over fifty percent.
But the large cost differential between baseline power and
peaking power can make air storage projects both
compteitive and cost effective. Especially if building a
new power plant can be avoided.
More on these topics here, here , and here.
A previous post of mine on aircar absurdities here.
And more energy fundamentals here.
July 28, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Continuing the rough drafts of the updates to the prehistoric hanging canals...
%%%%%%%%%% DEADMAN CANAL %%%%%%%%%%%
% Date of this update: Jul 25 2012
/shiftin {/xposhold xpos store /xpos xpos 4 add store /txtwide txtwide 20 sub store} store
/shiftout {/xpos xposhold store /txtwide txtwide 20 add store} storestartnewpage
% Deadman Canal map some of these GPS locations may be approximations.
% some locations are from < http://mapper.acme.com > . Others are
% field measurements using a Garmin eTrex 30.Map:
&marker5=32.75132%2C-109.79433%2C7.5%20km%20W%20of%20Cactus%20Flat%20AZUSGS Topo Name: Thatcher, AZ 7.5'
Canal Length: 6.4 kilometers or 4 miles depending on yet undertermined delivery points.
Canal Slope: 6.5 percent includes projected mesa dropoff
Nominal Size: 1 meter wide 30 cm deep
Land Ownership: Begins in Coronado National Forest; Mostly in Arizona State Lands
Access: Difficult to very difficult: Mostly foot or small ATV only
Field Verified: 60 percent
Hanging Features: Presumed high but buried by modern pipeline.
Study Confidence: Very high but Twin East or other use areas still need resolvedLocations of interest:
N 32 44.354' W 109 48.687' Presumed Deadman Creek takein point
N 32 44.697' W 109 48.394' Pond ends modern userpment
N 32 45.079' W 109 47.660' Typical delivery reach along HIGHEST mesa elevation
N 32 45.640' W 109 46.877' Possible 3-way routing switch in unique location
N 32 45.743' W 109 44.625' Southernmost verified limit of Twin West pondment
N 32 44.098' W 109 45.737' Alternate Twin West source deemed less likelySignifiant Features: Significant hanging canal presumed buried by modern pipeline
Canal flows year round to this day
Modern adaption as city water supply and stock tanks
Apparent prehistoric portion consistently along HIGHEST mesa elevations
Possible three-way delivery "switch" in highly unique location
Delivery fields unknown, but Twin West a credible candidate
< http://mapper.acme.com/?ll=32.76073,-109.78131&z=20&t=S
&marker0=32.76073%2C- 1 1 10Images:
< http://mapper.acme.com/?ll=32.76073,-109.78131&z=20&t=S
%20Cactus%20Flat%20AZ >
shows location of possible three way switchPresent work that needs done on the Robinson Canal...
\267 Survey and map the entire canal.
\267 Verify that the hanging portion did in fact exist.
\267 Seek additional evidence of three way switching.
\267 Prove or disprove Twin West link.
\267 Seek out and study any historical records.
\267 Clarify Longview and possible other destinations.(|c|h
The |jDeadman |jCanal
The Deadman canal is presumed to be a 6.4 kilometer long partial historic rebuild
and reuse of a prehistoric original. The route is well marked on the topo maps
and is believed to originate in Deadman Creek near its perannual flow limit.
The reach of the canal between < N 32 44.354' W 109 48.687' > and
< N 32 44.697' W 109 48.394' > appears to be consistent with other significant
hanging portions of nearby canals. This reach has apparently been completely
buried by a City of Safford water project pipeline. There is no present use of
this resource owing to a chloninator issue.
There is a small collection pond at < N 32 44.697' W 109 48.394' > that marks
the diversion limit of extensive modern rework. The canal continues eastward
along the HIGHEST portions of Deadman Mesa still in its apparent original
prehistoric form. This portion of the canal flows year round to this day. Some
diversions into modern cattle tanks seem to have been done. Some of these
appear to be in current disuse. No apparent use of modern tools and
techniques appear below the collection pond.
At < N 32 45.640' W 109 46.877'>, the mesa top is literally two meters wide,
with a one meter canal centered on it. It is unlikely there is any similar routing
anywhere in the entire southwest. Attribuiting this to coincidence would seem
highly improbable. At this point, diversion of the canal into three different
routes would appear easily done. Thus forming a "three way switch". One
route would lead to Porter Springs tank and a well established Longview
prehistoric habitation area. However, only very limited hints of canal
structures have been found in this area, which is characterized by numerous
apron enhanced check dams. The center diversion currently routes to an
apparently abandoned Lower Deadman Tank. Fields or prehistoric
evidence in this area have yet to be extensively studied. The eastern
diversion presently seems to route to Upper Deadman Tank and would
appear to be consistent with linking to the Twin West canal.
An alternate source deemed less likely for Twin West could be found
at < N 32 44.098' W 109 45.737' > As considearably time, energy, and
engineering obviously went into the Deadman Canal, use questions arise
if Twin West is not a credible primary destination.
Some enignmatic constructs near < N 32 45.564' W 109 45.864' > and
< N 32 46.251' W 109 45.860' > have yet to be evaluated.
( to be continued... )) cl
July 26, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
An improved version of our standard Magic Sinewave
Calculator can be found here. It still has some fairly minor
issues, so I'm still not officially releasing it just yet.Properly working are new harmonic calculations out to the
177th. Solutions for Best Efficiency, Bridged Best Efficiency,
and Delta Friendly are now available up to n=23.The internal calculations are only partially extendable without
code revision.
n=8 examples have been added for Regular and Nonzero Bridged
magic sinewaves. But have yet to be expanded to other n values.
These are less efficient but have the curious property that their
early unwanted harmonics are opposite in sign to BE and BBE.
Attempts to exploit this feature have failed to date, largely
to a lack of quarter wave symmetry.
The new calculator includes a new and vastly improved way
of calculating real world quantization. Its only tiny drawback
is that it is not yet working properly. I suspect this is due to
a minor math error. The ability to export quantized values
has also been newly added.
I'd also like to add spectral plots, both a linear and a log one.
For which I am still exploring JavaScript bar code solutions.
I think I just found a good "steal the plans" source.
Some guidelines for both the old and new calculators can
be found here. And more on magic sinewaves here.
July 25, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Well, maybe just the punch line...
The koala tea of Mercy is not strained.
July 24, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
"Pretty Printing" techniques have largely fallen by the
wayside, so perhaps a review is in order. When printing
multiple columns, you want them to stay aligned, even
if the number of digits in a count are different or if
the math rounds off trailing zeros.Here's some stunts that were used in yeasterday's
roll distance measurement scheme:
First, the process is infinitely simpler if you use
a fixed pitch font such as Courier.
Leading edge adjustment of simple counts can
be crudely done some something like this...dup 10 lt {( ) print} if
dup 100 lt {( ) print} if
dup 1000 lt {( ) print} ifTrailing edge roundoffs and auto spacing can
use code similar to.../padprint {/hominy exch store
dup length hominy exch sub
exch print { ( ) print} repeat
} storeMore PostScript magic here.
July 23, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
We picked up a great heaping bunch of polyester rolls.
To make them eBay sellable, we need to cut them up into
100 foot pieces that fit a priority mail triangular box.
The problem is to come up with a simple measurement
scheme that is both accurate and minimizes the
sheet handling. This routine seems useful.
What the code does is generate a log file that creates
a table of turns versus total length for a given initial
diameter and film thickness.
I'm still working on a companion machine. Present
thinking is plywood ends and a PVC clampable crank.
You turn the crank the magic number of times to get
the needed length.
Details on using Distiller as a general purpose PostScript
computer can be found here.More on the wonders of PostScript here.
July 22, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Multiple exposures can solve a lot of problems during
image post processing.
Consider this original and this final. Besides our usual desire
to switch to Architect's Perspective and improve backgrounds,
some of the black stuff is too black and lightening it would
wash out the nice body color and form excessively brighten white
Instead, make a second image copy using ImageViewer/32 or
whatever. Lighten the black parts and back way off on the Gamma.
Then use Paint to cut and paste back into the original. Finally, adjust
the paste edges for continuity.Do make sure the copy and the original remain the same size
during this process.
Consulting and processing services available.
July 21, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
There seems to be a new tendancy in online auctions to
externalize all sorts of charges.
Such as a 15% buyers premium, a 3% credit card premium
and ( if you do not have a tax stamp ), up to a 10% city or
state sales tax.
For a whopping TWENTY EIGHT PERCENT overcharge!
Not to mention the "secret" hidden tax of online auctions
where the opening price and the increments are often
much higher than a traditional live auction.Which, of course, can make the difference between a really
big lot win and a buy that is marginal or worse.
The solution is to always factor in these charges and
proportionally underbid if necessary.
More on insider auction secrets here.
July 20, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Continuing the rough drafts of the updates to the prehistoric hanging canals...
% Jul 18 2012
/shiftin {/xposhold xpos store /xpos xpos 4 add store /txtwide txtwide 20 sub store} store
/shiftout {/xpos xposhold store /txtwide txtwide 20 add store} store
% Riggs Complex map some of these GPS locations may be approximations.
% some locations are from < http://mapper.acme.com > . Others are
% field measurements using a Garmin eTrex 30.
USGS Topo Name: Thatcher, AZ 7.5'
Study Length: Very short until Robinson Canal Links can be verified
System Slope: approximately two percent
Nominal Size: varies; one meter wide by 20 cm deep
Land Ownership: Arizona State Lands
Access: Rocky foot access off 4WD road
Hanging features None apparent
Field Verified: North end only
Study Confidence: Low to medium
Locations of interest:
N 32 46.633' W 109 47.472' Typical braided water channel
N 32 46.699' W 109 47.399' Typical braided water channel
N 32 46.760' W 109 47.290' Typical braided water channel
Date of this update July 19, 2012
Present work that needs done on the Frye Mesa constructs...
\267 Begin more detailed field studies.
\267 Determine age and purpose
\267 Seek Robinson Canal or similar source link
Frye |jMesa |jConstructs
There seems to be a minor assemblage of artifacts in a rocky area of Frye
Canyon just south of Riggs Mesa that suggest braided prehistoric water
channels. Their age remains somewhat indeterminate but they would appear
to serve no obvious historic or more recent purpose. The workmanship and
quality of construction seems to be lower than most of the hanging canals in
this study. Terrain is extremely rocky Holocene valley fill.
Channels at < N 32 46.633' W 109 47.472' >, < N 32 46.699' W 109 47.399' >,
and < N 32 46.760' W 109 47.290' > are typical. These seem to end in sudden
drops into modern wash erosion. There are also a few minor CCC water
spreader projects and several unknown age check dams in the area. No
linkup with the Robinson Canal or Frey Mesa water further south and
upcanyon by 0.3 kilometers or 0.5 a mile has yet been determined. Terrain
further north would appear to be largely inhospitable to either canal
construction or end use fields.
There are habitation sites 1.6 kilometers or 1 mile further north downcanyon.
( to be continued... )
) cl
July 19, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Many newcomers to the PostScript language will get
maddeningly infuriated when the contents of their
strings suddenly and mysteriously change well into
a program's execution.The cause and cure is often simple: PostScript
normally does NOT duplicate a string each time
it is newly referenced. Instead, it only provides
a pointer to the original string.This makes for much lower memory use and
greatly simplifies garbage collection.
The solution is to provide your own new
and involatile string every time you need one.This is called string dereferencing. Here is one
way to do it...(reusable_string) dup length string cvs ----> (safe_string)
Much more here.
July 18, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Continuing the rough drafts of the updates to the prehistoric hanging canals...
% Jul 15 2012
/shiftin {/xposhold xpos store /xpos xpos 4 add store /txtwide txtwide 20 sub store} store
/shiftout {/xpos xposhold store /txtwide txtwide 20 add store} store
% Frye Mesa map some of these GPS locations may be approximations.
% some locations are from < http://mapper.acme.com > . Others are
% field measurements using a Garmin eTrex 30.
USGS Topo Name: Thatcher, AZ 7.5'
Study Length: up to 8 kilometers or 5 miles depending on ultimate actual verified source
System Slope: presently indeterminate
Nominal Size: braided channels open to interpretation
Land Ownership: Coronado National Forest and Arizona State Lands
Access: Difficult: Rough access 4WD roads. Mostly foot only or small recreational vehicle.
Hanging features Highly significant and possibly world class
Field Verified: 0 percent
Study Confidence: Extremely speculative and remaining highly unproven.
Locations of interest:
N 32 44.768' W 109 50.282' Base of Frye Mesa Falls
N 32 45.017' W 109 50.271' Linear image feature
N 32 45.125' W 109 50.236' Linear image feature suggestive of canal
N 32 45.196' W 109 50.257' Possible canal continuance
N 32 45.316' W 109 50.104' Beginnings of braided stream channels
N 32 45.336' W 109 50.026' Channels showing possible CCC spreaders
N 32 45.464' W 109 49.725' Well defined possible CCC spreader area
N 32 45.601' W 109 48.858' Apparent distinctly braided channel area
N 32 45.605' W 109 48.686' Potential distribution pond region
N 32 45.535' W 109 48.820' Possible counterflow canal delivering UPCANYON
N 32 45.467' W 109 48.908' Possible manmade water deliver channel
N 32 45.465' W 109 48.836' Low slope area suggesting possible use fields
N 32 45.587' W 109 48.473' Possible Robinson canal delivery channel
N 32 46.004' W 109 47.919' Western limit of previous Robinson canal study
Signifiant Features: Highly enigmatic and still undated braided water channels along the
highest portion of Frye Mesa. IF prehistoric and IF the takein point was in fact the base
of Frye Mesa falls, this would clearly be the crown jewel of the hanging canal system and
would represent utterly exceptional world class civil engineering. Somehow, this
assemblage or a non-obvious alternate apparently has to provide Robinson Canal and
possibly Riggs Complex water. Not yet field verified.
Date of this update July 19, 2012
Present work that needs done on the Frye Mesa constructs...
\267 Begin extensive field studies.
\267 Verify which image features are or are not canals.
\267 Determind ages of component features.
\267 Attempt to map feasible canal source route.
\267 Define Robinson Canal water source.
\267 Explain the reverse flow upcanyon channel.
\267 Resolve Riggs Complex involvement.
Frye |jMesa |jConstructs
A recent revision of Acme Mapper < http://mapper.acme.com/ > has revealed
some unique potential artifacts along the northern and upper elevations of Frye
Mesa. There is a possibility of a hanging canal system that sources the Robinson
Canal as well as some potential field regions both up and down canyon. If these
as yet largely unstudied discoveries are in fact prehistoric, the engineering
implications could well be stunning. Besides beng the "crown jewels" of the
entire regional hanging canal systems.
The fact that most of Frye mesa is lower in elevation than the constructs would
tend to exclude watershed gathering possibilities. Shuttling water "sideways"
from Spring Canyon would also appear rather unlikely. Strongly suggesting
Frye Creek itself as the Robinson Canal source. The highest feasible water
takein point would likely be at the base of Frye Mesa falls at < N 32 44.768'
W 109 50.282' >. It is not yet clear whether any viable hanging canal route
exists, nor whether it was in fact prehistorically exploited. But there are
definite linear satellite imagery features at < N 32 45.017' W 109 50.271' >,
< N 32 45.125' W 109 50.236' >, and < N 32 45.196' W 109 50.257'>
that suggest potential canal reaches.
A unique series of braided and presumably manmade water channels of yet
to be determined age appears to begin near the Frye Reservoir turnoff at
< N 32 45.316' W 109 50.104' > and routes to a potential gathering and
dispersal pond at < N 32 45.605' W 109 48.686' >. While intermediate
areas clearly show definite signs of CCC water spreader involvement,
these structures would appear to be later add-ons of opportunity running
across rather than along the braided channels.
The ponding area appears to split into two separate potentially prehistoric
canals. The western one at < N 32 45.535' W 109 48.820' > seems highly
unusual as it would appear to deliver water UPCANYON. This canal ends
in a deep and presumably manmade channel at < N 32 45.467' W 109 48.908' > .
A study of the USGS topo map would reveal that Frey Canyon widens
considerably at this point while assuming a much more modest elevation slope.
Leading to the possibility of prehistoric fields in this area that could be the
reason for the unusual water delivery system direction.
A second eastern apparent delivery canal at < N 32 45.587' W 109 48.473' >
seems to route water downcanyon in a reasonably expected manner.
And could be the water source for the Robinson Canal whose study area
extended from < N 32 46.004' W 109 47.919 > northeastward.
An alternate water source could be in the area of Frye Mesa Reservoir.
The topography in this area was seriously compromised both during initial
construction and later rebuilding and revision. This alternate does seem
somewhat more topographically favorable, but would exclude some of the
earlier potential channels and braided delivery routes.
( to be continued... )
) cl
July 17, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Continuing the rough drafts of the updates to the prehistoric hanging canals...
%%%% %%%% JERNIGAN CANAL %%%%%%%%%%%
/shiftin {/xposhold xpos store /xpos xpos 4 add store /txtwide txtwide 20 sub store} store
/shiftout {/xpos xposhold store /txtwide txtwide 20 add store} store
% jernigan map some of these GPS locations may be approximations.
% some locations are from < http://mapper.acme.com > . Others are
% field measurements using a Garmin eTrex 30.
% N 32 49.659' W 109 49.170' Takein "headgate" off the Mud Springs Canal
% N 32 49.751' W 109 49.132' Well defined area just west of 4WD Track
% N 32 49.806' W 109 49.086' Route becomes indistinct and unknown
% N 32 50.215' W 109 48.898' Credible waterbar crossing of W. Layton road
% N 32 50.364' W 109 48.850' Possible western branch leading to aquaduct
% N 32 50.347' W 109 48.926' Possible aquaduct or enigmatic historic construct
% N 32 50.410' W 109 48.763' Well defined near recontact with Mud Springs
% N 32 50.574' W 109 48.760' End of easily traced area
% N 32 50.570' W 109 48.869' Canal resumes near possible cutout
% N 32 50.550' W 109 48.871' Large Mesquite Tree mid channel
% N 32 50.528' W 109 48.884' "U" turn at wash crossing
% N 32 50.564' W 109 48.927' Significant hanging and fairly deep cut
% N 32 50.526' W 109 48.962' French drain drop into fields
% Jernigan photo...
%< https://www.tinaja.com/images/jern1.jpg >
The |jJernigan |jCanal
The Jernigan canal is a western branch of the Mud Springs Canal. It
likely is 2 kilometers or 1.2 miles long It terminates in a French Drain
cascade and routes to an apparent prehistoric field area in the vicinity of
the old Central dump and near sites previously studied as EAC field
projects << Jim -- Need Site Numbers and Jernigan Reference? >> .
The Jernigan Canal is characterized by sweeping "double S" curves
apparently used to maintain slope independent of terrain and is
moderately hanging near its northern terminus. A fairly deep ( 90 CM )
and fairly long ( 100 M ) cut is present near its northern extreme loop.
One seven inch Mesquite tree is present mid channel suggesting antiquity.
At one point, thet canal mid route returns remarkably close to the Mud
Springs canal, with a kilometer or more of converging dual channels
apparently purposely used to gain only a very modest elevation difference.
Two large gaps remain in the canal's exploration, possibly explained by
sheet flooding or unverified alternate routes. An associated "solid
aquaduct" like structure has yet to be age determined and remains
highly enigmatic. Significant portions of the canal remain well defined,
while other areas are only suggestive or seem to be missing entirely.
The Jernigan Canal apparently branches off the Mud Springs Canal in
a "T" structure at < N 32 49.659' W 109 49.170' >. Several smaller
rocks in the otherwise uniformly coarse Holocene valley fill soils
suggest a possible unexcavated "headgate" or similar diversionary
structure. Both canals in this area are not well defined. However,
seasonal dead wildflowers at times rather strongly reinforce this
likely routing.
The canal becomes better defined just west of the 4WD track at
< N 32 49.751' W 109 49.132'> and may even have a second parallel
channel at this point. Size is the typical one meter wide by 30 cm deep.
After crossing the track near < N 32 49.806' W 109 49.086' >, the
canal route seems to vanish entirely without a trace. Considerable
time and effort has been spent trying to find the projected missing
600 meters or 2000 feet of route without positive results.
The most credible canal crossing of the West Layton Road would
appear to be the modern waterbar at < N 32 50.215' W 109 48.898'>.
The potential route between here and < N 32 50.347' W 109 48.926' >
is rather vague but seems to be the only somewhat reasonable
"Ockham's Razor" choice.
There is a possible western canal branch at < % N 32 50.364'
W 109 48.850' > leading to a possible partial aquaduct at
<N 32 50.347' W 109 48.926' > However, this structure is highly
enigmatic and could in fact be a historic wash crossing.
At < N 32 50.410' W 109 48.763' >, the canal is very close to
West Layton Road and amazingly near the adjacent Mud Springs
Canal. It is only slightly higher in elevation. Extreme length
measures were apparently taken to gain this exceptionally
modest height gain.
The Jernigan canal continues north in a well defined manner
and then suddenly disappears near < N 32 50.574' W 109 48.760' > .
A large "S" turn is anticipated at this point and sheet flooding is
a possible reason for the lack of on-ground evidence. There is no
obvious connection between this point and the continuing northerly
Mud Springs canal after its road crossing.
The Jernigan Canal resumes at < N 32 50.570' W 109 48.869' >.
There is a possible west trending cutout at this point dropping into the
wash. This may go to minor fields, may have been used for flow
regulation or desilting, or may not exist at all. The main canal is
well defined south of here and includes a large Mesquite tree mid
channel. Finding this portion of the canal proved quite difficult
because of a non-obvious and unexpected "U" turn when
crossing the wash from the west.
The canal makes another "U" turn in an obvious well hung
portion that includes a fairly long and deep cut at < N 32 50.564'
W 109 48.927' > It then routes northerly and drops into an apparent
French Drain type of structure that feeds some well defined apparent
prehistoric fields.
This east viewing photo < https://www.tinaja.com/images/jern1.jpg >
shows a hanging portion of the canal just above the fields with the
tentative French Drain structure just off image to the right.
Present work that needs done on the Jernigan Canal...
\267 Resolve the route over the two missing pieces.
\267 Further interpret the possible headgate structure.
\267 Verify the credibility of the modern waterbar crossing.
\267 Determine the age and purpose of the potential aquaduct.
\267 Core date the mid channel Mesquite Tree.
\267 Resolve the possible cutout.
\267 Further study the French Drain.
\267 Investigate the fields for northern contuiance.
\267 Study the relationship with nearby habitation structures.
( to be continued... )
) cl
July 16, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Continuing the rough drafts of the updates to the prehistoric hanging
%%%%%%% ALLEN CANAL %%%%%%%%%%%
% Jul 15 2012
/shiftin {/xposhold xpos store /xpos xpos 4 add store /txtwide txtwide
20 sub store} store
/shiftout {/xpos xposhold store /txtwide txtwide 20 add store} store
% Allen Canal map some of these GPS locations may be approximations.
% some locations are from < http://mapper.acme.com > . Others are
% field measurements using a Garmin eTrex 30.
% N 32 46.943' W 109 50.130' Diversionary takein point.
% N 32 47.119' W 109 49.984' Hawk Hollow tank overlay
% N 32 47.198' W 109 49.931' Numerous CCC water spreaders
% N 32 47.461' W 109 49.691' Fairly long and deep cut
% N 32 48.043' W 109 49.186' Crossing Mud Springs Back Trail
% N 32 48.652' W 109 48.717' Well defined mesa route
% N 32 49.732' W 109 48.094' Presently untraced off mesa edge
% N 32 50.022' W 109 47.702' Resumes from under Allen Reservoir
% N 32 50.133' W 109 47.870' Exceptionally deep and long Culebra Cut
% N 32 50.133' W 109 47.870' Northern limit of easy traceability
% N 32 50.945' W 109 48.027' Presumed destination field area
Ownership: Predominately Arizona State lands
Percentage field verified: Approximatly 60. Destination remains unknown.
Slope: 4.1 percent includes mesa edge drop
% Allen Dam photos:
< https://www.tinaja.com/images/allen0.jpg > near takein point before
Hawk Hollow Tank
< https://www.tinaja.com/images/allen1.jpg > hanging portion just
above Culebra Cut
% Allen dam document collection:
< https://www.tinaja.com/glib/allendam.pdf >
% McEniry Scam info
< https://www.tinaja.com/gilahike.shtml >
The |jAllen |jCanal
The Allen canal sources from Spring Canyon and presumably delivered
water to fields under the present Layton flood control dam. It is
potentially 9.6 kilometers or 6 miles long and has an average slope of
4.1 percent. However, this surprisingly high figure includes a
significant drop over a mesa edge. Most Allen slopes are comparable to
the other hanging canals in the series. Portions have been convered by
modern cattle tanks and failed flood control dams. There is a rather
spectacular "Culebra Cut" that is far and away the deepest and longest
known excavation in the entire hanging canal series, approximating some
two meters deep, three meters wide, and over a hunderd meters long.
There are also more modest hanging portions and less deep cuts
apparently used to maintain grade largely independently of terrain.
Almost all of the known portions of this canal lie on Arizona State
lands. Access is generally difficult and largely limited to foot or
small recreational vehicles.
This canal has apparently been historically modified to create the
seemingly misnamed Hawk Hollow cattle tank and has also seen CCC style
water spreader construction features. Two segments of the canal remain
unexplored and its ultimate destination remains presumed but unknown.
Evidence of anquitity includes the spectacularly failed SCS Allen Dam
running roughshod over the canal without any apparent accomodation
whatsoever. There are also numerous mature barrel cacti midchannel on
the mesa. Plus the fill and spoil areas show highly consistent patina,
desert varnish, lichens, and caliche.
The canal Spring Canyoun takein point is rather obvious at < N 32
46.943' W 109 50.130' > . Erosion has rendered its present use
nonfunctional. This takein point seems to correspond to a modern
seasonal stream flow limit and is near the expectecd contact between the
Precambrian Mountain Schist and the Holocene Valley Floor fill. While
the canal has obviously been diverted to meet historic needs, the
reaches themselves appear to be largely devoid of any evidence of modern
tool use.
This image near the takein shows the typical size and construction
characteristic of most portions of most of the hanging canals. The image
also exhibits a rather strong "water flows uphill" illusion\274
< < https://www.tinaja.com/images/allen0.jpg >
The Hawk Hollow tank ( which is really in the Central Wash branch of
Spring Canyon ) represents a modern adaption with obvious tool use and
European style precision coursed masonry construction in its overflow
channel. At present, the area south of the tank remains unexplored but
is expected to yield no surprises. Similarly, the area north of the tank
remains unexplored. Satellite imagry in this area reveals numerous CCC
water spreader projects. Rock cobbles in this area are generally larger
and less uniform, leading to apparently cruder canal construction. There
is also a modest hanging portion where the canal "climbs" out of a wash.
The canal tracing can be resumed further North where a rather long but
fairly shallow cut was made to retain grade.
From here northward, the canal is usually quite easily followed.
Especially near < N 32 48.652' W 109 48.717' > Typical size might be a
meter wide by 20 CM deep. There are numerous mature Barrel Cacti mid
channel, suggesting a total lack of recent use beyond the Hawk Hollow
tank. None of the mesa reach seems to show the slightest evidence of
modern tool rework.
Only scant hints of possible canal routes have been found between the
mesa edge at < N 32 49.732' W 109 48.094' > and the Allen Resorvoir at <
N 32 50.022' W 109 47.702' > to date. Leaving a definite gap yet to be
resolved. The Allen reservoir clearly ran over the canal route without
regard to any use or accomodation whatsoever. Giving yet another example
supporting the prototype canal being prehistoric. This reservoir was
built by the Soil Conservation Service in the 1930's and its overflow
was possibly intentionally blocked in the 1950's. Which resulted in its
specatcular failure two decades later.
The watershed of the Allen Reservoir is quite small and significantly
lacking in mountain runoff, major springs or artesian sources. It is
possible that the Allen Canal itself served as an early primary or
auxiliary water supply source. However, the midchannel Barrel Cacti
would seem to pose contrary evidence. There are anecdotal claims <
https://www.tinaja.com/glib/allendam.pdf > that the resrvoir once
supported water ski recreation.
The canal is easily traced below the dam, leading to this moderately
hanging image just above the Culebra Cut at < N 32 50.133' W 109 47.870'< https://www.tinaja.com/images/allen1.jpg > hanging portion just
above Culebra Cut
The white channel color is likely based on caliche related dissolved
solids. The few washouts in this area seem amazingly minor.
The Culebra Cut at < N 32 50.133' W 109 47.870' > represents an amazing
commitment of manual labor and transport resources. No other hanging
canal artifact approaches its scope. In retrospect, the Culebra Cut
seems to be much larger than the rest of the Allen system and of an
architecture significantly different from the higher mesa canal areas.
Reasons for this discrepancy are not entirely clear. But there seems to
be no evidence whatsoever of any modern use of this canal reach.
The canal continues westward beyond Culebra and remains fairly easily
traced. There is a rather complex double "S" where the canal crosses the
double tracked north south fence. The canal suddenly loops northward
when it crosses Central Wash near < N 32 50.133' W 109 47.870' > . Just
north of here, the previously obvious canal track vanishes entirely.
Possibly caused by sheet flooding or major wash rework.
While the Mud Springs canal is a reasonable distance further west, the
presence of minor hillocks and a somewhat rolling terrain largely seems
to preclude any connection. Instead, the canal is presumed to continue
northward. With a logical but unverified termination in fields presently
under the modern Layton Flood Control Dam.
Present work that needs done on the Allen Canal...
\267 Explore and map the missing segments, especially mesa to dam
\267 Resolve the destination and terminal use disappearance.
\267 Carefully survey the Culebra Cut.
\267 Study the CCC water spreader interactions.
\267 Resolve the Allen Reservoir water sources.
\267 Further research the Allen Dam Disaster
( to be continued... )
July 15, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Online auctions often will combine shelves or cabinets or
rooms with their contents. These can often be outstanding
bargains. But you may not want or need the shelves or
cabinets and dealing with them can lead to excess shipping
costs and labor.These can often be given to other bidders. Simple abandonment
may involve outrageous charges buried in the terms and conditions.
as always, read and understand before you sign any auction contract.
Another interesting alternative is an outfit called Habitat For Humanity.These folks build low cost housing and have outlets where donated
building materials are sold in their ReStores, usually at bargain prices.
Clean empty auction shelves and cabinets certainly would qualify.
And there often is free pickup.Even better, their outlets tend to be near many industrial auction sites.
More insider auction stuff here and more eBay secrets here.
July 14, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Two components to bet on are the Arduino and Raspberry Pi.
The former is a $35 super dooper embedded controller
that's even available from Radio Shack.
The latter a complete PC in a miniature package for as
little as $25. More details here.
July 13, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
There is more hydrogen in a gallon of gasoline than there
is in a gallon of liquid hydrogen.Additional hydrogen economy ludicrosities here.
Some energy fundamentals here.
And a genuine energy efficieny breakthrough here.
And its calculator appears here.
July 12, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Continuing the rough drafts of the updates to the prehistoric hanging canals...
%%%%%%% SHINGLE MILL CANAL %%%%%%%%%%%
/shiftin {/xposhold xpos store /xpos xpos 4 add store /txtwide txtwide 20 sub store} store
/shiftout {/xpos xposhold store /txtwide txtwide 20 add store} store
% Shingle Mill map some of these GPS locations may be approximations.
% some locations are from < http://mapper.acme.com > . Others are
% field measurements using a Garmin eTrex 30.
% N 32 47.327' W 109 53.401' Projected but unverified takein point.
% N 32 47.869' W 109 52.384' Southern limit of obvious historic canal
% N 32 48.100' W 109 52.227' Northern limit of present field verification
% N 32 48.769' W 109 51.988' Projected field use or delivery area.
% There are no Shingle Mill photos at present
The |jShingle |jMill |jCanal
If the premise that virtually every drop of Northeastern Mount Graham
stream water was totally exploited by the hanging canal systems is valid,
then a prehistoric canal rather likely existed in the Shingle Mill Canyon
or Merrill Wash area. And might otherwise be conspicuous by its absence.
There is in fact a rather obvious abandoned historic canal called the
Minor Webster Ditch System present. Although of a somewhat deeper
vee construction, having evidence of modern tool use, and having an
atypical access road, a reasonable case can be made for adaption from
a prehistoric prototype. Total length would be approximately 3.2 kilometers
or 2.0 miles. While presently largely unexplored, the canal could reasonably
be expected to deliver water from the Shingle Mill and Merrill Wash
transition area to fields near the present Cluff Ranch headquarters of
Arizona Game and Fish. Approximately one-half of the historic canal is
quite obvious and easily traced and followed from the satellite images.
No hints of a canal, historic or prehistoric, have yet been found south and
west of the Mceniry Road crossing at < N 32 47.869' W 109 52.384' >.
There are, however, numerous CCC diversion structures in the immediate
area. This area is a floodplain and a case can be made for major and
possible distruptive flooding over time. A reasonable input point might
be at the transition between Shingle Mill Canyon and Merrill Wash,
perhaps at <N 32 47.327' W 109 53.401'>.
The historic canal becomes rather obvious just east of the Mceniry Road
at <N 32 47.869' W 109 52.384'> and is easily traced northward. Present
exploration ended near < N 32 47.869' W 109 52.384' >, with the canal
continuing to be readily extended northward. A modest hanging portion
of the canal can be reasonably expected further north, but has not yet
been field verified. The projected end use area was likely around
< N 32 48.769' W 109 51.988' >. Terrain in this area has been
extensively and repeatedly modified by farming activities and
more recent AGF projects.
Many thanks to historian George Hayes of Arizona Game and
Fish for his highly useful research input to this topic.
Present work that needs done on the Shingle Mill Canal...
\267 Explore the remainder of the historic canal route.
\267 Attempt to prove or disprove its prehistoric origins.
\267 Try to find any canal evidence northwest of the Mceniry Road
\267 Continue researching historians and create or locate historic documents.
\267 Establish a more definite water takein source.
\267 Separate CCC and historic constructions.
\267 Determine more precise end use areas.
( to be continued... )
) cl
July 11, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Duh. Always check the obvious.
Had a wireless IR mouse start acting very erratically, especially
on left to right motions. Changing batteries, rebooting, and
trying other software were no help at all.But one puff of air by blowing on the sensor worked wonders.
July 10, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Continuing the rough drafts of the updates to the prehistoric hanging canals...
%%%%%%%%% ROBINSON CANAL %%%%%%%%%%%
% Jul 15 2012
/shiftin {/xposhold xpos store /xpos xpos 4 add store /txtwide txtwide 20 sub store} store
/shiftout {/xpos xposhold store /txtwide txtwide 20 add store} store
% Robinson Canal map some of these GPS locations may be approximations.
% some locations are from < http://mapper.acme.com > . Others are
% field measurements using a Garmin eTrex 30.
USGS Topo Name: Thatcher, AZ 7.5'
Canal Length: 8 kilometers or 5 miles depending on yet undertermined takein and delivery points.
Canal Slope: 3.8 percent includes mesa dropoff
Nominal Size: 1 meter wide 30 cm deep
Land Ownership: Arizona State Lands
Access: Difficult: Mostly foot only via dim cattle trail
Field Verified: 60 percent
Study Confidence: Very High but Frye Mesa origins and use areas still need resolved
Locations of interest:
N 32 45.385' W 109 49.168' Temporary Frye takein marker
N 32 45.996' W 109 47.919' Beginning of hanging portion & initial survey
N 32 46.394' W 109 47.785' Significant hanging; dead parasitic trees
N 32 46.775' W 109 47.762' Level mesa top reach
N 32 47.297' W 109 47.494' Catastrophic unrepaired sluffing failure
N 32 48.349' W 109 47.154' Crossing of Frye to Daily track
N 32 48.557' W 109 46.655' Possible destination field
Significant Features: Long high hanging portion; strong "water flows uphill" illusion
mesa slumping; historic rebuilding and use; parasitic vegetation
possibly the longest hanging canal.
< https://www.tinaja.com/images/rob1.jpg > main mesa hanging portion
< https://www.tinaja.com/images/rob2.jpg > "climbing" portion with parasitic trees
< https://www.tinaja.com/images/rob3.jpg > typical mesa top reach
Date of this update July 17, 2012
Present work that needs done on the Robinson Canal...
\267 Survey and map the entire canal.
\267 Resolve the Frye Mesa takein point and initial distribution.
\267 Seek additional evidence of prehistoric origins.
\267 Determine the delivery use area.
\267 Seek out and study any historical records.
\267 Clarify the Frye/Robinson/Riggs relationships.
The |jRobinson |jCanal
The Robinson canal is presumed to be a historic rebuild and reuse of a prehistoric
original. The route is well marked on the topo maps and believed to originate in
Frye Creek near Frye Mesa Reservoir and originally deliver water to fields possibly
in the Robinson Flat area. Partial modern use apparently delivered water to the
Thorpe and Stowe stock tanks. Long dead but still extant remnants of parasitic
trees suggest fairly late continued use.
The "earlier" section of the Robinson Canal was treated separately, owing to
ongoing and complex Frye Mesa source research. Difficult access is largely by
foot only via an obscure cattle trail that passes several CCC constructs. Just
north of the Spring Canyon branch at < N 32 45.996' W 109 47.919' >, the
canal enters a significant hanging portion with a very strong "water flows uphill"
< https://www.tinaja.com/images/rob1.jpg >
The canal appearance in the < N 32 46.394' W 109 47.785'> area is fairly
represented of similar canals in their higher hung areas\274
< https://www.tinaja.com/images/rob2.jpg >
Once on the mesa top, appearance seems typical and as expected\274
< https://www.tinaja.com/images/rob3.jpg >
As in the other presumed rebuilds, there seems to be no obvious evidence
of modern tool use along the main delivery reaches of this canal. Thus
supporting a "stole the plans and dug out an old ditch" premise.
A catastrophic and apparently never repaired "sluffing off" failure
occured at the mesa edge near < N 32 47.297' W 109 47.494' >
Once north of and off the mesa, more recent cattle ranch related
construction makes tracing the canal difficult. Many thanks to
Henry Schneiker and Phyllis farenga for their survey and ground truth assistance.
( to be continued... )
) cl
July 09, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
We pride ourselves in having by far the best eBay photos
anytime ever. Bar none. Some examples appear here, here,
here, and here.
We achieve this by spending lots of time in image postproc.
And by using Architect's Perspective when and where appropriate.
And by defining edges to one pixel precision. And by using our
automatic background mottler.
The primary tools we use are Imageview32, Paint, and our
free tilt repair and background mottler ( and occasionally our
bitmap typewriter ) software.
More details here. Custom training here.
July 08, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Got an email asking if Walsh Functions could not be used
for my Magic Sinewaves. The short answer is "not really"
Despite being an interesting and potentially useful digital math
construct, Walsh Functions never really got off the ground.
At one long gone time, they were the great white hope
for electronic music timbre generation.
Every Walsh sinewave generator I've seen demands a
weighted analog combination during synthesis. This
clearly is a big time no-no for efficient power electronics.
In general, each and every math approach to anything
has one task it is particularly good at. In low pass filters,
you can do no better than Butterworth if the smoothest
pass band is your goal. Because Butterworth fundamentally
defines and demands the meaning of "smoothest passband".
Similarly, for flattest time delay, you use Bessel. For no
stopband ripple, Chebycheff. And the best you can possibly
do with both passband and stopband ripple, Elliptic. The
latter guaranteed to give you the fastest passband to
stopband falloff. By definition.
More on all this in my Active Filter Cookbook.
Similarly, my magic sinewaves define and demand
the maximum possible number of zeroed sequential low
harmonics for the minimum possible number of pulse edges.
In the same context of other functions being optimal
for other specific tasks, nothing better than Magic
Sineaves is possible for this narrowly and specifically
defined task of max zero harmonics for min pulse edges..
Our Magic Sinewave Calculator appears here.
With a newer and still buggy version here.
July 07, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
How many mathematicians does it take to change a light bulb?
Only one. Who hands the bulb to six Califorinans. Thus
reducing the problem to a previously solved riddle.
July 06, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
A visitor to our website asked how to create a 0-100 random
number generator.
If the system is large enough to have any sort of language
associated with it, chances are there is a random command of
some sort. Such as the PostScript rand command, the random
command in my Gonzo utilities, or JavaScript's Math.random();
These days, a traditional hardware solution might not make too much
sense. Being better replaced by a PIC, the Basic Stamp, or the
Arduino from Radio Shack. Or pure software in the host.
You might have a choice of "real" random or "pseudorandom".
Ferinstance, you could run a high frequency clock through a pushbutton
to cause numerous overflows on a modulo 100 counter. Such
as this "modulo 36" older example. For best operation, the
pushbutton should be fully debounced.If you do not want to press the button each and every time, the
chances are something else in the system ( such as a keyboard
or display scanner ) can advance a register to continuously
create new random seeds. A classic early example were the
RNDH and RNDL page zero slots on the Apple II.
Or, you might take a long shift register and exclusive-OR
two or four stages to create a long pseudorandom sequence.
But note that a pseurandom sequence will generate the
same sequence over and over again unless you reseed it.
Per this tutorial or this tap listing.
More on pseudorandom sequences in my CMOS Cookbook or
TTL Cookbook.
July 03, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
One of the favorite four paws of our local paper is to
inadvertently relate pictures with headlines. Such as
placing "Meth Dealer Gets 10 Years" next to a photo
of the president emeritus of the garden club.
In the latest incantation "Uncaught UDA's still at large" got
combined with an image of a high school honor society.
July 02, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
There's something happening here. There seems to be
a new resurgance of "Homebrew computer clubs".They seem to go by the name of Hackerspaces.
Only this time they include such rentable goodies as
CAD/CAM machines, 3-D printers, laser cutters
and similar leading edge hi tech goodies. Combined with
public welcome seminars, open source software, and
ways to profit from your products.
A list of hackerspaces in your area can be found here.
July 01, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
A reasonable guess for the "next breakthrough thing"
might be air conditioners. The SEER ratings these days
are mandiated to be 13, with new units having SEER's as
high as 22 or so.
The only tiny gotcha is that the industry seems to have
internalized their gains. The incremental cost of going
to a more efficient unit often may not amortize.
Probably because of ripping off subsidies.But as this site tells us, theoretical SEER's can be
as high as 122 for normal areas and 46 for desert
areas. Thus the potential for improvement can be
nearly a staggering 10:1.
Four key factors got the efficiency to where we
are today: The scroll compressor, new refrigerants,
variable speed air handlers, and intelligent thermostats.
Immediate new gains can be made by going to
inverter compressor controls where the compressor
needs can be real time load adjusted.
Solid state or Peltier Devices are very unlikely to
have any close in breakthroughs, as they hit the
wall decades ago with their horrible efficiency.
A COP of 0.2 is hard to realize.As shown here, a key Peltier problem is that a
unit might offer a 15 degree drop but have a
30 degree heatsink RISE above ambient.
For a net cooling loss. Thus, these devices seem to
me to be forever limited to such low power uses
as microscope slide chillers or thermoelectric
chip coolers. They are clearly worthless as beer
coolers. And totally unlikely to handle anything larger.Instead, I would expect new breakthroughs to be
made by dropping costs of variable speed drives
and by dramatic reductions in thermal impedance,
boundary layer reductions, frost management, and
heatsink efficiency.
The latter similiar to yesterday's Blog announcement
or by way of similar MEMS techniques.
Along with fundamental changes in how HVAC units
are distributed and installed and sold.
June 30, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
How fast is a river flowing at the shoreline? ZERO. Because
you cannot have a velicity discontinuity in most physical systems.This is called the boundary layer problem and is it ever. IF the
boundary layer thickness can be dramatically reduced, all sorts of
efficiency improvements becomes possible in HVAC and cooling
or heating systems.
Despite its obvious overhype, this development would seem to be
a major new development in improving the efficiency of heatsinks.It is likely that similiar "thin the boundary layer" reductions using
MEMS Techniques might dramatically improve HVAC efficiencyAnd possibly soon.
June 29, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Farm sibling explaining why he kept feeding raw pork
to city slickers: "Its the only trick I know, Sis."
June 28, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Yet another new 3-D printer can be found here.
As usual, the machine cost is not that great but the supplies
are outrageous. This one also seems to have a small max
size combined with poor resolution.
Similar resources in our Santa Claud Machine library.
June 27, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Got an email from an individual trying to research a font
supposedly called Helvetica Block.
My best guess was that this was a typo on Helvetica Black,
a popular and common Adobe font.
Some block fonts can be found here and here. While useful
resources to pin down most any font are here, here, and here.Note also that Acrobat X can capture most any font from
most any source. And that Adobe's multiple master fonts
can do a fair to middlin jub of approximating most any
reasonably font.
June 26, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
A new scheme to wildly expand the channel capacity
beyond previous bandwidth limits appears here.Time will tell if this is a legitimate breakthrough. There
are definite "Looks like a duck, quacks like a duck"
warning signs here, though.
June 25, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Three wildly different websites that seem worth a visit:
June 24, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
The number of upcoming industrial auctions seems to
have just gone bonkers. Especially since mid summer
is normally an auction quiet time.
Auction HQ is a new index and directory service that
certainly seems worth a visit.A tiny sample of the zillions of new pv solar bankruptcies
and auctions can be newly found online.
More auction info can be found here, with some regional
directories here. Your own custom regional auction finder
can be created for you per these details.
June 23, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
It does not look good if an auctioneer has stuff left at the
end of an auction. Frequently, you can literally steal the
dregs after auction close by making an obscenely lowball
offer. Especially on bankruptcy distress "clear the site"
I just snarfed five electronic assemblies that sell new for
$3500 each for five dollars apeice. And have made
similar grabs in the past. This was part of a "poisioned
lot" that everybody else ran away from.
Unless specifically and contractually excluded, you usually
will retain a "right of abandonment" at most auctions.
More often than not, anything you cannot use will end
up lost and unnoticed in the final site cleanup.
AKA "take the money and run".
Try to keep a straight face when you make the offer.
And, of course, avoid pissing off an auctioneer that you
will need at a future date.
More auction tips here.
June 22, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Yesterday's second Solyndra auction ended up with
everything outrageously overpriced. Most likely
because of the associated "your tax dollars at work"
scandal.But the Rogers auction held at the same time saw many
bargains abounding.
June 21, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
I noted three interesting quirks in some of the latest online
only auctions.
Sometimes for a brief instance, the online bidders may be
given the opportunity to open bid at one-half the minimum
price. This is somewhat similar to waving your hand across
your chest at a live auction to get the bidding started with
a lowball offer.
And - disconcertingly - It seems that several online only
auctions are revealing your proxy prices above $100.
This shows up as a next required bid sometimes being
well above the expected next increment.
Which means your competing bidder no longer has to keep
trying to beat your proxy, since they know ahead of time
what is needed. On the other hand, the higher next required
bid may scare away potential bidders.It seems to me that revealing proxies overall will reduce
seller income but increase bidder convenience.
Also, any opening prices that are too high to interest bidders
are often cut in half as the closing deadline approaches.
Benefitting from these quirks requires extreme attention to detail.More on auction stuff in general here.
June 20, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
More and more auctions are going online only, with
Bidspotter and Branford leading the pack.Some tactical guidelines...
Keep a list of usernames and passwords if you
are involved in more than one auction.Proxy bid your max ONLY ONCE and do
so ONE MINUTE before any auto extension
trips. Do NOT bid further!
Your "max-max" may be slightly higher than your
"max" since the full proxy price is rarely paid.
Usually you will get the item for less or will
lose the auction. A "max max" price something
like thirty percent above your true max might
be an appropriate gamble.
Pre-register by at least two days.
Early in the auction, attempt to place a lowball
nuisance bid on a low value item to make sure
your bidder access is activated.
Base your maximum proxy price on your
TOTAL cost, INCLUDING shipping and
pickup, buyer's premiums, and sales tax.Bit early items ONLY if closing the deal
makes sense BY THEMSELVES.
If at all possible, preview the auction.
Especially on "contents of cabinet"
and "contents of room" where by far the
best deals can often be found.Create a "shopping list" ahead of time
with known item values and their interest
to you. Keep this onscreen during bidding.
Make sure pickup or shipping will not
end up an insurmountable hassle
before placing ANY bids .
Stay alert if you have interest in sequential
or near sequental items. Celebrating a
win may cost you one or more better ones.
Prices of identical sequential items often
go down as other bidders needs are met.
Dollar cost average if you get a few
early great deals. These may allow
you to offer more on later items.
If you have not made a $25 mistake,
you are not being aggressive enough.
Be patient! The best pricing and
deals will usually happen very late
in the auction. Because others may
have left, gotten what the want, or
have run out of money.More useful auction tips here.
June 19, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Expanded and updated our Gila Valley Dayhikes site.
we are now only seven short of our goal of 365 major
useful entries.Please email me with any additions or corrections.
June 18, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Some rather crude PostScript code to let you play with
generating log intervals appears here.And equally crude PostScript code to let you analyze
equally tempered scale ratios appears here.More on PostScript in general here and here.
With the secrets of using Distiller as a general
purpose host based computer here.
June 17, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
The fencepost problem strikes again. It takes ELEVEN
fenceposts spaced by TEN feet to cover a hundred feet!If they are uniformly internally spaced, data storage in a
Magic Sinewave may not be optimal. Instead, a "log"
approach where each value is some percentage of its
neighbor might be more effective.Ferinstance, 40 log spaced amplitudes and 40 log spaced
frequencies might end up just as good as 100 linear of
each. But only need 0.16 times the storage Besides
producing more unform changes for system stability.Note that 10^(1/39) is 1.06081836 and that
100^(1/39) is 1.12533558. Note also that these are
nominally six and twelve percent changes.
Thirty nine trips plus your starting point is forty.
With these sequences generated on repeat
exponatiation for a 10:1 and 100:1 range...
1.00000 1.06082 1.12534 1.19378 1.26638
1.34340 1.42510 1.51177 1.60372 1.70125
1.80472 1.91448 2.03092 2.15443 2.28546
2.42446 2.57191 2.72833 2.89426 3.07029
3.25702 3.45511 3.66524 3.88815 4.12462
4.37547 4.64158 4.92388 5.22334 5.54101
5.87801 6.23551 6.61473 7.01703 7.44379
7.89651 8.37676 8.88622 9.42667 10.00001.00000 1.12534 1.26638 1.42511 1.60372
1.80472 2.03092 2.28546 2.57191 2.89427
3.25702 3.66524 4.12463 4.64159 5.22334
5.87802 6.61474 7.44381 8.37677 9.42668
10.6082 11.9378 13.4341 15.1177 17.0125
19.1448 21.5443 24.2446 27.2833 30.7029
34.5511 38.8815 43.7548 49.2388 55.4102
62.3551 70.1704 78.9652 88.8624 100.000
Consulting services available.
June 16, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Expanded and revised our Books Library.
You can support the Guru's Lair at no additional
cost to yourself by buying titles through these
links on on the Amazon spash at the top of
each page.
Or by signing up for Fat Cow per their banner.
June 15, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Craig's List seems to be turning into a highly useful
source for eBay stuff to sell. I seem to now be getting
one or two useful hits per month. And an amazingly
high acceptance rate on lowball offers.
A third party search called Search Tempest is enormously
useful, since it lets you view entire geographical areas
and work off a carefully chosen subject keyword list.
One tip: on higher populated results, always click on the
latest offering to view, regardless of whether it is useful.
This color codes how far down the list you'll have to go on
your next search.
I've found about fifteen special keywwords to work out
fairly well. Scanning about five per day.
So far, I have not had much luck with "proactive" want-
to-buy listings. But there is no reason they should not
eventually work.
It is super important to seek out only specialty industrial
items that you have unique expertise in and can add
significant personal value added.
And to work in larger lots, preferably fifty or more items
per offer. It is also of utmost importance to stay away
from anything even remotely illegal or of access or
interest to meth heads and such.
It is also important to test each and every item that is
no longer in its original factory sealed package. And to
offer an unstated but unconditional guarantee on all
listed items. Usually with no return needed.This is a good place to find the value of industrial items.
Or this.
More on auction stuff in general here.
June 14, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Someone asked me where "Nogales Junction" was.
This is simply that wide spot in I-10 between Marana and Vail.
June 13, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Continuing the rough drafts of our upcoming field guides
to the prehistoric hanging mountain canals...
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%A newly reexplored group of spectacularly engineered prehistoric
"hanging" mountain canals appears to exist South of and above the
Safford Basin in Arizona's upper Gila Valley.The canals appear to be agriculturally oriented and possibly date
from the 1360's late classic era. They apparently attempted to
totally exploit virtually every drop of Northeast Mount Graham
perennial stream water. And apparently had more than succeeded
in doing so.At least fifteen canals are now verified with a total distance of at
least 40 miles. Twenty canals of at least 55 miles does not
presently seem a totally unreasonable extrapolation. Each and
every preannual stream shows moderate to strong evidence of
construction activity. Many are remarkably and consistently
and uniformily similar.The canal system appears to be total and complete. Because
of system completion, it apparently can be considered largely
successful. No evidence of incomplete canals under obvious
construction are presently known.The engineering required appears to be exceptional and world
class significant. And certainly underappreciated. Several of
the canals flow to this day. Albeit with modern adaption and
maintenence.There are also apparently solid aquaducts, headgates,
"french drains", route switching, and multiple sources
and diversions present. Some extreme cuts are present.
The "Culebra" cut on the Allen Canal is some six feet
deep, twenty feet wide, and many hundreds of feet long.
And would clearly represent a staggering amount of hand
labor. Other fairly deep and long cuts exist elsewhere in
the complex.Extreme measures were apparently spent in maintaining
efficient slope. Even if it meant multiple "S" curves or
building a mile or so of parallel canal simply to gain or
lose a few feet of elevation.A hallmark of a typical canal would be its being partially
"hung" on the edge of a steep sided mesa. Such a
"hanging" canal has the remarkable property of its slope
being largely independent of terrain. Thus leading to extreme
energy efficiency in which most labor and effort went across,
rather than along, the canal constructions. The amount of
hang elevation can vary from a few feet to the better part
of one hundred.Another hallmark of the canals is the often presence of a
rather strong "water flows uphill" illusion. In reality,
most known canal slopes remain just over a consistent one
percent range. One that appears to have been exceptionally
carefully maintained.The hanging mountain stream canals appear to be independent
of possibly contemperaneous lowland based Gila River
canals. They would seem to have an advantage over the larger
canals in that the hanging canals are less likely to fail
catastrophically and would be much easier and much faster
to repair.Many of the hanging canals were apparently adapted by
Anglo and Spanish pioneers. Involving cement lining or
adding reservoirs and cattle tanks. A strong case can be
made that most of these adaptions seemed to be of a
"steal the plans" and "dig out an old ditch" variety.
With very little of modern tools and techniques being
applied to improve the actual pre-engineered canal
route or construction. Almost always, only a portion
of the original canal was adapted. With other reaches
remaining largely intact and unmodified.The canal routes appear to be exceptionally attuned
to immediately local topography. And often made
use of highly unusual grade situations. Of particular
note is the crossover between Ash Creek and the
Mud Springs bajada.Evidence of the canal ages can be based primarily on
their purposefullness and extreme energy efficiency.
An efficiency demanded by a total lack of horses or
wheelbarrows or Gradealls.Age evidence can be based supplementally on their
lack of evidence of modern tools and techniques;
the presence of mature trees, cacti, and shrubs mid
channel; the consistent desert varnish, caliche, and
lichens; weak to nonexistent aerial photography
compared to newer structures; a generally "vague"
or "fuzzy" appearance; dams, roads, and fences
running roughshod over the system without any
regard to use or accomodation; significant
"missing" portions; the presumed much higher
prehistoric population compared to the pioneer;
obviousness of later day adaption; extreme
differences compared to CCC architectural
techniques and purposes; routes largely unadapted
or meeing modern needs; lack of respect or a
pioneer preservation ethic; possible CCC fingerprint
and tool foresnics; lack of mentions in pioneer
family histories; and the exceptional measures taken
in avoiding significant cuts and fills.No evidence of survey tools have been recovered.
A speculative case can be made that the canal under
construction itself served as a modifiable "water level".
In which a very small and easily modifiable exploratory
canal could initially establish a desirable slope.The majority of the canal routes lie on Arizona State
lands. Several takein sources appear to be inside
Coronado National Forest. There is some but very
little BLM or private landholder involvement.All but one of the canals appears to be mountain stream
fed. There is one possible exception of an artesian
sourced canal. None of the mountain streams are particulaly
large today, with average flows in the one CFS range
being typical.The canal takein points appear to be largely consistent
with the last modern elevation of reasonably reliable
water flow. This tends to correspond with the contact
between Precambrian mouontain gneiss and Holocene
lowland conglomerate fill.The canals are largely devoid of artifacts or intermediate
use along the delivery portions of their reaches. Although
there is a highly atypical field house or "wading pool" in
direct association with the mid reach of the Mud Springs
Canal. This enigma remains under study.As is expected, the few potsherds found in weak
association include corregated, black-on-grey, black
on white, or red slipped tradeware. And appear to
demonstrate an exceptional trading activity between
most major Southwestern cultures. Apparently including
Hohokam, Mimbres, Salado, Anazazi (or ancient pueblo
peoples), and possibly Sinagua.Tentative working renames of the canals in counterclockwise
order are P-Ranch, Ledford, Henry's, Modern, Marijilda,
Tranquility, Twin Boobs East, Twin Boobs West, Deadman,
Longview?, Riggs Complex, Robinson, Frye Mesa Complex,
Allen, Mud Springs, Jernigan, Shingle Mill, and Lefthand.A case can be made that the Mud Springs canal was an
earlier prototype. There are points along this canal where
the entire route can be simultaneously viewed.There are many examples in which a canal "climbs" out
of a wash to "higher" ground. As before, the involved
engineering appears utterly exceptional.It would seem difficult to imagine the needed technology
and engineering being imported from elsewhere. Owing
to the unique presence of multiple small mountain streams
in the Safford Basin area. Which possibly suggests that
the engineering and technology largely evolved in
place.There are many layers of complexity to the Safford Basin
prehistory. Many of which are apallingly understudied and
underreported. These include Gila River major lowland
canals, many thousands of agricultural grids, even more
mulch rings, numerous habitation sites and field
houses, aproned check dams, extensive tradeware
decorative pottery, other apparently ag related rock
alignments, and the usual odd point, core, or knife, It
is not yet clear what spatial and temporal interactions
took place between these and the hanging canals.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
June 12, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Posts to many Usenet newsgroups seem to be sharply
down, as does their quality. I suspect some of this is due to
the eyeball siphoning of newer social media such as Facebook
Twitter, and the rest of the gang.
The degradion of the sci.energy.hydrogen newsgroup was
pretty much expected, since word has finally gotten out that
the "hydrogen economy" is a ludicrous scam. Per these
Less obvious is the drop in popularity and quality of the
alt.marketing.online.ebay newsgroup. Caused in part by
eBay itself no longer being a leading edge phenonomen.
Bruno does continue to be the AMOE attitude relateralization
facillitator. Since he is so big on multitasking, he frequently
combines his duties with those of being a product durability
tester for a major New Jersey Baseball Bat manufacturer.And AMOE pioneered resolving the hassles at New Mexico
customs and language barriers through the use of truck
tires that can now be insided out to meet the different
spacing and size requirements without needing reloading
at the border crossings.
AMOE, of course, was instrumental in making sure that
the illegal aliens used in the Alabama grits harvest
were being used for flavor only. And that, contrary to
popular belief, Oliver Hazard Perry was not responsible
for sinking Lake Erie. It instead was Ednumd Fitzgerald.I still find the sci.electronics.design newsgroup highly
useful, although even it sometimes degrades into
unhousebroken playground squabbles.
June 11, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
My earliest exposure to anything remotely resembling a
computer was a useless IBM beastie and some analog
non-starters at otherwise superb Lafayette.
Followed by some BASIC timesharing.
But I guess my first foray into original and hands-on
programming took place on an Olivetti Programma 101.Followed later by an Interdata 1 with a whopping 2K
of system RAM. And of course, the quantum leap in
going to the personal and incomparably stupendous KIM-1.
The first Olivetti project was a simple mortgage calcultor.
At that time, nobody knew the deep dark secret that by
tripling or quintupling up on utterly small early principal
payments, you could ridiculously shorten the loan time
and the amount of total interest paid.
The second project directly led to our Musician's Pitch
Reference. in PE. The question to be asked was "What is
the best possible 8-bit sequence to synthesize an
equally tempered top octave music scale?
The subtle and non trivial answer was 116-123-130-138-
Equally tempered musical notes are separated by the
highly irrational factor of 1.05946309 in frequency.
Known to its many friends as the twelvth root of two.
AKA six percent if you ignore sour notes.
At the time, I thought I was doing unique and original
research. But MOS Technology had to be working on
something similar leading up to their MK50240. Which
had the unspeakable luxury of using a 239-253-269...
nine bit sequence instead.And the JAES paper apparently appeared much later.
Modern synthesizers use a separate generator for each
polyphonic note. The top-octave-and-divider scheme
used for electronic organs incurably lacked a richness
of locked together octave phasing and presented background
noise and crosstalk problems with all of the unkeyed
notes. Besides needing a keyer for each possible note.
More here and here (see page 50.2).
June 10, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Dragan Innovations has just introduced a new Dragonflyer X4-P
aerial drone that is cheaper, has a longer fly time, and is
better optimized to still, motion, and uv cameras.Although it has an amazing 11 sensors including GPS, It seems to
me that the lack of a downed craft locating beacon could be a problem.
I can see one of these disappearing forever off the edge of a mesa.
With no good or obvious way of finding where it went.
Gone. Hasta la bye bye.
Nonetheless, We sure could use one or more of these for our prehistoric
canal research. Please deliver it to 3860 West First Street,
Thatcher, Arixona, 85552.
June 09, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
I still overwhelmingly prefer to use PostScript as a general
One route is to use bar images and change their
purpose computing language. Particularly when stunning
graphics beyond world class are needed. But there are
times when strong interactivity or 64-Bit math are required.
And solutions such as JavaScript over HTML may be the
better choice.
I'd kinda like to include some quantization bargraphs in
the next version after the next version of our Magic
Sinewave Calculator. Where interactivity and high
math precision are a must.
While there is no way in hell that JavaScript can even
remotely approach PostScript graphics quality, some
web solutions to bargraphs can be found here, here,
here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.
display width or height. Others involve CSS.
I'm not yet sure which way to go, but there should
be some sort of "steal the plans" solution.
June 08, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Did you know that nearly FIFTY PERCENT of all North
Dakota school children are below average?
June 07, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Texas Instruments has just come up with a remarkably
priced "sound expanding" integrated circuit. It is intended
for small systems creating the illusion of dramatic stereo
And is called a "Class D Spatial Array".
Part number LM48903 sells for an amazing $1.75 in quantity.
It also includes a pair of internal Class D audio amplifiers.
June 06, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Magic Sinewaves are a unique method of digitally
synthesizing the waveforms needed for solar panels,
electric cars, and industrial controls. They offer the
highest possible efficiency consistent with zeroing out
the maximum possible number of low harmonics.
Current work on our magic sinewaves consists of
removing some minor bugs from the latest update of
our ultra speed magic sinewave calculator. Something
is still not quite right with the quantization export code.
I'd also llike to add some quantized spectral displays
to the next calculator version. But first, the best way
for me to do a HTML bargraph has to be determined.
This is apparently not trivial.
The original magic sinewave hardware consisted of 8-bit
low end PIC chips. In which the clock input was used to
externally set the frequency. And fancy "factoring" tricks
had to be used to get 12-bit precision delays out of an
8-bit system. Which led to code complexity and some
"pinch point" issues.
But these days, we have alternate 16- and 32-Bit micros
at sane pricing. Which should allow direct synthesis of a
precision 12-bit delay. And should have enough internal
flash memory that both frequency and waveshape can
be generated inside the chip.Ferinstance, fifteen delay values might be needed for a
typical magic sineave. If there were to be a hundred
amplitudes of a hundred frequencies, this would take
as much as 150,000 bytes of storage. Or much less
than what is reasonably available as flash today.
Development associates welcome.
June 05, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
I was susrprised that a scientific type living in east
Payson never heard of the Tonto National Forest
Seismological Observatory.It turns out the facility north of but halfway on the road
to Starr Valley is long gone. And apparently now part of
a golf course in a slurb.
This was really a cold war facility to snoop on the evil
empire's nuke testing. Supposedly the instruments were
sensitive enough to have to compensate for a squirrel
stamping its feet.
Useful research was also done on measuring and
analyzing such things as sonic booms and surface dispersion.
The web does show some abandoned and grafittied instrument
bunkers. I'm not sure these still exist, given that the area is
now a wall-to-wall slurb.
A book on the observatory here. More on similar stuff here.
June 04, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Continuing the rough drafts of our upcoming field guides
to the prehistoric hanging mountain canals...%%%%%% TRANQUILITY CANAL %%%%%%
/shiftin {/xposhold xpos store /xpos xpos 4 add store /txtwide txtwide 20 sub store} store
/shiftout {/xpos xposhold store /txtwide txtwide 20 add store} storestartnewpage
% tranquility map some of these GPS locations may be approximations.
% some locations are from < http://mapper.acme.com > . Others are
% field measurements using a Garmin eTrex 30.% N 32 45.599' W 109 43.964' Presumed artesian source
% N 32 45.599' W 109 43.964' Closest approach to Lebanon Ponding East canal
% N 32 45.599' W 109 43.964' Hanging portion in subdivision with lining
% N 32 45.881' W 109 43.769' Annes Ranch road crossing obliterates route
% N 32 45.894' W 109 43.772' Possible evidence of parallel development
% N 32 46.068' W 109 43.726' Obvious continuance on Acme Mapper
% N 32 45.599' W 109 43.964' Classic hanging canal appearance on Schmoller property
% N 32 46.445' W 109 43.678' Presumed terminance in likely field under Cook Reservoir% Tranquility photos...
% < https://www.tinaja.com/images/tranq1.jpg > % Just South of Annes Ranch Road
% < https://www.tinaja.com/images/tranq2.jpg > % Shows lining and "dead flower" indicator%%%%%%%%%%%%%l
The |jTranquility |jCanal
The Tranquility canal would seem somewhat atypical as it appears
to be artesian sourced, is only 1.6 kilometers or one mile long, is
"urban" subdivision located, and remains very much in need of
stronger proof of verifiable prehistoric origins.
The canal appears to start at an artesian source of N 32 45.599'
W 109 43.964' and ends in the Cooks Reservoir of N 32 46.445'
W 109 43.678'. Much of the canal reach lies on posted private
There remains considerable evidence of historic artesian
building/rebuilding at |/to N 32 45.599' W 109 43.964'/tx ,
mostly in the form of iron or steel pipes, headgates, and
diversionary channels. This is presently the presumed
location of a prehistoric canal takein as well. All
development appears to be presently abandoned.
Presumably because of a dropping water table.
At |/to N 32 45.599' W 109 43.964'|/tx , the Tranquility
canal comes amazingly close to the Eastern prehistoric
hanging canal feeder of the Labanon ponding area.
Approaching within 250 feet or 75 meters horizontally
and perhaps only 25 feet or a mere 8 meters vertically.
However, the Eastern Lebanon feeder is at a distinctly
higher elevation and the two appear totally unrelated.
There is a significant cliff between the two water channels.
This image just south of the Annes Ranch Road shows
a curious mix of prehistoric and historic canal features\274
< https://www.tinaja.com/images/tranq1.jpg >
The channel is "hung" in the normal prehistoric manner
and appears to be of minimum energy construction. But
there also is an access trail and a thin puddled and lager
aggregrate concrete liner remarkably similar to the
Marijilda Canal historic improvements. Unlike virtually
all of the prehistoric canals, the routing goes through a
modern "urban" housing development and crosses
posted private property.
The Annes Ranch Road at |/to % N 32 45.881'
W 109 43.769'|/tx runs roughshod over the canal,
completely oblitering it without any regard whatsoever
for continued use. The date of road construction is
presently unknown but assumed to be in the 1960's.
Just north of this point, the puddled large aggregate
concrete lining appears to be taking a parallel "short cut"\274
< https://www.tinaja.com/images/tranq2.jpg >
Should this rerouting in fact be verifiable, it would
strongly support the usual "steal the plans" historic
modification of a prehistoric origin. Note also the
"dead flowers" that seasonally tend to verify routes.
The canal becomes indistinct where it crosses West
Lebanon Road but shortly becomes obvious on Acme
Mapper further to the north. When the canal crosses
the Schmoller property yet further north at
|/to N 32 45.599' W 109 43.964'|/tx , it no longer has any
concrete lining or access trail. And very much appears
exactly like any of the other prehistoric hanging canals
in the Safford Basin system. Locals in this area even
call it "the old indian canal". This reach is quite obviously
and fairly easily explored.
The Tranquility Canal presumably ended in fields under the
Cooks Reservoir. This reservoir presently appears unused.
Tranquility Canal topics needing further investigation\274
\267 Study and map the historic artifacts at the artesian takein.
\267 Seek additional proof or disproof of prehistoric origins.
\267 Verify if a concrete liner shortcut was in fact taken.
\267 Seek local historian input.
\267 Map, videotape, and more closely document the entire route.( to be continued... )
) cl%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Previous coverage appears here and here.
June 03, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
The only tiny thng wrong with the pv breakthrough of
the week is that they consistently seem to have a half
life of 6.99 days.
There's a whole other world of dye based solar that
can involve super cheap chemicals and simple structures.
Their only problems are that they normally only last
a few days at most before self-destructing.
These are sometimes called Gratzel Cells.
Some of the dye based problems have apparently
been eased with this new development that substitutes
a solid for the liquid electrolyte. And dramatically
lowers certain materials cost.
Efficiency is in the ten percent range. While there is an
obvious tradeoff between cost and efficiency, few people
realize that a five percent efficient pv cell is totally worthless.
First because only half or less of the systen cost is itself
in the cell, and secondly because the required areas
and structures skyrocket leading to amortization issues.
June 02, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
As previously mentioned, improvements in Acme Mapper
have shown some a possibility exists that a Frye Creek
canal system is real and could represent yet another
crown jewel of the dozens of prehistoric mountain stream
hanging canal systems of the Safford Basin.Both the Robinson Canal System and the Riggs Complex
further downstream need a water source and Frye Creek
would seem probable. The modern water pipeline appears
to have a totally different route further south and more in
the canyon bottom.
Obvious CCC involvement in the alignments would
seem to be busywork "targets of opportunity" on
existing structures.Just as with the Deadman
prehistoric canal, the route appears to consistently
be along the highest mesa slope. Any attempt to
use Frye Mesa itself as a watershed would likely
be lower and further north. Similarly, sourcing
from Spring Canyon or even Hawk Hollow would
appear unlikely as Frye Creek is far more obvious.
UPDATE: Current thinking is that there is a yet unproven
watershed crossing ABOVE the falls.
More on the canals here and here. Field mice welcome.
June 01, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Temperature specs for popular thermocouples can be
found here.
May 30, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Probably the best instrument to "solve" the problem
of measuring prehistoric canal slopes is called a
self-levelling exterior laser level. While these cost
$400 to $1000 each, they sometimes show up for
much less at auctions. Presumably they are rentable.These are a laser on a pendulum with a rotary motor.
They produce a rotating beam that is dead level so
long as they are minimally set up. Range of a quarter
mile is reasonably obtained. More at night.They also should be useful to find missing portions
of a canal by noting that half the distance would
likely occur at half the elevation between the
missing ends.
And that elevations above the inlet and below
the outlet can be categorically excluded.
May 29, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
One reliable source for wildfire info is InciWeb.
May 28, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
UC San Francisco has joined the rapidly expanding club
demanding an end to outrageous scholoarly publication
Placing electronic versions of all faculty articles in an open
access repository making their findings freely available
to the public.
More details here and a discussion here.
Critical mass will be reached when McGurneyville A&M
joins the group. But the message is already clear.
May 27, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Continuing the field guide to the Mud Springs Canal.
Previous coverage appears here...
% Mud springs photos...% < https://www.tinaja.com/images/mud1.jpg > % mid point below dam
% < https://www.tinaja.com/images/mud2.jpg > % near northern limit, showing most of route,
% < https://www.tinaja.com/images/troll1.jpg > % troll house mystery structure
A rare and curious structure that appears intimately associated
with the canal lies just South of the 4WD track crossing at
( % N 32 49.522' W 109 49.368' )\274
< https://www.tinaja.com/images/troll1.jpg > % troll house mystery structure
The structure can be variously ascribed to being a field house or a
"wading pool". It is circular, three meters in diameter, and presently
half a meter deep. Its basal elevation is apparently flush with and
one meter from the canal proper. Its purpose remains enigmatic.
Tentative name is the "troll house".
The Mud Springs canal continues eastward, just north of the
4WD track until it reaches an apparent "Tee" junction that is
possibly the inditial diversion point for the Jernigan Canal.
There are a few small rocks buried in the otherwise southern
dirt sidewall at this point that suggest a headgate structure.
"Dead Flowers" are sometimes a fairly unique but highly
seasonal marker for canal routes in this area.
After crossing a larger 4WD track to the east, there is a split
that appears to provide a short feeder to a more modern small
cattle tank. This tank has surprisingly dense brush content.
The tank's origin and actual water supply presently remains
unexplained. The Mud Springs canal tends northward and
eastward from here and remains somewhat dim and rather
small but fairly tracible for the better part of a kilometer.
In general, there are very few artifacts associated with any
of the hanging canals. But in this area, very rare and quite
sparce potsherds can occasionally be found. Although not
in direct association. These are typically late classic
tradeware, often corregated or red slipped. As is typical for
the entire Safford Basin, the varieties suggest exceptionally
strong trading patterns between the dominant Southwestern
The canal seems to totally disappear between N 32 49.826'
W 109 48.955' and N 32 50.296' W 109 48.597' Possibly
because of sheet flooding or simply looking in the wrong
place. There also seems to be a possible short canal
segment at a totally unreasonable |/to N 32 49.735'
W 109 48.932'|/tx that presently defies explanation.
Further east, the Allen canal approaches within a
kilometer but appears "blocked" by small rolling hillocks.
No evidence of a more southerly direct canal route down
Hawk Hollow has yet been found and is presently deemed
Once relocated northerly, the canal remains fairly
traceable, although a portion of it has clearly been
trashed by an offroad bike track. Things get somewhat
dim near the major east west fence but renew
themselves nicely further north. At |/to N 32 50.556'
W 109 48.631'|/tx , the canal goes into a hanging mode
and is remarkably white. Most likely owing to caliche
deposits. The canal crossing of the main West Layton
road is fairly obvious but heavily erroded. There is a
distinct ocotillo on a small slope to the east.
Curiously. the Mud Springs canal and the Jernigan
canal remain quite close together in this area. Despite
their apparent intentional separation a full two
kilometers earlier.
Near |/to N 32 50.556' W 109 48.631'|/tx , the Mud
Springs canal becomes wider and quite easily traced...
< https://www.tinaja.com/images/mud2.jpg >
Nearly the entire route of the canal can also be viewed
from this point. Patina and desert varnish here would
seem to strongly support a prehistoric canal origin.
Frustratingly, the canal seems to vanish directly to the
north. With the most likely explanation being it lying
|/to under|/tx the obvious 4WD tracks. Terrain further
north is highly disturbed, including flood control
strucutres, a cemetery, trash dumps, offroading,
and power lines. While there are no obvious field
candidates, the canal route at this point is remarkably
close to ultimately merging with lowland Gila River
based canal systems.
Considering the stupendous effort that went into
canal construction and maintenence, a well defined
and obvious purpose must surely have existed.
Mud Springs Canal topics needing further investigation\274
\267 Locate the Ash Creek takein and initial hanging portion.
\267 Locate the northern continuance past the bajada crossover.
\267 Fill in several short missing segments in the wash area.
\267 Date the ten inch Mesquite tree midstream
\267 Further study the troll house and modern tank.
\267 Resolve if a headgate is present at Jernigan turnout.
\267 Continue trying to locate the missing "black hole" portion.
\267 Find the northern limit and purpose of the canal.
\267 Videotape, photograph, and GPS log entire canal.( to be continued... )
May 24, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
I was asked for my views on copyright. The present system,
of course is ludicrous and has the exact opposite of the
intended initial purspose. It is also clearly in the process
of self destruction.
Copyright should BRIEFLY provide protection and income for
the INDIVIDUAL involved and nothing more. It should be
primarily based on common law copyright where anything
is immediately protected once it appears in tangible
form. Free of fees or registration.
For the INDIVIDUAL involved, copyright should initially be
for 34 months. Renewable only once and then only under
exceptional circumstances.
For heirs, corporations, agents, or similar sleezoids, copyright
should be strictly limited for 17 months, nonrewable under any
circumstances. With MANDITORY transfer to the public
domain afterward.
May 23, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Despite all the "apologist" publications that think they see
a future in books, I remain firmly convinced that the sudden
and complete demise of books will happen faster and more
spectacularly than anyone could possibly imagine.
No, decent readers are not here yet, and yes, the ludicrosities
of DRM and copyright have not yet been blown aside. But
it is just a matter of time. And ebooks are already outselling
dead tree ones by an ever expanding margin. The key point is
that there are clearly fatal flaws in books as an info
distribution method.Flaws that are utterly and totally bypassed by electronic
media distribution. Let' s start with two subtle ones and
then go on to the obvious...
The first is the dirty little secret of the book industry:
Because of the Thor Decision, your federal government in
their infinite wisdom pays publishers to shred books. In
fact, more books have recently been shreded that were
destroyed during the entire dark ages.
Overwhelmingly so.
This happens because the IRS ruled that back inventory
has to be carried at full value, rather than its scrap or
remainder value. Thus, any book that drops even a
little bit in current sales popularity gets destroyed and
becomes termnally unavailable.
The second and not too unobvious secret is that students
are pissed over dragging around backpacks. And a revolt
against at least the heavier of them would seem in the offering.
Going to the more obvious, books cannot be full text
searched. Books lack links. Adding color and images to books
is expensive, but virtually free with electronic distribution.
Many books never sell and have to be destroyed. It takes
time and energy to haul books around or store them. Books can't
easily be read out loud. Most books are only read once.
The total energy waste and carbon footprint of books
utterly and totally overwhelms that of what goes into
the readers. While some quote a "twenty books to pay
for one reader's environmental impact", the average
reader can eventually be expected to provide access
to thousands or tens of thousands of titles.
An utterly overwhelming superiority.
Electronic media is instantly available 24/7. Its storage
space and volume is negligible. Prep time is ridiculously
shorter and simpler. Revisions, updates, and corrections
are trivial.
A brick and mortar bookstore at best can stock something like
5000 different titles in modest quantities. But even the
smallest and sleaziest of online suppliers today can provide
millions of titles in unlimitied numbers of copies. And that
is before the upcoming petabyte revolution where all books
can be provided all at once on a single thumb drive.
Acceptance of an eBook for publication is a certainty. As
opposed to a dead tree publisher who shall remain unnamed
who sat on one of my titles for over a year and then rejected
it because it was "not timely".
There's finally accumulating outrage over scholarly pub
houses charging utterly outrageous prices for research that
was paid for by your tax dollars in the first place. Open
source publication is now well on the way to becoming
inevitably dominant.
On the other side of the fence, Book-on-Demand publishiing
largely arrived stillborn. Its window has slammed shut. Owing
to outrageous costs and the key problems of economical trimming
and binding having never been addressed, let alone solved.Our own eBooks can be found here and our classic reprints
May 22, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
A really cute JavaScript visual emulation of the original
6502 microprocessor can be found here. In which you not only
see the actual original chip layout but can watch the ones and
zeros flipping back and forth in various registers and buses.
Note that the address space on a 6502 CPU is external to the chip.
Typically, RAM goes on the bottom, ROM on top, and I/O
somewhere in the middle.
Much more here and here.
May 21, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
I'm in the process of upgrading and extending the field notes on
our prehistoric hanging canal systems. I'm not sure yet whether I'll
do a new paper or update the existing ones.But, I thought I'd put some of the rough copy here on an ongoing
basis for your comment...%%%%% MUD SPRINGS CANAL %%%%%%%%%%%
/shiftin {/xposhold xpos store /xpos xpos 4 add store /txtwide txtwide
20 sub store} store
/shiftout {/xpos xposhold store /txtwide txtwide 20 add store} storestartnewpage
% mud springs map some of these GPS locations may be approximations.
% some locations are from < mapper.acme.com > . Others are
% field measurements using a Garmin eTrex 30.% N 32 47.247' W 109 51.272' Projected Ash Creek Takin
% N 32 47.492' W 109 51.228' Crossover to Mud Springs Bajada
% N 32 48.191' W 109 50.360' Verified location - one meter width
% N 32 48.417' W 109 50.274' Possible Diversion Channel at Road Crossing
% N 32 48.793' W 109 49.969' Verified location - one meter width
% N 32 48.793' W 109 49.969' Significant hanging portion on east bank of wash
% N 32 49.098' W 109 49.887' Ten inch Mesquite tree mid channel
% N 32 49.361' W 109 49.523' Major CCC or SCS Modifications
% N 32 49.415' W 109 49.459' Flood control dam overlays without accomodation
% N 32 49.415' W 109 49.459' Location of photograph "A"
% N 32 49.522' W 109 49.368' Associated mystery structure
% N 32 49.522' W 109 49.368' Jernigan Canal possible headgate and diversion
% N 32 49.661' W 109 49.133' Possible anglo cattle tank adaption
% N 32 49.826' W 109 48.955' Untraced segment to date north of here
% N 32 50.296' W 109 48.597' Untraced segment to date south of here
% N 32 50.556' W 109 48.631' Well defined and wide moderately hanging portion
% N 32 50.556' W 109 48.631' Location of photograph "B" in well defined run
% N 32 50.556' W 109 48.631' Present north limit of reliable traceability
% N 32 51.120' W 109 48.403' Projected possible continuance
% N 32 51.612' W 109 47.841' Nearest modern lowland canal(|c|h
The |jMud |jSprings |jCanal
The |/to Mud Springs Canal|/x appears to be the crown jewel of the prehistoric
mountain stream fed hanging canal systems. It sources in Ash Creek, crosses
over into the Mud Springs Bajada and ultimately delivers water both to the
Jernigan Canal and to apparently fulfill yet unresolved needs in the Central
Cemetery area or even within the Gila basin flatlands themselves. Total
primary canal length is projected to be 6.0 miles or 9.6 kilometers. Of which
two thirds have now been reasonably field verified.
A case can be made that Mud Springs could have been the initial or prototype
on which all of the other hanging canals were based. The reasoning being
that from location |/to N 32 |47.492' W 109 51.228'|/tx , the |/to entire length
of the canal can be viewed at once|/tx , planned, and possibly surveyed. No
other known area prehistoric hanging canal seems to permit a one point
total viewing.
The Ash Creek takin is believed to be just within the Coronado National
Forest at |/to N 32 47.247' W 109 51.272'|/tx . The takin is not yet
explored and likely has been obliterated by long term flood damage.
A significant hanging canal can be anticipated in heavy brush on the
east canyon wall between the takein and the crossover saddle.
This reach also has not yet been located. Finding the actual route
may prove difficult.
The saddle point |/to N 32 47.492' W 109 51.228|/tx at which the
canal crosses from the Ash Creek drainage to the Mud Springs
bajada watershed appears to be remarkably well chosen from
both a minimum energy expenditure and a hydraulic engineering
standpoint. The crossover also appears to be topographically
unique with no reasonable route alternative. The canal at this
point is one meter wide by 30 centimeters deep. The channel is
reasonably and uniquely defined by its rock borders but is not
exceptionally obvious here.
The 4500 foot or 1.4 kilometer reach northward between the
saddle point and the Mud Springs Corral at |/to N 32 48.191'
W 109 50.360'|/tx has not yet been located. No significant surprises
are expected. This reach is projected to be reasonably findable
over much of its length and to include minor hanging portions.
The route is presently expected to be largely along the western
periphery of the Mud Springs Bajada. A resumption of the well
defined canal is easily viewed somewhat west of the corral
access road, again at |/to N 32 48.191' W 109 50.360'|/tx and
is easily traced a significant distance to the north.
The canal crosses the Mud Springs access road at |/to N 32 48.417'
W 109 50.274'|/tx . Which, coincidentally, was the initial
rediscovery point of the Mud Springs Canal route. A west
trending side diversion channel appears to be located at this
point. Whose apparent goal may have been to dump excess
water into a nearby wash, to adjust flow, or to aid in silt control.
There are also hints of apparently not well developed grids, rock
alignments, and possible smaller and ill defined water channels
somewhat north of this point and east of the access road.
Perhaps in and around the |/to N 32 48.836' W 109 50.350'|/tx area.
From the road crossing, the canal is easily traced northward,
eventually ending up in association with some rather obvious
CCC water spreading projects. The CCC architecture is
distinctly unique and almost always is routed across, rather
than along any canal or wash channels. There are many dozens
of CCC project examples in the area.
Eventually, the canal ends up in a brushy wash bottom and
becomes difficult to trace. But somewhere near |/to N 32 48.793'
W 109 49.969'|/tx , the canal begins a rather significant,
distinctly obvious, and superbly spectacular "climb" out of
the eastern wash terrace face. The engineering involved in
this task seems most impressive. Once back "up" in the
flats, the canal becomes indistinct and difficult to trace. At
a significant east-west fence, the canal is believed to cross
a short distance west of a unique triply "rock weighted"
wire reach. Access to this point is a not overly difficult
southwesterly hike from the end-of-track flood control
barrier at |/to N 32 49.049' W 109 49.664' |/tx . Besides
the GPS locations, a useful process would be to "find
the fence" to the southwest, then "find the weights". The
significant hanging portion will then be a short distance to
the southeast.
North of the major east-west fence, the canal becomes rather
indistinct. But eventually makes a sweeping "S" turn to
maintain grade. The canal resumes obviousness and easy
tracability somewhere near |/to N 32 49.098' W 109 49.887'|/tx .
At this point, there is a ten inch or 25 centimeter diameter
mesquite tree squarely in the canal mid channel. Which
strongly suggests a possible prehistoric origin for the
canal's origin. The tree has not been cored, owing to augers
being exceptionally easily damaged by such desert hardwoods.
From the Mesquite tree, the canal is easily traced northwards
nearly to the largest flood control dam in the area at
|/to N 32 49.415' W 109 49.459'|/tx . There is a short cut nearly
a meter deep where the canal exits a ridge. The canal appears
to go through several architectural variations in this area,
owing to topography and the problem of maintaining reasonable
grade. There are also extensive and enormous CCC or SCS
side channels present near here, along with possible actual
canal rework. Whose apparent purpose was to route flood
waters into the flood control dam. These are presumed to be
modern and date from the 1930's. The canal itself seems to
route somewhat west of the 4WD access trail. The canal at
this point appears somewhat smaller than its earlier and later
reaches. And might in fact be diversionary to separate fields
with the main channel buried or modified under newer construction
and rework.
|/to The flood control dam apparently ran roughshod over the canal|/tx ,
obliterating its route under silt fill and making no apparent
accommodation whatsoever to preserving or using the canal
channel in any manner. At present, there is a major and
unrepaired blowout in the lower dam wall that precludes its
intended use. Exploration of this blowout would appear to be
extremely unsafe and is definitely not recommended.
The canal is easily traced quite a distance from the dam face
southward and eastward. It initially begins yet another hanging
wall climb "up" the north wash wall. In reality, all of the
"climb" or "water flows uphill" portions strictly maintain an
optimal |/to downward|/tx slope in the one percent range.
The sheer brilliance of using a hanging canal for extreme
energy efficiency and to force its slope to be largely
independent of terrain cannot be overemphasized.
Here is an image near the mid point of the Mud Springs Canal...< https://www.tinaja.com/images/mud1.jpg >
This reach is somewhat atypical in that it is wider and shallower
than most portions. The SCS flood control dam dating from the
1930's can be clearly seen in the background, along with its failure
blowout. The dam crosses the canal somewhat north (right) of the
blowout. And does so without any regard or accomodation
whatsoever. Neither adding to, removing from, or preserving any
flow possibilities. Also viewable is the Mud Springs Bajada,
appearing as a large triangle "pointing" to the also visible upper
Ash Creek drainage. About three miles or 4.8 kilometers of the
canal are more or less visible.
The scope and magnitude of the hydraulic engineering can be
appreciated by noting that this is one half of one of something
like twenty hanging canals in the total system. It appears that
a consistent attampt was made to totally exploit every possible
drop of Northeastern draining Mount Graham stream water.
Note that the canal goes |/to uphill|/tx into the picture. Despite
the illusion of climbing "up" out of the wash from the base of
the dam. Such "water flows uphill" illusions are quite common
elseware in the local hanging canal systems. In reality, a
carefully controlled slope often approximating one percent is
consistently made.
Note further that mid-channel brush strongly suggests no
recent use. Note also the exceptionally uniform patina, desert
varnish, and ( sometimes ) lichen patterns. Strongly
suggesting no recent canal wall or spoil bank modifications.
At this point, the canal appears to have a moderate fill that
could be water borne silt or aeolean dust.
A rare and curious structure that appears intimately associated
with the canal lies just South of the 4WD track crossing at
( N 32 49.522' W 109 49.368' ) The structure can be variously
ascribed to being a field house or a "wading pool". It is
circular, three meters in diameter, and presently half a meter
deep. Its basal elevation is apparently flush with and one meter
from the canal proper. Its purpose remains enigmatic.( to be continued... )
) cl
May 20, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Apparently there is some fed rule that ups the penalties for
growing more than 99 marijuana plants.
The new California workaround is both brilliant and simple.
They are now growing plants up to EIGHTEEN feet high!
The next evolutionary step, naturally, would be to add
maple syrup style spigots.
All in redwood country, of course.
And, also of course, for personal use only.
May 19, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
I remain rather impressed with the Industrial Arts Supply Company.
They have all sorts of low end injection molding machines, casting
resins, tools, projects, thermo formers, blow molders, and great
heaping bunches of other stuff usually intended for school shop projects.
Prices range from surprisingly low to mid range. Free PDF catalog
May 18, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Doing a Newton's Method solution for our Magic Sinewave
Calculations can be tricky for Delta Friendly sinewaves.
Because pairs of edges have to track to guarantee compatibility..
Variations on this sneaky trick seem to be useful: During a Newton's
Method itertion, substitute a single new parametric variable for each
pair of tracking old ones. Convergence should remain the same.
Ferinstance, say we were exploring this possible new wrap map... XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 7 8 60-90
. X XX XXX XXXX 1 2 3 4 0-30With a new variable qa, let p1s = (qa - 30) and p7s = (qa + 30)
Eventually with our "real" Fourier calculation, we will need
cos(p1s) + cos (p7s) and similar multiple terms. Find the qa parametric
variable equivalent...cos (qa - 30) + cos (qa + 30) =
cos(qa)cos(30) + sin(qa)sin(30) + cos(qa)cos(30) - sin(qa)sin(30) =
cos(qa)cos(30) + cos(qa)cos(30) =
1.735*cos(qa) for leading edges of p1s and p7sYou can now write similar equations for qb through qh.
Some will be positive, some negative.The "parameterized" similar equations to be Newtons Method
solved would end up as...cos(qa+t) -cos(qb+u)+...cos(qg+y)-cos(qh+z) = ampl*pi/(4*1.735)
( similar 5,7,11,13,17,19, and 23 harmonic equations = 0 )where the q's are known numbers from the previously best guress
and the variables t through z are to be solved via Gauss Jordan
reduction to produce an improved guess for the next pass.
Some related techniques can be explored by viewing the underlying
JavaScript code used in the actual calculators.
May 17, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
There's got to be a cache to it somewhere. A maddeningly
infuriating one. I'm using an Apache server at Fat Cow and
both Chrome and Firefox as local browsers.
Say I want to modify a .JPG image. I do so. If I FTP upload it with
a new filename, it does so and immediately can be viewed or
correctly downloaded. FTP or browser.
But if I upload it to the same file name, the browsers insist
on delivering the old image. Sometimes for days, other times
just for hours. And sometimes even demanding a host delete
and rename.
Apparently .JPG images are being saved and reused to speed up
delivery or rendering. Cold rebooting does not help.
But manually removing the previous file from the Chrome History via
the wrench--->history access does seem to work.
May 16, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
A Josh Billings quote, often wrongly attributed to Mark
Twain..."I've never known an auctioneer to lie. Unless it was
absolutely convenient."
May 15, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Coursera is another source of free web based university level
courses. In addition to the MIT and Stanford offerings we
already looked at.
We'll try to add this one to our home page on the next update.
May 14, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Expanded and updated our Gila Valley Dayhikes site.
we are now only nine short of our goal of 365 major
useful entries.Please email me with any additions or corrections.
May 13, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Stainless steel is a wildly inappropriate choice of material
for any electrolysis device where energy conversion efficiency
is important. Because of the hydrogen overpotential of iron
and chromium in SS alloys. Hydrogen overpotential simply burns
up incoming energy without performing useful conversion.The "rusty" low energy passivated and low effective area surface
also does not bode well.
For this reason, "real" electrolysis devices to date ( as opposed
to web scams ) have demanded platinum electrodes. Not only
platinum, but a special form called Platinum Black that needs
renewed over and over again.
In a new discovery announced here and discussed here, a
"nanosheet" microcatalist has been developed that offers near
platinum performance with much lower cost materials.
Which still does nothing for exergy, which tells us that
electrolysis from high value electrical sources such as
grid, pv, or alternator flat out ain't gonna happen. Because
a kilowatt hour of electricity is ridiculously more valuable
than a kilowatt hour of unstored hydrogen gas. The process
is thus pretty much the same as 1:1 exchanging US dollars
for Mexican Pesos.
Much more in our Hydrogen Library and our Energy Resources.
May 12, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Heathkit has once again folded, presumably this time for
good. Per this analysis and this discussion. This time around,
much of the blame can likely be placed squarely on the utter
cluelessness of their entire educational computing division.
Even worse, takedown notices have been posted to most free
web providers of legacy Heathkit info. Flying in the face of the
standards long set by HP and Tektronix in carefully releasing all
legacy product info to the public domain.
And the once hearalded intended rebirth of Popular Electronics
magazine seems to have completely fizzled.
Hobby electronics peaked many years ago. It died for many
reasons. There no longer was any savings in kit construction.
Parts got small, complex, sensitive, and difficult to handle with
home shop techniques. Testing and debugging became a nightmare.
As did the ability for doing bleeding edge things on the cheap.
New diversions arrived, first in computer software, video games, and
then in web resources and then in social networking .
Ham radio became a quaint and ludicrous geriatric parody of its one
time greatness. First because of CB and termnally because of mobile
But I feel the hidden cause of hobby electronics virtually disappearing
was the evil empire going "poof". By bye. Gone. Nyet.
Community college electronics courses were predicated on guaranteed
jobs in aerospace for their graduates. Which completely vanished.
So the programs and entire departments were simply cancelled.
High schools shortly followed suit.
In some cases because the football team needed the money.
A minor backwater of hobby electronics remains. Available publications
include Circuit Cellar, Make, and Nuts & Volts. Such firms as Marlin
Jones, Circuit Specialists, Electronic Goldmine, and others still cater to
an ever- and shockingly- shrinking audience. As do our own eBay sales.
Some kit suppliers remain, such as Sparkfun, Adafruit, and Evilmadscience.
And the Steampunk folks must be up to something, although it is not
clear exactly what. New Santa Claus Machine people are certainly
emerging here, here, and here.
No definitive complete source of PE and other reprints seems to exist.
But a few random reprints can be found here and here.
Update: See American Radio History for mind blowing coverage.
Jeff Duntemann has revived the Carl and Jerry series. If brought
up to date, though, Carl would be a hated gazillionaire and Jerry would be
relearning to tie his shoes, owing to a slight drug overdose mishap.
Michael Holly has a SWTP tribute page with quite a few classic reprints,
and I have many of my classic reprints freely available.
The rate at which additional classic hobby electronics stuff can be added
to my website very much depends upon our banner advertisers.
May 11, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
I was chasing down some rumors of a local Apache Tears
field. And concluded the info was not yet good enough
for our Gila Dayhikes library. It is supposed to be south
of the San Francisco river above Cliffton. But I find it
strange that none of the "usual suspects" mention it at all.
Obsidian points and knives are quite rare in local prehistory. This
would seem unlikely if an obvious nearby field existed.
Not too long ago, I did check into the Bluebird Mine reference
in MinDat. But all I found was some exceptionally low quality
obsidian outcrops. Awful, even.
Meanwhile, there is a web scam going on where most of the
Apache Tears being sold are really glass nodules being mass
produced in Indonesia via industrial processes.
One of the traditional best locations for smoky translucent tears
had been the perlite beds a mile SSW of the Superior Arizona airport.
But access was somewhat restricted the last time I checked.We still have some fist sized specimens from way back when kicking
around somewhere.There's also an extensive field of opaque tears a mile southeast of
the Burro Creek bridge, in the flat mesa just south of the highway.
Also check out sometimes excellent swimming in Burro Creek and
a nearby warm spring a mile further west .More on similar stuff here. The name seems vaguely familiar.
May 10, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
There seems to be all sorts of new low end Santa Claus
Machines emerging. Such as RepRap, MakerBot,
Solidoodle, and Thingiverse.
But in an obvious "give the razor away and sell the blades"
ploy, the plastic feedstock reels are absolutely outrageously
priced. New ABS goes for a little over a dollar a pound and
reground for significantly less.
It should be a simple matter to build your own extruder
and make your own feedstock. For that matter, there's no
particular reason why the machines cannot directly accept
granular chips and extrude their own on the fly.
For a 25:1 or higher cost savings.
May 09, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
We are in the process of making our eBay sales higher
quality, upscale, and more "just in time" and are reducing
our dead storage and items that we never got around to listing.
As a result, we have several thousand pounds of assorted
electronics and test equipment that we will be giving away
for free. Much of it "as new", mainstream, and high quality.
The only gotchas are "take one, take all" and "local pickup only".
Call me at (928) 428-4073
May 08, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added a new Worst of Marcia Swampfelder banner.
Your own banner can be created for you per these details.
May 07, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
This site lets you search a group of Craig's List sites
at once.
By right clicking on "What:", you can generate your own
list of keywords that do not need rekeying.
More on auction help here.
May 06, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
A review of our present "flavors" of Magic Sinewaves can be
found here. And their ultra fast calculators here.
At present, only one "style" of three phase delta friendly Magic
Sinewaves has been developed. Per this "wrap map"...-----XXXXXXXX--------XXXXXXXXXXX--- 60-90
-----XXXXXXX--------------XXXXXX---------- 60-30
--------------------X--------XX ------------XXX---- 0-30This example zeros out the first 22 harmonics, offers full three
phase compability, and needs only one-half the storage of a
general Magic Sinewave. But a comparable Best Efficiency
seven pulse Magic Sinewave would zero out the first 28
harmonics and thus is more efficient at trading out zeroed
harmonics for pulse edges. But lacks delta friendliness.
The rule on the wrap map is that you can have zero or
two pulses in any column. But not one or three. This
is required to not have to rewire three phase motors,
double the drivers, or introduce circulation problems.
The "missing" earliest pulse was chosen to allow some
processing time after a zero crossing for amplitude or
frequency updates.
I still do not know if there are any fundamental reasons
why these two alternate patterns should not work. But any
previous results have been disappointing...-----XXXXXXXX--------XXXXXXXXXXX--- 60-90
-------XXXXXXX------------XXXXXX---------- 60-30
-----X-----------------------XX ------------XXX---- 0-30or this eight pulse version...
-----XXXXXXXX--------XXXXXXXXXXX--- 60-90
-------XXXXXX--------------XXXXXX---------- 60-30
-----X-------------X--------XX --------- --XXX---- 0-30Your comments welcome.
May 05, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
A reminder that I'll be presenting free talks on eBay Buying Secrets
and eBay selling secrets tonight at 6:30 in the Discovery Park
Jupiter Room.
Discovery Park is near the corner of 20th Avenue and Discovery
Park Boulevard in Safford.
More on eBay stuff here, and our eBay offerings here.
May 04, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Your tax dollars at work. The US treasury has an
auction site here.
They are currently listing 80 cases of scotch. But
before you bid on the lot, you have to certify that they
are for personal use only.
Which should let you practice the ancient oriental art of
tai wun oon.
More on auction stuff here.
May 03, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Many digital cameras now provide video output connectors
which ridiculously simplify your composition through big screen
viewing. Apple IIe color monitors are perfect for this, and can
be picked up at auction for a dollar each.
It would be better if you could watch on the monitor without
running the high current LCD display. Other features I really
could use is a joystick positionable "focus here" arrow, a
special "maximize depth of field" option, and full wireless
links for both the video output and the picture downloads.
Photo tutorials appear on our Auction Help page.
May 02, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
In a rather stunning announcement, MIT and Harvard
announced a new joint program of free world wide web
"full content" online courses starting next semester.You can find the announcement here and the Slashdot
comments here.
May 01, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
We normally ship our lighter and smaller eBay stuff
via priority mail, the middleweights via UPS ground,
and, rarely, heavy stuff via commercial freight.
The priority mail is incredibly fast, considering that
Thatcher International Airport only offers nightly
DC3 service to Columbia. And we have consistently
found that any attempt at speeding up a shipment will
instead slow it down.
It is also not clear how much time and effort should be
spent speeding up a $9 shipment to a proven antsy
troublemaker. Who likely anguished over their purchase
for a month before demanding immediate delivery.
The policy that makes by far the most sense to us here
in the Greater Bonita-Eden-Sanchez Metropolitan Area
is to deny all requests for attempts at faster-than-normal
April 30, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
For most individuals and small scale startups most of the time,
any involvement whatsoever with the patent system is virtually
certain to end up a net loss of time, energy, money, and sanity.
Find out why in our Case Against Patents classic reprint, our
When to Patent tutorial, and our other patent resources.
April 29, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
The "water powered car" continues to run rampant on the
web. Overpriced kits are now available that let you conclusively
prove the bogosity to yourself beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Here's a summary of why the concept is not even wrong...
1. What part of "Gross and Egregious Fraud" don't you
2. A fundamental thermodynamic principle called exergy
absolutely GUARANTEES that hydrogen produced from
high value grid, pv, or alternator electricity flat out ain't
gonna happen. For the simple reason that a kilowatt hour
of electricity is ridiculously more valuable than a kilowatt
hour of unstored hydrogen gas.
3. There are EIS or Electrochemical Impedance Spectrocopy
instruments readily available. These "run the experiment"
many millions of times daily with uniformly negative results.
4. The resonant frequency of water is ONE MILLION TIMES
higher than proponents claim, applies only to water vapor,
and is not in any manner overunity.
5. Stainless steel is wildly inappropriate for hydrogen production
devices because of the hydrogen overpotential of iron. and
because of its low energy and low area passivated surface.
Special Platinized Platinum Black normally is required for
efficient devices and demands careful repeated renewing.6. Because of Faraday's Law, only the Fourier Series direct current
term of any complex pulse waveform can contribute to electrolysis.
High frequency ac components primarily create bunches of waste
heat and inefficiency.
7. It is trivially easy to mismeasure the energy in pulse waveforms.
So much so that this is Beginning EE Student Blunder 001-A.
Such measurement is almost always ridiculously low.
8. It is similarly trivially easy to mismeasure that actual dry
STP hydrogen content in any vapor. Such measurement is
almost always ridiculously high.
9. Surprisingly, electrolysis can in fact be up to one sixth endothermic
and can produce "runs cool" effects. But such operation only can
happen at very low and unamortizable production rates.
Curiously, the Ohio trial court fraud proceedings have never been
transcribed, owing to admin costs and a near total lack of demand.Additional details of my own appear here and here and here.
Two useful third party resources are found here and here.
April 28, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Expanded and updated our Gila Valley Dayhikes site.
we are now only twelve short of our goal of 365 major
useful entries.Please email me with any additions or corrections.
Expanded and updated our Auction Help library page.
Your own custom auction finder can be created for you
per these details. With additional auction resources here.
We've also further expanded and improved our banners.
You can view the sourcecode by using your browser's
"view source" feature.
Your own ad banner can be created for you per these details.
April 27, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
I just got bounced off Craig's List and I am not too sure why.
I suspect that they have some sort of out-of-area filter that,
say, automatically excludes a (928) area code in the listing
from (602) or whatever.
I'll try again with a clearly local listing and a forwarding
service to see what happens.
Meanwhile, please request a Safford/Thatcher/Pima AZ new
list here. And have 27,538 of your closest friends also do so.
April 26, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Over the years, my Magic Sinewave calculators have gone
from excruciatingly slow to nearly instant. The ongoing
debugged version appears here, while a yet-to-smooth-some-
rough-edges fancified code appears here.The basic problem is to solve math equations similar to these...
cos ( 1*p1s ) -cos( 1*p1e )+…+cos( 1*p7s ) -cos( 1*p7e ) = ampl* pi/4
cos ( 3*p1s ) -cos( 3*p1e )+…+cos( 3*p7s ) -cos( 3*p7e ) = 0
cos ( 5*p1s ) -cos( 5*p1e )+…+cos( 5*p7s ) -cos( 5*p7e ) = 0
cos ( 7*p1s ) -cos( 7*p1e )+…+cos( 7*p7s ) -cos( 7*p7e ) = 0
cos ( 9*p1s ) -cos( 9*p1e )+…+cos( 9*p7s ) -cos( 9*p7e ) = 0
cos (11*p1s)-cos(11*p1e)+…+cos(11*p7s)- cos(11*p7e ) = 0
cos (13*p1s)-cos(13*p1e)+…+cos(13*p7s)- cos(13*p7e ) = 0
cos (15*p1s)-cos(15*p1e)+…+cos(15*p7s)- cos(15*p7e ) = 0
cos (17*p1s)-cos(17*p1e)+…+cos(17*p7s)- cos(17*p7e ) = 0
cos (19*p1s)-cos(19*p1e)+…+cos(19*p7s)- cos(19*p7e ) = 0
cos (21*p1s)-cos(21*p1e)+…+cos(21*p7s)- cos(21*p7e ) = 0
cos (23*p1s)-cos(23*p1e)+…+cos(23*p7s)- cos(23*p7e ) = 0
cos (25*p1s)-cos(25*p1e)+…+cos(25*p7s)- cos(25*p7e ) = 0
cos (27*p1s)-cos(27*p1e)+…+cos(27*p7s)- cos(27*p7e ) = 0Each pair of terms can represent the Fourier Series of one
unity amplitude pulse having a sought after starting and ending
angle. These equations are unlikely to have a direct solution.
Instead Newton's Method gets used in which you make a guess,
find the slope to zero, and then make a better guess. The
process often rapidly converges here, usually beyond twelve decimal
places in five or fewer passes.A really sneaky trick gets used to dramatically simplify and
speed up the equation solution. Consider this trig identity...cos (a+x) = cos(a)cos(x) - sin(a)sin(x)
which is true everywhere for all a and all x. We already
know a from our previous guess, so it is a constant.
We also can restrict a to the first quadrant without any
problems.Now, if our guess was good ( or"better" ), x will be a
very small number. The cosine of x will be very close
to unity, so call it one! The series expansion of sin(x)
is x - x^3/3! + ..., so you can approximate sin(x) = x for
very small angles. Reducing the above equation near
x = 0 leaves us with...cos(a+x) is roughly cos(a) - x*sin(a)
... which not only gets rid of all the ugly trig ( remember
that cos(a) and sin(a) are known ordinary numbers from
the previous pass ), but leaves us with a plain old n
linear equations in n unknowns!...which, further, is exactly the form you need for
Newton's Method!! And, as we will note in passing,
you can get the same result via Taylor Series.Which can easily be solved by the Gauss Jordan method.
And whose ( relatively ) minor problems can be resolved
using these techniques.
More on Magic Sinewaves here and here.
April 25, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Harvard has placed the scholarly journal scamsters on notice
that business as usual will no longer hack it. By requesting that
all faculty and associates henceforth publish open source.
Per this report and this SlashDot lively discussion.
I have long felt that any and all technical papers over three
years old should be freely available without restrictions.
I find it faintly ludicrous that you can freely find full details
on Mad Magazine's 1965 43-Man Squamish tome, but
that you have to pay through the nose to even locate
Sallen and Key's seminal 1956 active filter paper.
Some alternate free publishing and learning resources include...Wesrch
Rapid Libaray
Free Video Lectures
Justfree Books
MIT Courses
StanfordPlus, of course, our own eBooks and reprints here.
I'd like to very much expand this list. Please email
me with your suggestions.
April 24, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
There seems to be emerging interest in a new Lithium-Air battery
technology. Vaguely comparable to the zinc-air scheme used
on hearing aids and elsewhere.
The big advantage is a potential energy density comparable to
gasoline, which is twenty or more times better than anything
presently available. The big disadvantage is that there are
serious and major problems yet to be resolved.A summary appears here, with some highly overstated IBM
developments here and slashdot comments here.
There are two related electric car problems that may prove
unsolvable. If you try to charge an electric car battery rapidly,
the voltages and currents needed become absolutely ludicrous
and totally cost prohibitive.
And if you exchange batteries, you triple ( or worse ) the cost
of the vehicle. Because of one battery in the car, one being
charged, and at least one more on standby for the next
customer and offering a profit to whoever is recharging.More on energy topics here.
April 23, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
The new high resolution imagery from Acme Mapper may
have revealed what may end up proving to be an utterly
stunning discovery: Rock alignments on a seldom explored
portion of Frye Mesa might be a rainwater gathering watershed
feeder to the Robinson prehistoric hanging canal!
Yeah, there clearly is some CCC involvement, but this may
prove to be "steal the plans" rework involving water spreading
rather than gathering. Careful study of caliche/patina /lichens
should be able to sort this all out.
The alignments seem remarkably similar to another inexplicable
location well down canyon.Field mice welcome.
April 22, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
I've long been fascinated with putting toner or inkjet ink
anywhere BUT on paper. Long ago, we looked at many of
the possibilities here and here.
Digital Image Transfer is a new book by Ellen Horowitz that
brings many of these techniques up to date and shows you the
latest available materials and processes to transfer toner or
ink to artsy-craftsy substrates of your choice.
Some of the new magic stuff included is Lasertran, acetone,
clear packaging tape, inks made from soap and turpentine,
ordinary white labels, Sheer Heaven transfer, Mod Podge,
amazing tricks with Citra-Solv, polmer clay, Liquid Scupley,
Fusing Photo Paper, cyanotypes, Fuji FP-100C, Grafix
Inkjet Shrink Film, and bunches more.
April 21, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
An interesting new 14-bit 360 degree angle position sensor
based on a rotating magnet can be found here. About $6.
April 20, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Industry uses three phase power because power flow is
continuous, wire and iron are less, there is less noise and
vibration, and motors start and reverse more easily.
But home electric service is normally single phase center
tapped 220 vac. Which creates a problem if you have one
larger three phase motor in your shop or wherever.
Traditionally, a beastie called a three phase rotary converter
was used. This was sort of a motor generator that was single
phase powered but produced three phase outputs. While
these remain available, the costs typically start above $500.
But these days, there is a better way. Called a VFD or variable
frequency drive. These solid state devices are available for
$200 or less and are much smaller. They also can sometimes
let you vary your motor's speed as well. Allen-Bradley is
one supplier. Automation Direct is one discount source.
Some VFD's are single phase powered, while others are three
phase powered. It is obviously important to select a unit
that is single phase powered.
April 19, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
For some reason, Craig's List does not seem to interested in
adding the Greater Bonita-Eden-Sanchez metropolitan area to
their offerings. Yet the population and the need is definitely
there, and it is a long travel distance to any other Craig's site.I suspect the problem is that the requests are inconsistent.
Graham county, Graham/Greenlee, Thatcher, Safford, Pima,
Southeastern Arizona, Morenci, Clifton, etc. "Standardizing"
the requests on "Safford/Thatcher/Pima" might make the most
Meanwhile, I have had surprisingly good results with the Phoenix
list. The key is to find quantity high tech listings that are being
dumped independent of their value. Then to lowball bid ( perhaps
one third of their best price ) and wait till nobody else responds.
Finding the right keywords can be a big problem. I've had lots
of luck with "Omron" and "transducer". But terms like
"electronic" or "sensor" or "component" give far too many
false hits.
Two tips: View the latest item in any search to act as a
"gauge" to where you left off. Even if the item is wildly
useless or inappropriate.And this site lets you mix and match the lists. But this one
seems even better to me. Which Craig apparently strongly
April 18, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Here's a beta version of the latest version of our fully
automatic Background Mottler. It should have corrected
a bug or two.
The usual reminders that only wanted red=255 pixels
are allowed to be present, that the red outline must be
complete without so much as a single pixel break, and
the outside stuff stops at the end of the first red group,
but inside stuff must have a complete red fill.
Many examples are found here.
Please email any further problems or corrections.
April 17, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
"Truth is stranger than fiction" gets even more bizarre
when you wander into Western New Mexico.
The Brushy Mountain Radar Station is South of Mule
Creek at the end of a secret mountain laboratory road
whose access is easily controlled. It likely started life as a
cold war facility and presumably still sees use for drug
interdiction activity.
Little known is that it includes oversize kitchen and
dormitory facilities. It was supposedly used as a remote
retreat by both the Kennedy and Johnson presidental
administrations. Since then it occasionally has seen such
mundane uses as BLM team building excercises.
BUT and IF you needed to stash some super secret stuff
( such as, say, some extraterrestrial aliens ), the facility is
virtually ready to go.
Even stranger is nearby Terrortown, once known as Playas.
This began as a company town for a long defunct smelter
and was bought by a New Mexico school and funded by
the Department of Homeland Security for a training
facility for counterterrorism and urban hostage situations.
More here, here, and here.
April 16, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Truth can certainly be stranger than fiction. As a bunch
of Gila Valley happenings over the years can attest.
One of the most blatant scams was the McEniry Tunnel,
a scheme to tunnel all the way through Mt. Graham.
The gold and silver could simply be scraped off the ceiling
into ore cars, greatly simplifying extraction. At the same time,
zillions of acre feet of water could be recovered, along with
great heaping bunches of electricity. Plus lots of timber.
The entire prospectus, of course, was an outright lie. The
Grahams are precambrian intrusives with virtually zero
mineral content whatsoever. The site today is a plain old
short mining tunnel.
BTW, all the locals have their own favorite spelling and
pronounciation of "McEniry". And love to argue about it.
I'll stick with his signature on the above prospectus. This
is also sometimes called the "Triumph Tunnel Site".
Somewhat further west was the Spenazuma Mine, shortened
from getting "them" to "spend their mazuma". And a
classic example of blatant salting. Today, this is on a private
ranch on which visitation is strongly discouraged.
What might or might not have been a scam was the Bear Flat
Irrigation District. In which artesian water was run over a
long series of canals and lakes in what today is totally barren
and dry as a bone.
More modern is the saga of the Banana Farm scam. Which older
Thatcher residents do not want to talk about. Also, for some
strange reason, nobody but nobody in the entire Gila Valley
wants to talk about the "Golden Letter" scam whose pyramind
scheme flushed out the entire area during the 1980's.
April 15, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Managed to field verify that nearly ALL of these "curious
rock alignments" do seem to be prehistoric canals!
I'll change the name to the Riggs Complex.
Evidence includes their apparent extreme efficiency of
construction, their slope and linearity, the lack of any
concrete or rebar, the lack of hallmark CCC signatures,
a five inch mesquite growing mid channel, consistency
of cross section, and uniform caliche/pavement/lichens.
Beyond that, things get highly speculative. Frye Creek
suggests a credible water source, delivered via a branch
off the Robinson Canal. Fields associated with the canals
are rather vague and possibly demolished by heavy
area flooding. Huge boulders are involved.
It is not at all clear whether all the canals were used at once
or in some sort of time sequence. One alignment is wide
enough to be a pioneer wagon road, but seems to lack any
evidence of grading or mechanical assistance. Let
alone any pioneer purpose or goal.
Things are rather vague compared to the other hanging canals.Even stranger and yet unchecked is this area. While obviously
CCC, did they "steal the plans" from an underlying
prhistoric origin? Why? Curioruser and curiourser .
Field mice welcome.
April 14, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
I recently revisited the Crazy Horse Canyon we just added
to our Gila Valley Dayhikes.
This little known and seldom visited riparian site is remarkably
unexpected and quite impressive. It is located off the Aravapia
road across and below the telephone radio tower.
Amazingly, the tiny wet stream seems to be surviving our
long term drought. Center portions of the three mile long canyon
often include pools and narrows.
The wet parts start half a mile off road on a progressively
worsening canyon bottom jeep trail. Because of the elevation
differences, thru trips with a pick up off the Bonita road may
be the best choice.
April 13, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
I've added FatCow as one of our banner advertisers
in an associate role.
A few months back, it was necessary to change our ISP.
These folks have been ( and continue to be ) exceptionally
useful and coooperative.Besides being an exceptionally good buy, they certainly do
deserve your support.
You can read the code for our automatic banner rotator by
using your browser's "view source" feature. At present,
the odds of a banner showing up are one in four at the top
of the page. Try refreshing a few times to see them all.
April 12, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Conspiracy enthuasiasts should take great delight in this
totally inaccessible ongoing new site development.The "official" explanation sure sounds fishy to me.
April 11, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
One of the leading indicator species of overgrazing is ---> cows.
April 10, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
I just picked up a 30 volt 3 amp lab supply from Marlin
Jones and am really impressed with it. Fully adjustable
voltage and current limits. Nice digital display of both.
Model 9615-PS at $49. This switchmode unit is rather
light and small. And it is powerful enough to check out
some medium level automation equipment.
I have a whole pile of similar rated Heath Schlumberger
linear supplies that I likely will flush because there is
no way they can compete with this unit. These are huge
and heavy, of course. They also just damaged a timer I
was checking. Not sure why.
Let me know if you want to come and pick up any of them.
April 09, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Our Automatic Background Mottler / Vignetter / Filler-inner
demands that these rules are followed if it is to work properly...There MUST be ZERO unwanted red=255 pixels!
While these can be eliminated programatically with several
of our routines, they can inadvertently be replaced by such
actions as resizing, gamma, contrast, brightness, sharpening,
color balance, or similar commands..
A useful workaround is to back off the color balance in
Imageview32 or whatever by two or three small clicks.
Do this imediately before creating any "real" red=255
pixels in your outlining process..All wanted red=255 pixels MUST be continuous!
Even a one pixel "hole" will cause the background to "blast
through" the portions of the image to be retained. It is also
important that red=255 places boundaries on any image
portion that goes offscreen.But until several obscure bugs can be further checked, it is
best to avoid any red=255 pixels within two pixels of any edge.Internal fills MUST be solid.
The external mottlers work up to just beyond first red or white
pixel groups, starting from east, west, south, and north. But the
internal fills work on a pixel by pixel replacement basis.
It is also super important to have new and different output
filenames for both the mottling and tilt correction routines.
Examples of the superb results of our mottler appear here.
April 08, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Another reminder that I'll be presenting a free BLM "Brown Bag
Lunch" talk on Little Known Gila Valley Dayhikes on April 12th
at noon.
BLM is located at 14th avenue and 8th street in Safford.
Bring your own coconut anchovy pizza. Whose big advantage, of course,
is that you will not have to share it with anyone.
April 07, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
One thing the new Acme Mapper Gila Valley image resolution
has made apparent: There are an unbelievable number of CCC
projects remaining in the area. Way beyond hundreds, and
possibly in the thousands.
The overwhelming majority of which seemed to me to be totally
and utterly useless makework boondoggles. Your economic
stimulus spending in action.
Here's a dozen water spreaders as examples.
In general, a CCC project will be much larger, more linear,
and higher than a prehistoric one. It will also be much more
distinct on an aerial photo. And often exhibits anglo
"stone masonry" skills. With railroad tracks or cables or
fencing sometimes thrown in for good measure.
Caliche, desert pavement, and lichen demarkments tend to be
obvious and wildly out of line. Some rocks will often show signs
of wheelbarrow or truck use through their local mismatch.Prehistoric projects will almost always be much more energy
efficient in their construction, and will almost always have an
obvious and an overwhelmly defining purpose. Aprons are more
common on prehistoric check dams.Prehistoric projects are also much more likely to have very old
cacti or mesquite trees mid channel and are often "run over"
by dams, roads, and old fences without any accomodation
whatsoever. There is also very strong "stole the plans" evidence
where anglo pioneers repurposed small portions of spectacular
prehistoric originals.
Much more here.
April 06, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
One of the stranger things to pop up out of the new Acme
Mapper resolution is a huge construction project at Blue
River Confluence.
Which is kinda weird because you literally cannot get
there from here.
Turns out this is a ten million dollar fish barrier project.
With all equipment being helicoptered in from the Juan
Miller road crossing four miles north.
Much more on the project here. And more on Gila Valley
strange wondrosities here.
April 05, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
The improved imagery in Acme Mapper has just found yet
another hanging canal.
We might call it the Riggs Canal. Small, very steep and rather
poor workmanship. Extremely rocky terrain with huge
boulders. Area to the north is even less hospitable near the
east-west fence.Potential length is two to three miles.
There is no obvious reason to believe this is not prehistoric,
despite the extensive CCC work in the area. I feel this
particular canal may have been incomplete or a failure.
Potential source would be an off feeder from Frey Creek
via the Robinson Canal. Its potential use is not at all
obvious and does not look ag in the least .
Also curious is that the hiking trail to the main Robinson
Canal should have crossed this canal at some point. But
such a crossing has not yet been noted.
April 04, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Verifying the exact route of our Allen prehistoric hanging
canal below the misnamed Hawk Hollow Tank may prove
tricky because of the extensive CCC rework in the immediate
area. There are at least three dozen CCC water spreaders in the
target area!
This is over and above its fairly difficult access. Nearby portions
of the canal are interesting because they "hang" their way
"up" out of washes and include remarkably long and deep cuts.
As always, the world class prehistoric engineering boggles the mind.
The reason to hang the canals in the first place is to make their
slope independent of terrain. For spectacular energy savings.
At present, there are several gaps in the six mile long Allen Canal
route. A short unverified stretch near the Spring Creek takein point
that is not expected to have much in the way of surprises. The
abovementioned CCC spreader area, and the crucial region between
the mesa and the dam.
Plus, of course, determining the ultimate destination and use of the
system. To date, it simply vanishes into the "Black Hole of Central"
after a well defined run.Field mice most welcome.
April 03, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
For years, I've been creating what, for a better name, we might
call Lancasterisms. These are intentional but apparent
topographical errors intended to reveal a higher or greater truth.
Such as a groundswill of popular demand. Or what those French
Veternarians call a "four paw". Or being overly enameled on some
idea. Or ending up a few bricks shy of a full deck. Frosting the lily or
guilding the cake. Or not being able to hit the barn side of a broad.
Or the mythinterpretiation of something.
Or sources close to an associate of the barber of a usually reliable
spokesperson. New uses for Chebycheff Polynomials would take
the Cheby to the Leby. Many of the web perpetual motion schemes
and those electrolysis fantasies seem to involve electrocity.
All in one swell foop. Provided there's no oint in the flyment
An unauthorized autobiography. A jerk of all trades. The
local hysterical society. The word "gullible" is not in any
major dictionary or spell checker.
Letting the cows come home to roost. So long as they are
elected by acrimination. That little dip between the winter slump
and the spring slack period. Sort of the qualm before the scorn.
Geranium transistors.
Plays a mean eclectic guitar. Pioneers new methods of animal
husbandry. Speaks Esperanto like a native. Bruno's attitude
relateralization facillitation. Or the long lost oriental martial art
of Tai Wun Oun. Will be persecuted to the fullest exteristent of the law.
Thus reaching a new millstone.
Geologists, of course, classify rocks as sedentary, ingeneous, or
metaphoric. And New Mexico hikers might call an emergency
rain shelter a Poncho Villa. The illegal aliens in the Alabama
Grits Harvest, will, of course, be used for flavor only.
Right after the Ayatolla's Bar Mitzvah.
"I'll give you just three hours and fifty one minutes to STOP THAT!".
Norfolk & Waay is the leading eBay supplier of drop ship items.
Separating the useful adjuncts for porcine whole body cleanliness
from the total hogwash.
These are somehow related to the Yogi Berra's of others, such as
"Nobody goes there because it is too crowded", "Deja Vu all over
again", or "Let's keep the Status Quo right where it is. Or "When
you come to a fork in the road, take it".
Or Ed Abbey's classic "Androgynous Ammonia". Which might
even involve an engendered species.
I have a hollow feeling I've lost some of the better ones of these
somewhere along the way. As you go through some of my older
books and stories, please report any that may be missing in
Because Opporknockity tunes but once.
April 02, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
A useful ISP speed checker can be found here.
April 01, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
A slowdown in your comm speeds over time can usually
be traced to Ethernet Tokens that are either corroded or
grime covered.
The usual treatment is to use Brasso. But a better long
term solution is to gold plate the tokens and then flash
overplate them with a few microinches of rhodium.
March 31, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
One of the apparent requirements for our Magic Sinewaves
is a precision time delay that has low overhead, lots of states,
and is totally jitter free.
This requirement is non trivial and pretty much excludes many
traditional timers on many older microprocessor chips. It
also pretty much demands programming in raw machine
Especially if pinch points are to be avoided in the code for
higher values of "n" that combine the need for both very
low and very high delay values.
Here is a PIC table lookup timer that has a one instruction
cycle resolution combined with interrupt free zero jitter and
a mere SIX cycles of overhead.CALL as subroutine with delay value in W
and PCLATH preset to page three…
02FE SUBWF PCL,1 ; move pc to needed delay
02FF NOP ; padding - never accessed
0300 NOP ; burn one cycle if used
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
03FD NOP ; burn one cycle if used
03FE NOP ; burn one cycle if used
03FF RETLW 0x00 ; return to calling routineUnfortunately, this was only an eight bit solution to a twelve bit
or higher problem. In the past, factoring had to be used to
sop up most of the delay with a crude timer and the rest of it
with the precision code above.
The problems should be resolvable by going to a new generation
of samely priced 16- or 32-bit microprocessors. These also have
ridiculously more flash memory. Which should allow internalizing
frequency setting. Or using seemingly outrageous blocks of table
Our present stable magic sinewave calculator appears here, while
an expanded and updated version with known bugs can be previewed
March 30, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Solar energy firms are dropping like flies. There is/was an
amazing number of recent bankruptcies.
Besides the obvious Solandra, there has been Maricopa Solar,
Solar Hybrid, Ralos New Energies, Oderson, Stirling Energy
Systems, Evergreen Solar, Photowatt, Solar Millenium, Sun
Trust, Solar Trust, Q cells, and several more.
Almost enough to suggest leaning towards a trend.Meanwhile, the upcoming Maricopa Solar bankruptcy auction
seems to have a $25,000 bid deposit minimum. Apparently
to keep the bottom feeding riff raff ( like me, ferinstance ) out
of the game.
Their suncatchers tried to push the limits of solar concentration,
Stirling Engines, and hydrogen working gas too far and too much
at once. While only generating a pitiful (and likely unamortizable )
amount of energy per unit. Just enough for one electric car.I doubt these will sell for more than scrap value. And they are
enormously complex, costly, heavy, and dangerous to disassemble.
in the allowed nine day (!) time frame. Not to mention the
nitrogen purging needed for the 3000 PSI hydrogen pipeline.
Or, unbelievably --you are only allowed to disassemble the
units at night! Because of a glint safety issue.It is bound to get worse, because the price of pv solar
MUST drop to twenty five cents per peak panel watt if it is
ever to even hope of dreaming of eventually becoming
renewable and sustainable. Instead of remaining a gasoline
destroying and subsidy stealing net energy sink.I feel it is highly unlikely that ANY of the present pv players will
survive the transition from subsidy and grant ripper offers and
green scamsters to commodity net energy source providers.
A list of fifteen bankruptcies since August appears here.A useful report on ongoing pv pricing appears here. While a
major pv solar trade journal can be found here.A really cute pv solar potential development appears here.
Much more on the realities of upcoming pv solar breakthroughs here.
March 29, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
My favorite definition of engineering remains the somewhat
ancient "a sense of the fitness of things".
March 28, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Our first new Acme Mapper discovery: The Robinson
Canal seems to head much higher and much earlier than
we suspected. Per this as yet unverified takein and this as
yet unchecked run.
But this needs carefully field checked. It could instead be the
more modern Frey Mesa pipeline. Which sees no current
use because of a noncompliant chlorinator.
The image "obviousness" makes it highly suspect.
Much more on our stunning prehistoric hanging canals here.
March 27, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Both Google Maps and Acme Mapper seem to have dramatically
improved the recency and the resolution of their Gila Valley Images.
Both seem to be using the same imagery data base.
Google is better for street views and driving instructions. Acme
is better for topo map options and GPS locations.
In particular, check out the CCC Camp, the Grids, the water
spreaders, and the UFO fish fillets.
One thing that is newly apparent: There are an utterly astounding
number of CCC water spreaders. Many, many hundreds, and possibly
many thousands. All of which seem an utterly pointless ecomonic
stimulus boondoggle to me.
More on the UFO fish fillets here. These were really a way for young
Texas men to get their first pair of shoes.
March 26, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
I've long been fascinated by the "Potholes Country" and
"Cave Canyon" place names north of Mule Creek just
over the New Mexico line.
This geoligical paper sheds some light on what is there.
Apparently the rhyolite base excludes anything serious
in the way of caves. But the geology seems fascinating
none the less.
Another enigmatic "pothole" appears here. Very close to
the Montez toll road. I've made several trips but found
nothing. Part of the problem is that the term itself can
have many different meanings.
March 25, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
The mottled backgrounds we have been using in our
Bitmap Typewriter and our automatic background
mottler sure are an attractive way to add interest or
texture to an image. And their intended original
use was to dramatically reduce JPEG edge artifacts.
But caution is required when using a mottled background
on a .PNG file as it can dramatically and excessively
and unacceptably increase the file size.
March 24, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Our playing with .PNG files has advanced to the point where
we will likely use them on all new banners, and possibly upgrade
many of the existing ones.
You can watch our banner rotator in action by repeatedly refreshing
our home page.
But the exploration has proved maddengly frustrating.Ferinstance, it seems much more reliable to use Irfanview rather
Paint to get from .BMP to .PNG. In particular, setting the
transparency color is much simpler and more obvious.
It is of uptmost importance that your .FTP program does not
change the total number of words in the file. It seems that
Filezilla does a better job here than plain old FTP95. The
problem seems worse when crossing a Windows to Apache
It may be a good idea to return your transferred file to a
separate check location to make sure it is still intact.
There seem to be a bunch of caches involved between
host, client, and JavaScript. So things may sometimes
be "stuck" to a prechange situation. Sometimes the
problem will go away simply by waiting a day and
March 23, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
The traditional ways of dealing with banners all seem to have
problems. .BMP files have the best appearance ( especially with
antialiased small text ) but are outrageously large. While .GIF files
have licensing, dithering, and obsolescence issues. And JPEG files
tend to trash small lettering and splotch everything up on small images.
It turns out there is a fairly new kid on the block called a .PNG file.
It lossless and without degradation can dramatically reduce the
size of a .BMP file.
A .PNG summary is found here and the full spec here.
At first try, the .PNG file may not reduce a .BMP all that much.
Going from, say, a 50K image of 280x65 down to 25K. But there
are tricks you can pull that can actually make a .PNG file smaller
than JPEG or GIF. While retaining full .BMP appearance!Reducing the number of colors to sixteen or fewer can have the
most dramatic effect. This may mean that if you are using
antialiased lettering from our Bitmap Typewriter or whatever
that you may want to adjust the antialias shading to a limited number
of values, perhaps six or eight maximum.
Mottled backgrounds should also be replaced with a solid color.
The .PNG code algorithms are related to both Huffman and
Run Length encoding, so the fewer the colors and the longer
the color runs across the banner, the better.
.PNG files also support several transparency modes. The simplest
of which lets you round the edges of a banner or create odd shapes.
March 22, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Yes, these may be on the final...
1. To what extent can the hanging canals and the
grids represent a technocracy?
2. The hanging canal takeins seem precisely located
exactly where the modern streams go underground.
What can this reveal about climatic reconstruction?
March 21, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Our revised Magic Sinewave Calculator seems to have
a problem in that the exportable quantized delays reporter does
not seem to properly track the new bits per quadrant input.
I'm still working on a repair. Please report any other
March 20, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
We have been having barkathon problems with some
badly and chronicaly misbehaving neighborhoold dogs.
So I tried using one of the "barkoff" ultrasonic whistles.
This worked like a champ on Digiri, who has not barked
at all ever on anything ever since the first brief exposure.
But the neighbor dogs seem to ignore it. Possibly it does
not get through a chain link fence very well. Or the
"Square law" response drops off significantly with
distance. Or it only works on some dogs.
We originally thought Digiri was an Australian Shepard.
Compared to a real Australian Shepard, she has exactly
the same number of ears.
March 19, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
At that same nerdy lunch session, I could not come up
with a reference for The Tragedy of the Commons, a key
paper that pretty much defined the latter 20th century.
Here is a latter day reprise.
I was, however, able to come up with a reference to the
Great Boston Molasses Disaster .
March 18, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
At a recent nerdy lunch session, I was challenged to prove
a statement I made that real time instant optical Fourier
Transforms were rather trivial, albeit outrageously expensive.
Here's a current tutorial.
Going back to some ancient history that I think it is now ok to
talk about, side looking radar required that a swept waveform
be collapsed through a linear delay versus frequency device
to get from a target phase history to a target display.
Before things like the Fast Fourier Transform and sanely priced
digital techniques, the only practical method was to use ray traced
The process is utterly simple. Take an image plane and shine
coherent light through it a distance x from, say, a convex lens.
Place a second frosted image plane another x distance on the
other side of the lens. Presto. The image Fourier Transform
appears on the frosted image plane.
March 17, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Making the Fat Cow into a Leprechaun somehow ended up
as a mixed meadowphor.
March 16, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
I'm making some progress on Thumb Drive "websites".
Apparently Chrome grabs anything and decides if it
is a website or not by whether it starts with a "http" .
It then remembers the location as a "real" url or
alternately as a PC host based filename.
Any new filenames are then made "virtual" and
"relative" to the initial host name if they do not
start with "http", and as absolute web references
if they do.
An image inside an "include" folder might be accessed
thusly...glotz = "includes/barro.jpg"
I'm not totally clear why you do not need or want a
leading slash here, but the above seems to work.
One hassle is that Chrome apparently does not
recognize any <include " "> or <#include " ">
command. Apparently because it is client based and
does not involve itself with server side includes.
I'm not sure what or whether includes can be included
in Thumb Drive websites. There is some sort of an
document.head.appendChild method, but it looks
both scary and flakey.Your suggestions on including incudes welcome.
March 15, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
A preliminary release of our new "Level VII" Magic Sinewave
calculators appears here.
New stuff includes expansion to as many as 23 pulses per
quadrant, more delta friendly results, and a greatly improved
quantization feature.
There still could be a few loose ends and the code definitely
needs independent third party testing, so please email me if
you find anything.
More on Magic Sinewaves here.
March 14, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Oops. There's a blowup bug in our Background Mottling
Utilities. Caused by some groupings of red=255 pixels on the
top image line.
The obvious workaround is to make sure there are no red=255
pixels ( iutentional or otherwise ) on your top image line. The
odds of this happening can be much higher than you would
expect. Unintended red=255's are eliminated automatically
if you use the nutilt or nored code first.
The code fix could be as simple as changing to a maxnorth 2 sub
from maxnorth 1 sub in the NS data gathering loop. But I want
to test this further with "real" images to make sure there are
no unintended consequences.
March 13, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Because of a filename mixup, the gramtram.pdf sourcecode
apparently has been 404'ing.
March 12, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Truth in advertising: Hester Prynne was really a C-.
March 11, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Apparently any old .SHTML file can be dragged and
dropped into Chrome or most other modern browsers.
Regardless of whether it is "really" on the web.
This suggests "websites" that are thumb drive
based. I've been wanting to offer an eBay collection
of classic reprints, and this might be a good way to
combine JavaScript web tools (such as the bouncy
bricks and the banner autorotator and includes)
with .PDF files for actual item distribution.
Operation seems automatic, so long as each and
every piece of the needed "website" is properly
arranged in host or drive folders.
A code snipped such as...<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("This came from "+document.URL);
</script>... should return something like...
This came from file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/
March 10, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Revised and reverified our Magic Sinewave Historical Archive
page. There were over 4000 issues needing manual recorrection.
And many still remain.
At one time, these outdated files were on our main page. I've now
moved most of them to a /Magsin 5 /archive sub subdirectory.
If you get 404'ed, try looking here.
In general, almost all of the early Magsin files got replaced by our
current calculator and our new one in the works.
But I do want to retain them as an IP record of where and how
Magic Sinewaves were first developed.
March 09, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
A rather remarkable and possible breakthrough in pv solar
technology appears here. Claimed is 40 cents per peak panel
watt, which is approaches the 25 cents per peak watt needed
for pv solar to eventually become renewable and sustainable,
rather than remaining a gasoline destroying net energy sink.
If this one doesn't do it, we can reasonably expect similar
thinking to make pv net energy feasible "real soon now".The concept is simple: Make the cells thinner and require
less "sawdust" while doing so, and you end up needing
less material. Duh.
Amazingly, they also get flexible and less fragile in the
More on pv solar and energy fundamentals here.
March 08, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
A useful collection of vacuum tube info appears here.
Thanks to Jeff Duntemann for the tip.
March 07, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
The meanings of "normally open" and "normally closed"
are exact opposites, depending on whether you are talking
electrically or pneumatically.
A normally open switch or relay contact has a gap that DOES
NOT conduct electricity or signals or whatever. Until such
time as its position is changed or coil power is applied.
A normally open valve DOES allow a liquid or gas flow
from input to output. Until such time as its position is
changed or coil power is applied.
Valves are often further complicated in that if liquid
stays stuck in a pipe, nothing much happens. Thus,
three way, four way, and even five way valving is
more the norm. In which you either provide air or
oil or else let it drain off or return somewhere else.
We'll shortly be adding a bunch of nice ASCO Valves
to our eBay auction and store.
March 06, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Yorg. Our new ISP uses case sensitive filenames!
Yeah, there are some fancy solutions, but they all involve
root access or hidden consequences, folder name restrictions,
.htaccess codes, or arbitrarily changing filenames that you
might not want changed.Our ISP does have unlimited file storage, so our solution will be to
simply repeat such files as RTLcb.pdf and rtlcb.pdf. And we
will monitor our 404 reporter and your emails to catch anything
Plus watching our cases more carefully in the future.
March 05, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Maricopa Solar just went belly up and shortly will be auctioned
off by Cunningham.
They seem to have been done in by a combination of dropping
pv prices, trying to mix problematic technologies ( Carnot
limited solar thermal with Stirling with Hydrogen ), issues
with reliability and downtime, and plain old bad math.
Ferinstance, their 38 foot diameter ratio telescope style
device label generates 25 kilowatts. Or about the needs
of ONE electric car! The real output would likely be around
20 kilowatts peak, equal to a hundred kilowatt hours per
day or about $10 in retail electricity per day.
Which would amortize out to something like a total investment plus
land plus labor and maint to just under $30,000 per unit. That, of course,
would be for a totally pointless "paint it green" transfer payment
breakeven that would be in no manner renewable nor sustainable.
And thus a gasonine destroying net energy sink.
Much more on solar electric realities here.
March 04, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Broken links are the bane of any larger website. Only some
of which can even be pinned down.
Our new 404 Finder has proven of value in locating some of
the obvious. And it can be further improved by compiling a
few days of results together with some secondary sorting.
On the theory that internal problems tend to pile up over time
while external ones may be fumble fingeredness or phishing
Another useful 404 Stomper can be found here. We'll be using
it, along with full manual testing, and your problem reports.
March 03, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
We'll be further populating our internal banners in the next
few days. You can view the JavaScript involved by going to
"view source" on your browser.
On the server side, all that is involved is a .js include in a
.SHTML file. On the client side you will find a short and
fairly simple JavaScript routine.
Part of the routine is a data array in which three elements of
each banner have their custom info stashed: Where to go to
get the banner art; Where the banner link is to take you, and;
The alternate banner text.
A second portion of the code takes an array that is nothing but
an advancing stack of numbers and shuffles it. Shuffling is done
by repeatedly interchanging any position with itself or one that
is somewhere lower in the deck.
The third part of the routine simply repositions each banner as
needed. Note that all banner slots fill each time and there are
no repeats.
Third party banners are welcome per these details. But the focus
on our new banners will be to draw your attention to our best stuff.
Only banner advertisers that I can genuinely recommend will be
We have no exchanges or ads that I do not believe in.
March 02, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
A new SETI Live radio telescope and website can use your
crowdsourcing help in filtering and classification.
Some more details here. The original SETI folks can be
found here. And an exoplanets encyclopedia here.
March 01, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
The Barbie Index is a new method of measuring math
understanding and competence.
Ferinstance, an individual with a BI of 0.7 would have
seventy percent of the math capabilities of a Barbie doll.
More math stuff here.
February 29, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
PostScript code for a new Apache 404 log reporter appears
here.This scans an Apache/Debian style log file and first extracts those
lines with a 404 error report. Lines are then truncated to only
the error and the referrer. Lines are then grouped and counted,
creating a report of worst first.
A key algorithm midstream is to use a sorted array-of-arrays format
of [ [ (firsterr) firsterrcount] [(seconderr) seconderrcount] ... ] .The array is then top to bottom scanned one line at a time. If the
current line has a different error of the next lower line, it goes into
a new array. If the current line has the same error as the next lower
line, its own count is incremented by one and placed in the count
of the next lower line.
Sneaky, huh?Much more on using PostScript to do the nonobvious here.
February 28, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Managed to find a few hundred more feet of the Allen Canal...
The new area is well defined, with cut depths approaching
one meter. The area is slightly "hung" where it gently
"climbs" downhill out of a wash. The wall rocks are unusually
large, owing to the immediately available materials. There is
one ten inch Mesquite tree almost in midstream.
Several reaches of the Allen Canal remain undiscovered and
unexplored. There is a short reach between the takin and
the misnamed Hawk Hollow Tank and a few hundred
feet between the tank and the current find. The point at
which the canal leaves the mesa top for the dam
remains a mystery.
Below the dam is the spectacular and world class "Culebra"
cut. A quarter mile further, the canal suddently turns south
and becomes well defined for a few hundred feet, and then
vanishes without a trace into the Black Hole of Central.Field mice and funding welcome.
February 27, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Here's a pair of plain old PostScript bubble sorts that
should be useful in our upcoming 404 extractor. Thanks
to higher computer speeds, the much maligned bubble
sorts are more than reasonably fast for a few hundred
The sorts accept my favorite data structure of an
array inside an array. This one sorts on the first
subarray entry...
/popbubblesort2s { /curmat1 exch store curmat1 length
1 sub -1 1 {curmat1 0 get exch 1 exch 1 exch {/posn exch
store curmat1 posn get 2 copy 0 get exch 0 get lt {exch}
if curmat1 exch posn 1 sub exch put} for curmat1 exch
posn exch put } for curmat1 } bind store
And this one on the second...
/popbubblesort2sc { /curmat1 exch store curmat1 length
1 sub -1 1 {curmat1 0 get exch 1 exch 1 exch {/posn exch
store curmat1 posn get 2 copy 1 get exch 1 get lt {exch}
if curmat1 exch posn 1 sub exch put} for curmat1 exch
posn exch put } for curmat1 } bind store
A first entry sort is useful to arrange the 404's by
name. The second entry sort rearranges by frequency.
Should you want to get fancy on really long lists, here's
the secret insider stuff on a heapsort.
February 26, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Updated and revised our search engine links.
Which was sort of pointless because Google seems
to have run away with all the marbles.
What really amazes me is that you can punch an
obscure industrial catalog number into Google and
find hits most of the time. Sometimes helped
along by this site.
Still, some of the other engines remain fun to play with.
Our own website Google search appears here and
February 25, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Our new FatCow web hosting does provide both Apache
format log files and extensive reporting and analysis. But
I still want to play with the raw log files on my own.
A mystery arose when the available log files turned out to
be compressed in a ".gz" format. The initial appearance
of the file is to have the first hour in plaintext and the
remaining 23 encrypted.
WinZip did not seem to do anything but strip and
destroy the encrypted part. FatCow recommended
a program called Notepad++. This is a useful text
editor, but I have been unable to get it to decrypt
.gz files, despite its supposedly able to do so.
My solution turned out to be an obscure freeware
progray called 7zFM. You just drag and drop the
.gz file into it and click on extract.
The help desk and job tickets at FatCow have
been most helpful. Several minor issues remain.
February 24, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Updated and revised our collection of streaming online video links.
Every attempt has been made to only list "legal" sources
of downloads. Please email me if you find any exceptions.
Our own classic videos can be found here.
February 23, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Expanded and updated our Gila Valley Day Hikes.
We are now only twenty shy of our goal of 365
major recommended entries.
Please email me with anything I may have missed.
February 22, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Our background mottling utilities normally work with red or
white outlines. Here's a crudely modified version that responds
to black outlines.
Actually, any red=0 will work, so this one may be slightly dangerous.
It would be best used on highly red subjects against a very light
February 21, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Reached another millstone of sorts with most of our
new website newly revalidated. A somewhat Herculean
task that invoved many tens of thousands of modifications.
This tool is particularly useful for validation.
Over the years, the rules of what is and is not allowed
have been changed dramatically. Ferinstance, nearly
everything now has to be lower case and often in
quotes. Ampersands inside URL's have to be replaced
by & amp; substitutions. Many ">" endings are now
"/>". Use of alt=" " in images is now manditory.
There's no more <UL> and </UL>, being replaced with
<blockquote> and </blockquote>.
Our next sitebuilding goals are to update the previous
whatnu blog pages, expand the banners, update the
video section, check the links, fix the log analyzers,
and try to stomp out the 404's.
February 20, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Managed to update and expand our offsite links section.
This listing of 132 sites represents my "best of web" and
is based on what I personally use and need the most often.
Two sites that ( as afterthoughts ) just barely missed the
latest cut are Salvex and Snopes. We may pick them up
on the next round of revisions.
February 19, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Few people appreaciate that PostScript is a totally general
purpose language that is exceptionally good at doing such things
as modifying disk files written in another language.
Our latest example is fixasp01.psl which takes HTML files
and does a selective search and replace on them. This particular
example changes specific .asp file postfixes into .shtml ones .
Much more on the wonders of PostScript can be found here.
With free intro videos here and the secrets of my Gonzo insider
utilities here.
February 18, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Well, it literally took many dozens of trips to do so, but
I think I've managed to minimize part of the black hole of
central that was puzzling our prehistoric hanging canals.
The latest section is only 200 feet long and well east of
where it was expected. But it remains exceptionally well defined
with obvious walls and wide, smooth grading.
There's still some 2000 feet still missing, and there is what
seems like an "almost" canal segment well south of
where it could reasonably be expected. And the adjacent
Allen Canal seems to "poof gone" vanish without a trace.
Field mice and funding are most certainly welcome to
explore this mind boggling unique thirteenth century
engineering extravaganza. email me for your support.
February 17, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
A reminder that we are cutting way back on storage
space and any stuff that has gone unlisted for years.
Some exceptional bargains on all these items can be
found here, FOB Tucson Arizona. Cash and carry.
February 16, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
The "first level" of our website move is now more or less
complete, with many thousands of adjustments and revisions
having been made.
Much remains to be done in the way of revalidation, link
checking, updating, and such.
But the most obvious of the glitches and problems should
now be history.
Please email me if you find any continuing problems.
February 15, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
The latest SolarBuzz report shows pv panels coming in
at $2.30 per peak watt average, or a mere nine times the
price needed for becoming a true renewable and sustainable
net energy source.
Rather than remaining a gasoline destroying net energy sink.
Lowest thin film quotes are approaching sixty cents per
peak watt, which is within THREE TIMES of the
renewability and sustainability threshold.
Much more here.
February 14, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Welcome to hell. Here is your accordian.
February 13, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Most Metric versus English screws and nuts are nowhere
near compatible with each other. But considerable grief can
result if you confuse a 6-32 screw or nut with a 3.5 x 0.6 mm
pitch screw or nut. Or an 8-32 versus a M4 of 0.7 mm pitch.All four are quite popular.
And can easily strip or jam one another.
Diameters are 0.138 inches and 32 threads per inch versus
0.145 inches and 42.33 threads per inch. Or 0.164 inches
and 32 threads per inch versus 0.158 inches and 36.3
threads per inch.Useful sources of machine screws can be found at
Keystone and McMaster-Carr.Sources for stranger items include Accurate Manufacturing,
Accurate Screw Machine, Spirol, Nutco, and Smith Fastener.
February 12, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Humidity sensors have been dramatically improving in
performance, but the better grade ones remain somewhat
pricey. Here is a $25 example.
If you want cheap, use a horsehair or an unwashed Norwegian
blond hair. Brunettes and redheads need not apply.
Really! Sweedish apparently also works.
Yumpin Yimminy.
Way back in what in then was Junior High School, I built up a project out
of a square ended waxy milk box, a long blond hair that wrapped around
a needle that had a broomstraw pointer, a paper clip, and a nickel for the
free end weight.
This worked surprisingly well. The problem with "classic" humidity sensors
has been poor performance at very low or very high humidity values.
February 11, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
I remain extremely impressed with FatCow as our new
web hosting sponsor. They have been extremely cooperative
and their phone, live chat, and email ticket services have
been exemplary.
Meanwhile, the "other" web host I initially tried changing
over to still does not let me access the site with a browser
after three weeks of pissing around and lame excuses.
Yeah, I may be a slow learner, because this is exactly
the same stunt they pulled three years ago .
February 10, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Web Log files can be enormously useful, but there are
significant differences between IIS and Apache/Deleban.
Which means a lot of hidden rework on this end.
A log file normally consists of text lines ending in a
line marker or carriage return. Spaces are used
to "tab" between entries, and a hyphen "-" is used
when an item is missing.The log files are usually issued daily and might be
.gx or otherwise compressed. If so, they must be
uncompressed to plaintext before any use.
There are nine fields to an Apache/Delbian log file...calling website in nn.nnn.nn.nnn format
dns name lookup (usually omitted -)
dns customer lookup (usually omitted -)
[ date and time ] in brackets
method (usually GET) and file gotten
results of attempt 200=good 404=bad
referral came from ( sometimes - )
browser and system.
DNS lookup takes a lot of computing power and
bandwidth, so it is often omitted. Sometimes you
can do your name lookup using Whois. But
dedicated URL's are no longer the norm, so this may
only get you as far as a number block inside an ISP.
Referrals can be enormously useful, but there are
recent complications that need dealt with. At one time,
it was a good bet that any "?" in a referral meant
a search and that these were easily readible. But
these days, most searches go through Google and
parsing their very long URL's can be a hassle.
You could easily do eBay item popularity and image
theft detection at one time, but eBay switched to
internal images. It is thus only rarely that a
buyer will click through to your site for an
expanded image.
It will take a long time for us to get our new log file
readers and analyzers up and working. Meanwhile,
some old IIS code can be found here.
February 09, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Some ultra low cost consumer grade accellerometers have
been announced by Memsic. As low as thirty five cents
each in quantity and with a tiny footprint.
More on other MEMS developments here.
February 08, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
A helpline caller asked about the present state of surplus
military electronics. Basically, it is over and long gone.
The feds sharply cut back on what is being offered,
with remaining items being mostly scrap. Electronics
is apparently simply destroyed, or else moved to another
base that is ridiculously far away.
Meanwhile, their leading commercial partner has raised
their minimum bids to an obscene $150. Not to mention
going beyond legendary in their offensive site managers.
Some opportunities remain in aerospace surplus, but the
pricing is extremely competitive. What is really cute is
that the stuff gets bought at the back door of the plant,
carried around to the front, and resold.
To me, the best remaining sources of surplus electronics are
commercial distress auctions, especially when onsite
"contents of cabinet" and especially "contents of room"
deals can be had.
Much more on all this here. And here.
February 07, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
The new banner rotator is now up and greatly improved.
But it is still only partially populated owing to the more
important ongoing website repairs and rework.
You can inspect the code by using the "view source" feature
of your browser. A server side .SHTML include is combined
with client side JavaScript to randomly rotate any number of
benners through any number of slots without repeating.
Here's the server side include that activates a page...<!--#include virtual="/includes/banrot01.js"-->
And here is how you place a banner...
<SCRIPT Language="JavaScript">
PlaceBanner ()
</SCRIPT>The actual banrot01.js code mostly does three things. It
first defines an array full of the banner specific HTML
you will need. Such as....images[3] = "<a href='http://where_to_go'><img
src='http://banner art' alt='text_message.'</a>";It then defines a shuffle routine based on yesterday's
algorithm...function Shuffle () {
Pattern = [ 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14, ] ;
index=0 ;
for (TopCard=(Pattern.length - 1);TopCard>0;TopCard-=1)
{SwapCard = Math.floor(Math.random()*(TopCard + 1)) ;
holdem = Pattern[TopCard] ; Pattern [TopCard] =
Pattern [SwapCard] ; Pattern [SwapCard] = holdem ;} ;} ;
Shuffle ( ) ;And this banner placement code...
function PlaceBanner () {
document.write(images[Pattern [index]]);
index+=1 } ;
February 06, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
One of my favorite examples of mathematical subtlety
is the error in the "obvious" card shuffling algorithm.
Why, to shuffle "n" cards, you simply random interchange
each card with itself or another one in the deck. Right?
This stunt will end up "fairly close" for a full deck of 52 cards.
But it introduces severe errors for, say, eight banner rotations.
Here's why: Consider the worst case of a three card deck.
There can be only six possible outcomes. But there are twenty
seven intermediate results. 6 does not divide into 27 very
well, so you will have 3 possible outcomes that happen 4
times each and 3 possible outcomes that happen 5 times each!
The correct ( and actually faster and easier ) algorithm is to
replace any card with a random choice of itself or any other
card that is LOWER in the deck.
More here.
February 05, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Finally managed to verify the slope of the eastern feeder
to the Twin Boobs Hanging Canal ponding area.
It is in fact a feeder, delivering water "counterclockwise"
to the north and east. A typial slope is one percent, or
three feet in three hundred.
Measurement was made by a tripod mounted automatic
level. An automatic level is similar to a Dumpy Level
except that it has a "floating" gravity sensitive pendulum
in the optic path. Which means if you get near level, it
makes you truly level.
Kiddies, this is a whole new ball game. We now appear to
have a ponding area that receives water from two sources,
possibly Marijilda and Deadman. As far as I know, there
are no other instances anywhere of such a structure, let
alone in the prehistoric Southwest.
The engineering and the social structure involved boggles
the mind.
February 04, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Our email is back and our website is somewhat back up, albeit
it with severe problems and major rework needed.
If you have emailed us in the last few days, please resend
and we will try to pick up where we left off.
We managed to work directly on our eBay sales, so
the temporary lack of email should not have been
a problem. Nonetheless, please contact us immediately
if there are any eBay related issues.Give us a week or two to update the website and then
please report any remaining problems. Initial focus will
be on the home page and the current what's new blog.
Our banner rotator had to switch from server side .ASP
to client side JavaScript. While it is working, it is sort of
hokey until I can get some more major problems resolved.At present, I am most happy with Fat Cow for web hosting
and extremely pissed at whoever is pretending to do Cable
One web hosting.
February 03, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
I've always been amazed and mystified over why HTML
and its descendents never had an obvious way to do
subroutines. These are essential if you have boilerplate
that repeats on multiple pages, and are otherwise downright
I had been using the include feature of .ASP files, but these
are either not available or else hard to use on Apache or
Linux servers. Updating these to our new website will
likely be a major and slow hassle.
It does turn out there is an include function available, but it
has a gotcha: It only gets processed in .SHTML files rather
than .HTML files!
The format is...<!--#include virtual="/includes/footerx1.shtml"-->
February 02, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
I remain extremely impressed with the new Garmin
eTrex -30 handheld GPS navigator. It is particularly useful
for looping a hiking return path or for refinding an obscure
location. Such as your vehicle in heavy brush.
The unit combines GPS and Glonas, with an accuracy
that sometimes approaches six or seven feet. Sensitivity
is good enough that it works in some inside loctions.
As a $100 option, four states worth of topo maps can
be downloaded into the unit as well.
The unit includes a barometric style altimeter, which is
ridiculously better at resolution and accuracy than straight
GPS. You can actually raise or lower ths unit by a foot and
have the reading change by a foot.
But weather variations and such limit you to much worse
altitude resolution. I've yet to find a way to measure
prehistoric canal slopes to the needed accuracy of a few
inches per hundred feet without going to an automatic
level "real" survey device.
Using the altimeter inside a cave should also be useful,
but I have not yet found out how to use the barometer
part without a companion GPS signal being present.
February 01, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Yet another source of obsolete semiconductors is USBid.
Which we can add to the regulars of Rochester Electronics
and 4-Star Electronics. Other useful resources include PLC
Center, OEM's Trade, and the sci.electronics.design newsgroup.
January 31, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
We do seem to have a new ISP and we have built the
new Guru website up there with FTP. But there are a few
glitches involving .ASP's and such still to be resolved. This
should happen "real soon now", but surprises may remain.
And the actual DNS lookup changeover typically takes
four to seven days after that.
Meanwhile, we just may lose our main email accounts,
possibly by tomorrow. So, once again....
Please IMMEDIATELY write this phone number down:
(928) 428-4073. And this backup temporary email address:
abejab@hotmail.com.You also should be able to reach us via the eBay
Post a Question service. Or can visit at 3860 West
First Street in Thatcher, AZ. Or write Synergetics
Box 809 Thatcher AZ 85552.
January 30, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
I'm still getting an occasional email spam over the
vehicle electrolysis scam. I did a thorough analaysis
a ways back that you can find here.
All these systems are is a dynamic brake that stops
the car in less than its normal coasting distance.
There are no benefits whatsoever except to the
Yes, it has been scientifically proven that a five
percent hydrogen injection can significantly
improve vehicle mileage and reduce pollution.
The key gotcha is that there is no known way to
produce the hydrogen on board that is remotely cost
effective compared to any potential savings.
And that is before amortization.Much more on energy realities here.
January 29, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
An Arizona Land Use GIS resource can be found here.
January 28, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Sincerity is everything.
Once you have that faked, everything else falls in place.
January 27, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
A reminder that I'll be once again presenting Little Known
Gila Valley Dayhikes, this time at the winter ARA technical
regional tomorrow Saturday January 28th at 11 AM at the
Gould-Simpson Building Room 209 at 1040 East 4th
Street on the University of Arizona Campus. 9AM-4PM.Attendance is free and anyone with an interest in Arizona
Caving is both welcome and encouraged to attend. There
is free parking on Saturday at the usual U/A garages.
January 26, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Please IMMEDIATELY write this phone number down:
(928) 428-4073. And this backup temporary email address:
Our ISP literally died and we are in the process of crash mode
transferring both our website and our email accounts to another
provider.So far, things seem to be progressing, but the whole works could
blow up at any minute.
Please call us IMMEDIATELY if you have any www.tinaja.com or
don@tinaja.com service issues.
January 25, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
I am utterly amazed at the depth and breadth of Google's
search abilities. It seems that the overwhelming majority
of industrial part and stock numbers can be readily found.
Especially if they are more than six digits and have letters
and dashes in them. And espeically if given a hint or two
as to what they are and their intended use.
Here's some of the routes I'll use to find the value and
popularity and currentness of an item for eBay resale or
Auction bidding...
I'll first Google the part number to find the number of hits,
the manufacturer, and any company name changes. I'll
then try the manufacturer's web site and see if I can get
current technical data. On oddball older electronics, sometimes
the sci.electronics.design newsgroup can be of help.
Next comes finding the item value. Should this not be obvious
on their website, my favorite useful places include PLC Center,
OEM's Trade, or McMaster Carr.
Plus the usual suspects of Mouser, DigiKey, Newark, and the
rest of the gang. Or, for the really obsolete stuff, Rochester
or 4 Star Electronics .
January 24, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
An interesting consequence of current product development
is that form no longer follows function.
Not so long ago, if you wanted a telephone, you had to place
a heavy transformer and a klutzy dial in a box too big and too
heavy to pick up.If you wanted a camera, you had to have space for two cylindrical
rolls, a film plane, and the bottom out of a coke bottle or some
similar pice of glass out front.
Television sets and other display devices had to be heavy and deep
because of how far you could bend electrons in a vacuum.If you wanted some information, you had to carry it around either as
a flat disk or a long strip of tape or film.
If you wanted some light, you ended up with a high intensity point
source and severe heat management problems.
These days, a telephone can be any shape and size, and routinely
can include a video camera, a pocket watch, a flashlight, a GPS
receiver, and a laser pointer as an absolute minimum.
Display devices can now be arbitrarily flat and thin. Flexible, even.
Cameras can be any shape and size. Even ( a mystery to me )
including SLR lenses that once cured a long gone defect.
Gigabytes ( and soon, terabytes ) of data storage can be any shape
or size and often totally static. With a present size limit of slightly
larger than an USB connector.
And point source LED lighting makes no sense whatsoever, as multiple
sources with managable heat become the norm.
Much more on technical innovation secrets here.
January 23, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Did you know that Paul McCartney had a group
before Wings?
January 22, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Yorg. The water powered car that refuses to die --> still <--
refuses to die.
Crudely engineered and waaay overpriced kits are now
available that let you conclusively prove the bogosity of
the original rotten labwork. No, I won't give you the link.
Nearly the entire circuit can easily be replaced by one USB
friendly fifty cent microprocessor.
A fundamental thermodynamic property called "exergy"
ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEES that electrolysis from
high value electrical sources such as grid, pv, or alternator
flat out ain't gonna happen.
The value of a kilowatt hour of electricity is usually insanely
higher than the value of a kilowatt hour of unstored hydrogen
gas. Thus, the process is pretty much the same as 1:1 exchanging
US dollars for Mexican Pesos.Believe it or not, overunity hydrogen production from electrolysis
is in fact possible. Under special lab conditions, the process can
end up as much as one sixth endothermic. (Which, BTW, also
explains why automotive fuel cells also ain't gonna happen.
For no hydrogen fuel cell can be over 83 percent efficient. )
The only little gotcha is that endothermic production can only
occur at exceptional low gas production rates. Guaranteeing that
amortization will nail you to the wall.
My take on the original fiasco appears here.
More on more recent vehicle electrolysis scams here.
A third party critical analysis here.
More on bashing pseudoscience here.
More on legit energy info here.
January 21, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
We picked up a bunch of genuine Canon Circular Mil
style threaded connectors and will shortly have them
all listed on eBay. For a tiny fraction of their usual
$40 to $80 distributor cost each. All in their original
factory poly packaging and absolutely "as new".Deciding which connector is which can be confusing.
You can start with this Canon data website.
All of the connectors offered are threaded, rather
than bayonet twist lock. The shell size is the
number of sixteenths of an inch for the threaded
diameter. Thus a size 12 shell would be 3/4 inches.There are two styles. The "3100" style is intended
for panel mounting but also includes a clamping
strain relief. It can be identified by its rectangular
shape and four mounting holes. The "3106" style
in intended for cable end termination and also
includes a clamping strain releif.
The "P" options provide male pins, while the "S"
options provide female sockets. Note the four
variations: panel male, panel female, cable male,
and cable female.
Most of the connectors use the "standard" insulator
rotation. But any with a "W" through "Z" in the
part number have their orientation rotated through
a specified number of degrees. W will only mate with
W, etc.. This gives up to five options for a given
connector to prevent cross connecting.
January 20, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Amazingly and incredibly, a new variation on the Fast
Fourier Transform has just been discovered that can be up
to ten times faster! Per these details.
The trick is to use a precompression that only needs
calculations for the coefficients that actually will end
up significant.
I'm still going to stick with the plain old classic discrete
Fourier Series for our Magic Sinewwave Calculators,
though. Because for this use, it is astonishingly fast,
much more easily understood with lower level math, and
completely eliminates any windowing or envelope hassles.
An interesting Fourier Fundamentals lecture appears here.
More on magic sinewaves here.
January 19, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Note that our Automatic Backgrounder can respond to
either true white or true red ( 255 ) outlines. Either can be used
for tracing. One may prove more useful or convenient.
Or more easily seen.
Plus a reminder that the outside backgrounder stops on the
first encountered WESN true red or white pixel. But the inside
backgrounder repaints only any true red or white pixels it
January 18, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Here's the latest versions of some of our image post processing
tools. These should now be fairly complete and stable...NUTILT01.PSL - Architect's Persepective tilt correction. Also
includes red/white knockout and optional distortion correction
and optional crosshairs. Greatly improved version.MOTTBK1.PSL - Automatic Background Mottler. Replaces NESW
backgrounds with random patterns up to first white pixel, optionally
fills all internal white pixels, and optionally does border vignette.
DODBURX1.PSL - Version of Dodge and Burn utilities restricted to
light shading correction. Original full code here.
BMTYPEW2.PSL - Bitmap typewriter provides exceptional small
typography on top of existing bitmap image artwork. Newly revised
to allow mottled or randomized backgrounds and web friendly colors.NORED2.PSL - Utility to eliminate any true reds or whites. Needed to
prevent punchthrus if tilt correction size, gamma, or brightness changes.
Additional image postproc info appears here, with custom services
here. More on PostScript here.
Please report any and all corrections or suggestions.
January 17, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Found another way of looking at the Architect's Perspective
distortion correction that seems to work and seems to have
a reasonable geometric explanation.
Assume you want a howmuchtilt of 0.5, equal to an extreme
fifty percent correction. Uncorrected, the 0 row position of
a diagonal should stay where it is at 0 and the top row position
of a diagonal should also stay where it is, normalized to 1.0
times the image height.
The 0.33 row position, however, should end up at 0.5 normalized
height. The 0.5 row position should end up at 0.707 normalized
height. The 0.67 row position should end up at 0.866 normalized
height. This is precisely a plain old normalized sinewave!!!!Per this figure.
I'm not sure exactly why this happens exactly at a fifty percent
correction, but the math sure seems intuitive and accurate.
Lesser howmuchtilt corrections can be made between linear and
sine in a proportional manner.
January 16, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Current work on our prehistoric canal project includes trying
to determine the slope of the eastern feeder to the Twin
Boobs canal. We now have an automatic level and a new
tripod, but the slope is extremely slight and complications
Yet to be explored are the first 600 feet of the Mud Springs
canal takein of Ash Creek. As well as nearly a mile beyond
the crossover saddle.
Two of the canals have clearly seen major pioneer rework.
And thus demand finding exceptional proof of their
prehistoricity. This would include the Tranquility Canal and
the Shingle Mill Canal.
The Black Hole of Central remains enigmatic as always, with
three canals going in, two coming out, and not a trace whatsoever
inside a 3000 foot square. The destination for two of the three
canals remains unknown.
An associate reports pottery viewable from horseback in an
unexpected location near the canal study areas. Finding same
is proving difficult.
Field mice are desperatelly needed to study this world class
mind boggling ancient engineering project. Total length is
rapidly approaching sixty miles!
January 15, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
The ARA Winter Technical Regional will be held on
Saturday January 28, 2012 at the Gould-Simpson Building
Room 209 at 1040 East 4th Street on the University of
Arizona Campus. 9AM-4PM.
I'll be presenting the Little Known Gila Valley Dayhikes
paper there again at 11 AM.Attendance is free and anyone with an interest in Arizona
Caving is both welcome and encouraged to attend.
More info here.
January 14, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
As mentioned before, we are in the process of dramatically
reducing our older inventory items. Particularly those that are
two or more years behind in being listed on eBay. We are
also flushing several zero interest items.
This also improves our quality control in that only the best
of the best will get newly listed. Favoring currently popular
"like new"items.At any rate, many tons of inventory have been turned over to
an associate, and you should be able to pick these up at
outrageously low prices. Items may be viewed and picked up
in the Tucson Area.You can contact our associate for further details.
January 13, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
A reminder that our background mottler demands a
continuous white border around your subject. Even
missing a single pixel will cause a breakthrough that
will demolish much of your image.
The external and internal algorithms are somewhat
different. First. a mottled background is placed
one row at a time from the west, stopping on the
first white ( or true red=255 ) pixel. The process is
then repeated from the east, the north, and the
south. Then, optionally, any internal white pixels
will get replaced with their mottled background
Note that the external fills stop on the first white
pixel, while the internal ones fill white pixels only.
Thus, if you have an undercut or an intentional
"hole" in your subject, it should be made solid
white or red=255.
Should you intentionally want to "bleed" into a border,
you will still need at least one white pixel at the
extreme edge.
More on similar topics here.
January 12, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
A tutorial on the Funamental Factors affecting Recent
Technical Innovation can be found here.
With additional GuruGrams here.
January 11, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
I was surprised to see a lot of the steampunk projects showing
up as props in the Warehouse13 series on Sci-Fi and streaming via
January 10, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Iffen it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Yesterday's distortion correction via table lookup seems to work
and its latest version can be found here. But somehow, the math
is not what I expected and is by no means intuitive.
If you are simulating a view camera tilt, you would expect the
image rows to move up on the screen. And if you are moving
different vertical positions right or left by different amounts,
you would expect nonlinear distortion on diagonal lines but not
on the horizontal or vertical ones. So far, so good.
But I was sort of expecting math that had an obvious geometric
interpretation, perhaps related to an inverse tangent series.
Instead, our table lookup seems to be based on a function of
the class k(x - x^3) and I seem to be at a loss to explain why.Per this plot and this sourcecode, red is the table lookup accurate
to the quantization. Blue is a very good cubic spline fit. Green is the
best three point cubic polynominal fit matching amplitude .58 and 1.0
and slope 0 at .58. And black is the function with the quadratic term
There's no reasonable doubt that the table lookup error based
approach works. Especially for sane amounts of correction. but
how it works remains a mystery to me.
Your analysis and comments welcome.
January 9, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Table lookup can apparently be used to repair Architect's
Perspective distortion. Such as...
/distadj [
0.000 0.500 1.000 1.499 1.997 2.495 2.992 3.488 3.984 4.480 4.974 5.461 5.962 6.454 6.946
7.438 7.928 8.419 8.908 9.397 9.885 10.37 10.86 11.34 11.83 12.31 12.80 13.28 13.76 14.24
14.73 15.21 15.69 16.17 16.65 17.12 17.60 18.08 18.56 19.03 19.51 19.98 20.45 20.93 21.40
21.87 22.34 22.81 23.28 23.75 24.22 24.69 25.15 25.62 26.08 26.55 27.01 27.48 27.94 28.40
28.86 29.32 29.78 30.24 30.70 31.16 31.61 32.07 32.52 32.98 33.43 33.89 34.34 34.79 35.24
35.69 36.14 36.59 37.04 37.49 37.93 38.38 38.83 39.27 39.71 40.16 40.60 41.04 41.48 41.92
42.36 42.80 43.24 43.68 44.11 44.55 44.98 45.42 45.85 46.28 46.72 47.15 47.58 48.01 48.44
48.86 49.29 49.72 50.14 50.57 50.99 51.42 51.84 52.26 52.68 53.10 53.52 53.94 54.36 54.78
55.19 55.61 56.01 56.44 56.85 57.26 57.67 58.09 58.50 58.90 59.31 59.72 60.13 60.53 60.94
61.34 61.75 62.15 62.55 62.95 63.35 63.75 64.15 64.55 64.95 65.34 65.74 66.13 66.53 66.9267.31 67.70 68.09 68.48 68.87 69.26 69.64 70.03 70.41 70.80 71.18 71.57 71.95 72.33 72.71
73.09 73.47 73.84 74.22 74.59 74.97 75.34 75.72 76.09 76.46 76.83 77.20 77.57 77.94 78.30
78.67 79.03 79.40 79.76 80.12 80.48 80.85 81.20 81.56 81.92 82.28 82.63 82.99 83.34 83.70
84.05 84.40 85.10 85.45 85.80 86.14 86.49 86.83 87.18 87.52 87.86 88.20 88.54 88.88 89.22
89.56 89.89 90.23 90.56 90.90 91.23 91.56 91.89 92.22 92.55 92.88 93.20 93.53 93.85 94.18
94.50 94.82 95.14 95.46 95.78 96.10 96.41 96.73 97.04 97.36 97.67 97.98 98.29 98.60 98.91
99.22 99.53 99.83 100.1 100.4 100.7 101.0 101.3 101.6 101.9 102.2 102.5 102.8 103.1 103.4
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104.3 103.9 103.5 103.1 102.7 102.2 101.8 101.4 101.0 100.5 100.1 99.70 99.26 98.82 98.37
97.92 97.47 97.01 96.55 96.09 95.62 95.15 94.68 94.21 93.73 93.25 92.76 92.27 91.78 91.29
90.79 90.29 89.79 89.28 88.77 88.25 87.74 87.22 86.69 86.16 85.63 85.10 84.56 84.02 83.48
82.93 82.38 81.82 81.27 80.70 80.14 79.57 79.00 78.42 77.85 77.26 76.68 76.09 75.11 74.90
74.30 73.69 73.09 72.48 71.86 71.24 70.62 70.00 69.37 68.73 68.10 67.46 66.81 66.17 65.51
64.86 64.20 63.54 62.87 62.20 61.53 60.85 60.17 59.48 58.79 58.10 57.40 56.70 55.99 55.28
54.57 53.85 53.13 52.41 51.68 50.94 50.21 49.47 48.72 47.97 47.22 46.46 45.70 44.93 44.1643.39 42.61 41.83 41.04 40.25 39.45 38.65 37.85 37.04 36.23 35.41 34.59 33.76 32.93 32.10
31.26 30.42 29.57 28.72 27.86 27.00 26.13 25.26 24.39 23.51 22.62 21.74 20.84 19.94 19.04
18.14 17.22 16.31 15.39 14.46 13.53 12.59 11.65 10.71 9.764 8.810 7.851 6.887 5.917 4.944
3.965 2.981 1.992 0.991 0.000
] storeEach value represents how far up a given scan line should be
moved to correct curvature distortion. The 800 entry table should be
scaled against the actual number of scan lines in the image. The
number read should be scaled against the howmuchtilt compared to
0.5 or 50%, further adjusted if needed, and then converted to an
That integer is then used to move each scan line up from its
present position. A detailed example appears here.
There is a penalty of approximately one third the vertical resolution
at the full 0.5 howmuchtilt. But substantially less for more
realistic amounts of adjustment. Nonetheless, the highest
practical resolution should be used for this correction.
January 8, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Here is a summary background for tomorrow's table
I have long been overly enameled of architect's perspective
in which all expected vertical lines end up truly so. Especially
for our eBay product photos. An older way to do this was
to use the swings and tilts on a view camera.
I've long had some PostScript based swings and tilts code
that worked fairly well for modest correction but tended
to "bend" slanty lines if the correction was too high.
I recently started an obsessive program to see what could
be done in the way of repairs. It did turn out there was
a minor error in the algorithm and that centering the adjustment
on the subject also greatly minimized any observable effects.
But distortion in extreme cases remained. This was caused
by different portions of a slanty line being moved different
distances, causing nonlinear effects somewhat akin to
barrel distortion. Horizontal or vertical lines were not
directly affected.
A good approach to any mystery problem is to "make it
worse". So, I asked what kind of distortion we could
expect from an extreme 50% correction. By starting
with this image that could represent one quarter of
a building being corrected or an eBay product photo.
As expected, after the correction here, the horizontal
and vertical lines ended up just fine, but the principal
diagonals ended up "really bent".The needed correction appeared to be moving the scan
lines up in the image, similar to how the view camera
did so as tilt was advanced. For an extreme 50%
tilt correction, the middle lines need moved up
one sixth of the total screen height.
No correction is made at the bottom or top, up to
a one sixth vertical rise at the middle. The result
gives us straight diagonals, straight verticals, and
straight horizontals. And presumably is ( at the
very least ), a whole lot better everywhere else.
There is a penalty of one third the vertical resolution
at this extreme case. But this is much less for normal
corrections. Nonetheless, the distortion correction
should always be done at the highest practical resolution.
Another reason for highest practical resolution is that
nearest neighbor interpolation can be substituted for
more exotic ones which might add an extreme speed
The present code can be found here.
January 7, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
There seems to be a cute new SMT joystick. It is tiny,
micropower, and ideal for handheld devices. But also
somewhat pricey and has only twin 4-bit resolution for
a total of 225 possible sensed states. -7 to 0 to +7 on
two axes.
Knowles KJ-3300 available through these distributors.
About $16 in moderate quantities. Development kits
available. I2C interface for micro compatibility.
January 6, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
The way to tell an extroverted engineer: They stare
at your shoes, rather than their own.
January 5, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
I was asked if I ever got anywhere in our long ago quest
for a reasonably priced source of 5/8-27 nuts in reasonable
quantities. The short answer is "not really".The correct name for these "volume control" nuts is a
panel nut.Some of the sources I explored included Accurate Manufacturing,
Accurate Screw Machine, Spirol, Nutco, and Smith Fastener.
The "usual suspects" of Keystone and McMaster-Carr were
not of much help
January 4, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
( Property has been sold. Thank you for your interest. )
We also have a unique five acres for sale in
an extremely remote ( think survivalist ) area
immediately adjacent to the East Fork of the
Gila River and nearly surrounded by New Mexico's
Gila Wilderness.
3 074 074 248 118 District-02N Section 11
Township 13 S Range 13W PT NH 4.7Acres
Taxes are currently $2.79 per year.
Access is by foot or horse only over National
Forest land. You can email me for more details
on this stunningly unusual opportunity. Asking
$6900 per acre with financing available.
January 3, 2013 | deeplink top bot respond |
We just relisted our stunning Southern Oregon Gold Hill
spectacular view property for sale with Chris Marshall of
American Forest Management at (541) 664-9200.
Price has been reduced to $8475 per acre. This is the last
remaining large developable property immediately adjacent
to the northern Gold Hill city limits.
We have secured a new full access easement for these 20
acres. Power and cable on the property. A land use planner
is available and we professional land use planner and we
fully expect Jackson County homesite approval.
Legal description is T36 R3W S16 Tax Lot 400.
Attractive financing is now available. Mid-size city
amenities are twelve minutes away at Medford. The
property borders directly on the town of Gold Hill. The
Rogue River is very close; beaches and mountains
are only an hour away.
Here's a newer group of photos...
You can click expand these. Then click again.
This steep to sloping parcel is immediately adjacent to the Gold
Hill city limits and offers absolutely outstanding views. It is in one
of the most in-demand rural areas in the country, and has really great
access both to recreation and to midsize city resources. Plus superb
climate, low crime, and good schools.
Here is a map. Property is the green rectangle "pointed to" by
Thirteenth Street. You can click here for an aerial photo and flyby.
You can contact the owner directly by phoning (928) 428-4073
or don@tinaja.com .
Additional older photos here. More info here and here. Free
guided tours immediately available.
January 2, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Seems to be the time of year for WAG predictions.
Here's my current assortment...While pv solar still remains a gasoline destroying
net energy sink that is in no manner renewable
nor sustainable, it is in the process of turning
around and ultimately becoming viable. In
part because of CIGS and the new quantum dot
developments, improvements in high frequency
efficiency, and ( thankfully ) to the elimination of
obscenely counterproductive subsidies.
Goldilocks and other exoplanets are now being reported
at a one per day rate and soon will become common
as dirt. We will be in deep trouble the ( reasonably soon )
day that one of them receives a lucid ten second clip
of Roller Derby as the sum total of our culture. The
alternatives, of course, are Captain Video or Kukla,
Fran, and Ollie.HVAC ( heating, ventillating, air conditioning ) is
obviously due for a major efficiency upgrade.
Brought about by MEMS and nanotechnology.
One obvious product crying to become reasonably
priced: hot tub heat pumps.
Your website is unlikely to just keep growing in
popularity like it did in the past. Brought about by
the "eyeball siphoning" by the social networking sites,
the upsurge in online video, and the norm now being
full HDTV video as a web experience.
Things that no longer make any sense whatsoever are
the US Post Office, "Big 3" network Television, over-
the-air tv transmission, public libraries ( unless totally
and immediately reporposed ), or any tax funded
Public Broadcasting. Also utterly useless is any
tv set that does not include unstricted web access
or does not provide at least full HDTV resolution .
Santa Claus machines are about to drop dramatically
in price and greatly expand in availablity. Brought
about in part by low end open source examples
such as this one or this one.Word will finally get out over exergy being the reason that
the hydrogen economy flat out ain't gonna happen. In
particular, electrolysis from high value sources such as
grid, pv, or alternator is pretty much the same as 1;1
exchanging US dollars for Mexican Pesos. A kilowatt
hour of most electricity is ridiculously more valuable
than a kilowatt hour of unstored hydrogen gas.
Printed industrial trade journals can be expected to vanish
enritrely. Their useful content has been long since gone
and their economic model has become laughingly pointless.
Drug legalization should soon dramatically turn around as
governments and municipalities will no longer be able
to ignore it as a major income source.
Dot matrix printers can be ridiculously improved by going
to a pair of duplexing full width printheads. The mechanisms
become ridiculously simpler, the paper path totally direct,
and speeds insanely faster. Reliability and the cost learning
curve will be the key issues here.
The latest of light emitting diodes now include warnings
not to look at them because they are too bright. Efficiencies
are getting totally offscale, with 150 Lumens per watt
production and 250 in the lab.
January 1, 2012 | deeplink top bot respond |
Closed out the 2011 Archive and started this 2012 one.
December 31, 2011 | deeplink top bot respond |
Per the serial arson flap in Los Angeles: At least here in Arizona,
torching a car is no big deal.But torching a car in a carport is arson of an occupied structure.
And has the same penalties and enthusiastic conviction as Murder One.
December 30, 2011 | deeplink top bot respond |
Finally got some distortion correction in our Architect's Perspective
that looks like it is complete and accurate. This sample shows
vertical, horizontal, and major diagonals straight. Intermediate
angles are also likely fully corrected, although this is not yet
proven.The algorithm goes something like this: After "untilting" a
vertical subject edge, that line's scaling is remembered and
a correction gets mad by elevating row content, sort of in a
somewhat parabolic manner. This leaves verticals and horizontals
straight, and "unbends" the diagonals.
Starting with the top row, the scale factor needed for the initial
correction is found. This is applied to the rightmost diagonal
and its vertical position error is found. The line is then repositioned
upwards as needed to compensate.An occasional missed line is filled in by a double repositioning.
I'll try to work up some further code and testing whenever.
December 29, 2011 | deeplink top bot respond |
Had a caller ask about finding geranium transistors for
guitar stomp boxes. Naturally, in this day and age, if you
want to add noise, hum, or distortion, you use a decent
DSP algorithm rather than vacuum tubes, primitive solid
state devices, or other performance limiting and highly
unpredictable components.
But to answer the specific question: One good info source for
older semiconductor secret sources in the sci.electronics.design
newsgroup. And eBay has bunches of older semis readily
available. Both on our own auction store and elsewhere.
A surprisingly high number of older components still remain available
at major distributors. A very good place to check is OEM's Trade.
A second often useful resource is PLC Center.
Meanwhile, there are firms that specialize in obsolete smis. And, if
all else fails, they will even custom build new ones for you. Two
examples include Rochester Electronics and 4 Star Electronics.4 Star seems be down to their very last 28,525 NKT275's. Which
remain enormously popular with the stomp box revivers.
The neat thing about germaniums was that they were so leaky that
you didn't really have to bias them. Provided, of course, that you only
ran them at one temperature.
December 28, 2011 | deeplink top bot respond |
The math behind the distortion in Architect's Perspective
is a tad obtuse, but easily resolved using a first principle
of "make it worse" and seeing what a simple polynomial tells us.
Consider this extreme case of a fifty percent correction. We apply
the usual "progressively shorten each line" for this intermediate result.
Where we see that our vertical lines are now straight and vertical, and
our horizontal lines remain straight and horizontal. But, sadly, our principle
diagonals are badly distorted and bent. As will be much of the rest of the
It looks like a repair can be made by raising the intermediate rows. Perhaps by
one sixth in the middle. Normalize the right diagonal so it goes from 0,0 to 1,1.
Assume this bent curve can at least be approximated by a polynominal of
y = ax^2 + bx + c. Since y=0 at x=0, c will also be 0 and can be ignored.
y = 1 at x = 1, so we have our first equation of a + b = 1. Assume from measurement
of the figure that y = 1/3 at x = 1/2. Which gives a second equation of a = 2b .
And a tentative solution of a = 2/3 and b = 1/3.The desired "curve" should be the linear y = x, so our error function will be
x - 2/3*x^2 - 1/3*x Or 2/3x*(1-x).
Per this plot, the approximation correction appears "close enough" But not
a true correction. Looks like a further small sinusoidal adjustment may help. Or
finding the actual "real" math.
More testing soon. And code eventually.
December 27, 2011 | deeplink top bot respond |
Some amazingly clean "nearest neighbor" interpolation code
seems to have evolved from our distortion correction
Our usual array-of-strings will contain a pixel line in the
typical Bitmap .....bgrbgrbgr... sequence. A desired left
shift or right shift could end us anywhere in the sequence.
Which clearly is ungood, because blue has to stay blue
and the starting point of each pixel triad must be an
integer as well.This repositioning does it all...
1.5 add cvi 3 idiv 3 mul
More on sneaky PostScript stuff here.
December 26, 2011 | deeplink top bot respond |
Piher has an interesting N-15 position sensor available
through Mouser at as little as a dime each. This is basically
a continuously rotating potentiometer without stops that
is electrically active over at least 340 degrees. It has
a mechanical rating of at least 100,000 cycles.
What could get cute in a hurry is if you stacked two of
these offset by 90 degrees. With some reasonable
microcomputer smarts, you should be able to directly
output either full angles or sine/cosine quadratures.
December 25, 2011 | deeplink top bot respond |
It can be real easy to lose track of the fact that storage
units should be emptied at the same rate they are filled.
Otherwise you end up needing more and more space with
worse and worse junk hiding the stuff you really need.
Otherwise known as "shit floats to the top".
There is an optimal rate at which stuff should end up on
eBay. For us, this rate is often a twenty eight day cashout
and a fifteen month hang time.
Thus, ideally, stuff should be listed within a very few days
of acquisition and never should need stored more than two
years. Most espeically if not listed.
Sooooo, we are long overdue in making a dramatic cutback in
our stored inventory items. These will be flushed to a
third party and should become available at ridiculously
bargain prices. By the truckload.
You can email me for further details.
More on eBay tips and techniques here.
December 24, 2011 | deeplink top bot respond |
A new video of San Carlos falls can be found here.
And other unusual local dayhikes here and here.
December 23, 2011 | deeplink top bot respond |
A reminder that our original Introduction to PostScript
video has been totally reworked and split into two
You Tube pieces. Find them here and here.
December 22, 2011 | deeplink top bot respond |
A reader asked about .PDF files for some handheld genealogy
apps. I was not sure if what level of response was needed.For many uses, Adobe Acrobat .PDF is an ideal way of presenting
technical information. Especially when the exact layout format is
important and when high quality integrated graphics is a must.
There are three flavors of .PDF. The Acrobat reader is free but largely
prevents you from creating yoxur own material. Commercial or educational
versions of Acrobat can accept a wide variety of input content for conversion.
And alternate versions such as GhostScript give you open source options.
Acrobat .PDF is based on the PostScript language, of which you'll find lots more
here. But because of the extreme power of PostScript, Adobe has restricted its
ability to do most of its more useful tasks involving unlimited disk access. The
SX workaround is to run "acrodist-F" from the SX command line for full use.But Adobe has qotten quite secretive about this access option recently, especially
on other or newer computer systems.
I remain an overly enameled fan of PostScript and .PDF. But with newer
small screen or low resolution devices, there are emerging alternatives that
reasonably should be explored.In particular, check out the Android 3 version of Java. With some help from
Linux and C+. Microchip has a new Android Development Kit as well.
December 21, 2011 | deeplink top bot respond |
Something that could be between an interesting development
and a major pv panel solar breakthrough can be found here.
At present, the efficiency of a conventional solar cell is abysmal.
You would be extremely fortunate to get nine percent efficiency at
the terminals of your synchronous inverter.There is a fundamental technical reason for the bad efficiency.
Any wavelength of light has an energy level associated with it.
For e equals h nu and all that.If you have a conventional single workfunction photoconverter,
any light whose wavelength is too long can not knock any electrons
loose, and is lost as heat.
If the light's wavelength ( and thus its energy ) is just right, you can
knock one electron loose with quite high efficiency.
If the light's wavelength is too high, all of the "spare change" energy
is also lost as heat. Thus, only one magic wavelength of light can
be efficiently converted. Too high or too low, and you burn up the
Previous proposed workarounds have included cells with several
workfunctions, quantum dots, or light frequency downconverters
involving phosphors and similar stunts. None have proven economically
or engineeringly viable to date.
The proposed new method apparently can knock two or more electrons
loose when fed light of a high enough frequency. And does initially
seem eminently workable.The Science paper can be found here.
Some pv panel economics can be found here, an industry trade journal
here, a pv solar tutorial here, and general energy stuff here.<< Earlier Material can be found here >>
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