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January 9, 2017 | deeplink top bot respond |
Closed out our whtnu16.shtml blog and started a new
whtnu17.shtml one.Earlier blogs remain available by clicking on "?new?" on the
home page.A reminder that we have separately extracted bajada hanging
canal relevant material material to these files...blog excerpts09.shtml
January 8, 2017 | deeplink top bot respond |
The Sand bajada hanging canal is number SEVENTY FIVE
on our list of study candidates. It is extremely interesting
and fairly easy to explore. But, as with previous canals,
it presently is raising far more questions than it resolved.I could use your help in the following...
Fill in the blanks between N 32.83001 W 109.92742
and N 32.83093 W 109.92610.Visit the fork at N 32.83453 W 109.92705 to
determine whether its feeder is in fact prehistoric.Try to determine the intent and purpose of the three
apparently imponderable historic interventions at
N 32.82628 109.92605, at N 32.83096 W 109.93308,
and at N 32.83120 W 109.92570.Verify that the fence crossing at N 32.82135
W 109.93778 is in fact a significant Sand Canal
Verify that the Acme Mapper plot at N 32.81909
W 109.94159 is in fact a significant Sand Canal
routing.Verify that the-acme Mapper plot at N 32.81307
W 109.94579 is in fact a significant Carter Canal routing.Attempt to prove that the Sand Canal and the Carter
Canal are one in the same.See if a Carter Canal hanging portion exists at N 32.81258
W 109.94703 and is photogenic.Determine if Gila Longfin Dace or other fish survive in and
around N 32.81244 W 109.94766
January 7, 2017 | deeplink top bot respond |
Microsizing and micropositioning can become crucial problems
when printing pages full of small labels or doing other step
and repeat projects.First and foremost, always be sure to use the same printer for
the same project. And always use the same printer driver and
make sure that driver does not have any weird scalings active.Add a small target to your code at what is supposed to be the
0,0 lower left corner. Possibly an adjustment such as an
-0.11 inch -0.16 inch translate may be needed to convince the
intended code, the label sheet, the printer, and the printer
driver to all agree on exactly where 0,0 is.Some label sources will provide you with templates that are
sheets of paper with preprinted label locations on them.Another ploy that can be very useful: Temporarily remove the
four corner labels from the label sheet. Print to ordinary paper
and register the modified label sheet in front of the paper.
Hold the pair up to a bright light source or the sun. You then check
the intended alignment of your messages.If you want a bled color background on each label, be sure
to "overscan" enough that all labels in all positions to
not show any annoying white edges.One way to verify that your h and v counts are correct is to
remove a fifth label from an odd position on the left side
and a sixth label from a strange position from the bottom.
January 6, 2017 | deeplink top bot respond |
Sourcecode for a new simplified step-and-repeat label
printer can be found here. With a sample printout here.The full Gonzo PostScript code gets towed along
internally, so all you have to do is edit your file in
Wordpad or wherever, and send it to Acrobat
Distiller.Here's the crucial part of the new PostScript code...
/simplifiedstepandrepeat { horstart vertstart translate
numvert { save
numhoriz { repeatproc
inchoriz 0 translate } repeat
restore 0 incvert translate
} repeat
} storeGonzo utilities here, tutorial here, and lots of simple
projects here. And intermediate stuff here.
January 5, 2017 | deeplink top bot respond |
Here's a link to an "adequate supply" of Pittsburgh Streetcar Photos
WARNING: Attempting to view all of these in one session will result
in yunz guys pronouncing "beer" as "airn". Or making a mill outta a
chopaam sammitch and Olde Frothingslosh Pale Stale Ale in Sliberty.Fortunately, in regards to this matter, a desert rat like me is immune.
Skooze me while I redd up the website.
January 4, 2017 | deeplink top bot respond |
A midget fortune teller broke out of jail.
Leaving a small medium at large.
January 3, 2017 | deeplink top bot respond |
Here's a few of our published books and related items...
Well over a million copies in print. Should be
available at Amazon and technical bookstores.
A very few autographed copies are still available
from Guru's Lair and eBay.MANUAL DE CIRCUITOS TTL-
Status unknown. Likely very hard to find.PACIFIC RIM TTL COOKBOOK -
Not even sure anymore which Asian language it was
released in. Status unknown. Likely extinct.CMOS COOKBOOK-
Approaching a million copies in print. Autographed
copies available from Guru's Lair and eBay.
Also should be available from AmazonACTIVE FILTER COOKBOOK-
THE defining reference for the field. Still in print.
Autographed copies available from Guru's Lair and eBay.
Also should be available from Amazon.
Good old number one. Currently available as a free
eBook from Guru's Lair. Amazon usually has new
and used copies.TV TYPEWRITER COOKBOOK -
The opening shot fired in the personal computer
revolution.. Currently available as a free eBook from
Guru's Lair. Amazon usually has new and used copies.
The TV Typewriter story by itself here.INCREDIBLE SECRET MONEY MACHINE-
Find out how I make money. Send $6.95 to...
Currently available as a free eBook from Guru's Lair.
Amazon usually has new and used copies.APPLE ASSEMBLY COOKBOOK -
Currently available as Volume I and Volume II of
a pair of free eBooks from Guru's Lair. A sample
Restoration Demo is also available. Amazon has
new and used copies.MICRO COOKBOOK VOLUME I -
When combined with Volume II, ends up surprisingly
applicable to the very latest of microcomputer fundamentals.
A very few autographed copies are still available from
Guru's Lair and eBay. Amazon rarely has new and used
Currently available as a retitled Volume I and Volume II of
a pair of free eBooks from Guru's Lair. A sample Restoration
Demo is also available. Amazon sometimes has new and
Insider secrets of the best Apple II word processor. Out
of print and hard to find. Your funding requested for this
secondary candidate for eBook restoration. Amazon
rarely has new and used copies.ALL ABOUT APPLEWRITER -
Rare Call A.P.P.L.E book was a disassembly script that
possibly could be re-excerpted from the AppleWriter Cookbook.
Status unknown. Not sure I still even have a copy.HEXADECIMAL CHRONICLES -
Book and circular slide rule calculator exclusively for ultra fringe
Apple II machine language programmers. Produced and typeset
largely on a Diablo 630 Daisywheel! Amazon rarely has new
Collection of construction projects and programming ploys.
Included the "tearing method" of program disassembly.
A prime eBook candidate with your funding welcome.
Amazon very rarely has new and used copies.ENHANCING YOUR APPLE II VOLUME II -
Collection of construction projects and programming ploys.
Included the "vaporlock" field sync technique. A prime
eBook candidate with your funding welcome. Amazon
sometimes has new and used copies.CHEAP VIDEO COOKBOOK-
Sneaky "Gee whiz" tricks to add ultra low cost video displays
to KIM-1 and similar low end microcomputer trainers. An
intermediate eBook candidate with your funding welcome.
Amazon sometimes has new and used copies.SON OF CHEAP VIDEO-
Supplement to the Cheap Video Cookbook covering ultra
low cost video displays. A secondary eBook candidate with
your funding welcome. Amazon sometimes has new and
used copies, some at outrageous prices.THE BIG TTL WALL CHART-
Collection of IC data from the TTL Cookbook. Exceptionally
rare and possibly extinct. No eBook plans at present.THE BIG CMOS WALL CHART-
Collection of IC data from the CMOS Cookbook. Exceptionally
rare and possibly extinct. No eBook plans at present.BLATANT OPPORTUNIST-
Reprints from Don's Midnight Engineering columns. Once
Book-on-Demand published. Now freely available online as
individual columns.BOOK-ON-DEMAND PUBLISHING-
The entire concept of low end BOD publishing largely died
stillborn, owing to the utterly overwhelming advantages of
web distribution. Combined with sanely priced binding
systems and and trimmers never getting available online here.CAVE CRAWLER'S GAZETTE-
A three year editorial stint for the Central Arizona Grotto.
Very low priority eBook plans at present.ASK THE GURU I, II, III-
Reprints from Don's Computer Shopper columns. Once
Book-on-Demand published. Now freely available online
as compilations here, here, and here.
Reprints from Don's Hardware Hacker columns. Once
Book-on-Demand published. Now freely available online
as compilations here, here, here, and here.RESOURCE BIN-
A collection of "where to go to get stuff" monthly columns
from Nuts & Volts magazine. Early compilations can be found
found here and here with individual columns available here.MY THESIS-
One of the first ever developments of low cost analog circuits
to be used for hobby electronics projects. Free copy here.MY FIRST AND ONLY PATENT -
Can be found here. Good old 3,149,561. And drove home the
utter ludicrosity of the US patent system for virtually all
individuals and small scale startups.CASE AGAINST PATENTS-
Once Book-on-Demand published compilation of my anti
patent diatribes. Also freely available online as individual
Many hundreds of highly obscure neat places to go and
things to do in and around the Gila Valley. With the main
free directory here and images of some of the more obscure
candidates here.MAGIC SINEWAVES-
Newly discovered obscure math tricks that allow dramatic
low harmonic suppression of digitally generated power
sinewaves for pv panels, power controls, and similar apps.
Find the magic calculator here and lots of support here.PSEUDOSCIIENCE-
I am very much into disproving such ludicrosities as free
energy, alien abductions, much of cold fusion,antigravity,
UFO's "not even wrong"labwork, perpetual motion, or
outright scams. Find the main resource here and my
special hell reserved for hydrogen here.POWERPOINT EMULATIONS-
I very strongly feel that Powerpoint is mesmerizingly awful,
so I wrote my own PostScript emulator that completely blows
it away on all counts. A tutorial here and examples here.POSTSCRIPT SECRETS-
Reprints from Don's Computer Shopper columns. Once
Book-on-Demand published. Now freely available online
as a compilation here.POSTSCRIPT SHOW AND TELL-
Started out as a flashcard lecture of the underappreciated
wonders of the general purpose PostScript programming
language. Now available as a free web resource.POSTSCRIPT BEGINNER PROJECTS-
A compendium of projects from our beginning PostScript
community college programming class.POSTSCRIPT GONZO UTILITIES-
Custom routines that give you exceptional Postscript-as-language
typography, schematics, and great heaping bunches of related stuff.
Find the code here, use guidelines here, and lots of apps here.VARIOUS OTHER FREE RESOURCES -
Being summarized here, here, and here.INTRODUCTION TO POSTSCRIPT VIDEO-
Marcia tended to do my April Fools columns for a number of
years in Popular Electronics and Modern Electronics. The
secrets of how she did the tapioca pudding scene in the cross
genre Godzilla versus the Night Nurses film classic remains
under strict NDA. A revised and updated free online copy of
Marcia's finest work appears here.And our very newest...
A USB crammed full of some 8000+ files spread
over more than 2 Gigs of tight code, along with nearly
a thousand open source and fully unlocked source code
documents. Classics through current. Available from
Guru's Lair and eBay.GURUGRAMS-
Published versions of our ongoing projects, papers, and
such have largely been replaced by the GuruGrams on our
Guru's Lair website. Announcements on their availability
can usually be found here and on our similar earlier and
later blogs.
A work in progress. See the latest info and updates here.
January 2, 2017 | deeplink top bot respond |
After some extensive archival rework, rearrangement,
and improvement of our Guru's Lair website. we can
now offer USB Thumb Drive copies of our Lancaster Classics
Library.This includes some 8000+ files spread over more than 2 Gigs
of tight code, along with nearly a thousand open source and
fully unlocked source code documents. All fully searchable in
one place at one time.Included are reprints of the TV Typewriter, the RTL Cookbook,
the Incredible Secret Money Machine, much of the Hanging
Bajada Canals, and, of course, The Worst of Marcia Swampfelder.You can contact us directly or view our eBay listing to pick
up a personal copy.
January 1, 2017 | deeplink top bot respond |
Guru's Lair website access: https://www.tinaja.com
Assorted Neat Stuff:https://www.tinaja.com/ansamp1.shtml
Auction Help: https://www.tinaja.com/ahsamp1.shtml
Blatant Opportunist: https://www.tinaja.com/bosamp1.shtml
Blogs and What's New: https://www.tinaja.com/blsamp1.shtml
Bezier Cubic Splines: https://www.tinaja.com/bcsamp1.shtml
Book to eBook Conversions: https://www.tinaja.com/bebsamp1.shtml
Classic Reprints: https://www.tinaja.com/crsamp1.shtml
eBay Secrets: https://www.tinaja.com/ebsamp1.shtml
eBook Library:https://www.tinaja.com/ebksamp1.shtml
Energy Tutorials: https://www.tinaja.com/etsamp1.shtml
Gila Valley Day Hikes: https://www.tinaja.com/tinsamp1.shtml
GuruGrams: https://www.tinaja.com/ggsamp1.shtml
Hardware Hacker: https://www.tinaja.com/hhsamp1.shtml
Incredible Secret Money Machine: https://www.tinaja.com/issamp1.shtml
Latest Additions: https://www.tinaja.com/lasamp1.shtml
Libraries by Subject: https://www.tinaja.com/lbsamp1.shtml
Magic Sinewaves: https://www.tinaja.com/mssamp1.shtml
Marbelous Stacks of Pancakes: https://www.tinaja.com/mbsamp1.shtml
Math Stuff: https://www.tinaja.com/matsamp1.shtml
The Case Against Patents: https://www.tinaja.com/pasamp1.shtml
PostScript Resources: https://www.tinaja.com/pssamp1.shtml
Powerpoint Emulations: https://www.tinaja.com/powpt1.shtml
Prehistoric Bajada Hanging Canals: https://www.tinaja.com/tinsamp1.shtml
Pseudoscience Bashing: https://www.tinaja.com/psusamp1.shtml
Recommended Books: https://www.tinaja.com/bksamp1.shtml
Resource Bin: https://www.tinaja.com/rbsamp1.shtml
Santa Claus Machines: https://www.tinaja.com/scsamp1.shtml
Service Pages: https://www.tinaja.com/spsamp1.shtml
Site Sampler: https://www.tinaja.com/samplx1.shtml
Tech Musings: https://www.tinaja.com/tmsamp1.shtml
Technical Library Directory: https://www.tinaja.com/libry01.shtml
Tinaja Questing: https://www.tinaja.com/tinsamp1.shtml
Video Tutorials:https://www.tinaja.com/ebksamp1.shtml
Main Libraries:
Abeja Shelf: https://www.tinaja.com/beewb01.shtml
Acrobat PDF Shelf: https://www.tinaja.com/acrob01.shtml
Adept Sliders ( sorry sold out ): https://www.tinaja.com/adeptinv.shtml
Ask the Guru Older Shelf: https://www.tinaja.com/glair01.shtml
Auction and Assistance Shelf: https://www.tinaja.com/auct01.shtml
Banner Advertisers Shelf: https://www.tinaja.com/advt01.shtml
Bargains and Surplus Shelf: https://www.tinaja.com/barg01.shtml
Blatant Opportunist Shelf: https://www.tinaja.com/blat01.shtml
Book Access Shelf: https://www.tinaja.com/amlink01.shtml
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Captain Video Shelf: https://www.tinaja.com/capvid01.shtml
Consultants Network: https://www.tinaja.com/consul01.shtml
Cubic Spline Shelf: https://www.tinaja.com/cubic01.shtml
Custom Auction Help: https://www.tinaja.com/aucres01.shtml
eBay Live Auction Shelf: https://www.ebay.com/sch/abeja/m.html?
eBook Shelf :https://www.tinaja.com/ebook01.shtml
Electrical Engineering Shelf: https://www.tinaja.com/eeweb01.shtml
Flutterwumper Shelf: https://www.tinaja.com/flut01.shtml
Fonts and Images Shelf: https://www.tinaja.com/aafont01.shtml
Gila Valley Dayhikes Shelf: https://www.tinaja.com/gilahike.shtml
Guru Archive (older) Shelf: https://www.tinaja.com/glair01.shtml
GuruGram Shelf: https://www.tinaja.com/gurgrm01.shtml
Golly Gee Mister Science Shelf: https://www.tinaja.com/golly01.shtml
Hardware Hacker Shelf: https://www.tinaja.com/hack01.shtml
Image PostProc Shelf: https://www.tinaja.com/image01.shtml
Incredible Secret Money Machine Shelf: https://www.tinaja.com/ismm01.shtml
Infopack Shelf: https://www.tinaja.com/info01.shtml
"Its a Gas" Hydrogen Shelf: https://www.tinaja.com/h2gas01.shtml
Magic Sinewaves Shelf: https://www.tinaja.com/magsn01.shtml
Magic Sinewave Older Archive: https://www.tinaja.com/magsna1.shtml
Math Stuff Shelf: https://www.tinaja.com/math01.sht
Navicube Shelf: https://www.tinaja.com/navcub01.shtml
Patent Avoidance Shelf: https://www.tinaja.com/patnt01.shtml
Pick a Peck of PICS Shelf: https://www.tinaja.com/picup01.shtml
PostScript Shelf: https://www.tinaja.com/post01.shtml
Pseudoscience Bashing Shelf: https://www.tinaja.com/pseudo01.shtml
Resource Bin Shelf: https://www.tinaja.com/resbn01.shtml
Santa Claus Machine Shelf: https://www.tinaja.com/santa01.shtml
Synergetics Library: https://www.tinaja.com/synlib01.shtml
Tech Musings Shelf: https://www.tinaja.com/muse01.shtm
Third Party Shelf: https://www.tinaja.com/third01.shtml
Tinaja Questing Shelf: https://www.tinaja.com/tinaja01.shtml
Webmastering Shelf: https://www.tinaja.com/weblib01.shtml
Web Links ( outdated ) Shelf: https://www.tinaja.com/webwb01.shtml
Wavelets Shelf: https://www.tinaja.com/wave01.shtml
December 31, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Here is the first supplement to our PostScript Font
Snooper. Merge it with the internal and external
existing PostScript font name lists and resend the
snooper to Acrobat XI.../FontlistbyPSname [ %= fonts not yet ps name resolved.
% /Fixedsys
% /Fixedsys-Regular/Gabriola
/LucidaConsole% /Malgun
% /Malgun-Regular
% /MalgunGothic
% /MalgunGothicRegular
% /MalgunGothicSemilight
% /MalgunGothicBold/MicrosoftHimalaya
/MicrosoftTaiLe% /MicrosoftJhengHeiUI
% /MicrosoftJhengHei-UI
% /MicrosoftYaHei
% /MicrosoftYaHeiUI
% /MicrosoftYaHei-UI
% /NSimSun-Regular
% /SmallFont-Regular/SourceCodePro-Regular
/Sylfaen% /System-Bold
% /Terminal
% /Terminal-Regular
% /Terminal-Bold
% /YuGothic-Light
% /YuGothicUL/ZWAdobeF
] store
These files seem embeddable without faux font substitution.
There are obviously bunches of correct PostScript
filenames not yet in the directories. Please email me with
your additions and corrections.
December 30, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
A .html or .shtml web browser file will often tow along bits
and pieces of other files. These can easily get lost or
misplaced on file relocations or distributions and cause
major dropout problems.An included file in the same directory would have no
slashes in it, such as src="bluestrp.gif". An included file
in the host machine but a different directory might be
referenced as src= "C://stuff/morestuff/blustripe.jpg". And
an included file or link elsewhere on the web would
get referenced as src= "http://:www.tinaja.com".On file relocation or distribution, it is super important to retain
access to all these included src's. Otherwise, you will get
dropouts and other annoyances. The usual problem is that
Dreamweaver or another browser tool may reassign locations
for the inclusions.Sometimes Dreamweaver will create a new directory of file
folders for all included items. It is very important to keep
this directory where it can be accessed. Alternately, if
just a few inclusions are involved, you can provide new copies
of everything needed locally accessible.At any rate, if you find dropout problems, search your file
under "src=" and see what shows up.A related issue: Dreamweaver tends to drop out backgrounds.
It will usually tell you it has done this with a comment.
Background images may be replaced by their original by
File -> Page Properties --> Appearance --> Background Image
--> BrowseI'll throw in a reminder here that those insidious Dreamweaver
disappearances of the crucial properties panel can often be
restored by a ctrl-F3.
December 29, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
I've gone through our What's New Blogs back to 2009
and extracted much of the Bajada Hanging Canal stuff.These new files should give more in the way of an
ongoing timeline of discoveries and developments...https://www.tinaja.com/blog_excerpts09.shtml
December 28, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
This is getting far beyond ridiculous.
Acme Mapper is suggesting a yet unverified SEVENTY SIXTH
Prehistoric Hanging Bajada Canal around N 32.81330 W 109.94637.It appears to be a companion to the Sand Canal complex and
seems to have a takein pond (!) and a hanging portion. The
tentative name would be the Carter Canal. Total regional
length now appears to be well beyond a world class 130 miles.Surprisingly, there were Gila Longfin Dace fish in the area.
At least before the drought. More here.Your help with exploration is more than welcome. Opportunities
for personal world class research abound.
December 27, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Thought I'd list my end of year predictions here...
The elimination of "unintended consequence" federal
price supports and marijuana farm subsidies dropping
prices to a near cotton parity of 59 cents per pound. With
( as cotton ) standard 500 pound commercial bales ( anything
less being personal use ) and tax estimates ending up a
tad high. But the latter by only by a mere three or four orders
of magnitude. More here.Surprising but marginal emerging credibility for limited
forms of both Cold Fusion and Reactionless Drives.Unlikely third world countries soon dropping the pv panel
prices to the utility grade twenty five cents per peak watt
demanded for true renewability and sustainability.The total demise of coal. With idled locomotives being the
measurable barometer that is spearheading the debacle.
A controversial but credible detection of extra-terrestrial
mid-level intelligence "real soon now". Perhaps a planet
full of asparagus. And more "WTF" signals yet to come.Obsolesce of CCFL lamps. Brought about by LED parity
and all sorts of previously unthunk of lighting products.Pricey solid state challenges to microwave oven magnetrons.
With eventual advantages of simplicity, uniformity, economy.Strong sales of ultra resolution smart tv's despite zero
available content. Driven mostly by computer users.A resurgence in traditional electronic hacking, driven by
Arduino, Raspberry Pi, C.H.I.P. Beagle Bone, the Basic
Stamp and derivatives, magazines such as Circuit Cellar
or Make, and such suppliers as Sparkfun, Marlin Jones,
American Science & Surplus, and even ( should they last
a few more weeks ) Radio Shack.Dramatic increase in the popularity of hackerspaces ,
makerspaces, and fab labsThe terabyte revolution being largely ignored, moving
directly instead into the petabyte revolution. One thumb
drive to hold all movies, or all books, or all history. With
emerging utterly disruptive IP issues.Substantial medical breakthroughs, especially in the areas
of cancer and diabetes, female sexuality, dentistry, and
Alzheimers.Computers that are so cheap there is no longer any point in
charging for them.WWVB having dropped the football. Far too little way too late.
The stranglehold on technical research publication finally
being broken, with open source dissemination dominant,
low access costs, easy publication, long term access, and peer
review taking place after publication rather than before.
December 26, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
I am in the process of doing some mostly invisible revisions
to our website. With the intent of making more and better
third party backups and offering nearly 2 Gigs of website
in thumb drive form.Please email me if you want to get in ahead of the hoarders
on one of these greatly improved and updated nav drives.
December 25, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Some recent links to our Magic Sinewave calculators seem to
point to older versions. The newest and best include quantization
buttons. I'm not sure I have all these fixed.https://www.tinaja.com/msquant/retry_m/xxxx.shtml is one correct
new version.https://www.tinaja.com/magsnq1.shtml is an identical copy with a
better filename.Important note: Should you copy these, an identical named .js
trailer file MUST be included. And files of anytime.gif and
blustrp.gif and ebaylin2.jpg SHOULD be included
December 24, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The latest PV pricing stats for November are in and once
again show ongoing decreases for an all time best of 42
cents per peak panel watt minimum.Note that somewhere around twenty five cents per peak
panel watt is demanded for true net energy renewability
and sustainability. The math behind this can be found here.
In a related surprise move, some extremely aggressive
pv project prices were just awarded in some highly
unexpected third world countries.Much more here.
December 23, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Here is the obscure code to print out the contents
of a Windows 10 folder or directory...shift - rightmouse over directory
open command window here
dir > listmyfolder.txt
load new file into wordpad.
December 22, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The Sand prehistoric Bajada hanging canal ranges from
N 32.81814 W 109.94203 to N 32.83533 W 109.92265 and
seems exceptionally well engineered and largely well
preserved.Except that there apparently were three very small sections
of historical rebuild attempts that appear to me to be total and
colossal failures. The terra cota pipes and the precast concrete
headgates suggest a rather recent attempt involving appallingly
bad and woefully incomplete engineering. Or possibly kids.It is unlikely that one recent drop of modern water was ever
delivered. No CCC dominant signatures seemed involved, but
something like a State Lands intern project appear suggested.There is a companion mystery whose origins remain fuzzy.
A possible branch of the canal ranges from N 32.82839
W 109.93146 to a yet unexplored fork at N 32.83446
W 109.92706. It is obviously fed from a valid prehistoric canal
and has perfect slope and size. Yet it is a tad too deep and
totally lacks the spoil pile berms typical of most other prehistoric
canals in the region.Other consulted archaeologists remain equally baffled.
Perhaps a ground survey of the fork might shed some light on
the age of this route.Then again, it might raise more questions than it answers.
December 21, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Here's a list of links to our Wesrch papers. They sort of
form a "the best of" for our website...Machine Language Programming Cookbook Classic Sampler
Restoring faded or scuffed text for web use
TV Typewriter eBook
An "Un-Halftoning" scheme to improve eBook Images
Remastering a Technical Book for Web Distribution
The Incredible Secret Money Machine
Allen Reservoir Failure Docs
RTL Cookbook Classic Reprint
IC67 metal locater classic reprint
Hanging Canal Slide Show
Remastering video for web distribution
Stability Issues in Gauss-Jordan Solutions
Gauss-Jordan Solution of nxn linear equations
Stalking the Wild Paradigm
Prehistoric Hanging Canals of the Safford Basin
Recent Developments in Magic Sinewaves
Enhancing your eBay skills VIII
Website Link Checking Tools
Secrets of Recent Technical Innovation
Lessons Learned During a uv Lamp Debugging
Some Possible Book Scanning "Gutter Math"
Utilities for HTML & XHTML Revalidation
eBay buying secrets
eBay selling secrets
Pseudoscience Bashing Secrets
Isopod Energy Monitor
Enhancing your eBay Skills V
Build this TV Typewriter
The next big things
Elegant Simplicity
Enhancing your eBay Skills VI
Cubic Spline Minimum Point Distance
pv photovoltaic panel intro & summary
Energy Fundamentals Intro & Summary
Real Time Acrobat PDF Animation
A Solid State 3 Channel Color Organ
When to Patent
Exploring the .BMP file format
150 Gila Valley Day Hikes
A Gonzo PostScript Powerpoint Emulator
Enhancing your eBay tactical skills VII
Synthesis of Digital Power Sinewaves
Graham Tram Plan and Profile
Some fifth generation Magic Sinewaves Drawing a Bezier cubic spline through 4 data points
.BMP Bitmap Circular Lettering
An expanded ultra fast magic sinewave calculator
How to trash a vehicle hydrogen electrolysis
A Partial History of the Gila Lumber and Milling Company
Some bitmap perspective lettering algorithms & utilities
How to bash pseudoscience
An Improved Bitmap Typewriter
Using Distiller as a PostScript Computer
Some Architect's Perspective Algorithms and Utilities
Successful eBay Buying Strategies
Why Electrolysis Ain't Gonna Happen
The math behind Bezier cubic splines
Some Image Post Processing Utilities
The Case Against Patents
Some eBay Selling Strategies
A Digital Airbrushing Algorithm
Don't Get Sick!
Some More Energy Fundamentals I
How to scam a student paper
Some Inverse Graphic Transforms
Nonlinear Graphics Transforms
Three Phase Magic Sinewaves
Bitmap to Acrobat PDF Image Conversions
The way things were -- an unauthorized autobiography
A review of some pixel image interpolation algorithms
Some possible false color and rainbow improvements
An Executive Guide to Magic Sinewaves
The worst of Marcia Swampfelder
Acrobat PDF Post Document Editing Tools
A new method of solving electromagnetic fields
A Newbie's Intro to the Web
Gonzo PostScript Tutorial and Directory
An Ultra-fast Magic Sinewave Calculator
Some Energy Fundamentals
Secrets of Technical Innovation
Here are our co-authored Hanging Canal papers...
Prehistoric Bajada Hanging Canals of Southeastern Arizona
A Tour of Some Stunning Prehistoric Hanging Canal Images
December 20, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
I was recently asked for my views on "global warming".
After many decades of careful observation here in the southwest
over such things as flood and fire frequency and severity, overgrazing,
species invasion, overbuilding, water management, and drought,
I firmly believe that...Climatic and weather VARIABILITY are dramatically
on the rise and will continue to become worse
for the foreseeable future .
Much, if not most of the increase in variability
appears to me to clearly be man caused.
Business as usual will no longer hack it.
We better fervently HOPE that the majority of the
problem is in fact man caused; Otherwise, it will
surely end up MUCH harder to fix.Yes, the situation is enormously complex. Yes, outright
mistakes will be made. Not to mention unintended consequences
and hidden agendas. But, at least to me, doing nothing would be the
gravest and greatest mistake of all.
My own feelings are that "carbon free" is a monumentally
stupid goal. "Carbon neutral" makes infinitely more sense.
December 19, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Well, it took three weeks, but most of the fallout from a
hard disk blowup has pretty much happened, whit the
majority of whatever being nearly or fully recovered.
Since the outcome was seriously in doubt, a four pronged
approach was used during recovery...First, a commercial restoration service was used
that had the necessary expertise and tools.Second, an underused laptop was modified to
take care of immediately urgent tasks.Third, woefully incomplete and dated backups
were carefully reviewed for salvagability.Fourth , a brand new and updated computer
system was built from the ground up.
December 18, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Once again expanded and updated our Gila Valley
Dayhikes page. We are now up to 477 main entries,
most of which now include GPS location links.Now including everything from castles to abandoned locomotives
to mystery Gila River tramways. No, not this one.
Please email me with anything I missed or that needs
further updating.
December 17, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
It has been a while since I mentioned my most fiendish of
all my papers.Included are a dozen sure fire "can't miss"winners for
student papers of high school through graduate university
levels.And one, um, not quite winner. But which?
December 16, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Can't put one over on her. Nosiree.
Little old lady to a companion at a recent live auction:
"Why, that man has been talking all morning!"
December 15, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
There seems to be a major Windows 10 bug in which the
print queue ends up neither working nor allowing cancellation.To find out if this is your "won't print" problem, go to the
Control Panel --> View Devices and Printers --> your
usual printer --> See What's Printing. Viewable should
be a blank panel or one that allows cancellation.The exact bug and its treatment can be found here.
In other times and places, downloading a fresh printer
driver can make a big difference. In the case of HP,
go here for access.
December 14, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
In general, Windows 10 seems to offer bunches of better
ways to do stuff. But finding tasks for the first time can
be monumentally frustrating.Ferinstance, the greatly simplified and improved file search
is now found by clicking on the task bar file folder. while
an elaborate and mind bogglingly complex new cutsey poo
AI feature is now where the earlier Windows-X used to be.
December 13, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Now that memory is free, I'm wondering if still using the
C:/ drive is the best place for work files. Putting these
files on thumb drives or other removable media makes
distributing and backing them up a lot easier. As well as
often being somewhat more virus and wear resistant.And system blowups are now separate from work
problems.Yes, you still should avoid using a thumb drive for
exceptionally high traffic read and write issues. But
this should not be a problem for most files most of
the time.
December 12, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
I have been having major difficulties getting Thunderbird
to access my Fatcow mail. Apparently Fatcow does not
want a second pc to access supervisory status, while
Thunderbird remembers stuff of yours even if the
account is closed and uninstalled. Fatcow has been most
helpful but we did not get anywhere on several lengthy tries.Passwords are consistently refused.
The present workaround is to use mail server side ap
from FatCow's RoundCube service and to explore the
Microsoft Mail potential as a newsgroup server from
News.Individual.Net. and others.Any suggestions of what to try next?
December 11, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Configuring a computer to replace a blown up one might go
something like this...Start with a $200 Walmart refurb special
Provide a monitor and speakers.
Upgrade to wireless mouse and keyboard.
Add a 4X power USB expander.
Remove malware and bloatware.
Add shortcuts to Control Panel and C:/
Extract Paint and Wordpad from Windows Accessories
Gain Ethernet access.
Access existing WiFi network
Install Chrome
Install Chrome Extensions no underline and Speed Dial
Install web page, ebay, fatcow etc to Speed Dial.
Make Chrome the default browser.
Add USB Thumb Drive and Hard Drive.
Add CD drive if not present on PC.
Install print driver and verify WiFi printing.
Import important data files to Desktop via USB.
Install antivirus software.
Install scanner and VueScan X64. Test.
Add cable and verify Nikon photo linking.
Test optional camera memory chip.
Install Thunderbird and link to Fatcow ISP.
Explore Fatcow Roundcube
Install a Sigfile signature file..
Verify mail functionality.
Subscribe to News.Individual Net.
Chose newsgroups.
Install Filezilla FTP program.
Link Filezilla to Fatcow ISP
Verify WebSite functionality.
Verify ISP and webpage communication.
Install Winzip GZ file reader for ISP log stats.
Download Imageview32 Arcata.
Install GhostScript
Install Gonzo Utilities, Architects Perspective,
Vingetting Autobackgrounder, Bitmap Typewriter,
other Postscript routines.
Test camera to postproc to ebay functionality.
Consider Microsoft Office.
Download .PDF Acrobat reader.
Subscribe to Acrobat XI
Verify Acrobat XI Distiller run -F disk access.
Verify home page.
Verify YouTube and NetFlix.
Verify Dilbert. KeelyNet, and Slashdot.
Run the font snooper.
Add any missing or favorite fonts.
Download Google Earth
Add velcro where appropriate.
Start backup saves.
December 10, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
We will shortly have a complete set of numeric branding
irons up on eBay.For some reason, their"9" seems to be missing. The
obvious workaround is to turn the cow upside dowm
and then use the "6" instead.
December 9, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
THE RABBIT FARM -At one time, this San Simon resource
included large artesian lakes and many giant trees, but drought
and falling water tables have taken their toll. Remediation efforts
are underway, which presumably you can participate in.
N 32.50135 W 109.33844Much more Gila Hike stuff here.
December 8, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The latest versions of our PostSript fontname finder and Faux
Fonts identifiers are now available for your review.Send this .psl file to the Distiller in Acrobat XI to find the correct
spellings and the Faux font shifts for your chosen machine.Or just view this .pdf file for a sample of somebody else's
results.Or this .log file for additional info on somebody else's
results.Or your own new .log file for your specific additional info.
You can click here for a list of the correct spellings of
nearly 5000 valid PostScript font names. Please report
any typos and most especially any missed additions.
December 7, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Been getting some new PostScript-as-Filename anomalies on Windows
10 involving paths starting with C:\. Not sure what is happening but it
might involve needing some earlier slashes owing to This Computer.Did find an apparent workaround: If you use a D:// or higher thumb
drive for involved PS filenames, the problem seems to disappear.Working example: Clicking an image into Imageview32 and then
clicking through on image information should always give you
a valid full font path. Attempting to run windows-X on
a properly installed E:/retest/indptump1.bmp works just fine,
but trying the same windows-X on a properly installed
C:\Users\Bee\Desktop\new_images\indptump1.bmp returns
an error message. Despite very careful keying.This seems to have nothing to do with the separate need to place
a double reverse slash inside a PostScript string any time you
really want to end up with a windows filename forward slash.Any ideas?
December 6, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The "Wow" SETI signal has now been largely discredited, likely
owing to a pair of then undiscovered comets that generated a
large reflective gas cloud.But we now have a brand new "WTF" signal to deal with. This
involves a Kepler transit so astoundingly complex that citing
intelligent design presently has not yet been ruled out.
December 5, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Acrobat Distiller attempts to substitute a Faux Font into your PDF
files for the overwhelming majority of available fonts. This can
utterly destroy the "vibes" of fonts such as Revue or Hobo, and
otherwise introduces an aura of "sameness" to the final docs.And, unless TrueType fonts are separately converted, most of
these will also be faux substituted. Typically, for every 2000
available fonts, around 1800 of them will be faux substituted
and 200 might sail through unmolested.Distiller will report to you which fonts have been substituted in
its return log file. And lists can be generated by search filtering
the log file in a multistep process..But programatically finding out whether a font has been substituted
for raw PostScript uses requires some sneakiness.It turns out there is a FontDirectory that starts out empty and fills
as it gets used. Each added font should have a OrigFonts subdirectory
and this directory may or may not have a Boolean DistillerFauxFont
entry. Curiously, this entry seems to always be true but only sometimes
be present. So, use of the known operator is needed to avoid errors.
I've just completed an automatic program that both reports all your
font true PostScript fontnames along with a list of those that got
substituted. I hope to post it shortly. Your help in testing and extending
the main 4700 font directory is needed.
December 4, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
So, what software do I actually use?
I overwhelmingly prefer to do all my page layout, math studies, and
related research in raw PostScript, using nothing but plain old
Wordpad and sometimes helped along by plain old Paint.
Raw Postscript code is sent to either the Distiller in Acrobat XI or
GhostScript, being sure to include any code sent to Disiller being run
from the command line with a -F trailer to allow disk access.I am really big on image postprocessing for our eBay use and have
created several custom programs that you can access at no charge
These include our Architect's Perspective, the Self Vignetting
Auto bakgrounder, the Bitmap Typewriter, and our Web friendly
PostScript Colors.Nikon to Windows seems be be handled automatically by the PC.
Web maint is handled largely by a Dreamweaver rental.
I use Fatcow as our ISP accessed via Chrome, Thunderbird, or
Filezilla. I prefer an ancient HP scanner that is no longer
Windows 10 supported, so I use VuScan X64 here. My
preferred picture editor is ImageViewer/32.
December 3, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
An interesting collection of pv panel pricing info can be found
here. In general, utility grade panel pricing is at 46 cents per
per peak panel watt and is dropping at ten percent per year
or more.For true long term renewability and sustainability a quarter
per peak panel watt is needed. Thus, we are presently half
way there and ridiculously closer than we ever were before.Much more here.
December 2, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Another approach to backing up things you feel are important
is to post them to independent and archival web resources.The obvious first choice is Wikipedia, but you have to get
sneaky to work around their "No original research" restriction.
The key can often be major mainstream media coverage.I've put lots of stuff up on Wesrcch and it has generated a
quarter million hits to date. But this resource seems to have
somewhat missed reaching critical mass just yet.Another web resource that seems to be going gangbusters
is ResearchGate. I have yet to participate here, but it is
very high on my priorities. They prefer you have an .edu
affiliation, but there are workarounds if you are really a
legitimate independent researcher.Much of our Bajada Hanging Canal reserach remains unique
to my website, so I've given backup copies to a number of
leading archaeologists for archival storage. Let me know if
you would like a set of these.I definitely would like to find additional web homes for my
Magic Sinewaves and the Magic Sinewave Calculator.
ResearchGate would be an obvious first choice.And I have been negotiating with American Radio History
to make many of my early tutorials and construction projects
separately available.
December 1, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Some very significant developments in understanding and
controlling photosynthesis appear in the latest issue of
November 30, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Managed to blow up a hard drive that set things a little
back here. The key rule, of course, is that no matter how
often you back things up, it is not nearly enough.Most of it seems recoverable, but several projects have
to be temporarily on hold. And much of the routine stuff
around here is now awkward or tedious.Our basic approach to backup is to use Fatcow as our
web provider and local resources for our research and
whatever. And to ( in theory ) exchange backups at
least once a month.Present approach is triple pronged, using a backup recovery
service, a temporary laptop, and a new tower pc.In these days of ultra cheap thumb drives, backup is
no longer the hassle it once was. As I may have mentioned
a time or two before, we should outright skip the terabyte
revolution and move directly onto the petabyte one.
November 29, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
One of the most infuriating features of Dreamweaver is that, if you so
much as think about looking at it sideways, the page properties panel
will vanish without a trace. This panel is essential for editing as it
controls links, styles, indents, and such.One top secret recovery method is to use Control-F3.
The latest Dreamweaver versions get rented by the month or
year instead of owned outright. Free seven day samples are
usually provided on request.There apparently still is a strange bug remaining from way back
when: If you copy the below date bar, one of the three dates
will trash two or three characters. Not sure why this happens or
who it applies to when. The bug survived moving to the cloud.
November 28, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Field verified the continuance of the Sand Canal and its possible
pair of "maybe" branches. This appears to be the westernmost
known prehistoric hanging bajada canal and possibly is six miles
long, not counting the pair of north trending branches.The newly verified portion is near N 32.82577 W 109.93365 and
is easy to reach both by desert friendly vehicle and on foot.
The route appears superbly engineered and well preserved.
This portion seems "regular" rather than "hanging". The
route is surprisingly obvious on Acme Mapper.Much of the projected route is still unverified and you are
welcome to help with the exploration. The projected start is
somewhere around N 32.81743 W 109.94330 with some
unverified bits and pieces near N 32.83024 W 109.92712
November 27, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Finding out which Distiller Fonts have been substituted can
end up fairly simple.There is a Distiller dictionary called the Font Directory.
Regardless of the number of available fonts, this starts
out empty and fills as fonts are actually used and optionally
modified as any unpermitted fonts are substituted.There is a Boolean flag called DistillerFauxFont in
each font placed in the Font Directory. Calling
currentfont /DistillerFauxFont get will return a true
if a font has been substituted.This can then be used to append a suitable comment
to your font listing.There does seem to be a curious gotcha: DistillerFauxFont
seems to always (?) be true, but only sometimes is
present. Thus you have to use known to avoid errors.
I'll try to post an example shortly.
November 26, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The Barbie Index is a new method of measuring math
understanding and competence.
Ferinstance, an individual with a BI of 0.7 would have
seventy percent of the math capabilities of a Barbie doll.
More math stuff here.
November 25, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The meanings of "normally open" and "normally closed"
are exact opposites, depending on whether you are talking
electrically or pneumatically.
A normally open switch or relay contact has a gap that DOES
NOT conduct electricity or signals or whatever. Until such
time as its position is changed or coil power is applied.
A normally open valve DOES allow a liquid or gas flow
from input to output. Until such time as its position is
changed or coil power is applied.
Valves are often further complicated in that if liquid
stays stuck in a pipe, nothing much happens. Thus,
three way, four way, and even five way valving is
more the norm. In which you either provide air or
oil or else let it drain off or return somewhere else.
November 24, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The "water powered car" continues to run rampant on the
web. Overpriced kits are now available that let you conclusively
prove the bogosity to yourself beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Here's a summary of why the concept is not even wrong...
1. What part of "Gross and Egregious Fraud" don't you
2. A fundamental thermodynamic principle called exergy
absolutely GUARANTEES that hydrogen produced from
high value grid, pv, or alternator electricity flat out ain't
gonna happen. For the simple reason that a kilowatt hour
of electricity is ridiculously more valuable than a kilowatt
hour of unstored hydrogen gas.
3. There are EIS or Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
instruments readily available. These "run the experiment"
many millions of times daily with uniformly negative results.
4. The resonant frequency of water is ONE MILLION TIMES
higher than proponents claim, applies only to water vapor,
and is not in any manner overunity.
5. Stainless steel is wildly inappropriate for hydrogen production
devices because of the hydrogen overpotential of iron. and
because of its low energy and low area passivated surface.
Special Platinized Platinum Black normally is required for
efficient devices and demands careful repeated renewing.6. Because of Faraday's Law, only the Fourier Series direct current
term of any complex pulse waveform can contribute to electrolysis.
High frequency ac components primarily create bunches of waste
heat and inefficiency.
7. It is trivially easy to mis measure the energy in pulse waveforms.
So much so that this is Beginning EE Student Blunder 001-A.
Such measurement is almost always ridiculously low.
8. It is similarly trivially easy to mis measure that actual dry
STP hydrogen content in any vapor. Such measurement is
almost always ridiculously high.
9. Surprisingly, electrolysis can in fact be up to one sixth endothermic
and can produce "runs cool" effects. But such operation only can
happen at very low and unamortizable production rates.
Curiously, the Ohio trial court fraud proceedings have never been
transcribed, owing to admin costs and a near total lack of demand.Additional details of my own appear here and here and here.
Two useful third party resources are found here and here.
November 23, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The latest PV pricing stats for October are in and once
again show ongoing decreases for some sources, and
now dropping somewhat to a best of 44 cents per peak panel
watt minimum.The projected trend for the year for the best price is about
nine percent down.Note that somewhere around twenty five cents per peak panel
watt is demanded for true net energy renewability and sustainability.
The math behind this can be found here.And much more here.
November 22, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added a classic link to our early Paleomagnetism and
Archaeomagnetism paper. Not sure why this vanished
somewhere along the way.More recently, this and our Thermoluminescence paper
were used as reconstruction examples for restoration
of classic papers using our Gonzo Utilities.
November 21, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added a few new natural arch entries to our Gila Valley
Day Hikes. Plus a link to the Natural Arch and Bridge
November 20, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Many early Hugo Gernsback publications are newly available
free at https://www.americanradiohistory.com/ Of particular interest
are early issues of Science and Invention
November 19, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Uh, there's still a detail or two to be worked out in
creating your own display of Distiller substituted
fonts.A demo of what your results are supposed to look
for can be found here. But I have yet to find several
key distiller parameters.Instead, start with this file and create a log file. Then
heavily edit the part of the log file that tells you which
files were not found, converting them into a list of
substituted fonts. Then use this result list to create the
second column display that shows which fonts have been
It turns out there are very simple flags in Distiller called
/DistillerFauxFont and /FauxFontID and others that should
make it trivial to flag any substituted font display, only I
have not yet discovered exactly to use them.Your suggestions welcome.
November 18, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Uploaded a new demo of our PSFontnameFinders that can
give you the correct PS filenames of most of your available
fonts as well as identifying which fonts have been substituted
by Distiller. Useful results will have to involve your own new
data.Sourcecode can be fond here, which you will have to play around
with by heavily text editing a previous .log file to extract a
/FoundFonts [ /f1xname /f2xname....] array and a similar
/SubstitutedFonts1 [ /f1xname /f2xname....] array. At present,
the latter needs converted to a bogus "known searchable"
dictionary by using.../SubstitutedFonts1Dict << SubstitutedFonts1 { 1 } forall >> store
This new code points out several non obvious font substitution
features that likely have to be dealt with. The present code
searched a data base of 5765 possible valid PS fontnames,
extracting 2048 of them as locally reachable and demanding
that 1656 of them be multi master substituted.Thus, over three quarters of the fonts will be MM substituted!
and this would be even worse if you were not embedding
TrueType fonts. Without TT embedding, almost all Distiller
fonts in this example would get MM substituted!Depending on the chosen font, MM substitution can range
from trivial to really bad to mesmerizingly awful. See Hobo
or Revue as midrange problem examples. And, since "no
vibes" is by and of itself a major vibe, the remaining fonts to
me all seem rather dumpy, alarmingly similar, and uninspiring.Several workaround come to find. First, be sure to use the
embed TT fonts option. But note that because of quadratic
vs cubic spline issues and others, TT fonts are generally
not as sophisticated as genuine PostScript ones.Secondly, squeaking by with 800 or so properly embedded "real"
fonts might not end up all that bad.Thirdly, you can try using one of the online ---> .pfa conversions.
Some of these may or may not work. And may or may not
involve virus and IP rights issues.Fourthly, you can try substituting free online fonts with sort of
similar names. Or in related offerings.And finally, you can actually buy a font that is fully Distiller
embeddable. Just be sure that IP rights permit distiller
embedding without substitution..
November 15, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Two Distiller features include the ability to embed
fonts and to optionally substitute fonts in any generated
PDF document. Per details here and elsewhere. Parts or
all the embedded fonts get "towed along" in a somewhat
longer document so that your end user does not need to
personally own or access your target files.Adobe forces font substitution on you from multiple master
fonts if your target font has IP rights issues, forbidden
access flags, non standard coding, odd glyphs, or whatever.The big gotcha with this is that some fonts will substitute
beautifully, while others will significantly lose their "vibes",
while yet others will end up totally illegible. Revue and Hobo
are two examples that get done in rather badly. Most of the
substituted fonts end up looking pretty much the same and
clearly lack their original distinct vibes.You can find out which fonts have been substituted and how
much damage they have done to the intended original by
viewing the companion .log file generated during the
fontname distilling. Alternately, you can go to Acrobat
and then select File -> Properties -> Fonts.If you really need the vibes of a particular font, make sure
that it will properly embed without substitution.
November 14, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Somebody asked me about the "Smokey the Bear" font.
Apparently it originally existed only in printed documents
where it could be hand copied in larger sizes.But the Brody font is a fairly good match.
November 13, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Made some further improvements in our PostScript
Exact fontname finder. Find the sourcecode ( which
you send to Distiller ) here, a results sampler here,
and a results log file here.Plus an ongoing and expanding PostScript filename
directory. Improvements include embedding many
TrueType fonts.Your help in testing, expanding, and improving these
files is needed.
November 11, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
A companion .log file gets generated any time you use
our PostScript Fontname Finder. Buried in the log file is
all sorts of interesting stuff, some of which may be
misleading.If you read your output file ( or this sample ) and
then go to Acrobat -> File -> Properties -> Font,
it is easy to reach the astounding conclusion that
over 2/3 of the input fonts get converted to the
Multimaster File format, nearly always forcing
unwanted negligible through mild through
devastating chances in the letterforms and vibes.But this may be a misleading artifact of our
"find the fontname" algorithms. Firstoff,
this presumably is something remotely near
an average of all fonts. Since it is easy to
conclude that all major size, weight, and
slantiness in any font family would all mostly
need or not need MM conversion, then
the number of conversion font families
would ( WAG ) be only one quarter (?)
of the total number of fonts involved.Further, there are obviously more popular
and lesser used fonts. Checking these would
likely put the Distiller forced conversions further
down. Especially when there are near identical
appearing Adobe and Microsoft font versions.You can find out what a font is supposed to look
like by most any of these resources.One reader suggested using an online ---> .PFA
converter. But be sure to check the skill level
of the converter to make sure the vibes are what
you wanted.Another route, of course, is to actually buy and
pay for a font. Be sure to get it in writing that
the font is both partially and fully embeddable
in a Distiller generated document without
forced format conversions or IP issues.
November 9, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Getting Distiller to embed open type fonts should be
possible, given...
<< /CompatibilityLevel 1.6 >> setdistillerparams
<</EmbedOpenType true>> setdistillerparams
<</NeverEmbed [ ] >> setdistillerparams
..but it is not working. I may have missed a key detail.
What am I doing wrong?
November 8, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Once again expanded and updated our Gila Valley
Dayhikes page. We are now up to 469 main entries,
most of which now include GPS location links.Also added this link to hiking projects that can let
you contribute to world class research.
Please email me with anything I missed or that needs
further updauh oopsting.
November 7, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Greatly expanded and improved our PostScript Fontname
finder, but it still needs your help and input.Presently, there are some 5747 entries on the Master
PostScript Fontname list. While this is only a drop in
the bucket, it likely includes the majority of fonts actually
used. And should give you a rich field of availability.You can generate your own list of the tricky-to-find
exact PostScript filenames along with their actual
embedded appearances by sending this sourcecode
to Distiller.While I mostly use Stone, Revue, Courier, and
Helvetica/Arial, I was absolutely astounded to
find out that I had over 2016 embeddable Postscript
fonts immediately available.Yeah, a lot of these do include font substitution as
they were transfers from non-Adobe sources. But
the substitutions are often quite good unless the
base font has some unusual vibes. When the match
is not that great, consider going to an Adobe
original instead.A reminder that your display will show the exact
PostScript filename and the exact appearance
( even if substituted ) your viewers will observe.Your help is still needed in correcting typos and
layout, along with further expanding the master
list. Surprisingly, the processing time remains
just under a few tens of seconds. Despite finding
which fonts are available by trying all of them.Sadly, we still are not quite GhostScript compatible.
Please email me with your fixes.
November 6, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
It seems we have a new $4 high performance coin
sized computer called the VoCore 2 Light.With comments here.
There probably is no longer any point in charging
for computers as they can now be given away as
ad promotions instead.
November 5, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Uh, Oops.
I seem to have lost a historical canal in rough brush
somewhere around N 32.78087 W 109.77888This was a short canal with concrete headgates
obviously used to switch between two larger
somewhat modern reservoirs. I forgot to photograph
and GPS it last go around.But, once you got past the concrete parts, the
rest of the canal appears to be built to prehistoric
standards. And it is newly right in the projected
path of the prehistoric Freeman Canal route.And significantly east of historic pipeline
fragments.More on similar stuff here.
November 4, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Yeah, I remain fascinated by fonts. They sure have come
a long way in a big hurry.Originally, you had two cases full of lead. The upper case
held the capital letters, and the lower case the small letters.At one time, fonts were insanely expensive and each was
a single size and weight and slantiness. Many "headliner"
machines were available with phonograph disk-like units
for the individual fonts. And Letraset and others would
sell you transfer letters that promptly went stale or missed
a few critical vowels.I guess a point could be made that the TV Typewriter included
the first personal computer font. One font, Single weight, single
sized, and, of course, upper case only. A 6x8 dot matrix holding
5x7 characters. That could only represent a piddling 34,359,738,368
different characters.Other earlier projects here.
November 3, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
My best guess is that there are many thousands of CCC
water spreaders in the area. Which, except for their make-work
aspects, seemed to me to be totally worthless boondoggles that
served no physical purpose whatsoever.The latest large and dense collection I stumbled upon are
somewhat south of the rarely visited and seldom explored
Lamb Tank.
November 2, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
I generally avoid using flash for our eBay photos because
of the shading and hot spots it creates. Preferring instead
to use outside diffuse light shade.But here is a difficult instance where flash seemed essential
to "punch through" for the deep internal illumination.Quite a bid of rework was needed. As was a double exposure
to brighten the strobe and get rid of speckle and hot spots.Consulting services and training available.
November 1, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Now that our PostScript Filename Snooper is nearly
complete, you may want to add an internal comment
copy of the exact fonts you presently have available
to our Bitmap Typewriter.Generally, the exact font shapes in the BMT do not
matter all that much due to their usual small size.More often than not, I use an ArialRoundedMT-Bold
or a Verdana-Bold with the BMT. Recently I needed
a Microgamma-BoldExtended Font to fake a Casio
trademark, but since only five characters were involved,
I built it up by scratch.More on the Bitmap Typewriter here. And on the
PostScript Name Snooper here.
October 31, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
An interesting avian collection of the usual suspects at the
Reay Lane Wetlands ( aka the Thatcher Sewer Ponds ) can
be found here. A recently constructed viewing tower makes
for simplified photography.Our classiest local bird is the Great Blue Heron.
While the Huachuchas and Chiricahuas are pretty much theif you are
top birding areas in the state, local sites of interest often
include those on this list..If you do go birding in the Huachuchas, be sure to watch out for
the extremely rare white throated aerostat.
October 30, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The long awaited reopening of a local restaurant may have been
marred somewhat by its new signature dish being a fried bologna
October 29, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
If you want it to, the Distiller in Acrobat will attempt to
embed partial or complete fonts in your final PDF document.
While this makes your delivery file somewhat longer, it
guarantees that your viewer will see exactly the shapes
and forms that you intended.Even if those fonts are not available on your viewer's
host device!Not all fonts are embeddable, especially those that
originally were in non-Adobe file formats. Or some
fonts that may have an IP rights issue.Any unavailable font gets substituted by Courier.
Some available fonts may get substituted by a
new font that tries to carefully approximates the
size, weight, and slantosity.The presence of substitutions can be found by
reading the companion .log file generated
during distillation.This substitution often works quite good, as this
mix of real and substituted fonts shows us.
Shown are the actual formats your user will view.Sourcecode to find your own PostScript filenames
can be found here. Simply send this file to Distiller.
Sorry, but the present code is not GhostScript
friendly. Please email me your patches. And
any corrections, or master PS Filename List
additions.But certain fonts ( such as Hobo or Revue ) will
dramatically change during any substitution.
Especially those that offer weird symbols rather
than stock alphabets. For these, genuine Adobe
PostScript fonts are a must if you feel the vibes
or identities must be preserved.Fill justification may sometimes be altered by a
font substitution. But its need is largely gone with
many newer web and ap formats.
October 28, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
And, while we are clearing up loose ends, they just may
have found Emelia Earhart. Per details here and here.
October 27, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The cause of the original SETI "Wow!" signal may have
at long last been found. It turns out there were a pair
of then undiscovered comets directly on the signal
path that may have generated a huge hydrogen reflective
path.More details here. The culprits are now known as
266P/Christensen and P/2008 Y2 (Gibbs) .Meanwhile, all is not lost as a bunch of new "Wow"
candidates have been newly discovered. With some
ongoing comments here.
October 26, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Plans are underfoot for a significant Archaeological Conference
centered on Safford's Bajada Hanging Canals the weekend
of December 10th through 12th.The "usual suspects" in the way of big time archaeologists
are expected to attend. You are welcome to join them.Please email me for further details.
October 25, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Adobe recently added a CID File Format that can end up
tricky to use in your own raw PostScript coding.The format allows many more than 256 characters and is
most suitable for Pacific Rim glyphs. CID use is not
especially recommended if a 256 character older font
can be used instead.A CID fontname might look something like...
... with the additional hyphenations selecting which
limited portion of the total available glyphs to use.I am not yet sure exactly how to properly code
a CID font. Miscoding will let PostScript recognize
the font, but substitute most characters as X boxes.
October 24, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Just added some more TrueType and other Windows fonts to
our PostScript font name finder.To use, simply send a copy of
https://www.tinaja.com/psutils/psfontnamesnooper1.psl to
Acrobat's Distiller. And it will attempt to find the exact
PostScript fontnames and appearance of many ( and
possibly most ) of the surprisingly high number of
PS usable fonts you likely currently have available.A sample of somebody elses' results can be found at
https://www.tinaja.com/psutils/psfontnamesnooper1.pdfThe master fontname search directory can be found at
https://www.tinaja.com/psFontnames.psl At present, there
are nearly 4000 entries in this candidate directory.Sorry, this s a Distiller ap that still has GhostScript issues.
Your help in expanding the directory is urgently needed.
October 23, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Thought I'd start a list of eBay insider infuriations...
eBay forces an outrageously unwanted
prechecked "ship foreign" box on you.
ALWAYS stomp on this lousy feature!
Buyer feedback is sharply down, making
getting better star ratings very difficult.The leap from a green star to the gold
shooting star always was incredibly
high. Now it is largely impossible.Repeated use of Sell Similar creates
bunches of code bloat, caused mostly
by force feeding of unwanted large type.Attempting to write over large type
with a smaller font does NOT remove
the large type, which is near certain
to return to haunt you later in annoying
ways .All a writeover does is insert a new type
change command inside the oversize one.Instead, create one or more stock templates
that are free of both bloat and oversize text.The rules on image borders are much too
strict. Design related vignettes should be
clearly permitted.eBay rules on minimum orders, (such as
"minimum order four packets" ) are much
too restrictive and way too awkward..There is a Catch 22 in ratings. If you do not
offer one day shipping, you are penalized.
If an occasional one day shipping delay is missed,
you are also personalized. A lose lose situation.
October 22, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Revised and updated our directory of local springs and
tanks and related resources.This has become more of an "aquatic resources"
directory than a listing of springs and artesian sources.It remains woefully incomplete, and I am not too sure
exactly where it is headed.
October 21, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Just revised, expanded, and improved our PostScript fontname
finder.To use, simply send a copy of
https://www.tinaja.com/psutils/psfontnamesnooper1.psl to
Acrobat's Distiller. And it will attempt to find the exact
PostScript fontnames and appearances of many ( and
possibly most ) of the fonts you currently have available.A sample of somebody elses' results can be found at
https://www.tinaja.com/psutils/psfontnamesnooper1.pdfThe master fontname search directory can be found at
https://www.tinaja.com/psFontnames.psl At present, there
are nearly 4000 entries in this candidate directory.
Your help in expanding the directory is urgently needed.The algorithm works by simply trying to use every
known directory based PostScript font name and
seeing which do or do not get substituted. Amazingly,
the processing time is just over ten seconds.Sorry, but this code is presently intended for Acrobat
Distiller only. GhostScript substitutes its fonts in
a different and presently incompatible manner. Your
help in solving GhostScript compatibility is needed.
October 20, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Managed to field check some possible branches of the
Sand Tank Prehistoric Canal.Frustratingly, the evidence is fairly weak and the best
that can be said so far is that the negative evidence
to date seems significantly less than compelling.On the plus side, the candidate seems to start as
a branch from a known valid canal and eventually
splits at a distinct wye. It is quite long, quite linear,
and has exactly the correct slope. Width is remarkably
constant and consistent with known canal portions.The sandy terrain seems very unfavorable to canal
preservation and there seems to be no evidence
of canal shoulders. Or, for that matter, any
other rock manipulation. Also absent are
any so far observable potsherds or lithics.I still think this is a canal, but solid proof does
remain ambiguous at best.
October 19, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
With sharply improved speeds in computers and the
beginnings of the memory "Petabyte Revolution" in
full swing, a mathematical stunt of "Throw another
million calculations at it" now becomes eminently
viable.Or if a million calculations won't hack it, go for
ten million or a hundred million. Or maybe even
a great heaping bunch. No matter, since memory
is now free and speed is utterly awesome.This concept has been the basis of many of
our projects here.One early implementation was the Fractal Fern,
which used zillions of calculations to manipulate
a mere 24 data points. Sourcecode is buried here.Over and over again tireless calculations, both
in PostScript and JavaScript were the key
to eventually proving our Magic Sinewaves
and our blinding speed Magic Sinewave Calculator.Throwing zillions of calculations at any electromagnetic
fields problem dramatically simplified the results,
as shown here and here.In fact, field solutions became so fast and simple
that they even could be used in PostScript image
vignetting borders. With the key tool here.With enough calculations, bitmaps can be modified
on an individual pixel by pixel basic. With our
examples here, here, here, and here.Another recent example is our Marbelous Stacks
of Distorted Pancakes. Which, besides being of
interest to scrapbookers, gives us a whole new
method of making computer stuff look like it
was NOT done on a computer. Replacing
self-similarity with self-UNsimilarity.Should you still care about code length, these utterly
amazing images can be done with a mere few hundred
bytes.But the latest stunt involves finding the tricky
and painful location of PostScript font names.
Which you get around by throwing each and
every possible PS fontname to Distiller and see
which, if any, do NOT generate an error message.Amazingly, this technique only takes ten seconds
or so. With sourcecode here, an earlier demo here,
and the list itself here.
October 18, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
One possible route to finding PostScript font names
is to take a PDF version of the file having proper
font appearance, and then using Acrobat to save
as Other > More options > Encapsulated PostScript
or as > PostScript.The raw PostScript file can then be plaintext viewed
in Word or whoever to see how the target fonts
were actually embedded.Ferinstance, an embedded font might show up as
/OIPOSL+BookAntiqua which suggests that
the original PostScript fontname was /BookAntigua.This seems to work quite well with traditional format
PostScript fonts. But may not work at all on other
font formats. Or on those formats where embedding
is not permitted.Acrobat's watermarking process gives a tantalizing
list of presently installed font candidates. But so
far, I cannot seem to access the more intriguing ones.Please enail me with any valid PostScript font name
you can find from any source that is missing from
October 17, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
My intent in yesterday's font filename snooper was to
create a Gonzo Utilities based ap for Acrobat Distiller.The code does not seem to work properly on the version
of GhostScript that I have installed.First, my version of GhostScript only seems to display
the first of many pages.Second, GhostScript seems to substitute fonts other
than Courier, meaning that there are more results
but that many of those results are totally useless
in that they destroy the intended shape and "vibes"
of the target font.As near as I can tell, Distiller DOES substitute
Courier as a FontName in currentfont, while GhostScript
DOES NOT. A search on /Courier is the key to the
present algorithm working properly.Searching on any change rather than on "Courier"
does not help GhostScript any.Apparently, GhostScript may substitute various
flavors of Helvetica to more closely match the
weights and slantiness of the missing fonts.Your attention to gaining GhostScript compatibility
would be greatly appreciated. Please report your results.
October 16, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Our new PostScript font filename snooper is ready for your
testing.A demo is at
https://www.tinaja.com/psutils/psfontnamesnooper1.pdfThe sourcecode is at
https://www.tinaja.com/psutils/psfontnamesnooper1.pslSimply send this psl file to Acrobat's Distiller and it will
generate a list of all ( or at least try for nearly all ) of your
Available PostScript font correct filenames, along with
a display of their appearance.The ongoing master PostScript filename directory can
be found at https://www.tinaja.com/psFontnames.pslNote that the demo will be of someone else's font
availability. You have to send the .psl sourcecode
to Distiller to find out the resources on your own machine.Note also that the directory is a work in progress.
Pasting the latest version into the sourcecode should
improve the odds of finding everything. At present,
the directory has nearly 3000 names, with another
1500 or so shortly to be added.Lists of fontname hits and misses, counts, and other
useful info, can be found in the output log file.Please report any name omissions or errors to
don@tinaja.comOngoing PostScript info and projects here and here.
And some GhostScript notes here and here, and here.
October 15, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
I need your help on a project.
Here is the start of what should eventually become a
master list of all known PostScript fontnames. So
far, there are nearly 3000 entries.
This should make finding otherwise hard to find
names a lot simpler and straightforward, besides
greatly easing your own PostScript programming.An upcoming ( working but sort of not quite done )
program needs this to let you scan a PC for all
available currently linked PostScript fonts. And
show their exact appearance.Would you please...
1. Report any typos or alphabetizing issues
2. Make sure ALL your favorite PS fonts are
present and working.3. Report any other PS fonts not yet listed.
4. Tell me why Batang won't correctly list.
As with most of my content, the results will be made
freely available and open source.Oh yes. See if you can find the Easter egg! This one
could be a most challenging font programming project.
October 14, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
"Prehistoric Bajada Hanging Canals" are the subject of Thursday
November 3rd Free BLM Brown Bag Talk.
BLM welcomes back local researcher and author Don Lancaster
to a lunchtime brown bag lecture on the area's prehistoric
"hanging" bajada canals. Thursday November 3rd at noon in the
BLM conference room at 711 14th Avenue in Safford, Arizona.
Bring your own brown bag lunch and a drink.
Portions of these local spectacularly engineered world class
irrigation structures were literally "hung" on the sheer edges
of steep sided remnant bajada mesas. The apparently brilliant
purpose of hanging seemed to be to make the canal slope independent
of local terrain, and was likely done for exceptional construction energy
To date, some 75 (!) of these canals have been newly identified and their
total length now exceeds 130 miles. In the Southwest, these appear to be
unique to Mount Graham, although a very few others are known worldwide.
Much more on the canals can be previewed at
An optional guided tour of BLM's Sand Canal might take place later in
the afternoon. This would be an easy hike of less than one mile
in Pima's Cottonwood Wash area and accessible by most any desert friendly
vehicle. Be sure to wear appropriate footwear, a hat, and bring a drink.
More details on Sand Canal appear at
For further help, contact Don Lancaster at (928) 428 4073
or don@tinaja.com
October 13, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The latest PV pricing stats for September are in and once
again show some mild decreases for some sources, and
now dropping slightly to a best of 47 cents per peak panel
watt minimum.The projected trend for the year for the best price is only
five percent down.Note that somewhere around twenty five cents per peak panel
watt is demanded for true net energy renewability and sustainability.
The math behind this can be found here.And much more here.
October 12, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Moore's Law may be in shambles.
A new approach to transistors can be done at ONE NANOMETER!
One fifth the size and one twenty firth the area of today's best.
See the report here, or MoS2 transistors with 1-nanometer
gate lengths in Science vol 354 Issue 6306 7 October 2016.
October 11, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
A repeat of a tip to greatly ease entering eBay live links:
Copy a short existing link to your intended location.
Then enter a long string of forward slashes.Switch to the HTML mode and find the easily
recognized slashes. Paste in the new URL.Go back to Standard and correct the description.
Then erase the slashes.
October 10, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Evidence is accumulating for a ninth planet.
If real, it is huge, ridiculously far out in an
instance orbit, but may be tilting and even
wobbling the sun.
October 9, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The all time classic reference for WWII and later radar
developments was ( and remains ) The MIT Radlab Series.All 28 volumes of which can now be found free online here.
While much of the content now borders on quaint, Ridenour's
volume one on Radar System Engineering remains
valid and viable to this day.
October 8, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Many thanks to Jeff Duntemann for his recent link to our
website. Jeff's own site can be found here.Jeff recently returned to Arizona. His website is big on
bleeding edge software development, science fiction,
odd philosophies, and traditional hobbyist electronics.
October 7, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
A reminder about our classic Energy Fundamentals and
More Energy Fundamentals papers.With bunches more on similar topics here.
October 6, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Hints about some new developments in Class D audio
amplifiers can be found here. These are switchmode
devices that can offer extreme efficiency. As well
as dramatically reducing heatsink issues.The latest developments seem to involve adding
some spread spectrum techniques that dramatically
reduce filtering needs.I did a very early story on similar techniques long
ago.It was interesting at the time the number of vehement
"this could not possibly work" hate mail the story
generated.But you could easily prove it worked simply by taking
any then current switchmode power supply and twisting
the voltage knob in a sinusoidal manner.More classic reprints here.
October 5, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Thought I would summarize some of our eBay selling
guidelines...Always seek out a 30:1 or higher SBR
Sell Buy Ratio.Such high SBR's are easily achieved
with "contents of shelf" and "contents" of
room" online auctions.Never pay more than 67 cents for a $20
sale.Aim for a 28 day cashout and a 15 month
total sellout.Absolutely NO foreign sales or shipments!
The minimum profitable eBay sale is $24.73.
Consignment sales have a ludicrously low SBR.
Don't sell anything you cannot hold extended
at arm's length.
Try to end up with a final sales price of
one sixth of the new list price.Spend at least an hour in your image postprep
Suitable tools can be found here, here, here,
here, and here.Accept Paypal only.
A gross sale of $100 per day could approach a
gross yearly $35,000.00. But only with a SBR
approaching 30:1.A full time eBay venture demands something
like 800 to 1000 continuous listings.Seek out pricing info from other eBay sellers
as well as here, here, and here.Ship via USPS priority mail when and
where possible.Sell nothing that is not in your hot little
hands, properly cleaned, and well inventoried.Absolutely NO dropshitting anyplace, anytime.
Set the first few listings somewhat high,
dropping to a reasonable price later.Very few eBay sales exceed $99.73.
Twice a year, evaluate and throw away
anything abysmally nonselling.Hire an employee only when the daily
shipments consistently exceed their height.Know exactly where each and every
item is located at all times.Store listed and unlisted items in distinct
and separate areas.Keep an accurate account of how many
items remain offerable at all times.Hand label each package well before putting
the real label on to avoid mixups.Revise your description on each relist
as to remaining quantity and condition.Do not skimp on packing materials, time,
or labor.If you have a pile of near identical items,
rebuild then into fewer and better ones.Keep most inventory plastic wrapped.
Attach internal "hurricane names" to any
easily confused items. Alice, Boris, Claudia...List items as soon as possible after they are
acquired. Do not let unlisted items pile up.Offer discounts such a "buy 2 get 3" aimed
at raising the per-order bottom line.Do not use shipping costs as a profit center.
Give a full refund on the least hint of any
unhappiness. Often without return. Then
be sure to block the uncustomer.Keep fixed future expenses or any
ongoing commitments at a minimum.
October 4, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Just uploaded the missing homepage link to our
"Marbelous Stacks of Distorted Pancakes"
resource page.Besides being of interest to scrapbookers, this new
technique once and for all solves the problem of
how stuff done on a computer can literally end up
looking like it was NOT done on a computer!Sort of the exact opposite of Fractal self-similiarity.
We might call the technique "self-UNsimilarity:.Amazingly, these patterns can be done in as
few as several hundred bytes. Although nobody
seems to care much about code bloat anymore.
October 3, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The next time you get an annoying phone call from
someone claiming to be a "volunteer for Senator
Clueless Foghorn" or whatever, try this tactic..
"YES! I think I just found your problem! Thank you!"
And then hang up.
October 2, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Just uploaded what should be the start of a master open source
list of PostScript font names. These can sometimes be tricky to
find, and your help in adding to the many thousands already present
is sorely needed.A PostScript font name is a space-free and punctuation-free name
object starting with a forward slash. Trying to guess them from their
real world names can often be tricky.Some hints: Distiller gets its list of font directories from its
Fonts subdirectories. If you have Illustrator present, fontnames
can be found from internal pulldown links. If you have any PDF file
that has an included and embedded font present on your machine,
you can use Properties/Fonts in Acrobat to read its PS fontname.And base names appear when you add a watermark to any PDF
file. By adding the watermark and using the above properties
method, you can find the needed underlying PS filename.A complete visual directory of your available fonts is essential
if you are programming in raw PostScript. Here is one for my
machine with comments on it here. You could also scan the complete
list and see what does not come up as a Courier Substitution on your
machine. More on this eventually.You could also use the master list as part of a ps guessing game
where you pick likely fontname additions and extensions.And, oh yeah. Almost forgot. See if you can find the Easter eggs.
Much more on PostScript here.
October 1, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Here's the latest example of what our Bitmap Typewriter
can do in the way of putting PostScript fonts directly onto
a bitmap at the highest normal resolution and clarity.The original subject, while quite clean, seemed to have
some sort of a varnish overlay that made flash impossible
and even cloudy outdoor diffuse shade erratic enough
that much of the image needed redone from scratch.
The lettering in particular picked up some mysterious
white speckles that badly needed repair.This and similar offers here.
September 30, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Several of you have asked about Bruno. Bruno is the attitude
relaterization facilitator for a major eBay newsgroup. Since
he is very big on multitasking, he also combines this with his
role of being a product durability tester for a major New Jersey
baseball bat manufacturer.Bruno also does trucking for Norfolk & Waay. Norfolk and
Waay, of course, is the only reputable dropshipper for eBay
sellers. This week only, they are offering free sample pallets
( limit five ) with free shipping. From their choice of Neiman
Marcus, Land's End, Eddie Bauer, or Bruno's Trucking.Norfolk & Waay in a Kilgore Trout sort of focus are NOT me
and NOT my website. I have no idea who their webmaster is.
The Bruno pallets may occasionally include an odd body part or
two. Naturally, this is normal and expected.
More details here.
September 29, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
It sure would be nice to use our work-in-progress Master
PostScript Fontname List to instantly tell you what fonts
you have presently linked and available on your machine.
Along, of course, with a sample printout.Typically, you should be able to do a currentfont
/FontName get and search on Courier to see if a
substitution took place. I have some code on this
but it is not quite fully debugged.All of which I'll temporarily leave as an exercise for
the student unless you crossing palm with silver.Please email me with any missed fonts on the list.
September 28, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added two more long forgotten entries to our all time losers
list, a vehicle miles per gallon meter and a car safety radar.The MPG meter had trouble with speed sensing, although
the short-every-third-bar stripped motor commutator was
sort of cute. And the flowmeter had serious problems in
those pre fuel injection days. To this day, there does not
seem to be too much demand for real time MPG reporting.The radar was based on a reflex klystron, which, surprisingly
we just offered a museum quality one of on eBay. One of the
neat features of X band radar is that the Doppler shifts
should exactly like you would expect them to. Problems
included then outrageous prices of X band stuff and a
monumental lack of consumer interest.
September 26, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The little known PostScript type operator behaves somewhat
atypically, but can be really useful if a proc ( such as currentoint )
returns two or more flavors of response.type returns a procedure such as fonttype or dicttype
onto the stack as an executable proc.The only little surprise is that fonttype or dictype has not
been previously described as a language command. You
have to predefine what you want the proc to do.
September 25, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The latest PV pricing stats for August are in and once
again show some mild decreases for some sources, and
now dropping slightly to a best of 48 cents per peak panel
watt minimum.The projected trend for the year for the best price is only
three percent down.Note that somewhere around twenty five cents per peak panel
watt is demanded for true net energy renewability and sustainability.
Apparently Discovery Park has discontinued their lecture
series speakers starting back in January 2016.Mostly because of heavy new commitments in STEM
and elsewhere overtaxing their staff and available time.As a participant, it sure was fun while it lasted. Most of
my talks remain available on my website. These include...Energy Fundamentals
PV Panel Intro and Summary
eBay Secrets
Mt. Graham Aerial tramway
Gila Valley Day Hikes
Little known Gila Hikes
Prehistoric Baja Hanging Canals
Prehistoric Baja Hanging Canals Images
Prehistoric Baja Hanging Canals Lecture
And four I would have liked to have done...
Magic Sinewaves
Classic Electronic Project History
Secrets of Technical Innovation
The Wikipedia Story
September 21, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Updated and improved our PostScript Sampler web page.
Updated and improved our main PostScript web page.The latter has become somewhat hard to maintain. Some
of its content is sorely dated. Start here instead.
In general, access to Gonzo and visibility of the newest
info has been greatly improved.
September 20, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
An interesting wind tutorial can be found here.
Sadly their maps and charts do not expand properly.
September 19, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Our Lagrange Bezier curve through four points demo can
be found here. With its sourcecode here.
September 18, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
I've long had a Bitmap Typewriter that lets you directly
insert PostScript fonts onto a bitmap. This is especially
useful for eBay image editing and similar restorations.
The resolution is exceptionally high and ends up the
best that can be done short of subpixel techniques. A
recent example can be found here.I have long needed an internal catalog of my available
PostScript fonts. Which I have newly created here
and have its Gonzo sourcecode for you here.You can easily access the internal Fontlist and edit
it to create a display of your personally available fonts.Each array entry consists of the exact PostScript font name
first and its literal string definition second.Several minor gotchas:
First, you will need a local copy of my Gonzo PostScript
Utilities which you can download here and view in Wordpad.
And find a use tutorial here.Second, you will have to modify the my_fonts1.psl code
to suite your local redefined Gonzo Utility location.
And will have to modify the internal Fontlist array
data base to match your available resources.Third, Ghostscript works just fine with Gonzo, but the
Acrobat Distiller has purposely locked you out from
reading or writing disk files.The workaround is to always run Distiller from the
command line and append a /F to the filename. This
will let you read or write any disk file in any language
from Acrobat's distiller.
Possibly something like this only all one line..."C:\Program Files (x86)/Adobe/Acrobat 11.0/
Acrobat/acrodist.exe" /F runFourth, any fonts you do not have installed or do not
have properly linked, or have mistyped the PostScript
font name on will substitute Courier. We saw some
tricks on finding the "real" PostScript font names here.
Be sure to leave any genuine Courier fonts in your data!Much more on PostScript here. PostScript is a totally
general purpose computing language that, under extreme
and narrow minded tunnel vision restrictions, might even
possibly be able to dirty up otherwise clean sheets of paper.Consulting services and bitmap remediations available.
September 17, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Finding out how many fonts you have on your computer and
getting a catalog of what they look like can be trickier
than it sounds. We will see one new solution tomorrow.In general, there are two different flavors of fonts. In one
stash are the Microsoft and Apple TrueType fonts that
are usually found by way of your Control Panel. These are
fairly easy to access, sample view, and use.Much better are the Adobe PostScript fonts which
generally offer higher quality, fancier cubic spline design,
and often are easily towed along in PDF documents and
such so that your viewer does not have to otherwise
own or access. This lets all your viewers see exactly
the document appearance you are after.In general, PostScript fonts are buried hither and
yon in your computer, and you have to tell Acrobat
Distiller, GhostScript, Illustrator, or your custom
PS code where to look to find them.For instance, in the Distiller portion of Acrobat,
you will find a Font Locations in Settings that
might list locations such as...C:\Program Files (x86) Common
Files\Adobe\Fonts\C:\Program Files\Myfonts_old\
C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe
Illustrator CSS\Support Files\Required
Fonts\If you are writing your own custom PostScript
code ( as I overwhelmingly prefer to do ), one
crucial problem that crops up is finding the exact
PostScript font names. These are very specialized
and non obvious space free name strings that can
end up enormously difficult to second guess.In general, you can find the name of a font used that
was embedded in an existing PDF document by
getting into Acrobat and going to File/Properties/Fonts
This should give you the exact PostScript font name.
Which must get used precisely as shown.An online master catalog and sampler of all of the
PostScript font names from all suppliers sure would
sure be useful. Unfortunately, the above stunt does not
seem to allow cut and paste. And screen dumps are painful.Lots of oddball "free font" tricks can be found here.
And here.
September 16, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Um, a certain national news anchor may need to revise their
resume somewhat. As they just confused "cannibals" and
"cannabis" in describing an upcoming tasting tour.
September 14a, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
There apparently were some scanner recoding errors in
our classic ASCII Encoder reprint. Which now should be
Amazingly, some retro folks are newly rebuilding these.This design was ultra cheap and ultra original but quickly
got obsoleted by MOS LSI ( such as the 2376 ) which
offered far fewer parts, better rollover, and enormously
simplified layout. The latter because it was a recoded
QWERTY arrangement rather than binary.There was one infuriating bug on the original in which
an occasional extra slash got output. I never got around
to even find the cause, as the design was quickly obsoleted.But a modern repair with compatible technology and price
would involve generating a narrower delayed keypressed
output. The design of which is saved as an exercise for
the serious student. Hint: Add a 4016 hex Schmitt Trigger.Many more classic reprints here. And my TV Typewriter
Cookbook here.
September 14, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Much more than you could possibly ever want to know
about vacuum tube design is available in this free tutorial.Apparently some enthusiasts are now building their own
vacuum tubes. And, surprise surprise, are finding enormous
problems with glass annealing and achieving high vacuums.
Lots of links here.And zillions upon zillions of vacuum tube radio schematics
and construction projects can be found in this ever expanding
resource.But if you really want to pick up all the inevitable classic vacuum
tube hum, noise, distortion, clipping, and nonlinearities, by far the
best way to do so, of course, is with a DSP digital signal processor
emulation.Shock hazard optional.
September 13, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Yet another unproven and unchecked Bajada Hanging Canal
potential site can be found here.This in the area of a mysterious triangle shaped tank. While the
slope and directionality appear favorable, suitable sources
and destination fields are not strongly obvious.Your help needed on this and other exploration projects.
And other neat stuffs to do can be found here.
September 12, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The very latest Apple II system software can be newly
and freely downloaded here! And commented on here.
f ProDos 2.4. Conspicuously absent is any USB interface.Free eBook reprints of some original Apple II docs can
be found here.
September 11, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Desktop Engineering is a new and free industrial trade
journal that focuses on Santa Claus Machines and
emerging CAD/CAM technologies.
September 10, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Some apparently significant improvements in solar cell
efficiency can be found here.Details seem scant, but it seems to involve a concentration
scheme. Meanwhile, the plain old learning curve seems to
be well on track for the quarter per peak panel watt
demanded for true pv renewability and sustainability.More energy topics here.
September 9, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The latest scam du jour seems to be trying to arbitrage
by buying on eBay and selling on Amazon while working
out dropshipping so you never have to touch product.The correct name for this activity is dropshitting, not
dropshipping. And the web seems rife with "haven't got
a clue" get rich quick epsilon minuses.One more time kiddies:
NEVER sell anything that is not in your hot
little hands.NEVER sell anything on eBay that you cannot hold
extended at arm's length.NEVER buy or sell foreign!
NEVER sell anything that you cannot properly clean
and at least minimalist test.NEVER accept anything but Paypal.
NEVER pay more than a 30:1 SBR sell buy
ratio. Which means absolutely, positively not
more than sixty seven cents product cost for
a $20 ebay sale.The best sources I have found for 30:1 SBR's and
higher are "contents of shelf" and "contents of
cabinet" web online only auctions from offerings that
either are a sane distance from you. Or lots that are
extremely light, wildly assorted, and in huge quantities.The second best sources are rural community college
auctions. With links here and here.Much more here.
September 8, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The majority of our prehistoric bajada hanging canal projects seem
based on northeast trending Mount Graham perennial streams. Or on
related stream bed springs often at the contact between Precambrian
gneiss to Pleistocene bajada conglomerate..There also appears to be use of independent springs and related
artesian sources, although these would presently seem to be in a
secondary minority of exploitable resources. Resources that,
while somewhat meager, almost certainly would not have been
ignored in prehistoric times.Some springs, tanks, and related sources might include.
be one of the sources of Allen, Robinson, Golf Course,
Freeman, and other prehistoric canals. Postulated but
unproven is a watershed crossing feeder from Frye Creek.
N 32.74532 W 109.84042FRYE CREEK WATERSHED CROSSOVER - While
still unproven, this link between Frye Creek and
Spring Canyon would seem the most credible way
the other canal routings would make sense. Such
a crossover is proven on the Mud Springs canal.
N 32.74523 W 109.83911FRYE MESA TANK - Modern forest service diversion
of presumed major prehistoric canal orientation.
N 32.75688 W 109.83480FRYE RESERVOIR - Modern lake and water supply
project likely prehistorically bypassed by an eastern
and high mesa route because of extreme typography.
Apparently modern cattle tank with no obvious
prehistoric evidence yet found.
N 32.81737 W 109.79906
ARTESIA AREA - Numerous artesian wells and hot
springs are in the area. One is believed to be the source for
the Tranquility Canal.
N 32.75906 W 109.73285DISCOVERY PARK - Seasonal ponds may or may not
include underlying prehistoric field origins. Possible
links to Deadman Canal or TB West Canal.
N 32.79911 W 109.72818ROPER LAKE - Developed state park fed by modern
Roper Lake Canal believed derived from prehistoric
Marijilda Canal.
N 32.75583 W 109.70487
DANKWORTH POND - Modern recently redeveloped
recreation area site of one time artesian fish farm
possibly derived from prehistoric field destinations.
N 32.72018 W 109.70484LEBANON RESERVOIR #1 - One of two destination
artificial lakes terminating modern redevelopment of
Marijilda prehistoric canal. Used for modern farm
irrigation and USFS and BLM firefighting.
N 32.73457 W 109.76110LEBANON RESERVOIR #2 - Second of two destination
artificial lakes terminating modern redevelopment of
Marijilda prehistoric canal. Used for modern farm
irrigation and USFS and BLM firefighting.
N 32.74456 W 109.74641UPPER DEADMAN TANK - Possible destination for
Deadman East Canal or part of routing for TB West
N 32.75864 W 109.77036DEADMAN MESA TANK - Appear to be historically
derived from the Deadman West Canal. Still in use
to this day.
N 32.75261 W 109.78997
LOWER DEADMAN TANK - Possible destination for
Deadman West Canal or part of routing for unproven
Discovery Park Canal.
N 32.77084 W 109.75139SHEEP TANK - Possible prehistoric field site along
a larger and often flowing watershed. Evidence of
CCC rework also present.
N 32.77103 W 109.80287COOK RESERVOIR - Possible destination for the
Tranquility Canal. Likely historic redevelopment.
N 32.77476 W 109.72774STOWE TANK - Cattle watering impoundment along
the projected route of the Robinson Canal,
N 32.80674 W 109.78552
DALEY HOT ARTESIAN WELL - Recently has been
developed into a private homestead. Highly likely
to have seen prehistoric use.
N 32.79325 W 109.76586DALEY GOLF COURSE AREA - Numerous ponds here
appear to once had likely artesian or spring courses.
N 32.80202 W 109.77343RIGGS RESERVOIR - Modern impoundment along the
projected route of the prehistoric Golf Course Canal.
N 32.78419 W 109.77711NO NAME RESERVOIR - Modern impoundment along
the projected route of the prehistoric Freeman Canal.
N 32.78851 W 109.76835TRIANGLE TANK - Apparent historic cattle development
has yet to reveal any prehistoric precedents. A suggested
hint of a canal to the south has yet to be explored.
N 32.81812 W 109.77814BLUE POND - Alternate modern destination for the
prehistoric Freeman Canal. Canal has been historically
modified to switch between Blue and No Name.
N 32.78291 W 109.77368OXBOW TANK - Historic cattle dirt tank does not appear
to have prehistoric precedents. Topography, sources,
and destinations would also appear unfavorable.
N 32.81740 W 109.79902PORTER SPRING TANK - Possibly prehistorically fed off the
Deadman North Canal. Near Longview Ruin and numerous
aproned checkdam resources. Also a spring.
N 32.77065 W 109.77795
HAWK HOLLOW TANK - Historic cattle development
is clearly mid route on the Allen prehistoric canal.
Numerous CCC rework projects also present.
N 32.78537 W 109.83275REAY PONDS - Seasonal ponds behind the Thatcher
Flood Control structure. Evidence of prehistoric
interest seems weak at present.
N 32.82464 W 109.75817THATCHER SEWER PONDS - Modern construct
is a popular birding area. Very little evidence of
prehistoric interest or use to date.
N 32.86681 W 109.76953
REAY TANKS - Apparently disused collection of
sewage ponds. Restricted area has prehistoric
fields potential.
N 32.81859 W 109.76780LOWER FRYE CCC PROJECTS - Appear to be
modern cross dam constructs of prehistoric
feeder to Robinson Canal, Golf Course Canal,
and Freeman Canal.
N 32.75783 W 109.82805MIDDLE FRYE CCC PROJECTS - Appear to be
modern cross dam constructs of prehistoric
feeder to Robinson Canal, Golf Course Canal,
and Freeman Canal.
N 32.75167 W 109.83726
Proven prehistoric major watershed management project
suggests absolute mastery of hydraulic technology. A
second credible crossover is suggested but not yet verified
in Frye Canyon.
N 32.79167 W 109.85398MYSTERY TANK - Obviously historic mud tank seems to
be using the prehistoric Mud Springs Canal as its one time
exclusive water source.
N 32.82768 W 109.81892MUD SPRINGS - Developed cattle tank is likely to have
had prehistoric use. The Mud Springs Canal is nearby but
there is no present evidence of a link between the two.
Present corrals to the south suggest underlying fields.
N 32.79829 W 109.84056
GOLF #1 POND - Small and isolated artesian source
seems to be unrelated to nearby Golf Course Canal.
N 32.80259 W 109.78083GOLF #2 POND - Small and isolated artesian source
seems to be unrelated to nearby Golf Course Canal.
N 32.79578 W 109.78575BLUE PONDS -- These are directly on the route of
the Freeman Canal and may have once been destination
fields. Historic rework of short canal segments is present.
N 32.78293 W 109.77373ALLEN RESERVOIR - While possibly fed only by the
prehistoric Allen Canal, presently sparse or dry artesian
sources may have fed this failed but once major lake.
Failure docs can be found here.
N 32.83339 W 109.79372WEBSTER HILL AREA - Possible artesian sources
might have been more significant during prehistoric
N 32.85038 W 109.78940THATCHER FLOOD CONTROL - Behind the dam
area appears to have intermittent ponds that may or
may not have origins as prehistoric fields.
N 32.82414 W 109.75947THATCHER HOT WELL - Artesian source just north
of Gila River was recently dynamited shut in a nudes
versus prudes controversy.
N 32.86678 W 109.74964
WATSON WASH HOT WELL - Artesian source just north
of Gila River was also recently dynamited shut in a nudes
versus prudes controversy.
N 32.90231 W 109.76299CENTRAL DAM - Only hints remain of once significant
artesian pond and marsh areas. Not clear whether these
are modern flood control artifacts. Area behind the dam
may have been a destination field for the Allen Canal.
N 32.85392 W 109.79716CENTRAL DUMP - Seasonal ponds may be modern
resulting from remediation or might in fact be
candidate destination fields for the Mud Springs Canal.
N 32.85597 W 109.81528PIMA DEVELOPMENT - Housing project at site
of one time artesian driven gravel pit.
N 32.90629 W 109.85347ROGERS RESEVOIR - Large Pima Are impoundment
seems to be in disuse. Prehistoric potential remains
unexplored. Suggestive of an underlying field.
N 32.87890 W 109.84532BROWN'S TANK - One time fish farming resource
in the Cottonwood Wash area. Prehistoric use
remains little studied.
N 32.85695 W 109.88101CHATFIELD POND - Apparent historic development
near Pima International Airport has not yet been
explored. Topography would appear somewhat unfavorable
towards prehistoric sources and destination fields.
N 32.84012 W 109.87688GRANDMA TANK - Large and fairly remote cattle
tank in an area of possible prehistoric fields.
N 32.85313 W 109.81956
CLUFF PONDS AREA - Numerous present and
historic lakes appear to be fed from Ash Creek
and several artesian sources. This is the largest
riparian area north of the Gila.
N 32.81593 W 109.85170SMITH PONDS - These seem to be fed from spring
or artesian sources and saw historic linkage to the
main Cluff Ponds area. While prehistoric use remains
unproven, there is a major ruin in the immediate area.
N 32.82057 W 109.84248LAMB TANK - Historic cattle development appears
to be centered on and exploited the prehistoric
Lamb Canal.
N 32.82440 W 109.92339SAND TANK - Apparently a modern development
with a limited watershed somewhat west of the
prehistoric Sand Canal. Not clear where the
water came from. Little remains today.
N 32.80983 W 109.94106
BEAR SPRINGS - One time hippy commune was
a large artesian source, leading to the Bigler Ponds
and a major mysterious historic canal project.
N 32.85204 W 109.93890BEAR FLAT - Remote and small artesian source
feeds a half mile long disused historic canal that
has possible but unproven prehistoric origins.
N 32.79578 W 109.78575
INDIAN HOT SPIINGS - By far the largest local
assemblage of springs and artesian sources. This
north of the Gila and northwest of the present
study area. Heavy historic and present reuse makes
study difficult.
N 32.99811 W 109.8978Many local artesian sources have either dramatically reduced
their presence or have dried up entirely. Likely caused in
part by drought conditions and by purposeful dropping of the
water table.It would seem reasonable to speculate that many more
springs and artesian sources were present during prehistoric
times. Some of these are likely to have vanished completely.
September 7, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Here is a "boilerplate" template for eBay sales that
can eliminate any font bloat or force fed unwanted
14 point type.The general idea is to edit the early paragraphs from
the inside, thus tricking eBay to not mess with the code.The template also makes it obvious where to put any
particular URL link.
September 6, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Adding a vsync phaselock loop to the TV Typewriter should
not be that big a deal and seems like it could be done with
components and technology of the era for a dollar or two.
Its advantages would be to completely eliminate any need
for a hard to find crystal frequency and to get rid of any tv set
induced text drift or instability. Caused by the display
slightly "slipping" the power line frequency.The obvious choice would be the MC4046 CMOS phase
loop. But even a MC4013 could be used as a phase
detector.More details in my CMOS Cookbook. Autographed
copies here.The general idea is to compare the vsync output 55 against
a low pass filtered and conditioned copy of the power line.
The resultant phase detection is then used to correct a
voltage controlled astable whose nominal frequency is
4561.920 kHz. Thus keeping the characters locked
to any inadvertent hum modulation and instability.
Some sneakiness could be used for the power line
conditioning. First, filter a large ( say 30 volts ) power
line copy to a 40 Hertz or so time constant to get
rid of any noise distractions. Then route this signal
through a 470K resistor or so into most any
protected CMOS input, purposely using the input
protection diodes. This should give a fairly well
conditioned CMOS compatible 60 Hz square wave.
September 5, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
We have a long term goal of no unhappy eBay customers,
so we will usually issue a full refund with shipping over any
complaint. However minor and whose fault it was.Often without needing a return.
But a full refund is usually the only adjustment we will
ever make. And, of course, we block the bidder afterwards.We strongly feel that a SBR sell buy ratio on eBay should
always be at least 30:1. Thus a $19.95 sale should always
cost you less than 59 cents in original merchandise direct
costs. Such margins greatly ease any problems over refunds.And explain why drop shipping or consignment sales simply
ain't gonna happen.Much more on eBay policy here
September 4, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
One of our older Gurugrams on Converting Between
PostScript Strings, Integers, Arrays, and Dictionaries
can be found here.With much more on PostScript here.
September 3, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Boat anchor ancient electronics that might prove hard to
pack and ship on eBay and possibly too specialized for
Craig's List ( and may have zero remaining demand )
can often be dumped at your nearest hamfest.Hamfests were swap meets long before they had swap meets.
A directory of Arizona hamfests appears here. And
some national info here.You can usually spot a boat anchor enthusiast by
their exceptionally long arms.Best times are usually very early ( for incredible
bargains ) or very late ( for "don't you dare bring
that trash back again." ).The classic boat anchor support site ( with
scads of manuals and such ) appears here.
September 2, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Org. Don't know if these are a bug or a feature, but a pair of
eBay infuriations seems to be the cause of HTML code bloat
and excessive unwanted 14 point text lines.Firstoff, eBay very often will force feed an initial "use 14
point type" on you by bracketing your HTML code with...<font rwr="1" size="4" style="font-family:Arial">
----- your code ------
</font>Changing this to size=3 forces 12 point instead. But more
often than not, any reuse of the code will ADD a new 14 point
demand on top and around the previous ones!Thus repeated reuse of "sell similar" may generate great
heaping piles of unused font bloat. And occasional
maddening oversize lines or line fragments.Use of templates does not help much because their
4000 character limits and 12 menu maximum are both
waaay too low.Finally, switching to advanced HTML can create more
problems than it solves, because if you attempt to change
a 14 point line to a 12 point one, it leaves the 14 point font
definition intact and writes a new 12 point one inside it.Further adding to the bloat and leaving 14 point definitions
where they are likely to return to haunt you.My solution is to write and save plain Jane HTML with
wordpad and repaste it as soon as bloat becomes excessive.Note a detail that might haunt you elsewhere: HTML allows
<br> but XHTML demands <br />
September 1, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
"Such thinking comes from long hours in the outhouse
alone"It also seems to me that even more excessive hype is
coming down over making the Gila Valley an "Inland
Port".Uh, "they" might have wanted to look at a map or
at least payed attention to grade school geography
classes for the Greater Bonita Eden Sanchez
metropolitan area .Let's see. There is absolutely zilch, zero, nada,
commercially viable truck, train, or pipeline routes
out of the valley to the Southwest, the West,
the North, the Northeast, and the East. And the
route to the Northwest is fraught with political peril.
Sovereign nation and all.The only local train ( er, one of two actually )
is a single track spur that goes pretty much nowhere
over dead end right of way unsuitable for higher speeds,
new multiple high profile customers, or heavier traffic .And by simple topographic considerations, such routings
would seem to be unlikely to develop sometime soon.
Maybe right after the Ayatollahs Bar Mitzvah.At first glance, Willcox would seem to be a lot better
positioned along an existing high traffic train and
truck corridor that clearly misses the Gila valley to the
south by 45 miles.But, if a new Southwestern Arizona Inland Port were
to be considered at all, the clear winner would be
Benson. Which is already on a major corridor,
has two train routes, one of which is major and
national, a clean shot at Mexico, and a very viable
overdue potential new thruway route to the northwest.More geographic fantasies here.
August 31, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
In what to me seems as excessive hype, much noise is
being made over transparent pv solar panels. Whose
goal is to recover the infrared and ultraviolet energy.Around one half the total incoming solar energy is non
visual. Thus, you have to take a major hit from the get go.Sea level desert maximum levels are about 527 watts
per square meter for infrared and only 32 for ultraviolet.
Yes, conventional silicon pv has even more restrictive
energy recovery fractions in that energy below a
threshold frequency is ignored and any "loose change"
above the critical frequency is blown as heat.Good old e=h*nu. Plink. Plunk. Planck.
Amortization is the other biggie. At 500 watts per square
meter and ten cents per kilowatt hour and five useful
equivalent hours per day, each square meter of effective
area generates at most a quarter of a dollar per day.
Which at ten years and ten percent allows a total
installed and maintained cost per meter of only $568.Um, that would be at 100 percent efficient conversion.
At ten percent, that drops to a meager $56.80And that is only for "paint it green" breakeven that is
in no manner whatsoever renewable nor sustainable.Another crucial factor is geometry. For maximum energy
recovery, you must be directly pointed at the sun, rather
than off at some angle in a cloudy location. While covering
windows with pv sensors works in theory, most windows
are pointing in the wrong direction and thus can only
recover a tiny ( and often negligible ) fraction.There is however, great potential in making otherwise
optimized pv panels transparent so they can use
"bottom entry" reflective light. But this is a totally
different ball game. And only buys you a few percent.
Much more here.
August 30, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Another oops: The original TV Typewriter was intended for
use with analog NTSC ( Never the same color ) display
devices.All tv sets sold after June 12, 2009 use a wildly different
digital standard and may not be able to present a viewable
VHF RF derived TVT signal.The obvious workaround for TVT replicators is to find and
use a very old analog television as a display device. Some
more intelligent computer monitors may still work, as
may some versions of certain new tv's.Alternately, you can switch to the already present TVT direct video
output instead of a Channel RF one. While unlikely these days,
make sure you do not run afoul of any hot chassis issues!Meanwhile, good lists of possible TVT crystal sources can
be found here and here. There are far fewer remaining sources of
cheap custom frequency crystals. Most notably, good old JAN
Crystals is no longer in the crystal customizing business.Also, for ancient history folks, there should be scads of
FT243 crystals still available on dusty shelves. These can
be taken apart and either reduced slightly in size by polishing
to raise their frequencies or literally scribbled on with a
pencil to lower them. More on this insanity here.Crystals can also usually be "pulled" by as much as one
tenth of a percent in frequency by changing their load
capacitance. Reliable starting may become a problem
if you try to go too far.A better approach these days might be to use a CD4046B or
similar VCO, and phase locking the TVT vertical sync to the
power line. This should completely eliminate any display
weaving or stability problems. And not need any crystal at all!Please keep emailing me with your TVT replication
August 29, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Links inside any eBay listing can be tricky. They are allowed only
if they specifically add content or info to the exact item being
offered.The format of a link is
Intro gohere text
<a href="linkedsiteurl">
<b>linkedsitename</b> </a>... and it is entered from the HTML side.
All should be on a single line. One trick to find where to place
a link in a bloated or long listing is to copy a short older link
in the intended location, followed by a temporary string of
forward slashes ///////////////////////////////////////////////. Select HTML
mode and the link should leap out at you.Then edit the link and remove the slashes. Be sure to test
for a working link result. For a confused viewer is a gone one.
August 28, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Some TV Typewriter replicators seem to be having trouble
getting suitable crystals.At one time, it was simple and cheap to order any custom
crystal frequency. Driven mostly by ham radio and the
need for industrial oddball custom frequencies.Note that any deviation whatsoever from a reference
frequency of 4561.920 kilohertz will cause unacceptable
and annoying scrolling hum bars in the display.Also note that there was a typo in one point in the docs, but
the correct above frequency is listed elsewhere.Sources to try today include Crystek, Statek, and ICM.
Please email me if you find a reliable source.
August 27, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
If HTML font issues get into your eBay listings, using
"sell similar" may continue them forever.I was having severe problems with forced and unfixable
14 point font sizes, along with extreme code bloat.You can check for code bloat simply by viewing the
listing as HTMLIt would appear to pay to relist new items completely
from scratch every now and then, rather than encouraging
and perpetuating "sell similar" problems.Note that bad or bloated code can only be removed from
the HTML side and not the Standard side.Creating and using one or more templates can greatly
ease unwanted font issues.
August 26, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
I've been long fascinated by the law of the unintended
consequences.Much more here.
Apparently a Rand Study only sees a piddling 90 percent
price drop. My prediction instead is 99.8%.
August 25, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
We seem to have a brand new discovery in the WOW
Signal SETI category.Chances are it may follow the original into oblivion.
August 24, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The latest PV pricing stats for July are in and once
again show some substantial decreases for the more pricey
sources. But remain stuck at 49 cents per peak panel watt
minimum.The projected trend for the year for one of the more expensive
countries is around seventeen percent down.But the best price remains flat at double the twenty five cents
per peak panel watt demanded for true net energy renewability
and sustainability.
August 23, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Let me be sure I've got this straight on the upcoming drone
delivery services...What happens bad if you throw the pizza away and then
keep the drone?
August 22, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Here's the algorithm behind our self-vignetting auto
backgrounder...Starting at the west border, go east and replace
the background until the first sequence of one
or more continuous red=255 pixels. Include
the continuous red=255's in your replacement.Starting at the east border, go west and replace
the background until the first sequence of one
or more continuous red=255 pixels. Include
the continuous red=255's in your replacement.Starting at the north border, go south and replace
the background until the first sequence of one
or more continuous red=255 pixels. Include
the continuous red=255's in your replacement.Starting at the south border, go north and replace
the background until the first sequence of one
or more continuous red=255 pixels. Include
the continuous red=255's in your replacement.Scan the entire bitmap and replace any remaining
red=255 pixels with the intended background.
This step deals with undercuts and intentional
punchthroughs.If background mottling is set, randomly jitter
the rgb colors to the degree selected. If edge
auto vignetting is selected, solve the actual
and hairy full electromagnetic fields problem
and darken the mottled background accordingly.
Secrets of solving fields problems are found here.For this algorithm to work without punchthru or bulldozer
tracks or other rude surprises, the following details
MUST be strictly attended to...There must be ZERO red=255 pixels remaining
in the original artwork. This is easiest dealt with
by backing off two red clicks in Imageview 32.An outline containing ONLY red=255 pixels
must COMPLETELY and EXACTLY surround
the artwork of the object to be kept. Blue or
Green pixel values are ignored, and 255-0-255
purple is often a good choice.Undercuts not reachable by the above algorithms
must have ALL of their pixels replaced with
a red=255 value. Intentional punchthroughs ( such
as a mounting hole ) must similarly have ALL pixels
replaced by pixels whose red value is 255.It is extremely important that the source and
object filenames are uniquely different.Bleeds are not permitted. red=255 borders
must be continuous and are best placed
further "inside" than three or four edge pixels.Acrobat forbids disk reads and writes unless
a /F is added to being run on the command
line. Alternately, GhostScript can be used.Anything ( such as scaling or format changes )
that would in any manner change any red=255
values is not permitted between the time the
marking reds are generated and used.Subject must be cropped to the intended
vignette size before running the algorithm.Seminars, consulting services, and custom work available.
August 21, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
A reminder on how to view your available fonts in Distiller.
August 20, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Here's a step-by-step breakdown on how to make a decent
eBay photo. Such as for this item...1. Shoot the item outdoors in diffuse shade using
a tripod mounted 16 megapixel Nikon or
equivalent camera, preferably with a shutter
release.2. Transfer the image as a bitmap to a suitable PC.
3. Rotate the image using Imageview32 or equal
to get a near center vertically dominate line
to be truly vertical.4. Do a somewhat oversize crop.
5. Make as many exposures as are needed to
eliminate any excessively murky or burned
areas. Do this by adjusting brightness,
contrast, and gamma, again with Imageview32.6. Use Paint to paste the various images on
top of each others. Then deal with any edge
effects that the various exposures demand
attention to.7. Correct to most, and preferably all of the
Architect's Distortion using this routine to
make all intended vertical lines truly so.
Note that Distiller demands a /F before
being command line run if disk reads and
writes are to be allowed. Alternately,
GhostScript can be used.8. Crop somewhat tighter, but not to final.
IMPORTANT: Back off on the red color
by two clicks! This is essential to prevent
unintended background punchthru in a
a later step.9. Get into Paint and define a 255 0 255
purple you will use to mark edges to
be knocked out to. The red 255 is most
essential, but the blue and green can
be arbitrary. Purple works very well.
10. Start a purple outline that is truly
vertical when and where possible
It is of utmost importance to have
the outline complete without so
much as one pixel of dropout!11. Chase the "good" parts of edges or
lines along and over any problem areas.
12. Make any holes and such where the
background is to intentionally punch
thru purple. Also deal similarly with
any undercuts that cannot be reached
in cardinal directions from the edges.
13. Note that the quadratic Paint option
( second from the left ) is exceptionally
useful to round edges and create very
attractive transitions.14. Deal with any burns or murky areas,
simplifying imagery where possible.15. Retouch heavily, but never to the point
of misleading the condition of any
collectible. Use a Newsweek Ad as
a guide to how much retouch is acceptable.
16. If needed, use the Bitmap Typewriter
to correct any lettering legibility
problems. In less severe cases,
trim the background to the exact
lettering shaped. For slanty lettering,
distort the lettering so it is rectangular,
fix it with the Bitmap Typewriter, and
then distort it back. Some size adjustment
may be needed with this tedious process.17. Verify that all vertical line are truly so
and that there are ZERO non purple
pixels along any edges, undercuts, or
intentional punchthroughs.18. Crop the image to the intended exact
vignetting size. Pick a suitable Web
Friendly Postscript Color. Make sure
your size significantly exceeds eBay's
500 pixel minimum in at least one direction.19. Run the Self-Vignetting Auto Backgrounder.
Note that Distiller demands a /F before
being command line run if disk reads and
writes are to be allowed. Alternately,
GhostScript can be used. As before, make
sure input and output names are different.20. Fix any bulldozer tracks or dropouts caused
by missed purple pixels. Verify that your
chosen background color is acceptable.
21. Get back into Imageview32 and resize to a
suitable value, often 1000 pixels horizontally.
Adjust brightness, contrast, and gamma as
needed. Experiment with two clicks of
sharpening, but watch for any sugar.22. Save as a JPG file to a new filename and
transfer a backup copy to your website.Seminars, consulting services, and custom work available.
August 19, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
One good way to increase the perceived value of most any
eBay item is to add some needed but unexpected accessories.Ferinstance, Chinese knockoff thermocouples are super
cheap these days ( assuming you factor in the long delivery
time ) and make a dandy value added for a temperature
controller. These also make sure your buyer uses the
right flavor of thermocouple needed by the controller.Sockets that exactly fit a relay being sold should
also be welcome. Especially the DIN style octal
or 11 pin "octal" ones.A cheap line cord can greatly easy the testing
of most any relay or similar control device.A fancy RLC instrument might offer a 4 point
BNC input. By offering four BNC to banana
adapters and some wires and a pair of alligator
clips, end user measurements can be greatly
simplified.But best of all is to provide a link to an accurate
data sheet for the items being offered.
August 18, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Some recommendations for assertiveness are...
1. The best way to get something to happen
is to ask for it. "Please" is a power word.
2. The best way to stop something from
happening is to just say no.
3. The best way to defuse an awkward
situation is to tell them how you feel.
4. Exactly repeating yourself a second
or third time can be devastatingly
5. Should things prove obtuse after three
attempts, use ridicule: "I'm sorry about
your hearing problem".
The best way to tell if your assertiveness
is adequate is if you have just been
arrested for aggravated assault.
August 17, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Here's some of our latest secret insider eBay selling
info...FLUSH INTERNATIONAL - eBay will
continually force their international
automarketing on you. ALWAYS uncheck
this utterly worthless box!AVOID CODE BLOAT - eBay tends to
add unneeded fonts everywhere, so
recode from scratch every now and then
instead of using "sell similar" too many
times in a row.THE SLASH TRICK - Finding where to
add a url is tricky, especially in a highly
bloated listing. So, temporarily add a
bunch of forward slashes just past where
the url is supposed to go, and the
position will leap out at you.HURRICANE INVENTORY - If you
have a bunch of almost identical items
that can be easily mixed up, put some
internal "hurricane" names on them to
keep them separate. "Alice", "Bruce",
and so on.SECRET CODE LINE - Put a very fine
print listing as the last line in which you
code the location of the item, the internal
picture url's, a succinct description, and
anything else that aids the hired help.WATCH FONT SIZES - Make sure
the present font is always the one you
really want. eBay tends to force feed
bloated and oversize 14 points on you.PROVIDE DATA LINKS - Always
provide a way for the bidder to reach
the original data from the real
manufacturer.GET CREATIVE OVER URL's -
eBay will not let you link a url that
does not have specific info on your
offer. See if you can figure out our
present workaraound.GET CREATIVE OVER OFFCOLOR -
Or anything politically incorrect that is
likely to get flagged . Such as in "Kiss
your onager goodbye" in describing a
nuclear Holocaust slide rule .RESEARCH ORIGINAL PRICING --
Two highly useful sources are found
here and here. Also here.Much more here.
August 16, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
As we have seen, "contents of cabinet" and especially
"contents of room" auction lots can be exceptional bargains.
But it is super important that you view the lots and know
exactly what the room or cabinet purpose was.
Ferinstance, a maintenance stores should have all new or
nearly new stuff, while a "fix it someday" stash might
only hold abject trash.
And hour fourteen of a three hour auction can yield
exceptional bargains if the auctioneer gets further behind.
Especially if it is 120 degrees in the shade and no shade
except for the four inch hail. And the rabid bats are not
having much luck driving the scorpions away. Plus, of
course, no restrooms.
A "bankruptcy" or "forced sale" might have bunches
of nice stuff in the stash, while an "excess inventory to
ongoing options" routine sale likely only has worthless
and obsolete and broken useless leftovers.
The nature of the business also tells you a lot. Electronic
components from a failed porno coin-op loop shop are less likely
to be mil spec quality than from a belly up aerospace custom supplier.
Your risk goes sharply up if you are unable to physically
preview the auction. So much so, that it may not be worth the risk
unless the price is exceptionally low. Even then, you have to
ask why the price is low if others had the ability to preview.Much more on our auction help library page.
August 15, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
In a stunning genetics breakthrough, they have discovered
that socks are the larval form of the coat hanger.
A dark closet is apparently required for metamorphosis.
More on similar topics here.
August 14, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
It is interesting to review how much technical writing has
changed in the last few decades. The key rule these days
is to think like a cartoonist. Frugal. Compact. Succinct.
Naturally, nobody pays for writing any more. The
real world return for tech writing has dropped by an
unconscionable factor of TWENTY or more. Despite
ridiculously improved quality and presentation.
Writing is also insanely more competitive than
it once was. Instead of half a dozen other authors
in a magazine, you have half a million or more on the
A norm for a seventies story might have been 3000
words and five figures. These days, nobody will
sit still for such a morass of detail. A thousand words
is seriously pushing it.
"Bite Size" short paragraphs dominate. Each separated by
once excessive leading. Fill justification is long gone.
Hanging punctuation generates a blank stare.
Bolding and color changes have replaced underlining
and italics. And fonts are no longer a big deal. They
are just "there".
Some became better. Full color is the norm with zero cost
penalty. There are fewer size restrictions and any
figures can be placed exactly where you want them
rather than forward or back referencing.Most significantly, the author now can be in total
control of what goes where on the page. A practice
utterly unthinkable back in the days of hot lead.
Proofs? Sorry, but the deadline was too close.
Vertical scrolling is trivial, but horizontal scrolling or
multiple columns have become extremely annoying.
Stories can now be the size that need to be. Instead
of heavily edited to fit columns of editorial space.
Magnification is trivial. Both for additional figure
detail or for handicapped accessibility.
There are far fewer deadlines and those that remain
are more flexible. Full text searching is a given.
Links, of course, are a must. Both to more detail
and more fundamental tutorials.
The two styles are easily compared. With "old way"
methods here and here. And "new way" layout schemes
here and here.
August 13, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
A reminder that MIT has course materials freely available
either online or as downloads for hundreds of their offerings.
As do many other major institutions. There's no credit nor any
instructor contact, but pretty near everything else is there.
One slight gotcha on your first downloads. All the first pages
are nondescript and suggest a near empty file. Simply go to
page two or scroll down to get to useful content.
August 12, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
A new and nearby Earth Like exoplanet has just been
discovered here.Only slightly over four light years away.
August 11, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Many years ago, a certain New York editor who had
never been off the block at Lawn Guiland visited a
Texas ranch. He was amazed at how greasy the sheep
were and asked why they greased their sheep.
The ranch hands had a big laugh over this and tried
to explain lanolin. Then they moseyed up the draw to
the cow oiler.
August 10, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
A useful rule at live auctions: Always stay three to
five lots ahead of the auctioneer!
This lets you be in the auctioneers face on any lot
you want to bid on. You also "beat the crowd" to
the best location to get your bid recognized.
Force them to come to you.
This also says you should not pay much immediate
attention to a won lot. Celebrating or making a side
sale or worrying about security may trick you into
forgetting completely a better upcoming lot buy.
More on auctions in general here. And your own
regional custom auction finder can be built for you
per the details here.
August 9, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
A slowdown in your comm speeds over time can usually
be traced to Ethernet Tokens that are either corroded or
grime covered.
The usual treatment is to use Brasso. But a better long
term solution is to gold plate the tokens and then flash
overplate them with a few microinches of rhodium.
August 8, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Once again expanded and updated our Gila Valley
Dayhikes page. We are now up to 465 main entries,
most of which now include GPS location links.Also added this link to hiking projects that can let
you contribute to world class research.
Please email me with anything I missed or that needs
further updating.
August 7, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
After decades of neglect, Eastern Arizona College is sort
of backing back into offering electronics technology.
local heThere days by way of some funding for some Fab Lab
courses. Both as an AMT110 classroom and as AMT211
and related labs.Present focus does seem very heavily on AutoCad. My own
preference, of course, is to use the infinitely superior
raw PostScript instead. I'd hope they would also pick
up on such things as Santa Claus Machines and
Raspberry Pi's as well.They apparently reserve the right to charge extra if you
excessively profit from the course.
August 6, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Org. Got yet another email from someone about to
revolutionize electrolysis and would I please recommend
a highly qualified yet low cost electrochemist within six
blocks of Holt County, Nebraska.
One more time: There is a profound and fundamental
first principle of thermodynamics called "exergy" that
absolutely and positively GUARANTEES that electrolysis
from high value sources such as grid, pv, wind, or alternator
flat out ain't gonna happen.
The process would be exactly the same as 1:1 exchanging US
dollars for Mexican Pesos. There ALWAYS will be more
intelligent things to do with the electricity than immediately
and irrevocably destroying most of its value.
Just for kicks, try finding an electrolysizer manufacturer
sometime. Even if you find one, they certainly will not tell
you how much their products cost, and absolutely will not
sell one to an individual because of safety and liability
issues. The reason being that exergy limits such devices
to highly unique, specialized, and obscure industrial uses.
Virtually all bulk hydrogen gas is produced from hydrocarbons.
The amount produced by electrolysis is utterly negligible and
limited to exceptionally specific needs where system efficiency
and costs are not major design factors.
Exergy is a measure of the present quality and value of an
energy source. You measure exergy by converting that
source to another form, converting it back, and seeing how
much you have left. Resistance room heat is a classic
example of horribly wasted exergy.
Electricity is about the highest exergy stuff available. Unstored
hydrogen gas has exceptionally low exergy. Electrolysis is the
process of converting many high value kilowatt hours of energy
into fewer very low value kilowatt hours of energy.
And, thus, is normally and monumentally stupid.
As such, electrolysis clearly will forever remain totally incompatible
with efficient and sensible alternate energy solutions.
And that is before abysmal system efficiencies, amortization, or
stupidities ( such as stainless steel electrodes with its hydrogen
overvoltage of iron ). "Real" electrolysizers demand platinized
platinum electrodes that are regularly renewed.Does exergy mean that solar to hydrogen via Faraday's Law
is never gonna happen? Not at all. But it does GUARANTEE
that conventional high value electricity will definitely NOT be
a mid process energy state.
Once again, our bottom line summary:
If you do not understand exergy, you SHOULD NOT be
pissing around with electrolysis.
If you do understand exergy, you WILL NOT be
pissing around with electrolysis.
Either way, the outcome is not the least in doubt. More can be
found here, here, and here.
August 5, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
I just found out that many of the New Mexico subastas are going
to be sold at auction!Even worse, "slippery slope" issues may also endanger
a large number of the licitacions and even the almonedas.
Thankfully, eBay sales and shipping to New Mexico aren't
quite as bad as they used to be. Yeah, there is still the
language barrier and the hassles at customs.
One main problem was that of all the New Mexico truck
tires are all a different size and spacing, so everything
needed reloaded at the border crossings.
Fortunately, there are now REVERSIBLE truck tires that
can simply be insided out at the New Mexico ports of
More details at your nearest New Mexico embassy.
August 4, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Two "sort of no longer there" Arizona semi ghost towns are
Nothing and Nowhere.These are about sixty miles apart by way of easy and excellent
lightly traveled fully paved mid-elevation roads.Which raises the obvious possibility of a Nothing to Nowhere
bicycle tour.More off the wall stuff to do here.
August 3, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
A curious fact: Any perpetual motion machine that includes
a 555 timer electrocity is bogus and nonfunctional. No
exceptions to this rule have ever been found.Which saves you bunches of time discrediting a perpetual
motion machine, for if a 555 timer is present, there is
absolutely no point in continuing. Guaranteed.After reviewing a bunch of recent candidates, the usual
problem is that narrow pulses are exceptionally difficult
to properly measure. I've dealt with this here, here, and
here.The key gotcha is that any spike or narrow pulse has an
exceptionally high ratio of rms to average value. And
even though correctly measuring rms instruments have
finally become readily available, the overwhelming
majority of lay members of the Church of the Latter
Day Crackpots continue to mislead themselves
by still using average reading instruments.Even if you have a "real" rms meter, there's a
secondary gotcha called the crest factor that
still will nail you to the wall. Multiply two big
numbers together and they become a huge
number. Waaay beyond anything analog can
deal with.
Exceed the crest factor and the instrument
will still read deceptively low.A fascinating supply of totally worthless overunity
devices can be found here on a continuous basis.More on pseudoscience bashing here.
August 2, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
A new map of the newly expanded Safford and Thatcher
Urban multi use trails can be found here.Parts of it may be in error or at least awkward to use,
especially along US 70. Present length is around twenty
miles. Pima extensions and 8th street portions have yet
to be built.
More stuff to do here, here, and here.
August 1, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
We picked up a bunch of classic aerospace piezo
accelerometers and are now offering them on
We do not have the proper tools to fully check
these, so they are guaranteed but you test.The Endevco 222D Piezo units have a special
M3 subminiature connector that connects to
a provided matching low loss cable that in turn ends up
with a "10-32" style connection.Fancy interface techniques are needed to
bias, charge condition, resonance handle, and
low frequency ac filter these units. A very
useful free tutorial of what is involved can be
found here,It seems a preliminary check on at least some
of the units can be done by connecting them to
an oscilloscope without bias and then mildly
"thumbnail shocking" them. The scope
display should moderately jump around if
the unit is likely to work when properly
connected.These classic vintage transducers are normally
outrageously expensive. A company called
Bracke seems to have the 10-32 connectors for
around $13 each.The transducers are often mounted with white
beeswax. We include some from our local health
food nut store.
July 31, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
One of the most confusing things about the .BMP
Image Format is its sometime need for padding bytes.
The rule is that each new pixel row must start on
an EVEN 32-bit boundary. Since three does not divide
by four all that well, the end of each row will need
0, 1, 2, or 3 padding bytes added.
Here is one method using table lookup...
/padding xpixels 4 mod
[ 0 3 2 1 ] exch get store
And another using base 4 arithmetic...
/padding xpixels 4 mod
4 sub abs 4 mod store
Much more detail here.
July 30, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Turns out the Lopez Canal appears to be a bulldozer
track instead.While very few Acme Mapper hanging canal leads fail to
become useful, the very few losers to date include...And this just barely needing further research....
Much more here.
July 29, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Some significant improvements in Lithium Ion battery
technology are presented here.The claim of a much higher energy density seems much
too good to be true. However; incremental improvements
can certainly and reasonably be expected.
July 28, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The original CK722 Germanium Transistor project book
is now available for free web download.The neat thing about the CK722 was that its leakage
was so mesmerizingly awful that you did not have to
bias it. Just capacitor couple an input or some feedback
into the base.As a result, it usually did not matter in the least how
you connected it or biased it. Generally, no matter
what you tried, it sort of did something.Sort of.
More or less.
July 27, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
I guess you cannot exactly call it a spectacular engineering
failure, but all is currently not well with the new Blue River
Fish Barrier.It seems that their companion "anti scour structure" just
exceeded their wildest expectations. But only by something
around five orders of magnitude.The Allen Dam failure here. And related similar stuff here.
But my favorite two disasters here and here.
July 26, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Some of the many advantages of magnetic tomcats include:
(a) They will point north if you pick them up by the tail (b)
they store easily overnight on the side of your refrigerator;
(c) herding cats is a lot easier if they are all oriented in the
same direction. And, of course (d) you can levitate them by
using an appropriately powered electric blanket.
More on totally unrelated topics in MARCIA.PDF.
July 25, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Local EMT lore has it that a South Phoenix free clinic was
having all sorts of problems with prescription pads getting
stolen. Sure enough, a pharmacy called later wanting to
verify that they had prescribed a "gallon of more fine".
July 24, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Well, maybe just the punch lines...
"The koala tea of Mercy is not strained".
"The thong has ended, but the malady lingers on".
"Pardon me Roy, is that the cat that chewed your new shoes?"
"Its a Hickory Daiquiri, Doc."
"Rudolph the Red knows rain, dear".
"Poncho Villa" is an emergency rain shelter for NM hikers.
"It's a knick knack, Patti Whack. Give the frog a loan".
"Its the only trick I know, Sis."
"People in grass houses shouldn't stow thrones"
"Couldn't hit the barn side of a broad"
Geologists recognize sedentary, metaphoric, and ingeneous rocks.
"Old MacDonald Farm computer interface is now an EIE I/O".
"Tarzan stripes forever"
A furry with a syringe on top.
... handle so long no insect can "Fly above Cayuga's swatter"
"The vet had to charge for the cat scan and the lab tests"
"Crossing a state lion with a gull for immortal porpoises"
"Opporknockity tunes but once."Plus, of course...
"The squaw on the hippopotamus hide equals the
sum of the squaws on the other two hides."
July 23, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Just noticed that there was a fundamental design error
in our Decimal Counting Modules.
It is not clear why the units worked at all. But tens of
thousands were shipped without complaint, and ongoing
design revisions apparently eliminated the problem.The even bus transistor Q2 never receives zero base
current needed for turnoff! Worse yet, there are times
when the substrate ends up forward biased in IC4.Apparently the balancing resistors ended up doing more
than just reducing the sneak path problem.The workaround is to add one resistor or two series base
diodes. Or else use a NPN transistor inverter rather than
a RTL one.Don't want to rush these things. Sorry about that.
July 22, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Among those of us that were there at the time, it was
absolutely and unquestionably clear that "something"
was happening.
We did not have the faintest clue what that something
was, and we referred to it simply as "IT".In which it did not matter in the least "what good"
something was or whether it had any use whatsoever
or was ultimately capable of being profitable."Stuff" was now possible that never could be done
before. To be followed shortly by infinitely better stuff.The tasks simply had to be done. And the very best of today
absolutely had to be done in by a better tomorrow.
July 21, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
One of the things I still do not understand to this day is
the vehemence which the concept of putting letters onto
a tv set was attacked. Many, many individuals in many
different fields clearly wanted the concept to fail.At the time, nobody said anything bad about someone
who wanted to piss around with toy trains, while
everybody and his brother clearly ridiculed the dual
concepts of computing for the sake of computing
and putting text on video displays.The first clue that "they" were dead wrong were
the walk in orders for the TVT docs. Until that
time, Radio Electronics never had a walk in order and
did not have the faintest clue what one was.While the spotlight eventually had to be shared
with the Mark 8 and the Altair, and later the Apple I,
the TVT when first published was by far the most popular
hobby electronic construction project of all time.And is considered by some to be the opening shot fired
in the personal computer revolution.
July 20, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
There seems to be some interest in recreating authentic
original TV Typewriters, with some circuit boards possibly
available from this source.
Amazingly, typos in the docs are still arriving. The correct
crystal frequency is 4561.920 kHz.The integrated circuit technology at the time was incredibly
primitive and the design ended up far beyond bleeding edge.
The only economical memory chips at the time were bucket
brigade shift registers that approached the demanded
penny per bit surplus in their "huge" 512 bit packages.
Among their other bad features were the horrendously
high supply voltage that was hard to drive and interface;
being unaddressable meaning that you had to wait forever
for your bit to come around in its queue before you could
use it; and only guaranteeing one tenth the needed
minimum dropout time required by vertical retrace.Memory mapped I/O that drew no distinction between
graphics and alphanumerics was still years away as,
among other teething problems, it needed a minimum
of at least ten times the memory storage.
You want a font? You got one. Fixed size and upper case
only, of course.
July 19, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
This dollar each Fairchild FL77944 chip should utterly
and stunningly revolutionize LED dimming.
But outside of that, it has the potential ( when wildly
abused ) to single handedly create the groundswill of popular
demand required to revive a color organ renaissance.The chip requires very few external parts and uses an
incredibly complex algorithm that selectively switches
LED's in or out depending on the instantaneous amplitude
of the ac waveform.Advantages for rev 756.1 Color Organs are minimal RFI,
low parts count, and extreme linearity. You do have to
carefully match the chip to the exact high number of LED's
in use and do have to provide input ground isolation with a
suitable optocoupler from a filtered pwm analog source.A history of color organs can be found here. With good old
number one here.
July 18, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Here's yet another eBay photo that did not turn out all that
bad. Its problems included transparency and high contrast.The perspective correction was done manually instead of
using our usual Architect's Perspective routines. A double
exposure was done to very much brighten the black parts.
The thickness portions of the plastic parts was redone
to eliminate distracting glare and erratic lighting.
And a rare white vignetting background was used to give
credibility of what should be partially seen through the
transparent parts.Consulting services and seminars available.
July 17, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The latest PV pricing stats for June are in and show some
substantial decreases for the more pricey sources. But
remain stuck at 49 cents per peak panel watt minimum.The trend for the year for the more expensive countries
is around twelve percent down.This is slightly under twice the price needed for ultimate
renewability and sustainability. More here.
July 16, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Speaking of bloat, I am sometimes asked about our present
listing of potentially 75 Bajada Hanging Canals of possibly
130 miles total length.There is not the slightest doubt that there is both an "adequate
supply" and a "great heaping bunch" of these stunning world
class discoveries.The count does include something like ten percent of losers
that did not work out. Such as cattle or ATV trails that fell
apart after attempts at field verification. With the intent of
not rediscovering the same problem more than once.There are also canals with missing segments whose ends
might end up with temporarily different names. Ferinstance,
the Frye Mesa Canal is also the HS Canal and more than
likely the Riggs Braids and the Golf Course Canal.But I strongly feel that the present listing is an accurate
representation of the present canal discoveries. The
field verified total length estimates are always left most
conservative.Presently, we only have a dozen or so verified field notes.
But our main present goal is to precisely document all
75 listings in one manner or another.
July 15, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
On eBay, if you continually and repeatedly reuse the
"Sell Similar" feature, you may ed up with bunches of
code bloat, mostly involving all sorts of unused font
statements. And also possibly making unexpected
font choices ending up in exactly the wrong places.It seems to me to be a good idea to "reset to zero"
and purposely hand code a new listing every now and
then. Another trick that may help sometime is to
copy the listing to Wordpad and newly repaste it
into your intended new listing.
July 14, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Local lore has it that the spring thaw is possibly just around
the corner, with the worst of the ice is out of the Gila River.
All of which has somewhat dampened enthusiasm for afternoon
Bajada Hanging Canal explorations.New to be checked is the possible Lopez canal #75. So far
it only exists on Acme Mapper. It has a source and destination
and is straight enough and long enough with just the right
amount of highly consistent slope.
On the other hand, it is somewhat north of the other canals,
does not look quite right, and likely will be tricky to prove
its prehistoric origins.Also in the seldom visited area are mysterious and little
explored ponds that might include duck habitat. I'll try to
add these to our Gila Valley Dayhikes after they can be
July 13, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
A typical service manual for a newer HDTV intelligent
television can be found online..The all digital systems are totally unrelated in any manner
to classic analog tv.Speaking of which, most schematics for most classic
electronics can be newly found here.If you are really into this sort of stuff, you will know what
the filament tap on a 35Z5 was intended for.
July 12, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
But the secret big picture that is supposed to be learned from sneak
paths is that your first attempt at any product development WILL be
wrong and WILL have to involve major rework.The rule is that the first 90 percent of any project takes up 90 percent
of the available time. So does the last 10 percent.Some dated but still potentially useful comments on product development
in general in our Blatant Opportunist library.
July 11, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
One of the things they forgot to tell you about in Electrical
Engineering school were sneak paths. Which became a very
rude surprise in my early development of our decimal
counting units.Suppose you have a 5 x 2 array of light bulbs and you power
one row and ground one column. How many bulbs will light?The answer with some hindsight: All of them! One to full
brightness, a companion to annoying brightness, and the
remaining eight rather dim.The full bright is what you'd expect. Say it is bulb 0. Bulbs
2 and 3 are in series. 4 and 5 are in series. 6 and 7 are in
series. 8 and 9 are in series. And all four of these groups
are in parallel with each other. With ONE HALF the
resistance of a single lamp!All of which taken together end up in series with bulb #1.
Thus bulb 0 lights full, bulb 1 almost full, and all of the
others end up barely dim. With the perceived results
related to bulb nonlinearities.There was an obsessive goal of ten dollars per decade,
so the crude and ugly early fix was to add a pair of
33 Ohm balancing resistors. These ended up making
all unwanted lamps more or less uniformly dim at
a cost of heat and increased power dissipation.The rule is this: Any time you have a row and column
array, you have to provide non linear elements at
each crossing to minimize or eliminate sneak paths.Eventually we ended up using NPN transistors behaving
as paired diodes for a sneak free and lower power solution.Related sneak path problems can be found in the
"n key rollover" problem of a keyboard. In which
three pressed keys can create a fourth virtual closure.
Sneak paths can become downright deadly in higher
voltage applications.We never were able to get under $12 per decade with
incandescent lamps. But we did use a sneaky meter
trick ( stolen from Hewlett Packard ) to actually hit
a $10 per decade solution.The rest is history.
July 10, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Our latest addition to our Gila Valley Dayhikes page gives
some fascinating hints on the Bob Brow Saloon Safe. AKA
the Seymour gold.Which is one of the very few Arizona Lost Treasure stories
that seems to have enough credibility to still be reasonably
recoverable. And perhaps worth some effort.The safe most likely headed straight down, helped along by
the 1890 Walnut Grove Dam Disaster. Which was somewhat
comparable to the Johnstown PA Flood in the same time era.
But did not receive nearly the press. Nonetheless, this was
the worst Arizona disaster until two planes crashed in the 1950's.
Mexicans and Indians, of course, were not counted in the
fatalities, so the reports ended up way low.A favorite part of the story was that the town drunk was sent
out to spread the alarm, but decided that a good stiff drink
was first in order.
July 9, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
What if you have a bunch of "not quite" identical units you
want to sell on eBay? Perhaps differing in condition, their
accessories, or subtle features.
How do you prevent shipping mixups?One simple solution is to attach "Hurricane Names" to
each unit on small stickers. Alice, Barbara, Claudia, etc..
Also list these names into your inventory controls
( You DO have these, of course ), and code them into the
individual listings themselves.
July 8, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Assume you are an intern working on a SETI
program at a somewhat advanced civilization
on Iota Rectuli IV.
Strong evidence of rocky planets have recently
been discovered nearby in a minor arm of your own
second rate galaxy sometimes called the "Milky Way".
A mere sixty light years or so away.
Amazingly, one of these planets suddenly and
recently became a "radio star" with substantial
output at the VHF frequency range. Your recent
careful analysis has shown detailed comb structure
with strong harmonics related to both 60 Hertz
and 15.750 kilohertz.
Between the latest of advanced signal processing
algorithms and some exceptionally rare viewing
conditions, out pops a perfectly lucid and clear
ten second video clip of ROLLER DERBY!
As the sum total of everything known about
human civilization. We can assume that
"Captain Video" and "Kukla, Fran, and Ollie"
are yet to be discovered.
What report, if any, would you submit to
your supervisor?
July 7, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
A reminder that we have a huge pile of premium grade
VFD motor drives up on eBay at astonishingly low
prices. Many major brands to hundreds of horsepower.
These appear to be unused. But we will only fully
guarantee them to be reasonably serviced.The larger units have two gotchas: First, we have no
way to test them, so these are strictly you test. Second,
owing to a palace revolt still in process, there is no way
that we will pack these hundred pound plus beasties.
So, our nearest pack and ship service is four miles away
and you will have to work directly with them or a competitor .
Or use one of the uShip alternatives from 85552.Or do a local pickup only. The units easily fit a small
pickup or medium SUV. A Uhaul site is nearby.
July 6, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Yeah, but what about way back when?
My bio can be found here, with a historic third party version
here. And an unauthorized autobiography here. There
were mostly books, construction projects, tutorials, and columns.
The biggie project being the TV Typewriter, which others have
called the opening shot fired in the personal computer revolution.
But the decimal counting units were much more of a cash cow.Online versions of some of the books can be found here, with
autographed copies of others still available on our eBay site.The worst of Marcia Swampfelder can still be found here.
Reprints of most of the projects can be found here, some of the
books here, and many of the columns here. And videos here.
And the patent here. And reasons to NEVER patent anything
here. And a thesis here.
July 5, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Yeah, but what have I been up to lately? Here's a summary
of some current projects...PREHISTORIC HANGING CANALS - Now up
to 75 of these stunning world class constructs with
a total length well over a world class 130 miles.
Now definitely in need of extensive help.MAGIC SINEWAVES - Obtuse math discoveries
have led to digital sinewave generators with
astonishing low distortion and impressively high
efficiency.MABELOSITY - Sneaky way of faking book
cover marbleizing techniques can lead to profound
"Does not look like it was done on a computer"
effects. All done with a pile of distorted pancakes.BEZIER CUBIC SPLINES - Sophisticated solutions
to high quality graphics. Latest studies also involve
Lagrange Polynomials.GILA HIKE DIRECTORY - Many hundreds of
largely unknown dayhike projects. Including some
very obscure ones.THE USUAL SUSPECTS - Plus continuing research
and ongoing interests in PostScript, Patent Avoidance,
Pseudoscience Bashing, Marcia Swampfelder, eBooks,
Classic Reprints, firefighting, pv solar breakeven tracking,
GuruGrams, auctioneering, our blog, the ISMM, energy,
the hydrogen debacle, videos, tech innovation, and, of
course, eBay.
July 4, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Once again, we definitely and desperately need your
help on various canal projects. Especially if you are
the type of hiker that brings along your own catclaw,
just in case there is not enough along the route. The
word "trail", of course, is not in your vocabulary.Cash in small bills would also be nice, among with
any extra drones you might want to discard in my
driveway.Speaking of which, funding and completing an
aerial survey of all 130 miles of the 75 bajada
hanging canals would certainly be welcome.
July 3, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
A reminder to always lie like a rug on those "surveys"
that prevent you from accessing newspaper stories or
similar publications.
Be sure to tell them the EXACT OPPOSITE of what
they supposedly want to hear. The goal being to make
their mesmerizingly awful results totally useless.Always answer "Pepsi" as your favorite brand of
smoke detector.And "ketchup" any time you need to fill in the blanks.
July 2, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The latest eBay infuriosity is that they will repeatedly and
continuously try to force feed you their international shipping
service. You have to unclick it each and every time.At least for us, foreign sales make no sense whatsoever.
If you are good at domestic sales, you do not need them.
If you are failing at domestic sales, they will not help you
in the least.To us, the bottom line is that foreign sales simply are not
worth the problems they demand...~ Foreign sales invite ripoffs and scams.
~ Shipping costs are higher.
~ Fulfillment takes much longer.
~ Closure takes ridiculously longer.
~ Delivery times are a joke
~ Theft is endemic.
~ There are stiff fees for currency conversions.
~ Our suppliers contractually forbid such sales.
~ Shipping damage is more likely
~ Honoring guarantees becomes cost prohibitive.
~ Keytowing to bureaucracy NEVER pays.
~ Communications barriers create problems
~ Lying on green slips is an international crime.And most of all...
~ Certain countries ( most especially Canada )
are CERTAIN to cause you grief.
July 1a, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Google Maps and Google Earth ( And including Acme Mapper )
have just announced a very major upgrade to their available
satellite data with much higher resolution.The only tiny detail buried in the fine print is that most of
the high zoom, high resolution settings derive their data
elsewhere than satellites.Thus, recent high zoom viewing has not gotten any better.
July 1, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The missing "Golf Course Road Gap" in the Gila Valley's
multi purpose trail system has just been completed.The route now extends from North of Discovery Park
to Daley Estates to EAC. Per this map.
June 30, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
One of the projects that has fallen by the wayside
from way back in our PostScript Desktop Publishing
class was a resume that answered the question...
"what if ONE single individual was responsible for
each and EVERY major industrial disaster over the
past few decades?"
This would be an obvious candidate for an onion
satire. Couched in words like "proven ability to
provide a commanding media presence", a
deeper investigation into his employment history
would include being an ethics officer for Enron,
honcho of the FEMA rapid intervention team,
did tanker safety training for Exxon, fire prevention
for Yellowstone Park, system monitoring supervisor
for Chernobyl, was a Union Carbide tank inspector in
India, ad director for New Coke, etc... Possibly even
starting out as an Edsel intern trainee.
What would your input be for several employers
of his and the related job titles? email me.
June 29, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
It is the greasy whistle that gets squeaked.
June 28, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
There seems to be quite a bit of confusion over
exactly what either regular or super capacitors can do
in the way of energy storage for vehicles and such.
The bottom lines are (1) while the power density of
the latest capacitor developments are becoming
impressive, their energy density remains uselessly
bad. And (2) A capacitor behaves wildly different than
a battery when it comes to charging or discharging of
its internal energy.
A pure capacitor obeys the law i = c (dv/dt) or its
integration of v = (1/c) integral i (dt). Capacitors
MUST be strictly current driven.
Attempting to instantaneously apply a voltage to a
capacitor will cause an infinite or near infinite current
and a possible explosion.
All a capacitor knows about is whether there is
an incoming or an outgoing current that will alter
its internal charge state. Terminal voltage is
the result of the current integrated charge state.
The energy storage of a capacitor is given by
w = (1/2) Cv^2. Thus the stored energy of a
capacitor goes up with the square of its
terminal voltage. The stored energy is measured
in Joules where a Joule is one watt second.
There are 3,600,000 Joules in a kilowatt hour.
Meaning that today's capacitors cannot remotely
approach the energy demands of long distance
personal vehicle use. But they certainly are of
interest for a few seconds of passing power or
regenerative braking storage.
Another misconception is that capacitors and
batteries are in some manner similar. Most
batteries maintain a pretty much constant
voltage as electrochemical conversions take
place during charging and discharging.
Plain and simply, capacitors do not regulate
worth a damn.
With capacitors, instead of a constant terminal
voltage, the stored charge is proportional to the
square of the terminal voltage. Or the voltage
goes up as the square root of the stored charge.
A full or an empty capacitor will thus have wildly
different terminal voltages.
Any attempt to charge a capacitor from a resistive
source or an ordinary generator will result
in one half or more of the energy being lost inside
the generator's internal resistance. Efficient charging
and discharging of capacitors requires a switchmode
scheme where voltage is transformed to an inductor's
current and the inductor's current is then repeatedly
sent to the capacitor. One name for such a circuit is a
transimpedance converter.
Transimpedance converters must obviously work over a
very wide voltage range. A 2:1 range converter can only
use 75% of the possible stored charge. A 3:1 might
approach 89% of stored charge. And that would be for
ONE optimal input or output level. Any real world use
would call for dramatically wider control ranges.
Any capacitor (and especially a supercap) has a definite
maximum terminal voltage that must never be exceeded.
Traditionally, good engineering practice leaves at least
a 50% margin between normal system voltages and the
allowable maximum.
June 27, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
( Please read yesterday's entry first )
Continuing our Gauss-Jordan tutorial, but this time
the Jordan part. When we last left off, we had a
( relabeled ) array of...
[ 1 c01 c02 c03 c04 j05 ]
[ 0 1 c12 c13 c14 j15 ]
[ 0 0 1 c23 c24 j25 ]
[ 0 0 0 1 c34 j35 ]
[ 0 0 0 0 1 z ]
where cxx is the row and column coefficient for
the left side equation terms, and jxx is the
similar row and column coefficient for the right
side equation term.
The usual way to solve this is by back substitution.
Start off with y = j35 - z*c34 and so on. And then
work your way up a row at a time, making more
complex calculations until you have v through z
all solved.
The Jordan approach starts off the same way, but
it works one column at a time, greatly simplifying
computer programming. Especially if more than
one n x n equation set is to be accommodated.
The rule is that any constant can be subtracted
from one term in the left side of the equation if
the same constant is subtracted from the right
side of the equation.
Subtract z*c34 from row 4...
[ 1 c01 c02 c03 c04 k05 ]
[ 0 1 c12 c13 c14 k15 ]
[ 0 0 1 c23 c24 k25 ]
[ 0 0 0 1 0 y ]
[ 0 0 0 0 1 z ]
So far, this is the same as the usual back substitution.
We now can observe y by inspection The difference
with Jordan is to continue with columns instead of
rows. Modify the rows by subtracting z*c24, z*c14,
and z*c04 to get...
[ 1 c01 c02 c03 0 m05 ]
[ 0 1 c12 c13 0 m15 ]
[ 0 0 1 c23 0 m25 ]
[ 0 0 0 1 0 y ]
[ 0 0 0 0 1 z ]
Next, modify column three by subtracting
y*c23, y*c13, and y*c03. And then column
two by subtracting x*c12 and x*c02. And
finally column one by subtracting w*c01
to get...
[ 1 0 0 0 0 v ]
[ 0 1 0 0 0 w ]
[ 0 0 1 0 0 x ]
[ 0 0 0 1 0 y ]
[ 0 0 0 0 1 z ]
Your values v through z are now instantly
readable by inspection.
Once again, the Jordan method takes just as
many calculations as back substitution, but it
greatly simplifies computation in that loops do
not have any multiple calculations or complicated
cross-coefficients in them.
June 26, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Finally figured out what the "Jordan" part of Gauss
Jordan elimination is all about. Turns out that while
there are just as many calculations that are just as
complex as plain old back substitution, those calcs
lend themselves to much simpler and more easily
automated computer loops.
Consider five linear equations in five unknowns...
A0*v + B0*w + C0*x +D0*y + E0*z = K0
A1*v + B1*w + C1*x +D1*y + E1*z = K1
A2*v + B2*w + C2*x +D2*y + E2*z = K2
A3*v + B3*w + C3*x +D3*y + E3*z = K3
A4*v + B4*w + C4*x +D4*y + E4*z = K4
While all sorts of solution methods exist, we seek
one that is computationally efficient. If we dink
around with some manipulations ahead of time, we
can eventually end up with a solution that will be
obvious by inspection!
Arrange the coefficients into a group of arrays...
[ A0 B0 C0 D0 E0 K0 ]
[ A1 B1 C1 D1 E1 K1 ]
[ A2 B2 C2 D2 E2 K2 ]
[ A3 B3 C3 D3 E3 K3 ]
[ A4 B4 C4 D4 E4 K4 ]
[ A4 B4 C4 D4 E4 K4 ]
The rules for our "Gauss" part of rearrangement
are that any row can be scaled by any constant term
by term without changing the results.
And that any row can be subtracted from any other
row term by term and substituted. Again without
changing the results.In interests of sanity, let "~" be any coefficient
that resulted from previous manipulation. Scale the
top row by dividing by its initial value...
[ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ]
[ A1 B1 C1 D1 E1 K1 ]
[ A2 B2 C2 D2 E2 K2 ]
[ A3 B3 C3 D3 E3 K3 ]
[ A4 B4 C4 D4 E4 K4 ]
Scale the top row by A1 and subtract it from the
next row down and replacing...
[ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ]
[ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ]
[ A2 B2 C2 D2 E2 K2 ]
[ A3 B3 C3 D3 E3 K3 ]
[ A4 B4 C4 D4 E4 K4 ]
Similarly, scale the top row by A2 subtract it from
the middle row. Then scale by A3 for row 3 and A4
for row4...[ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ]
[ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ]
[ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ]
[ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ]
[ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ]
Now, scale the second row down by its first nonzero
[ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ]
[ 0 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ]
[ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ]
[ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ]
[ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ]
Next, force zeros in the second column the same we
we did with the first, but using the second row for
subtraction and substitution...[ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ]
[ 0 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ]
[ 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ]
[ 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ]
[ 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ]
Keep working your way through the array, this time
scaling the third row down by its first nonzero term and
then using scaled subtractions to zero out everything
below in the same column.
Eventually, you should end up with...
[ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ]
[ 0 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ]
[ 0 0 1 ~ ~ ~ ]
[ 0 0 0 1 ~ ~ ]
[ 0 0 0 0 1 ~ ]
This completes the Gauss part of the process.
The lower right squiggle will be z by inspection!
From here, we can use back substitution or the
Jordan scheme. More on Jordan tomorrow.
June 25, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Once again expanded and updated our Gila Valley
Dayhikes page. We are now up to 456 main entries,
most of which now include GPS location links.Also added this link to hiking projects that can let
you contribute to world class research.
Please email me with anything I missed or that needs
further updating.
June 24, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
It's been a long time since we last looked at the Magnetocoloric
Effect. Turns out this amazing technology now has at least one
commercial room temperature vendor and might finally be
about to turn the corner on economic viability.Some metals, and most especially Gadolinium will get warm in
a magnetic field and then release this heat when the field
is removed. Letting you move heat from point A to Point B.
Such as in an air conditioner or a refrigerator.The theoretical limits of the technology are potentially
much more efficient than conventional vapor compression
and expansion, and Global Warming issues seem far lower.Since HVAC is obviously due for some major and significant
energy breakthroughs, this may be a game changer.
June 23, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Just added a whole pile of Allen Bradley ( now Eaton or Rockwell )
motor controls to our eBay site. Sizes include NEMA 2, 3, and 4.We also have three huge vector drive three speed motor controls
at a tiny fraction of their near 10K list prices. There are several
gotchas: While we believe these are "near new" and fully
functional, we have not tested them and will only guarantee
them to be capable of becoming fully serviceable and as described.Also, these beasts are both delicate and heavy, and we just
do not want to get into packaging them for reliable shipment.
Thus they are offered local pickup only. FOB 85552,There is a pretty good pack and ship place down the street,
and uShip should offer several options as well.IF you are a vector drive technical specialist, this should
be an outstandingly good deal.
June 22, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
I still cannot seem to find any historical references to the
shingle mill in Shingle Mill canyon. It turns out these
mills are usually rather small, consisting mainly of
a three foot diameter unprotected circular saw blade.Some fascinating videos of these have been made by
steam tractor restoration enthusiasts.Shingle Mill Canyon does not have a bottom as it
morphs into Merrill Wash. The best lead I've
found would put the mill halfway up in the Hulda
Gap area. But there might not be enough water
here for the presumed steam engine. And delivery
to Pima would be awkward at best.Cedar shingles can also be made by using a hand
maul and splitter. But the usual precuts would not
seem at all compatible with the Lumber Tramway.Can you find some references here?
More on similar topics here.
June 21, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Order mixups are a bad scene all the way around.
It pays to set up all sorts of double checking by
at least two people to avoid problems. Your 30:1
Buy/Sell Ratio does give you a first order of
defense against an occasional mixup.
Writing the full customer name on the box where
the label will eventually go is a good idea. We
just had a mixup involving two orders whose first
name both were "Carl".
Placing a copy of the sender and intended
address inside the box on pricier items is also
a very good idea.
Trying to get items back or exchanging them is
usually bad news. IF one of the two recipients
has not yet received their half of the mixup, you
sometimes can ask them to refuse their delivery.
If you send something to the wrong person, they
are in every manner entitled to treat the item as
a gift. And are under no obligation whatsoever to
do anything that in any manner would correct the
problem. Especially on their own cost or initiative.
If the items are fairly inexpensive and you have
lots in stock, comping a new shipment makes by
far the most sense. If you are out of stock, a
prompt refund of all costs is a very good idea.
Chances are the customer will be back when
they get to keep some unordered free stuff.
Telling both customers the email address only
of the other might get they to exchange parcels
after your total refund. But be sure you are out
of the loop. Because neither is under any obligation
whatsoever to take any action or trust the other.
Even on a costly item, issuing an immediate
refund to the real buyer and prepaying return
shipping to the wrong one is a very good idea.
With, of course, the fastest possible emails that
explain what is coming down.
Should you actually get the item back, and should
it pass a very careful inspection, you can always
try re offering it to the original buyer. Whoever
sent the thing back to you deserves something
extra, such as a ten dollar gift certificate.
But only on receipt, of course.
Above all, find out why the mistake was made and
take steps to correct similar future problems.
More on similar topics in our Auction Help page.
June 20, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
At least one eBay seller is completely honest when
they stated " Buyer is responsible for all fright
Which should become a classic right up there with
the long ago offered swash stickers.
June 19, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
New ideas are just like pancakes or children.
You should always throw the first one away.
June 18, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Overheard some alternate energy enthusiasts who
were lavishly praising Sterling engines as the
ultimate solution to low delta-t energy recovery.
It quickly became obvious that they did not have
the faintest clue of the underlying thermodynamics
or economics.
To date, the Sterling engine has been one of the
largest and most monumental engineering ratholes
of all times. Here is why...
Carnot Matters -- There is a fundamental and
unavoidable law of thermodynamics that says
the best possible efficiency of any heat engine
is proportional to the absolute temperature
delta fraction. Thus your best possible efficiency
a 20 degree rise at 70 degree F room temperature
would be 20/(459+70) = 3.8 percent. And no
real world system can be even this good.
Efficiency Matters --As efficiency goes down,
the size and complexity of the energy recovery
device will disproportionately increase in a
hyperbolic or worse manner for a given set of
recovery values. Which is why absolutely free
pv solar panels of less than six percent efficiency
are totally commercially useless.
Amortization Matters -- If your energy recovery
device is producing an average of two cents worth
of electricity per day and your total cost of ownership
is three cents per day, you have a gasoline destroying
net energy sink. The longer you run it, the more
gasoline you destroy
Gotchas Matter -- A Sterling engine needs a
special part called a regenerator. Regenerators
have to be long and thin and short and fat.
They also have to be very good conductors of
heat and outstanding insulators. Extreme
engineering compromise is needed and nobody
has come up with a good regeneration solution
to date.
Much more in our Energy Fundamentals tutorial.
June 17, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
It is interesting to rearrange our Bajada Hanging Canals by
watershed. Which suggests several conclusions...FIRST- virtually every drop of northeastern Mount Graham
water was apparently fully exploited. Helped along by
an artesian source or two. And by an aqueduct, stunning
watershed crossings, huge cuts, and counterflow techniques.SECOND - the project appears to be complete, with no
obvious water sources remaining unused or unexploited.THIRD - Everything seems "perfect" with no obvious
mistakes, errors, or work in progress. Nothing apparent
seems to have interfered with the project during its
creation.FOURTH - The takeins all appear to be perfectly
situated where the perennial water would disappear
today at the junction of the mountain's gneiss and
the valley's bajadas. Suggesting climatic factors
similar or slightly wetter than today.FIFTH - Almost without exception, the routes all
followed the highest possible routings, carefully
traversing "pinch points" that clearly defined the
only possible routes.SIXTH - Illusions of "water flows uphill" are found
in many places. Indicating an absolute mastery of
maintaining consistent and optimal canal slopes.SEVENTH- When appropriate, the canals are all
purposely "hung" on the edges of gently sloping
but steep sided remnant bajada mesas. Two credible
reasons are that a hung canal can have a slope largely
independent of its terrain and that most hung
construction effort can be made across, rather
than along the canal route. Both of which suggest
extreme attention to construction energy efficiency.EIGHTH - The engineering involved appears to
be many orders of magnitude beyond normal
riverine canals such as those of Phoenix area
Hohokam.NINTH - Bajada hanging canals appear very rare
elsewhere. While there are prehistoric pre-Aztec and
historic Canary Island Levada examples, temporal
instances in the American Southwest of comparable
complexity and sophisticated engineering presently
appear to be largely unknown. Which suggest that
the Mt. Graham technology may have uniquely
evolved in place.TENTH - Mount Graham is the highest mountain in
Arizona when measured from its Basin and Range
base. Its collection of numerous reliable northeast
trending and bajada terminating streams grouped together
appears to be unique to the Southwest, and possibly to
the world.ELEVENTH - Whatever caused the canals to cease
to function almost certainly must clearly have
been cataclysmic and catastrophic.TWELFTH - Given the riverine Gila River
canals, strong population pressure or other
compelling factors must have contributed to
the need for the major time and effort that
went into the hanging bajada canal program.THIRTEENTH - An estimate of fifty to a hundred
man years might appear to be a baseline for the
time involved. This estimate can be based on
a modern person using prehistoric tools being
able to build something like one foot per hour.FOURTEENTH - These findings provide evidence in
the form of agricultural intensification and settlement
that points to a socio-political organization based on the
collaboration and collective action of small corporate
groups rather than a more complex social
stratification and socio-political structureFIFTEENTH - No survey instruments are
known to survive, strongly suggesting the
possibility of miniature preliminary routeings
being used as water levels. Many of the canal
routes are visible from elevated points on
the mountain, indicating possible "aerial
photography" techniques.SIXTEENTH - Present "score" is 75 study
areas of interest for at least 135 miles of total
reach. Significant lengths go three to eight
miles.SEVENTEENTH - Also woefully understudied in the
area are totally separate riverine canals, extensive
world class grids and fields, pueblo and fieldhouse sites,
aproned checkdams, and mulch rings.Here are the studied watersheds from southeast
to northwest...Stockton - Stockton Canal?
Veech - Veech Canal
Jacobson - Goat Canal
Ledford Canal
Marijilda - Marijilda Fields
Marijilda Canal
Marijilda Aqueduct
Lebanon High Canal
Henry Canal Branches?
Henry's Canal
Sixpack Canal
Roper Lake Canal
Rincon Canal?
TB East Canal
TB West Canal
TB Ponding Area
Tranquility- Tranquility Canal
Deadman - Main Deadman Canal
Deadman East Canal
Mystery Feeder Canal
Discovery Park Canal?
Frye Creek - Frye Watershed Diversion
Lower Frye Mesa Complex
Robinson Canal
HS Canal
Riggs Complex
Golf Course Canal
Blue Ponds Canal
Freeman Canal
Longview Canal?
Spring Canyon - Allen Canal
Culebra Cut
Upper Frye Mesa Complex
Ash Creek - Mud Sprigs Watershed Crossing
Mud Springs Canal
Troll House
Jernigan Canal
Smith Canal
Cluff SW1 Canal?
Cluff NW1 Canal
Cluff NW2 Canal
Cluff Diversion
Shingle Mill - Minor Webster Canal
Tugood Canal
Lefthand - Spear Ranch?
Main Lefthand Canal
Lefthand Feeder Canals
Lefthand West
Lamb Tank
Bear Springs - Bear Springs Canal
Bigler Canal
Bear Flat Canal
Nuttall - Watershed Crossing?
Carter - Carter Canal
- Nuttall Canal
Sand Canal
Taylor - UFO Fish Fillets?
June 16, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The latest PV pricing stats for May are in and show some
substantial decreases for the more pricey sources. But
remain stuck at 49 cents per peak panel watt minimum.This is slightly under twice the price needed for ultimate
renewability and sustainability. More here.
June 15, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
There is more hydrogen in a gallon of gasoline than there
is in a gallon of liquid hydrogen.Similar factoids at https://www.tinaja.com/h2gas01.shtml
But the ultimate factoid anyplace ever is probably that
the Canary Islands were named after a large dog.
June 14, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
I'll be doing talk on the Mount Graham Aerial Lumber
Tramway at the Thursday June 16th meeting of the Gila
Valley Hiking Club at 6 PM in the BLM/CNF meeting
room at 14th Street and 8th Avenue in Safford.The meeting notice...
Local author and researcher Don Lancaster will give a short talk
on the Mount Graham aerial lumber tramway.
A replica of the original history of the tram can be found as part
of https://www.tinaja.com/glib/tramshow.pdf
Fascinating engineering aspects of the tram are found in
https://www.tinaja.com/glib/gramtram.pdf while a rare photo
collection can be viewed in the Pima Museum whose website is
Additional local hike related topics can be found at Don's
https://www.tinaja.com/gilahike.shtml and
#d06.05.16 and
https://www.tinaja.com/tinsamp1.shtml and
https://www.tinaja.com/glib/unusualh.pdf .
June 13, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Google Earth has a seldom appreciated history feature in which
you can purposely look at older satellite imagery. You can
click on Edit View History for access. Then swipe in the upper
left corner of the image.While the general quality and resolution improves with newness,
certain older mappings can sometimes be very useful. Ferinstance,
the new canal discovery at N 32.82996 W 109.92808 looks
best with the 2011 imagery!The canal footprints change with season and time of day, so
it pays to check all the way back on any search. Three
years ago, we had a bloom that uniquely filled the fine grained
canals with dead flowers. For a glorious few weeks, previously
unknown canals became glaringly obvious.
June 12, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
A new hundred feet of bajada hanging canal has been field verified at
N 32.82996 W 109.92808.It is small but obvious and seems single walled. There are some
Mesquites midstream. No obvious potsherds in the area.Three photos can be found here, here, and here.
This, along with Acme Mapper suggests that the Sand Canal
may start with a combined Nuttall and Carter Canyon flow at
N 32.81895 W 109.94256There are hints of a second and third branch at N 32.83441
W 109.92705.
June 11, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
As we have seen, there is a very simple and easy math way to
draw a cubic spline through four points that involves a beastie called
a Lagrange Polynomial.Simply create the polynomial and then convert it into a Bezier
Cubic Spline. Such as this PostScript Routine for this plot.Although I don't have any immediate proof, I also suspect
that the Lagrange fit gives the "shortest" and "smoothest"
as well.I am most surprised this sneaky trick is not better known. Although
these papers seem to dance around the issue.The nasty habit of Lagrange growing useless "ears" does not set in
till well above a cubic, so this seems to not be a factor.One restriction is that this super easy and super sneaky method
does not preserve initial slope. But as we have seen earlier,
an infinite number of different cubic splines of different entry
slopes can be created through four points.Which suggests modifying Lagrange by some sort of complicated
multiple approximation converging routine that both matches the
initial slope and preserves going through four points.I'll save this as an exercise for the student. Unless you want to
go into a "Crossing palm with silver' mode.
June 10, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Acme Mapper also hints there is a second or even a third
branch of the Sand Canal...This would seem similar to the Jernigan Canal splitting off the
Mud Springs Canal.Again, not yet field verified. But our ratio of hints to eventual
solid ground evidence remains well above ninety percent.
June 9, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The "anvil test" for camp coffee...
If the anvil sinks, it it too weak.
If the anvil floats, it is just right.
If the anvil dissolves, it is too strong.
June 8, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The latest imagery on Acme Mapper strongly suggests that
the Sand Canal has a takein source surprisingly far to the
west in Carter Canyon using Nuttall Canyon water...Much of this still needs field verified. Some implications of this find
include that unproven but postulated Nuttall Watershed Crossing may
not be needed at all and that the UFO Fish Fillets are now close enough
to the canal complex that they should be included in their study.More hanging canal stuff here.
June 7, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
A simple test in Google Earth can greatly strengthen or weaken
a long linear feature being or not being a prehistoric hanging
canal.Check the altitude along several points and see if you have
a uniform and consistent dropping slope in the neighborhood
of one percent.Sudden drops or uphill portions, of course, are not permitted.
Unless they are latter day damage artifacts.BTW, GPS altitude measurement is exceptionally inaccurate.
Better grade GPS receivers instead use a much higher
resolution barometric pressure sensing instead. One
typical instrument is the Garmin Etrex 30 or newer.Barometric pressure, of course, is weather sensitive.
One workaround is to measure an exactly known nearby
altitude and then differentially correct.Another sneaky trick is to find your local history of
barometric pressure versus time. Here in Safford,
we seem to consistently have a flat daily high at
8 to 9 am and a flat daily low at 4 to 5 pm.Making your measurements at either time should
help minimize weather effects.Sometimes a level ap on a smartphone can also be
useful for differential level measurements.
June 6, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
A reminder that the insanely powerful ability of PostScript
to read and write any disk file in any language has been
default disabled in recent versions of Acrobat Distiller.This incredible ability is super useful for modifying
bitmaps, as is done in our Bitmap Typewriter, our
Architects Perspective, and our Self Vignetting
Autobackgrounder.Its abuse potential is also totally off the wall.
It also lets you simply run our Gonzo Utilities with
only a few bytes of code, rather than needing to tow
the whole program along each time or having to
excerpt crucial code.At any rate, the seldom and poorly documented
solution to restoring Distiller file reads and writes
is to run Distiller in Windows from the command
line using..."C:\Program Files (x86)/Adobe/Acrobat 11.0/
Acrobat/acrodist.exe" /F /R run...without the carriage return and with the /F trailer.
Modified, of course, for your particular file locations.
June 5, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The following bajada hikes could greatly assist world class
research on the hanging canals. Typical total and return lengths
are one to three miles, often in very difficult or brushy terrain.
Needed are field verification, photos, and GPS coordinates...DEADMAN EAST - Evaluate the Acme Mapper suggestion
of a canal between N 32.75284 W 109.78537 and N 32.75679
W 109.77612. Find link to main Deadman west canal. Find out
how water gets off the mesa. Find destination. Save energy
for the steep return trip.VEECH CANYON- Flag a feasible route through heavy brush
from N 32.65007 W 109.73410 to N 32.64348 W 109.74235
Evaluate presumed canal further south to N 32.64252 W 109.74288.
Optionally determine if linear features around N 32.64276
W 109.74087 are natural or man made.MUD SPRINGS - Working north from the fence at N 32.79167
W 109.85383, and following the canal, try to find the missing
portions as you approach resumption at N 32.80451 W 109.83872.
A SUV shuttle eases the return.FRYE WATERSHED DIVERSION - Try to prove or disprove that
Frye Mesa water was routed into a watershed crossing (!) canal from
N 32.74422 W 109.83930 to N 32.74472 W 109.83843 to N 32.74555
W 109.84016.FRYE PINCH POINT - Try to verify a hanging canal portion from the
pinch point at N 32.74747 W 109.83897 to N 32.75114 W 109.83728 or
N 32.75128 W 109.83736ASH CREEK SOURCE - Starting under the fence at N 32.79167
W 109.85383 try to find the takein somewhere near N 32.78767
W 109.85468 Tropical Storm Octave may have obliterated any trace
of this obviously used routing.MINOR WEBSTER - Starting north from N 32.79790 W 109.87270
and following the canal, determine where and why it changes from
historic to prehistoric construct architecture. Follow further north to
try and determine destination. Avoid getting close to private property.TUGOOD SOUTH - Starting with the canal at N 32.81338 W 109.86993,
trace it south to try and find a takein between Shingle Mill Canyon and
Merrill Wash, possibly around N 32.79074 W 109.88925. Canal Portions
are under the road, and others may have been obliterated by tropical
storm Octave.TUGOOD NORTH - Starting with the canal at N 32.79074 W 109.88925,
trace it north to see where it goes. Try to find its field destination.
Avoid any private residences.FREEMAN MID SECTION - Starting at N 32.78744 W 109.76588,
trace the canal North to where it likely disappears at N 32.78988
W 109.76252 and resumes at N 32.79066 W 109.76163.ALL LEDFORD & GOAT- Centering on N 32.68640 W 109.74308 ,
survey photograph the extensive hanging canals. An ATV might be
useful, as might a drone. Many trips will be needed.MISSING MUD SPRINGS - Find out how the Mud Springs Canal
gets from N 32.83062 W 109.81560 to N 32.83878 W 109.81128.MID GOLF COURSE - Attempt to prove that the Golf Course Canal
routes from N 32.79832 W 109.78278 to N 32.78187 W 109.78707
Otherwise find an alternate mid routing.ALLEN DESTINATION - Find out where the Allen Canal goes north of
the slight saddle at N 32.83347 W 109.80302 You might have to start
at the more obvious Culebra Cut at N 32.83567 W 109.79810.MUD SPRINGS DESTINATION - Find out where the Mud Springs
Canal goes north of N 32.84797 W 109.81104.ALLEN MESA FAL- Find out how the Allen Canal gets from
N 32.81187 W 109.81131 to N 32.83398 W 109.79544NUTTALL WATERSHED CROSSING - Determine if a prehistoric
watershed crossing is physically possible at N 32.77780 W 109.95534
Seek out evidence that it did or did not occur. Latest evidence has
made the need for this crossover somewhat less likely. But it still
needs checked.HENRY'S EXTENSIONS -- In and around N 32.73702 W 109.74305
need explored and documented. It is not yet clear whether Henry's
Canal starts at N 32.73709 W 109.74241 or if it has a still uMarijilda feeder.LAMB TANK CANALS - Rumored canals in this area have yet
to be verified and documented. In and around N 32.82184
W 109.92386SAND TANK BRANCHES - Explore one or more possible canals in
the area of N 32.83082 W 109.92993 and N 32.83455 W 109.92705.JERNIGAN GAPS - Find the missing canal portions from
N 32.83182 W 109.81814 to N 32.83662 W 109.81509 and
N 32.84139 W 109.81261 to N 32.84201 W 109.81443
STOCKTON PASS WASH - Seek out evidence of prehistoric canals,
especially near to N 32.61789 W 109.72822 and N 32.61979 W 109.72836
Note that these only show up on high magnification.
Please send results to don@tinaja.com or (928) 428-4073.
June 4, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The way to tell an extroverted engineer: They stare
at your shoes, rather than their own.
June 3, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The fencepost problem strikes again. It takes ELEVEN
fenceposts spaced by TEN feet to cover a hundred feet!If they are uniformly internally spaced, data storage in a
Magic Sinewave may not be optimal. Instead, a "log"
approach where each value is some percentage of its
neighbor might be more effective.Ferinstance, 40 log spaced amplitudes and 40 log spaced
frequencies might end up just as good as 100 linear of
each. But only need 0.16 times the storage Besides
producing more uniform changes for system stability.Note that 10^(1/39) is 1.06081836 and that
100^(1/39) is 1.12533558. Note also that these are
nominally six and twelve percent changes.
Thirty nine trips plus your starting point is forty.
With these sequences generated on repeat
exponentiation for a 10:1 and 100:1 range...
1.00000 1.06082 1.12534 1.19378 1.26638
1.34340 1.42510 1.51177 1.60372 1.70125
1.80472 1.91448 2.03092 2.15443 2.28546
2.42446 2.57191 2.72833 2.89426 3.07029
3.25702 3.45511 3.66524 3.88815 4.12462
4.37547 4.64158 4.92388 5.22334 5.54101
5.87801 6.23551 6.61473 7.01703 7.44379
7.89651 8.37676 8.88622 9.42667 10.00001.00000 1.12534 1.26638 1.42511 1.60372
1.80472 2.03092 2.28546 2.57191 2.89427
3.25702 3.66524 4.12463 4.64159 5.22334
5.87802 6.61474 7.44381 8.37677 9.42668
10.6082 11.9378 13.4341 15.1177 17.0125
19.1448 21.5443 24.2446 27.2833 30.7029
34.5511 38.8815 43.7548 49.2388 55.4102
62.3551 70.1704 78.9652 88.8624 100.000
Consulting services available.
June 2, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
My earliest exposure to anything remotely resembling a
computer was a useless IBM beastie and some analog
non-starters at otherwise superb Lafayette.
Followed by some BASIC timesharing.
But I guess my first foray into original and hands-on
programming took place on an Olivetti Programma 101.Followed later by an Interdata 1 with a whopping 2K
of system RAM. And of course, the quantum leap in
going to the personal and incomparably stupendous KIM-1.
The first Olivetti project was a simple mortgage calculator.
At that time, nobody knew the deep dark secret that by
tripling or quintupling up on utterly small early principal
payments, you could ridiculously shorten the loan time
and the amount of total interest paid.
The second project directly led to our Musician's Pitch
Reference. in PE. The question to be asked was "What is
the best possible 8-bit sequence to synthesize an
equally tempered top octave music scale?
The subtle and non trivial answer was 116-123-130-138-
Equally tempered musical notes are separated by the
highly irrational factor of 1.05946309 in frequency.
Known to its many friends as the twelfth root of two.
AKA six percent if you ignore sour notes.
At the time, I thought I was doing unique and original
research. But MOS Technology had to be working on
something similar leading up to their MK50240. Which
had the unspeakable luxury of using a 239-253-269...
nine bit sequence instead.And the JAES paper apparently appeared much later.
Modern synthesizers use a separate generator for each
polyphonic note. The top-octave-and-divider scheme
used for electronic organs incurably lacked a richness
of locked together octave phasing and presented background
noise and crosstalk problems with all of the unkeyed
notes. Besides needing a keyer for each possible note.
More here and here (see page 50.2).
June 1, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Some lessons learned during our initial drone debacle:
We are now into third generation drones whose sophisticated
capabilities might end up totally unsuitable for your goals.
Used was a specialized ag drone intended to map a
rectangular field over a preprogrammed GPS
set of parallel routes. This eliminated any high bandwidth
data link and did not need any heavy gimbles as the images
were always pointed straight down.Both of which made for reduced weight and bird
complexity and consequential longer flight times.There was no known HDTV real time link to the ground
as the repeat images were simply recorded to the internal
camera memory. And then ground processed later
with an incredibly sophisticated stitching algorithm.Thus "follow the canal" with real time flight path
adjustments was simply not possible.
We also made the mistake of starting from the
unknown end of the survey area where the canal was
not at all obvious. And failed to show up on the
stitched route maps.It was also not clear how to extract the data associated
with each image. Needed were lat, lon, altitude,
time, and orientation. Somehow this data was extracted
by the elaborate stitching signal processing.We'll note in passing that there are several methods
of directly annotating a .jpg file.Drone projects beyond 2000 feet may prove a
problem, as may losing the drone as it vanishes
off the edge of a mesa. Any wind at all can also
trash preprogrammed flights, so early morning is
a must.Bottom line: You must know your drone capabilities.
As must the drone operators. And your flight
goals should certainly be far in bounds for the
resources at hand .
May 31, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Here is a Gonzo PostScript program of using the Lagrange
Method to draw a cubic spline through four points.The actual demo appears here. This method is extremely
simple and fast and gives both the "shortest" and "best"
route to four point Bezier curve fitting. But does not
preserve any previous exit angle slope.
May 30, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
"Truth is stranger than fiction" gets even more bizarre
when you wander into Western New Mexico.
The Brushy Mountain Radar Station is South of Mule
Creek at the end of a secret mountain laboratory road
whose access is easily controlled. It likely started life as a
cold war facility and presumably still sees use for drug
interdiction activity.
Little known is that it includes oversize kitchen and
dormitory facilities. It was supposedly used as a remote
retreat by both the Kennedy and Johnson presidential
administrations. Since then it occasionally has seen such
nefarious uses as BLM team building exercises.
BUT and IF you needed to stash some super secret stuff
( such as, say, some extraterrestrial aliens ), the facility is
virtually ready to go.
Even stranger is nearby Terror town, once known as Playas.
This began as a company town for a long defunct smelter
and was bought by a New Mexico school and funded by
the Department of Homeland Security for a training
facility for counterterrorism and urban hostage situations.
More here, here, and here.
May 29, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
A guided tour video inside a giant wind turbine can be found here.
More wind stuff here. More on energy here. More neat places
to explore here.
May 28, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The "water powered car" continues to run rampant on the
web. Overpriced kits are now available that let you conclusively
prove the bogosity to yourself beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Here's a summary of why the concept is not even wrong...
1. What part of "Gross and Egregious Fraud" don't you
2. A fundamental thermodynamic principle called exergy
absolutely GUARANTEES that hydrogen produced from
high value grid, pv, or alternator electricity flat out ain't
gonna happen. For the simple reason that a kilowatt hour
of electricity is ridiculously more valuable than a kilowatt
hour of unstored hydrogen gas.
3. There are EIS or Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
instruments readily available. These "run the experiment"
many millions of times daily with uniformly negative results.
4. The resonant frequency of water is ONE MILLION TIMES
higher than proponents claim, applies only to water vapor,
and is not in any manner overunity.
5. Stainless steel is wildly inappropriate for hydrogen production
devices because of the hydrogen overpotential of iron. and
because of its low energy and low area passivated surface.
Special Platinized Platinum Black normally is required for
efficient devices and demands careful repeated renewing.6. Because of Faraday's Law, only the Fourier Series direct current
term of any complex pulse waveform can contribute to electrolysis.
High frequency ac components primarily create bunches of waste
heat and inefficiency.
7. It is trivially easy to mismeasure the energy in pulse waveforms.
So much so that this is Beginning EE Student Blunder 001-A.
Such measurement is almost always ridiculously low.
8. It is similarly trivially easy to mismeasure that actual dry
STP hydrogen content in any vapor. Such measurement is
almost always ridiculously high.
9. Surprisingly, electrolysis can in fact be up to one sixth endothermic
and can produce "runs cool" effects. But such operation only can
happen at very low and unamortizable production rates.
Curiously, the Ohio trial court fraud proceedings have never been
transcribed, owing to admin costs and a near total lack of demand.Additional details of my own appear here and here and here.
Two useful third party resources are found here and here.
May 27, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Managed to get some hanging canal drone flights, but they did
not produce much yet in the way of useful results.A pair of stitched flyby images can be found here and here.
Used was a specialized ag drone. It apparently had no
way to return real time video to the base so that
"follow the canal" flight path and altitude modifications
could be made.It was also not clear how to retrieve the crucial annotation
on each photo, although their composite stitching
algorithm did seem superb for its intended purpose.Thanks to Jeremy Green and Garrett Evans of Eastern
Arizona Ag for their assistance on this project.
May 26, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Once again expanded and updated our Gila Valley
Dayhikes page. We are now up to 453 main entries,
most of which now include GPS location links.Along with a dozen or so locations that you likely
will not want to visit. Owing to their "Next of
Kin will be shot" potential.
Please email me with anything I missed or that needs
further updating.
May 25. 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Dr. Neely and I also revisited the potential Discovery
Park Canal and concluded that the route is just barely
credible.A potential source might be the still unverified but
potentially spectacular Deadman East canal, while
fields underlying the present Discovery Park ponds
might be a credible destination.Your participation welcome.
May 24. 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
May 23. 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Dr. Neely and I tried to reach the still unverified prehistoric
Veech Hanging Canal.Starting with a dirt track off a 4WD trace, we managed to
cover one mile of the 1.3 mile distance in bad brush, only
to be turned around by unbearably gruesome brush.The route would also appear too long for most drones.
But flagging the downhill return trip might simplify things
bunches.Please email me if you are a super gonzo hiker.
And are interested in visiting a part of Arizona that the
casual tourist often bypasses.
May 22, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Many thanks to all of the archaeological and related professionals
who attended our recent hanging canal guided tours.We have just scheduled some drone flights. But it turns out that
"follow the canal" is not in most drone vocabularies. The local
drone service is ag oriented and only can capture preprogrammed
GPS flight paths that have to be camera downloaded after flight.
May 21, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The Southern Arizona satellite imagery used by Google Earth and Acme
Mapper has apparently just been updated.One consequence of which is that the Red Horse windmills are now
obvious. The companion pv stuff has yet to appear.These are the tallest structures in all of Southern Arizona. While
TFD has the biggest, baddest, meanest 85 foot aerial tower bucket in
the area, we could only reach one sixth of the way up their 450 foot
height !Reminders that these are sort of visible from I-10, somewhat north
of the back road from Willcox to Cascabel off the Hooker Hot
Springs Road, and that guided tours should be available from
Mallory Safety Management Services' Aubyn Avery at
(205) 919-7936.Other things to do in the area would include Muleshoe Ranch,
Triangle T, and Amerind Foundation.
May 20. 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The latest Mars selfie can be found here.
May 19. 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Our earlier entries have shown how to use a Lagrange
polynomial as a sneaky way to draw a cubic spline
through four points. Done in a single pass using very
minimal math.The odds are very good that this curve will also be
the smoothest and shortest possible as well.There may be one minor gotcha: Adjacent splines
may not have joint slope continuity. As this older
tutorial shows us, there are an infinite number of
cubic splines that can be drawn through four points.Thus an "almost" Lagrange solution often may be
possible that both exactly fits the four points and
provides initial joint slope continuity.The fit should often be possible, but may not if
the joint slope discontinuity is too violent.Which I will presently save as an exercise for
the student. Chances are an iterative solution
involving hairy math may be needed.
Hint: The one thirds will become new numbers.
May 18. 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
... and here is the same thing as a PostScript routine...
% given points (x0,y0) (x1,y1) (x2,y2) (x3,y3) on stack,
% draw the shortest Bezier cubic spline through them.../Bez4ptsviaLagrange {
/y3 exch store /x3 exch store
/y2 exch store /x2 exch store
/y1 exch store /y1 exch store
/y0 exch store /x0 exch store % often the currentpoint pair% Finding the Lagrange Polynomial...
/y0d0 y0 x0 x1 sub x0 x2 sub mul x0 x3 sub mul div def
/y1d1 y1 x1 x0 sub x1 x2 sub mul x1 x3 sub mul div def
/y2d2 y2 x2 x0 sub x2 x1 sub mul x2 x3 sub mul div def
/y3d3 y3 x3 x0 sub x3 x1 sub mul x3 x2 sub mul div def/a3 y0d0 y1d1 add y2d2 add y3d3 add def
/a2 y0d0 x1 x2 add x3 add mul neg y1d1 x0 x2 add x3 add mul sub
y2d2 x0 x1 add x3 add mul sub y3d3 x0 x1 add x2 add mul sub def/a1 y0d0 x1 x2 mul x1 x3 mul add x2 x3 mul add mul
y1d1 x0 x2 mul x0 x3 mul add x2 x3 mul add mul add
y2d2 x0 x1 mul x0 x3 mul add x1 x3 mul add mul add
y3d3 x0 x1 mul x0 x2 mul add x1 x2 mul add mul add def/a0 y0d0 x1 x2 mul x3 mul mul neg y1d1 x0 x2 mul x3 mul mul sub
y2d2 x0 x1 mul x3 mul mul sub y3d3 x0 x1 mul x2 mul mul sub def%
% L(x) = a3 * x^3 + a2 * x^2 + a1 * x + a0
% L is called with x on stack, returns x and y = L(x) on stack
%/L {
dup dup dup mul mul a3 mul
1 index dup mul a2 mul add
1 index a1 mul add a0 add
} store% Converting the Lagrange Polynomial to a cubic spline curveto...
/L' {/xx exch store % find slope of x on stack
xx dup mul a3 mul 3 mul
xx a2 mul 2 mul add
a1 add
} store
/cx1 {x0
x3 x0 sub 1 3 div mul add
} store/cx2 {x3
x3 x0 sub 1 3 div mul sub
} store/m1 {x0 L' } store
/b1 {y0 x0 ml mul sub } store
/cy1 {mu cx1 mul b1 add} store/m2 {x3 L' } store
/b2 {y3 m2 x3 mul sub } store
/cy2 {m2 cx2 mul b2 add } store% Creating or appending the curve
x0 y0 moveto % or use currentpoint
cx1 xy1 cx2 cy2 x3 y3 curveto} store
May 17. 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Here is a language independent algorithm for the Lagrange
solution to the Bezier curve cubic spline through four points
problem...given points (x0,y0) (x1,y1) (x2,y2) (x3,y3)
where x0 < x1 < x2 < x3
equations for computing Lagrange polynomial function L(x):
y0d0 = y0 / ((x0 - x1) * (x0 - x2) * (x0 - x3))
y1d1 = y1 / ((x1 - x0) * (x1 - x2) * (x1 - x3))
y2d2 = y2 / ((x2 - x0) * (x2 - x1) * (x2 - x3))
y3d3 = y3 / ((x3 - x0) * (x3 - x1) * (x3 - x2))a3 = y0d0 + y1d1 + y2d2 + y3d3
a2 = - y0d0*(x1+x2+x3) - y1d1*(x0+x2+x3) -
y2d2*(x0+x1+x3) - y3d3*(x0+x1+x2)a1 = y0d0*(x1*x2+x1*x3+x2*x3) + y1d1*(x0*x2+x0*x3+x2*x3) +
y2d2*(x0*x1+x0*x3+x1*x3) + y3d3*(x0*x1+x0*x2+x1*x2)a0 = - y0d0*(x1*x2*x3) - y1d1*(x0*x2*x3) -
y2d2*(x0*x1*x3) - y3d3*(x0*x1*x2)L(x) = (a3 * x^3) + (a2 * x^2) + (a1 * x) + a0
equations for computing Bezier control points:
L'(x) = (3 * a3 * x^2) + (2 * a2 * x) + a1
cx1 = x0 + (1/3 * (x3 - x0))
cx2 = x3 - (1/3 * (x3 – x0))m1 = L'(x0)
b1 = y0 - (m1 * x0)
cy1 = (m1 * cx1) + b1m2 = L'(x3)
b2 = y3 - (m2 * x3)
cy2 = (m2 * cx2) + b2(x0,y0) (cx1,cy1) (cx2,cy2) (x3,y3)
This solution is believed to offer very simple math and its
believed "optimum" solution is thought to also be the
shortest or "most efficient" curve length solution. But does
not normally maintain slope continuity with adjacent splines.Above algorithm copies are available here.
Many thanks to Robert Ackerman for his valuable input on this.
May 16. 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Here are a dozen plots that sort of suggest that the Lagrange
Method of drawing a cubic spline through four points is a
valid and useful concept.While certainly not proof, no reasonable doubt remains.
Many thanks to Robert Ackrman for his valuable input on this.
May 15. 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
A website listing the relative abundance of chemical elements can
be found here.The top dozen earth elements are...
Oxygen 46%
Silicon 27%
Aluminum 8.1%
Iron 6.3%
Calcium 5.0%
Magnesium 2.9%
Sodium 2.3%
Potassium 1.5%
Titanium 0.66%
Carbon 0.18%
Hydrogen 0.15%
Manganese 0.12%
One surprise is Lithium which is waay under what I expected,
and even got nosed out by Gallium.More elemental details here.
May 14. 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Some modernization and updates to the Drake Equation that
predicts extraterrestrial intelligence can be found here.Latest data suggests that one in five stars have planets in the
habitable zone.In general, the odds are now sharply higher. But one serious
problem remains in that the planet-moon arrangement that
seems to be needed for reasonable climatic stability seems
likely to be quite rare indeed.
May 13. 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
April pv prices are drifting somewhat downward but remain
just under double the subsidy free quarter a peak panel watt
required for genuine long term renewability and sustainability.Note that the link prices are in Euros, convertible here and
presently 1 Euro = 1.128 US Dollars.True net energy breakeven can reasonably be expected eight years
or so after the magic quarter per peak panel watt is hit.
Naturally, actually hitting this value will further set back
breakeven owing to the zillions of investment ( energy = dollars )
being thrown at an obvious sure bet.More here.
May 12. 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Picked up a huge pile of outrageously heavy and outrageously
expensive high current vector motor solid state speed controllers.Apparently unused and fully functional. Guaranteed usable.
If you are looking for some outstanding bargains on these, can
test them yourself, and can arrange your own loading and shipping,
( FOB Thatcher, AZ ) please email me.We seen to have a palace revolt over us shipping anything that cannot
be held extended at arm's length.We also can deliver at our convenience to certain Tucson or Phoenix
addresses for a flat $125 fee.
May 11. 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
I seem to have gotten myself buried in eBay inventory
that is likely not only unsellable but even unlistable.
So, I guess an inventory reboot is long past due.
Throwing away half of everything.Here's some guidelines on whether something should
be kept or not...
- Lottable at $9 or more.
- Expected return greater than $70.
- Near current production OR collectible.
- Price findable here, here, or here.
- Item sell rate to clear within 15 months.
- Free data available online.
- Clean or group refurbable.
- Can hold item at arm's length.
- Preferably priority mail shippable.
- Modest but definite sales elsewhere.
- Reasonably testable.
- Is it "pretty"?
- Storage needs not excessive.
- Unique items consistent with real demand.
- SBR near 30:1 maintainable.
- Properly located and inventory controlled.
- One sixth cost new price feasible.
- No bad vibes - feel good about item.
- Not particularly fragile or user abusable.
- Buyer incompetence unlikely.
So, I should have bunches of free stuff available for
the next few weeks. Whose only rule would be
"take one, take all". email me for details.
May 10. 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Always remember that you have no friends at an
auction! Least of all the auctioneer. Listen to
everything, volunteer nothing. Be invisible till it
is time to be in the auctioneer's face.
Dress down to the point of being shabby, but always
wear one very distinct hat or other piece of clothing.
If more than five percent of your bids win, you are
bidding far too high. Always stop bidding if anyone
is bidding against you and you even remotely approach
fair value.
Always stay for the end of the auction. In some cases,
utterly spectacular bargains will result. Especially if the
area has to be cleared for a new tenant or whatever.
Sometimes you can also make really great deals on unbid
or unsold items after the auction or during quiet times.
Don't sweat bidding on tons of garbage to get one or two
items. You can usually find someone to take (or even pay
for) the dregs after the auction. And abandoning stuff often
is not that big a deal.
Stay alert through numerous sitdown and meditation breaks,
sensible food and drink, mild painkillers, and frequent
restroom use.
Much more on our Auction Help page.
May 9. 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Can't put one over on her. Nosiree.
Little old lady to a companion at a recent live auction:
"Why, that man has been talking all morning!"
May 8, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
One of the foremost rules of eBay sales is to finish what
you start.
It is trivially easy to, say, do a bunch of batch processed
image photography or postprep only to have the work pile
up unlisted and unfinished for weeks or even months.There is no possibility of any cash return until after each
item is listed.A good rule is "If you touch it, deal with it." All the way
through listing.
May 7, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
What were my worst construction projects of all time?
After all, something had to end up on the bottom of the pile...A thermoelectric ice cube maker where the
heatsink rise vastly exceeded the module
delta T.A science fair proximity project where the
sensitivity was appallingly bad because of
a lack of understanding vacuum tube biasing.A pneumatic key presser for an IBM Selectric
typewriter that never quite got the 1 in 64
pneumatic decoder properly worked out.An X band car safety radar that involved then
outrageous reflex klystrons and a monumental
lack of end user interest.An ultra cheap color organ using nothing but
three power photoresistors and three light
bulbs but had an alarming tendency to self
destruct.A vehicle real time miles per gallon display that
in pre fuel injection times had serious flowmeter
issues. Plus, again, a lack of end user interest.An attempt to get plotters to draw integrated
circuit packages by merging Applewriter's WPL
with Hewlett Packard's HPGL. Leaving a vanishing
and fast closing market.A computer cassette interface that, while it
seemed to work properly, did not have nearly
the error rate studies and improvements that
clearly were necessary. Made instantly obsolete
by plummeting floppy drive prices.An Apple IIe graphics accelerator that attempted
to complexly table lookup HIRES graphics addresses
for only a minor possible speedup.Attempts at WWVB receivers that never could
quite get acceptable noise performance and error
rates.An advertising "Reddy Readout" based on a
winning college exhibit that was impossibly
difficult to hardwire program and only offered
a twelve character message.Some more credible projects can be found here.
May 6, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Few practical thermoelectric devices exist today. First
because of the Carnot Limit that tells us you can do no
better than the ratio of the absolute temperature difference.
And second because of thermal impedance effects in
which there is an unavoidable delta-T between the hot
side source and the device and a second delta-T between
the device and its ambient heat sink.It is trivially easy to have the delta-t between the device
and ambient grossly exceed the net cooling of the the
module itself. Thus heating instead of cooling.More on why thermoelectric cooling has not happened much
to date ( and is unlikely to anytime soon ) appears here.
May 5, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
I've long been unhappy with my Bezier Curve through four points
paper in that it was a somewhat sloppy approximation and involved
some rather fancy math.Several of us have been exploring some alternatives that I will
shortly be describing here that gives an exact "best" solution in
one pass with nothing but high school math.The math seems new, but it was previously hinted at here.
At the least the subject seems understudied and underreported.The algorithm now looks like this...
To draw the "best" Bezier cubic spline through four points...
1. Find the Lagrange Cubic Polynomial that exactly fits the four points.
2. Find the polynomial slopes at the initial and final points.
3. Calculate one third the x distance between the initial and final points.
4. Set the initial and final Bezier points to the first and last data points.
a. Set the entry Bezier x influence point to one third the distance
from the initial and final data points.
b. Set the entry Bezier y influence point to the initial y point plus
the initial slope times one third the distance from the initial and final data points.
c. Set the exit Bezier x influence point to two thirds the distance
from the initial and final data points.
d. Set the exit Bezier y influence point to the final y point minus
the final slope times one third the distance from the initial and final data points.
6. Implement the Bezier cubic spline.I'm still unsure where the "thirds" come from. They seem far too simple, but
appear to elegantly do the job.PostScript specific details and examples to follow.
May 3, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Just realized I had not mentioned my Elegant Simplicity paper
for a while.
May 2, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Separately, we are seeking out professional drone operators
for limited funding present canal mapping, and possibly full
blown and well funded long term mapping of over a hundred
miles(!) of still unexplored prehistoric hanging canal routes.A minimum drone capability of receiving a dozen waypoints,
HiDef GPS tagged recording to email or thumb drives, and auto
return would be required.Please email me if you have any interest in this.
May 1, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
There will be some guided tours of our bajada hanging canals
on May 11, 12, and possibly the 13th, attended by a bunch
of name brand professional archaeologists.A limited number of others are invited to attend on these
rare, unique, and no charge tours. You can email me for details.
April 30, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Added a new sampler page for our Marbelous Stacks
of distorted pancakes.This should shortly be linked with the rest of the gang
on our home page.
April 29, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Somewhere between one and three close in and potentially
habitable exoplanets have been newly discovered here
with some comments here.
April 28, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Haven't mentioned our Con Tests paper for a long while.
April 27, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Transferring binary images over the web can get very tricky
as certain characters ( especially 00, 0A, 0D ) might be reserved
along with others. The PostScript use of Hex ASCII is one
workaround, but doubles the needed characters.PostScript also offered a little known ASCII85 alternative in
which four binary bytes were coded as the first 85 ASCII
characters. This let you transfer unrestricted binary code
with only a 5/4 character penalty.Unfortunately, the web makes extensive use of opening and
closing carats, which pretty much trashes any present or
future use of ASCII85.
April 26, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
We looked at several generations of drawing a Cubic Spline
through four points, the latest of which was here.Since there are an infinite number of possible curves, a crude
but easy approximation was used that involved apportionment.The question remains what the "best" four point cubic spline is.
It turns out there is a ( seemingly ) wildly different math curve
called a Cubic Lagrange Polynomial that exactly fits four data
points using nothing but simple high school math.In general, Lagrange is somewhat in disfavor in that high "n"
solutions tend to have enormous "ears". But this is no a problem
when fitting four points with a cubic.An associate with a superb web site sent me this plot and
this plot that strongly suggests that one particular cubic spline
is in fact identical to the Lagrange Curve.The curves only verify for one resolution of one data point set.
But several web sites with unbearably heavy math verify that
the two curves can be identical. And a subset of a cubic should
still usually be a cubic. So the solution should be highly likely.This should be the "best" fit and the shortest as well.
The math relating the two should not be all that bad and
might start by equating end points, end slopes, and end
slope changes. I suspect it may end up as a simple two
linear equations in two unknowns class problem.More to follow when and if this can be worked out.
April 25, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Did I ever tell you my top secret fire lookout's gourmet
recipe for boiled can?The trick is the 24 hour prep time, as you boil it in last
night's dishwater.Since the label usually falls off, the original can contents
do not matter in the least.
April 24, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
And here is a new collection of marbelous synthesis examples.
Once again, what we've got is a stunning method to fake marbleizing
effects using a pile of distorted pancakes. Optionally using an
amazingly few coding bytes.The really big deal here is that this appears to be a new method to
generate computer effects that do not look at all like they were
done on a computer.
April 23, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The excessive bloat eases off!
Here's Stoner1 in 279 binary bytes...
<3330 3620 3339 3692 ad2e 3892 3892 8b2e
3220 3020 3020 2e39 202e 3420 3020 3020
2e32 202e 3520 2e32 2030 2030 202e 3320
2e34 202e 3320 3120 2e38 202e 362f 647b
923e 3392 5892 a992 002e 3992 3e65 7870
926c 9201 7d64 6566 2f73 7b31 9258 3292
6c73 696e 926c 3320 3292 8792 0192 3e7d
6465 662f 467b 2d31 3837 2032 3520 3138
387b 2d36 3020 647d 9248 3435 2073 5b2d
3633 2031 3338 5d7b 3630 2064 7d92 492d
3930 2073 202d 3132 9201 5b2d 3136 3320
3338 2032 3338 5d7b 3630 2064 7d92 4934
3520 737d 6465 6620 3330 3020 2d34 2032
7b92 3830 2046 926b 3020 2e30 3220 3336
307b 3292 1932 9219 636f 7392 6c33 2031
9287 7369 6e92 6c46 9263 9275 7d66 6f72
9275 3392 1992 9d31 3820 3392 8792 1692
427d 666f 7292 a1> cvx exec
% EOFFor web compatibility, I've shown this in a somewhat larger but
web and comm friendly Hex ASCII format.More here.
April 22, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Some free sources of many scientific papers can be found
at http://sci-hub.cc/ with use details here and a lively
analysis here.
April 21, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
My PostScript video can be found here.
No, it has not yet gone viral. Sniffle, maybe.
April 20, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
No, I am not making this up.
The Lawrence Welk version of One Toke Over the Line can be linked here.
Much more ( 100 million entries per day! ) here, a detailed analysis
here, and the curious origin of the analysis here.
April 19, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Here is a rare Heathkit IB-28 that we just put up on
eBay. As usual, the photo processing turned out not
half bad.The pix started with outdoor photography in light shade.
The image was then rotated to vertically align the front
edge. A second exposure was then made with Imageview32
to improve the meter contrast and the two images blended
and merged with Paint.The architects perspective was then corrected using this routine,
followed by backing off the reds by one notch to make sure
there were no inadvertent red=255 pixels remaining.Since this offering was highly collectible, very little internal
image postproc was done. Except for minor hot spot or
glare or other lighting correction.Paint was then used to outline with a purple that included
red=255. While no undercuts or internal fills were involved
here, both often may need dealt with.The image crop was adjusted for an acceptable final appearance.
A new background was then dropped in using our self-
vignetting autobackgrounder. From this choice of web
friendly PostScript colors.Final appearance was adjusted by cropping to 1000 pixels,
improving sharpness and image factors, and finally saved
in the .JPG image format.
April 18, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
There's somewhat of an alternate to Cubic Splines that
are called Lagrange Polynomials that can end up
both interesting and useful sometimes.What these do is draw a somewhat smooth curve
precisely through N data points. And does so using
the lowest possible order polynomial. Using only
simple high school math.Ferinstance, only a cubic polynomial is needed to
draw a smooth curve through four data pints. A
somewhat comparable cubic spline solution can be
found here.There are several gotchas. While the polynomial
does in fact go through the four data points, it
sometimes may deviate wildly from what is
expected between the data points. This can become
unacceptable in the case of lots of many equally spaced
points near the two end points.Also, some functions must be limited between 0 and 1.
Such as image gamma or brightness or contrast. Solutions
to the Lagrange polynomials may briefly exceed 1 or
actually go slightly negative.
April 17, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Yorg. eBay, in their infinite wisdom chose to deemphasize
an old CGI link. Which trashed hundreds of different locations
on my website.
And it is going to take me a very long time to fix.It is super important to NEVER change any link that may
have hundreds, or even thousands, of third party sites
that are referencing your site. If a link target becomes
obsolete, it should be replaced with a referral that preserves
the original intent.It is also a really good idea to use includes when and where
possible via .shtml files. That way, you may only have to
correct a problem once ( in your "subroutine" file ) rather
that having to repeat yourself hundreds or thousands of
times. But that would not have helped much here.Your Fatcow or other stats can give you a priority list
of the sites that should be changed first. This is going
to take a long time to fix.
April 16, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Coverage on our PostScript fractal ferns can be found
here, here, here, and here.This is yet another example of stunningly compact PS code.
April 15, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
March pv prices are drifting somewhat downward but remain
up by two percent for the year and remain just over double the
subsidy free quarter a peak panel watt required for genuine
long term renewability and sustainability.True energy breakeven can reasonably be expected eight years
or so after the magic quarter per peak panel watt is hit.
Naturally, actually hitting this value will further set back
breakeven owing to the zillions of investment ( energy = dollars )
being thrown at an obvious sure bet.More here.
April 14, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Sometimes minor infuriations can tarnish an otherwise
great program.Example #1- If you try and copy a lat lon out of Acme
Mapper into email or Dreamweaver, an annoying
color background may result. The workaround is to
copy the lat lon into Wordpad and then copy Wordpad
into your destination.Example #2- For some reason, my copy of Dreamweaver
does not include a spell checker. Simply start to email
yourself a copy of the problem text and most spelling
errors ( plus a bunch of non errors ) should pop right up.And Sneaky Ploy #3 - If you are not sure of a spelling,
simply search for it in Google. Most of the time, it will
suggest the correct spelling.
April 13, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
One of the major secrets that banks don't want you to
know about: Mortgages pay off the interest first and the
principle last.As a result, the amount of principle paid on the earliest
payments is largely negligible. Thus, it may not be that
big a deal to increase your early payments by five principle
amounts.And doing so reduces your thirty year mortgage
to as little as a six year mortgage. The only
downside to this top secret ploy is that you might
get trapped in the middle if you do not follow
through and actually pay off the loan. And there
may be prepayment penalties, so always check.Ferinstance, a $100,000 30 year 5 percent loan,
nearly half the money goes for interest. And
month payment goes for interest.You can follow the math easily using this or
similar sites.
April 12, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
There appears to be emerging new interest on several
fronts by Coronado National Forest over our bajada prehistoric
hanging canals. A reasonable question is to ask how many
of the 70 canals and 100+ miles of route are on home turf?The bottom line is that the majority of the canal routings are
on state land, with some others on BLM or private lands.
The overwhelming majority of the upstream canal water sources
lie nearly totally under CNF lands. With a very few artesian
exceptions.Here are some potential in-bounds CNF study areas...
The Veech Canal is the southernmost known
example at N 32.64255 W 109.74288 is mid sized.
The preservation appears to be exceptional but the
canal remains woefully understudied.A complex group of canals derived from John's
Dam and in the are of Ledford Tank lies primarily
on CNF lands around and also remains understudied.
These are in and around N 32.68226 W 109.74660There are verified spectacularly engineered watershed
crossing (!) canals in the system. One crucially unproven
one lies wholly with CNF at N 32.74500 W 109.83889
Whose very existence appears to be demanded to
rationalize the entire Frye Mesa delivery complex.Another watershed crossing appears possible under a
CNF water project at N 32.77788 W 109.95537 and needs
further study. Without this, Sand Canal sourcing
appears very weak.Another "borrow the blueprints" modern CNF water
project seems to overlay a crucial portion of the Frye
Mesa Complex at N 32.74774 W 109.83898. Of
particular concern is a pinch point and a short hanging
portion.Mud Springs and Jernigan Canals share a common takein
at the CNF boundary at N 32.78755 W 109.8546 Extensive
Octave Storm flood damage may have obliterated much
of the routing but needs careful further study.
Marijilda canyon has numerous sites, short range
delivery channels and a main still flowing historically
refurbed prehistoric canal. Area is around N 32.70691
W 109.77675.Braided delivery channels on lower Frye Mesa form
the crucial source for the HS Canal and the Robinson
Canal and definitely need major further study.
Includes a pinch point and major CCC rework in
and around N 32.75752 W 109.82602The Deadman Canal takein has been buried under
a historic pipeline at N 32.74193 W 109.80928 It
needs further study to prove its exact route.
April 11, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
There is an alternate to pv panels that potentially offers much
higher efficiency and much lower costs. Simply use an antenna
followed by a diode. This completely bypasses any efficiency
robbing work function issues, and potential efficiencies might
eventually approach 80 percent.The antenna part takes MEMS but it has been pretty much
verified from way back in the days of AlvinMarks and Lumeloid.
And significant new portions of the antenna part can now be
found here. The antennas do, of course, have to be rather small,
typically around a quarter wavelength of light.The antennas receive solar energy and deliver a ( very )
high frequency electrical sinewave. The presently unsolved
dilemma is how to convert that high frequency sinewave
into a useful energy waveform with a high dc term.More on energy stuff here.
April 10, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
An extension to the Freeman Canal has newly been discovered
from N 32.78961 W 109.76281 to N 32.78961 W 109.76281.
The constructs are both well preserved and as expected prehistoric
architecture.The new routing clarifies some of the awkwardness of earlier
Freeman discoveries. It also suggests a possible record length of as
much as eight miles. Also suggested is the possibility of a prehistoric
origin to the historic Blue Ponds Canal.
April 9, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Once again expanded and updated our Gila Valley
Dayhikes page. We are now up to 450 main entries,
most of which now include GPS location links.
Please email me with anything I missed or that needs
further updating.
April 8, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
A simplified explanation of the marbelosity algorithms can
be found here, here, and here.It turns out that the process does not involve marbleizing at
all. Instead, you can think of this as a pile of centered and
progressively diminishing pancakes. Each pancake is created
by starting with a Minsky Circle and then distorting or
transforming each circle edge as influenced by linear or
circular tines. Tines that "stir the paint"The further away the tine, the less its transformative effect.
Each circle thus has a raggedy outline but a continuous fill.
Perfect edge alignment takes place with each smaller overlay.The key mind boggelers here are the potential extreme
code compactness. And its literally revolutionary UNsimilarity
that offers the potential for "not looking like it was done on a computer.Kiddies, this is ultra profound. And beyond beyond.
April 7, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
A rather large collection of mulch rings can be found at
N 32.78810 W 109.76640 with a typical photo here. Mulch rings are
prehistoric circular arrangements of single height rocks typically
three feet or so in diameter and a dozen feet or so apart.A single plant is usually believed centered, often an Agave. Rainfall
runs under the rocks and thus evaporates a lot more slowly.While only a few to a dozen rings are often present, this site is quite
extensive, perhaps many dozens or even a yet uncounted hundred.
Definitely an "adequate supply".
While often older, these do seem to have sparse potsherds in
association, suggesting a late classic era. This appears to be the
largest known collection to date.
The possibly unrelated Freeman bajada hanging canal is also close nearby.Others refer to these as "cairns". But I strongly feel that the term
is very misleading as they are invariably only a single rock thick
or high .
April 4, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
One of our recurring themes around here is bashing
Topics have included water powered cars
( an outright scam ), pv panels ( all still remain
gasoline destroying net energy sinks ),
Tesla Turbines ( that demand inefficiency to work
at all ), on-board vehicle hydrogen ( a dynamic
brake in disguise ), the magic lamp ( incompetent
rms measurements run amok ), electrolysis
( guaranteed useless by exergy ), corn ethanol
( a worthless twelve billion dollar vote buying scam ),
and Brown's Gas ( bad labwork mixed with unusual
but expected results ), among many others.
There are, of course, other sides to these issues.
Often hosted by few-chips-shy-of-a-full-board
types who may be extreme litigants, paranoid,
nasty trick troublemakers, investors in denial,
just plain stupidly clueless, or worse. While others
may directly confront these types, I go out of my
way to stay "two levels" away from them.
By never directly confronting any of them, never
mounting an ag-hominem attack, and always
trying to present factual and unarguable fundamental
physical law info. That can be independently verified.
Otherwise, you may become what you are attacking.
"They", of course, will never be convinced. The message
should be aimed as education for others who might
get sucked into their ludicrosities.
April 3, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Question: Would not any attempt at restricting traditional South-of-the-
border cash payments simply cause everybody who is not already using
Bitcoin to immediately switch? Thus immediately rendering any new
legislation laughably useless and monumentally stupid?Besides creating the exact opposite of its intended effect.
Such thinking seems to me to only be caused by long hours in the outhouse
April 2, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Some other prehistoric bajada hanging canal drone projects come to mind...
Finding the Ash Creek takein at N 32.78794 W 109.85488
Resolving the Frye falls pinch point at N 32.74723 W 109.83900
Verifying the Frye Creek diversion at N 32.74355 W 109.83951
Extending the Golf Course canal at N 32.79929 W 109.78085
Exploring Robinson canal start at N 32.75981 W 109.80800
Mapping and verifying Veech canal at N 32.64272 W 109.74282
Verifying the East Deadman canal at N 32.75459 W 109.78137
Tracing the possible Discovery canal at N 32.79460 W 109.72933
.... plus great heaping bunches more once reasonable cost, experience,
and access of drones can be made a standard exploration tool in the Gila
April 1, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Few people realize that the word "gullible" does not appear
in any major dictionary or spell checker.
March 31, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Our prehistoric hanging canal studies obviously demand the
use of drones. But I have been hesitant to run out and
buy a $25,000 system, only to have it promptly vanish
forever off the edge of a mesa.As far as I can tell, there are all sorts of utterly amazing
drone features, but a thirty day downed craft beacon
does not seem to yet be one of them.Turns out that Jeremy Green of Eastern Arizona Ag
Services is newly offering bunches of cotton farmer
oriented drone services, some of which might be
adaptable to our prehistoric canal work.Here is the projected first flight path, aimed at
checking drone potential and finding a missing
piece of the Mud Springs Canal...
Meanwhile, if you happen to have a few spare
orphan drones, please dump them in my driveway and
I'll find some nice homes for them.
March 30, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The apparently valid and legit Japan Nuke Frozen Wall story might
have been more believable if it had not been released on April
Fools Day.But it still begs the question "Who writes their material?"
They might not need to keep their day job.
March 29, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
In these days of terabytes and petabytes, writing compact code
has largely become a lost ( and largely pointless ) art.Nonetheless, PostScript continues to allow incredibly small routines
for generating marbelous art.Here, here, here, and here is a rendition writing an impressive
stoner marbelosity in a mere 470 bytes!This does take secret insider stuff including binary encoding and
totally trashes legibility. The question remains: Can you do am
impressive PostScript marbelosity in less than 200 bytes?
March 28, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
In several ways, the marbelosity stuff would appear to be the
exact opposite of fractal art.A fractal is a grouping of self-similar objects, often of different
scales. A marbelosity is a grouping of self UNsimiliar objects,
often of the same scale.Very often, stuff done on a computer looks like it was done
on a computer. Instead, marbelosity introduces unexpected
variance and potentially allows a whole new class of "not
quite symmetric" algorithmic constructs.
March 27, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Wasting a whole 800 bytes on a PostScript marbelous plot
seems excessively bloated. It turns out there are "secret"
Postscript compaction stunts that include binary token encoding
and binary object sequences as found in the PostScript Reference
Manual.Can you code an impressive marbelosity in less than two
hundred bytes?
March 26, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Absolutely and unquestionably marbelous.
Here's a summary of some of the key correspondence over
the PostScript marbleizing stuff from the past few weeks...marble1.eml
minimum bytes stoner1
marbelous synthesis variations1
Nonlinear Graphic Transforms
Wikipedia Paper marbleizing
Marbleizing Mathematics Tutorial
Basically what you have is an incredibly powerful artwork
generator of particular interest to scrapbook folks that uses
astonishingly short PostScript code sequences to generate
huge areas of "not quite" symmetrical patterns that appear
distinctly non-computer and incredibly complex.While intended to mimic classic book cover marbleizing, they
have far greater potential for anywhere you want a computer
to do something that does not look like it was done on a computer.To use, just send any .psl textfiles to GhostScript or Acrobat
Distiller. Note that .eml files need copied to an email server
for viewing.
March 25, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
While hard to understand and tricky to use, the heap sort
is usually ridiculously faster than most other sorts. Per
the tutorial here and working code here.Meanwhile, two variations on the good old bubble sort
can be found here.
March 24, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
A tutorial on the Bitmap Data Format can be found here.
And three use examples are our Architect's Perspective
routine, our Vignetting Auto-Backgrounder, and our
Bitmap Typewriter.
March 23, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Ah, the law of the unintended consequence.
A case can be made that the ONLY positive benefit of years
of federal, state, and local mj lawmaking has been stunning
mj farm subsidies and price supports. Price supports outrageously
higher than any other ag commodity anytime ever.Since these subsidies are obviously about to be eliminated
completely, it is reasonable to ask what a mj baseline price
might be in the absence of outrageous federal supports.Cotton is sort of a comparable crop except that its ginning
is somewhat more involved. With cotton now at 62 cents a
pound, the unsupported mj pricing can reasonably be
expected to come in somewhere around 59 cents a pound.And reasonably could be standardized at a similar industrial
500 pound bale. With anything less personal use.Several side effects could reasonably be expected. The
banking issues would largely vanish, and any mj crime could
reasonably be expected to end up largely comparable in size to,
say, the heinous problems with cotton theft issues. Black market
mj could likewise be expected to end up somewhat smaller
than the cotton black market.One other likely side effect: state and local tax income projections
could end up somewhat shy of expectations. But perhaps only by
five or six orders of magnitude.Much more ( 100 million entries per day! ) here, a detailed analysis
here, and the curious origin of the analysis here.
March 22, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The latest Jim Neely paper can be found here. It is more on
Iran archaeology than on the Safford basin. One incredible
find is a prehistoric hydraulic grist mill.
March 21, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Some useful directories to Netflix streaming video availability
can be found here.Of these, I particularly like Metacritic and Instawatcher.
March 20, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Plans might be underfoot for a major institution doing a
long term archaeological field camp in the Gila Valley.Much as I feel that our bajada hanging canals represent
spectacular and woefully understudied mind boggling
world class engineering, there would seem to me to be
at least seven competing issues a Safford field school
should reasonably address...1. Bajada Hanging Canals
2. The Grids
3. Riverine Canals
4. Aproned Check Dams
5. Mulch Rings
6. Ho Hum Usual Suspects ruins
7. Training Aspects.
An argument could be made that the riverine canals
are virtually historisized or totally buried under fields.
But they clearly retain strong significance and their
study would be rather conspicuous by its absence.
March 19, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Another new local food truck is Nana's Kitchenette, newly
found at the most spectacular Golf Course in the entire
Bonita-Eden-Sanchez Metropolitan Area. Open Sundays
and most weekdays, but closed Mondays.A wide choice of somewhat pricey burgers are upscale but
not quite gourmet. Breakfast stuff, too.
March 18, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of
the precipitate.
March 17, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
A major breakthrough in mass teleportation can be found here.
March 16, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
February pv prices remain nearly flat at double the 25 cents
peak panel watt price demanded for eventual net energy
renewability or sustainability.More on similar topics here.
March 15, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Received an email from an individual wanting to
liquidate a large Barbie Doll collection. They were
surprised that not one local auction house so much
as returned their calls.
In general, most individuals tend to grossly overvalue
common collectibles. Just because they spent a lifetime
acquiring them and spent zillions of dollars on them.
A quick check on eBay shows nearly 10,000 Barbie
listings. The overwhelming majority of these are no
sales at 99 cents or $9.90. But there are a very few
spectacular sales of multi thousands of dollars for
very rare or highly unique items. Some of these may
be bogus, be money laundering, or fail to close.
The Klaus Barbies are particularly in demand because
of their extreme rarity.
Some guidelines...
SPLIT IT UP -- Almost certainly, a much higher
total return will be gotten by selling individual
METER IT OUT -- Spreading the sales of the
individual items over a one year period is also
likely to maximize your return.
DO IT YOURSELF -- The higher your personal
value added, the greater the likelihood of a higher
total net return.
KNOW YOUR VALUES -- Thorough research
of present market values are an absolute must.
USE THE BIGGIES -- Obvious "top dog" choices
for selling most anything these days are eBay for
smaller items of national interest and Craig's List
for larger and heavier local ones. But do not
overlook specialized enthusiast resources
and consignment sellers demand a return on their
time and risk. Figure twenty percent for an auction,
fifty percent for consignment, and less than a
penny on the dollar on outright instant buyouts.
can be extremely difficult to return one cent on the
dollar on common low end collectibles. Especially
wildly overrated items such as anything from the
Franklin Mint.
An eBay selling tutorial appears here. With additional
auction support here, and your own custom regional
auction finders here.
March 14, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
One of the things an auctioneer hates to
talk about and rarely mentions goes by the
historic name of rights of abandonment.
Specifically, can you bid on something at
an auction, take home one or two of the
goodies and simply walk away from great
heaping piles of poisoned dregs?
There's no universal and clear cut answer
to this question. But here are some factors
to consider...
GIVEAWAYS - Chances are there will
be others bidding who have already won
enormous lots and you can simply give
your unwanted items to them. AFTER,
of course a VERY careful triage.
LEFTOVERS - Auctioneers often haul
anything of even questionable value that
remains home for their monthly barn sales.
BIG CLEANUP ANYWAY - Some sites will
require major cleanup for a new leasee. If
your trash is only a minor fraction, it may go
UN-HIGHGRADING - Sometimes the worst
of the worst of your items can mysteriously
end up on adjacent pallets. But only AFTER
the auction is over.
WATCH YOUR TERMS - Auctions where
"winner must take all" terms are specifically
stated can be bad news. Especially if anything
is in writing.
WHICH AUCTIONEER? -- Pissing off a fly-in
auctioneer you probably will never see again
is not nearly as bad a scene as causing problems
for a regular you depend on for repeat income.
private property and may be clearly marked
that you cannot use them. But you might get
away with a small fraction of a load spread once
over several non-obvious locations.
charges on dumps and landfills can be as low as
$8 per load or so. Know where these services
are and their hours.
PAY OFF THE HELP -- Chances are there are
some minimum wage workers for the auctioneer
or the site whom $20 and "make it go away" will
work miracles.
TAKE ALL YOU CAN -- If there is room in your
truck or trailer or whatever, fill it as full as you can.
Unexpected value can sometimes be found in even
the worst of dregs.
WATCH LOT MARKINGS - If the lots are not
clearly and plainly marked, it can be difficult later
on to find out who abandoned what.
units can cost as little as $50 pre month and may
give you the opportunity to more carefully review
any dregs. Or use multiple trips in smaller vehicles.
BUY THE DREGS -- Sometimes you can turn this
all around and buy what others have abandoned
for a pittance. IF you know what you are doing,
IF you have the truck or trailer room, and IF you
have the time and help to profit from same.
Much more on our Auction Help library page.
March 13, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
One of the realities of small scale product
development is that, any time you have reached
a given level, "they" will loudly moan that you
haven't done "x". Get up to "x" and they will then
demand "y". In a never ending upward spiral.
Good theory? Where's the development tools?
Good tools, where's the chips? Good chips, where's
the baseline hardware demos? Good demos, where's
the pre-production prototypes? Good firmware, where
is the proven market and sales? And on and on...
No matter how far along the idea mortality curve
you are, the bitchers and moaners will continue
to bitch and moan. And scams, ripoffs, and obvious
violators of fundamental physical laws will get
more attention and better funding.
Meanwhile, of course, your own ideas get stolen.
Four defenses:
IGNORE "THEM" -- Because "they" are
not going to buy from you anyway. And only
rarely, if ever, will they identify a real issue.
Chances are "they" never tried developing
anything themselves and do not have the
faintest clue over the realities involved.
SELL RISK REDUCTION -- "Invention" and
"inventing" are rife with peril. But genuinely
being able to dramatically reduce a firm's time
to market and NRE expenses are another matter
entirely. Some guidelines appear here.
If you have had winners in the past, others will
surely follow. Some better. Some worse. But never
give up. The winners will pay for those that m&Iss
ever seeing the light of day.
matter in the least if you are developing an
amplifier with nothing to amplify. If you want to do
it, go for it. Nothing else matters.
March 12, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
A tutorial on Fundamental Factors Driving Recent Technical
Innovation appears here.
March 11, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The Frye Mesa Complex would appear to be the "crown jewels"
of our bajada hanging canal systems. These appear to combine
solidly verified constructs with what remains as rank speculation.
Portions also appear to demand exceptional engineering and project
management as well. which still remain unverified and unproven.Elsewhere in the system, virtually every drop of northeastern Mount
Graham water has apparently been fully exploited. While no Frye Creek
intake has yet been verified, the absence of any such use would appear to
have been highly unlikely or unintuitive.Instead, a "watershed crossing" diversion of Frye Creek water above
the falls is postulated that routed all the creek water northward in the
area of the spring in spring canyon, possibly following the topographically
favorable present trail routing from N 32.74403 W 109.83944 to
N 32.74553 W 109.83939.
We note in passing that there is a superbly situated Mud Springs watershed
crossover precisely and optimally located at N 32.79162 W 109.85395. And
that an unproven candidate watershed crossover located at N 32.77850
W 109.9567 likely might resolve some supply problems for the Sand Canal
via a Nuttall Canyon crossover..The combined Frye Creek and Spring waters were then either diverted down
Spring canyon raw drainage to form the Allen Canal takein at N 32.78241
W 109.83555 or routed directly down Frye Mesa to eventually serve as
many as five additional canals.
A small dam remains at the projected combination point and still
serves as a source for a Forest Service water project that appears to
be a "steal the plans" variation on a prehistoric original.There is a "pinch point" at N 32.74741 W 109.83897 that appears to
clearly define the only possible down mesa canal route. From here,
the canal is believed to enter a significant hanging portion to the highest
allowable mesa routing at N 32.75095 W 109.83749. Evidence of this
crucial segment remains weak.
There appears to be CCC rework in this area in the form of cross channel
checkdams. These do seem to be remarkably consistent with similar
constructs further downstream. There is a second "knife edge"
pinch point at N 32.75747 W 109.82554 where an extremely narrow mesa
portion also defines what appears to be the only permissible constant
downward slope route.There seem to be a mix of braided, alternate, and revised channels along
this route, some of which seem to include apparent CCC rework. The
apparent destination is a small switchable ponding area at N 32.76012
W 109.81131 At this point a choice can apparently be made to continuing
eastwardly to form the Robinson Ditch or spectacularly southwesterly
to form the counterflowing HS Canal.The HS Canal appears to be by far the most significant construct in the
entire bajada hanging canal system, and there is not the slightest doubt
that its intent was to continue careful delivery to further downstream
water projects. While such canals have not yet been positively
linked, they are presently thought to include the Golf Course canal,
the Freeman Canal, constructs in the Riggs Mesa area, the and reworked
modern Blue Ponds Canal.
March 10, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
And here and here and here and here are some very welcome third party
comments on the PostScript marbeling stuff we have been looking at.Basically what happens here is we have a concentric pile of progressively
smaller pancakes. What started out as a filled circle gets nonlinearity "bent"
to do all the hippy dippy stuff.Once this stuff is fully understood ( original tutorial here ), there are zillions
of new possibilities for ultra compact and stunningly detailed artwork options.
March 9, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Here's an older classic review on PostScript linear and
nonlinear transforms. The transform operator details
can also be found here.
March 8, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Netscape over smart Vizio chokes on three yellow WiFi bars, but
works just fine with four green ones. We had been having some time
of day issues that still are not quite resolved.Potential causes are neighboring interference, absorption from the
water in human bodies, extreme position sensitivity where even an
inch or two can make a major difference, critical antenna alignment,
possible window films, or simply trying to communicate too far with WiFi.Present thinking is that a WiFi range extender should fix things,
but we are having trouble getting it properly set up.
March 7, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The Supremes just went platinum!
Per details here and here and here. See no evil. Hear no evil.
Am I the only one who noted there are no useful roads between
Colorado and Oklahoma?
March 6, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Befuddlement 101. I am having trouble understanding this
theory that produces this image using this PostScript Code.
It remains astonishingly brilliant and seems to have the
potential ( assuming anyone still cares ) of being rewritten
in an amazingly few bytes of code.All we really have is a centered pile of progressively smaller
Raggedy Anne bordered pancakes here. Each pancake starts
off as a plain old circular disk. Done with the in-itself brilliant
Minsky Circle technique, with plain old trig, or possibly even
with the PostScript arcto operator.The outside defining path of each "circle" is then transformed using
a magic hippy dippy THC transform, which I presently do not
have the faintest clue how it works. "The weather forecast for
tonight is mostly dark."We have perfect edge alignment since each circle is simply
filled on top of its underlying larger one. And, as usual with
PostScript, procs get sharper with increasing size.Can you help me understand the HDTHC transform?
Can you rewrite the code in, say 879 bytes?
March 5, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
There's a newer USB style oscilloscope called the SainSmart
DDS120 that seems to have an interesting mix of properties that
include 20 MHz and $60 with a pair of probes.One major gotcha: Because of USB power, you are limited to
5 volts max with a 1X probe or 50 volts max with a 10X probe.I've got one on order and will comment on how it turns out.
March 4, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Apparently drone rental services are becoming readily
available and seem to be of particular interest to our
local farmers.
One such service is available through Jeremy Green
of the Eastern Arizona AG Center. Otherwise reached
by (928) 322-6629 . Typical farm survey prices are
around $4 per acre.Naturally, our Prehistoric Bajada Hanging Canals could
not care less about acres. With a canal, it is all about feet
and hours and travel time.
We also do not need much in the way of image post
processing and should be able to do much of this to
meet our own special needs by ourself.Despite rapidly dropping drone prices, I've been very
reluctant to buy one, because I could see one just barely
vanishing forever off the edge of a mesa. And despite
spectacular new nav and stability options, I've yet to see
a drone that includes a month long downed craft alarm.
March 3, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Understanding something called a Minsky Circle is the
key to starting to understand our recent stoner PostScript
art. Surprisingly, this is just a simple, brilliant, and disgustingly
elegant way to approximate a circle or an ellipse in integer
XY space.One of the most fundamental ways of generating anything is
to make an analog or digital equation model of the underlying
differential equations involved. An integral is simply the
accumulated area under a curve. The integral of a cosine
wave is a sinewave . The integral of a sinewave is minus
a cosine wave.
Close the loop and bingo.The inane way I remember who gets flipped is to "Design
Positive". AKA the derivative of a sinewave is plus the
cosine wave. If in doubt, make a simple integral sketch.For an analog sinewave, you simply integrate twice and then
invert. And XY plotting a sinewave against its companion
cosine should produce a circle. For an ellipse, just change
the X or Y scale.For analog apps, there is one additional crucial but tiny
detail. You have to stabilize each integration to an overall
unity gain. HP solved the "make a clean sinewave" problem
long ago by throwing a nonlinear incandescent light bulb into
the loop for some stable negative feedback.The Minsky Circle does the same thing digitally in integer
XY space. And automatically handles the amplitude
stabilization problem for us. Going "once around" leaves
you exactly back where you started.The Minsky algorithm is simply...
while ( true )
{ x += d * y
y -= d * x
}...And just whip it once around.
March 2, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
I attended a recent seminar on overgrazing.
When they asked the audience what the indicator species
for overgrazing were, they got rather upset with my answer
of "cows".
March 1, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Apparently a brand new British publication chose to name
themselves Radio-Electronics. These folks have nothing
whatsoever to do with the rich history of classic Gernsback
publications having similar or related names.Meanwhile, much of the entire hardware hacking history
of the classic constructor pubs can be freely downloaded.
Along with many of my own tutorials and construction
projects here.
February 29, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Way back when, I had this thoughts on refurb project
that was supposed to be an ongoing feature, but it
kinda fell by the wayside.Some of the original notes bear repeating though...
Make a determination as quickly as possible whether
an item can be sold as is, as is with minor cleanup,
needs minor repair, needs major rework, sellable as
is, sellable for parts, mixed and matched with others
in the group, stripped for parts, held for parts, or
flushed outright.
A dozen projects needing minor rework (tighten the
screws, replace knobs, improve cosmetics) can be
done in the time it takes to doing anything major to
one item. And much more certainly.
Always ask "What am I getting into?" Have your
hired help do the routine stuff such as any initial
cleanup and final out-the-door appearance upgrading.
Spend your own time where it will do the most good;
but delegate otherwise. eBay can often be used as a
lending library to get the repair and service manual
for any higher ticket item that has a high probability
of repair. Always try to have full tech info before
attempting anything major in the way of repairs.
Often the manual can be resold at a profit or as item
added value. It is super important to keep your refurb
area clear! Ideally, a project should be handled only
once. If absolutely necessary while waiting for parts,
the item can be placed in a tote and tagged with any
required further action.Any item kept for ten weeks without completing refurb
will most likely never be finished. Continually review
all of these projects for downgrading and elimination.
The earlier you flush an unsellable product and the less
time you spend with it, the lower your losses in dealing
with it.
There is no point in trying to compete with instrument
repair and calibration houses. Normally, the unit
should be brought up to "clean used - appears fully
functional - guaranteed to be serviceable" condition.
Warranty repairs or trying to meet original specs are
another game entirely. One that takes all sorts of
special gear, NIST traceability, factory authorization,
and expertise. In exchange for lower prices, the
buyer is expected to assume more risk.
While it pays to keep an inventory of crucial items for
some popular gear (such as common hardware and
HP or Tektronix knobs), stashing tons and tons of
random replacement parts makes no sense to me
If you do not like the vibes at any time or point
during refurb, flush or downgrade the project.
Never sell anything you feel bad about in any
The final key test is "Would you be proud to keep
this as a personal tool or instrument?"
Some of the simplest tools will often end up the most
useful. Hex Allen wrenches, Vise Grips, and live power
field tracers for sure. Potent cleaners and goop
removers. Fresh adhesives that include silicon rubber
(use most), epoxy, and superglue.
Sources of repair and replacement items include a
hardware store or two, Small Parts, W.W.Grainger,
and McMaster-Carr. Plus, of course, such electronic
houses as Digi-Key, Mouser, or as last resorts,
Allied or Newark. Do not attempt any repair or
refurb without having the bare minimum test
m equipment needed to properly deal with it.
A modern oscilloscope (or its pc equivalent) is
essential for just about any technical work. Be
sure to research item demand before you even
think about beginning refurb. Useful tools include
present and past eBay sales, Google, Thomas
Register, the Wayback Machine, or the fine
sci.electronics design and sci.electronics.repair
newsgroups .It is often possible to take a dozen broken identical
items and end up with ten good ones by mixing and
matching parts. This often will end up your most
economical refurb and upgrading route. It is infinitely
better to compete three of four refurb items than to
have dozens of them piling up unfinished.
Do not start any new projects before you eliminate
some of the older ones. Second tier brands are
probably not worth pissing over. HP (Agilent) and
Tektronix test items are a lot more sellable than
everything else put together. But HP Oscilloscopes
are totally worthless, their last useful one being
the 130C.
February 28, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Home energy monitors sure seem to be slow in developing.
One concept I looked at long ago was the Isopod, which
I never got around to further developing.The key issues seem to be load sensing and telling which
load is active when. And performing these tasks without
raising needing an electrician, expensive custom installations,
or serious safety or tampering issues.For various reasons, cities and municipalities do not seem
to want to give a homeowner reasonable access to their
smart meters. Black and Decker does have a home energy
monitor that works with traditional meters, but it is tricky
to get their "wheel watcher" to be consistently reliable.
This scheme also measures total power, rather than which
load is costing you how much wen. .A new outfit called Sense offers some semi-smart monitoring
based on changes in power consumption sometimes being
traceable to one particular load. For instance, the watts
being drawn by an electric water heater should be fairly
well defined and consistent. But it is not at all clear how
the system can tell nearly identical power loads, or loads
that are time variant.I still feel the Isopod concept should be viable in which one
wire to each individual load can be accessed and snapped around.
These days with instant supercomputers and WiFi all over hell and
gone, it should be no big deal to tag and uniquely identify each and
every major electrical load.Several smartphone sensing aps are newly available.
Meanwhile, check with your utility every six months or so to see
if they newly offer customer meter reading on demand services.
More on energy fundamentals here.
February 27, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The "next big thing" seems likely to be solid state microwave
ovens. NXP Semiconductor has come out with a MHT1003N
transistor rated 250 watts, 2450 MHz, and $14.This potentially blows away magnetrons, but learning curve issues
remain, along with ultra cheap magneton economics. The new
transistors are also more efficient and deal with partial loadings
and high VSWR situations much better.At present, magnetron power remains substantially higher,
but there are definite advantages to using multiple transistors
for better cavity coupling. Efficiency and lifetime is also better.It is thus reasonable to expect a "pricey and wimpy" product phase
for a while.
February 26, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
"Marbleizing" or "Stoner" images written in the PostScript language
can end up amazingly simple yet enormously complex. But work in highly
unusual, unexpected, and non-obvious ways.
Here's some highly preliminary "adjustments" and comments I have made
to some third party source code that hints at some of the amazing possibilities.One pdf file is called stoner1x.pdf Its sourcecode is found as stoner1x.psl
A second pdf file is called tatum1.pdf Its sourcecode is found as tatum1.pslthey are based on an elegant and ancient construct called a Minsky
Circle. With more details here.
Although the images suggest marbelling, what you really have is a
progressive and overlain series of transformed filled circles sharing
common centers that are piled one on top of each other. Thus, the actual
image in places is many filled circles deep.Yeah, the math is obtuse and nonobvious. I'll try to post more details
as I further understand them. Meanwhile, the gory details can be saved as
an exercise for the student.Also yeah, my psl code on this is, of course, excessively bloated gobbling away
an insane seven kilobytes. Can you rewrite cleaner code in, say, 689 bytes
February 25, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Updated our Classic Reprints web page.
February 24, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
I have long been fascinated by marbling, which is a technique
that places exotic patterns on the insides of classic book
Apparently, paper was placed at the bottom of a pan of water and
various colored oil based inks were floated on top. The paper then got
lifted, depositing the oils in exotic patterns.Which, of course, screams "Do it in PostScript". A third
party paper on all this can be found here. While the math at first
glance is rather obtuse, the final code is not all that complex or
long.Here's a sample.
February 23, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
A reminder that we still have a very few autographed copies
remaining of my Micro Cookbook Volume I. And that it
is also available as a free eBook here.Volume II has gotten hard to find, but we have split it into
a retitled pair of free eBooks here and here.
Plus a sampler of what can be done with a Level II Restoration
that you can fine here.
February 22, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The latest Google Earth imagery is not always "better" and
the updates may be limited and not where you would like to
see them. But, in general, newer is often improved.Here are some examples of new or improved hanging canal
discoveries with the latest updates...Upper Robinson Ditch
Lower Deadman Mesa
Upper Frye Mesa
Upper Deadman Tank areaTwo of these are newly discovered hanging canals numbers #69
and #70! For a total distance of at least one hundred miles!
As we've just seen, purposely trying any and all historical
imagery can sometimes greatly improve viewing.
February 21, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
There seem to be some dramatic improvements in Google Earth
lately.As we recently saw, Earthpoint has a drop in ap that lets you
add topo map contours and callouts to Google Earth and
does so as an adjustable transparency "flyby" mode. Among
the other neat tricks, you can now work "backwards" and
find the lat-lon and elevation for a topo map location.You can also use topo callouts to find out exactly where the
imagery you are looking at is located. The ap is free and
you simply click it into your Google Earth copy. There are
some limits to how much tilt is allowed, but the performance
is otherwise remarkable.Apparently the satellite imagery is being continuously
improved, and you can now read the exact date of sensing
at the lower right. Even better yet, you can apparently
purposely use out of date imagery!Which can give you a history of what happened when.
Or in the case of our bajada hanging canals, certain
previous flybys might have more or less grass or a
different time of day, or different contrast or whatever
and thus make a dramatic difference in canal observation.One fun thing to do: Go to N 33.21442 W 109.19613 and view the entire
history of the Blue River Fish Barrier fiasco.
February 20, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
One of the Magic Sinewave tricks I started long ago but
never got around to finishing: There are pairs of possible
"regular" magic sinewaves whose lower unwanted harmonics
are identical in magnitude but opposite in sign.If you could somehow "alternate" these waveshapes to achieve
some sort of cancellation , the size and the frequency of the
first unwanted harmonics could be dramatically improved.But the obvious stunt of simply alternating half cycles introduces
cosine terms that largely eliminate any net gains.Can something more sneaky be done for further dramatic
improvement of magic sinewave capabilities?
February 19, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Magic Sinewaves involve some recently discovered unique
math sequences that allow the synthesis of high power digital
sinewaves that both maximize efficiency and minimize the
presence of low harmonics.I've just updated and improved some links on these. Some
of the more important upgrades include...Magic Sinewave Calculator Quantizer Update
Recent Developments in Magic Sinewaves
Introduction to Magic SinewavesMagic Sinewaves Quick Access Page
Magic Sinewaves Main LibraryLectures and consulting services available.
February 18, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The Mexican Sushi truck has moved from JoBi's to
Big O. But JoBi's still sells Eegees.Besides a more obviously high traffic location, this
makes sense as in its transition from a bank to a tire
store, the building went through a superb sammich
shop phase.
February 17, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
At the ARA paper regional, several members were praising
a product called Elephant Snot as a super effective graffiti
February 16, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Many years ago, I published an image of Pacman, AZ
that hinted at the potential for selectively combining topo
maps with aerial imagery.While it has taken a lot longer than I expected, flyable
and transparency adjustable topo overlays are now
available for Google Earth.This US only service is available as a plug in ap for
Google Earth by Earthpoint. Simply click on their
"View on Google Earth" block. This service is free
with no registration needed.There is a slider just above Layers that lets you set the
topo contour transparency.
While amazingly useful, there are limits to the amount of
pseudo 3D tilt available. There are also minor discrepancies
between the USGS contour values and those of Google
imagery.Here is a .JPG saved example showing the key crossover
point on the Mud Springs canal. Of crucial interest is
the saddle at the section boundary.More on the prehistoric bajada hanging canals here.
February 15, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Yesterday's spectacular image raises the profound question:
How could such a canal be engineered and surveyed using
prehistoric 1275 CE era stone age technology?What follows is highly speculative. If not what really happened,
it suggests that similar techniques would appear to be largely
within reasonable bounds for the technology at hand.Firstoff, an aerial photo similar to the pix would certainly
ease the initial design. The related Mud Springs Canal
has several places where nearly its entire length can be
viewed. Which suggest it may have been one of the earlier
pilot canal projects.Similarly, Deadman Peak is just west of the study mesa.
Numerous rises and high spots exist which can provide a similar
unobstructed "aerial" view of the complete mesa, and some of
these are as close as one mile. And at appropriate elevations.It would seem not too much of a stretch to believe that "they"
were aware of the fact that static water was level. This belief
would seem mandatory for effective canal slope management.
on such a spectacular scale.Small pilot versions of a canal route could be static filled
with water and then route adjusted to produce a desired
slope for the final design.Accurate vertical references would seem possible with
a plumb bob, and these could be combined with an
equilateral triangle to also give a horizontal reference.
Whether such techniques would be accurate enough
or actually used remain to be proven.The entire canal system seems to have consistent
attempts to select as high a route as possible while
maintaining an acceptable, consistent, and constant
slope. Which led to key terrain "pinch points" where
the only feasible canal route is exactly determined.A very significant example of this appears on the
Mud Springs canal at N 32.79164 W 109.85373.
Where there appears to be one and only one feasible
location for a watershed crossing between the Ash Creek
drainage and the Mud Springs drainage.Similarly, there appears to be one and only one
possible pinch point on this reach of the Lebanon
Canal consistent with highest possible routing at
N 32.73805 W 109.75140. And this one exact point
would appear to define the only feasible canal route.Thus, given a source and a destination and a few
terrain pinch points, most canal possible routes would
appear to be fairly exactly predefined.
February 14, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
A new approach to showing bajada hanging canal images
can be found here.It is kinda intermediary in that it is .JPG
rather than full flyable KMLThis is one of the most spectacular reaches of the known 67 (!)
bajada canals of over 100 miles total. Its "hanging" portion
is over two hundred feet above its related drainage!"Up", of course is to the right and "Down" to the left!
The process starts with Google Earth, which is first magnified
till it is somewhat fake 3D but not yet fully flattened out.
The image is then rotated for an optimal landform presentation
and saved as a .JPG image.The image is then moved to Imageview32 or a similar .jpg editor where
it gets cropped, brightened, gamma improved, and sharpened.Next, the image is loaded into Paint and repetitive blue dots are placed
along your best approximation to the canal route. Acme Mapper can
possibly assist in getting the best possible known GPS locations onto
its version of the image.The quadratic line drawing shape ( top row, second from left ) is then
selected to create a smooth path, mousing around to "bend" stuff where
and when needed.Note that the best orienting is often "landform optimal" rather than "cardinal"
Image titles can include notes such as "viewed to the southeast".
February 13, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The Alabama grits harvest seems to be nearing
its peak. It appears to be a vintage year.The preferred commercial grits tree is often gritus
arborus (domesticus).
Seeds and cuttings are normally tightly controlled by
the Grits Cooperative, and is somewhat similar to
hops distribution.
These are often perennial, but some growers in
San Diego and Hawaii can get multiple years of crops
by covering them or bringing them inside whenever
frost threatens.
As to the ongoing Alabama grits harvest, the illegal
aliens are apparently being used for flavor only.
February 12, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
From Josh Billings, but often wrongly attributed to
Mark Twain..."I never knew an auctioneer to lie. Unless it was
absolutely convenient"
Much more on auction stuff here, Arizona Specifics here,
and our own eBay auctions here.
February 11, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
More than you could possibly ever want to know about
penny auctions appears here. And our own analysis here.The bottom line, of course, are that these are a tax on
the monumentally stupid. And proving once again that
rectocranial inversion can be both chronic and acute at
the same time.
February 10, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Electronics inside a hot tub seems to have only an eight
to ten year half life, owing mostly to internals not being
properly designed to survive a high humidity environment
forever.Combined with constant improvements by a very fragmented
and unstable industry.While attempting a spa repair yourself or using a random
plumber is fraught with peril, both SpaGuts.com and
SpaDepot.com seem to offer both expertise and reasonably
priced replacement parts.As I mentioned a time or two way back, adding an external
knob type variable time delay controller can very much ease
your heating costs. Also, should you still have an ancient split
system with outside heater and pump and controller, think about
adding a one way valve on the high side to prevent overnight
thermosiphoning and unneeded cooling.Also, a proper cover is a must! These degrade considerably and
get ridiculously heavy if they pick up internal water. Sometimes
they can be dried out by opening them and heating in the sun.What I would like to see is a very sophisticated controller that
remembers how long it took to bring things up to temperature
yesterday, with a yearly distribution and local outside temperature
measurement. This could dramatically improve tub heating economics,
possibly as much as 2:1.Knowing the degrees-per-hour slope given the outside temperature and
the water temperature should greatly easy the calculations.
February 9, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The December and January pc panel pricing can newly
be found here. And once again, it is mostly in the wrong
direction.We are presently around twice the quarter per peak watt
panel price needed to eventually achieve net renewability
and sustainability.More on energy concepts here.
February 8, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
"... and there's absolutely nothing that could possibly go wrong".
"Go wrong ... Go wrong ... Go wrong ... :
The recently constructed Blue River Fish Barrier seems to
have just covered itself with mud. Helped along with its
"anti scour" structure to the east.Possibly the "anti scour structure" has very much exceeded
its most wildest expectations.
Somehow, this does not look quite right to me. This
makes for a very interesting hike, except that you cannot
get there from here. Especially if you are a fish.More interesting hikes here.
February 7, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Thuzzy finking strikes again.
One more time: Not one net watthour of pv generated electricity has
EVER been produced. But we are finally getting real close to being
truly renewable and sustainable. Which reasonably can be expected
to take place eight years after the fully burdened, subsidy free
cost drops under twenty five cents per peak panel watt.A major car company apparently built a pole-style pv array that
supposedly generates 30 kWh per year. Firstoff, pole style pv
is inherently about 30 percent less efficient than a properly
aimed fixed array and about 50 percent less efficient than
a tracking array. AKA an unaffordable luxury.The 30 kWh has not happened yet, and likely will be lower
due to cloudy days, panel aging, and dust maintenance. Even
taking this at face value, the net income would be $3000 at a
dime per kilowatt hour.Per this amortization schedule, you can finance a $23,205
project at ten percent for ten years. If the project cost this
much, it would be in no manner renewable nor sustainable,
but a "paint it green" stunt. Any higher cost would indicate
a gasoline destroying net energy sink.I suspect their project cost MUCH more than this.
The usual suspect in bogus pv economic analysis
is treating any subsidy as a 1X asset rather than
a 5X to 7X "all initial energy costs considered" liability.
Additional energy stuff here.
February 6, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Once again expanded and updated our Gila Valley
Dayhikes page. We are now up to 447 main entries,
most of which now include GPS location links.
Please email me with anything I missed or needs
further updating.
February 5, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
This photo had all sorts of glare and depth of field and
lettering contrast problems. But with extra effort it did
not turn out half bad for eBay use..The main image was done as a photo outdoors in
diffused shade. Minor architects distortion was corrected
manually, rather than using our routines. The contents
were separately scanned and merged as the middle
image, while the plastic cover was completely faked
as new art. Semi-legible text was redone with our
Bitmap Typewriter. And finally, the superb
background was done with our auto-vignetting
routine.Which, by the way, uses an absolutely real full
electronic fields solution routine.Lectures, training, and custom consulting available.
February 4, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
One piece of classic cave humor from the UAAC Songbook era
was the Lost Wax Cave Mapping Technique. In which a cave
to be mapped was filled with molten paraffin and then...Amazingly, it turns out that Bob Buecher's latest paper at
the ARA has made a variation on the Lost Wax method
eminently practical. In which a small and cheap LIDAR
unit, some steppers, and a pc can now simply and easily
scan an entire cave to ridiculous resolution.Ferinstance, as a fund raising activity, this means that
the ARA can now offer full size 1:1 replicas of Onyx
Cave to anyone that wants one. With supplemental
bonuses of total vandalism remediation. And "inverse"
Santa Claus Machine miniature solid versions for
collectors.Yeah, there's a minor shipping problem or two to be
worked out, so most clone replicas would have to be
presently created on site. But the project is clearly
now totally feasible.This seems to be the most stunning technical speleo breakthrough
since synthetic spent carbide or the caver's wrist sundial.
February 3, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
A reminder that this Xylophone Duet is eminently watchable,
while its curious original can be found here.And that a "must review" related web resource usually
has around one hundred million daily changing entries.
February 2, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
A rich collection of thousands of free "old timey" radio
programs can be found here.And, as we've mentioned a time or two before, an
incredible collection of historic radio and tv
magazines ( technical and otherwise ) and related
materials can be found here.
February 1, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
An extremely interesting early record of the Gila Valley
can be found here that includes historic canal info.It has also been excerpted in a new, but hard to find
book. EAC Library also has thisThere were two "flavors" of prehistoric canals in
the valley, the "regular" riverine ones, and our
hanging bajada ones. Now up to 65 study items
approaching 100 miles or more of length.The riverine ones were pretty much the same as
those in Phoenix and elsewhere, while the bajadas
represented world class mind-boggling engineering.
January 31, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Local WiFi can easily end up with hot spots and dead ones.
Especially around metal shelves or even some forms
of window tinting. The guards on fan blades can be
especially a problem.Moving a newer smart tv backwards by four inches here
was enough to force constant reloads. The trick is to
check your menu reception stats to make sure you have
at least four bars out of five worth of signal strength.Similarly, WiFi sources should never be allowed
within a few feet or each other unless they clearly
do not interfere or overload each other.The same goes for scanners and pagers. These
should also be kept four or more feet apart. Since
these do not intentionally transmit, the problem
is more subtle and involves internal local
oscillators and cords that happen to resonate.Obvious workarounds of VHF or UHF problems
are to move things around till they work, or to
select a stronger WiFi source or a range extender.
January 30, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Doing something stupid once is just plain dumb.
But doing it often is a philosophy.
January 29, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
http://www.dumb.com says it all.
January 28, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
We live in a small remote rural western town. That has
probably the last remaining post office whose employees
are polite and give a shit. As a result, our priority mail
packages get through amazingly fast. And we are often
praised for exceptional delivery times on eBay feedback.On the other hand, the FAA designation for the Safford
airport seems appropriate as "SAD" while Thatcher
International is limited to nightly DC3 return flights to
Columbia. Thus, attempting to "speed up" our shipping
will likely delay things by two weeks or more.Besides being grossly inconvenient to us. Not to mention
outrageously expensive.
January 27, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
A local doctor's office has placed two classic ancient
business typewriters in their waiting room for kids
to play with.It seemed notable that a fifth and sixth grader sat
down with these having apparently never seen a
typewriter before.
And promptly began typing at 120 words a minute.
January 26, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
A reminder to always lie like a rug on those "surveys"
that prevent you from accessing newspaper stories or
similar publications.
Be sure to tell them the EXACT OPPOSITE of what
they supposedly want to hear. The goal being to make
their mesmerizingly awful results totally useless.Always answer "Pepsi" as your favorite brand of
smoke detector.
January 25, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Pico De Gallo - A very small parrot.
January 24, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The winter cave technical regional of the ARA will be held
Saturday January 30th at Kartchner Caverns starting at
8:30 AM with lunches and dinners planned.
Free park admission and free Sunday cave tours.
January 23, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
We seem to be slowly picking up new bits and
pieces of the Freeman Canal. The latest find
is a miniature "local use" canal derived off
an apparent ponding area from N 32.80067
W 109.75068 to N 32.80088 W 109.75092 with
a photo here.A hanging portion of the main Freeman Canal has
been found from N 32.79395 W 109.75777 to
N 32.79453 W 109.75718, while Acme Mapper is
suggesting a major missing portion from N 32.79789
W 109.75457 to N 32.79958 W 109.75383.
January 22, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Here is an example of the "slanty lettering" trick we
previously looked at here.As we've seen, the trick is to isolate the lettering and
then use Paint's deskewing routines to get the letters
as near vertical and horizontal as possible. Be sure
to carefully record the skew values so they can be
undone later.My Bitmap Typewriter can then be used to create
new high quality lettering. One detail I forgot to
mention last time: A slight scaling may be needed
to get the starting and ending lettering the same size.
January 21, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
In a controversial new paper, global warming is believed
to be caused by a massive star in the center of the solar
January 20, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Some Golf Course Canal Preliminary Field Notes has just been
posted here with its sourcecode here.Only a tiny fraction of what potentially is a long and major
prehistoric canal is known to date. Easy 4WD access.Present field notes include...
Golf Course
Bear Springs
Frye Complex
Cluffnw Canal
Smith Canal
Veech Canal
Lefthand Canyon West
Minor Webster Ditch
Freeman Canal
Sand Canal
Tugood CanalHS Canal redirects here
Bear Flat Canal redirects here
Bigler Canal redirects here
Tailwater Canal redirects here
Some of these need further improvement.
More Hanging Canals: https://www.tinaja.com/tinsamp1.shtml
New Developments: https://www.tinaja.com/whtnu16.shtml
January 19, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
We looked at retouching "slanty" lettering on bitmaps
several times in the past, including some full perspective
routines here.It turns out there is a much simpler method that may work
some of the time. Isolate and crop the problem area into
a small workfile. Get into Paint and then apply only as
much horizontal and vertical skew as you need to make
the lettering as near to perfectly vertical and perfectly
horizontal as you can.
Carefully record these skew values.At this point, the method will only work if you have enough
vertical pixels per letter to resolve detail. Additionally the
message must not be long enough that significant or obvious
perspective is present.Fortunately, the human eye is rather forgiving about
exact perspective, especially if it is also badly skewed.Next, use our Bitmap Typewriter to create new lettering
and background in the deskewed space. Then "skew it
back" using negatives of your recorded values. Then
cut and paste back into the original.I'll try to work up some examples as the need arises.
January 18, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Here's another one of our "not half bad" eBay photos.
Some of the hidden tricks involved include shooting outdoors
in diffuse shade, a triple exposure to balance the whites and
bronzes with Imageview32, architect's distortion correction
with https://www.tinaja.com/psutils/ghotilt1.psl, and our auto
background vignetting by using our
https://www.tinaja.com/psutils/ghoback2.psl.Plus, of course, the "C:\Program Files (x86)/Adobe/Acrobat
11.0/Acrobat/acrodist.exe" /F run trick with Acrobat Distiller
and our Gonzo Utilities . The magic /F part activates Distiller's
ability to read and write disk files. This is normally factory
disabled because of its outrageous abuse potential.More photo examples here.
January 17, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
I'm still negotiating for on website eBooks on Enhancing
your Apple II, volumes I and II.Volume I appears to be difficult to find online, while one
secured web source for Volume II can be found here.Since Volume I may take a while, I'd like to reprint The
Tearing Method excerpt as soon as possible as a
classic reprint. Can anyone send me a scan or hard copy?Our website eBooks can be found here, with more classic
reprints here.TTL, CMOS, and Active Filter Cookbooks may take a while.
We still have a few new autographed copies up on eBay.We also just opened our last case of Micro Cookbook volume 1
and also have autographed versions up on eBay. Volume 2
is on our website as a pair of eBooks here and here.
And as a sampler of our full restoration services here.
January 16, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
We seem to have a replacement ninth planet for Pluto.
Or maybe not.
January 15, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
One of the most maddeningly infuriating happenings in all of
PostScript occurs when the contents of old strings mysteriously
change later on in unexpected ways.
The usual problem is failing to understand that PostScipt does
NOT place strings into arrays or other data structures! All it
places are POINTERS to those strings!
Thus, if you reuse a string ( such as a disk reading workstring ),
much if not all of your previous string storage can get corrupted.
Note further that PostScript string contents are NOT preserved
or protected by saves and restores!
The subtle but simple cure for these hassles is called string
dereferencing. Any time you are about to use a string that may
change later in your program, you take a "snapshot" that
creates a new and unique string that will not change…(oldstring) dup length string cvs --> (safestring)
Pointers to your dereferenced "safe string" can now be placed
in an array or whatever. (safestring) will stay exactly the way you
created it. And your (oldstring) is free to go on to other tasks.
There are speed and vm penalties for string deferencing, but
these are usually fairly modest.
Other sneaky tricks involving PostScript strings, arrays, integers,
procs, and dictionaries can be found here.
January 14, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Just found an obvious bajada canal segment that greatly
strengthens the credibility of the Freeman Canal at
N 32.79418 W 109.75744The CCC, in their infinite wisdom, buried some of
this canal under a foot of silt. Near Alberto's signature.IF in fact the Freeman Canal can be traced back to the
HS Canal and ultimately to an above-the-falls Frye
Creek watershed diversion, this could potentially be the
longest known canal reach, possibly in excess of eight miles!
Either way, the project is now ludicrously beyond beyond,
and is now in the running for one of the most spectacular prehistoric
world class water management engineering projects anytime ever.
Something like 68 canals spanning something like 100 miles!
More Hanging Canals: https://www.tinaja.com/tinsamp1.shtml
New Developments: https://www.tinaja.com/whtnu16.shtml
Tours available. Additional researchers welcome.
Please drop off any spare drones at 3860 West First Street.
January 13, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Some Bear Springs Canals Preliminary Field Notes have just been
posted here with its sourcecode here.These three historic canal structures likely have prehistoric
origins related to the bajada hanging canal system .Present field notes include...
Golf Course
Bear Springs
Frye Complex
Cluffnw Canal
Smith Canal
Veech Canal
Lefthand Canyon West
Minor Webster Ditch
Freeman Canal
Sand Canal
Tugood Canal
Some of these need further improvement. Ten down, fifty seven
to go. Org.More Hanging Canals: https://www.tinaja.com/tinsamp1.shtml
New Developments: https://www.tinaja.com/whtnu16.shtml
January 12, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
December pv prices also remain nearly flat at double the 25 cents
per peak panel watt price demanded for eventual net energy
renewability or sustainability.More on similar topics here.
January 11, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Some Frye Mesa Complex Preliminary Field Notes has just been
posted here with its sourcecode here.This appears to exhibit considerable elegance in infrastructure
origination and management.Present field notes include...
Frye Complex
Cluffnw Canal
Smith Canal
Veech Canal
Lefthand Canyon West
Minor Webster Ditch
Freeman Canal
Sand Canal
Tugood Canal
Some of these need further improvement. Nine down, fifty six
to go. Org.More Hanging Canals: https://www.tinaja.com/tinsamp1.shtml
New Developments: https://www.tinaja.com/whtnu15.shtml
January 10, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The ancient oriental art of tai wun on consists of getting totally snockered,
but always doing so in a professional and fully workmanlike manner.
January 9, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
We also have a unique five acres for sale in an extremely remote
( think survivalist ) area immediately adjacent to the East Fork
of the Gila River and nearly surrounded by New Mexico's
Gila Wilderness.
3 074 074 248 118 District-02N Section 11 Township 13 S Range
13W PT NH 4.7AcresHere is a topo. And here is the survey plot.
And here is an approximate combined overlay.
Topo can be panned or unzoomed for more area info.
Taxes are currently $2.79 per year.
Access is by foot or horse only over National Forest land.
You can email me for more details on this stunningly unusual
opportunity. Asking $4500 per acre with financing available.
January 8, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
I was appalled by the casualness with which an assistant of
ours dismissed the "only 4 Gigs" of memory in their latest
handheld toy.
For I was present that glorious day at Goodyear Aerospace
when the price of solid state memory finally dropped to an
astonishing and utterly unheard of low of a nickel a bit.
Which was sort of cost parity with magnetic core.
At long last, it could be theoretically possible to do solid state
Fourier dechirping tricks to eliminate the horrendous optics of
side looking radar correlation . And have intelligent video displays
that could -- gasp -- recalculate what they are showing!A nickel a bit would be a mere piddling forty cents per 8 bit word!
And, we could, he he he, make a few minor changes to a ten million
dollar R&D project and convert it into a $99 hobby project that
became the opening shot in the personal computer revolution .
And someday in the dark distant future, it might even be possible to
build a suitcase sized device that could multiply as well as add or subtract.Division or trig to slide rule accuracy would, of course, remain beyond
the pale.
Why, 4 Gigs of memory would only cost a trifling 1.6 billion dollars.
Say seven or eight billion with a B allowing for inflation.You can tall the pioneers by all the arrows in their back. Sigh.
January 7, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Just received the one zillionth ( if I've told you once, I
told you a thousand times never to exaggerate! ) email of
"I am an inventor. How do I keep others from stealing my
ideas?"Sorry, but the reality is as follows:
1. If your idea is any good, it WILL be stolen.
2. Prior art almost certainly exists.3. Chances are you don't have the faintest clue
over the device marketing realities.For the overwhelming majority of individuals and small scale
startups, patents are ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN to end up
as a net loss of time, energy, money, and sanity.Thus, the mindset involved in the paranoia of "protecting my idea"
is not even wrong. Time and effort should instead be focused
on developing and improving the actual physical product.
Much more here and here.
And, of course, never, NEVER, NEVER call yourself an inventor!
January 6, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
It can be real easy to lose track of the fact that storage
units should be emptied at the same rate they are filled.
If not, you end up needing more and more space with
worse and worse junk hiding the stuff you really need.
Otherwise known as "shit floats to the top".
There is an optimal rate at which stuff should end up on
eBay. For us, this rate is often a twenty eight day cashout
and a fifteen month hang time.
Thus, ideally, stuff should be listed within a very few days
of acquisition and never should need stored more than two
years. Most especially if not listed.
Sooooo, we are long overdue in making a dramatic cutback in
our stored inventory items. These will be flushed to a
third party and should become available either free or at ridiculously
bargain prices. By the truckload.
You can email me for further details.
More on eBay tips and techniques here.
January 5, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
The Russians have just invented a GMO variation of synthetic caviar.
It is absolutely indistinguishable from the original.Except by taste.
January 4, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Some Bear Springs Canals Preliminary Field Notes have just been
posted here with its sourcecode here.This one time Hippy Commune still has its possible prehistoric
origins largely unproven. It remains a unique artesian resource.Present field notes include...
Bear Springs Canals
Cluffnw Canal
Smith Canal
Veech Canal
Lefthand Canyon West
Minor Webster Ditch
Freeman Canal
Sand Canal
Tugood Canal
Some of these need further improvement. Nine down, fifty six
to go. Org.More Hanging Canals: https://www.tinaja.com/tinsamp1.shtml
New Developments: https://www.tinaja.com/whtnu16.shtml
January 3, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
I've long been involved in secrecy issues. Both sides forever
and ever. Everything from military secret clearances to
the stupidity of patents to refusing NDA's to cracking
eexec, to archaeological ruins to caves.
In general, secrecy never has worked very well, owing to
its propensity for drawing attention to itself. And, these
days, the web has made it too easy to find out everything
about anything.Ferinstance, with some outrageous patience and KML skills,
you should be able to find the exact location of any "secret"
indian ruin or similar resource. Just find a site paper and
then use Google Earth and KML and look for, say, all regional
occurrences of a northwest trending 3460 foot altitude line at a
four percent slope. Other hints in the legitimate paper should
give you enough info to very much narrow down the location.My policies on the Gila Valley Dayhikes are as follows. First, this
is intended to be a definitive resource and nothing will ever be
omitted or suppressed.For most noncontroversial items, a full description and location will
be given. For sensitive locations, they only will be mentioned in
a nonspectacularizing and minimalist way. Any specific locations will be
carefully omitted. Names might also be altered. Finally, a special area
has been reserved for bad news "don't go there" places.
January 2, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
( revised May 2018 )
We just relisted our stunning Southern Oregon Gold Hill
spectacular view property for sale with Chris Marshall of
American Forest Management at (541) 664-9200.
Price has been reduced to $8475 per acre. This is the last
remaining large developable property immediately adjacent
to the northern Gold Hill city limits.
We have secured a new full access easment for these 20
acres. Power and cable on the property. A land use planner
is available and we professional land use planner and we
fully expect Jackson County homesite approval.
Legal description is T36 R3W S16 Tax Lot 400.
Attractive financing is now available. Mid-size city
amenities are twelve minutes away at Medford. The
property borders directly on the town of Gold Hill. The
Rogue River is very close; beaches and mountains
are only an hour away.
Here's a newer group of photos...
You can click expand these. Then click again.
This steep to sloping parcel is immediately adjacent to the Gold
Hill city limits and offers absolutely outstanding views. It is in one
of the most in-demand rural areas in the country, and has really great
access both to recreation and to midsize city resources. Plus superb
climate, low crime, and good schools.
Here is a map. Property is the green rectangle "pointed to" by
Thirteenth Street. You can click here for an aerial photo and flyby.
You can contact the owner directly by phoning (928) 428-4073
or don@tinaja.com .
Additional older photos here. More info here and here. Free
guided tours immediately available.
January 1, 2016 | deeplink top bot respond |
Closed out our 2015 What's New Blog and started this 2016 one.
December 31, 2015 | deeplink top bot respond |
Some Cluff NW Canal Preliminary Field Notes has just been
posted here with its sourcecode here.This seems to be a twice refurbed historical rework of a
prehistoric original.Present field notes include...
Cluffnw Canal
Smith Canal
Veech Canal
Lefthand Canyon West
Minor Webster Ditch
Freeman Canal
Sand Canal
Tugood Canal
Some of these need further improvement. Eight down, fifty seven
to go. Org.More Hanging Canals: https://www.tinaja.com/tinsamp1.shtml
New Developments: https://www.tinaja.com/whtnu15.shtml
December 30, 2015 | deeplink top bot respond |
Once again expanded and updated our Gila Valley
Dayhikes page. We are now up to 441 main entries,
most of which now include GPS location links.
Please email me with anything I missed or needs
further updating.
December 29, 2015 | deeplink top bot respond |
RED HORSE TOURS - Free guided tours of the combined wind
and pv facility northwest of Willcox is offered by Mallory Safety
Management Services. Contact Aubyn Avery at (205) 919-7936.
While somewhat obvious as the tallest structures in all of Southern
Arizona, they still do not show up yet on Acme Mapper. Start at the
junction of Warbonnet and Hooker Hot Springs roads. Northeast
of Allen Flat.
December 28, 2015 | deeplink top bot respond |
One of the handier "rules of thumb" that sometimes apply some
of the time and can be enormously useful is this:
Very often, one percent of what happens nationally happens in
Arizona. And one percent of what happens in Arizona happens in
the Gila Valley.
Thus, roughly, there are 400 million people in the US, 4 million in
AZ, and 40,000 locally. While not super accurate, this rule can quickly
give you a rough estimate of an amazing variety of events or tasks.
Where you otherwise may not have the faintest clue as to scale.
Naturally, the "rule" does not apply to anything with a regional
bias. I suspect Thatcher has more cotton module fires than Bangor,
Maine does. And that walrus attacks may be rare in Nebraska.My favorite rule of thumb applies to any Hazmat situation: Hold your
thumb up at arm's length and close one eye. If you can still see the
scene, you are too close.
December 27, 2015 | deeplink top bot respond |
A reminder that my favorite bed and breakfast of all
time remains the Black Range Lodge, cleverly hidden
in the part of New Mexico that you cannot get to.
Their Kingston Frisbee Festival runs from January 1st
to December 31st this year. And the Percha Creek
Salmon run remains as spectacular as ever.
One other place of interest are Casitas De Gila outside
of Cliff ( Check out their real time planetarium simulator
above the hot tub. And the art gallery. )
December 26, 2015 | deeplink top bot respond |
Some Smith Canal Preliminary Field Notes has just been
posted here with its sourcecode here.This abandoned historical canal in the Ash Creek area
appears to have indirect evidence of a prehistoric origin,
as do other near to Cluff Ranch.Present field notes are...
Smith Canal
Veech Canal
Lefthand Canyon West
Minor Webster Ditch
Freeman Canal
Sand Canal
Tugood Canal
Some of these need further improvement. Seven down, fifty eight
to go. Org.More Hanging Canals: https://www.tinaja.com/tinsamp1.shtml
New Developments: https://www.tinaja.com/whtnu15.shtmlNew Developments: https://www.tinaja.com/whtnu15.shtml
December 25, 2015 | deeplink top bot respond |
Some random reminders of neat stuff:
Its been a while since we mentioned Animusic and its
related hoax. My own hoax stuff here.As any beginning FFA student could tell you, no way
could this have been John Deere parts. They were not
even green! But, amazingly, Intel took the hoax and
built a real one, using bunches of computers and
paint ball guns at a cost of $160,000.
Our favorite online weaving store remains Cotton Clouds.
Amazingly, this is likely the only weaving store that
has a prehistoric hanging canal going through the
middle of it!And we remain enthused over Fat Cow, our ISP
provider. They also have a new ultra low cost service.
December 24, 2015 | deeplink top bot respond |
One of the other eBay items we once did quite well on
were our tinfoil hat liners. These were second only to our
water soluble swimsuits.These were genuine Cho-seal from Chomerics and we got them
declassified from Holloman Air force Base. Normal cost new was
outrageously expensive.And they flew on outta here.
As any multiple abductee will gladly tell you, there is an
important use consideration. The Cho-Seal material should
go on the inside of the tin foil hat if you want to stop them
from reading your mind.
And on the outside if you want to keep them from controlling
your thoughts.
Each layer provides up to 120 decibels of attenuation.
We used the same stuff years ago when we were first exploring
low cost keyboards.<< Earlier Material can be found here >>
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